The system announcement struck fear into the hearts of the players, rendering them speechless as they glanced at the system.
"We'll still die anyway if we stay in this supermarket and allow the other group to kill the fourth pawn. We should at least make an effort by going into the street and finding the fourth pawn. We can pass through the street without alerting any monsters if we stick together," said Rosa, breaking the awkward silence. "It's still better to try than not trying and waiting here for death," she added, pointing to the snare beast, which she referred to as Death.
"I accept! We have guns, let's use them to protect ourselves just in case," said Logan, noticing the questioning looks from the other players. "I know the guns may not have any effect on these monsters, but we can keep shooting until we get away from a monster if we're trapped. It might not kill them, but at least the gunshots would give us some time to escape if we're trapped by a monster."
The snare beast soon regained consciousness and spotted the players, who were already trembling in fear.
"Get out of the supermarket, everyone!" Axel yelled. The players quickly grabbed guns and fled, running into the chaotic streets.
The streets were in ruins, with monsters wreaking havoc. The sound of people's screams and agony filled the air, and there were countless lifeless bodies lying in pools of blood.
The rain soon began falling heavily with heavy thunderstorm. As the rain poured heavily, washing away the blood, Axel continued to run at full speed, trying to escape the monsters.
Night came quickly and the rain showed no signs of stopping, likewise the monsters continued wreaking havoc.
Axel had been running all day, and still he showed no sign of tiredness, and even though it felt like his lung could blow off, he still kept on running soon he noticed that the other players were missing, except for Ave who continued running with him all day.
"Where did the others go?" Axel asked, still running without looking back.
"Darn it! We got separated," said Ave, still running at full speed beside Axel.
"We all said we should stick together, so what the hell is wrong with them?" yelled Axel, his tone laced with anger as he continued to run with Ave.
(The next monster is about to show up.)
(The razor wing!)
"Razor wings? I've heard about them in movies. They're very dangerous monsters," said Axel, still running at full speed. "The Razor Wings are among the most fearsome of the Snarebeast's many appendages. Their wings are covered in razor-sharp blades, which give them their name. The blades are a deep, metallic black, glinting in the light like blades of obsidian. The wings are large and powerful, capable of slicing through flesh with ease."
"Darn it! We're in serious trouble this time. This monster apocalypse won't stop unless we kill the fourth pawn," said Ave, still running alongside Axel.
The two of them ran for long distances, shooting their guns at the monsters when necessary and giving themselves a chance to escape when trapped.
"Here!" Axel said, urging Ave to take his hand. She did, and he pulled her into a nearby building.
"We escaped," Ave murmured under her breath, panting heavily.
"I thought we were going to die out there," said Axel, still catching his breath. Once he was okay, he raised his head and saw hundreds of people sitting on benches, fear written on their faces. Looking around, he realized they were in a Catholic church.
The cathedral air was cool and still, as if the monsters hadn't invaded there yet. The light from the stained glass windows bathed the space in an ethereal glow, casting a rainbow of colors across the floor. The walls were lined with statues of saints, their faces serene and pious. The altar was a massive structure of stone, with a large crucifix at its center.
"Holy Mary, mother of Jesus, please protect us," said a man with short black hair and glasses, clutching the cross on his chest.
"I guess I have to start believing in God now. Look, the church is still standing even though the monsters are wreaking havoc on earth," Ave said with a smile as she knelt in front of the altar, bowing her head in worship.
Unfazed by her theatrics, Axel walked over to the other players and sat on the bench, still holding his gun.
"Hey! Among you is the fourth pawn. Who exactly is the fourth pawn? Come out here and let's kill you once and for all, you motherfucker," yelled a man with short, dyed blue hair and a scar on his face, giving off a dangerous vibe like a typical gang boss. "Is it you?" he continued, pointing at Axel, while the other players looked at him with fear.
"Oh holy Mary, mother of Jesus!" exclaimed the short man with black hair once again, clutching the cross to his chest with a fearful expression on his face.
"What do you mean?" Ave asked, finished with her worship and approaching Axel and the blue-haired man, who were locked in a fierce stare. "He's not the fourth pawn, okay? We've been together the whole time."
"It's not written on our foreheads, you know," the blue-haired man replied with a smirk. "It's been a day since the monster apocalypse started, and the fourth pawn hasn't been identified yet."
Suddenly, seven men emerged from the group, each brandishing a gun and wearing a fierce expression. They quickly surrounded Axel and Ave.
"What the heck are you trying to do?" asked Axel, his tone laced with anger.
"We're the ones in charge of these people. Drop your guns or walk out of this church now," said the man, his voice commanding and authoritative as he fixed his gaze on Axel.
"What? I'm not going to do that! I have no issue with you protecting these people. I'm also protecting myself with this gun," replied Axel, with a fierce look.
"If you're not going to drop your guns, then walk out of this church. The monsters are waiting to make you their dinner," said the man.
Ave quickly moved forward and dropped her gun before turning to Axel. "We should do as we're told. We're safe now, and we wouldn't want to go back to face countless monsters," she said. Axel threw her an angry expression, but she paid no attention as she grabbed the gun from him and handed it over to the blue-haired man, who collected it with a grin on his face before walking away to address the other players.
"Are you insane?" Axel asked, his gaze fixed on Ave and anger evident in his voice.
"Do you want to face the monsters once again? This place is the only place that the monsters haven't invaded yet. And if we want to stay here, we just gotta do what they want," Ave replied as she rolled her eyes and walked away from Axel, joining the other players on the bench, leaving Axel staring at her in utter disbelief.
"I'll have to fish the fourth pawn out by myself, I guess," said the blue-haired man with a serious expression. "I've been patient enough, you see."
"Holy Mary, mother of ....., "
The man with short black hair was abruptly silenced by a gunshot to the head, causing panic among the other players.
"What? You said you were supposed to protect these people. What are you doing now?" Ave asked angrily as she approached the man with blue hair.
"Protect? Did I say that? Oh, that must have been a mistake," the man replied. "You're on your own in this situation." He then aimed his gun at an old woman and shot her in the head.
Panic and fear filled the air as the players rushed towards the exit, but the blue-haired man continued to shoot at them, signaling to the other seven men who also opened fire on the players.
"I've been patient enough, you motherfuckers! By the time I kill every one of you, the fourth game will come to an end!!" shouted the blue-haired man, intensifying the shooting of his gun.
"What the heck? What if you kill every one of them and the fourth pawn still isn't here? What would you do then?" asked Axel, his expression angry.
"What would I do? Of course, I'll keep killing people until the fourth game comes to an end," replied the blue-headed man, continuing to fire his gun at the players.
"I'm the fourth pawn!" yelled Ave, her expression angry, causing Axel to shift his gaze to her with a questioning and shocked look and the blue-haired man to shift his gaze to her, pointing the gun at her head.
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