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17.56% The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows / Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Kapitel 35: Chapter 35

A/N: This extra chapter is a thank you for the 1,000 powers stones



~Omni pov~

Once morning came you can see Claire laying on Cid's arms with a smile on her face while drawing circles around his chest.

Cid let out a sigh before saying "Although it was fun and I wouldn't mind continuing, we have to get up. You know how mother gets when we're not on time.

And if were late especially today of all days, she's going to give us a long lecture, which I don't want to sit through, so come on."

Claire let out a reluctant sigh and started to get up "Owie" she groaned as she held the side of her hips.

Cid just smirked proudly hearing her cry.

Claire then started to carefully put on her clothes and started limping towards the door, not even bothering to put on her underwear and just held them as she was too lazy to put them on.

"Why don't you just heal yourself"

"It was my first time, I want the pain to last as long as possible to remember this day"

She then slowly closed the door to not draw any attention. And when she fully closed the door she let out a sigh of relief but unexpectedly a maid came around the corner while carrying sheets.

The maid just froze seeing Claire come out of the young master's room and holding her underwear at that, with white liquid running down her legs.

Claire's eyes then narrowed as she gained a crazed expression, she put a finger on top of her lips and ran her thumb across her neck basically saying "Keep quiet, otherwise you're dead"

The maid quickly gained a scared expression and nodded her head rapidly.

Claire's expression then reverted back to smile as she limped her way onto a bath.

The maid just stood there with a stunned expression not knowing what to do or what to even think, she was just paralyzed in shock.

After a few minutes, Cid emerged from his room shirtless while wearing pants.

He closed the door behind him and gave the maid a reassuring smile.

The maid seeing his figure and smile started blushing as steam came out from her head 'No wonder the young lady would commit such an act, everything about him just appears to be perfect. Even though he's young, his figure and smile could just captivate anyone who would lay their eyes on them.'

He then patted her shoulder while still smiling reassuringly "You don't have anything to worry about anymore"

The maid just tilted her head in confusion not getting what he meant.

And with that he started walking away...

As soon as he turned his back towards the maid, the maid suddenly combusted into black flames. The maid tried to scream out in pain and agony but sound just wouldn't come out. She was burnt away, where not even the ashes remained... not even the sheets she was carrying were spared.

Cid's reassuring smile quickly went away and was replaced by a cold and indifferent expression. With a hand on his pant pockets, he started ruffling with his bed hair as he mutter in a cold and emotionless voice "Yare yare daze... that girl is always leaving her mess for me to clean up"

And with that Cid went towards a different bath and got dressed for his sister's party...

[His drip pic]

And with that guest from lower class noble family started appearing one by one. Thus commencing the start of the party.

The party went mostly until late in the night. It mostly consisted of dancing, girls trying to flirt with Cid and not believing how good he looks, to Cid playing a musical note for his sister which touched her, people being amazed at Cid's musical skills... even his parents were amazed, more girls trying to offer marriage proposals to which Claire alway came and shot it down, and one final big dance with his sister.

His dancing was mostly about Claire being the center of attention, as if every move was carefully planned to showcase her beauty to the world...

With one big round of applause the party came to an end.

Seeing everyone leaving Claire came close to Cid's ear and asked "Want to do it again later tonight"

Cid just shook his head "I have something to do tonight so another day"

Which caused Claire to pout and give a reluctant sigh.

Seeing that everyone left, Cid gave out a fake yawn and said "I'm very tired so I'm going to sleep"

The mom just gave Cid a sweet motherly smile and replied "Sure thing sweetie and you were amazing out there today, good job"

Cid while letting out another fake yawn said "Yeah no problem mom" and went back into his room, laid in bed, and waited when Claire would get kidnapped.

Later in the night...

Claire could be seen sleeping a deep sleep, exhausted from everything that happened. From her hours of non stop pleasuring, keeping that fatigue due to it being her first time, getting discovered, party and dancing which just added to her already tired physique, always keeping a watchful eye on her brother so he doesn't get captured by the wondering harlots and more dancing.

So she was physically and mentally exhausted.

After a few minutes the window from her bedroom slowly opened and a green fog started encasing the whole room. After a few minutes people wearing masks started entering the room, a guy most likely the leader can close to her bed and put a syringe close to her neck. Mostly as an insurance as they probably heard of her strength and power.

As soon as Claire felt the cold metal close to her neck, her eyes shot wide open and quickly jumped into action. She suckered punch the guy with the syringe right in the center of his face.

Due to the sudden attack the guy quickly dropped to ground in pain holding his now bleeding nose. She then used the guy crouching as a foothold and and jumped towards the guy that was behind him, kicking him in the face.

What neither of them noticed however was the pair of purple eyes in the shadows overlooking everything.

'I see so they came prepared, they probably heard of her strength and made more preparations. They added muscle relaxers and sleeping powder into the smoke. But it seems they still underestimated her, my precious sister isn't going down without a fight... sighh she's going to make alot of noise and going to wake up everyone' Cid thought as he added a invisible sound barrier blocking the sounds inside.

When she kicked the guy in the face two men appeared at each side of her and took a hold of her arms stopping her resistance. While being held, Claire raised her legs all the way up in the air and dropped down her entire body weight and remaining strength onto the foots of the guys holding her.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

Completely breaking the bones on their feet.

They were about to quickly scream out in pain but stopped themselves not wanting to alert anyone.

Claire suddenly felt weaken and was about to collapse, so using all her remaining strength, she took a deep breath and when she opened her mouth to scream out for help, a hand suddenly came behind her and held her mouth and quickly injected the syringe on her neck.

Claire was slowly and slowly closing her eyes, when she used all of her will power and closed her mouth, that was open and about to scream, onto the guys hand and with a final pull ripped out two of his fingers.

And with that she closed her eyes falling into a deep sleep with blood all over her mouth and two fingers next to it.

The guy who just had his finger chomped off let out a bloodcurdling scream.


The rest of the guys went wide eyed hearing their partner scream and quickly cover his mouth. All that was heard was muffled screaming as another pair of guys went and picked up Claire and quickly left from where they came from, too afraid that they were discovered...

Cid could be seen in his room completely awake looking at the ceiling with a proud smirk.

In the morning...

All members of the manor could be seen at the scene of the crime. While looking at the scene of the crime, the mother could be seen with tears flowing down her eyes, looking at all the blood she thought the worst. She almost fainted when she saw the fingers on the ground.

Cid to reassure his mother knelt down and picked up the fingers.

"Cid quickly put that down!!" His mother shouted

Cid just raised his hand stopping her from continuing "It's not her's"


"It's too long and the textures are rough. Even though Claire trains everyday she always takes care of herself, these fingers aren't hers. Plus I know my sister, she fought back and she fought back hard. I wouldn't even doubt it if someone says none of the blood here belongs to her."

The mother, after listening to Cid's explanation and looking at the finger carefully, calmed down. She then went and gave Cid a hug and said "Thank you honey"

While the baldy of the dad started looking at everything like he was a detective.

"He's right, it looked like she fought back, as expected of my daughter, but it looks like the bandits came prepared as expected they thought very highly of our daughter, how noble of them" The balding old man said as he picked up the powder that was scattered everywhere and took a sniff of it.

As soon as he brought it towards his nose he completely collapse on the ground and started snoring heavily with a snot bubble coming out of his nose.

The mom just looked at this in disgust and disbelieve, wondering why she married such an idiot.

Cid seeing this just sigh and started leaving, but not before saying "If Claire fought back even when under something so potent, I'll say she's fine" and with that Cid left the room with a maid following close behind him.

His mom just looked at her son's retreating back gratefully, for having a son so dependable and not useless like his father.

Cid just made his way onto the study room and sat behind the main desk, with the maid still following and standing right next to him.

Cid then grabbed her arm and pulled her onto his lap and said "You can drop the disguise now Beta"

Beta was now blushing as she was sitting on Cid's lap. She then started to compose herself and pointed towards the map "Master acco-"

"What was that" Cid interrupted.

"Master we be-"

"I'm not listening until I hear a proper name calling from you"

Beta then started blushing even harder and whisper "Lord Husband"

Cid just smiled and grabbed her chin and brought her in for a kiss.

When he let go, Beta's elf ears were just flapping in happiness and excitement not expecting to be treated like that right off the bat, she expected it would take a long while before they became more intimate, not this soon.

Cid started patting her head as he laid back on the chair. "Beta you have to understand, you are now my wife. That means I care about you, you can't expect me to not show affection for the person I care about. Especially when it's a cute elf like you. And just like you're my wife, I am your husband and sometimes this husband want some affection from his wife"

Cid just went back to kissing Beta, who very much enjoyed his domineering side, especially when it comes to demanding affection.

When Cid broke the kiss he returned the conversation back to what they were talking about "You don't have to worry about Claire, do you really think that if she was truly in danger I would just let that happen. I willingly allowed her to be taken, she is protected at all times.

This was a test of sorts for her, I would let the Diabolos Cult kidnapped her and I would see how she would act. If I like what I saw and she fought back excellently, she would have the necessary strength to join us. If not I would have just kept her in the dark, but she did good so she will join. Plus I needed her to see the cult for herself if not she would never have believed me."

"Then does my lor-, *cough*,  Then does lord husband know where she is?" Beta then controlled her shadow and pulled up multiple papers and documents and carefully laid them out on the desk. "As soon as everyone heard of miss Claire's disappearance, everyone in Shadow Garden started searching for her and based on our information network this is what we found.

The members of the cult most likely took her north-" but before she could continue Cid interrupted her.

"You really have to check your information more carefully, if this was a real incident people would have died" Cid then threw a slime made knife in the air as it landed on the south part of the map that was also on the table.

Beta then started to carefully overlook everything and gasp "Your right, the north is only a distraction."

Cid then patted her ass which caused her to jump due to the unexpected hand placement. Cid then said "Get the others... it's time Claire learns the truth of this world"

Beta's expression got serious and collected all the documents and placed them in her shadow and got up from Cid's lap reluctantly and started to sink it her own shadow with a bow.

~Pov Switch: Claire's Pov~


I feel like I was just in a coma and just woke up. I opened my eyes still feeling groggy, I had to wait a minute so my eyes could adjust to the light and once they were well adjusted a tried to move but I realized I'm in a cell chained up.

I then suddenly felt iron in my mouth. 'Yuck I still have that guy's blood in my mouth. And where the hell am I' I thought as I slightly pulled on the chains.

Hearing the sounds of the chains a strange looking guy enters the cell with a chair and locks the cell behind him and takes a seat.

"Well young lady I have some questions for you, and I hope you answer then willingly" the guy says trying to be intimidating.

Wait now that I look closely he looks familiar. "Wait I think I recognized you, your that loser that fought and lost against princess Iris in the God of War festival, Viscount Olba, the loser of the tourneys first rounds of bout"

Tilting my head to the side, his foot passes by my face and hits the wall.

"So you can dodge something that fast, as expected of the one able to injure my men even while drugged up. I expected nothing less from the heroes descendant"

"Heroes descendant? I have no idea what the hell you're on about, the only reason I'm so strong is cause of my brother's training and teachings"


"Yup, my little brother, he's a handful I tell you. His good looks are going to get him in trouble one of these days. So I have to step up and protect him. When we fight I could never win against him, and he's always teaching me things like a know it all, the worst part is that those lessons are actually valuable." I said ranting, finally being able to brag to someone about my brother.

"Anyways let's get this over with i heard you had some questions for me and you better hurry up and send me home afterwards. If my brother knows I'm missing I don't doubt he will come looking for me."

The Olba dude just sneered when I mentioned my brother 'Dumbass, he should have taken my suggestion into consideration.'

"Claire Kagenou have you've been feeling unwell lately? Trouble using magic. Keeping it under control. Black spots on your body starting to rot... any such symptoms?"

The hell? "What, did you just kidnapped me to play doctor, sorry doctor the only one allowed to search my body is only the one I truly love...

Fine I'll play along but no touching okay. As for the symptoms, there was something like that a year ago, but my brother took care of it. He said that I would learn one day what they meant and that I wasn't strong enough to learn of such secrets"

The olba guy then put on a pondering expression as he said "I see so you do have the symptoms, which means you're compatible, I only called you a hero descendant due to your supernatural strength but it seemed I wasn't wrong in my assumptions"

"Why the hell do you keep calling me a hero descendant?" Seriously what's his problem, is he sick in the head or something.

"That's not something you should worry about and rest assured I'll definitely take a look into your brother"

"Phhtttttt" I don't think I can contain my laughter hearing him


Mr funny over here then gained a irritated expression and asked "What's so funny"

Wiping the tears from the corner of my eyes from laughing I replied "Because you think you even have a chance against my brother"

I could only shake my head at his foolishness "Your such a fool my God, even if I went all out, using magic, the best equipment, an army, and multiple beast, I don't think I'll be able to even touch my brother, so hearing someone so weak say that they're going after him is so funny.

Anyways I have places to be so I'll see you later" I said as I use one of the techniques my brother taught me and harden my muscles and just casually ripped the chains right from the walls.

I just grabbed the shackle that was sealing my magic and ripped it right off and repeated the process with the other one.

The grease guy just jumped back in shock "H-H-HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT, YOUR MAGIC SHOULD BE SEALED"

Casually waving him off I said "oh that, it's just a technique my brother taught me, by the way you guys really need to upgrade your hospitality, I mean I sat there with a mouth full of blood that wasn't my own and you guys didn't even offer me water."  I can only shake my head in disappointment.

The grease guy then tried to surprise attack me but when it landed nothing even happened "That wasn't very nice you know"

As I see his expression morph into anger, I can see why Cid likes to tease me alot, this is fun.

"You know I'm feeling kind of generous today, why don't I teach you something my brother taught me" I said as I started to swing the chains.

"Anything and everything can be used as a weapon, he always use to say" I said as I swung the chain across his face and send him flying destroying the chair he was previously sitting on and the door to the cell due to the force of my swing.

As I exit the cell I continue the lessons "Lesson 2 always beat your enemies senseless until they completely lose the will to fight"

I started swinging both chains across his face on the floor to the point where his face wasn't even recognizable.

As I continue wailing at him I heard I voice I've been waiting to hear

"Ha ha ha ha, Nice job Claire"

I quickly stop and turn towards the voice it was Cid and when I turned around he was wearing this beautiful black and golden coat that made his presence even more intimidating.

When I saw him, a large smile started appearing but it quickly froze when I saw him surrounded with so many beautiful women, although they were wearing masks you can just tell they're beautiful.

I just pointed at him and angrily asked "Who are these bitches that are accompanying you"

Did these harlots seduce my brother with their bodies. Those bitches.

Cid just shook his head looking exasperated and said "What did I always tell you about looking away from the enemy"

"Wha-" I quickly looked around and realize this bastard was trying to run away. Just as I was about to follow Cid appeared right next to me and grabbed my shoulder and shook his head.

~Pov Change: Omni Pov~

As Shadow appeared next to Claire he put a hand on her shoulder stopping her.

"Let me take care of it, the girls overthere will explain everything that's happening"

And with that Shadow started sinking onto his shadow and followed Viscount Olba.

Claire seeing this just stood there frozen as she never seen Cid do anything like this before. She was getting more confused then ever.

She then turned towards the 7 girls and saw the multiple bodies of soldiers laying dead before their feet.

"Just who are you guys" Claire asked defensively wanting to know their relationship with her brother.

All the girls then started blushing and Alpha stepped up and held her chest up high and said "We are master's loyal wifes"

Claire's face expression turned cold as she asked "What?" As her magic power start seeping through.

The girls then gained an awkward expressions as they started to basically explain everything from the beginning....

As for Shadow he unexpectedly appeared infront of Viscount Olba as he was muttering "Now I know the identity of the one's that were destroying our bases, with this I'll gain a promotion, with this you will be saved,...Milia"

As soon as he saw Shadow he panicked and quickly took the pills from his suit pockets and downed them all in one go.

The Viscount's body quickly started expanding and growing bigger and bigger and more grotesque. "YOU WILL NOT STOP ME" He yelled as his previous wounds already healed and he pulled out his sword and charged it with a plethora amount of magic power.

He then swung the sword with a huge amount of strength destroying everything on his path...

Except for Shadow as he didn't even gain a speck of dirt on him. He just look at Grease coldly and said in an emotionless voice "How disgusting, how dare you show something so grotesque to these Monarch's eyes. I don't even have the desire to play around with you... Perish"

As soon as Shadow said the word Perish Viscount Grease was cut into millions upon millions of pieces.

Shadow didn't even use a sword, he just used his two fingers and started swiping all over Grease's body.

"Come Forth and Serve"

He said while looking at all the blood everywhere.

As soon as those words left his mouth the Viscount grotesqued looking body appeared looking better than it was previously, he then looked at him as he said "I'm not even going to bother thinking of a good name, I'll just keep your name as Grease."

The shadow soldier now named grease bowed paying his respects and went into Shadow's shadow.

'Sighhh, now I have to deal with Claire, this is gonna be a pain in the ass.

When Cid appeared where everyone was gather, Claire dissappeared from where she was standing with the other girls and arrived infront of Cid with her fist cocked back and punched him right on his cheek.

Due to the force a gust of wind appeared behind him as he just stood in place and looked at Claire in confusion "What was that for"



Claire then started huffing and puffing some more and mutter "seriously what am I going to do with you. I mean why tell me all this now when I'm going to school in the capital today"

Cid just started chuckling

Which cause Claire to glare at him "Do you think this funny."

"No, no, none of that, and you're taking this way out of proportion. I didn't start collecting girls, it was mostly Alpha and the rest that found them, and of course the organization is going to be girls, most with the curse are girls, although boys can get them it's extremely rare.

And you forgot I treated your curse remember and the reason why I'm telling you now, is cause I notice the girls were reluctant to leave as they have to move and operate some things from the capital, so I was going to give them a misson to train you."

"Train me? But I'm already strong"

"Yeah but not their level of strong"

And with that Cid started making preparations to enhance Claire.....



can y'all tell me what y'all thought about Claire's pov....

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