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Kapitel 48: Chapter 48

(This is all I had written since yesterday. Not the best quality because I lack means to access fandoms and research and have to make due with what I have in my head.)

A few hours after the battle.

Just as Adam wished to take a long rest for his mind and probably laze around because he earned it. He instead has to get to work immediately for his Presidential duty.

From giving public speeches to reassuring the citizens. To interviews from the public to inquire about why an enemy like the Mutated Dragon Grimm attacked Vale.

Of course, those who are trying to paint the government in a bad color exist. The remnants of the old government supporters still exist after all despite Agent's request to exterminate those groups.

They criticized that the reason why Vale was attacked is because Adam went to poke the hornet nest. This of course would look true because the attack happened after Adam sent a fleet of Airships to Mountain Glenn. However, Adam argued that the Mutated Dragon Grimm is a very dangerous factor for them. It has intelligence due to being a millennia old and with various abilities which includes spawning Mutated Grimms from its blood. If left to roam, who knows how much more damage it would cause.

Of course, they wouldn't back down that easily and keep finding points to criticize him. But the public is easily swayed by Adam because he had caused zero civilian casualties. Even the soldiers experienced very low casualties which was to be expected because most of the fighting forces were mechs to begin with. The human soldiers are rarely tasked to fight enemies directly, rather, they usually lead the mechs or to do objectives the mechs couldn't do.

After few public speeches and numerous interviews, he has to take care of the damages to public properties, the deceased soldiers and the military equipment that got destroyed like the entire fleet of Airships… Basically, back to usual. Cooped in his office while stamping and signing documents.

"Master… I can't bear to watch anymore. I don't think it's healthy to work this much… even if you are powerful for a human." Jeanne expresses her concern.

Jeanne, unlike the other two Servants, refuses to leave his side even after he orders her and the others to maybe explore around or find something else to do until he has a job for them. Jeanne however… At first it starts out from wanting to watch him work, but slowly joining Agent on becoming like his secretary for whatever reason. Now, she is nagging him…

"I am fine, Jeanne. Working for 8 hours straight isn't something new since I usually do 20 hours on a regular basis…" Adam replied without turning his eyes from the document he was reading and signing.

"20… twenty hours! On a regular basis!" Jeanne looked in horror. "And you allow him to do this?" Jeanne frowned at Agent, implying she is doing a bad job to take care of her Master's wellbeing.

"Master is perfectly capable of being active for long hours without requiring sleep due to the Nanites that enhanced his body performance. Besides, I am just a maid. Whatever my Master wishes, I will obey." Her stare and voice turn vicious at the audacity of this newcomer to doubt her.

The two engaged in a staring contest. One is a concerned big sister and another is an angry maid that felt her pride challenged.

"Hold on a second… I felt like I was forgetting someo-"


Winter smashed the door open and gasped for air as if she just finished a marathon. Then she lifted her head up and saw Adam as her face bloomed into pure joy as she rushed, jumped and dived toward him.

"Adam! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She kept apologizing in tears while hugging his waist.

"Uhm… Calm down first, Winter. Can you explain to me why you are apologizing?" Adam sighed tiredly and prayed it's only Winter that got crazy and Willow didn't because it's gonna be a pain in the ass.

Winter did as told and stopped crying. Adam helps wipe her tears with his fingers and helps her sit on his thigh before providing headpat to keep her mood on the positive side.

"So, can you talk now?" Adam asked softly but looking at her still cowering state and wetting eyes, Adam sighed again and said, "I am not angry, Winter. I just want to know why you think I am angry when I am not."

"You are not angry?" Winter asked as she quickly wiped her tears dry.

"No. Why should I?" Adam replied.

"Uhm… I-I… I thought you hated me and left even after reading the letter. But, I was wrong… You went to find help and I… I…" She couldn't finish her words as tears started to flow again. "I think something bad of you. *Sob* I am a failure as the older sister. *Sob* *Sob* I can't even trust you- Waaahh!" She cried again and Adam have to console her once again.

Truly, her mental state is more fragile than a fucking snowflake. Adam could only stare at Winter and then at the two that are watching the current drama unfolding and forgotten about theirs.

Adam now is in no state to continue working especially with Winter in this state and he has to give Willow a visit before she is having an unattended suicidal episode.

"I will put these jobs on hold for now. You can continue on your side. I will continue after taking care of Winter and Willow first." Adam excuses himself and brings the clingy Winter away.

Jeanne gave Agent a look before she left feeling a little satisfied that she managed to force Adam to take a rest through sheer luck. Her prayer was answered, basically.


Going to the massive mansion where all the 20 thousands Cursed Children now lives along with Willow Schnee and the former staff from Schnee mansion that now work here and help run and maintain most of the facilities like the cafeteria that requires a lot of workforce to prepare meals for literal thousands which made Adam have to hire more staff as the original few couldn't handle the workforce.

As soon as he arrived, the butler named Klein greeted Adam. He still looked uncomfortable with the state of what the Schnee family had become, especially with the matriarch and the eldest of Schnee being mentally unstable. However, he had worked for a short while and evaluated Adam's personality to be sincere and not like his original self prior to losing his memories as Whitley. Besides, he can hardly call Adam as evil when he had willingly adopted thousands of orphans that 'lost their family due to the outbreak'.

Klein sees it as a blessing that the Schnee had finally broken free from the tyrant, Jacques and now led by a capable family head, Adam.

"Klein. How is my… mother?" Adam asked and still not used to calling Willow his own mother.

"Lady Willow is with her granddaughters. Do I need to call or inform her about your visit, Sir?"

"No, no need. I will find her myself later." Adam said and looked towards Winter which Klein caught on and understood the reason for the refusal.

"Should I prepare a room or the lounge, sir?"

"The latter one." Adam replied with a thankfully nod as he led Winter to the said garden lounge. It's a partially indoor garden with flowers and other plants which is an area with a relaxing atmosphere.

Upon arriving there, they did nothing much. Adam allows Winter to sleep on his thigh while he comforts her with gentle caress on her head. That works well to calm her down.

As for what he will do while Winter is sleeping? Well, he also took this opportunity to rest. When he wakes up later, he has to be prepared to work again. An endless grind that will probably never cease.

But, even after drinking the calming tea served by a maid. Adam finds himself having difficulty to close his eyes and rest. His thoughts drifted to the topic of Outer God that his System mentioned before.

The concept of Outer God isn't hard to understand. A god that is unorthodox in terms of action and behavior. The opposite of lawful and good gods. They cause chaos, devour souls, worlds for powers and bring destruction wherever they go.

From a talk with his System not long ago. The Virus was introduced to Remnant by this Outer God for the purpose of invasion. The Awakened Human is nothing but its puppet and the Mutated Dragon Grimm was indeed a vessel it inhabited when it tried to invade this world but was thwarted by Adam.

Of course, Adam panicked when he heard the Outer God was the ultimate last boss he had to defeat. He is nothing but a human while the enemy is something that eats worlds for breakfast. However, his System reassured Adam that the Outer God cannot blatantly invade the universe because every universe has a defensive mechanism that rejects their entry by default. That's why the world is still intact. It cannot directly enter the universe and invade the world. But, by killing the dominant race of the universe which somehow is able to weaken the universe, the Outer God can brute force itself in and devour the universe, the soul of the intelligent beings.

Adam was in fact a victim of a scam. This Reincarnation business was in fact a scam made by an entity that resembles One Above All.

Residents of higher dimensions like Adam were brought into lower dimensions and offered rewards and promises of second life when in actuality, he and many others were simply unaware pieces of the unknown entity that sent them to resist the invasion of Outer Gods on the lower dimension universes.

To put it short and easy to understand, Adam is like a soul from Throne of Heroes selected by the Counter Force to combat a threat. He is given a template of power(Systems) but not information. Then he is sent to the battlefield in hope he can resolve the problems.

So far, Adam has been successful and doing a great job apparently. As long as he can stave off the Outer God and reduce the death of the population long enough. The Outer God will run out of power and cut its losses and leave.

With the state he is in right now, winning is possible. He already has a massive factory in Black Bullet world pumping mechs twice as fast due to the time difference between host world and Contract worlds. Not to mention, Servants. With Servants, he can definitely win!

For now, everything is proceeding smoothly. The initial plan which was formulated to eredicate the outbreak and virus were dropped because the Virus already spreading into another continent which mean Adam literally have no way to keep it locked to Sanus only.

Instead, the new Plan is plain and simple. Exterminate and exterminate until nothing is left. Produce as many mechs as possible and sweep the whole Remanat clean of the Outer God's pawns.

"Haah…" Adam sighed while nursing his head. He couldn't feel a headache physically because of the Nanites regulating his body. But the phantom pain is there.

Without noticing, he had been spending more than an hour deep in his thoughts and unaware of the new guests.

"Hmn? Students of Beacon? Team RWBY if I am not mistaken. Why are you people here?" Adam asked while he noticed he was being scrutinized by the guests, especially Weiss.

"Ah, allow me to explain." Klein appeared with a tray of hot tea and cups for everyone. "Lady Weiss had been a constant visitor along with her teammates the last few days due to the new program initiated by Headmaster Ozpin. It's to allow students to help train the childrens the basics of Aura training to lighten the workload on the professors that teach those that can move on to more advanced training."

"I don't remember hearing anything about this though…" Adam said but then he remembers again that most of the documents he stamped and signed, he rarely read them unless it's important decisions that affect the whole kingdom. "Hmn. Nevermind, I probably forgotten it. Anyway, I am very thankful for your help on training those childrens. If there is anything you people need, don't hesitate to ask."

Despite his effort to sound welcoming and friendly, he was still treated with silence and judging stares. Then Weiss sighed.

"You truly aren't lying. You are completely different from Whitley." Weiss said and suddenly sounded awkward like she didn't know how to handle Adam.

Klein sighed as he served the tea and handed Adam a cup before he said, "Lady Weiss didn't believe the story told by her sister, Lady Winter. She wanted to confirm it with her own eyes. I hope sir didn't take it to mind."

"I don't and I could understand why she would act like that." Adam shook his head, saying he didn't have reason to take offense. "Anyway, is there anything I can help?" He asked since the four girls were sort of awkwardly staring at him still.

"I actually do." Ruby stood forward and held Adam's right hand. "Do you really mean it when you said we can ask for anything?" She sounded very hopeful and desperate too.

"Yes, I do. Is there anything you want?"

Without hesitation, she listed down several objects that he didn't recognise but the blond one slipped some explanation it's parts for mechashift weapons specifically for guns. Also Dust ammunitions.

Apparently, the war with the Infected had caused the shortage of such weapon parts and Dust to the non military forces like the Beacon Academy and the other Huntsmens. Those precious resources had been hoarded by the military and the people like Team Rwby are getting desperate for them, especially Dust which they require for their training even when they aren't hunting Grimms.

"Is it really that severe?" Adam frowned when he heard about the existence of black market caused by the shortage of Huntsman's supply which academy students like them have to fight for the opportunity to buy even a small amount of dust.

Also, to no surprise. The ringleader of this underground black market was Roman Torchwick himself. Adam has to make a call to Agent, requesting her to crack down on the black market and resolve the shortages of supplies, especially to the Academy.

"Anyway, I will deliver these parts to you as soon as possible, Miss Ruby." Adam replied, which got a blush out of her and a snicker from the blond.

"Is there anything else?" Adam asked and noticed the black haired one named Blake, who seemed to have something to say but hesitated.

Weiss glared at Blake and immediately replied, "No, there's nothing else. We will leave now or we will be late to teach the kids." She dragged everyone and left. But before she left, she sneaked a glance at Adam and then Winter.

"She still didn't know how to act around you, sir. Please do not take offense." Klein said.

"Why would you keep assuming I would?" Adam felt a little speechless.

"My apology, sir. I had worked around Sir Whitley since he was young and accustomed to his behavior. I couldn't help but assume the same."

"Nevermind. It's not your fault." Adam sighed and then noticed someone was wide awake and yawned.

"Adam? Where am I?" Winter looks around and spots Adam and Klein.

"The mansion." Adam replied and caressed her head. "Are you feeling well now?" He asked, like talking to a child. But he has to because of Winter's fragile mental state which he finds annoying but he is the one responsible… fuck.

"Uhm! I feel refreshed. Hehehe… I sleep on Adam's lap." She said, sounded happy about it.

"Good. Now, do you want to grab lunch with me? I'm feeling hungry right now." Adam asked as his stomach growled just in time. Talking about perfect timing.

"I do! Let's eat lunch together!" Winter replied excitedly.

Adam glanced at Klein who immediately understood and left to order the kitchen staff to prepare him and Winter something to eat because the lunch time was over and normally, there's nothing left but cold leftovers.

"Let's go then." He stood up from the lounge sofa and headed to the cafeteria together with Winter who was hugging his left arm the entire walk there, grinning happily in bliss.


(Bonus story)

Roman Torchwick was feeling very happy. Although there's not much job to do after Atlas lost the war. He however, finds a new goldmine.

There is a severe Dust shortage in Vale and the dust he stole before for Cinder's plan were left untouched since the plan basically fell apart when Cinder went missing.

So, Roman established an underground black market to sell these dust on price up to five folds higher.

He had been threatened numerous times for a crackdown by the police and jealous rival syndicates. But by relying on his connection to the president, he scares away those pests and continues his business in peace.

Money rained for days for Roman. The profit was so absurd as he had literally no competition because there is no one else that can supply dust to the public except him. Even if he put the price to ten folds, there will still be customers because he had the monopoly.

Well, that is until he was unknowingly thrown under the bus by Adam.

"Boss! The police and military are cracking down on the black market!" Roman's henchmen rushed into the hideout and alerted their boss of the occurrence.

"What!" Roman, who was smoking a cigar in his tub filled with Liens, immediately jumped out in shock and grabbed the important stuff. "Grab the important stuff, we are fleeing from Vale."

"Yes, boss!" The henchmen replied.


The wall suddenly burst open as a Manticore mech crawled in along with the VPD SWAT team and soldiers rushing in and arrested everyone.

"You! You are arresting me! Do you not know who I am!" Roman is forced to his last trump card.

"We know, you scum. Unfortunately for you, this order comes from the President himself and it's to crack down on the Black Market you made to illegally distribute Dust." A SWAT officer smiled with promise of vengeance as she slammed Roman to the floor and cuffed his hands.

"Impossible! No! It has to be a mistake!"

"Shut up, you scum save those words for the court." The officer shoved Roman forward and along with his henchmen into the armored truck.


(About the two Jeanne. I am the real Jeanne I grab for the Cursed Children. She is a saint, probably good with kids. As for Alter… I admit she felt unnecessary. But I can't resist, she is my FGO waifu along with Ushi

Also Winter being a romance candidate is probably not possible. As much as I wanna go full Alabama and bag the mom and two sisters for an Oyakodon foursome, I don't think it would be fitting for the canon. Maybe in a bonus or side story. But not the main canon story.

Agent is still on the top of the candidate list and also the only one Adam actually agrees to…

So, Agent X Adam when? Well, Idk. Adam just has too much in his hand to progress his romance muchless seggs. But my plan is either Agent feels her position as first is threatened enough by the newcomer to take the leap of faith or Agent senses the stress Adam was feeling is too crushing and decided to help him release them. Either one.)

If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here.

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