~Omni pov~
It's been a month since Gamma has officially joined and she can be seen tumbling on the floor with a blindfold on her face
Cid looking at her just put a hand on his face and sighed in exasperation.
While Alpha and Beta also had blindfold and were running around in a obstacle course Cid had created using a bit of Earth magic.
Normally Cid won't have such a reaction when someone failed at the obstacle course since it was normal since they couldn't really see but...
Gamma didn't even leave the starting line
Cid then tried to give Gamma a hint by shouting at them "Remember try to get a feeling to your surroundings using your magic. It will help heightened your senses and make them more sensitive"
Sighing he then decided to single out Gamma "Gamma you don't have to rush just one step at a time, there is no time limit. Alpha and Beta are just competitive so you shouldn't be drag on by their flow"
Gamma just nodded as she took one step at a time until she started to get confident which caused her to trip once again when she made it towards the first obstacle.
Seeing Gamma look at the ground sadly Cid just had a soft expression on his face and shook his head with a small smile and to encourage her he started clapping and said "You made it quite far this time. See, you keep getting better after each practice."
Gamma then gained a happy expression and pumped both of her fist in excitement. And got right back up and started the course again but with more determination.
And that's how they spent the rest of the day. Seeing that it was late in the afternoon he said to them "Today you're going to be walking through the forest with the blindfold on. It could be a little trip and also some light training where you all could relax"
And with that they started on their journey...
Cid has made them carry a bag with some heavy weights that weigh 1 ton on each of their backs and made them start walking towards the west in a slow manner and as they walk they started talking to each other and growing closer.
While the walk Cid has to keep grabbing Gamma and moving her towards a specific direction otherwise she would have been lost.
But Gamma was slowly learning, although she sucked with things that had to do with anything physically, her magic senses were coming along just nice although it wasn't the best, she was getting somewhere.
They continued walking until it was night out which Cid then decided to give them a break "You can take off the blindfolds and Backpack we're going camping today."
And as they threw their bag on the ground, the ground slightly caved in due to the weights. They then let out a sigh of relief.
"We got to find wood and go hunting for food and you are forbidden to use any magic."
And with a sigh they soon started searching the forest for anything that could be of use, fruits, berry mushrooms, anything that's edible. Alpha then soon found some footprints on the ground, she then called out to everyone "I think I found something"
And with that everyone soon started following right behind Alpha with slow careful steps...
~Pov switch: ?????~
The hunt... The hunt will keep me alive, the hunt will lead me to survival...
I am the strongest, everyone else is the weak, they couldn't beat me.
*Sniff* *sniff*
"Prey" ????? Growled.
"Food, Food, Food" ????? Kept muttering following the smell.
"I don't need the pack. I'm super strong without it all I need is food and I'll recover, the prey is the key to survival" ????? Kept growling as she followed the smelled.
"My mouth is already watering, i could already smell it. The prey, it will keep me alive and make me stronger to stop the black spots from spreading.
It hurts, but the hunt mustn't stop
It hurt, it hurts, it hurts, but mustn't stop
Keep hunting.
~Omni pov~
????? Even with her body almost about to collapse due to 'Demon Possession' she kept moving on and didn't stop, as she believes that the hunt is the way to survive.
As the daughter of a low rank concubine and a chief who had over a hundred wife's, She wasn't giving proper meals only low amount of portions which wasn't enough to sustain her
She decided that since she wasn't getting proper food she should just get it herself and so she went hunting and when she did, it was unexpectedly easy for her she managed to kill a boar twice her size
And eat every part of it greedily savoring every drop of blood. And that was only when she was 3 years old even her clansman were surprised and such an unexpected thing.
The more she grew and fought the stronger she got and that was all thanks to the hunt, which has solidify itself into something very important to ????? Since it's thanks to the hunt that has kept her alive since she was little
That was unfortunately until she had contracted "Demon Possession".
Due to the strict rules of her tribe any being caught with such a disease would be immediately exiled and hunted down.
Due to her experience she was able to hide and escape the pursuit but by that point her body was already weaken. Which is why she believes the only way to survive is to hunt.
At this point its hard to just walk much alone hunt so with her great willpower she started crawling on the floor searching for any prey to feast on. She then heard a voice
It was Alpha..
"It looks like you could use some help" said Alpha as she reached out her hand to try and heal her like her master once showed her.
And as she reached out her hand ????? Tried to take a bite out of her hand for getting too close
'Prey!!!, I can still hunt' ????? Thought and tried moving once again.
Alpha seeing such determination on a being plagued by "Demon Possession" even though it was close to dying was quite a shock to Alpha.
She then sighed and called out "Master I think I need your help with this one."
As soon as Cid came into view every fiber of ????? Being told her just one thing "Submit or Die"
And as a wolf beast kin with a great pride she did the only thing she knew... roll over and show her stomach in submission. As a wolf beast kin it's in her instinct to submit to the strong especially one far above you in terms of power.
But Cid was just in a whole other level to ????? There was no other option but to submit to him and become a part of his pack.
Cid seeing her show her belly just softly chuckle as he put a hand on her belly and started to heal her.
Alpha was also to the side trying to help and started to treat her.
Once Cid was done he then said "From now on you shall be known as Delta"
The wolf girl then pointed to herself and said "Del-ta?"
Cid just nodded which made Delta nod as well and say with a big smile "Since Boss man said Delta is now named Delta, then Delta shall be Delta"
She then pointed towards Alpha "You, you're probably his second in command, but you're too weak, so I'll be his second in command from now on" she said with a satisfied expression.
Alpha's eyes then grew cold as she raised her magic power and said in a cold voice "Care to repeat that one more time?"
Delta then started to release some pressure on her own and said "I challenge you for the rights to be his second in command."
~Omni pov~
Alpha then turned towards Cid and said "Master can I have the permission to put her in her place"
Due to being the first member and the leader of all future members that join Alpha has taken that role with great pride its one of things she's most proud of.
So hearing someone who just join saying that she was weak and was going to take something that she has great pride in, she took that as the highest degree of insult and such a person should he put in her place.
Cid seeing that it need to happen just nodded "You don't have to worry about hurting her to badly I could heal her up if anything happens"
Delta then gave Cid a thumbs up and said "Okay boss, see you hear even boss man doesn't have confidence in you to win"
Everyone just looked at Delta in disbelieve. Beta then turned her face and cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing "Phttt hear that Alpha Master doesn't have any confidence in you"
Gamma covered her mouth with the back of her hand and started giggling as well "Yeah Alpha Master has no confidence in you to win this" which caused both Beta and Gamma to lean on each other and break down laughing
Alpha's face then grew red from embarrassment and gritted her teeth.
Cid just chuckled and shook his head at their banter which caused Alpha to look at him in surprise not expecting her master to laugh as well.
Alpha then put her head down with her hair covering her eyes.
Meanwhile Delta got on all fours and as she was about to leap towards Alpha, Alpha simply disappeared from her view completely.
Alpha then appeared right infront of her face winding up her fist and as she did she said in a distorted voice "You made master laugh at me, and for that I won't forgive you"
She then smashed Delta's face onto the ground completely caving it in and without giving Delta any chance to retaliate she started to punch Delta's face again and again
Blood was splattering around everywhere, Delta tried to counter Alpha's attacks but Alpha would just redirect the force and continued pummeling Delta
To not kill her Alpha turned her punches into slaps and started to slap Delta across the face back and forth until Cid had to step in and stop her.
"Alpha that's enough she stopped trying to fight for a while now"
Alpha stopped when she heard her master and got off of Delta and once she got off of her, she started to stand up but a bit shakily.
Delta's face at this point was bruised and bloody without recognition, large bumps were sticking out of her face. She tried to take a step forward but fell head first unconscious.
Luckily Cid appeared before her and caught her before she fell to the ground.
With a hand on her head Cid started to use healing magic which made Delta look exactly how she did before the fight started. With a sigh Cid picked her up and put her on his back giving her a piggy back ride as she was still unconscious.
Alpha then shook her hands to wipe off any blood on her hands and as she did she turned and looked at both Beta and Gamma.
Seeing Alpha looking at them, they both ran and hid behind Cid scared incase they were next.
And with that they went back hunting...
It took a while but Delta manage to wake up, she woke up with her head laying in Cid's lap and the smell of cooked meat right infront of the fire they managed to make.
Cid seeing that Delta was awake took a big chunk of the meat and as he was about to give it to Delta he asked "Anything you gotta say to Alpha, Delta?"
With her wolf ears slumb down she turned towards Alpha and said "Sorry for calling you weak and trying to take your position"
Cid then patted her head which caused her tail to wag in happiness and said "Good girl" and feed her some meat. Which made her tail wag even faster.
Alpha who was sitting at the opposite side of the fire just sigh "Fine, I guess I forgive you too"...
And so a week passes with them staying in the forest luckily Cid had the foresight to lie to his parents and say he was staying with friends and they were going out camping and training to get stronger.
Which they believed and allowed him to go since he has shown how strong he is, they have confidence in him to be able to take care of himself. Although it took Claire some convincing to do so.
After a week Delta has manage to fit right in. Now they were infront of a mountain which was close to an elven city.
'I kinda forgot I had gravity magic, I could use it, to make it harder for them to move and make them stronger.'
"For today's training, you guys are going mountain climbing, but that isn't all" Cid's eyes then glowed a bit before saying "you're going to have to do it with enhanced gravity" and with that Cid started to increase the amount of gravity they were experiencing.
Which caused the legs of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma to almost give out, the only one that was fine was Delta due to her beast heritage.
Cid just increased the gravity towards just Delta which caused her eyes to grow wide due to the force and was having difficulty standing straight.
He then pointed to the top of the mountain and said "well what are you waiting for..."
And with that they started climbing the mountain although they had to stop on a few occasions due to Gamma tripping on the pebbles on the ground
It got to a point where Gamma tripped on a rock and had rolled all the way down the mountain while screaming for someone to help her.
And with a sigh they had to wait for Gamma to catch up again.
And as they continued on their hike Delta then started smelling the air.
*sniff* *sniff*
Which she then grabbed her nose with both her hands
"YUCK, it smells like how I used to smell before boss man found me"
Alpha's expression then grew serious and asked "where is it coming from Delta"
Delta while still holding her nose, pointed forwards a bit more upwards into the mountains with shaky fingers due to the gravity.
Everyone then quickened their pace if it wasn't for the gravity they would have sprinted.
After a few minutes they found a blacken body in the middle of the mountains slowly blinking at them.
Cid then just sighed and knelt down and with a reassuring smile just extended his hands and started to heal the body.
What appeared was a cute little girl with light blue hair showing her gratitude. Cid then got her dressed in the customary slime suit.
And as he helped her up Cid then said with a smile "I don't care where you came from, I don't care what you used to be name, and I don't care what you used to do previously. From now on you shall throw everything away from your past except your pride and dignity.
From now on you shall be called Epsilon and you shall become an honorary member of Shadow Garden
Alpha, you know what to do next"
Alpha just nodded with a serious expression.
Alpha then started her usual routine "We follow our Master, the Shadow Monarch, as we fight against..."
Epsilon when she heard everything gained stars in her eyes and said "Woah..."
The other 4 just nodded and said "Woah indeed" at the same time.
Cid then turned towards Epsilon and said "since this is your first day with us, I won't start your training today, you can start it tomorrow."
Epsilon then nodded with a determined expression and looked towards the other 4 members who were still having difficulty standing.
She then asked "What kind of training are you guys doing.
Cid then slowly introduced the pressure of gravity onto her and as she kept getting heavier and heavier her expression grew more shocked until Cid stopped and said "they have to endure this type of pressure, but its much harder on them since they're stronger"
Epsilon then looked at them in shock and in admiration...
And with that they continued their hike with Epsilon following behind asking the other members questions.
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