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53.33% Welcome to Urdak / Chapter 21: Another realm

Kapitel 21: Another realm

This should be the place

-Sir…are we certain that it was him? We have had too many copycats…

-I know that voice! I was a big fan of SAE! Especially HIS songs! I would recognize that singing anywhere! Even if it sounds more mature, it is Eric!

-Enough you 2! The slumbering Goron, move!

My secretary and a few interns were bickering, only I am well aware that it was Eric, if I hadn't changed my number he would have called me himself, gonna have to fix that…?


-Do you hear that?

It sounds good…wait!

I ran and everyone followed me, that's when I heard the lyrics

-So dance, fucker dance! I never had a chance, it was really only you!

3 guitars chords and I knew it had to be him!

-With a thousand lies and a good disguise

Hit 'em right between the eyes

Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away, nothing more to say

See the lightning in your eyes

See 'em running for their lives

As the song went on, I finally found the hotel, only to see it was surrounded by a bunch of people, we managed to cut a path through them and when I got to the front, I saw him, the same boy who shocked us all 5 years ago, now a young handsome man, playing his heart out with the same passion I saw that day at the festival

-Clever alibis, Lord of the Flies

Hit 'em right between the eyes

Hit 'em right between the eyes

When you walk away, nothing more to say

See the lightning in your eyes

See 'em running for their lives

And with a final chord, the song ended and the audience around us exploded into cheers, and some even began throwing money at him, he opened his eyes and smiled gently, those purple eyes are unmistakable, it's Eric, he really is alive, it's really him…heh, seems like we really are gonna make a fortune


He looked at me surprised

-Lee?! It has barely been 10 minutes!

-It's about you boy! How could I let you wait?

I got close and hugged him in delight, he seemed awkward but I don't care, the few months he was with us, our record company went from near bankruptcy to the top! And thanks to Athena, we have one of the most loved and talented Idols the industry has ever seen! Shermie also works with us at times, and when she and Athena play together, we sold all tickets out, so now, now that the final member is back, my lucky star, we are going to take over the music industry!

-Lee! Let go dammit!

-Ah, sorry boy

I let go and he gave me a cocky smirk

-Look man, I don't mind a hug, but only if you are a girl can it last that long!

-Well do forgive me for not being a girl, now come on boy! We have lots to talk about!

I guided him but 2 girls stood in our way, their beauty is comparable to models…but I am pretty sure I haven't seen them in any part of the industry…

-Chun Li, Cammy, this guy is Lee, he was my contact, Lee, these 2 are my team mates, for KoF

KoF!? He is participating?! Oh, perfect! Perfect! Athena was booked to make the starting show in the main event, if she and Shermie agree then…SAE will have a reunion after 5 years! Yes! Yes!!! JACKPOT!!!


-Ah sorry, a pleasure to meet you ladies

They gave me a nod, well who cares!


-! Yes sir?

-Penthouse or presidential suite, which one ya got?


-I'll take one for each of them and one for me! Now!

-Yes sir!


-Don't worry about it boy! Sally! Get a contract, the rest of you, get outta here!

My secretary left to prepare the contract we once offered Eric and the interns simply had to leave, those fools won't get the negotiations

They followed me to the suite and as it should be, luxurious, we sat on the couches, Eric and his 2 companions sat together, I was in the single couch

-Eric you have no idea how glad I am to see you alive

-Because you cared or business?

-Business of course! I like you kid, but business comes first and foremost

-Right, well, let's get down to it then, does the contract still applies?

-We are currently making some changes to it

At least Sally is, she is a genius after all, she should know what to do since it's actually Eric

-So…what's got ya so excited?

-That you haven't lost your touch! That rock song was fantastic!! Honestly, the only good musicians we got are Athena and Shermie, and Shermie ain't even that good

-What do you mean? She played with me didn't she?

-Yes, but unlike Athena who actually can get a crowd, she barely puts up an effort! Apparently she has another job she is into? What was it uh…Fashionista! Right, Fashionista, as if that will be as lucrative as the entertainment industry

-It's her choice ain't it?

-It's a waste, but whatever, look, what I want is for you to make a song for the inauguration of the KoF main event, it will be back at your city, that means that everyone will recognize you and be excited, this will be your comeback! Originally it was just Athena but with you back on board? I need to get Shermie so SAE can have a reunion! That'll be fun!

-You mean profitable…ugh, whatever, any reason I have to see them again works for me

-I knew you would understand my boy! There is a whole week before the main event even begins, I will contact both girls and have them here by tomorrow! Win your fights and prepare a song for me!

-I already have one in mind

-You haven't changed! Impress me!

-Knight of the wind


He sang some vocals and I couldn't help but cackle, this is his comeback song, oh….this one, this one will be for the record books!

We are going down in history!

We discussed a few more things before we left, since we were too tired to deal with Lee's nonsense, I simply signed the new contract once Monica confirmed it was a good one, so I hit the sack once it was night

However…I awoke in a weird place, it wasn't the hotel, it was…some sort of garden?

[Where is this place? Monica?]

Tch, Monica is unavailable huh? Whatever, all that is left is to explore

The place has a sense of beauty, but dark, dark beauty, I think that works, the colors are toned down, even the grass is more blue than green…hmm…

As I explored, I at long last heard voices, so I followed them


-How are you his sister?! You ugly monstrosity!

I swear to fucking Hylia I might start killing people today

-How can you be the family of our king?!


-You should just die! Stop holding him back!

Ok, no talking, beatdown

I rushed and saw a girl on the ground, various wounds on her, she was crying, she was indeed ugly, quite so, but, I couldn't care less

The people attacking her had…horns, like, goat horns, twisted horns, even she had them, albeit much smaller, I arrived with a drop kick to the one that was about to kick her, a bitch of great beauty, might ruin it by the end of this




They all trembled before my roar, I stood between them and the girl, she seemed to be a teenager like me, white hair, adorable red horns, a white dress with some purple touches, it covered her whole body, she was ugly though, her face was unpleasant to look at…but…ya know? I…didn't think it was right

It felt…wrong to call her ugly, also…she was…familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it


-What is a human doing here?!

-How dare you kick-

-I merely kicked a bitch! What are you gonna do about it cunt?!

-Such barbarism! That's why mortal-

I grabbed his throat

-You say I am a barbarian after ganging up 5 on 1 against a defenseless girl?! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!



I crashed him against the floor

-You are barbarians, so I dealt with you as barbarians should! Harm her again, and next time



Then I kicked the asshole I just crashed at the cowards who fled in terror, without even picking him up

-Disgusting…are you ok?

The girl looked surprised, not scared, but surprised, so I smiled gently

-Sorry, didn't mean to scare you…I just lost my temper when I saw them attacking you…


-Freyr? Uh…no, my name is Eric

-A mortal?

-…Dunno, not sure what I am anymore but, I guess I am still a human, regardless, are you ok?

I offered my hand and smiled kindly, she took it, a noticeable blush on her face…

-T-Thank you

-No problem, those assholes have no right to treat you like that!

-…It's…my fault…

-I doubt it

-It is! My horrible appearance makes everyone uncomfortable and yet…brother still spends so much time with me…thus, spending less time with the nobles of the kingdom…all to comfort me…



-Yeah! He is the older brother ain't he? It's his duty to care and spoil his little sister! So what if those assholes don't agree? Are they gonna tell him to ignore his family because THEY want him?! What gives them that right?!

-You don't understand…brother's responsibility is great…he…

-If he can't handle it while caring for you, then he clearly is not fit for the job!

-Don't talk like that about him!

-Ah, so you are angered now huh?


-Then clearly he knows what he is doing


-So those fuckers's words are hollow and selfish, such words hold no value, if your brother is a good king while also keeping you happy, then who the hell are they to tell him how to rule? Nobodies, so their only option is to attack you hoping you decide to stay away from him


-See? Their words are hollow, and I am sure I speak for your brother when I say that you are not ugly

-Don't pity me, I have mirrors

-Ugh, such pointless vanity


-Yeah, your physical appearance is rough around the edges, but your eyes are the most lovely I have ever seen


-A bright and beautiful red, your appearance will change over the years, but your eyes won't, and they are absolutely lovely, so stop accepting what those worthless goats told you!


-The only words you need to give a damn about are your brother's and the people you consider friends, everyone else can FUCK right off!!

-…Thank you

-Did I get through?

-Yeah…has anyone ever told you how pushy you are?

-But I got the point across, so it clearly works

I said with a shit eating grin, which caused her to giggle

-Eric right? Thank you for helping me…and the talk

-Any day, now, I kinda need to know


-Where the heck am I? I am kinda lost

She seemed to nearly fall before looking at me incredulous

-Y-You don't even know?

-I kinda awoke here, the place is beautiful but…eh, a bit too gloomy for my taste

-…Truly…what a human

She began laughing happily, I smirked, that should make things better for her

-Aren't you afraid those guys will come back with guards to denounce you for attacking them?

-And have them also confess to attacking the king's little sister? Yeah, they won't dare, they can just suck it up and rot

-How fearless…Eric


-This is Dökkálfheimr, the realm of nightmares, made a long time ago, but remains without ruler

-Oh? So this is a nightmare?

-No, you got to the realm itself, skipping the dream, so your soul is here, not your body

-Fascinating, how do I get back then?

-You should wake up on your own…if not, we can ask brother for help

-Appreciate it, well, if I don't wake up in a couple of hours, can we go see him?

-Certainly, what are you going to do on the meantime?

-Well miss, I hope you don't mind me asking

I got close and placed my hand on the top of her head and healed all her injuries, surprising her, before I pat her head gently

-Mind showing me around? I need a guide and I would be honored if it could be you

-A-A-Ah! Sure! F-Follow me!

How adorable she is, a blushing mess, but still, she looked way happier than when I arrived, all right! Let's explore this place while I can!

So we did, honestly, this resembled a lot the fantasy setting I had in mind, nearby the realm of nightmare, was the realm of dreams, by the way, I am not even gonna try to pronounce it! Too hard

Regardless, me and this girl explored the place happily and casually chatting, I told her all about my life, the ups and downs, the training, the near death experiences, the fight against the fucking king of hell which really caught her attention

-You fought Mundus?!

-And got destroyed, the fact that I survived is a miracle, but him not killing me was his biggest mistake! I will kick his ass next time!

-You are a wonder and a half…mortals are usually all very self centered…

-Is it that bad?

-…I can show you


-As the sister of the king I have some powers to see and interact with the human world, would you like to see just how bad it is for others?


-On what?

-Will you allow me to kick ass?

-!!…Ha…hahahahah! Truly…you are fascinating…


-Allowed, have a look

We were in a hill overlooking the city, from there, I was shown some slums, they are as usual a very saddening sight, no matter monsters, there will always be shit in the world I can't fix

-Most human selfishness can be seen when they are at their lowest, but you clearly rose, instead of cracking…like that miserable one right there

It was a man with 2 cute girls, they must be…10 at the oldest, one has yellow hair and the other red hair, they were dressed in rags and their condition was atrocious

-…Dad…what are you doing?

-Shut up! It's time you 2 did something to help!


Suddenly he spoke up

-They may be young but they will satisfy you! I assure you! 40 per hour! 100 for both at once!


-Disgu-?!!? ERIC!!

-40 for-URGH-

I jumped from the portal above and before they noticed, I had already kicked his face in rage and landed before both girls


Suddenly the red head's eyes lit up, despite looking dead a second ago, she grabbed the hem of my shirt

-Sir magician please! Take us!


-If not, please take my sister! Take her away from this bastard!

My eyes felt like they were on fire, instead, I took both of them and looked at the man who was looking at me in shock



Then I jumped back into the tear and landed in front of the ram girl, I placed both girls downs

-Jesus…one sec you 2..

They were looking around in surprise, confused, that is when I placed my hand on both their heads and healed them, their old injuries and wounds faded at once, still, their thin bodies would not resist much longer, so I quickly pulled out some tools and ingredients and said

-Miss, can you please tell these 2 where they are now? I am making something for them


-Here is better than there! Were you really expecting me to do nothing?!

-…No…you reacted exactly as I expected…as a mortal, you have much more flexibility there



She opened another portal after closing the original and I saw another heartbreaking scene, a little girl, dying, fucking dying of hunger at the bottom of a well


-Her mother abandoned her there since she was a burden for her, and her father hated both, so please-

I had already jumped while leaving everything to cook, I jumped in the well and picked her up, her hair is grey but she is so thin…god…I fear she will break if I do something wrong…ugh! First!


-!!!!! Tch…No…sorry…hang in there please…

I begged as I healed her, that should keep her alive in the short term but she needs attention critically, both food and water, so as carefully as I could, I jumped back into the portal and arrived, both little girls were looking in dread at the girl I was carrying

I laid her on the ground and made a bottle of water appear, then gently had her drink, she is conscious so she could swallow, but I am not above giving her mouth to mouth, she is fucking dying for god's sake!

After ensuring she had enough liquid, I made the food, thankfully the first 2 girls were better than she was, not by much though, while goat lady helped me take care of them, I finished making some easily digestible food and poured it for them

-Here…eat, it will help you recover your strength


-I don't need a reason…Jesus…what the hell…

It hit me way harder than I expected seeing reality like that, I knew it existed through the news but…seeing it firsthand fucks you up ya know?…and these are only 3 girls… How many children are suffering like this?!


-Dammit…I have to do more! Far more!


The dying girl asked barely, I shushed her as I kept feeding her…I may not be able to save everyone, but I saved these 3, I will focus on them, afterwards, when I am stronger, stronger than the gods themselves, I will fix this planet! If I can fucking kill Mundus! How hard could ending this be?! Power exist for this! To save others!

I added a lot of magic to my food this time, just to ensure that it provided as much nutrition and strength to these 3 as humanly possible, hell, I was pouring a lot of mana just making sure they were ok

Soon, I heard sobs, all 3 girls were crying as they ate, I positioned myself in between the 2 sisters and pulled them all together for a hug, they didn't resist it at all, hugging me back and wailing


-…Eric…Thank you…

-…It's only logical…anyone who has the chance to save them and ignores them…can't be called a human…


-This…this is why power exists…if no one will fix this…then I will


We spent the next few minutes quietly, goat lady joined in and hugged them too, they are not that much younger than me but…the lack of nutrition has atrophied their bodies heavily…I am gonna have to fuck myself up to save them…but my healing magic should be strong enough!



-Can you save them?

-I WILL save them

-…It'll hurt won't it?

-I don't care at all

-I have a better solution


-These 3 are no longer desired in the mortal world, so why not let me care for them here? There is something called Dream Nectar that will change their race to mine, allowing them to live here

-…Will they also get horns?

She smiled

-No, those are birth only

-Shame, they look adorable

We spent a while together, the girls eventually stopped wailing and enjoyed the food I made, it was the most delicious meal they had in their lives, and asked for more while crying, the gray haired girl managed to recover her ability to move as she huddled close to me, sitting in my lap, I was of course careful when I fed them since if the food is too heavy, it might actually hurt them, I dunno how much time has passed in the real world, but I don't care, these girls need my help, Chun Li and Cammy only need to drag my sleeping self to the arena and win, they will have no issues

After a bit, all 3 girls stared at me, they looked quite healthier already, I tell ya, magic is such a wonderful Panacea, regardless, looking closer, I could make out more details in their faces, the red head girl had blue eyes, her features despite being cute, I felt were…cold, unlike her sister, who is blonde and has purple eyes like mine, she seems to have a happy aura around her despite the horror, and finally the girl with gray hair had hazel eyes, and her features were also delicate, but…I dunno, the 3 seem…so familiar…have I seen them before? Are they legends…?

I can't remember for the life of me…

-…Umm…big brother Eric?

?! Gah! My heart! Holy shit what?!

It was the blonde girl who said that, I recovered and smiled gently while patting her head

-Do tell

-What'll happen to us now?

-…I am not sending you back…not to them, I can't

Red head interfered

-We don't want to go back!

-I don't want to either! Please! Don't leave me!

Gray hair hugged me, shivering in fear, I stopped patting blondie and hugged Gray while petting her head, it seems to have some effect so, I guess this is "Headpat master"?

If it makes them feel better, whatever

-I won't abandon you, I saved you from the well, gotta see things through once you commit ya know?

-Will you adopt us big brother?

Red head called me that too, and my heart received another hit, this reminds me too much of Megan…she always used to call me that to the day I died…this…hurts a bit…

Come on man! They need you! Don't break now!

I began patting her head as well

-I wish I could, but I am not from around here, no idea how to get to my place…miss?

-Sorry…I cannot, your physical body and your soul are linked, you will go back eventually, and even then, you may not be from the same world these 3 are, so I won't be able to locate you

-…I see

-Wait…you are leaving big brother?

All 3 immediately got teary eyed, I quickly hugged them and said

-Not yet! Jeez! Not yet! We still have time! Say, miss, what are the side effects of drinking that nectar you claimed?

-Their bodies will be restored, but they will forget their memories of their human lives

-Doesn't sound so bad

-You saving them included

-NO!! (X3)

?! Jeez…

-I don't want to forget big bro!

-He is the only one who was nice to us! I don't want to forget him!

-He won't abandon me! I don't want to forget him!

Kinda quick on the attachment huh?…How starved are you for affection…?

-Say miss, may I see that nectar?

-Ah, certainly

She made it appear from nowhere


"Dream Nectar (SSS)"

"Turns the one who drinks into a fairy of dreams or nightmares, they may forget their previous lives unless they have a memory they don't wish to forget dearly, that memory will not be erased, previous life will return with time"

Ah, isn't that convenient?

-Well, if you drink it you will gain wings-

-Not enough!

-We don't want to forget!

-Don't leave me!

-Let me finish girls, any memories that you hold dear will remain as long as you hold onto them as you drink, once you drink, you will be able to live in this realm


-We can remember?


-Would I lie to you? Just hold onto those precious memories and you will never forget

Red head looked pensive before getting close and taking a big chug of the nectar, she then was covered in light and began floating, from her back, blue butterfly wings appeared, a rose grew on her head and became an accessory to her, and I swear I have seen her before! But where?!

She opened her eyes, looked around, saw her sister, saw me and smiled, tears falling down her cheeks

-I…I remember…sister…big brother…

Blondie was surprised as her sister hugged her and then me, her outfit had also changed, now being black and gold dress…I swear to god I have seen this!

Next, Blondie took the nectar, she sprouted yellow butterfly wings while her clothes changed to a yellow dress with green marks, and just like Red head, she remembered her sister and me, but nothing about her father, she was fine with that, her attitude now incredibly happy and joyful

-…Only you are left, do you wish to try?

-…What if I don't?

-I will find a way to come get you one day, but it might take me a while…and I am worried about you…I could completely heal you but…

-The side effects might kill you


-They won't kill me, but it will hurt, don't feel pressure about that, I am a tough guy ya know?

I said reassuringly, but she just drank the thing with 0 hesitation, she sprouted red and blue butterfly wings and was now wearing a red dress with some black details, overall, all 3 looked adorable, and like the other 2, she also was delighted to say she remembered me, all 3 were now on me like bees were on pollen, rubbing their cheeks against my chest as I tried to not to laugh at how affectionate they are…kinda feel like cats ya know?

-Didn't think that was possible…

-"Impossible" is an empty word

-How did you know?

-An ability

-You never cease to amaze…Eric, thank you for saving them…I felt so helpless each time I watched them be hurt…I couldn't do a thing myself…and yet…when you arrived…I didn't even need to ask

-I don't need anyone asking to save innocent lives, this is the whole point to my power


The girls were excited to start exploring and testing their wings, so me and goat lady began guiding them, people gave us a mean look while I returned that with a death glare, enough to get them to piss off

After hours of explorations and playing around, the girls all fell asleep on top of me, I was a bed now, nothing I could do about it

-They really like you

-I didn't notice!

-…Must you go back?

-I have to, my friends are waiting for me, but if I can come back to visit, it would be perfect

-You should be able, next time you go to sleep, wish to come back here


That's when I felt different


-Ah…you are waking up…

My body was looking transparent

-I see…ya know, I never did ask your name

-Ah…my bad for lacking manners

-May I have it before leaving?

-Of course…I am Frey-

And suddenly, I woke up back in my bed, it was 7am, I took a shower and got dressed as soon as I could and went to check on Chun Li and Cammy, only to see both were ready

-Eric! What took you?

-Had a nice dream and nearly didn't want to wake up, come on, let's go

-Right behind you!

As we advanced however


[Ah, Monica]

-Master! Where did you go?! What happened to you?!


-I lost you! Your soul and mine separated for the night! Where were you?!

She was incredibly freaked out, so I imagined the gentle hug and for some reason felt shivers


[Sorry, let me explain]

I told Monica what I went through last night

-So, Dökkálfheimr, didn't think you would ever find your way there…!? Master!


-Your bonds!

Eh? I checked and had 4 notifications

"Lady of Nightmare: Freyja"

"400 DANGER! (My kind mortal)"

"The nightmare: Triandra"

"330 Danger! (My savior)"

"Sweet Dreams: Peony"

"270 (Big Brother!)"

"Lewd Dream: Plumeria"

"360 Danger! (My future)"

3 out of 4 are fucking concerning! What are those levels?! I literally just saved them!

-If what you told me is not exaggerated, you just did something insane in their eyes

[Did I?]

-3 had horrible lives and you swooped in like a storm saving them and even curb stomped the guilty party in one side, even granted the 3 new life


-And…Freyja…I don't know master, but it must have been massive for an increase of 400 at once!


So I did know them! They were legends from a different world, I remembered them! Ah shit! Does that mean that Freyja is now obsessed with me instead of Freyr?!

…Actually, that may not be so bad, now she won't grow to hate mortals out of jealousy, and since I saved the 3, she is likely to care for them well…

Let's hope for the best and prepare to fight now

Rider_Blazer Rider_Blazer

Referenced Song

-You’re gonna go far Kid (The Offspring)

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