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23.07% Skyrim: The Man In The Background / Chapter 3: Chapter Three- Let The Tragic Backstories Begin

Kapitel 3: Chapter Three- Let The Tragic Backstories Begin

The probably the best sleep of my life was rudely interrupted by the poke of a distinctly pointed metal boot. 

"Come on shorty, we're setting off towards Riverwood. If you two want to come with us we'll be leaving by dawn." A voice that slid like hot honey in my ears instantly woke me up.

(Lvl 4) Tiberia Winged 'So she's already stronger than me? Though with my new skeleton boy I'd bet I could take her'

"Hard pass…." I said as I turned onto a slightly colder part of the bush I was lying in and let out a content sigh. She let out a slight huff as she turned away and walked off. 'Like hell, I'm going to travel with a walking catastrophe….. No matter how pretty.'

"Seriously, this area is dangerous to travel by yourselves, what do you say soldier?" I heard Ralof ask my companion as he woke Ryker with a poke of his boot as well. It seemed Ryker was already awake as he answered quickly. I looked over at him in blatant annoyance.

(Lvl 16) Ralof The Recruiter 'So he is the first I've observed with a title, wonder what kind of bonus it gives'

"Sorry Kinsman, sadly I'm now honor-bound to train and escort this elf to Winterhold."

"I see….. So we're traveling in the same direction then? Might as well get your asses up and come with us" Ralof said. 'Stop making sense you bastard!'

"He does have a point there kid…. It would be prudent to follow them to at least Riverwood" Ryker The Betrayer said as began getting up and getting his things situated.

"Akatosh dammit….." I said with a sigh as I began rising to my feet, my coin purse stuffed in my robes, and strapping both my iron and steel swords on opposite sides of my belt. 'Usually, I would have stuck to my guns…. But it was indeed safer to travel together, at least to the tutorial town'

"I wouldn't start complaining yet kid, we've still got a little over an hour till dawn" Ryker said as he looked up at the sky and tried to judge how far the sun was.

"And what does that mean, besides getting an extra hour of sleep?"

"That training you wanted starts now" He said as drew his sword and charged at me. I saw Ralof chuckle and slink back off towards the dragoness.

"Hey hold o…" I tried to stop him as I held my sword overhead in an attempt to block his swing. It was a solid block until he used residual momentum to hit me with a spinning roundhouse in the stomach that sent me flying back with spittle flying everywhere.

Admittingly I was slow to get up, I'd never been hit that hard in either life. I finally managed to rise to a knee as I held my still-injured stomach.

"Ah come on kid, my grandmother has hit me harder than that" He said with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, fucking asshole." I said as I rose up, changed my grip into a two-handed one, and charged at him.

A pure half-hour-long ass whooping later I let out the first smile from my busted lip and the taste of iron from an equally busted nose.

Skill: Swordsmanship- Novice rank acquired!

+2 Dexterity +2 Endurance

It seemed that training a desired skill would also in the process train the stat or stats it fell under.

"Alright that's enough of that, now I'm going to show you something. To me, it's my favorite maneuver in swordplay, so come at me." Ryker ordered as I quickly ran towards him and attacked with a stab towards his chest.

He also stabbed forwards and when the blades touched he quickly flicked his wrist. Almost instantly my grip failed and my sword was sent flying and stabbing perfectly into a tree to my right.'What the hell'

"That in basic terms is a parry, once you're good enough you'll be able to read your opponent's moves. If you can time it perfectly 'that' will happen, though even if you hadn't got the timing down it would still cause your opponent to stagger back, giving you a chance to change the flow of the fight" He said as he sheathed his blade and began sniffing the air.

"Hmmm, it smells like our companions made breakfast. Stay here and think about what you've learned so far. Don't worry I'll save you a portion." He said as he began walking off towards the line of smoke poking over the trees.

"Well that wasn't so bad" I said as I dropped to my ass and began holding my nose. Hoping that would be enough to stem the constant blood flow that was coming out of it. 'Ass hole had to backhand me right in the nose, we'll at least it didn't break'

'Skills?' Hoping that was code word to activate another part of the system. 


Destruction Magic- Novice *

Conjuration Magic-Novice *

Swordsmanship-Novice *

Speechcraft-Adept *

'The hell is this? There's not even an exp bar for me to tell how far I am from novice to adept. And what the hell are the stars for. How do I even have adept speech anyway?' During my inner tirade the screen changed. 

Perks Available for Conjuration Magic

*Double Casting- Allows you to have two summons, granted that you have the prerequisite amount of mana needed for it.

*Summoners Cardio l- Novice level Conjuration spells cost half as much mana to cast.

'Hold on.... Might've been talking too much shit about this system…. That's literally the level 100 perk for Conjuration.' I thought and without even checking the rest chose 'double casting' as my first perk, in fear that it would disappear later. 


Double Casting- Allows you to have two summons, granted that you have the prerequisite amount of mana needed for it.

'Well this is going to be badass' I thought as I used well over half my mana to cast my newest spell. 

A purple maelstrom opened in front of me and the clanking of bones greeted me as I looked upon what 120 points of mana was worth. 

(Lvl 10) Skeleton Archer

I waved at the six-foot-tall pile of bones, he was armed with a basic hunter bow, a hide helmet as well as an armor of the same material. It seemed he even had a secondary weapon in the form of a dagger that was strapped to his waist. 

"Not bad, now I wonder how long he'll last, if he only lasts 60 seconds like in the game it'll probably be useless in terms of mana usage" I thought as I ordered it to start shooting at the tree and mentally began to count the seconds. 

I was ecstatic that after a full five minutes, the portal reopened and sucked the skeleton back into whatever realm of Oblivion it came from. I also noticed that it couldn't really run out of arrows. The over a hundred marks in the tree from unsummoned arrows confirmed that theory.

'So even its arrows disappear when it does, so it might be viable to resummon a new archer after the old gets a few hits in. A costly way to cause a target to bleed out, well costly for now at least' 

After my experimenting was over I decided or my stomach decided it was time to join my traveling companions. 

Breaking the tree line I came upon a small clearing that had two tents and a nice fire pit set up in the middle. 'I guess those two kept working while I and Ryker passed out, where the hell did they get the tents though?'

"Well there's the grouchy elf, get over here, I caught you a rabbit" Ralof said as waved me over and pointed at a rabbit that was over the fire.

"Uh, thanks," I said in surprise at the welcome. Sitting down quickly I began tearing into an unseasoned piece of meat, trying my best not to swallow any small bones in the process. I was starving after all.

"What happened to your nose?" Tiberia asked me as she ate her rabbit at a more sedated pace. Ryker quickly started chuckling at that, which caused me to twitch a finger and zap him with a small bolt of lightning.

"Walked into a tree, what happened to yours?" I asked to which she looked confused. 

"What do you mean?" She asked me back.

"Your nose, there's rabbit innards all over it?" She seemed to believe me as a look of disgust flashed on her face that she rigorously began scrubbing with a spare cloth.

"You're annoying" she said after realizing there was nothing on the cloth. Both of the other Nord's started laughing at her expense.

"Enough messing around, we got an admittedly short journey ahead of us but it's not without danger. Riverwood is after all known for bandit attacks, so we'll probably run into a few in the half-day walk ahead of us." Ralof said as he got up and tossed the uneditable parts of his breakfast away. 

"A bandit problem? In Jarl Balgruufs hold?" I said jokingly, there were always bandits. 'It is a surprise it's that drastic though, I'm pretty sure Riverwood wasn't known for bandits in the game, well besides the mine... the mine we basically pass if the roads are the same'

"It's the war. The amount of civilians fleeing the battle sights and soldiers abandoning their posts have to find work somewhere." Ryker said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Yet you fight in a war that's ultimately a smoke show, a mere distraction" I said as I rose to my feet and threw the rabbit's carcass into the fire.

"And what the hell does that mean elf" Ralof asked as I noticed I should've just kept my mouth shut. 

"Nothing…. Just, next time you're in a battle look around at all the death and think and I mean really think. What are we doing this for?" 

"To free Skyrim from the Imperials and crown a real King" Ralof said like he already knew the answer.

"Have they made your people slaves? Have they ordered you to join their legion, fucking hell… do they even impose taxes on your country?" I replied.

"That's not the problem, it is a stain to us and our ancestors to be under our betters," Ralof replied. 'This dude can't be serious'

"Yeah, until you all realize you've been getting played by the Aldmeri Dominion from the beginning" I said as I started to get annoyed with his idiocy. 

"We're not worried about any damn knife-ears!" Ralof yelled.

"And that's the fucking problem!" 

"Let's just drop it" The Dragoness said as our talks on politics went where they tended to go, proven by the vein on Ralof's forehead beginning to bulge and his twitching sword arm.

"Agreed, we should leave now. If all goes well we'll be able to reach Riverwood before nightfall." Ryker said as well, easily joining the mediator's side. Ralof seemed to want to continue to prove me wrong but thought better of it and decided to nod. 

"Yeah my bad, I just wanted to be helpful. I honestly don't give a damn either way, I'm just a 'high-brow' after all" I said with a shrug and a chuckle as I caught the water-skin Ryker threw at me.

Ralof just nodded in acceptance of my apology. With the argument settled we began to walk north I think.

Five minutes later my question was answered as Ralof pulled out a compass from somewhere and adjusted our direction. 

Deciding I couldn't hold in my curiosity I decided to talk to the possibly 'canon' Dragonborn.

"So…. I heard you got caught crossing the border like me, how'd that happen?" I asked in curiosity.

"And why would I tell you that?" Tiberia turned my question into one of her own.

"Because walking in silence is boring as shit" I said to which she actually nodded and began speaking. It seemed the other two Nords were as interested as me as they slowed their walk to only be a few feet in front of us 'shorter-leg peoples'.

"No clue…. Just woke up and I was on the carriage. Had no intention of ever coming to this shit-hole but it seems my caretakers had other plans….." She said with a look of pure hate on her face. 'Well damn….. Now I'm even more curious'

"Shit-hole? Isn't this your people's homeland, honestly surprised you weren't born here." I asked in confusion.

"Yeah you'd think so, but Imagine going your whole life that no matter what you do everyone tells you you'll be leaving for Skyrim on your eighteenth birthday." She said with an angry look on her face. But I was just looking at her confused.

"It was asinine, why should these people who barely taught me anything other than basic knowledge and how to swing a sword get to decide my destiny? So I ran away on the night of my birth, low and behold when I lay my head down after a night of running I'm halfway across Tamriel on a carriage to my execution."Tiberia said as her face barely changed from her perpetual scowl.

 'That sounds batshit crazy? Is this some kind of 'you can't run from fate' scenario. Or more literally, like the eye-ball tentacle Daedra variety….. Nope, none of my business'

"A situation like that makes you dislike where you come from." She said and I guess I understood where she was coming from. 'Hell, walking up in your homeland on a carriage bound for an execution? Yeah I'd call this place a shit-hole too'


The Mystery Of The Last Dragonborn

Objective: Help the Dragonborn unearth the mystery of her origins



'I'm not that interested, fucketh to the NOeth my good sir!' I mentally declined that rabbit hole of a quest. 'Smells too much like bullshit of the Daedra variety to dip my toe into.'

"Well that sounds very ominous, no wonder you seemed so shaken up when you woke up in the carriage with us. Sorry that happened to you lass, but give your home a chance, this is just a rough patch in our nation's history. Give it some time and I guarantee you'll grow to love it, the smile on your face when you swing your axe is more than enough proof that you're a daughter of Skyrim" Ralof said as he sent her a reassuring smile. 'No wonder Ulfric made this dude 'the recruiter', he's a good talker on anything not political'.

"Thank you Ralof, you've been a good model of what a Nord of Skyrim is, I'm grateful for your guidance thus far.'' She said as a small smile graced her lips at Ralof's reassuring words.

"Well my story isn't half as interesting as hers but I guess I'll share." Ryker said.

"I actually grew up in Haafingar, on my father's small farm about a day's horse ride from the capital city of Skyrim," Ryker said as he began telling his story with a melancholy smile on his face.

"It was a quiet and peaceful life, but like any Nord, I craved battle more than swinging a hoe or planting seeds. So about five years ago when talks of a possible rebellion for the freedom of Nords reached our small farm? I packed my bags and left a note on my dresser for my mother and father. No regrets here, I got what I asked for. Plus I had a younger brother who would surely take over the farm in my place." Ryker said but I'm sure even he heard the hint of regret in his voice.

"An honorable tale kinsman, my story is very similar. Grew up here actually, was supposed to inherit the Riverwood mill from my father and that was going to be my life. Not a bad position to be in, we after all would be the lead lumber supplier to the entirety of Lord Balgruuf's hold." Ralof said and I could just see the mountain of septims he gave up. 'Could've made your own band of mercenaries with all that money, kinda foolish to fight someone else's war with resources like that'

"Much like the lass here, I felt as if my destiny was being decided for me. So after a rather nasty argument, I renounced my name and left everything to my sister. The Stormcloaks offered me a purpose, training, and a cause I believed in. The rest is up to fate to decide." Ralof said with pride in his decision to forge his own path. 

'Alright, that does sound interesting…. A worthy tale when a rich kid drops everything and starts a new life from scratch' I hummed in acknowledgment. Looking over I noticed everyone's eyes on me. 'Shit…..'

"Well my story is probably the most interesting of all. To begin my story you'd have to believe in reincarnation" I said as I began waving my arms as I told my historic tale. Both the Nord males seemed to scoff at that but the Dragoness stayed silent. 

"I grew up in the first era along with my two brothers, we rose to lead our own church of Auri-El, the main one for our people of the time. Everything was going well, we praised our god who you know as Akatosh the Dragon God of Time. However, we praised him as Auri-El God Of The Sun." I continued adding a few flashes of sparks at the mention of the great dragon.

"It was a warm summer day when my god came to me. He said and I quote, "Your time here as my worshiper has come to an end. I need you in a time far from me here to make sure the Nords don't cause the end".... "When my son Alduin returns you must be a breath of knowledge and spread my teachings so that my favored world may last a few millennia longer. Go now, my favored and save the world" end quote" I finished the story with a bow to my audience who all stopped to listen to my tale.

"Touched by Sheogorath indeed kinsman" Ralof said to Ryker as he kept going on. 

"Tried to tell you..." Ryker said as he quickly followed behind him.

"Seriously shorty, what's your story?" Tiberia asked as it seemed she hadn't given up on hearing it. 

"No bullshit?" I asked her to which she nodded seriously. 

"No clue, I woke up for seemingly the first time on the carriage. No idea where I'm from or who my parents are. Just random bits of knowledge crammed in my head" I said to her with a smile and a shrug as I began trying to catch up to our 'guardians'.

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