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60% House of the dragon: The Dragon King / Chapter 9: Chapter 7: The Second Conqueror

Kapitel 9: Chapter 7: The Second Conqueror

"In lands where legends roam,

There lived a man, a king on his throne,

Feared and revered, his name well-known,

The Bloody Dragon, his power was shown.

Oh, the Bloody Dragon, with fire in his eyes,

He soared through the skies, The starlit skies,

A legacy written in battles and cries,

His might never fades, it never dies.

From ancient tales to whispered lore,

His wrath was fierce, his enemies bore,

His sword ablaze, with a fiery core,

Conquering realms, forevermore.

Oh, the Bloody Dragon, with fire in his eyes,

He soared through the skies, the starlit skies,

A legacy written in battles and cries,

His might never fades, it never dies.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,

He fought his wars 'neath the endless sky,

With bravery true, he'd never shy,

The Bloody Dragon, forever to fly.

Oh, the Bloody Dragon, with fire in his eyes,

He soared through the skies, under starlit skies,

A legacy written in battles and cries,

His might never fades, it never dies.

In tales of old and songs, they sing,

The legend lives on, his victories ring,

The Bloody Dragon, a valiant king,

His saga echoes, as minstrels take wing."

A song that is sung often during Daeron's reign as King and even beyond.

Narrator POV

Many ships were burning, making the entire area get covered in fog and turn yellow even though it was dark out. Men could be seen looting chests and such things from the ships while others could be seen tied to a post and getting eaten by crabs. 

A man with what looked like some grey scale-looking skin, and a weird facemask that covered the upper part of his face and had a horn sticking out of it was doing exactly that. The masked man was currently about to peg a man onto the wooden pole through his hands so the other man started screaming out of fear, hoping it would save him

"House Targaryen and Velaryon are coming for you! The Seasnake and Bloodydragon will have your fucking head"

Seeing that the masked man wasn't about to stop the man from Westeros gained a sad look on his face and practically started begging for his life

"No, no, no. No, please!"

The masked man turned his axe to the hammer part and started hammering a metal rod through the other man's hands with no hesitation. The other man started screaming out in pain as the rod exited the other side of the wood and blood quickly followed.


The masked man bowed down to the man and looked at him while the other man stopped shouting but with a pained voice said

"Fuck you, Prince Drahar! Fuck your whore mother and bastard father!"

Drahar ignored the man's desperate words and started placing crabs on the other man's body, who then started growling and shaking to try, and fail, to get the crabs off of him. Drahar then started walking away while leaving the man to the mercy of the crabs, before he heard an all too familiar whistling sound.

All of a sudden the entire place went crazy and everyone tried to run away while one word was being screamed throughout the battlefield


Through the smoke, a giant beast of black descended and beautiful green flames washed over the men of the Triarchy while a smaller red dragon came from the side and its red-orange flames also washed over the battlefield. The man, who was just crying earlier, quickly started cheering and laughing while shouting

"HAHAHA!! HAIL PRINCE DAERON!!! Burn the fucking Triarchy cunts alive!!"

The two dragons started flying around in circles burning any and all man who was there. The man looked up hopeful at the two men and said

"Here my Prince! Save me!!"

The giant black beast landed just right next to him while the Crown Prince Daeron himself quickly jumped to him and said

"You're lucky I heard you. There was a high chance we could have crushed you with our dragons in this darkness"

The man could only cry in joy and pain. He was saved, saved from this devilish battlefield by a man sent by the seven. He quickly shouted in pain as Daeron pulled the metal rod out like it was nothing. Daeron turned back to see Caraxes and Daemon try to burn the rest of the Triarchy men before quickly whistling to his dragon who instantly got the message and flew over Caraxes and turned the rest of the Triarchy men to ash and dust. Daeron saw that the Triarchy men were running into the caves while Daemon was yelling for Drahar to 'come and face him'. He let out a scoff at the sight before turning to the man and saying

"Let's get you home"

And the man burst into tears, wanting nothing more. However, all of a sudden a rain of fire arrows from the Triarchy men came flying down. Daeron gave a loud whistle and Neltharion, who was previously just flying around and burning everything, quickly covered his rider and the other man with his wings while Daeron grabbed the injured man and started climbing onto the saddle located perfectly between some of Neltharion's spikes. A couple of fire arrows hit Daeron's armour but they all just bounced off, not even scratching the armour. Daeron quickly clipped the injured man onto the saddle before giving a short whistle to Neltharion, who quickly took off disappearing into the black sky.


In the Red Keep, there was a big party going on, as Lords and Ladies alike were commenting on the King's second son with Alicent and his second name day. If one looked around they could see the Hightower snakes comment on the boy's 'Kingly presence' while talking about the good news the second name day brings. However, Tyland Lannister walked up to the King and said

"Your Grace, I bring urgent news from the Stepstones. The Crabfeeder has dug in for siege on Bloodstone while his men attempt to sabotage our fleer under the cover of the dark, which is quickly put to a stop by Prince Daeron and his orders"

The room cheered at the name of Daeron and a few lords shouted

"To the Bloody Dragon!"

Before gulping their ale, much to the annoyance of the Hightower brothers. However, the King seemed annoyed and said

"Not today, Tyland."

"The matter of the Stepstones is regrettably urgent."

The King only said

"It's been three years, Tyland. It can wait another three days"

The man only nodded, looking down at his feet, while the King quickly said 

"Come, eat. Fortify yourselves for the journey"

He quickly turned to Lyonel Strong and asked

"Is the baggage train ready?"

"It is presently massing at the River Gate. Lord Jason expects us in the Kingswoods before midday." 

"Have you seen Rhaenyra?"

"I have not, Your Grace. However, not much of her has been seen since Prince Daeron left for war in the Stepstones"

King Viserys turned around to see Tyland Lannister standing behind him before he started gathering food on his plate. Tyland took this opportunity to speak 

"With the Triarchy now sheltering in Bloodstone's caves, the threat of the dragons is blunted. And while Prince Daeron has been successful at drawing some of them out, they still mostly stay in the caves"

"They don't have footsoldiers"

"But their sellswords have been withdrawing in droves, Your Grace. Even the mercenaries can see that it is a losing effort."

Viserys turned to Ser Criston and asked

"Where is Rhaenyra?"

"I cannot be sure at present, Your Grace"

"The Velaryon forces have suffered heavy attrition, Your Grace. The seeds of dissent are sown amongst the rank and file, and while Daeron is being treated as the Seven reborn the same cannot be said about Daemon. The Prince has been driving the men hard and they have started to question his leadership, which is why Daeron has taken the command and thus it has begun to slow down, yet not all follow him. There are still some that question his ability to command for he is young. If the crown was ever to intervene…"


"... now is the time"

Otto decided to speak up and said

"The Princes and The Sea Snake started their war without his Grace's leave. Were he to intervene now after so long, it would make the crown appear weak"

"Yes, they didn't get the King's leave. But I'd argue that a Crown Prince's word is also quite powerful. Much more than yours Otto"

Viserys seeing that Otto and Tyland were starting to argue quickly spoke

"Can someone tell me where in the Seven Hells Rhaenyra might be?"


"Under the dragon's eye

Under the dragon's eye"

Rhaenyra was currently sitting under her favourite tree in the Godswoods, reading a book and having a picnic with herself while listening to music. Seeing the song end she quickly spoke

"Play it again"

The Minstrel having sung the same song multiple times quickly asked

"Perhaps the princess would like to hear something else?"

"She would not. Play it again"

The minstrel quickly started to shake out the soreness of his hands before singing again

"She fled with her ships and her people. Her heartbroken for those-"

He quickly stopped before standing up and saying

"Your Grace"

Yet even with Alicent there Rhaenyra ignored her and asked the Minstrel

"Did I say to stop?"

Which made the entire place quiet as Alicent stared at Rhaenyra with some discontent while Rhaenyra ignored her and said

"From the beginning"

The minstrel looked at the queen before sitting down and starting to sing again. Alicent, fed up with Rhaenyra's behaviour quickly said


"Yes, my Queen?"

"Your presence is wanted in the outer courtyard. The royal hunt readies to depart."

"I've decided to remain here and read instead."

Alicent nods a couple of times to try and quell her fury before she turns to the minstrel and says 

"You may go, Samwell"

"You are to stay by order of the Princess"

"The Queen commands you to leave the Godswood at once."

Samwell stood up, turned to the princess and bowed before leaving. Alicent walked closer to Rhaenyra and said

"The King wishes for you to join us"

"The King has much to celebrate. He does not need me"

"He wants for us all to be together. Perhaps the hunt could be…fun."

If Rhaenyra looked at Alicent she could see that Alicent was a nervous wreck, scratching her fingers against the material of her dress and wiggling her fingers. But she didn't, all she did was ask

"Was it the King's command?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then at once, Your Grace!"

Rhaenyra said with as much Sarcasm and mockery as she could while throwing her book down and standing up. Alicent quickly said

"But it needn't be. None of it needs to be this way in truth, Rhaenyra"

Yet Rhaenyra ignores her and walks past Alicent, not seeing the tears in Alicent's eyes.


As the royal carriage arrived in the Kingswood much applause was heard and the Hightowers wasted no time saying

"Hail, hail Aegon the Conqueror-Babe, Second of his Name!"

And the applause went slightly quieter as many understood Lord Hightower's meaning behind his words. It was further amplified when he continued saying

"Here's to his Grace on the second name day!"

Yet in the midst of their celebrations, no one noticed a man quietly walk to the Minstrels give them each a gold dragon and whisper something in their ears which made them all smile broadly and start talking amongst themselves.

Rhaenyra, having heard enough walked into the main tent where she overheard the ladies talk about some interesting news talked about

"Did you hear, Lady Johanna was saved from being taken for ransom by Prince Daeron"

"Gods bless Prince Daeron, he has definitely shown his promise as a future king of the realm with all his feats on the Stepstones"

"My Lord husband says that no King has ever been able to tame the Stepstones for long. Maybe Prince Daeron will be the first. Even if he fails it is an inhospitable place suited only for savages"

"Perhaps the Princess…can give us some insight."

Rhaenyra gave a fake breathy laugh and said

"I'm not sure how I could. I've never been to the stepstones, and I wouldn't be able to tell you how my brother's mind works"

"Well, Prince Daeron has been said to be the great mind behind this war. Is he not?"

"According to his ravens, he is"

"Well, he has made a mess and the King must put an end to it. Send fleets and men and clear out the Triarchy for good."

Rhaenyra looked confused as she said

"But the Crown is not at war"

"The Crown…is at war, Princess. Though your father refuses to admit it, We've been dragged into it by Your Brother, Uncle, and The Sea Snake."

"And how have you served the realm of late, Lady Redwyne, by eating cake?"

The other ladies went quiet as Rhaenyra looked around and stormed out of the tent. She looked around at all the grand festivities before a voice called out to her and asked

"Was your second name day as grand as this, Princess?"

"I honestly don't recall, and neither will Aegon"

The man stood up and walked to Rhaenyra, eyeing her up like she was meat on the fire. He cleared his throat and said

"Lord Jason Lannister"

"I gathered that from all the lions"

Rhaenyra said cheekily while Jason Ignored her and said

"I don't think we've been properly introduced"

"Your twin serves on my father's council"

"Tyland is frightfully dull, gods love him…"

He quickly handed her a glass of wine before saying

"The finest wine you will ever taste. Made in Lannisport, of course"

"Of course"

She took a sip before looking down at the glass while Jason continued boasting about himself

"The Kingswood, It's a fine hunting ground. But the best spot is to be found at Casterly Rock, near my home. Have you been?"

"Once, on tour with my mother and honestly I can't recall much of that either."

"The rock is thrice the height of the Hightower in Oldtown, taller still than the Wall in the north. It's been said that if one were to stand in the tower…on a perfect day, one could see clear across the Sunset Sea."

"It must be quite something"

"I don't have a Dragonpit, of course, but… I do have the means and resources to build one."

"Why would you need a Dragonpit?"

"To house dragons, of course. I'd do anything for my… lady wife"

Rhaenyra stared at him for a bit before saying

"Thank you for the wine"

And walking away towards the tent and towards her father.

"Is that what I am to you? A prize to proffer about to the great houses?"

Viserys looked fed up and walked closer to her so he could whisper and said

"You're of age Rhaenyra. And Jason Lannister is an excellent match"

"He's arrogant and self-serious"

"Well, I thought you might have that in common…Since you came of age, I've been slowly drowning in a lake of parchment flung from every corner of the realm. Marriage proposals, all. And I have tried often to discuss it with you…"

Viserys had gotten angrier and his voice had gotten raised drawing the attention of Lords and Ladies in the tent

"But you've refused me at every turn."

"That is because I do not wish to get married."

Viserys had gotten furious and shouted

"Even I do not exist above tradition and duty, Rhaenyra!!"

"Excuse me, your grace"

Otto's smug voice came from their side and Viserys quickly noticed that the entire tent had gone silent so he cleared his throat and said

"Excuse me, MInstrels please sing your songs"

However instead of the Minstrels going to the old classics they quickly banded together to sing a new song, a song that Echoed throughout the tent.

"In the annals of old, a prince was foretold,

Daeron, the Crown Prince, his tale, untold,

Amidst the Stepstones, where legends unfold,

His valor surged, his destiny bold.

Oh, Daeron, Crown Prince, courage untamed,

Through Stepstones' strife, his victories claimed,

With sword in hand, his honour proclaimed,

A legacy carved, forever acclaimed.

From Dragonstone's shores to the war's domain,

Daeron led forth, through wind and rain,

His banner aloft, amidst battle's refrain,

A prince undeterred, in victory's gain.

The Bloody Dragon, his name a fiery sound,

Through Stepstones' turmoil, victories abound,

In battles waged, his courage unbound,

A legend's tale, forever un-crowned.

Through the clash of steel and the dragon's roar,

Daeron stood tall, as legends swore,

His courage aflame, his spirit sore,

A prince relentless, in battles galore.

With each victory won, his name took flight,

Through Stepstones' campaign, in day and night,

In tales spun wide, by bards' delight,

Daeron's valor shone a radiant light.

The Bloody Dragon, his name a fiery sound,

Through Stepstones' turmoil, victories abound,

In battles waged, his courage unbound,

A legend's tale, forever un-crowned.

In histories penned, where legends amass,

Daeron's triumphs, through time's looking glass,

The Crown Prince's Valor, a tale that surpass,

In Stepstones' echoes, his legend shall last."


Daeron Pov

"We have 20, maybe 25 seaworthy ships. 800 hundred footsoldiers and some 80 knights. Our food quickly dwindles, save for what we can fish from the sea. I would say we have a fortnight, mayhaps a bit longer with strict rationing. I've made a call for Driftmark to send more ships and supplies but they will be weeks away. We are slowly starting to falter and the Triarchy knows it. We must press the attack, continue sending the dragons"

"Oh wow Corlys, you amaze me with your brilliant plan. I hadn't thought of using the giant flame-spewing dragons at our disposal. Where did you think of this? Are you using magic?"

The table quickly looked at me as I scoffed out after speaking and saying

"Corlys, if you plan on speaking of a plan then make sure it is a good one. We both know that if the Dragons are spotted then the Triarchy men all just flee into their little caves, so far my idea of drowning them out by using the dragons to carry sunken ships filled with water seems to have worked the best yet there are only so much that can be done in that regard"

Laenor quickly spoke

"Then we must give them an offering of flesh, one so tempting that it would mean that they had to come out for it"

Vaemond Velaryon quickly spoke

"And who would that be? Tell me, Nephew, it would have to be a madman as he would be walking into his certain death"

And the table went silent, everyone thinking of a solution while I just shook my head at the obvious, yet unspoken, answer. Ever since the war had started I had proven to be the strongest enemy to the Triarchy even going so far as to get the name 'The Bloody Dragon' which I found pretty cool. I sighed and said

"No need for the silent debate, my lords. I shall go"

Corlys quickly spoke

"You are the Crown Prince, we will not be sacrificing your life here."

"It is not a sacrifice when I know that I will live."

"Even so, your life has far too much importance for us to just be able to send you to your death"

I looked at him and said

"How about this, Corlys. You point out a man who will be better bait for the Triarchy cunts and I shall happily let them go in my stead"

Corlys could only look down, knowing there was no better bait than me. I shook my head and was about to speak when Vaemond spoke and said

"I must agree with Lord Corlys on this matter. You are the only person stopping a mutiny from happening. Under your leadership, there have been less casualties and less loss of supplies. So if we were to just send you to your death, nothing would stop the mutiny from happening"

I quickly said

"What's to say that I will die? Why must you all look at the negative side of things? Here is what could happen. I get sent to Bloodstone, the Triarchy men see me and attempt to come and kill me but instead, I fight them off forcing the Crabfeeder to come out of his little cave and fight me as well giving you all the perfect opportunity to strike"

Daemon, who had been silent for the most part spoke up and said

"I must agree with my Nephew. He is the ideal bait for this plan to work and-"

"Prince Daeron, I bring word from His Grace, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

He handed me a parchment with my father's seal on it. I opened it and started reading before bursting into laughter and handing it to Daemon. Daemon, a few moments after reading it, picked up his helmet and started pummeling the messenger with it while I snuck away and onto a rowboat after donning the main part of my armour and getting my sword. 


Daeron POV

I landed on the shore of Bloodstone and the first thing I saw was a tattered banner from House Velaryon and a half-decomposed man being eaten by crabs. I continued walking through the battlefield meeting similar sights accompanied by shipwrecks and ash. I quickly tore a piece of white cloth and tied it to a stick before walking up a hill and waving it in the direction of the caves. I saw that in the distance Drahar had come out of his cave so I stuck the stick into the sand before pulling my blade from my back and pointing it up into the air and then at Drahar. The Crabfeeder looked around, looking for any sign of a dragon, and after seeing nothing he quickly gestured for his men to approach me. They walked closer and closer and I spotted the Archers nocking their arrows on the mountainside. Once they were close enough I kneeled to make my performance more believable. One man approached me and was about to take my sword before I quickly sliced him in half, making blood spill on my face, before jumping at the four other guys standing there, who were just now drawing their blades. The first one I reached I sliced from head to dick making his entire body just split open. I stabbed the third one through the stomach and used his body as a shield from the arrows being shot at me before kicking him off of my blade and into his friend who got pushed back by the body giving me enough time to use the flat of my blade to literally cave his skull in.

I blitzed down the sandy floor dodging arrows as if I were in ultra-instinct mode. I ran towards another Triarchy soldier and sliced him through the stomach before punching his jaw off of his face and leaving him to die. Another ran at me while screaming so I stabbed him quickly through the mouth leaving the upper part of his head lying on my blade while his body fell dead on the floor. I threw his head at another soldier who screamed in fright before I sliced him diagonally through the heart. I felt something pierce my thigh and saw that an arrow had pierced my leg making me regret that I had not donned all of my armour. I quickly pulled out the arrow and used it as a dagger to stab another man in the neck while cutting another man in half.

I saw a gleam of a sword about to hit me so I jumped over it and quickly threw my blade at the man holding the sword killing him instantly. I landed and instantly four men were on me so I ducked underneath a swing before uppercutting one man's head off of his shoulders. I then used the decapitated man's body as a shield as I blocked a sword swing with it. I quickly grabbed the hilt of my blade and flung it over my head making it crush the sword-swinging man into a puddle of blood and gore. I then swung my blade and managed to cut through two men with one swing as they both got their legs separated from their bodies.

Drahar must have seen his soldiers losing as I saw that even more men were ganging up on me. I blocked four swords with my blade before pushing them all off with my other hand, however, I didn't notice that one guy had swung his sword at me until it was too late and I felt him cut my face. I jumped back by a lot and brought my hand to my eye and saw that, when I brought it back, it was stained crimson. I looked at the blood and all I felt was anger

'These…these VERMIN think they are allowed to spill my blood. Allowed to see my weakness! NO!! THEY SHALL INSTEAD SEE MY WRATH!!!'

I started growling and I felt my heart start to pump even more as crimson covered my view. I felt my veins enlarge and my muscles tighten and all of a sudden I was swinging my blade through every man I could find. I cut through 2, 3, and even 4 people at the same time sometimes as they thought that by grouping up they could hurt me. Sometimes I felt something hit me but I just ignored it and continued to butcher every last person that I saw. Something about cutting through them like butter and seeing their blood splash onto my armour, face, and hair felt thrilling.

I felt something hit my shoulder and let out a large growl before becoming faster, and stronger, than I ever was. I practically turned into a blur as I started cutting through men ever quicker than I was before, almost becoming like a human blender. I heard some yelling and noticed that even more men were coming and a psychotic grin made its way on my face. As I continued to slaughter the men, even more, came pouring out of the caves. However, I then felt something hit me in the calf and for a split second I fell to the ground due to my muscles suddenly stopping. Of course, I quickly recovered as I pulled out the arrowhead, but that gave the rest of the Triarchy men the confidence to come out and face me, thinking me injured from a measly arrow. I was surrounded on all sides yet felt no fear, no, what I felt was ALIVE.

They slowly walked closer to me while I flipped the blade around in my hand, the blade covered in blood and gore of its previous victims. I grinned psychotically but it all stopped when I felt my bond strengthen. I looked up as a shadow covered the battlefield and the last thing the swarm of Triarchy men heard was me saying

"OH, you guys are fucked. DRACARYS"

Green flames came from Neltharion as the Triarchy men all screamed in anguish for the split second they were alive before I looked around and saw a grey dragon and a red dragon burning the archers on the mountainside. I then heard even more yelling and noticed the rest of the soldiers all came rushing onto the battlefield behind me. I smiled before looking at the cave in front of me and seeing Drahar walk into the cave. I quickly ran into it and heard some familiar footsteps following me.

I entered the dark cave and listened for a split second before quickly bending back to avoid the hammer that came for my skull. I quickly threw my elbow up and heard a satisfying crunch from the Crabfeeder arms as I had broken it. I then heard him drop his weapon and saw that he was about to run away but I quickly grabbed him by his remaining hair and said

"Oh no, you are coming with me"

I then stomped on his legs and remaining arm to break them before dragging him towards the cave entrance where I saw Daemon waiting for me. He gave me his usual smirk before saying

"Took you long enough. I was starting to think you had died"

"HAH! You wish Uncle"

He smiled at me before looking down at Drahar, who was screaming in pain from his limbs being broken. And gave me a look, which I promptly ignored as I continued walking out. I noticed that fighting was still happening so I released all of my Conqueror's haki on the remaining Triarchy soldiers. Instantly the fighting stopped and everyone looked at me as I shouted

"Men of the Triarchy!! I have your Crabfeeder so the war is over!..."

I quickly lifted Drahar up by his hair making him shout in pain to further prove my point. I then continued

"...Give up now and we might be lenient with your sentencing"

I turned to Daemon slightly and shook my head making him chuckle. I then looked back to the battlefield and all I heard was the weapons dropping as Triarchy men went on their knees to beg for my mercy. I looked down and smiled.





For there was no mercy to be given


I stood back at the table and looked into the sea where we had dumped the bodies of all the Triarchy men. I then turned to the men of war and said

"Men, what you have done during these last years will go down in history!! We will be remembered as the men who conquered the Stepstones and butchered the Triarchy. Yes, we have faced heavy losses but those losses all helped create the way for our victory. Think of it not as an empty death but a promise of glory in the afterlife!"

The soldiers all cheered and started stomping on the ground or hitting the metal on their armour to make noise. I nodded while looking around and saying

"All of us crushed the Triarchy and showed them why no one, and I mean NO ONE INSULTS THE CROWN!!!"

Even more noise burst out from the men and all I could think was

'Damn I'm him when it comes to manipulation…is that good or bad? I guess we'll never know'

I smiled at the men and was about to say something before Corlys spoke and said

"While we may have created the road, it was you who traversed it and you who went to sacrifice your life in order for us to finally have victory. Which is why it is only fitting to crown you THE KING OF THE NARROW SEA."

Corlys then brought out from behind him a shabby-looking crown from bones, some wire, and some shiny rocks and placed it on my head while every person around me was chanting

"King Of The Narrow Sea"

"King Of The Narrow Sea"

"King Of The Narrow Sea"

And A smirk made its way on my face. Damn, it's good to be king


Narrator Pov

Rhanyra was currently on a ship headed to King's Landing after a terrible journey that consisted of men trying and failing to court her. For she knew that only one man could ever hold her heart and that man was currently fighting in the Stepstones. She was looking at the Red Keep in the distance when Criston Cole came from behind her and said

"We should make landfall inside the hour, Princess."

She turned to the man, someone she considered a friend, and asked

"How do you think he will take it?"

"Do you speak of how you rejected every suitor His Grace put before you or how you apparently ended the tour with two months remaining"

Rhaenyra gained the semblance of a smile before turning back to the Red Keep. However, all of a sudden a deep and loud screeching was heard behind them which was quickly followed by another screech which was quiet and higher pitched. Rhaenyra looked at where the sound came from and saw nothing. All of a sudden a loud whistling came from the sky and Ser Criston shouted

"Take cover!!"

A massive black dragon flew close to the ship which was quickly followed by a smaller, but still large, red dragon. The two dragons had caused the ship to start rocking which knocked Rhaenyra off of her feet yet she focused not on that, no. She focused on the black dragon and all she could whisper, ignoring Ser Criston's words of a Maester was

"Your back"


Daeron Pov

The doors to the throne room were opened and I walked inside, still wearing my crown with my blade stuck to my back. While wearing more comfortable clothes instead of my armour. I walked inside and ignored the gasps that came from the lords and ladies as I walked further into the room and directly towards the throne. I looked into my hand and saw the Crabfeeder's axe before looking up at Rhaenyra while giving her a smile. I continued walking until I was face to face with my father and the Iron Throne.

I stopped at the steps of the throne before throwing the axe down and saying

"Here. Add it to the chair"

Whispers were heard around the room while my father stared at me in silence. He looked at me a little bit more and said

"You were a crown. Do you also call yourself 'King'"

"Well, I don't call myself king. However, once we smashed the Triarchy they named me 'The King Of The Narrow Sea' so the people who were on the Stepstones sure do"

I gave my father my usual grin and for a split second I saw his eyes gleam with joy before he stopped it and asked

"Who holds the Stepstones?"

"Currently the tides, the crabs, and 3,000 dead Triarchy corsairs staked to the sand and floating in the sea to warn those who might follow. However, later there is to be a discussion on who we might send to continue to hold them"

My father walked down the steps and towards me before stopping in front of me. He then laughs and brings me in for a hug before releasing me and saying

"This, My lords and ladies, is my son! The next King of the Seven Realms! And 'The King Of The Narrow Sea' What more could a father ask for! Which is why it gives me great honour to give you this…"

He handed me the sheathed Blackfyre before continuing

"I know you have your own but a man can never have too many swords, I mean just look at the throne behind me, I have plenty!"

I took Blackfyre before kneeling and saying

"I won't disappoint you, father"

He only smiled at me as applause and cheering filled the room while Daemon, who stood behind me, gave me a smirk. I hate to admit it but over the war, he had grown on me, and become a person I know I could trust. I looked up at my father and heard him whisper

"You never can"


AN: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, it is my longest one yet (almost 6k words). Tell me what you thought of the fight scene, I thought it was good but I am willing to try and make the future ones better if you guys thought it was mid. Anyway, hope you liked it.

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