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11.11% One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Scamming System
One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats original

One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats

Autor: Isekai_enjoyer

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Chapter 1: Scamming System

[AN: I am rebooting this fic, if you want to see a fic where the MC does not join the Straw hats and have his own adventure then look for One Piece: First Class Singularity on this site though, it will be on a sort of haitus till I'm free enough to work on it/ I finish this fic first or One Piece ends.]

I open my eyes in a dark but warm place or at least I think from what I can gather with the lack of light and the warmth I am currently feeling all over my body. I cannot move nor feel any of my four limbs which is weird since I can feel the warmth of the surroundings but said warmth fades away every time, I try to move my body. Suddenly, a blue transparent, I am guessing, screen appeared out of nowhere.

[Welcome Host, you have been selected as one of the very few participants to gather money for the System. Congratulations!!!]

This did not feel right. I have read a lot of fanfictions and I know that when you get a system, it does not ask you to collect money for it. Something is wrong… beyond the fact that I might already be dead and about to be sent to another world. The thing that bugs me is that I am not the only one who collects money for it which means that I am dispensable at best.

[*Cough* It seems that the system might have been a bit too forthcoming about Host's role, but rest assured that the System means you no harm. To put your mind at ease, Host is recommended to hear the System's explanation.]

I mean do I even have a choice?

[You don't.]


Then why did you say it was a recommendation-

[Host will be sent to a fictional world named "One Piece" where you will live your life as you wish but since Host knows what kind of danger lurks in the world of "One Piece", Host will likely want some special powers or gift that most call "Cheats" to aid Host throughout his life in that world correct?]

Yeah, if I am sent to One Piece, I would like to have some cheats since well… it's the world of "One Piece" where you could be minding your own business when out of nowhere pirates come to your village and take your possessions and kill you right after raping the girl you love or a relative or worst… you... if they don't sell you as a slave! That is a regular Tuesday for the unlikely ones but it is worst for non-affiliated World Government countries since corrupted Marines join in the fun. Let's not even talk about Celestial dragons.

[It seems that Host agrees with the System's statement but as you know nothing in life is free or at the very least few things in life are free which is why Host will be able to purchase any type of powers, he wishes from selected fictional worlds… at a reasonable price.]

That… sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?

[There is no catch, the money used to purchase the powers, abilities or items will be transferred to the System creator who will use them whenever the system creator wants to live in a parallel world to that of "One Piece". In simpler terms, you and the others are collecting money for the creator to use when needed since the laws prohibit the creator from creating any type of currency.]

This somewhat made sense, the system creator needs something and uses his power to make others get it for him..or her? Whatever, in any case, I still need to know if one day the system is going to just dip after the creator has no need for money.

[You do not have to worry about cases of the System disappearance as the system will only leave after your complete death and anything obtained beforehand will stay with the host. The host also has no need to fear the system creator losing interest in money as the creator is a gambler with terrible skills.]

Then I am down for it…if I ever had any say in it. Do I get a gift package or something?

[Host never had a say in this and Host is correct about the gift package. It came at the cost of your knowledge of One Piece. You will receive your gift package after choosing your appearance.]

I took a few minutes to choose my appearance. My appearance is that of Nea D. Campbell from D.Gray-Man. My hair was deep crimson red though I had golden reddish eyes and I had a Killmonger hairstyle.

I also decided to put a tattoo on the left side of my face that starts as a sun on my forehead, trailing down in a line that crosses into my eyebrow, marks my eyelid, hooks slightly at my cheekbone, and follows my cheek down close to my chin.

It also has an extra line that runs parallel to my lower eyelid. I basically had Allen Walker's scar as a tattoo. I removed the pentagram and added a sun to make it look less demonic.

I was also rocking Acnologia's navy blue bagging pants and black cape as well as crimson-red draconian markings.

[This is... quite a coincidence.]

I was expecting a good gift package since I knew a lot about One Piece, matter of fact, tomorrow was supposed to be the day when the "One Piece" is revealed in the Manga. This pissed me off a bit but it also meant that I could find it myself if I still want to.

[*Ding! * Host has acquired novice package!]

I thought about opening it which it did afterward.

[Novice Package (X6):

-Fanalis body (From Magi)


- Ultimate Eyes as well as another of Wrath's abilities (From Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

-Ban's thieving skills (From Seven Deadly Sins)


-Peculiar backstory]

I suddenly felt a lot of information rushing and leaving my mind at the same time while feeling my body growing. I think I understand why they gave me an inventory and Ban's thieving skills; it is to collect more money while making sure that I do not lose it.

There is no use trying to guess what the ??? is or what will make my backstory peculiar, I will know it when I know it. The other two are, definitely, due to the knowledge that I am starting to forget.

[Host is recommended to look at his status. You will be transported to the aforementioned world after choosing a name for yourself. Due to a name being important for one sense of self, you will retain enough information about the world to pick a name that will suit that world before the process is completely removes the rest of the aforementioned world's knowledge though common knowledge within said world will be retained.]

I think if the word "Status" as a status screen appears before my eyes.

{Name: N/A

Title: -

Age: 15 years old

Race: Fanalis (true form locked)


-Hunter: being a member of a hunting tribe means you have instinctive knowledge about hunting as well as surviving.

-Thief: Can snatch anything out of anyone.

-Master Swordsman…*Error* *Skill has been changed due to the world's requirements to become a true Master Swordsman*

-Weapon expert: Any weapon used will feel as natural as if it has been used for decades.

-Ultimate Eyes: The ability to read and predict practically any move the opponent could make as well as the minute details and movements of the general surroundings. Due to the system's influence, it is also able to read any language.

???: Does not have the requirement to use skill! (Locked)

Inventory: -

Shop: -

Items: -

Currency: 0 Beli}

I took a few minutes before deciding on a name for myself. I do not know why but a name came to me, it was a strange feeling.

[*Ding! *]

{Name: Vongola D. Leonidas}


I suddenly found myself in the middle of a cell. From what I can guess from the sounds of waves, I am on a ship, and I am a prisoner since my hands and feet are tied up. I can break these restraints, but I choose not to as I still need to know where I am or at the very least where my soon-to-be-dead, if they do not have a good reason, captors are going. I could interrogate them, but people tend to speak the truth more when they feel safe and that is more so for dishonest people.

I know a bit about this world such as the four different, but safe seas called North, South, East, and West Blue. I say safe but that is relative to the rest. There is a grand sea called the Grandline which is surrounded by a sea full of monsters and no wind called Calm Belt. Grandline is also cut in half but a giant red mountain divides the world in half just like the Grandline called the Redline.

Nineteen years ago, Gold Roger the King of Pirates was executed by the Navy but not before daring anyone to find his Treasure, the one that made him the pirate king. Ever since then, it has been a great era of piracy.

My plan was to act weak and get whoever put me here to tell me as much information about my situation as possible before leaving. The key word being was as in the past tense. My enhanced hearing picked up a conversation between what I assumed to be my captors.

"Captain is being unfair. He gets to be the first one to fuck the only girl that survives our looting and all we get is to watch the pretty boy who is going to be auctioned as a slave. The worst part is that we can't even have fun with the boy since he would become damaged goods."

"You are a sick fuck!"

"You should not be judging me since you also want to rape the girl. I on the other hand want to liberate both her and the pretty boy. So, I think that I am more of a samaritan than a sick fuck."

"*Scoff* Yeah right liberate, is that what you call torture nowadays, Victor?"

"Would you look at that a pirate with morals? What's next the One Piece is in East Blue. Xehihihi!"

"Dude, I don't care about the pretty boy, but I would rather him be sold undamaged since it brings us more money and I prefer to fuck a living body instead of a dead one."

"Your loss."

"Whatever, let's just keep watch until our shift ends."

"Do you really think someone is dumb enough to attack the Bat pirates? Our captain has a bounty of fifteen million Beli on his head. We are one of the most feared pirates in all of East Blue."

"Hm… You're right and I think everyone is asleep which means we can have our fun with the girl as long as no one wakes up."

"…Okay, I will not liberate her yet…I'm taking one for the team, so you owe me one, Strange."

"Sahahaha! Yeah, and you owe me one as well so let's call it even and get going."





That was all I heard before I broke free of my restraints. I bent the bars of my cell and walked out of it. As I left what I presumed was the holding room, I saw what seemed to be a glorified and framed wanted poster.

-"Man-Bat" Bruce

Wanted dead or alive: 15 000 000 Beli-

He looked a bit like Bruce Wayne from DC. I tore the wanted poster and put it in my inventory before walking to turn my soon-to-be-dead captor into a pile of corpses. I walk into the crew's cabin after ten minutes of walking around due to the pirate ship being a large one or a Barque if you prefer. There are around fifty men sleeping here. I proceeded to walk to the nearest sleeping crewman and snapped his neck.


I then went to the nearest crewman… who was still alive and snapped his neck.


I move to my next prey.









I found it weird that none of them woke up until my enhanced eyes saw that everyone whose neck I snapped was waisted beyond the shadow of a doubt. I proceeded to go toward the next cabin which was where they stored their treasures. I put all of them in my inventory before resuming my search.

I heard muffled sounds and groans from a cabin at the end of the hallway. I knew what was going on and silently walked toward it, but a door suddenly opened before me, and "Man-Bat" Bruce came out of it, but I quickly grabbed his neck before lifting him.

"Wha-argh! Arhk!"



*Thud! *

*Thud! *

*Thud! *

I squeezed his neck until I decapitated him and took his head before placing it in my inventory. I then went and killed the remaining two pirates. I will spare you the description of the girl's condition and say that she died before I entered the room.

It seems that Victor could not help himself and killed her. I was not saddened by her death as I killed all of them because they were planning on selling me as a slave otherwise, I would have probably just stolen from them after killing the captain for his bounty reward.

I spent an hour walking around the ship finding and storing any valuable thing in my inventory which included food as I instinctively knew that time did not flow in there. Now some might be thinking that taking down a pirate crew with a captain worth fifteen million Beli so easily is unrealistic which is wrong for two reasons.

First, I caught all of them off guard and snapped their neck without even wasting a second. Second and most important, being a Fanalis alone guaranteed my victory. I can break steel as easily as tofu with my greatly enhanced strength. I am even faster than lightning as it has been seen in Magi that Morgianna could dodge a lightning spell proving the speed of a Fanalis.

I explored the ship once more to make sure that I had killed every pirate before sleeping in the dead Captain's quarters. I wake up the next morning and take out an apple out of my inventory as I look at how much money I have.

{Currency: 12 042 069 Beli}

I tried to go into the shop function, but a notification appeared when I did so.

[Congratulations on obtaining the required amount of money to open the Shop function. For such a monumental achievement Host is granted a free gift from the system.]

The required amount of… money? No…

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Skill: Heart Reading (From Seven Deadly Sins)]


- Heart Reading: Fairies are able to see into the hearts of anyone and discern whether their intentions are pure. A fairy can still read a heart even if one were to erase their own presence.}

This could be a useful skill as it would at the very least prevent me from getting backstabbed plus although it says Heart Reading it is more of a mind reading. I look at how much money I have left which almost gives me a heart attack.

{Currency: 042 069 Beli}

I lost twelve million Beli! I was about to cry when I remembered that I still had fifteen million in my Inventory. I can not wait to arrive on land and exchange it for money. That was my train of thought for the first three days which eventually changed into longing for the sight of any island as I grew bored. I learned that I am currently six feet and seven inches tall when I asked the system one day out of boredom.

I eventually used my free time to familiarize myself with my new body as well as check what was offered in the shop function. I learned that the system was a scamming system as most of the ones, I wanted, require either hundreds of millions or a few billion of Beli to purchase. I set myself a goal of one hundred million Beli to buy my ultimate weapon.

A month went by as my source of food was reaching its limit. I was aimlessly wandering the deck of the ship when I saw a ship on the horizon. I was ecstatic as I walked to the other side of the ship before running and jumping toward the ship I saw.

I landed in the water a couple of dozen feet after the ship and swam toward it. I was "rescued" by the sailors of that ship and acted as if I was lost at sea which was easy due to the fact that I was lost at sea.

I told them that I had been captured by pirates, but I managed to escape. They did not pry any further as they gave me looks of pity. I endured those looks since it was better than answering questions that might lead to my origin.

I learned that the ship I was currently on was a cruise ship which is scheduled to sail for another month at sea. I took the opportunity to learn all I could about sailing, cooking, and navigation from the sailors as I did not want to be stranded again. It took a week to gain the first skill and two more to gain the second.

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Skills: Sailing, Cooking & Navigation]


- Sailing: Can sail ships with easier control over them. If the ship gains or has a spirit, you can feel it.

- Cooking: Can cook food that is edible and tastes good.

-Navigation: Your sense of direction improves as well as your awareness of the climate. You can now instinctively know the direction of any place you have been.}

I became friendly with the sailors until we parted ways upon landing on an Island where I stayed while they left with the Cruise Ship. I have to say that I have learned a bit more about this world such as Pirate hunters are sometimes as feared as pirates themselves since most of them end up becoming pirates. I did not understand why until I turned in the head of the "Man-Bat" Bruce and got ten million and five hundred thousand Beli for it instead of the full amount as the reward promised.

They took thirty percent off my reward due to him being dead under the guise of preferring to execute him themselves. My Heart Reading skill confirmed that it was bullshit... Okay, the reason was not bullshit but the ones that refused it was planning on taking the Thirty Percent for themselves by embezzling the reward money.

I promised myself that after I acquire "that" item, I would become a pirate or more like an adventurer who steals the money of everyone that pisses me off- *Cough* I mean stealing the money of criminals for myself.

I stayed a week on Feather Island, the name of the island before a pirate crew called the Green Pirates led by a man known as "Lantern" Hal whose head was worth seven million Beli, attacked. I massacre them and earn a title among the people of the Island as well as seven million Beli as "Lantern" Hal was alive, limbless but alive, nonetheless.

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Title: Battle Beast]

The key point, in the previous sentence, being a massacre. The residents of the Island thanked me for saving their lives as "Lantern" Hal was known for his cruelty. They gave me a simple sailboat which I used to leave the Island and start my life as a pirate hunter. I smile as I sail into the horizon while looking at my currency.

{Currency: 17 542 069 Beli}

I spent the next three years hunting pirates though most of them had at best a hundred thousand Beli on their heads while a few were worth five to nine million Beli. My nickname of "Battle Beast" spread as I hunted pirates and now people are comparing me to another infamous pirate hunter named Roronoa Zoro.

During the last three years, nothing interesting happened other than a duo of fools that wanted me to join an organization of pirate hunters where I would have to give a part of my reward to the organization for benefits that were not worth it. I initially turned them down but killed them when they tried to kill me, for and I quote "not giving them face". I might not have given them face but after hearing that I gave them fists.

I managed to reach beyond half of my goal now I just need to find a big fish, but this is East Blue where the pirates are the least dangerous… relatively speaking.

{Currency: 57 785 967 Beli}

I sailed to Yotsuba Island since I heard that there is a fearsome marine Captain in Shells Town whom I hope will tell me where I can find millions of Beli worth pirates. My infamy as a pirate hunter made it difficult to find pirates whose heads were worth millions as the marines and common folks were afraid that the remaining crew would take revenge on them for telling me where to find them.

I had my hopes on the fearsome marine captain to not be a little bitch. It took three days before I reached Yotsuba Island, I made sure to store the remaining food in my inventory before walking to the nearest bar.

One of the earliest tricks I learned as a pirate hunter is that information equals power. No matter how strong you are, it becomes meaningless if you do not know where your prey is. A Bar is one of the very few accessible sources of information outside of the newspapers. The drunker someone is the easier it is for me to read their heart and the easier it is for me to read their heart the less stamina I lose while using that skill.

I walked for ten minutes before finding a bar and as I was about to enter it a light brown wolf with yellow eyes lunged at me from inside the bar. He had small pupils, a brown nose, and sharp teeth. He was drooling and some of it got onto my face which pissed me off. I punched the wolf in the face, breaking some- most of its fangs as it flew back inside.

"Soro! My baby!"

I hear, an annoying voice, scream at what I assume to be the state of the now-dead or soon-to-be-dead wolf. I enter the bar to find it in shambles with a green-haired man who looks familiar pointing one of his three swords- THREE SWORDS! He must be Zoro the pirate hunter. He is facing three marines who are shielding a blond-haired midget who is looking at the wolf's corpse.

"You two will pay for this!"

He shouts while looking at Zoro who smirks before responding.

"For you to do that, you would need to have the strength to back it up."

He took one step forward and the three marines and midget looked like they were about to cut diamonds with their sphincter. The midget…. oh, right I forgot to say that during those three years, I grew to be seven feet and six inches in height.

Anyway, the midget started to sweat… well more at least before he looked at a young girl with black eyes, and dark hair in pigtails. She wore a striped one-piece dress with what appeared to be a drawstring hood. Upon seeing her, he started to smile like a typical villain.

"Look Zoro, I know that you are strong, and you might make it out of here alive, but my daddy is a Marine Captain. He controls and has power over everything on this island. You might be able to leave before he hears what you did to me, but they won't."

He finishes his sentence by pointing at the young girl and a woman who I assume is her mother due to the similarities between them. They both start to tremble due to fear which makes the pirate hunter grit his teeth. Seeing this, the midget continues.

"*Swallows his saliva* You see their lives are not in my hands since the moment my daddy hears about this he will go into a violent rage since he loves me so much, but I can keep my mouth shut if you accept to make a bet with me."

"*Groan* What's the bet?"

"*Smirks* One month, if you two can survive for one month without food then I will let you guys go and I will not tell my daddy what happened here."


Zoro dropped his sword.

"We accept your bet."

I have to say, Zoro is a fool since I read the midget's heart and he thinks that Zoro will not last that long. Even if he does, the midget will just have him executed. I stayed quiet since this was the perfect opportunity to bring someone decent on my side.

I just need to stay here for a month and save him at the last minute. The two idiots that tried to recruit me had one good point, a pirate hunting organization sounds very lucrative, but I would rather be the one on top and take all of the money for myself.

[Host has matured through these past three years. *Sniff* *Teardrop* *Sniff* The System is proud of Host.]

I walk up to the counter when one of the marines stops me. I am about to ask the reason for this when I hear the midget speak.

"Check if he has any weapon before you bring him along with Zoro."


I inadvertently speak French as I realize that these fuckers made a bet, and included me in said bet but did not even take my opinion on the matter. I followed Zoro to the execution ground where they tied us up.

I was not heartless enough to let a mother and her daughter suffer due to a prick. I complied with their demand but asked for my hands to be near my face when they tied me up. I said that it was so that I could scratch my face when I felt like it, but the true reason was to eat fruit from my inventory whenever no one was looking. I was also planning on stealing every bit of wealth the captain had before leaving this island since I figured that I would be branded as a criminal anyway.

[System is proud that Host is thinking clearly, it has decided to bestow you an item. Would you like it?]

Yeah, I would like to have my reward.

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Item: Dying Will Pill Recipe (From Katekyo Hitman Reborn)]


- Dying Will Pill Recipe: A Dying Will Pill allows whoever consumes it to enter Dying Will Mode. When someone enters Dying Will Mode, it uses the pressure a person faces during a crisis to externally remove their body limiters, and increase their strength and need to fulfill their Dying Will.

Entering Dying Will Mode changes one's personality depending on the user. While in this mode, the user feels as if their body is breaking, yet they are prepared to take on anything, as well as be unafraid of their body being destroyed.

The effects of Dying Will Mode will only last 4-5 minutes, then the user returns to normal. The Dying Will Flame also appears on their head. A notable side-effect is their clothes rip off, down to their undergarments this drawback was erased thanks to the system. The ingredients were also modified to allow the production of Dying Will Pill in this world.}

I was beyond ecstatic when I saw this. Why? Well, that was because I could now obtain the Dying Will Flame. In the series, the Dying Will Flame is described as a high-density form of energy that is refined from one's own life force.

Due to the way it resonates with one's emotions, it has been regarded as a type of battle aura. However, unlike the aura, which is a supernatural phenomenon that can only be seen by a few individuals, the Dying Will Flame is in many ways more alike to a real flame, possessing even its own destructive properties.

Dying Will Flames are graded according to their purity, which has a direct relationship with the strength of an individual's resolve, this makes the purity of a flame basically a reflection of the strength and size of a person's determination.

This was just a theory but it could allow me to fight Logia Devil Fruit users. How could I not be joyful... but sadly my joy pummelled to the ground when I saw it.

{Currency: 07 785 967 Beli}

I lost fifty million Beli! WHY?

[Host should know that not many things in life are free.]

But you said it was free?

[Incorrect, the system never said it was free, Host just assumed it was. Plus the System has kindly modified the Dying Will Pill to allow Host to be able to make it, Host just needs to search for the ingredients potentially scattered around the world... or buy them from the System.]

First, there was the entry fee for the Shop function now this! This scamming System… Fuck it. I'm going to be a criminal either way so I will probably get it back faster.

[Host seems to be sad.]

No shit Sherlock!

[The System has just the thing to cheer Host's mood. Introducing the Gacha function; Host can pay from 100 Beli up to whatever amount Host is willing to lose- to exchange for a random power, ability, or item. Would Host like to try once? This time the system promises that it is completely free.]

Fuck it. I am stuck here for however long Helmeppo, the blond-haired midget takes before going back on his promise. Scamming System, I would like to try that free offer you just gave me.

[Hm. It seems that Host is getting smarter. That is good to know.]


[Oh It seems that Host has hit the jackpot]

[*Ding! * Host has acquired Skill: Genetic Lock]


- Genetic Lock: Allows the user to prevent anyone from cloning him as well as getting pregnant by him without his consent among other things.}

[You do not need to worry about knocking someone up and paying child support.]

I am pretty sure that is your worry and not mine but at the very least now I am certain that no one can clone me. Still, this system does not like it when I spend too much money outside of itself. If it was not for the fact that I needed that [Item] before leaving East Blue, I would have already gone to the Grandline to acquire more treasure.

Speaking of the Grandline, the reason why I want that [Item] is because there are Logia Devil Fruit users throughout the Grandline and I need something that can damage them. Not many know this in East Blue, but Devil Fruit are strange fruit that grants powers to the first person to eat them at the price of tasting like shit and never being able to swim.

There are three classifications for Devil Fruit, Logia which allows the user to turn into elements and are immune to physical damage, Zoan which allows the user to turn into a certain animal and paramecia which varies too much to be described in its entirety. I still want that [Item] because I am not completely sure that the Dying Will Flame would affect Logia types.

I met a strange pirate Captain about three months after I started my pirate-hunting career, he was a Logia-type Devil Fruit user who asked me to join his crew, but I refused since I would not be under anyone plus I could not cash in the bounties if I was an outlaw.

Also from what I saw with my heart reading skill, I definitely do not want to be part of his crew since the entire Navy might start to hunt us down one day. We parted on good terms after I showed him a magic trick or so I called putting cuffs into my inventory out of nowhere.


An hour went by after we were tied up and he had yet to speak a single word to me. I am thankful that they used ropes instead of chains since I would have ripped them apart for that. That is because a month after I came to this world while I was still on that pirate ship, I started to gain memories that were not mine, the system informed me that it was the memory of my past before I was captured by the pirates. I will skip the long explanation and keep it short.

I was a lab rat bred and raised in the Grand Line who ran away... end of story. It might be because of this past that the system chose this body because I want money, my past pushes me to seek money.

Also, I started hiding my Allen Walker's tattoo as soon as I remembered my past. I figured that it would bring me less trouble though that was not going to be permanent. I was going to stop hiding it once I collected the one hundred million Beli that I was aiming to collect.

On the bright side, gaining those memories gave me some skills though I would rather not use them if I can. Anyway, I got bored so I spoke to Zoro who was to my right.

"Yo, wanna make a bet?"


He turned his head to face me. I smiled as I continued.

"I bet that midget will go back on his word if he does then you become my subordinate."

I turned to meet his gaze with my own and smirked before he turned his head forward.

"You talk as if you can get out of here anytime you want."

He said still looking at the horizon. I look in front of me before speaking.

"That's cuz I can. So, you in?"

He was quiet for a few minutes before speaking.

"What do I get if I win the bet?"

"Nothing of course."

I said in a humorous tone. He turns once more to look at me.

"What? Nothing!"

"Yeah, since you two added me into your bet without my consent."

I answered without skipping a beat. His eyebrows twitch for a few seconds before he screams at me with shark teeth.

"You killed his pet wolf!"

"That dumb mutt was lunging at me what was I supposed to do? Let it eat me?"

I retort leaving him speechless for a few moments. It could not have eaten me even if it wanted to, but I will not tell him that.

"Mn… You talk as if we are going to be alive even after not eating for a month."

I smile as I look at him.

"I know that I will survive but if you think that you will not survive then forget it, I don't need a weak-willed subordinate-"

He interrupts me by screaming with shark teeth.

"Who's weak-willed you bastard?! I'm going to survive the entire month!"

He is ready, I can now sell my pitch.

"Does that mean that you accept my bet?"

"Yeah, I do!"

I smile as I look forward.


Zoro starts to realize that he was played by me but there is nothing he can do about it. We then spent the next nine days on the execution ground, with only starving as an option… well at least for Zoro, I have made a habit of stockpiling two months' worth of food in my inventory just in case I get stranded at sea. That is the reason why I asked for my hands to be close to my face.

I was thinking about only eating at night or at least that was the plan, but my pride will not allow me to be beaten by a human. If he can spend a month without food, then I can as well plus he would not respect me as his boss if he found out that I cheated.

I woke up Zoro yelling at someone. I opened my eyes to find a kid with black shaggy hair, round black eyes, and a slim muscular build in front of Zoro. He wears a straw hat…Straw Hat? Mnn…This feels familiar like I heard it before. He wears blue shorts with cuffs, sandals, and a sleeveless red vest. He leaves before I have the chance to talk to him.

"Idiot, you are going the wrong way!"

Zoro exclaims before we see a pair of hands stretching forward to the building to our left where the marines are. Shortly after that, I see the upper half of Morgan's brand-new Statue fall to the ground as a pink-haired midget runs towards us from the opposite direction and starts to untie Zoro's ropes. I use Heart Reading to get me up to speed and start laughing.


I looked at Zoro as I spoke with a feral grin.

"Looks like I won our bet."


The pink-haired midget explained what I saw in his mind.

"This means that you are now my subordinate! This is going to be the start of the best bounty hunter organization ever! We'll sort out the details after we beat Captain Morgan."

I said to Zoro while laughing.

"Hm, if you beat Captain Morgan, won't you become an outlaw?"

The pink-haired midget said to which I replied.

"Yeah so?"

"So, if you are an outlaw then you can't be a bounty hunter."

"... SHIT!"

At his words, I came to the realization that I had wasted my time here. I went into shock due to the wasted time, I could have used to earn money. Morgan came to execute us which I would not allow, I had wasted too much time already.

I easily broke through my restraints much to the bewilderment of everyone. I stretched my right hand toward the soldiers who were shielding Morgan out of fear of his punishment before a sword appeared in my hand. I unsheathed it as Morgan yelled at his soldiers.


The soldiers fired the guns they were pointing at us as I did nothing since I saw the straw hat kid jumping off a window and landing in front of me to block the bullets. I let it happen as I was curious about what his Devil Fruit was.

I soon got my answer as his back stretched in the form of multiple bullets before returning to normal. The bullets flew back to their sender which shocked the Marines. Morgan was the first to come out of his shock state and speak.

"I see… You must have eaten a Devil Fruit, who are you?"

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, I ate the rubber rubber fruit, I became a rubber man, and… I am the one who will become the Pirate King!"

The Straw Hat kid confirmed it as he made his introduction which shocked the marine once more. I used Heart Reading and saw that he was a hundred percent serious about his goal which was rare. I have met a lot of pirates who said that but none of them was as certain as him plus after having the system for three years, I have developed a greed detection sense towards others. I can feel no greed in him which means he is not after the treasure for the money.

[*Ding! * Urgent Mission!]

[Mission: You have sense someone barely any greed for money… a true friend according to the system.

Mission: Follow Straw Hat and be part of his crew.

Reward: None.

Failure: None.

The system thinks that to be truly fair; to not influence your decision, the rewards should be the same worth of weight as the failure.]

Tch! Cheapskate, anyway this is the first time the system has given me a mission which means there is something different about that kid, but I will not be under anyone… never again.

"He is made of rubber which means bullets are ineffective, but your swords aren't. Attack him now or face the consequence of disobeying me."

I swing the sword I had taken out of my inventory quickly and the ropes that were binding Zoro are torn to shreds. He quickly grabs his three swords and stops the incoming Marines.

*Ting! *

*Ting! *

*Ting! *

*Ting! *

*Ting! *



As Zoro stops the marines, the sword that I used breaks because I swung it too hard and the pieced falls to the ground. I sprint toward Morgan and uppercut him through the Navy base building much to the shock of everyone. I overhear the Marines talking to themselves as I walk toward Zoro.

"Damn! So, he really was the Battle Beast and not just some copycat."

"But I thought that he was supposed to be a red-haired giant with scars all around his body, not to mention sharp claws, and teeth."

"I mean he is tall."

"I still refuse to believe it."

I stop near Zoro as the Straw Hat kid speaks.

"So, you are going to join my crew, right?"

Zoro shakes his head as he speaks.

"Sorry to say this but I made a bet with this guy, and he won so I am now his subordinate."

"Huh? That's not fair!"

The straw hat kid exclaimed while sulking. I had thought of something and decided to try it.

"If you want him in your crew so bad then we can make a deal since from what I saw if I had not been there, you would still have saved him."

This got both of their attention. The straw Hat kid spoke.

"What deal?"

I smiled as I spoke.

"From what I see, we might soon become outlaws, since it is a matter of time then it is better to be one out of choice. If I am going to be a pirate, then I am going to aim for the greatest treasure-"

"I'm the one that's going to be the Pirate King!"

He cut me off angrily as I restrained myself from strangling him.

"I do not care about the title of pirate king what I care about is the money so let's do this, we form a pirate crew, you can be the Captain while I am the Vice-Captain. You seem to like adventure so you will get to decide where we go as we search for the One Piece.

You get to be the Pirate King... in exchange, since I am settled for Vice-Captain, I get a larger part of all the money that we will get during all of our adventures, say 90%. Also, I'll do what I want since I don't like losing my freedom. In this way, Zoro joins your crew as well."

He formed a fist with his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand with it while speaking.

"Oh! That's smart! Okay, we form our crew, I don't care about money, I just want to be the pirate King since it means that I will be the freest man in the world."

My eyes widened as I saw him laugh. I extended my right and as I spoke.

"This is the start of a beautiful friendship."

While I thought of something else.

'MUAHAHA! If things go south, he will be my fall guy.'

[*Ding!* Mission complete! The System is proud to have corrupted- influenced Host in an excellent direction. The System is crying tears of joy.]

He shook my hand as he asked a question.

"Yeah, by the way, what's your name?"

"Leonidas, Vongola D. Leonidas but you can just call me Leo."

I responded which caused the face of the spectator, to change from bewilderment at how stupid…Luffy! Right, I forgot his name for a second, …Anyway, their expression changed from bewilderment to flabbergast to shock at my name since most were denying my identity. I mean the title [Battle Beast] does not match the appearance of a tall, muscular, and handsome red-haired and tattooed young man.

The soldiers eventually started cheering at the defeat of Morgan. I knew that none of them did what they did by choice that is why I went for Morgan. Luffy, Zoro, and I went to the Bar that started this mess and ate like we had not eaten for nine days which was true for the two of us but not Luffy.

We kept eating until the soldier came in and asked us to leave the Island. We did that after Luffy beat Koby, the pink-haired kid, up to make a point that he was not with us since the kid wanted to be a Navy officer. We sailed on Luffy's boat since mine was destroyed by Helmeppo out of pettiness for Soro, his pet wolf. This was the start of a new adventure, one that I hoped would bring me a lot of money.


I am giving you guys a choice in the posting speed. I am currently focusing on another fic at this moment but since I have some time and I love One Piece, I decided to write on the side so here are the posting options, like or comment on the line that you want and the deadline is Next Monday at 12 EST.

-1 chapter per week on Monday. (Most likely the one that will give consistent posting though I might be late once in a while.)

2- Chapter dump (I post all the chapters I have already written in one go, release schedule will be chaotic as in Idk when I will be posting again.)

Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

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