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37.32% HP: Magic Punk (Completed) / Chapter 135: Chapter 135 : Awakening

Kapitel 135: Chapter 135 : Awakening

Orion was currently sitting at the highest place in the Hogwarts Castle. Finally got some time after dealing with all the exam result papers. It just took too much out of him to convince Dumbledore and other Professors to speed up his final exam to the point where he was done under one day. 

Dumbledore was apparent that if he didn't pass even one subject then Dumbledore couldn't let him leave Hogwarts. And thus he goes even beyond and aims to score perfectly. So the old man can't pull something else in the end. 

The harder part was not the give the exam but rather to convince other professors to take the test and even generate a result on the same day.

Orion had to pull some strings. Like donating Hogwarts any and all of his future books for free to all the students and professors. Even agreed to give a good discount on any of his other products as well. 

But what really sealed the deal and surprised Orion above anything was Dumbledore asking him to teach a class in Hogwarts to teach students and even professor, Wandless Magic.

He agrees, as long as he is getting out of the school. Anything.

It took more than 8 hours to complete the exam for 5 subjects. To some extent, this was more of a hard task for the proctor to look over Orion than Orion himself. 

Snickering at the haggard look of the professor who had to stay in one place looking over Orion. That was his only entertainment.

He could have completed the exam under an hour or sooner but those damn teachers won't let him use magic. Nothing but a huge waste of time.

The only time he was allowed to do magic was when he was giving a practical test like Transfiguration or Charms.

Or the potion as one of his hands was out of commission.

Dumbledore tries to convince Orion to give him some more time and take exams one after one, but Orion just wants to be done with this stupid exam. He didn't want to waste more time in Hogwarts. 

Although he wasn't an expert but when it comes to any kind of disease or injury. The faster the treatment has been applied the better. 

But whatever, he passed with flying colours. 

"Take that Emma," A smirk appears on his face. 

Looking at the clear night sky filled with stars and a beautiful moon. Orion finally sighed and sat.

Just to sit in one place and reminisce on how far he had come.

Merlin was there but didn't say anything. He knew that even now Orion was thinking about what happened in the chamber of secret. 

[You want to talk about it] He asked while still looking at the distance. 

"Talk about what," Orion replied immediately without delay but his voice didn't have any emotion. 

[About what happened in the chamber of secret]


"Nothing happens there, so what's there is to talk about." 

[Oh, then how come you suddenly work so hard on your test? Why not just put a little bit of effort and pass all the tests]

"Oh that, just so that dumble-too-many-names can't back out in our deal." 

[Or, you just wanted to show up to that girl, Hermione]

"Why would I do that ?"

[Becuase you feel betrayed]


"You don't know how I feel..."

[Do I now ?]



"I...I tried to save her..." 

Merlin kept quiet.

"Although I am not that angry with her but...




[Why are you disappointed]

"Why don't you tell me? Today once again you seem to know what I am thinking after all," 

[Well true, your mind is so disturbed that for the past few days, you weren't able to hide your thoughts much from me]


[But I never read your mind]


Orion eyes narrowed, if there is one thing about Merlin is that the guy doesn't lie. Even when joking he doesn't lie just uses wordplay to either avoid the truth or twist it.

[I don't remember exactly but I should be over a thousand when I died and if my age from my birth is considered then I should be over 2000 years old.

For a 2000 years old man to see what a not even 20 years old is thinking is really hard. Generation gap and all. But...

I too have been around your age.]



"Do you thing what I did was wrong ?" 

[Does it matter what I think? The only thing which matters is what you think and believe in]

"This was what you were telling me before. The pitfalls."

[Sort of, I just watch John Wick from your memories so I rather call it something else]



[Consequences...] Merlin nodded. 

"I just wanted to save her you know." 

[I know kid. But the faster you learn that you can't save everyone, the better]

"But why, what the point of having power, earning for power, if I can't even save what I want to," Orion said with a little irritation.

[When the world gives you something. It's bound to take it away something from you as well]

"What do you think I should have done, no rather What would you have done.," 

[I would have killed Nick a long time ago. There are countless ways like sniping him, poisoning and more. But there is no point talking about it, I already suggested this to you. Back then you just didn't have what it took to take his life.] Merlin said with a calm tone.

"And what about now, you think I will kill him now ?" 

[Hehe, that guy snatched Emma Watson look-alike right under your nose, do I need a reason to believe that you will act any different]


*critical strike. 

*failure reminder

*Savage old man

"That was harsh old man," 

[Haha, well finally you are not brooding like a certain Avenger] 



"But serious, tell me what I did wrong. I really don't understand. Ins't saving others is a good thing. Shouldn't I aim to be good," Orion lay down as he stared at the beautiful moon, contemplating how should he live his life.

Although he was angry at Hermione and himself to some extent that was not the reason why he was feeling so conflicted right now.

It was the clash of philosophy which was keeping him awake and distracted. All his life he aimed to be a good man, and not do wrong to others, after all that's what he grew up with. Everyone does, saying that being a good person is important. 

That evil one day always get perish. bla bla bla.

[Hmm, well I understand what you are thinking. I know why you are feeling like this too. It's the years of influence that resulted in his mindset. 

We don't even realize when but we are getting manipulated by the ideas created to make society weak. 

Although it might be good considering that the strong are not using their powers to bully the weak but this ideology kills one ambition, one desire for power and even makes one character weak.] Merlin said with a serious tone.

He knows exactly what kind of manipulation has done to the later generation. Their ambition was cut off, even before they could grow up, in the name of justice and being good. Those who give the name to weakness as being good are just looking after their own.

Its used to happen back in his time and it happens even now. 

The concept of heaven and hell. Do those places exist ? who can say but Merlin knows that for those who believe in this concept, it changes their life? 

This mind of subtle manipulation has been carried out throughout history. Portraying being good and weakness as the same. 

What is so good about a hero who doesn't kill his enemy, only to later suffer because of his stupid action? And today's stupid society cherishes that kind of personal traits. 

[Being good is not wrong, let me tell you that. But what is good is something you should decide on your own. To make it easier for you to understand. Considering it the justice of different people from the One Piece world. 

They all hold different kinds of justice in their heart. But ultimately all the marine has to do the beating of the world Government. 

Today's society is also the same. This is the result of a mass-scale generation mind manipulation tactic.

Although in the pretext of being good, the wars stopped but this also made individuals weaker. Nowadays youngsters lack ambition and determination. 

Ask yourself why you felt conflicted when killing Nick while you can do the same to an ant or a tree or a monster like that dragon or vampire.

This is because the world where you have grown up has moulded you to believe that your weakness is your good trait. 

A simple example, you have seen Dragon Ball right, there was a scientist in the Red Rebell army. Late he ended up creating the androids correct.

Goku had a chance to end that scientist's life but he didn't and you know the rest. But what if he didn't do that? Yeah, it was an anime but so what, don't you think that his mentality making us weak? 

You only have the luxury to show mercy when you are the strongest. When you know that nothing can touch you. And believe me, no one becomes the strongest by showing mercy.

And that is not all, time and time again you will find examples of situations where this kind of thing you will face either in real life or just the kind of content you consume. The society is structured so that it remains weak. 

Why you ask ? so no one grow strong and wars can be prevented? Well as many as possible at least.

But this is also making the next generation weak. Do you know how many people from church have misused their power in the name of god to oppress others? Same examples are available with other religions. And not just that even the government and our teachings. 

You will find things which are by default there to make us cut our ambition short. What do you think, they are just there randomly.

Absolutely not, this ideology was planted to weaken the society. A clear example you can see between the Malfoy and the Weasleys.

One has all the money and political power, well maybe not any more thanks you a certain someone, while others have nothing. Not even enough to give their children a proper wand. 


Is staying weak is the only way to be good ?] Merlin said and finally stopped only after seeing Orion's face was getting more and more distorted. 

He himself understood why this was so hard for Orion to accept. Its just like saying to a person that his religion has betrayed him and lied to him, like his country has exploited him, Like his parents have used him. 

Its hard to believe. And the most troubling part among all was not that.

The most troubling fact is that this system is the main reason why the current society is working with stability. That this current system is irreplaceable. Only by making society weak, it will not collapse. 

Orion on the other hand was just contemplating Merlin's words. Narrowing their eyes, he at first didn't even understand what Merlin was trying to say, even after he explained like this. Orion had a hard time pinpointing.

How he is Manipulated? 

But Merlin knew that Orion wouldn't understand so easily and thus gave many examples. 

Although Orion didn't get all that Manipulation part of the talk about becoming weak, its a little hard for him to understand, but he understood the example Merlin included.

Should Goku have kill that strange doctor who makes androids? Of course, he should have, he would have if he knew what kind of trouble they would have face in future.

Are Weasley good? Yes. But then how come they are so weak ? both politically and in terms of money?

And the justice from the One Piece world was the most conflicting example Merlin gave. 

Yes sure everyone wants justice but ultimately the Marines are the lap dogs of the celestial dragons. Orion didn't know why but thinking of this, his anger grew. 

This might be the first time he was questioning his own morality. Was it worth it to be even good?

Noticing Orion mood. Merlin intervene.

[Its absolutely worth it to be good... make no doubt about it]

This once again brought Orion attention to Merlin. But he was taken a little back. Because gone was the little chibi grandpa floating around him. 

Merlin now was floating at his full height, facing the moon. Playing the part of Gandalf the white. 

Orion knew that this was maybe just his imagination but he could have sworn that the moon was looking bigger than it was before. Like 5 times bigger. 

An ethereal glow was surrounded by the old man in front of him. There are not many times when he is reminded that the chibi old man floating around him is none other than MERLIN.

The man who might have given Jesus a run for his money. 

[This world continues to exist because there still exists good in it, kid,] Merlin said and Orion could feel it, this voice was heavy and rich with experience and power.

'Is that a staff, never knew the old man got one,' Orion saw a bright long staff on Merlin's hand, that too was glowing with moonlight, like bathed into it. At this time Orion could have swear that Merlin look a very similar to Ranni from Elden Ring.

Just less blue, fewer hands and fewer woman. 

[The questions that you are asking are hard to answer. As the answers differ for everyone. If you are asking whether I follow the path of righteousness or should you do the same or whether it is worth it.

I can't answer them, only you can experience them yourself and determine which path you want to walk.

As for me, I never choose good.

The Greater Good they say. It always sounded a hollow idea to me. I never acted for the greater good. Otherwise, I alone was enough to eradicate Evil. A little Tsunami here and a meteoroid collision there would have mostly done the trick. 

I could have become the god with absolute authority and executed my own justice. But that was never me. 

I long forsake the pursuit of GREATER GOOD.

What I believed in was rather more grounded and disappointing.] Merlin said as with each of his words, Orion was getting more confused but more enlightened. It was a strange feeling, he never has experienced something like this where he felt that at one moment he understood everything and the next he was just as lost as he was a second ago.

"Then what you choose," Orion needed to know, not to follow the same path, he at least understood that much that he has to find his own set of rules for his life.

His own ideology, something he believes in. But still knowing this will help him for his beliefs.

Merlin turns away finally, looking at Orion in the eyes.

[I choose the Lesser Evil] Merlin replies with shrugging.



Orion stood there for some time, still conflicted in his feelings about his approach to life from his point onwards. Should he just forsake his morality and accept the same kind of person as Voldy? Or should he stay the same as he is right now. Extremely naive with Hero complex. He was not sure.

But he do know that those questions can't be answered just like that, only time will tell him. 

After thinking about it for a while. He finally raised his head, looking at Merlin who was not facing him again and just staring at the moon. Orion just saw the back of the old man and said.

"I...I don't know about my morality. But I do know that the naive kid has to go. Until I form my mind of what path I want to walk in. I will just follow my heart and my dream.," Orion pauses and then once again continues.

"Lesser Evil, I... until I know the answer to my questions, let's practice that. Sounds like a pretty good place to start. As long as its doesn't stop me from achieving my dream, I am fine," Orion said finally with full determination. 

[I see. And what is your Dream ?]


"But Of course

THE VERY VERY VERY STRONGEST." Orion said once again going back to his childish self.



[Hahahahah. Ahaahaaaaaaa]

"Oi, what are you laughing at," 

[Nothing Nothing. Just remember a joke from a certain anime that's all, don't mind the old man now. Go rest, we will be departing in under an hour. Rest till then.] Merlin quickly replied and at this Orion narrowed his eyes but ultimately sleep consume him and after the talk he finally felt like his mind was relax. Laying down he closes his eyes.

He really needed some rest. It's more important now that they soon will be going on a journey to find the long-lost Time Chamber. 

While Orion closed his eyes and lay down he didn't catch the smile on Merlin's face. Still facing the moon.

[The very very very strongest huh... Well, at least the boy has grown up a little. He has to grow fast...

We have even less time than I initially thought. She is already here. Both of them...] Orion thought as his eyes were still on the moon.

[If there is anyone who might be able to do what I couldn't a 1000 years ago, then it's only him. 

For a thousand years, magic has been run dry. This is the last chance to bring true magic back to this world. ] Merlin mutters slowly as his age finally shows. But then suddenly his vigour came back.

[This time I will not fail, maybe I can't interact with the world directly but I will not let another great fall happen. 

That I promise.] his eyes shine in determination as a bright light shone from his staff.

[By the end of this thousand year's Yoyage, I Merlin Dovahkiin Ambrosius pray thou's ancient born from chaos to awaken once more.

Judge mine failure as they need to awaken. Awaken o mighty, thy next guardian seek thou grace.] Merlin said as the magic was vibrating around him. Moonlight seems to only fall on him and the child lying beside him. He raises both hands. His staff shone with some mysterious power.

And then suddenly he slams his staff one end to the ground by saying.

[I call forth Awakening] 

And then it was like everything went back it its normal self like nothing happened in the first place. 

But only for the slightest of a second, the moonlight which was concentrated on both Merlin and Orion, shifted, staying and gracing its brilliant light a little more on Orion before retreating.




[Yo this is the ending of the second year, well the second year kind of goes on for others but not for Orion. I will be ending this year after some additional plot points and Nick Back Story. 

My best guess is that next year start at ch 150 or so

From this point onwards a lot of things might change, many people might like it or dislike it but that is how the story will go. 

As you guys already know this story I'm not just following the normal Harry Potter story, as this is an AU and many things is gonna be different here. 

Another important thing that from this chapter to chapter 150. There won't be any Orion screen time. I know its kind of dissapointing but explaing what happening with others is also important. 

Not to mention, MC gonna chance quite a bit after coming back so a little break away from the MC is needed.

Thank you for all of your support up until now. You guys have been great. Thanks


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