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37.2% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 16: Battle of One Arrow

Kapitel 16: Battle of One Arrow

A week has passed since Raynor's ritual and Margaery's abysmal attempt to fight back.

The troops were re-supplied and ready to move out. As per the plan, they split the troops in half, leading the force to take on Stannis, and the Fire Priestess is Willas himself with him goes his youngest brother Loras while Garlan stays with the other force.

This was a simple precaution as they don't want to repeat what Gardeners did where the King brought all of his sons with him and died in a Field of Fire.

Sure they are not fighting dragons but having all your Sons in a single place is not a wise move.

They decided to take the Rose Road halfway before turning right towards Stormlands. They are sure that Stannis will come to them, to greet them along the way.

Though what Raynor loved about travelling with an army was that Earth shaking sound when soldiers march it sends that exciting goosebump through the very soul.

After marching for more than half a day it was time to set camp and Raynor being a high-class person had his own Tyrell servants who would erect the tent for him and a bunch of furniture alongside it.

It's first-class travelling in wartime… Honestly, he can get used to this.

Once the tactics meeting was done. Since he will be using wolves and explosive arrows he needs to make sure the Reachmen know what is what.

They might know that Wolf King is travelling with them but they have no idea how or what his exact capacities are, he wants chaos in his enemy's ranks but not his.


While the men were travelling in Raynor's bed the five girls were still snoozing. The Great Wolf has left them extra tired since he won't be able to play with the Ladies.

Though Margaery was feeling a certain sense of ease, she can now finally relax and get a breather.

By the time the sun started to set down, she only then started to wake up. Getting up from the bed to get some water and a few fruits to eat.

As she was about to get into the bed. Something happened to her!

Her world turned dark before she realised that she was in a different place!

'OH NO!!!'

The brown-haired beauty's eyes widened in horror as she realised that this was a tent! A war tent! She was summoned to Raynor's tent as she could see several wolves minding their business with a slab of meat.

"Oh my! My Sweetling is already ready for me." Raynor wrapped his hands around her naked waist and pulled the beauty into his hands.

"...I never dressed up…I was too tired…My Lord…may we rest for the day? Just pure sleep? Please?"

This was it…she started to beg.

"Hmm… I thought you Reach girls are naughty~" He said while cupping her breasts.

"...We are…only that we are not built for someone like you."

"I see… Then I guess, we can declare this as my victory~"

"Total dominance, a crushing victory if you want. I give up." Margaery didn't hide. She just wants to rest.

"Very well, I will grant you that leniency you wanted." He said that he still took her like some doll and placed her in his bed before wrapping her hands around and pulling her close before starting to nap.

Margaery sighed in relief before starting to nap as well…

As morning arrived the girl realised an issue… She had no clothes to speak of!

"Don't worry. You can dress in the leather I have."

As he said that he pulled out a set of leather clothes.

"Besides this is a good time for you to start learning to shoot a bow, and wield knives." As he said that he pulled out a spare ritualistic bow, some Ivory throwing knives, and some regular knives.

" you wish."

There is no way for her to say no, even if her brother would resist, which he won't. Willas has far too high an opinion of Raynor.

If she didn't know better he almost worships him.

And the girl dressed up in his clothes, The Wolf King inspected her from all angles. He not only appreciates how the leather sticks to her assets but he is checking out how well the clothes fit her. He will need to do some alterations later.

"...These are not regular clothes are they?" She said that while trying to move in them. It feels like she could just start running!

"It's my hunting gear. So no, it's not normal. They are ritualistically crafted and they have what I call echoes of the beasts. Something akin to the legacy of the beast which they are made out of. Most of the leather on you is from stags and deers who are known to be nimble and fast.

That's why you feel like you can just move or dash with extra force."

"...That's impressive!"

"Yes. Now let's go get some food to eat before getting shooting practice done."

"As you wish."

The pair left the tent. Some of the Tyrell guards were shocked to see Margaery just walking out of the Wolf King tent. They were not shocked that she was with him, they were shocked that she was here!

As they walked to the main tent where the high command was, everyone was baffled to see her as well!

"Sister! What are you doing here?"

Margaery just looked at Raynor. No more words needed to be said.

"I can summon her at will. Sleeping alone is not fun anymore. So I just pulled her to my side."

"...I see… Though…isn't it dangerous?"

"Don't worry I will send her back when we get close to Stannis' troops. I don't want her anywhere near that Fire Bitch." As he said that he guided the girl to a free seat where he pulled her to his lap. This made her slightly blush in embarrassment! This was not proper at all! Especially in front of the highest of Lords of Reach!!!

Though to her utter bafflement, none of them said anything! Even Lord Tarly who is known as a hardcore Militant and man stiff for rules!

Yet, he utterly ignored this, as if he didn't see anything. Margaery doesnt know but Raynor already killed a few unlucky people who were clueless about his existence. After all, there are always some clueless idiots who are respectful when they see people's clothes and he was wearing full leather…

So they ended up with knives in chests and food for wolves. After that, no one said anything about what he does. Men value their lives.

She didn't know that, so it was strange, eventually she just decided to swing with this. After all, she was already in a hole with no return. She even pulled her girls into this hole. After being treated like some toys for a week, she was pretty sure her girls were ruined for life…

And so, Margaery spent the breakfast feeding him while he was feeding her which was embarrassing and quite fun if not for the fact they were in a military camp.

After food he took her to a shooting range where he started teaching her how to shoot arrows.

The thing was…it was hard to pull the string to the very limit. It would tire her hands.

Yet, he could just shoot and shoot, and shoot like there is no tomorrow.

Then after shooting the bow, the army was ready to move.

Once again to her embarrassment she didn't get a horse, instead, she will be sharing one with Raynor who was waiting for this.

"...You…doing this on purpose."

She sighed as he very casually picked her up and made her sit in front of him.

"But of course. Travelling the whole time without doing anything is boring. So I will have you to keep me company." As he said that he hugged her from behind.

"...And the horse?"

"We have those things at the back. No need to worry about such a simple thing. You Reachmen have them in spades." He said while rolling his eyes. Having a company is a priority in this situation.


She didn't say anything and just decided to accept her fate. The respect she has for the small folk women are growing by the day in her mind.

Not only do they take care of the household, raise kids, make food, and work around the farm. But find time to do naughty things.

Where does all that energy come from? She was feeling dead tired just from morning exercises…

And so Margaery's extremely tiring life continued for over 8 days. One thing is for sure she got better at shooting arrows and even learning some self-defence.

But thankfully she finally got her break when Raynor sent her back as it was time for war.


Stannis looked at the army in front of him. He could see Golden rose banners. The numbers were much smaller than he had expected.

There was some hope after seeing such numbers. He might pull this off.

Soon enough he saw a sign on the other side.

"A parlay? Very well. Let's go and see what they have to say." The Storm King said that as he moved with his elite guards to meet with the Tyrells.

The middle brother was not surprised to see Willas himself leading the forces. What he was surprised by was how healthy and robust he looked.

This was the power of the Great Wolf…sacrificing an animal to give strength and vigour to the man.

"King Stannis. I would hope you would lay down your weapons and surrender. We outnumber you not only in numbers but in other means as well." Willas Tyrell said with a knowing tone.

Something the Stag King knew.

"There won't be any surrender against someone who follows the Wolf King. The man is dangerous and is Chaos incarnate. His mere existence destroyed and killed several Noble houses with proud histories, including my family."

"Oh? You are not going to tell how you sacrificed 10 years of your life to kill your own younger brother?" The Wolf King said from the side. Just telling this made Willas' younger brother pissed off and furious. He was wondering what happened to his lover and youngest brother of Robert.

This made Stannis out of words, how this wolf knows that!? Is his Greenseer power that strong!?

"Shadowbinder magic is quite crude art. Your Fire Bitch after living for over a few hundred years has not perfected this. She should lower the amount of time she looks at the fire."

This shocked the Stag King for a bit as he looked at the woman next to him. The red-haired woman didn't say anything.

"I at least tell you what I am doing. Everyone knows that I take souls as my spoils of war. It's how nature works. Dead animals get eaten by the living ones."

"...Enough talk!"

"Yes, I am pretty sure you can't get out of your head that you've been fucking an old woman in disguise."


Everyone snorted from amusement hearing that. While Storm King turned green and red…

Stannis furiously turned around his horse and left Tyrell's party.

"Gods…what was that?"

"Mind games, my Lord." Randyll Tarly said with a small smirk. He was stiff but the truthful joke made even him smile.

"They are. Now Stannis will be distracted for a bit. I did want to mess with him before I killed him." Raynor said with a laugh before turning and returning to his position.

Soon enough the war horns were blown and the forces of Reach and Stormlands were ready to face once more!

Last time it was less than 15 years ago. Some people even remember or were part of that fight!

As the armies are marching into battle positions. Raynor pulled out his bow and one of the glowing arrows. He then pulled the string and activated the boar totem.

The totem magic flows into the arrow, becoming something akin to a flaming arrow made from white flames.

The Wolf King only needed to find the general location of Stannis, not hard to find… As the man is standing out like a sore thumb with all those banners around him.

He can always trust the medieval battlefield and their obsession with the Coat of Arms.

It's something he loves just as much as any other weeb. But he will abuse this as much as he can!

Without much thought, he released the arrow, which whistled loudly like a beast. The burning white arrow morphed into a boar midday before slamming into Stannis' elevated location.


A cloud of smoke rose high.

Whatever battle formation there was quickly fallen apart.

The battle which Measter remembers as the 'Battle of One Arrow' will go down in history as the weirdest of them all. A Kingdom has fallen because of one arrow.


After crushing Stannis' forces which were routed after a single charge. The Stormlands men scattered into the winds. Taking castles one after another was not a hard thing to do.

Either they give up or Raynor just blows a hole in the gates.

In just a single week the whole of Stormlands was under Reach's control.

Except for the Storm's End.

"...I can feel it. The Keep… it's something about this place." Willas said to the Wolf King.

"Because the story about the Keep is true." The Hunter said with crossed arms. He could feel magic still radiating from the Ancestral Castle of Durrandon or as they call them nowadays Baratheon.

"...Duran Godsgrief? Didn't he marry Elenei, a God's daughter?"

"A daughter of two Gods is a Goddess even if she discarded her godhood for mortal life. You can open any history book and check the records of every single Baratheon…or Durrandon. They all had Black hair and blue eyes. Even after 8000 thousand years, the blood of a Goddess is still something a mortal man can't delude."

Willas gulped down upon hearing that. He thought that this was some story First Men wrote out of boredom…but it was true? Goddess discarded her Godhood and married a man?

"This…what kind of magical powers would Godsgrief descendants have?"

"As a descendant of God of Seas and Goddess of Wind. They could potentially call forth Storms."

"So King of Storm in the most literal sense?"

Instead of saying anything Raynor started to plot how to find the secret room in the Storm's End.

'Edric should be alive. If not… There is not much Durrandon blood left in the world.'

The Wolf King thought to himself as he is trying to remember how many members with that blood remain.

As Night time arrived Raynor dashed at the castle.

Last time Storm's End lasted in a siege for over two years. Though it was a fake siege, even if it was a real siege one would need a 10:1 Ratio to siege this place.

For one…it has a killing area. And trying to take it from the Sea is borderline suicidal as the place is called Shipbreaker Bay. The literal name tells how dangerous this place is.

A gruesome reminder of God's fury on land and sea. Full of sharp stones and strong winds are always present in this place.

As the hunter sneaked to the walls he pulled out his rope and threw it up before swiftly climbing up.

The castle has around 400 men. Enough to keep it secured to some level. But Raynor will make the numbers meaningless as the moment he was on top of the wall. It was considered a victory already.

"Hmm?" A guard heard something before hands wrapped around his neck.



A sound of neck-breaking spread through the walls. The Wolf King dashed forward and proceeded to kill his way through the walls before descending to the gatehouse where he opened the gates and lowered the bridge.

Once that was done he dropped a torch from the gatehouse indicating for soldiers to rush into the castle.

While they are doing that Raynor dashed into the interior of the keep.

His target is Edric Storm, the bastard son of Robert Baratheon.


Sounds of fighting quickly woke up the young King of Stormlands.

To his horror in his room there was someone already. It was a leather-wearing teenager of some sort who was cleaning a bloody knife.

"Relax, I am not here to kill you."


"I know. Not the best way to introduce myself."

"...You are the Great Wolf."

"...Yeah… The Wolf King, The Lord of the Hunt, the one who will swallow the world, the one who Lords over the Souls, yada yada… Still thinking about which title to make it official."

"... That's quite a few titles."

Raynor shrugged at him.

"That's the thing. The longer you are around, the more titles you earn. So if you want to have a fancier title try waging a war.

Your father is a good example, he is known as the Demon of Trident. Kinda cool sounding title."

"...what is 'Cool'?"

"Impressive, or Great…depends on who you ask. Anyway, kid…"

"...I am pretty sure we are around similar ages…."

"Debatable. Once you have 15k thousand people killed by your hand and a few dead Kings then we can talk about who is a kid between us."

Right on cue, the kid got angry and he GOT really angry. He remembered that Raynor was the one who killed TWO Kings. His father AND his uncle!

Though the boy didn't do much, a few smacks around the boy were on the ground.

Twitching from pain.

A few minutes later doors opened and a bloody-looking Tyrell guard saw Raynor sitting casually on a chair while eating some fruits.

"My Lord, the castle is secured."

"Good. Take the young King to a nice cell, I will need him alive."


As the young Edric got carried away Raynor looked at the bloody hand he had. This was the boy's blood.

He could feel some magic in the blood.


"I might have some ideas on how to find those rooms. Making him awaken his magic takes time." Raynor said that while stroking his chin.


For advanced chapters (+11 chapters) mypat : pat




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