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22.22% One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Clown and Gacha

Kapitel 2: Chapter 2: Clown and Gacha

[Third Person Point of View]

Leo, Zoro, and Luffy are currently eating in a tavern to celebrate their victory over Axe-hand Morgan. Morgan was a notably tall, muscular man with tanned skin, blonde hair, a well-defined face, and a steel jaw etched with the word Möwe (the German for "seagull").

As his epithet suggests, his right hand has been replaced with a huge steel axe, the handle of which is not only bolted through the bones of his forearm but sticks out where his elbow should be. He was currently being transported to a cell in the Marine Base while still unconscious from the blow dealt by Leo.

"Ah~ That hit the spot."

Zoro said as he leaned back against his chair while placing both hands on his stomach. In front of him were a dozen empty but dirty plates of food with barely any leftovers on them. He looked to his right where Luffy was still eating as if he had been the one that had starved for nine days. Zoro accepted Luffy as his captain and Leo as the vice-captain as he had been saved by them.

They were not weak enough to drag him down although he had made it clear that if both or either of them were to prevent him from reaching his goal then he would kill both or the one who prevented him from achieving his dream. His dream was to become the best swordsman in the world.

When he mentioned that to Luffy, the latter accepted his condition while Leo already knew what Zoro's goal was since they had spent nine days together. Leo liked Zoro's dream as it showed that Zoro had a strong will, something Leo liked to see in someone. Zoro took a mug filled with water and drank its contents before placing it back on the table.

"By the way, how many people are in our crew Captain? I would like to know their specialties, fighting styles, and such."

Zoro had heard enough about the infamous [Battle Beast] to know that Leo could carry his weight now he needed to know if his new companions could fight and how well they could manage themselves.

Being a pirate is not a game, they would face countless perilous battles even when excluding the Navy as a whole. Zoro wanted to make sure that he could leave his back to someone that was competent.

Upon hearing his question, Luffy pointed at Zoro then Leo, and finally himself before taking a bite of a piece of meat in front of him. Zoro was confused by Luffy's action, but he slowly started to understand what Luffy meant by pointing at the three of them sitting at the same table. The realization was slow due to his tries to deny the truth.

"I-It can't be!?"

He exclaims almost begging to be wrong about his discovery.

"Yeah, it's just the three of us for now."

Luffy said breaking down any denial Zoro had left in his mind. Zoro's eyes twitched as he spoke while placing his right elbow on the table.

"What about our ship?"

Luffy pointed toward the port as he had a huge piece of meat in his mouth. Zoro stood up to look and saw a tiny boat barely fit enough to hold all three of them. Upon seeing the tiny boat, he places his right hand on his face as a sign of regret, but he would not go back on his word.

"What's the plan for the future, Captain?"

Zoro asked Luffy as a way to change the subject.

"Gather more crewmates before heading to the Grandline *Munch**Munch**Munch* I am thinking of getting a musician on board."

Zoro looked at Leo because he had finally understood that Luffy was an idiot. He repeated the same question.

"What's the plan for the future, Vice-captain?"

Leo stopped eating and looked at Zoro before speaking in a calm voice.

"We could sail through East Blue for a bit, gather more crewmates while also hunting and fighting other pirate crews to take their money so that we can buy a bigger ship that can withstand the rough sea that is the Grandline."

Zoro exhaled a sigh of relief.

'At least one of them is not an idiot and has a plan.'

Zoro thought as he analyzed Leo's plan. To Zoro, Leo's plan was a logical one. They could not sail to Grandline with just the three of them on a small boat. They needed more crewmates which implied that they needed a ship big enough for those new crewmates. A good ship was not cheap, and Zoro knew that neither of them had enough money to buy one.

He would have beheaded Leo if the latter had proposed stealing from the innocent but having been a pirate hunter for so long, Zoro knew how low pirates went for the money. Odds were that most of the money, they would eventually take from the pirates would be money that was stolen after killing an innocent civilian.

"Y-Y-You guys are planning on going to the Grandline?!"

Said Koby, earning the attention of the three as they turned to look at his trembling figure sitting on a long chair near the bar. Luffy was curious as to why Koby was afraid. He knew that his pink-haired friend was a bit of a coward but there was nothing around them that would- no should scare him at the moment.

"Mn? Koby, you know something about the Grandline?"

Luffy asked as Koby shook his head which had a few drops of sweat before speaking to his friend.

"I don't know anything about the Grandline but I have heard some stories such as it being called the graveyard of pirates, that the sea is a demonic sea that feeds off those that enter it, and that most of those that enter that sea die a horrific death before even getting close to the untouched treasures they seek. Luffy as your friend I highly recommend that you stay away from the Grandline, it's too dangerous."

Koby warned his friend only to realize that his warnings were futile when he saw the smile that formed on all three men once they heard his warning. He could practically see the fire burning in their eyes- scratch that, he saw Leo's eyes burning brightly at the words "untouched treasure".

"*Sigh* Why did I even bother saying that?"

As Koby lamented on his failed attempt to prevent his friend from going toward the demonic sea known as the Grandline, a group of marines entered the tavern and faced the pirate trio.

"We would like for you three to leave this Island immediately."

Ripper, the newly appointed leader of Shell Town's Navy base, said which brought shock through the Tavern.

"W-Why? They are good people! They saved us when you guys couldn't!"

Rika exclaimed as she was furious that the marine could be this ungrateful. Everyone in Shell Town had suffered due to Axe-Hand Morgan and now the Navy was kicking out their savior, this was unjust from the perspective of a little girl. Her eyes were threatening to release tears when she felt a hand pat her head. She looks up to see Leo smiling as a way to comfort her.

"It's okay Rika. They are Marines and they can't just let a bunch of pirates stay in the town they are protecting. It's nice enough that they are asking instead of just attacking out of the blue."

Leo ruffled her hair for a bit before leaving. He patted the shoulder of Ripper as he left the Tarven and spoke.

"No hard feelings."

Ripper nodded and looked at Koby before asking Luffy.

"Is he with you?"

Luffy looked at Koby before turning to face Ripper and spoke.

"Nah, he is not…"

This shocked Koby but not as much as Luffy's next words.

"…I mean he is not even a pirate since he used to be held captive by a bunch of pirates…"

Koby started to tremble as he thought that if the Marines knew about his past, he would never be able to join the Navy. Unbeknownst to everyone, he started to mutter in a low voice as Luffy continued his story.

"Shut up."

"…He is a spineless wimp…"

"Shut up."

"…that was tossed around… "

"Shut up."

"…by the pirate crew of a fat man named…"

"Shut up!"

Koby screamed as he lunged toward Luffy to hit him in the face.


Koby's punch managed to make Luffy take one step backward as his straw hat fell on the ground. Luffy proceeded to punch Koby a few times before Ripper spoke.

"Enough! He is clearly not with you guys, you can leave."

At this moment Koby started to cry as he realized that Luffy had baited him into hitting him as a way to clear Koby's name of any affiliation with pirates. He could now join the Navy just like he had always dreamed.

Koby went to bid farewell to Luffy as he saw their boat sailing to the horizon. Next to Koby was the same group of marines who were saluting the saviors of Shell Town. Rika along with her mother was there as well. This beautiful moment was cut short by the screams of a marine.


This prompted the other marines to look at him weirdly until they felt a lack of something in their pockets. This caused them to check their pockets and realize that their wallets were also gone.




At this moment, Ripper remembers the last words Leo said to him before screaming.

'No hard feelings.'


On the small sailboat, Zoro and Luffy were looking at Leo who was smiling while counting the Beli he had stolen.

"Three thousand Beli, not bad... Hahaha!"

Leo placed the stolen money underneath his high-collared, black cloak, which bears draconian markings, before putting it into his Inventory.

{Currency: 07 788 967 Beli}

A few hours went by as they sailed toward Loguetown, Leo decided to go there. He knows that there is a logia Marine Captain that protects that town but since they have yet to be known as pirates, Leo thought it was safe to go there and gather information about the pirates they would be hunting.

Luffy was eating an apple when a gust of wind blew his straw hat off of his head. He panicked and extended his hand in an effort to catch it. He, fortunately, caught it before it fell into the sea. Zoro and Leo noticed the care Luffy gave to his straw hat and could not help to ask.

"Luffy, you seem to really care about that straw hat?"

Leo said as he took an apple out of the barrel full of them. He took a bite out of that apple as Luffy smiled and nodded. He looked at his hat and spoke as Leo threw an apple at Zoro who caught it.

"When I was a kid, I wanted to be part of a certain man's crew. He was a pirate who I really admired, and he is the one who taught me what being a pirate truly meant, to be truly free and sail through the seas. He spent a year in my village with his crew and we became friends.

I always asked him to let me join his crew, but he always refused that changed the day he saved me from a giant Sea monster. He lost his arm to save me and gave me his treasure, this straw hat. When he was leaving, we made a promise that I would give him back his hat after I became a great pirate. That's the promise I made to Shanks."

Leo's eyes twitched at the mention of Shanks. He had been a pirate hunter for three years and thus always kept himself updated about the major figures in the pirate world. One such figure that caught his attention was a famous pirate known as red-haired Shanks.

At that time, Leo had yet to see someone else with red hair and thus got curious. After hearing Luffy's story, he thought that they may be the same person but quickly dismissed it as someone who is known as one of the top four pirates would not have lost an arm to a random sea creature.

Zoro looked at Leo for a second before speaking.

"Hey Leo, I've been meaning to ask you something."

Leo finished his apple as he turned to face Zoro to respond.

"Yeah, shoot."

Zoro finished his apple before speaking.

"What's your goal? We know Luffy's and you two know mine, but we don't know yours."

Leo tilted his head a bit to the right before looking at the sky. He thought for a bit as he reminisced about his past in this world as Zoro and Luffy looked at him. The thing is that Leo's past was not rainbows and sunshine and upon inhabiting this body, he was met with a choice.

To follow what the past him, the one before he regained his memories along with the system, wanted or lay low and live the rest of his life in East Blue. The latter sounded kind of nice but he could not do it, he could not choose the latter no matter how many times he tried to convince himself that it was the better choice.

"Zoro you are aiming to become the world's strongest swordsman while Luffy is aiming to become the Pirate King."

Leo said as he faced them with a smile before continuing.

"I can't be the only one without a big goal so... I'm going to become The Strongest! That's also counting anyone who has ever lived! There will be no debate on who is or was The Strongest because people will say that it is me!"

Leo smirked at the end of the announcement of his fake dream which caused Luffy and Zoro's eyes to widen. Soon after, Luffy laughed.

"Hahaha! That's perfect, you are going to become The Strongest and I'm going to become the king of the pirates. I expected nothing less of my Vice-Capitain."

Luffy gave Leo a thumbs-up while Zoro started to laugh.

"You really are crazy… then again if my vice-captain didn't have a big goal then it would bring shame onto me for being under him."

Leo looked at the Horizon as he delved into his thoughts. Since Zoro was his subordinate did that mean that he would have to pay him? Coming to that realization, Leo looked at Zoro and spoke.

"Zoro, you know what, you take the spot of Vice-Captain since that means whenever we score a treasure I won't have to pay yo- I mean since you are qualified for it. I am not cut out for it, I'll just be the Wild Card of the crew."

"You're a real cheapskate, you know that."

Zoro said with bewilderment in his voice while neither noticed that Luffy was stretching his arms to catapult himself in the air. Leo did not add the fact that he simply picked the objective of becoming The Strongest because then he could have all the wealth he would ever want or need for the system.

[the System is moved by Host's goal which is why the System would like to inform Host that... one of Host's companions is missing.]

Zoro's eyes widened once more before he saw Leo look upward with a shocked expression. Zoro followed Leo's line of sight and noticed that Luffy had gotten his head trapped inside a giant bird's mouth.

"Leo! Zoro! Help me!"

"That Idiot!"

They screamed as their mouth was wide open and their teeth morphed into shark teeth. The duo began to row toward the giant bird that had taken Luffy. While they were rowing, they heard a trio of men asking for help.

"Get on if you can!"

Zoro yelled.

"Else act like Dory and keep swimming!"

Leo added. The trio managed to get on board and instantly pointed their swords at Zoro and Leo.

"Don't you guys know that we are from the Buggy pirate crew?!"

"You guys are going to pay for not stopping."

"Yeah, but keep rowing and maybe we will forgive the one that rowed the fastest. ZOHAHA!"

The first member of the trio is a pale-skinned man who has strongly defined cheekbones and jawline. He wears a black beanie hat with a light green pompom and the Buggy Pirates' jolly roger, a deep-V orange shirt with purple around the openings, a green sash around his waist, and maroon shorts.

The second member of the trio is a chubby, dark-skinned man with a round face with shaved, brown hair. He wears an open black vest, an army green sash, and white baggy pants. He also has a crescent-shaped unibrow and beard that curves upwards. Around his neck, he wears a necklace with a pendant in the shape of an anchor.

The third member of the trio is a man with lightly tanned skin that has orange sideburns and orange, puffy hair that creates an oblong shape. He wears a yellow and purple-striped sleeveless shirt, a turquoise sash, and dark gray baggy pants. He also has thick lips and a set of baggy eyes.

Leo and Zoro stopped rowing and faced them before realizing that they had lost sight of Luffy. They turned back to face the trio with pissed-off expressions. The duo beat the crap out of the trio and made them row. As they rowed Zoro watched them while Leo thought of what their next move was.

'One second, all it took was one second for Luffy to get in trouble. I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. *Sigh* Sadly, we already joined his crew, and a man can't go back on his word… unless it is with scumbags.

Let's just find Luffy and then continue our plan. I still want to collect one hundred million Beli but now I can enter the Grandline since I have the Dying Will Pill Recipe. I still have to find the ingredients but most of them seem pretty common as in you could find them at any Island you go in East Blue. The uncommon ones are thankfully not that rare, I think I will be able to get them in Loguetown. I hope that it will be able to affect Logia Devil Fruit User.'

After an hour of rowing, the trio collapsed exhausted but luckily managed to land on a town shore. Leo and Zoro left the sailboat after the former took the sword that belonged to the trio. They walk toward the town in the hope of finding Luffy since Leo figured that the bird might have dropped Luffy here in the hope of eating him after he died.

It is similar to an eagle's method of preying on a turtle, they drop the turtle at a high altitude on a rob which will crack the turtle shell for them. Afterward, the eagle can feast on its prey. As they walked through the town, they noticed that something was amiss.

"Leo, something is wrong."

Zoro spoke as he looked through the street.

"Yeah, there is not a single soul around here. It feels like a ghost town in the making."

Leo replied. As they ventured further into the town, they noticed a circus-like building that dawned the flag of a pirate. Leo and Zoro, as former bounty hunters, recognize that flag. It was the flag of one of the most infamous pirates in all East Blue, Buggy the Clown worth fifteen million Beli.

Leo's mood instantly skyrocketed as such a pirate should have some treasure worth and ready to be stolen. Leo signaled Zoro before both ran towards there. They ran there to gather information though in Leo's case it was to gather treasure. After a five-minute easy run, they arrived on time to catch a weird scene. Luffy was tied up in locked in a cage with a canon facing him.

An orange-haired girl was holding the fuse of the canon and from what they could deduce from her screams, she had stopped the canon from firing at Luffy. As if this scene needed more, a new trio was lunging at the orange-haired girl, ready to attack her. Zoro blocked two of the three men with the scabbard of one of his swords while Leo uppercut the remaining member of the new trio into the sky.

"Leo! Zoro! You guys came!"

Luffy yelled excitedly.

"Are you hurt?"

Zoro spoke while turning to face the orange-haired girl.


She replied in confusion.

"I said, are your hands hurt?"

Zoro asked once more.

"Oh no, they'll be fine."

Leo, unlike Zoro, did not turn back and kept facing the pirates. He had learned during his days as a bounty hunter that once people realized who he was they would start to think of what they recently do to make him come after them.

With his Heart Reading skill, it was possible for Leo to learn what had happened before he arrived at certain places on certain occasions. This time was one such occasion. He learned that Buggy and his pirate crew had been terrorizing the town for weeks.

"Wait a moment! Green hair and three swords… That's the Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro!"

Another pirate exclaimed as he pointed at Zoro and as if to follow suit another pirate yelled while pointing at Leo as his complexion grew paler.

"A-a-a rather muscular tall man with short, dark, crimson-colored hair. Dark-skinned, wearing a high-collared, black cloak, which also bears weird markings, sharp red claws around his neck, a sash around his waist, a gold arm ring tightened around his right upper arm, and baggy pants which are decorated the same as the black cloak… Oh NO! It's the Battle Beast! Captain Buggy, please save us! I don't want to die."

It seems that Leo's infamy was higher than Zoro's though that was due to the fact that the former hunted pirates more brutally and savagely than the latter. He had become the symbol of death for most pirates in East Blue which is why some aspiring bounty hunters started to dress like in to hunt pirates.

"Red Hair! You have Red Hair… Just! Like! HIM…I'm going to skin you alive!"

A man angrily said. Leo looked at the man who spoke and recognized him. He was Buggy the Clown. Buggy is a slim blue-haired man with an appearance resembling that of a clown, as to mirror his epithet. The big, red nose on his face is, in fact, his real nose.

Buggy's face is always covered with makeup, just like a clown, and he has crossbones going down his face forming an X; he also has two blue lines near both of his eyes, red lipstick, and his jolly roger on his hat. Buggy approached Leo with a dagger in his right hand and four shorter daggers in his left hand.

"Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy!"

His crew chanted his name as he approached Leo. When he was close enough, he lunged at Leo who had yet to make a move. Leo knew that Buggy had eaten a Devil Fruit due to his crewmate practically screaming that in their minds. As Buggy grew near Leo, he swung his arms in an attempt to kill Leo.

When They were inches away from each other, Leo's black cloak flayed as curved and swift gusts of wind surrounded both of them only to instantly vanish. Buggy landed behind Leo, he turned to look at Leo and spoke.

"You managed to dodge that but don't think-"

He was cut mid-sentence as every single limb, he had, was cut apart and fell onto the ground.






Buggy, his crew as well as the orange-haired girl's eyes widened and pointed outward due to the shock while Luffy and Zoro smirked. It was now that everyone noticed that Leo had a sword in his right hand.

"Bring me all your treasure and I won't cut you guys like I did your captain."

Leo spoke as the pirate crew looked at each other before ominously laughing.

"What are you guys laughing at? Your captain just died, and you guys just laugh at that."

Zoro asked in bewilderment. Leo knew why they were laughing since the Chop-Chop Fruit was immune to every slicing attack thus it meant that Buggy who was on the ground was playing dead. Leo sighed before speaking.

"Listen, I will only say this once more, Go and bring me all your treasure or you will end up like your Captain- *Thunk*"

Leo looked back and saw that Buggy had tried to stab him in his back. Sadly, for the clown, Leo knew what he was scheming so he equipped an armor vest that he had gotten after looting the corpse of a pirate that he was hunting.

The cloak prevented Buggy from realizing that Leo was not unguarded which was not the case. After the attack failed, Leo unequipped the armor vest back into his inventory without anyone noticing it.

"I asked nicely."




Leo said softly as he delivered a karate chop to Buggy who fell onto the ground cracking it as he passed out with spit leaving his mouth. Leo looked at the crew who were now sweating like a fountain.

[AN: Imagine Garou's first loss to Saitama.]

"You don't want me to ask… a third time."

The crew then ran and came back after ten minutes which Leo had used to free Luffy from the ropes and cage at the expense of the sword breaking. Zoro watched Leo's swordsmanship and could not help but to comment.

"You are good at using a sword and you also have swiftness as well as a clean swordsmanship."

Leo looked at the handle that he had yet to throw away for a moment, which brought silence to the group until he threw it away as he spoke while looking away.

"I… I am just good at using weapons that are meant to kill… I would not call that swordsmanship."

Zoro noticed the melancholic tone in Leo's voice and decided to push no further into that subject. Although he had some theories as to how and why Leo had attained this level of skill, he knew that it was better to leave things unsaid.

Sadly, Luffy was not as tactful as Zoro but fortunately for everyone, the pirate crew came back before Luffy spoke. They had brought two large bags full of valuables. Leo used his black cloak to cover the two bags which he placed into his Inventory. He knew that they brought everything here.

{Currency: 17 788 967 Beli}

Leo walked up to the canon, flipped it, and restarted the fuse much to the surprise of everyone. As the pirates panicked, Leo picked the Orange-Haired Girl over his shoulder and ran with Luffy and Zoro following him. They jumped off the roof as Leo yelled at the pirates while laughing.

"I said that I would not cut you guys like your captain, and I am a man of my word. Have fun tasting your own medicine. MUAHAHAHAHA!"


They ran through the town until Leo thought it was far enough to stop. He stopped and put down the orange-haired girl. He turned to Luffy, raised his right fist, which was bulging with veins, and spoke with a threatening smile.

"Luffy, why were you in a cage- no matter of fact how did you get caught by a bird?"

Luffy laughed for a bit and answered.

"Haha! I was hungry and thought it would taste-!"



Leo hit Luffy with enough force to crack the ground when his face hit it. Leo knew that Luffy would not feel any pain due to being a rubber man, but the act alone was all that mattered. Luffy got up and saw Leo pointing his finger at him.

"You are a Captain, you can't act recklessly and endanger the crew… unless it brings ME money, that's what being a Captain truly means."

[The system agrees with this message.]

"Huh, Really?"

Luffy asked.

"No, you idiot!"

Zoro yelled at Luffy as Leo walked closer to the orange-haired girl. Leo spoke to Luffy while keeping his eyes on her.

"Luffy, who is she?"

Luffy came closer as did Zoro and answered Leo's question.

"Oh, she is Nami, and she is our new crewmate as well as our navigator."

"I'm not!"

Nami yelled as she stood up. Leo raised his right eyebrow. He shook his head before heading to one of the abandoned houses while speaking.

"Navigator or not, I don't care just figure it out between you two while I go make myself something to eat."


Luffy exclaimed joyfully before he felt a sudden gust of wind on his right cheek.



A drop of blood fell from the wound that formed on his right cheek. Luffy, Zoro, and Nami turned around and saw that the house behind Luffy had crumbled. They then turn to Leo who had thrown something, cracked his right middle finger as he spoke.


[AN: Imagine Jason or Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul cracking their finger.]

"Listen, I am too hungry to deal with your carelessness right now. The Buggy pirates should be dead and Buggy too vaporized for his bounty to be collected so I'm going to find something to eat and we'll meet up at our boat.

Luffy since you want her in the crew then it's on you to convince her. That's also one of the duties of a captain... along with bringing in money for me. You can talk all you want but keep your guard up there might be some pirates left."


Leo walked away as Luffy saluted him much to the bewilderment of Zoro and Nami.

"He does not look like a Captain much less a pirate?"

Nami said as she looked at Zoro.

"H-he is a special case."

Zoro said while looking away. Luffy faced Nami and spoke.

"Join my crew!"

"Are you deaf? I said no! I hate pirates more than anything in this world! Why would I join you guys-"

Nami paused for a second as she started thinking when she put her hand on her chin.

'Hold on, this guy is an idiot through and through, but he is strong just like that red-haired man, Leo the Battle Beast, and from what I know Zoro is also a powerful pirate hunter. Let's not talk about the Battle Beast, from what I have heard he is supposed to be a beast that was born in hell and seeks the criminals because they remind him of his home.

If I join them then I can finally reach the amount of Beli I need. Yeah, with them I can steal from pirates while not fearing any retaliation. For anything less, I have to stay with them since that Leo guy took all the treasures I planned to steal from Buggy.'

A mischievous smile formed on her face as she spoke.

"Fine, I will join your crew."

"Really?! Yeah!"

She shook hands with Luffy. While this was happening, Leo encountered a man with a muscular torso and thick lips. He wore a white fur vest that covered the area of his chest, green pants held up by a black sash, and shoes in the shape of animal white fur feet.

The man was on top of a large lion that showed a fierce expression. His eye had scarlet red sclerae, he had golden brown fur and a pink mane. Leo took one look at them before he threw an uppercut at the lion, sending it along with the man riding it in the air.

He did it at such speed that neither had the time to even utter a single word. Leo did this because he had sensed malice from them with his Heart Reading skill and was too hungry to have a dialogue. He entered a house and started to look around for food. It had been the fourth house he had entered. Luckily, this house had food which he used to prepare himself a small feast.

After eating, he went to the shore and slept on the sailboat while waiting for his crew. He slept through an explosion as well as two fights, but he suddenly heard the system screaming at him.

[Host your money is in danger!]

Leo instantly grabbed the hand that was heading toward the golden bracelet on his right arm. He usually wore that bracelet to entice pirates and criminals into attacking him so that he could beat them up and steal from them.

In simpler terms it was bait. He opened his eyes to see Luffy, Zoro, and Nami in front of him. He noticed that their clothes were a bit dirtier than before.

"What happened?"

He asked while sitting up.

"What happened? Buggy and his crewmember happened while you were sleeping."

Nami yelled while responding to him. Leo shrugged as he made went to the sailboat near there and spoke.

"You all won, everyone is alive, so everything is good. Now let's go before that angry mob I hear gets here."

The three turned to see an angry mob of civilians running while pointing pitchforks into the air and screaming.

"Let's set sail!"

Luffy exclaimed as he jumped on his sailboat followed by Zoro. Nami went to her sailboat where Leo had moved in, and they sailed to the horizon escaping the angry mob. As they sailed Leo asked why the mob was angry at them and laughed when he learned that Luffy knocked the mayor down to save him from going after Buggy.

Yeah, Buggy survived and Leo was sad that they did not bring his head with them. He decided to store his golden bracelet, which was fake by the way, in his inventory due to the gare Nami was giving it.

Luffy and Zoro fought and defeated Buggy as well as an acrobat named Cabaji. After they defeated the circus duo, the townspeople arrived and asked them what happened to their mayor only for Luffy to admit his action while omitting the reason for his action.

"Oh right, Leo it turns out that Buggy hated you because he used to be in the same ship as Shanks and he hated Shanks for no reason."

Luffy said as he turned to look at Leo who brought his hand to his chin.

'Shanks, so the same Shanks that saved Luffy was also part of Buggy's old ship and has red hair. I thought they were different people, but he could have grown stronger after giving Luffy his straw hat or he could have eaten a strong Devil Fruit like a Logia.'

Leo shrugged his thought off as it did not change anything since they would have to beat everyone to reach their goal anyway. They sailed through the East Blue for three days until they reached an Island though on the first day they met a group of pirates who got obliterated by the monster trio.

Nami snuck onto the ship to steal their treasures at the request of Leo. She found five million Beli. Nami and Leo each got two million Beli while Zoro and Luffy share the remaining million. They divided the loot in half since Luffy and Zoro did not want much of the treasure compared to Leo and Nami.

Nami started to like Leo once she learned that he planned to rob pirates of all their money since that was her plan as well but he along with the other two added more safety to her plan. On the second day at sea, Leo got bored and decided to use the two million he had recently gotten, the system's insistence further influenced his decision.


[Oh, It seems that Host has hit the jackpot once more]

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Modification of Racial trait: Six Paths of Reincarnation (Mukuro)]

[This trait comes with six unique skills.]

{Name: Vongola D. Leonidas

Title: Battle beast

Age: 18 years old

Race: Modified Fanalis (true form locked)


-Six Paths of Reincarnation (First Path): The Realm of Hell also known as the "Naraka Path" or the "Hell Path", is represented by the numeral kanji for "one" and grants its user the power to create Real Illusions capable of manifesting in the physical world.

This power is a form of reality-warping, but the illusion must be preconceived before the power manifests. Seemingly, the user can use this ability without projecting the illusion into the physical world, but within the target's mind.

-Six Paths of Reincarnation (Second Path): The Realm of Hungry Ghosts also known as the "Preta Path", is represented by the numeral kanji for "two" and grants its user the power to use the skills of others. However, it seems that in order for the user to perform a target's signature moves, the user needs to be currently possessing that person's body to do so.

-Six Paths of Reincarnation (Third Path): The Realm of Beasts also known as the "Tiryagyoni Path" or the "Animal Path" and is represented by the numeral kanji for "three". It grants its user the power to summon and control deadly animals like poisonous snakes or wild dogs.

-Six Paths of Reincarnation (Fourth Path): The Realm of Demons also known as the "Asura Path", is represented by the numeral kanji for "four" and grants its user an increase in his combative capabilities.

-Six Paths of Reincarnation (Fifth Path): The Realm of Humans also known as the "Manuṣya Path" or the "Human Path", is represented by the numeral kanji for "five" and increases it user's battle aura, thus strengthening the user.

-Six Paths of Reincarnation (Sixth Path): The Realm of Heavens otherwise known as the "Deva Path" or "Heaven Path", is represented by the numeral kanji for "six" and grants its user the power to control the minds of others.

The Sixth Path also gives its user the ability to project themselves as a Real Illusion even at a great distance.}

Sensing Leo's astonishment, the system decided to further clarify the situation concerning his new abilities.

[Host should know that although you have been granted Mukuro's main ability, you do not possess his experience. The host has only gotten the basics of his power and would require years to reach Mukuro's level regarding illusions and such…or use of money.

The System strongly encourages the latter option.]

Leo scuffed at the system's blatant attempt to use money and tried to cast an illusion. He knew how to do so instinctively thanks to the system. He brought his right hand up and tried to create an illusion of a sword in his hand only for a toothpick-size Broadsword to appear.

It was two protrusions jutting out diagonally on either side from the sword's cross-guard which, alongside the handle, form a shape reminiscent of the Wandenreich insignia. Yeah, he had tried to recreate Yhawch's sword.

Leo learned that just because he knew how to do something did not mean he would do it well. Angry, he decided to use a gacha once more. He used ten million Beli this time.

{Currency: 07 788 967 Beli}


[… The host must remember that you win some... and you lose some…]

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Item: Album memory]


- Album memory: This item allows you to take a picture and place it in the book for you and anyone you allow to see the picture which will explain the story behind it or at least what you allow it to tell. It will automatically reside in the inventory if not needed.}

Leo read and re-read the description for an entire hour as his rage grew to the point he blacked out from rage after an hour of silence. Luffy, Zoro, and Nami thought he had just fallen asleep. They did not bother him but after docking on an Island, they woke up Leo.

[AN: Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

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