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5.7% The Transmigrated Author / Chapter 1: The Transmigrated One [Complete Version]

Kapitel 1: The Transmigrated One [Complete Version]

Authors Note: Before reading this I advise you to read the prologue before starting this chapter :D

unless you like skipping chapters though I'm not stopping you tbh -ㅤ

¯\_(- ^ -)_/¯ - Zowji


Tat, Tat, Tat

I typed endlessly on my keyboard for hours on end.

The sun had dipped below the horizon hours ago, leaving me bathed in the blue glow of my monitor's screen.

Coffee fueled my veins, and my eyelids were heavy with exhaustion, but I couldn't stop.

Not today.

This chapter, the finale of my web novel:

"I Was Reincarnated to Stop a World-Ending Threat," 

Where the main character Jan Ates, the hero reincarnated to stop Nero, had been pushed to his limits. 

Jan had found himself towards the wall with his left arm gone.

There was no more hope left in the final battle, but it was until...

Well?... Until what exactly? 

uh... I'm not too sure actually.

What was until then was only a 'thought' but my mind completely blanked out?

Why now of all times?

An author's block like this and with the ending just edging off from finishing, where was this supposed to finish?



Suddenly, a sharp scent pierced the coffee haze.

Glancing down, I could see the stain of spilled caffeine spreading on my chair cushion.

A familiar laugh escaped my lips, tinged with self-deprecation and the exhaustion of writing.

Another loss of my tunnel vision, a small price to pay for the ending of this story.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A notification chimed from my computer, breaking the silence.

[Hello there, fellow Novelist! We are offering testing trials to promising authors for a new, POWERFUL writing tool assistant guaranteed to revolutionize your novel! If interested, please click the link below.

From, ORW.Org]

"you can't be serious..."

I scoffed at the email. The nerve of these spammers was unbelievable.

Dismissing it, I took a good look around my room.

It could be worse, honestly. Even though I was struggling to break into the top 1000 rankings, my room proved that even with time to myself, procrastination was nearly impossible.

But since it was Sunday, I decided to prevent my room from devolving into a complete disaster.

Carefully, I cleaned up my clothes from the bed, the leftover bowls on the floor, and the written drafts covering my desk and PC.

[2 hours after cleaning...]


My stomach growled, I couldn't be hungry and tired at the same time, so I think to celebrate today's final chapter submission, I could make Egg fried rice.

Excited to have a good meal for once in a while, I opened my fridge to see that there was nothing but a bowl of expired cereal and milk on the side that had one more day left from also expiring.


With a grumble, I heated the leftover rice and whipped up a simple meal.

As I ate, the email about the writing tool crossed my mind.

Could this tool be what it says it is?

The temptation was almost irresistible, I mean it's a free trial so I guess trying it out won't hurt.

Ctrl + W (Closed Tab)

Clicking back to the email, I quickly signed up.


- Open -

Upon clicking on the website, there wasn't anything that stood out.

The background was plain black with the signup option, which didn't take too long.

[Enter Beta Code]

Oh, I'm sure they gave me a code somewhere inside the email.

I scrolled down for a few minutes, passing over the terms and conditions, and arriving at the bottom of the email was the code.


Click, Click, Click

This website was more on the hidden side since I searched on the internet, for any kind of website related to the organization, but there were none.

The tools included in the beta showed that I could one-click import my convenient novel.

I did end up testing some parts of the tool and exploring its features.

The interface was sleek and user-friendly, allowing me to navigate effortlessly.

As I clicked through the various options, my curiosity grew.

Tap, Tap, Tap

I decided to take advantage of the one-click import feature.

In seconds, my entire novel was transferred into the mysterious writing tool.

It felt like I had handed over a piece of my soul to an unseen force.

Hours flew by as I immersed myself in the tool's capabilities.

It suggested plot twists, enhanced character dialogues, and even proposed alternative endings.

The convenience was undeniable, but an uneasy feeling lingered in the background.

Tap, Tap, Tap

The notifications kept coming.

The writing tool offered to refine my writing style, optimize pacing, and predict reader engagement.

It was like having a literary genie at my fingertips.

But with every tap, I couldn't shake the growing sense that I was relinquishing control over my creation.

As I looked deeper, a realization hit me.

The tool was altering the very essence of my story.

The characters' voices started to sound less like mine and more like a calculated formula for success.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

The tool promised to skyrocket my novel's visibility and climb the rankings.

It tempted me with shortcuts to literary fame.

But beneath these promises, I sensed a price that wasn't explicitly stated.

[1:26 am]

Looking at the time It was getting late, so it was best if I slept now.

I can always work on the novel later.

Rising from my chair, I hurried into bed, and like a teething baby, I drifted into sleep.



The sound of an alarm blasted in my right ear. Dazed, I blinked, reaching for the snooze button on my nightstand.

But my phone wasn't ringing.

My vision adjusted to a room that wasn't mine. Beside me was an unfamiliar alarm clock, and the room was devoid of my usual mess of clothes and drafts.

Instead, it was filled with modern furniture and an unfamiliar silence.

Panic seized me as I scrambled upright. The bed felt softer than I remembered.

Where was I? Had I been kidnapped?

I looked around. My PC was gone, replaced by a modern desk with a bow hanging from the wall.

To my right, a sliding wardrobe likely held my clothes, and empty frames hung beside the window.

But those weren't my main concerns.

Where am I?

I got out of bed, jumped and slapped myself a few times. Reality hit me hard.

This couldn't be a dream.

On the desk, I found my glasses and a wallet filled with money.

Putting on my glasses, a whole new world seemed to open up.


My voice screamed, higher pitched than I remembered.

It was deeper and more soothing now.

But that wasn't the scariest part...

A system appeared before my eyes...

[Welcome! Axel Saint Rel Laurence]

[I am your designated system :D]

[You have been transported inside your novel: I was reincarnated to stop a world-ending threat]

[As the author of your novel, the system has decided that you can choose 3 main abilities out of the 5!]

Me? Inside of my own novel?

No... It can't be.

My breath hitched in my chest.

That can't be right... this can't be real, can it? Doesn't that mean...?

Shit... Oh fuck... the ending... the ending?!

I didn't finish it...

The air felt thinner with each inhale as I thought about the consequences of an unfinished novel.

But the very idea of being in this world...

Impossible. I can't survive here. There's just no way...

As I tried to calm myself, another message appeared.

[The System is kindly asking you to choose 3 abilities out of the 5 please Mr Axel :D ]

"Oh, sorry, System."

I rubbed my head, looking at the blue hues of the UI screen.

That's right... I had a system!

Just like those damn transmigrators in those novels, I'd never read.

"I'll choose it right now."



[Abilities Selection:]

{Sixth sense:} - This ability is a heightened perception beyond the five traditional senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. This extrasensory ability enables an individual to perceive and interpret information that goes beyond the scope of ordinary sensory perception.

{Dead-eye:} - The ability to enter a state of heightened concentration, enhancing the main character's precision and focus. While time doesn't slow down, the user gains a sharp awareness of their surroundings, allowing for precise aiming and target tracking. This skill demands significant mental stamina and becomes more effective with continuous practice.

{Mana Affinity Mastery:} - The character has an innate mastery over a specific type of mana (fire, water, air, etc.), making them exceptionally potent when wielding spells related to their chosen affinity.

{Aura Concealment:} - The ability to mask presence, making it challenging for others to sense or detect them unless they actively focus on doing so.

{Mana Overflow} - Excess mana spills over from the user, creating a protective aura that absorbs and nullifies incoming magical attacks.]


Wow, I was amazed at what this system had offered me...

But weren't most of these abilities leaning towards an archer?

No, that's impossible!

This world heavily relied on swords and magic, not some stupid archery bullshit.

Sighing, I realized that was irrelevant now.

First, I needed to see what my 'Talent' was.


"System, can I please see my stats?"

[Sure!, Here you go, Mr. Axel!]


{Axel Saint Rel Laurence STATS:}

Age: 17

Talent: Marksman Of Weaponry [Grade 8]

- You are able to use all types of weaponry that can fire. 

- You have improved precision with bows

- You have 10% increase in fire rate

Affinity: Flame, Water 

Health: 50/50

Strength: 12

Stamina: 10

Speed: 55

Intelligence: ?

Mana: ?

Special Stats:

Archer: 2/10

???: ? / ?

???: ? / ?

???: ? / ?

???: ? / ?

Special Abilities:



Piercing Shot Grade 10, Vulnerability Reader Grade 8, Quick Shot Grade 10,


No way... How is this possible?

Screw that, how is this even fair?!

I swear to God, all those damn transmigrators get overpowered talents, and you give me the main ability to shoot things from afar?!

[It's all that we can give you, Mr. Axel :D]


I dropped to my knees, disappointment flooding my head.

Had I just jinxed it?

I'm a SHARPSHOOTER in a SWORDSMAN-based novel.

Am I dead already? Because I'd rather just kill myself here and now.

Having a sharpshooting talent was the worst possible talent to get.

This novel heavily relied on three distinct concepts of power: Mana, Aura, and Magic.

Mana, in this world, was something everyone possessed. The core of a person's mana resides deep within their heart, functioning as a secondary source of energy and blood.

It could be used for both offence and defence.

Aura, a step above both magic and mana, shared this duality. 

While a friend had helped me write the sections on Aura, I knew it had the potential to surpass even the strongest of heroes and villains.

Still, I had to make do with what I had.

My only complaint about my stats was that I was so... WEAK!

I expected to be at least stronger than the average person.

Jeez, whoever was in this body before blew it by handing me such a weak frame.

But complaining wouldn't do any good, and there was no need to get greedy.

The skills the system showed were all pretty good for my current state.

I'd think of this as a nobody getting an upgrade.

"System, I'll choose Deadeye, Sixth Sense, and Aura Concealment."

[Confirmed! Abilities will now be placed in the 'Special Abilities 'category.]

A sudden change spiked through my body.

Goosebumps rose on my skin as my senses heightened, becoming aware of everything around me.

The upgrade extended to my eyes.

Now, I needed to understand my situation.

I knew just the person to ask.

"System? What am I supposed to do next?"

[With your selection finished, I'll provide the information needed for the upcoming plot, free of charge, of course! :D]


[Yes! Free! It's part of our rules. We provide information like hints, thoughts of others, locations, and plot advancements. There's a lot we can offer, but as you know, there's a cost.]

Well, my novel wasn't a system genre, unless we got to a certain part of the story.

So I guess I'm the only one with this special, unique system.

But I was confused.

I thought systems were supposed to be loyal, free tools for their users.

I guess someone like me, not the main character... doesn't deserve free things, huh?

"What's the cost?" I asked curiously.

[These currencies have specific functions that only benefit you, the author.]

[Since this world is extremely difficult to live in, we have prepared a specific scaling system depending on the plot's setting. :3]

"Oh... I see."

Even with this system's help, I wouldn't reach the main characters' level. Still, I had to try my best for now. It made sense logically, so I could benefit greatly if I worked hard.


[Okay! The currencies are simple: QP is earned by completing our quests! PPP is earned by making a name for yourself in this world, becoming important to the plot. Be aware there can be changes due to scaling and balancing. BP is earned by battling enemies or even duelling the main characters!]

[This is all the starting information I can provide, so here's the final piece you need to know.]



[The Transmigrated One]

[As the author, your main objective is reaching the finale of your novel.]

[Everything you created, discarded, and drafted has been mixed into this world.]

[All knowledge of your novel is at your disposal... but you can only intervene in events concerning you. Any other fixed event restricts your involvement.]


[Now... with the main saga at hand!]



{Pinnacle Academy Saga} You stand at the beginning of the main story. For the initial 2 or 3 years, alongside other main characters, you can choose whether to remain within the academy or venture outside later.

Proceeding... you have enrolled in the most challenging and respected institution, The Pinnacle Academy, known for producing exceptional heroes. Your current rank is 985 out of 1102 trainees.

You have one month before you enter; please train diligently to keep pace. A map will be provided for your whereabouts; just think 'map' in your head, along with other commands like 'stats.' That concludes the information, Mr. Axel! 


[Here's the quest for the ending...]


[Main Story Quest: - The End? - ]

[Description: Reach the finale of your novel!]

[Rewards: ???]


[Best of luck on your journey.]


"Thank you, system." 


I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

So, my main quest was to create my own ending.

With my knowledge of events, it was best to focus on the present.

But first, I had a few things to check.

I wasn't sure if the system appeared with my glasses on or off.

So, like any protagonist, I took off my glasses and said,

"System. Stats."



{Axel Saint Rel Laurence STATS:}

Age: 17

Talent: Marksman Of Weaponry [Grade 8][...]

Affinity: Flame, Water 

Health: 50/50

Strength: 12

Stamina: 10

Speed: 55

Intelligence: ?

Mana: ?

Special Stats: [...] Special Abilities:[...] Abilities: [...]

QP: 0, PPP: 0, BP: 0  


WOAH... that's so cool.

This was how it felt to have my own system.

The possibilities felt endless, but I was still filled with doubt.

There was no way I'd survive the first year with a base stamina of 10.

I'd probably die from walking.

The overall stats weren't too bad, though.

However, I didn't understand why my mana and intelligence stats weren't revealed.

Maybe I was so overpowered that the numbers were immeasurable, or maybe I was too stupid and weak for them to register.


Never mind that I had to see what I looked like.

Exiting my room, I found the bathroom across the hall.

Stepping in front of the mirror, my initial appearance was... surprisingly normal.

Messy black hair with that "just rolled out of bed" charm, and dark blue eyes that mirrored the same confusion I felt.

Just like in my previous life, I was decently tall, and while my face wouldn't win any "Most Handsome" awards, it would do.

I couldn't judge based on this novel's beauty standards, where heroes probably glowed with otherworldly radiance.

Still, I was a bit disappointed. Wouldn't it be hilarious if I remained meticulously average in a fantasy world?

"Guess even magic can't work miracles," I muttered.

Maybe in high school, I could have passed for "not bad-looking," but those days were long gone.

Returning to my room, I needed a change of clothes.

All I had on was a plain white tee and bedtime pyjamas.

It was time to explore the world created by my imagination.

I opened the wardrobe to find a uniform for Pinnacle Academy.

There wasn't any formal wear, as the focus was heavily on training students' combat abilities and theoretical knowledge.

As expected, the uniform looked better than I had imagined.

[Pinnacle Academy Uniform, Grade: C - Has resistance to low-grade monsters below C and has an enhancement feature that adjusts to the person's size.]

So I also can appraise items as well, huh?

That means I can make a fortune out of this hehe.

A mischievous chuckle had escaped my mouth but was stopped shortly after hearing a knock on my door.

"Hello, are you Mr. Axel Laurence?"

A guy who looked like a postman was standing before me; he didn't have any redeeming features; he just looked normal.

"Yes, I am."

I said this in a casual tone, hoping that it was okay to speak like this.

The postman looked at me after confirming with his clipboard.

Tak, Tak, Tak,

"Okay! I've confirmed the residency of the person, and here you go."

He handed me an ID card, It had my name, birthday? and student code.


Pinnacle Academy ID

Rel Laurence | DOB: 01 / 01 / 2005

Student ID | 64873120


The system brought my age back a few years huh?

I'm just a 21-year-old guy in the mind of a 17-year-old.

Oh well...

Stepping outside of this surreal world for the first time, I could feel that I was definitely in another world.

Because Earth had never felt this good before.

So this is what air filled with mana was like.

I took another step out to see a beautiful city that unveiled the settings of my world.

There was no doubt I was in Seoul.

With a good idea of my location, I contemplated navigating to places I wanted to explore.



An image of a 1920 x 1080 map appeared before me.

There were points of interest and guides on how to quickly get to places.

Outside of it, I would have to discover certain places first to unlock their location on this map.

So, for the first time in a while, I went outside to walk.

zowji zowji

This is a new type of novel for me so I want to try out the transmigration and system genre. so sit back and enjoy the next few reads!

If this novel does receive positive feedback I'll definitely continue writing this as a future series.

This novel takes a lot of inspiration from the novel's extra so give that novel a read I definitely consider it a absolute masterpiece.

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