The scorching midmorning rays of the royal sun shone upon the vast, bustling streets of Valenzia, where two striking youths—one young man and one young woman, both gorgeous, strolled, heading towards their guild.
However, what their hearts felt differed.
The young man, despite his seemingly deadpan exterior, was as happy as a clam, his mind serene for he had removed one of the largest amongst the thorns embedded in his heart.
On the other hand, the young woman wasn't so happy.
Shirley, after learning of such grim news, was extremely shocked, her heart and mind in utter turmoil.
She hadn't expected that the burdens shouldered by her dearest had, all this time, been so heavy.
She was happy, yes, that she was able to bear half of it for her beloved.
Yet, at the same time, she feared for their future and their children's. Once, it had been bright as the blinding midmorn skies; now, dark as eternal night.
Weekend bonus chapter! 4/7 :D