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46.75% I Am Energy In Dc / Chapter 72: Chapter 72 Text Blast

Kapitel 72: Chapter 72 Text Blast

Ok, so let's put down the check marks, shall we?

Fat! Check.

Black! Check

Face as cold as steel, check!

Yep, that's her.

I watched the fat lady climb up to me with a calm and composed steps. That, coupled with her expressionless features, sharp eyes and corporate look merged to showcase refined elegance, an intimidating aura and a stern business look.....

Or at least that's what she was going for.

For those who knew her reputation, and didn't have a good enough reputation or background of their own, that combo would certainly work wonders.

If she planned to strut something out here which I'm almost definitely sure she would, then it'd probably lead to a tragedy.

..... No wonder Clark's expression was so unsightly. Most likely, he thought the same as well.

"The Famed Amari! Believe me when I say that you're a hard man to get a hold of".

She said with a plain tone. Her confident act would be so much more convincing if she was a few inches taller.

I tilted my head slightly downwards as she raised her head up to talk to me properly.

For one of the major female DC villains, her height was a major letdown.

She would at least look more imposing if she wasn't so short.

My thoughts were on full display in my eyes. I knew it, and she did too.

A trace of annoyance flashed through those black irises but vanished as quickly as they appeared.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Amanda Waller. A well-renowned politician and new Secretary of the DOD dealing with all supernatural activities in the United States".

"That..... Includes you".

"Oh! So You're Lane's replacement". I said, feigning ignorance.

"I haven't received any news from him for a long time. What happened".

"I think someone like you should already be well aware of General Lane's situation".

She remarked with narrowed eyes.

"The military has made many attempts to contact you, but all have proved unresponsive".

"I left your department a way to contact me. So your unresponsive efforts are not my fault".

"You left the way to contact you with Lane. As well as a critical asset that could jeopardize the safety of the country if it falls into the wrong hands".

"So the Red Queen was stolen as well". I chuckled with amusement. My gaze settled on her practically screamed that I was watching a something akin to a performance.

"Kinda makes your country department redundant to have one of their own abducted in broad daylight within their territory, don't you agree?"

"You....". The calm facade was finally broken.

Waller's face took on a frown as she stared at me intently.

"I hope you can quit playing dumb with me Mr. Amari. As the DOD would like to enlist your help to track down the missing asset and the missing general".

She said, "would like" but her tone didn't sound like she was asking.

"Oh great, then what's in it for me?" I asked with a small smile. The thought of her saying something similar to "you'd be serving and proving allegiance to your new country" crossed my mind.

Hehehe, it'd be quite funny if that were to be the case.

As for real tangible benefits? Oh, please. With her stubborn character, it would be a miracle if she put up an offer.

Waller frowned even deeper as my words reached her ears.

"We can discuss that after the asset has been found. The DOD can come up with a reasonable reward for your service". Her perfunctory tone was well concealed. Her serious expression and well-placed facial features could fool someone who didn't know what it meant to request payment before service.

I was still considering whether to provide the service anyway. After all, Lane had been locked up long enough. But with that, I knew what she was doing.

"Then we're done here". I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away. "I can't say the same for you, but for me? The concept of working for free doesn't sound good".

Seeing my departing figure, Waller uttered solemnly

"Your agreement clearly states that you would cooperate with the government when needed".

"That's not true Miss Secretary. You're twisting the words of the agreement". My steps came to a halt.

My face turned to the side, showing my side profile.

"I did say I would cooperate with your race, but you have no power or right to order me around. Essentially, I'm the government's partner, not a slave or a soldier to heed orders". I faced my gaze forward and resumed walking.

"The reason behind my successful cooperation with Lane was because he understood that. For your sake, I suggest you do too".

Those were my last words.

My stay here wasn't something they could use to order me around. Honestly, the Justice League had indulged these guys too much.

This was also the reason I wanted Lane back. So I wouldn't have to deal with these guys again.

On a more advanced planet, someone like Waller would probably be slapped to death by a slightly stronger being.

I wasn't concerned about that, but I could see what Waller was up to. Trying to gain dominance over me. Possibly recruit me, turn me into a soldier that would follow her commands by manipulating the agreement I made with the world council.

All so she could show her capabilities. I mean, subduing The Deviant would be a heck of an achievement on her resume.

These were her thoughts. Honestly, they were humorous.

I knew this was going to be unpleasant the moment we met. Amanda Waller was a stubborn bitch who believed she could always control everything that concerned her.

Quite frankly, I wasn't on that list. And I thought I made it apparent. But she didn't seem to think so.

Amanda looked at my figure with narrowed eyes. Eyes that sparked with a bit of anger, cunning, and contemplation.

Seeing as I was getting further away, she finally opened her mouth and uttered something that would soon give her sleepless nights.

"Fine, you want benefits. Then how about this".

I stopped. And.... Here it is. I knew she was going to say something, which was exactly why I didn't teleport away. As for the thought of avoiding problems before they appeared?


I don't seek problems, I don't look for trouble, but I never run away from it. Principles people.

"Oh? What is it?"

"A clean slate".

"What?" Now I was a bit confused. What did she mean by that?

"Mr. Amari, I would like to spell out the facts clearly for you to see. On November 4th, a few days ago, you committed murder, killing a man which clearly goes against the law".

"You mean.... Joker?" My eyes widened, and my eyebrows were raised. Like I said earlier, speak of the devil and he will appear.

Someone who wouldn't let the Joker's death slide and would attempt to use it to their advantage. Well..... The first idiot was right before me.

"You want to charge me for murder? For Joker of all people?" I asked incredulously. My voice was trembling, practically on the verge of laughter.

"While I admit that the clown was one of the worst existences the world had ever seen, it does not change the fact that according to the law, he was a mental patient who wasn't convicted to death". Waller said sharply.

"This action makes you a criminal. Giving me the authority to have you trialed in a court of law".

"Hahahahaha!" And that was the last straw. Once again, I couldn't help it. It was just so damn hilarious.

Honestly, I had seen Gotham's news reports as well as the internet discussions on the web. The general trend was almost unanimous.

Bye-bye Joker.

No one spoke a word about the Joker's death being a crime. Not even those keyboard warriors whose jobs were to find fault with anything they come across.

At most, they would criticize my audacity to kill on live TV, but that was it. No one said anything about the Joker's death bringing need for my arrest, or I wasn't supposed to kill him.

Anyone who did would be mobbed by the netizens without hesitation.

Not even the citizens saw the Joker's death as something that warranted arrest.

"Hahaha... Ok..... So who's gonna arrest me? You?"

I couldn't help but ask amidst chuckles.

"Do you see yourself as invincible?" From her tone, it seemed like my laughter had greatly irritated her, despite how hard she tried to hide it.

"You're not the first alien to think so. There have been many, but they are nowhere to be found today. You and The Justice League aren't the only ones that have abilities. Believe me when I say that your actions are being contemplated by government agencies and the President of the United States as we speak. Of course, they haven't come to a conclusion due to the messy affairs of the country, but when they do, you will be called to order". She uttered imposingly, taking several steps towards me.

"Your actions are spitting in the face of authority. No one is above the law, not Superman, not the Justice League... Not even you. And if you think you are powerful enough to run amok, then we will show you just how deep Earth's background is".

She stopped nearly four meters away from me.

"Of course, that doesn't have to be the case. The final result of this altercation is unknown, but it doesn't have to get to that. I can help you take it all away. You seem to be the kind of person who likes to be low-key. So like I said, wipe the slate clean. There will be no need for any trouble that will ensue over your actions...".

She said flatly, but her words were obviously threatening. This was her character. Stubborn, vicious, willing to use any means to get whatever she wanted.

"So, what will it be?"

She looked at my face, clearly seeing that I wasn't laughing anymore. Just staring at her indifferently. Waller wasn't rushing, she folded her hands and waited for my answer.

At this moment, a singular thought was running through my mind.

"Looks like Lex is about to start flexing his muscles. Sigh!..... the days of peace are gone. Oh, well".

A few seconds passed like this. Eventually, I said the first sentence.

"You know, a wise man once said..... A word is enough for the wise....".

A smile graced Waller's face at my words. Too bad, I wasn't done.

"While I say, no matter how much you give advice, there's no shortage of fools in this world who won't heed them".

"And I don't know if you have this written in my file, but I don't take kindly to threats".

The smile on her face fell.

"So tell me Miss Secretary, are you threatening me?"

Amanda saw the way things were going, a little annoyed in her heart. Her whole performance a few seconds ago was a long shot. That's what she thought, of course.

Judging from the records of Amari's personality, the chances of success weren't that high to begin with.

Still, she didn't mind giving it a try. What she said wasn't an empty threat, though. Lex Luthor truly was planning something, not against Amari but all superpowered beings in America.

Especially the Superheroes.

Amari would be the example to validate his actions. If she could get Amari on their side, it wouldn't change the overall perspective, if not, then..... Nothing much would change, either.

All in all, his response was well anticipated. Her threat was valid, but not of much consequence right now.

That's what she thought at first.

"Call it whatever you will. I believe I have made my point".

Looking at her, I had to admit that this woman was courageous. Saying such things to my face without the fear that I would simply snap her neck and feed her to the sewer rats was worth commending.

Once again, the Justice League were the ones to blame for this development.

In truth, this was the case. No matter how I put it, the government and I had an agreement. And now, Waller was their representative until Lane returned.

If he returned anyway.

I could kill the Joker, but doing anything to her would be a blatant provocation.

This was what gave her confidence. Confidence that I wouldn't do anything to her, despite her actions.

She was dead wrong.

"Hehe... Funny. Miss secretary, do you remember that saying?" I smiled rather charmingly.

".... How does it go again.....? Yes. Two can play that game".

"Alice, if you please….". At the end of my words, a holographic screen appeared in front of us.

Tapping the screen twice... "And that should do it". I said.

"What is this?" Waller frowned. She didn't understand what was going on.

"You see mam, every action in life has consequences. And you are about to face yours a bit too early".

"Then what are you going to do? Kill me?" She asked in a deep voice.

"Why is it that the first thought that comes to mind is always killing?" I chuckled.

"No, no..... No, no, no, no, no, no, no... No".

"You of all people should know that there are things worse than death. And there are things that best never see the light of day". It happened then, Waller's phone suddenly beeped.

She quickly took out her phone, unlocked it and found an email had been received.

She gave me a suspicious look, then opened the email. Reading for a few seconds, her face crumpled into a frown, eyebrows creased..... Some time later, it contorted even more.

Several seconds passed by, and the rich facial changes on her once blank expression was particularly refreshing.

"What have you done?" A voice speaking through gritted teeth fell into my ears. Waller raised her gaze from her phone.

The look in which she looked at me seemed as if she was going to eat me alive.

"You like it?"

"Where did you get this from?"

"Is that important?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"January 5th 2008, You as the Warden of Belle Reve exported Bloodsport from prison and assassinated a senator who was against you in Congress with his help".

"You bribed and blackmailed several government officials to secure your position".

"Your secret allocation of military funds...".

"Enough!" Waller roared angrily. Her face carried unprecedented solemnity and a hint of panic.

"Oh?" I tilted my head to the side slightly. "Should I not say more? I thought you were an expert in manipulating people. So I thought I'd do a little manipulation of my own".

"That file contains every newsworthy deed you have done on your path to power. Bribes, threats, collusion, deaths…. As long as you can remember it, it will surely be there".

"You're bluffing... You're definitely bluffing".

"You can check in depth if you'd like. I'm sure you'd see many things even you have forgotten. There are videos, voice transmissions, and encrypted calls there as well".

"That's impossible. You can't have any of this, I made sure I destroyed it all".

Hahaha! I laughed inwardly. In front of Alice, could this kind of thing be hidden?

"Oh really? I wonder if the media will think any of this is fake once they get their hands on this file".

Waller's eyes widened.

"Oh wait! My mistake. I already sent it out". I slapped my hand against my forehead with an expression of realization.

That made her face pale. Presently, she was really panicking.

"Tsk Tsk Like I said, there are things worse than death .... And you have made a lot of enemies. I don't have to do anything to you, cause someone else will do it for me. Wade Eiling certainly will".

"Like you said, no one is above the law. Not even you".

"You...". I could see her whole facade crumble at that moment. Her trembling legs were just the tip of the iceberg.

The smile on my face faded away as I began to lose interest.

"Well, enjoy what time you have left". I said while walking away.

"All the stuff in that file should be enough to reserve you a warm, cozy spot in Stryker's Island for many years".

And so, my body turned illusory and disappeared as I walked away.

"That is of course .... Supposing you last that long....".

"... Let's see if Lex will save you this time....".

Those were my last words before I disappeared.

Leaving behind an emotionally despairing woman.


That was my interlude with Waller. To be honest, it didn't interest me as much as I thought it would.

Did she seriously think something like this would bother me?

Gave me quite a few laughs.... Kinda worth it. If I didn't know what level of hell awaited her after this, I'd do it myself.

I didn't leave Central City, though. Not for any reason in particular.

I just didn't want to go back to the Axiom just yet.

The matter with Lane... Let it wait a little longer.

So I decided to take a look around the place.

Who knows, maybe I'll come across something interesting enough to grab my attention.

And what do you know, I did.

It's just that...

"What the hell is Superman up against?"

I passed by a Diner only to hear an exclamation. I looked through the glass window and followed everyone's gaze towards the TV.

..... The thing wasn't in Central City, but Metropolis.

What came into view was the picture of Superman being held down by Parasite


New day, New week.

I hit a record of six hundred plus Powerstones Last week.

With your support, I want to hit 1k this week.

1k Powerstones: 2+ Bonus Chapters

1.5k Powerstones: 3+ Bonus Chapters

2k Powestones: 4+ Bonus Chapters.

Thank you for your support, I deeply appreciate it.

Constructed comments and reviews are welcome. I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on how I can improve.

Also, can you please signify if you would prefer me to switch from the first person narrative? I would hate it if I'm unknowingly destroying the sense of immersion.

In addition, The MC's recent actions isn't becoming submissive in character. I just feel there isn't any need to be too strong-headed or overly hostile just because he can do whatever he wants. He's not a villain opposing the Justice League in everything.

The initial unfamilar phase between the MC and the Justice League is over.

Please ask me any questions you want to ask in the form of comments

For those who feel I sped up the relationship development between the MC and the JL, I apologise. I'm trying my best here.

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