~Omni pov~
Cid then calmly walked towards the carriage and opened the flaps to get a look inside with one look inside he saw a body with black markings all over it just a few days away from completely turning into a corpse.
Cid just sighed before reaching out his hand to fix the magic overload the body was experiencing, however before he could get started Alpha appeared right behind him with Iron following closely behind
She pulled softly on the long coat of the suit to grab his attention
Shyly she asked "Could you teach me how to do it. I want to be able to help them as well."
Cid just smiled and said "sure" and so with the use of Ruler's Authority he pulled the body out of the cart and held it infront of him he then grabbed Alpha's hand which made her cheeks gain a red coloring showing she was embarrassed.
While holding her hand he guided her magic to slowly fix the body that was suffering from the curse. Slowly but surely the blacken part of its skin started disappearing until what stood floating in the air was a beautiful white haired elf.
Cid then carefully put her on the ground which caused her to wake up from her sleep and as she woke up she didn't feel that agonizing pain she usually felt
The white haired elf then started looking all over her body and once she saw that it was all clear she looked up in surprise and with teary eyes asked "H-H-How is it possible, I was supposed to die, how am I still alive"
Alpha then decided to introduce herself "I am Alpha, and I belong to an organization called Shadow Garden..."
Alpha then went on a long rant about everything she learned and about how her master was the one to cure her and heal her body.
The white hair girl then bowed down towards the floor and with teary eyes said "Thank you, thank you" many more times expressing her gratitude.
Even though she was grateful she was still shocked by all the information Alpha has provided her, it would almost seem unreal if it didn't sound logically and totally plausible.
She then looked at Cid with wonder and gratitude in her eyes.
Cid while looking at her just surrounded her in his shadow and got her dressed in the slime suit making it a perfect fit for her and once he dispelled the shadow he said
"From today forward you shall throw away the previous name you once held and from now one shall be known as Beta
Welcome to Shadow Garden!!!"
And with that Beta has officially joined Shadow Garden becoming the second member to join.
Two weeks later...
Beta's face can be seen to have a green coloring as she kept getting sick after cutting down a bandit after their annual bandit hunting to get more training in.
Due to Beta not being a part of Shadow Garden for long she is still indecisive about what to do with her life and how to go about it, which distracted her during battle.
Which gave the bandit a perfect opportunity to deal a decisive blow on her but before that could happen the head of the bandit just flew off his shoulders.
Alpha was the one who saved her as she has gotten much stronger after practicing her swordsmanship with Igris and all the other knights Cid has in his ever growing army.
After Alpha finishes off the last bandit Beta can be seen still out of it and distracted which causes Alpha to just shake her head and sigh and tried to comfort her
But no matter how hard to tried she still couldn't get through Beta. Alpha last choice was to ask help from her master but before she could ask for help Cid just grabbed onto her shoulder and said with a confident smirk
"Don't worry, I got this".
Alpha just gave him a smirk back having full confidence in her masters ability to be able to help Beta.
And with that they all went to sleep
After a night out bandit hunting, Beta goes to bed in a abandoned house in the middle of a ghost town, which Cid remodeled with the help of his shadow soldiers, and just lays there staring at the ceiling unable to fall asleep properly due to her frequent night terrors
And while still staring at the ceiling she hers a chair next to her bed scoot closer which causes her to jump slightly and when she looked over she saw her master with a book on his hands
She then softly whispered "Master Shadow" due to Cid constantly calling himself the Shadow Monarch both Alpha and Beta have started to call him 'Master Shadow' out of respect.
Cid then looks at Beta with a soft smile and says "So I heard you are having difficulty in deciding what to do next and what to do with your life I hear"
Beta with a bit of hesitation just slowly nods.
Cid just nodded right back and says "very well then I guess I'll just have to share a bit of my knowledge and wisdom with you"
Beta then gets a bit excited about being able to learn new things about the one she now calls master
Cid then proceeded to tap the side of his head as he said "You see in my head there is the knowledge and wisdom that spans across multiple worlds and universes" 'Aka Manga, Novels, and anime' Cid thought the last part to himself.
'As expected of Master, no wonder he's so smart and strong' Beta thought as her worship towards her master increased.
"Are you ready?" He asks her which was followed by Beta rapidly nodding.
Cid then brings his hand near his mouth and clears his throat
"Ahem Ahem Ahem"
And in a deep voice he starts off
"Fame, Wealth, Power..."
he then proceeded to tell the best story that ever existed.
~Omni Pov~
After seeing that Beta was peacefully asleep, Cid just put the book he was holding for decoration on the seat he was sitting on and with a smile sank onto his shadow.
And as he was about to appear in his room he notice that his sister was inside waiting for him. Seeing this he just sighed before appearing outside in the yard by his window.
To make it look like he was sneaking in he started to climb the side of the mansion and opened the window to his room and as he step foot inside Claire cleared her throat
"What could you have been doing in the middle of the night that made you think it was okay to be sneaking around and coming home late mister"
Cid sighed once again and said "Uhhh training"
Claire just gave him an unimpressed look, she then stood up from sitting on his bed and walked towards Cid and grabbed him by his ear.
She then started pulling his ear and started to reprimand him "You're just 10 years old, you should know that it's dangerous to be staying out so late
Why do you always make me worry about you"
"You really shouldn't worry, you do know I'm way stronger than you"
A tick mark appeared on her head showing just how pissed off she got at that statement and said "I'll show you who's stronger" he went to throw a punch to his face but Cid just casually caught it making Claire even angrier
"Just let me hit you once so I could show you who's stronger"
Cid didn't even bother replying to her and just moved behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and picked her up.
While being held up Claire started kicking her legs saying "Let me go and fight me, I'll show you just how strong I am"
Was all Cid said before he proceeded to turn around and suplex Claire into the bed. Which caused her to let out a surprise yelp
Claire then repositioned herself on the bed and grabbed Cid dragging him in as they started to wrestle and turn around on the bed.
They continued twisting and turning and grabbing onto each other until Claire was on top of Cid grabbing his hands and putting them above his head.
Panting a bit, Claire while looking into Cid's eyes said "Who's stronger now"
Cid looking right back into her eyes said "you know I letting you win right"
Claire just continued to look deep into his eyes while still breathing heavily
Claire then started to lower her head slightly while still looking into his eyes and with one final look she closed her eyes and lowered her head right onto his lips.
Causing their lips to connect and kiss Cid.
Her eyes then shot wide open upon realizing what she has done and with a panicked expression she got off of him
She then started scrambling getting off the bed and started sprinting towards the door with tears in her eyes while continuously muttering "I'm sorry"
Claire then left the room closing the door behind her and with her face between her hands started running down the corridor and into her room where she proceeded to get under the covers and bury her face inside her pillow and let out a muffled scream.
She then started to rapidly kick her feet and continue screaming into her pillow
"I can't believe I kissed him!!!"
Meanwhile Cid is just laying in bed with his arms spread out while looking at the ceiling
"...Well that was interesting"
He just shook his head as he drifted off to sleep not even bothering to question what just happened.
The next day with Beta...
Beta can be seen waking up and stretching from having the best sleep of her life
'As expected of Master, thanks to him I was able to have a peaceful sleep, one I hadn't been able to have in a long time' Beta thought with watery eyes.
"I can't wait for master to continue where he left off" Beta said outloud as she got out of bed and got ready for her day in training.
As for Claire...
Claire can be seen looking up towards the ceiling with dark circles under her eyes as she hadn't been able to fall asleep due to her previous actions
'He's never going to forgive me, I took advantage of him' Claire at this point just found it difficult to get out of bed.
After a while she then heard a knock on the door which was followed by Cid saying "I'm coming in"
Before Claire had any chance to protest Cid just barged right in and closed the door behind him and as he did he walked towards Claire's bed and said "What are you doing still laying in bed, you normally are the first one to wake up."
Claire just grabbed her covers and covered her head to stop him from looking at her afraid that he would hate her for what she did
Cid seeing her just sighed before grabbing the sheets and pulling them off of her.
"Just get up already, and if you're worry about what happened last night don't worry about it"
Cid then gave her a playful smirk and rubbed his lower lip with his thumb as he said "As a matter of fact, I enjoyed it"
He then got closer to Claire and lowered his head giving her a kiss on the lips
And as he back away he just continued to give her a playful smirk as he said "There, now we're even"
Claire just continued to lay there on her bed with a shocked expression not knowing what to do next
Cid then started walking towards the door and said "If I don't see you in the training yard after breakfast imma assume you just want another one, so hurry it up"
And as soon as Cid left Claire's entire face turned bright red as she grabbed a pillow to her side and hugged it tight as she started rolling around in bed "He kissed me" she kept muttering.
And that's how the morning started in the Kagenou household.
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