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86.51% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 77: Property Damage

Kapitel 77: Property Damage

~Day after day~

~Bring it home, baby make it soon~

~I give my love to you~


Orario and its entire population clenched their hands in worry and anticipation as thundering footsteps shook the earth beneath their feet even at the great distance its source was. But not even Orario's walls were high enough to block out the view of what was approaching them from the South.

One heavy footfall after another, Godzilla approached the South Gate of the Labyrinth City, his eyes trained on the target that the one who held his bridle gave him. Steve sighed in measured relief that this long day had come to an end. Though the War Game had certainly not taken much of a toll on his body, it did indeed seem to have an effect on his mind (his brain, not his magical energy).

Perhaps all the excitement had fried his brain a little, and he needed some appropriate rest. Over-indulging in the feeling of being overwhelmingly powerful to the point of being untouchable was certainly an addictive feeling.

Made him understand the commonly used expression 'mad with power' a little bit more now. He could see why some people would go a bit loopy with their abilities when they came to know that they were invincible. It was so easy to lose yourself in the ego.

He looked back to where they came from and surveyed his handiwork. Godzilla was tall enough that it provided clear view of the seafront, even if his supervision helped immensely in this case. The hole he'd made in the Dungeon had been completely sealed as he had simply reversed the conditions of it before the War Game had taken place. One may ask how he did it. The answer was very simple.

World Edit.

He'd marked out that place specifically long before the Game for him to pull the stunt off and had used the edit to save the entire area like a memory bite with his command. When it came time to finally put everything back together, he'd brought forth all the measures he'd taken to fix the place up and activated them simultaneously with his skill. That was restricted however just to the hole. It was just a bad idea to leave another entrance to the Dungeon wide open like that. You'd need a tower a hundreds of times wider than Babel to plug it.

Nothing had been down however about the missing storehouses and the sea fort. There was still a giant canyon created by his Hollow Purple that tore across the beach all the way up to the foot of Melen and there was still a giant diamond sword buried in the ground that was now reflecting that rays of the sunset onto the sea in dancing colours. Zuri had decided that he'd like to leave his mark just as much as Steve had done and so they'd left it there. It wasn't like the thing was in anybody's way and in all honesty, it would perhaps provide attraction to the village by Lolog Lake.

Perhaps even become a part of any mystical wonders that existed in this world. Steve knew they existed, like the ruins of Lakrios, the spirit trees of different elven nations which he was honestly interested in seeing. And then not forgetting the greatest wonder of this world, that being the Dungeon.

Yeah, Zuri had pretty much cemented his name in history for generations to come. A diamond sword as big as a skyscraper and heavier than the alpha titan from whose head Zuri had fire the damn thing from, it was sure to stay there for a long time to come...perhaps even forever.

He'd like to see anybody try and remove it.


When they reached the gates, they saw a whole crowd of people waiting there, mostly the city's security and other adventurers who were gripping their weapons petrified. The magic screens had been turned off the moment Ganesha ended the War Game and so they'd had no idea of what else was transpiring all the way in that part of their world. The only thing they got was one of the city's watch pointing out the titan approaching the city now, and anybody would be intimidated by Godzilla's appearance.

The titan had a habit of terrifying even those who knew he meant them no harm.

Perhaps they'd been expecting an attack or something in Steve's opinion. But when the titan was close enough that people were able to get a good look at Godzilla, they calmed down a little...only a little though. Because dotted along the titan's back were all the adventurers who had participated in the War Game, all four contesting Familia astride the king of monsters.

Steve had initially decided to just leave them where they were and let them come back home on their own while he made yet another dramatic entrance with his titan. But Efe had reasoned that after all the torture and trauma they'd put the adventurers through, the least they could to at least be courteous was to give them a quick ride back home.

And like most older brothers, Steve caved in to his baby sister's pleas.

And she was right about the trauma part. Most of the adventurers were still quivering now that the adrenaline of the War Game was over, and they realised that even with the Game being done, they were still at the mercy of the Ptah Familia. Some them jumped in terror simply when he spoke to them. Of course, the more powerful adventurers like the Freya Familia executives still tried to put on brave faces, but it was clear that not even they would risk disobeying anything Steve said. After all, as per the stipulations of the War Game, all the Familia in front of him were now subordinate to his own.

Offering them a ride on the titan was really a disguised order, and whether out of fear or adventurer's honour in upholding the vows of the War Game, they assembled on Godzilla's back and rode him with what was no undoubtedly and uncontestably, the most powerful Familia in the whole damn world and pretty much of all time in adventurer history.

But besides their armed reception, Steve could see plenty other people waiting for him on the wall above the gate itself. There was Ptah with his hands on his hips sporting a wide grin as behind him stood a placid yet intrigued Freya as she eyed the titan, getting to see in all its glory. And behind the love goddess was an infuriated Ishtar and a petrified Apollo who seemed to be trying to crawl away, except that his robes were being held by a stoic Gareth.

Loki and her kids were also there to greet their friends, foremost of them being the two women Steve loved most as both Tiona and Ais leaned over the edge of the wall and waved up at him, prompting him to wave back. Standing besides Ptah was Hephaestus, and surprisingly Ganesha as well who seemed to be more excited at the sight of Godzilla than anything else.

Godzilla's foot stomped in front of the gate as he left a deep imprint in the ground, and he blew steam out of his nostrils as he looked down at the tiny people collected before him. He then began to look over the city he was outside of as civilians began moving as far away from the South Gate as possible, even going as far as leaving their homes and just fleeing in pure terror. One by one, the adventurers who'd hitched the ride began scaling down Godzilla's legs as Steve prompted Godzilla to lower his head enough so that they could step onto the wall.

The Freya Familia executives pushed past the Ptah Familia as they immediately returned to their goddess, their ears drooping as they failed to meet her eyes, while she just gave them gentle smiles.

"Lady Freya." Ottar said as he put a fist on his heart, his face wracked with shame and humility. "Forgive us. We have failed you. We promised to bring you victory and honour on the battlefield...but we have brought only failure."

"Not to worry Ottar." Freya said as she put a gloved hand to his cheek and made him lift his face up so he could meet her eyes. "The fault is mine. I put you in a position you were not ready to be in. I carelessly threw you all to the lions due to my own arrogance. It was my failed estimations that landed us in this ordeal, not you. The fault is mine and mine alone. There is nothing to forgive." Freya pulled her hand away and directed a discreet, loving gaze at her (secretly favourite) child. "I'm just happy to have all of my children back, alive and accounted for."

"We are unworthy of your benevolence." Her Familia said to her, their heads till bowed.


Steve shook his head as he ushered his own Familia forward and off Godzilla's head, and he watched as they surrounded Ptah while he congratulated them with the biggest and most cockiest grin he'd seen on the Primordial's face to date. He decided to ignore Ptah for now and instead focused on his two favourite people in this world as they both cautiously came forward to greet him while also casting wary looks at the titan he stepped off of.

Tiona came first as was customary and he wrapped his arms around her as they both shared a very deep kiss, enough for her to stand on her toes as the air was sucked out of her. They broke away, giving her a moment to heave before he placed a couple on her jaw and another on her neck, making her gasp at his audacity.

"Really missed me huh?" She grinned.

"Yeah." He admitted. Where was the shame in a warrior admitting he missed his wife while away in battle? "So...did I surprise you?"

"Yeah, you sure did." She nodded before her face became sly. "~I've cleared my schedule for the night~"

"You didn't have anything to begin with." He smirked at her before putting his lips near her ear. "You can't exactly resist me either. You're an Amazon through and through."

"Alright enough." Tiona whispered as she looked to the side. "You're making Ais jealous again."

"Oh right." Steve said as he looked over at the blonde kuudere who stared at him expectantly. He opened his arms. "Come on Ais. I haven't forgotten you either."

Ais smiled at that, and after casting another glance at Godzilla who was still looking at all of them, she wormed her way into his embrace and also kissed him, while he her held her chin the way he knew she liked. With Ais, he seemed to reserve the chin tilts for her alone. Upon her he lavished his more romantic side.

Tiona was just a hungry animal, so he didn't need to treat her the same.

Loki kissed her teeth at the display, still not used to it but ignored it this time in favour of looking at Godzilla as deep rumbles emerged from his throat.

"That's one scary looking fella ya got there boyaaa!" She said to Steve. "What is he? Some type of sea dragon?"

"No clue." Steve answered as he held Ais. "He's a reptile that's for sure. But he's definitely not a dragon. As a matter of fact, he hates dragons as a general rule."

"He does?" Ais asked him quietly.

"Yes." Steve said in the same volume. "He hates them even more than you do...I can guarantee you that. Let's just say his experience with dragons has not done well on his impression of them."

"Right." Ais looked up at the gigantic monster looming over the city as he cast a long shadow over it. "...Is he friendly?"

"For the most part yes." Steve said as he looked at the titan and raised a hand.

Godzilla saw this and leaned his head down again low enough so that his nostrils were in line with the top of the wall. This action made his dorsal plates stick out even more as the last of the adventurers hopped off of him. Ais realised just how small she was next to this thing...Godzilla's head was big enough to crush the Twilight Manor if he ever fell on it. And from this distance she could feel heat emanating from the titan's body as his breath ruffled all their clothes and their hair.

Steve grabbed her hand and gently guided her forwards, and she nervously followed. Her boyfriend understood her hesitation and went at her pace, just as he always promised he would do in anything they did together. She could admit to herself that she would not have approached the titan without him.

Steve opened her palm, and slowly pressed it against a singular scale on Godzilla's snout. Ais's eyes widened in interest as the rough and sandy texture of it, and at how hot the scale was. It felt like she'd put her hand on a cooking pot just on the verge of cooling down...though she felt that this sensation would be very welcome in cold weather like winter.

"He's...warm." She said with surprise.

"That's one way to put it." Steve laughed. "Wait until you see when he's really angry. His skin becomes so hot, metal melts around it."

At that Ais removed her hand and looked at him, searching for some sign of a joke from him, but even in his laughter, he was dead serious. Tiona bounded up and reached out her palm.

"My turn!" The Amazon yelled as she pressed her hand against Godzilla's snout. "Mmm, toasty!"

"Why did I have a feeling you would say something like that?" Steve asked rhetorically.

"I AM GANESHA!" The elephant god came rushing over as he stared up at Godzilla in awe. "What a majestic creature! What are you going to do with him? Have you got a giant cage or something?"

"You think this creature could be contained by a cage you dumbass?" Ptah asked him as he tutted.

"It was just a suggestion uncle!" Ganesha protested before holding his hands up as Ptah pointed the sceptre at him.

"We're not caging him." Steve said as he leaned forward and grabbed Godzilla's chain bridle. A moment later the thing disappeared as Steve sent it to his inventory and Godzilla was freed. "He's too big to just treat like your usual monster. I promised him his freedom if he helped out in the War Game and I intend on delivering my promise."

Godzilla stood up to his full height as he stretched his neck and released his signature roar. Now that he was no longer responsible for anything, the titan began casting his eyes over the city and actually observing it now, drinking in the sights before him.

It looked over to the east of the city and the people below seemed to noticed from Godzilla's demeanour that something had caught the monster rex's attention. The titan began walking away, his footsteps shaking everything as usual as he began walking along the wall and around the city to reach the East of it, his gaze fixed on something specific.

"Where is he going?" Finn asked as he watched the 400 foot tall lizard walk away.

As Godzilla walked, he was visible to everybody within the city and the civilians watched with equal measure of awe and terror as the monster crossed their line of view on the outside and circled their city. Steve looked in the direction Godzilla was headed and happened to notice a very famous and particular structure in that part of the city, one that prominently stuck out as very little else surrounded it and it towered above most buildings in the city.

The Amphitheatron.

"Uhh, Lord Ganesha." Steve pulled on the god's arm. "There isn't anybody at the colosseum now is there?"

"No. There shouldn't be." Ganesha said. "My Familia will be back home and all events were cancelled after they cleared it when the War Game ended. Why do you ask?"

"...It seems I'm about to owe you a lot in property damage in a few seconds." Steve said flatly as the titan finally reached the part of the city wall next to the giant arena.

Godzilla stepped over the city wall, his tail dragging behind him over the stone structure as some of the top was shaved off by the heavy appendage. The titan then walked up to the Amphitheatron and shoved his head through one of the arches, collapsing the whole wall through as he stepped into the arena, shattering the stands and the seats as he destroyed one side of the colosseum to get in. The wall was not completely destroyed where he had stepped in, but the top half of it was now fully missing as the area around it became a wasteland of debris.


Godzilla turned around a few times before lowering his body in and curling up, resting his dorsal plates against the seats before tucking his head in, his tail drooping out of the hole in the wall he created as he shut his eyes with a satisfied rumble.

Everybody just stared at this dumbfounded before all eyes turned to the Ptah Familia, most particularly Steve as he slapped his forehead, before sheepishly looking around at them. He then took a deep breath and turned to Ganesha.

"How much do we owe you?" Steve asked.

"...NOTHING!" Ganesha said excitedly. "I have an otherwolrdly creature sleeping inside MY Amphitheatron. You're asking me to put a price on that? Never! You don't owe me a thing!"

"Not sure your Familia is going to agree about that." Hephaestus muttered. "Shakti is not going to be happy about this."

"She'll get over it." Ganesha waved his hand about.

"Has anybody ever told you that you're a chill dude?" Steve asked.

"I AM GANESHA!" Ganesha flexed his arms. "I invented 'chill'."

"...With that last piece of weirdness, it's off to Babel." Ptah said as he pointed at the younger eight in his Familia. "You lot can go back home. Steve will accompany us to Babel to sort a few things out."

"Sort what out?" Alex asked as she looked at Steve. "What's going on?"

"Oh nothing." Steve said. "Just that it's about time things that have been only talk up until now actually go down on paper, to solidify connections and..." Steve looked at Freya, Ishtar and Apollo. "...make sure that others keep to their word."

"Well come on then Finny boy." Loki said as she pulled the Pallum into headlock. "We're going too!"

"I already knew that." Finn said. "Or have you forgotten I was the one that suggested we do this after the War Game ended?" 

"I just want to get it over and done with so we can party!" Loki pumped her fist in the air.

"Party?" Steve asked.

"You can't be serious." Tione said. "You just won a War Game against three other Familia. If that's not something worth celebrating, then I don't know what is! Even if it wasn't too much work for you."

"Ptah?" Steve looked at his patron.

"Yeah why not?" Ptah said. "After we're done with our business, let's head up to the Manor and have fun. There are still some luxuries that they didn't get to enjoy last time we had a part there. Let's all make this night fun."

"Right." Steve said as he cast one more look at Godzilla sleeping in the colosseum before he sighed. "Onto Babel it is."


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