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36.36% Danmachi: A Little Fox {Completed} / Chapter 3: A Flourishing Spark

Kapitel 3: A Flourishing Spark

(A/N: Normally, I would put these at the end of the chapter, but I just wanted to inform those reading that they must not use their Power Stones on this Fan-Fic. It's honestly not worth it, I guarantee that there are better Novel/Fan-Fics to use them on, ones that will potentially earn you more chapters. All I ask is that, if you want, read through the chapters available. Nothing more is needed from you; the reader, other than your potential enjoyment from something born from my free time… 92 Words.)

It took a number of hours for Sayuri to find a semblance of calm, and process that she had truly killed someone. While that didn't really affect her mental state, it gave reason to her imprisonment.

Despite her dislike—disgust at being chained, shackled and at the stifling of her freedom. Sayuri understood that laws had their due process, and with her having killed a man in the street; despite it being self-defense if even a little extreme, it would be unbelievably odd and suspicious if she hadn't awoken in a cell…

With such a line of thought dancing through her mind, Sayuri decided to occupy her time by running her fingers through her tail allowing the sensations that came with such caresses to engulf her mind as her senses retreated in an attempt to ignore the cold metal encasing her neck.

A tune surfaced in her mind, and she allowed it to play, a soft hum slipping from her lips subconsciously…


[8 Hours Later]

Ottar stepped out of the dungeon, momentarily blinded by the bright midday sun, as it lingered high in the air. He moved swiftly, deciding to turn in the spoils of his Dungeon Dive later on in the day in hope of catching Sayuri before she ran out of meals. As he had eaten the last of what he had stored while in the dungeon, and that was already a few hours ago.

He hoped he would be able to taste the Little Fox's food before he headed to sleep, thanks to the exhaustion built up from hunting, and dismantling monsters all night long.

Though his hopes were smothered when he arrived in front of the empty lot, where Sayuri would normally be found during this time of day. The only thing that found his view was an empty stall, and a crowd of adventurers talking amongst themselves…

However his enhanced senses picked up a conversation that caused him to pause, "I still can't believe that kind, beautiful young woman killed somebody—"

"Tsk, who would dare attack the Foxy Priestess?"

"I heard it was a Level 3 from outside of Oriaro—"

"Yeah, apparently he was thrown out of the Hostess by Mia—"

"Y'all are late, we've been discussing this for hours! Look, Theo here saw the whole thing himself!"

Ottar's gaze locked onto the young half-elf, and with a heavy step fueled by his Level 7 Status, Ottar appeared before the man named Theo, causing no small amount of commotion as the Boaz grabbed the man and lifted him to eye-level, his tone deep and solemn, "What happened? Is she okay? Where is she?"

The half-elf tensed as the large hands locked around his arms, and easily lifted him from the ground, while his eyes went wide with worry as the 'King' stared at him with a piercing gaze, "I— She—"

He stuttered for nearly half a minute, it was the only sound in the silent crowd as Ottar's presence slowly became suffocating. The boaz couldn't fathom how anyone would want to injure the demure, kind, and 'frail' Little Fox. A frown quickly formed on his face, as his tone grew deeper, louder, "What… Happened…"

The half-elf's face slowly gained a purple hue, as a rabbit-kin stepped forward, "Uh… would you let him down… I don't think he can breathe…"

Ottar's gaze focused back on to the Half-Elf, and he quickly released the man, who immediately let out choked greedy gasps for air. It took him a long minute to collect himself before he began to speak in a trembling tone, "It— It was last night, just before the sun fully set. Some random adventurer was causing a scene, and tried to grope Chloe; you know how that goes—" he stiffened as the intensity of Ottar's gaze grew, hurriedly he continued, "After Mia threw him out, I figured I call it a night, usually after someone get thrown out the alcohol never stops flowing and I—" once again Ottar gaze intensified, and the Half-Elf gulped…

"When I stepped outside, I found Miss Shizuka stumbling back with a bloodied nose and a look of fright… Sadly, I'm only a Level 1 and couldn't hope to protect the Little Fox…" His voice gained some confidence, as his eyes gleamed with a mixture of pride and awe, "Though I couldn't believe my eyes as Miss Shizuka beautiful chanted, her steps never faltering as a wave of blue encased her beautiful—"

He gulped as Ottar narrowed his eyes, "—body… Every attack the drunken man threw at her was blocked by a memorizing shimmer of blue, that carried a similar depth to her entrancing eyes…"

The half-elf trailed off, only to be pulled back into the story by an agreeable grunt from the boaz, "She masterfully danced around his blows, her magic blocking them with an expert showcase of Concurrent Chanting! However, even with her elegant display, she was constantly forced back. Wholly unable to counter any of the man's blows until the light in her eyes changed! It was like watching a puddle of water turn into a roaring inferno as she slipped past his guard—" The half-elf's palm gently laid upon Ottar's chest, with an exaggerated gracefulness, "Her palm laid upon his chest exactly as I just showed as a chilling voice left her lips in a chant 'Imbue—Death'! It was amazing! There wasn't even a sign that she used magic! The man just fell over! Dead!"

Ottar nearly growled, "What about Sayuri?!"

"Mhm…? Oh! She was inflicted with 'Mind Down', some idiot left to inform the guild, and the GLD came and took her away. Finn tried to stop them, but since Miss Shizuka has no ties to the Loki Familia, there wasn't much he could do. I'm just as surprised as you that she hasn't been released yet, everyone that was there gave an account of what happened, and it was obvious that it was self-defense. Hell, if you attacked me out of nowhere, and I could only barely defend myself but had a method to instantly kill you to save my life… I would have done the same."

The half-elf finished with a shrug while Ottar's gaze shifted into the distance in the general direction of the Guild Headquarters before sprinting away, leaving the crowd to gossip around 'Little Fox's Meal Stall'.

He burst through the Guild's doors uncaring as they flung off their hinges, and the screams that followed his destruction. He moved to the counter, and forced his way through ignoring all the words of protest that came his way… Ottar was the strongest in Oriaro, there was no one who could hope to stop him…

He quickly found a Sub-manager and lifted him by the collar, as he growled, "Where is she?"


Sayuri's tired eyes fluttered open as a familiar set of footfalls found her ears, a hoarse exhausted mutter slipped from her lips, "Ottar…?"

It hadn't taken long for a conversation to find her ears, "You can't do this—"

"I can…"

"What about the damages—"

"Freya will deal with it…"

"I can't just release a pris—"

"You will…"

"No! I can't! The guild hasn't decided—"

"I have…"



Sayuri stared at Ottar as he stood outside of her cell, his eyes locked onto her filth ridden form; just being present in the unclean cell had stained her milky skin with a thin layer of filth, his eyes took in her torn kimono, the blood and dirt that stained her face…

The streaks from long dried tears that shown the difference between the filth that coated her, and the flawless milky skin underneath… His hand grabbed the cell door and it groaned under the pressure of his grasp before he plucked it from its hinges. Ottar tossed the unfamiliar man into the cell, while pointing at Sayuri's confused frame, "Release her…"

"I can't!"

Ottar's frown deepened, "You can… because I'm telling you to."

"No! I can't! I don't have the key!"

Ottar growled, "Why didn't—"

"I tried! You think I want to die because some Kitusne—"

Ottar roared his fist slamming into the frame of the cell, "SHE HAS A NAME!"

The cell trembled, and Sayuri's eyes widened…

She choked as a feeling she'd never felt before welled in her chest, her voice soft and velvety, and found his ears like a light drizzle on a dark day, "Ottar… I'm fine… It's okay. You don't need to act like this… I'll be released—"

Ottar's hardened expression crumpled at her soft, intoxicating tone, "You should have already been released…"

Sayuri's expression immediately devolved into a feral frown, her pupils contracted as they locked onto the unfamiliar man, silently pressing him for an explanation, that she didn't bother waiting to hear, "I pray that you have an explanation, or may endless nightmares plague your dreams…"

The man shivered as a cold sensation welled in his chest, "I-I don't know! I wasn't even informed of your crimes! I swear!"

Suddenly a presence touched upon Sayuri's senses, having abruptly appeared in the cell was a young man with a roguish smile, and a feathered cap, "It was me, now Little Fox would you dispel whatever curse you bestowed upon that man. He's quite good at his job, and I believe Ouranos would be pained to find that he could no longer do it because of a lack of sleep."

"Hermes…" Ottar growled, while Sayuri's gaze drifted to the man as he slowly approached, a key appearing in his hand…

"Why…?" Sayuri couldn't stop the question from slipping past her lips, her violent, enraged tone filling the cell and bringing a halt to the man's steps as he loosely held the key.

"Mhm…? Oho, you're serious. I thought it would have been obvious, considering your circumstances… You are not of this world. That body you wear, is merely a product of Divinity… A divinity that far out-ranks anything the Gods who have descended are capable of wielding… You are a dangerous variable that must be kept under a watchful eye—" Hermes popped out of existence before reappearing across the room, evading Ottar's attempt at snatching the key.

The boaz slowly spoke in a low tone, while Sayuri's eyes glossed over, her gaze growing distant, she could no longer make out his words as her focus locked onto the windows in her vision.

[Status Updated! Title Gained! (Otherworldly Being)]

[Status Updated! Due to the effect of Title (Otherworldly Being), the Host is no longer constrained by the Laws of the Universe! The Will of the World smiles down upon you! Positive Trait Gained! (Otherworldly)]

[Status Updated! The Will of the World wishes to bestow upon you a Title! (Hero) Do you accept? Y/N]

[Status Updated! Stats Unlocked! Skill Gained! (Ignes Lumen)]

[Status Updated! Positive Trait Gained! (Divine Vessel {Sealed})]

[Status Updated! Due to the Presence of Will of the World, your Divine Vessel has had its Divinity Sealed! The Will of the World smiles sadly, offering a delayed apology! Do you accept? Y/N]

[Status Updated! Title (Hero) Rejected! Apology Accepted! The Will of the World broadly smiles down upon you as it exercises its strength in hopes of swaying your decision! It vaporizes your shackles!]

[Status Updated! The Will of the World wishes to bestow upon you a Title! (Hero) Do you accept? Y/N]

[Status Updated! Title (Hero) Rejected! The Will of the World conveys that it understands, but will never stop trying, offering the Title (Hero) once more hoping that you won't immediately reject it! Pleading that you'll save your decision for another time! Do you accept? Y/N]

Sayuri blinked away the numerous windows as the weight around her neck, and the bindings of her body simply vanished. Hermes stumbled back as he stared at the Little Fox, while Ottar stiffened as she slowly rose to her feet.

"Wha…?! How?!" Hermes fumbled, trying to understand how the Emperium chains that bound the otherworldly being simply disappeared.

Sayuri stumbled, her exhausted legs too weak to wield her weight, but Ottar caught her his arm wrapping around her waist. Stopping her descent, in a soft voice she whispered, as a heat briefly rose to her face, "Thank you…"

Ottar hummed in acceptance, as despite his light, gentle hold on her frame, he could feel her plaint flesh bending around his touch…

"Y-You?! What have you done?!" Hermes screamed, his eyes wide with terror, "What happened to your chains?! This— This is impossible!"

As for the poor unfamiliar man, trying to sneakily fade into the background, hoping to be forgotten. He internally swore that he would never cross the young woman before him, as the coldness in his chest slowly began to disappear…

"Hermes… I pray that the world takes pity on you… For that will be your only solace… I may not be able to kill you, nor destory your mortal vessel, but I bestow upon you the burdens of those enslaved. May you forever experience their nightmares, their terrors, their fears, and may their pain guide you to a better, more fulfilling, enlightening life…"

[Status Updated! The Will of the World—] looks coldly down upon an ignorant god…

Sayuri blinked away the window, already feeling its effect as a tangible wave of formless energy seeped into Hermes' vessel… and with a flash he disappeared.

The exhaustion that had weighed on Sayuri's mind, paired with the exorbitant amount of mana that was pulled from her body upon bestowing her most 'gracious' blessing upon the God… She collapsed, 'Mind Down' assaulting her mind once again…


[Hours Later]

Sayuri let out a soft moan of protest as a bright light disturbed her rest. She rolled over hoping to escape the unforgiving brightness, only to feel her pillow shift uncomfortably. She squeezed her closed eyes in faint annoyance, before they fluttered open only to find a fabric she knew wasn't present in her house, a warmth that was not at all similar to her bed, and a scent that was wholly familiar…

She shot up, her eyes wide as she exclaimed, "Ottar?! What—?! Why—?!" Then realization struck as memories of the past day flowed into her mind, "Oh…"

Ottar's tired gaze slowly drifted towards her, as her brows furrowed while her cerulean orbs wandered, "Where are we…?"

"My house," Ottar replied flatly, his exhaustion evident in his tone, "Your's was locked."

"Oh…" Sayuri didn't bother questioning how he knew where she lived, as she groggily wiped the tiredness from her eyes, as her terrible scent found her nose, she didn't dare look at the state of her tail as she awkwardly asked, "Do you have any clothes I can wear…? I need a bath…"

Ottar lightly nodded as he tiredly rose to his feet and disappeared into a connecting room, he soon returned with a large oversized thick tunic, his deep voice finding her ears, "I don't have anything else that would fit you, other than more shirts… The bathroom is down the hall, third door in the left. The right knob is hot water."

"Thank you…" Her voice was soft and distant. She took the tunic into her hands, she felt it's soft cloth for a long moment before raising her gaze to find deep bags under Ottar's eyes, a small frown tugged at her lips as she sternly commanded, "Go, get some sleep. I'm sure I won't get lost, and I'll make sure to have something for you to eat when you wake up."

The boaz showed some hesitation, but a glare from the kitsune with a flick of her tail sent him back into the room he retrieved the shirt from. With a light huff, Sayuri twirled around, a soft mutter slipping from her lips, "… third door on the left…"

As she entered the bathroom, Sayuri stiffened at the sheer size of the bath, then cringed at the terrible lack of skin, hair, and fur products… picking up a large vial she read the label and frowned in disgust, "4 in 1…"

It was a truly terrible experience that was only barely redeemed by the absolutely amazing revelation that the water coming from the facet was beautifully scented…

Sayuri spent a long time in the bath, scrubbing the filth from her skin, and cleaning the absolute tragic state of her tail…

After spending much longer than Sayuri had initially expected, due to the fact that she didn't have her normal grooming kit to pamper her tail. Sayuri stood in the middle of the bathroom, slowly patting herself dry as she allowed her eyes to wander until she found herself dry enough to finish with only a single use of magic, "Warmth…"

The soft chant slipped from her lips, her magic washing over her with a yellow hue, whisking all the dampness from her frame, before she moved to pick up the shirt and slip it over her body.

He could feel the back of the shirt sling over her tail, allowing a gentle breeze to wash over her exposed rear… Willing her tail to lay against her legs was an easy solution, as she began to gather her ruined clothes.

Picking out her obi, she folded in half; shortening its width, and tied the sash around her waist. Sending a quick glance towards a mirror above the sink, some distance from the bath, she stiffened and inspected her form. Finding that the oversized tunic oddly complimented her beauty…

Shaking away her bout of narcissism, Sayuri made her way through the house, attempting to find the kitchen. Eventually she found it, but not before lingering for a few moments in front of the room Ottar had entered to listen to his soft snore with a warm smile adorning her lips.

However, upon finding the kitchen Sayuri froze, having to take a long moment to absorb its sheer amount of open counter space, industrial sized stove, and the absolutely ginormous ice-box… Though what caught her attention, and nearly made her choke up was a small ornate display case with a familiar meal box…

The one Sayuri had gifted Ottar…

A hand found her chest, while the other found her lips as she moved closer to the display case, her heart wildly thumping in her chest as she caught her reflection in the glass… She peered past her reflected countenance, paying no mind to her watery eyes and quivering lips as she stared at the medium sized box and neatly folded square of cloth…

A sniffle sounded, and Sayuri wiped away a non-existent tear, before taking a fortifying breath…

A huff broke through her lips, as she looked around the kitchen…

If Ottar thought that meal was good enough to display the box it came in… She'll cook him one that will leave him stuttering for more! She only needed to find the ingredients…

A soft, slow tune slowly surfaced in her mind, as her tail swayed to the sound of the music playing in her thoughts…


[Some Time Later]

Ottar was roused awake by a heavenly scent gently caressing his nose, he heard the sound of a warmC slow, and gentle tune being hummed into the distance alongside the soft clatter of cookware…

His stomach gave a loud growl, reminding him of how long it's been since his last meal… looking down at his sweat ridden clothes that he forgot to change out of before heading to bed he gave a grunt as he rose to his feet, quickly finding something to put on he swiftly made his way to the kitchen.

As he rounded the corner, Ottar's steps came to a halt, his eyes soaking in the presence of a young woman lightly bobbing her head behind the island counter placed in the middle of his kitchen. His eyes laid upon a beauty that was similar yet unlike the Goddess who's blessing he received…

Where the Goddess had tempestuous seductive promiscuity that promised a night filled with wonder and new experiences…

The woman that flowed around his kitchen, cooking a meal that made him salviate with anticipation of the delicacy she'll produce, carried herself with a soft graceful sensuality that Ottar couldn't place on her warm and endearing appearance, the gentleness of her features brought upon the thought that even the lightest of touches would shatter her stimulating frame…

As Ottar's eyes silently trailed the young woman's movements, as she stepped out from behind the counter with her back towards him, her tail having lifted— Ottar immediately avert his eyes. A soft gasp brought his eyes back to her frame, to find her pulling down at the hem of her shirt—dress pressing the fabric against her chest showcasing the bountiful blessing she received, "Ah! Sorry, It seems to have a mind of its own…"

She shot the tip of tail with a mild glare, before they drifted back to the boaz, "Sorry…"

Her voice tickled his ears, and for a moment he felt a blush rising to his face as the image resurfaced in his mind. Ottar quickly buried it however, as he moved towards the table as Sayuri began to plate the food, "Your timing is impeccable, I was about to cast magic on your meal to keep it warm…" her gaze shifted to the display case for a brief moment and Ottar tensed, "I hadn't expected you to keep that, though it does bring me some joy to know that you enjoyed it enough to put it on display."

Ottar sat in silence, unsure where to look or what to say and entranced by the meal laid out in front of him. He was sure he didn't have this many ingredients— "Oh! I had one of the guards outside run to the store," Sayuri said as she took a seat across from him, "You can't only eat street food Ottar, it's a terrible waste of Valis, and an even worse diet for your body."

Ottar could only silently nod, as he watched her continue, "Sorry… It seems I've spoken too much, I didn't mean to—"

Ottar shook his head, "It's fine."

"Mhm," Sayuri hummed, "Itadakimasu…"

The boaz returned his gaze to the plates laid out before him, a truly hearty breakfast… Eggs, bacon, and toast dominated one plate, while a pale meaty gravy and a small pile of biscuits dominated another. The last plate had a uniform mound of rice, and salmon next to a small bowl of sauce.

Sayuri looked up from her food, "I will cook you some more, if you're still hungry afterwards. So, don't worry and make sure you eat until you're full, okay?"

"Yeah…" His voice was soft and little more than a whisper, as he stared down at the food, "…Thanks…"

Sayuri stopped, "Mhm…? Ottar? Are you alright? Why are you crying?"

Sayuri was startled, did she do something to make him cry?! Why was he crying?! Was he okay?!

Sayuri didn't know what to do, as she watched Ottar wipe his tears, his normal deep and strong voice gone, leaving behind soft and gentle words that tickled Sayuri's ears, "Hah… Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I didn't know I'd be so emotional…"

Sayuri's eyes softened, "Let me know if anything's bothering you alright? You stormed into the Guild for me, the least I could do is cook you a few meals, you don't need to thank me for this. This is me, thanking you."

The rest of the meal was a relatively quiet affair, and the moment Ottar had finished, Sayuri rose from her seat and quickly took his dishes, stacking them atop her own before gracefully moving back towards the kitchen. When she began to clean the dirtied dishes, Ottar, stunned by the confidence of her movements, could only silently watch as she went about her motions. Her ears falling into focus, as a soft tune slipped from her lips…

Had he ever felt so at peace in his own home…?


Sayuri sat on her heel in Ottar's home, he had left some time ago with the key to Sayuri's house, directions to her bedroom, and instructions to gather a number of Sayuri's grooming items, as he had refused to allow her to walk through the city dressed as she was, and she refused to wear her torn, dirty clothes…

Despite her mild anger at being disallowed from doing something, she didn't allow it to simmer as there was a good reason behind Ottar's firm refusal… How could she go out with her tail looking like that! It looked deflated and thick with oil, that sheen that coated her fur sent shivers of disgust down her spine!

There had been a misunderstanding…

Sadly, it was one that would never be resolved…

Anyways, Sayuri was studying the new additions to her Status—


Name: Sayuri Shizuka

Titles - Little Fox, Otherworldly Being

Physical Vessel: {Expand}

Race: Kitsune (Humelf)

Class: Priestess - Magic Stat Growth +200%

Level: 1

Stats -

• Strength: I-0

• Endurance: I-0

• Dexterity: I-0

• Agility: I-0

• Magic: I-0

• Spirit Pleasure (Ignes Lumen) - Automatic mind regeneration. Begins regenerating mind at a moderate rate after magic use. I

• Hastened Regeneration (Ignes Lumen) - Automatic wound mending. Slows blood loss, and slowly seals wounds. I

• Composure (Ignes Lumen) - Forcibly induces the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself. I

Skills -

• Ignes Lumen - When Imprisoned, Enslaved, Intimidated, and/or Inflicted with Debilitating Fear, applies Spirit Pleasure, +60% Magic Stat & +60% Physical Stats. When Vital Signs/Mental State is perceived as dangerous to Hosts continued health applies Hastened Regeneration, Composure, +120% Physical Stats & +120% Magic Stat

All Stat Balance

To Become the Brightest Star - Limitless Potential

Magic -

• Magic Bestowal - Short Chant Intent—Comprehension Based Magic

Traits -

• Positive: Soft Skin, Pliant Flesh, Greater Athleticism, Otherworldly Feline Dexterity, Adaptive, Adorable Feline Ears, Elegant Feline Tail, Fast Learner, Magically Gifted, Survivor, Otherworldly Feline Priestess' Grace, Otherworldly Feline Priestess' Charm, Otherworldly Natural-Born Chef, Otherworldly Devout Priestess, Otherworldly, Divine Vessel (Sealed)

• Negative: Insensitive, Infertile, Former Slave, Minor Exhibitionist


Ignoring the Negative Trait Sayuri received when she accidentally flashed Ottar, she was enthused with [Ignes Lumen].

Though she didn't have anything to compare it to, and the fact that it was relatively useless since she had zero in all her stats. Sayuri thought it was pretty good, including the addition to her class, she felt it wouldn't be long before she had the strength to secure her Freedom.

All she needed to do now was find a way to enter the dungeon without registering at the Guild, the fact that she has a Status and can Level Up without the help of a God/Goddess wasn't something she wished to explain, and while she could probably pass the majority of questions off due to her class and the knowledge of being a Priestess. While it's unheard of, it isn't improbable that a God/Goddess would be able to bestow a {Blessing of the Gods} without being physically present, since it is an extension of the Divinity…

It simply seemed like a massive headache.

A number of Sayuri's traits underwent another evolution, thanks to the [Otherworldly] trait. Though she didn't really 'feel' a difference…

Blinking away her status, Sayuri's tail fell into her lap and her fingers ran through her tail. She slowly fell into a silent rythme as time slipped her perception, as she blankly stared at a point on the wall. Her blue eyes grew distant and hazy, while her body fell perfectly still, not even the subtle movements associated with 'living' found in her picturesque frame, as if her time had been frozen at the very moment when the light fell in her favor, her shirt—dress settled across her in a manner that seemed modest but enticing…

A truly otherworldly scene…


[Tower of Babel]

Freya's eyes were glued to her crystal ball, she hadn't looked away from the scryed scene in what felt like days, and now she was watching the exact reason why…


This was perfection, not the false reality that the Gods/Goddess' think—know they are. This 'child' that hadn't come from this world—universe's cycle…


If Freya can understand this 'child'…

Perhaps, Freya felt a bit of faith from the Little Fox she stalked, in her own search for perfection. Whatever that may be…

Sadly… A young fox simply trying to understand, could never be understood…


(A/N: Feels like a good ending to a chapter, but it's only ~4709 Words… So this is for my own childish satisfaction…


Sayuri stacked the last meal box on the counter as a soft sigh left her lips, while she retreated to the man room of her house. 'Falling' down on to her heels atop her woven mat, Sayuri stretched her palm out before her before a soft chant slipped her lips, "Imbue—Warmth."

A soft orange radiance of warmth appeared above her palm, after a flicker of a geometric shape, it radiated a comforting warmth similar to that of a thick blanket on a cold winter's night, a warmth that granted, "Imbue—Protection."

There was only a flicker of a blue geometric shape before that warmth clung to her body tightly giving rise to a new understanding of warmth… It invaded the depths of her body, spreading a sensation far too complex for words.

Her eyes slowly closed as a surreal expression of contentment washed across her face, a lightness followed through her body for a long moment until Sayuri closed her hand, snuffing out the magic like a withering flame.

In that moment the world around Sayuri rushed back to the forefront of her mind, the warmth that permeated her body washed over her thoughts and a long breath left her mouth. Opening her eyes, the world seemed just a bit brighter as she rose to her feet and with a small polite smile adoring her face Sayuri rose to her feet and began the simple process of packing her meal boxes into her cart. With the sun to show over the walls, she knew she still had plenty of time.

Returning to her room, Sayuri began to wash the sweat from her body before slipping her bare frame into a thin comfortable juban, and dressing herself in a teal kimono with a dark blue obi, Sayuri made her way outside, and began to wheel her cart to her stall where she found Ottar patiently waiting.

She flashed him a warm smile as she reached under her cart and pulled out two nearly wrapped meal boxes that carried a faint vanilla scent. Ottar stared at them for a moment before handing over gold plated Valis, Sayuri waved it off with a smile, "Those are for you, you'll find them waiting for you everyday. I wish you safe travels in the dungeon, and many blessings of a bountiful return…"

Ottar lingered for a moment eyeing her lightly bowed form, before gently returning it, and silently walking off. Sayuri's gaze lingered on his back until he disappeared before she laid out her pillow behind her stall and took a seiza.

It wasn't even midday when Sayuri sold out, and she slowly returned to her home to begin making the meals for the next day. Before finding herself with a whole day to do as she pleased, though Sayuri doubted she'd be able to enter the dungeon without the Guild learning of her delve so she temporarily shelved the thought until she was able to formulate a proper plan.

Thus, Sayuri stepped out into the city, intent on heading to the market district, and buying more clothes. However, she soon found that there was someone standing at the edge of her property, their eyes met, "Ottar…? I thought you would be in the dungeon by now? Was there something you needed? If you're hungry, I'll cook you something."

The boaz shook his head, "I was told not to enter the dungeon for a few days, I had come to see if I could accompany you for the next few days."

Sayuri smiled brightly, as she stepped forward to look closely at Ottar, "As long as you don't mind shopping, I was thinking of getting some new clothes… I'd appreciate your help."

Ottar nodded, as he lowered his gaze to meet the Little Fox's eyes. The disparity between their height made itself known, the tall boaz stood at a towering ~210 cm… While the Little Fox barely reached his shoulders standing at ~160 cm.

Sayuri clasped her hands behind her back, while her tail gave a flick as she pivoted, leading Ottar through the streets as he lingered a half step behind the Little Fox.

It wasn't long before they reached a small shop that sold an assortment of clothes from numerous cultures, Sayuri waved to the kind old woman sitting behind the counter, who's gaze shifted between the Little Fox and 'The King' briefly before a broad smile rose to her face…

Sayuri led the solemn boaz to a seat, and gestured for him to wait as she began to pile clothes onto her arms before quickly slipping into a changing room.

It was a long day for Ottar, but an enjoyable one nonetheless… As Sayuri spent close to 6 Million Valis on new outfits…

That day a misunderstanding began to brew…


As darkness enveloped Oriaro, Ottar laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. Unable—Unwilling to cleanse his mind of everything he saw today…

He had grown unused to seeing Sayuri in clothes that constricted her true form, yet today the image he had built in his mind was shattered as for the second time he saw her without the tight bandages she wore underneath numerous layers of cloth.

True to the stereotypes circulating around Kitsune and Renards, Sayuri was not the lithe figure she portrayed. Her body was laden with dense, yet appealing muscles that wrapped around her frame, while her form was heavy with the weight of a feminine figure.

Her flawless, milky skin showed a clear definition of the lines her muscled frame drew, a purely athletic frame built not for pure strength but a complex blend of agility, dexterity, and strength. A built frame that Ottar would only expect from veteran Adventurers who knew the benefits of balanced stats. Though that wasn't where his mind laid, his thoughts; no matter how hard he tried to shake them from his mind, laid with her overly feminine charm, the curves that made her silhouette…

A silhouette that wielded a passive seductiveness that not even Freya could contend with, the scent of warm vanilla that clung to his nose even after hours of their departure. The way her skin would indent around the tight clothes she wore that only drove her image deeper into his mind.

Her full and rosy lips, slightly parted in a smile… The way small dimples formed as that smile invaded upon her plump and pliant cheeks… A sigh tore through the silence of the room, as the remembrance of her voice tickled his ears…

A longing arose in his chest, one that didn't wish to wait till their next meeting and wished him to go meet her… To linger around her and fill his mind with her scent, warm his being with her presence… To hold her in his arms… To feel her warmth upon his skin…

Another sigh slipped from his lips as he brought his hand over his eyes, in a false hope to rid the images from his mind.

"Sayuri Shizuka," He whispered her name, the name that had engraved itself upon his mind. It felt like magic had grasped upon his mind, but this was no magic…

This was not the Charm that Ishtar abused, that Freya was cursed with… No, this was purely a product of his mind, and it revolves purely around the—his Little Fox…

While Ottar was lost in his thoughts, Sayuri was sleeping soundly, ignorant of the feelings—sensations she brought upon the strongest in Oriaro with only her mere presence…


Sayuri awoke to a rapt of rapid knocks at her door, with her brows furrowed, the Little Fox draped a haori loosely over her frame. Pinning it closed with her under her chest, she groggily made her way downstairs and towards the door taking a moment to fix her hair while her tail flicked with mild annoyance… It was still dark outside, and it wasn't close to the time to open her stall…

Slightly ajaring the door, enough to poke her head out, Sayuri found a familiar figure at her door and a deep frown washed across her face…

His orange hair was messy and unkempt, while his clothes were ridden with wrinkles, "Hermes… What are you doing at my door, the sun hasn't even risen…"

The God fell to his knees, his eyes surrounded by dark bags, "Please! Please, I can't take it anymore. It hurts! It always hurts! I can't sleep! I can't even close my eyes without seeing those abominations! Please! Free me from this former, for the love of all that is Divine! Please—"

"No," Sayuri replied flatly and closed the door, ignoring the sobs that leaked through. She leaned back against the door, the sobs, pleading, and begging filling her ears as she heaved a sigh. Her chest bounced lightly as she took a sharp breath, as a gust of cold morning wind rushed through the window she mistakenly left ajar last night.

Making her way back upstairs, she started a steaming bath, as she slowly got ready to start her day. After setting out a cheongsam she had bought the day prior, Sayuri sank into the steaming hot bath…

The Little Fox took her time, and enjoyed the heat of the bath as it loosened her body and prepared her for the day. Spending the most of her time soothingly caring for her tail, picking out any loose furs that would clutter the majesty of her rear before eventually lifting herself from the water.

After wiping her hand across her skin, displacing most of the water. Sayuri pat herself dry with a towel before cast a soft magic to make sure she was completely dry, spending a few extra minutes brushing through her tail enjoying the cool air against her skin, before dressing herself and making her way back in the bathroom with a simple wooden hairpin.

Sayuri spent some time in front of a mirror putting her hair up into a tight bun, and taming any unruly strands before making her way downstairs and gathering all the meal boxes in preparation to load them into her cart…


Ottar hadn't slept a wink all night, his mind was far too active to allow even a moment of rest. With golden rays marking the sky he gave a groan as he pulled himself from bed, and lazily gathered a simple outfit. Nothing more than a thick white tunic, and a pair of loose black pants that would allow a great range of movement. After pouring himself a glass of water and wetting his throat, he made his way to bathe himself.

He was done before the water even had a chance to cool, and before his hair had even finished drying he was in his clothes and out the door. Slowly making his way to the same place he headed every morning, silently greeting a GLD patrol he found that for the first time in a while, Sayuri already had her stall set up by the time he arrived.

She sat there like a masterfully carved statue touched by the Divine, with two glittering jewels cut into soft crescent ls, and a small sincere smile that widened as those cerulean orbs found him…

"Good morning— Oh! Ottar, you look terrible," Sayuri rose from her spot and took flowing strides towards him, "Come, let me get you something to eat. You look like you didn't sleep well, was it a nightmare, if it was let me know—"

Sayuri paused, her whole body freezing as Ottar's hand lightly fell on her scalp, her eyes slowly drifting to the boaz as her tail went rigid, "Y-You?! No! Stop that!"

An intense heat swarmed her face as she crouched down with speed far surpassing mortal limits, as her ears folded and her arms wrapped atop her head. Sayuri scampered a foot away, her trail flicking swiftly from its rigid state, "No!"

Her gaze was locked onto the ground, a heavy blush washing her face, her voice the loudest Ottar has ever heard it. His hand hung in the air as he stared at it, eventually his eyes drifted to Sayuri who had managed to collect herself from 'that'—

Sayuri's eyes averted as rusty orbs found cerulean, "Come."

She commanded, Ottar's eyes widened slightly but he took a step forward, as she pointed up at him her expression stern and serious, "No, ears, head, tail—" her arms slashed out drawing an 'X', "No touch."


"Don't apologize, do better," Sayuri huffed, Ottar was internally baffled, he hadn't known what drove him to pay her head, nor for what reason his hand felt insanely warm and comfortable. It was a surreal feeling that held his gaze for many moments before Sayuri called for him…


[Somewhere Else]

A formless collective mischievously giggled…


Ottar was eventually 'forced' to go to sleep; assaulted with enough blessings to make Sayuri feel the loss of mana, with his head on her lap…

The customers gave them weird looks, but the air around the Little Fox dissuaded anyone from asking about the scene before their eyes. The woman felt particularly dangerous today, her words a sharpness that they could feel nestled within the warmth they had grown so used to, a truly terrifying thought is one out enough thought into it. Her words had blessed them with Valis and a feeling of comfort in the dungeon, and the city recently learned that those words could kill…

A level three had fallen with only two words and a light touch… A Priestess without a {Blessing of the Gods}, a woman who is no different from any other mortal other than her faith. A faith that had given her that strength, that had spread through her to those who received her blessings.

While they didn't share that faith, they all believed in that young woman. She was like a ray of light during a dark night, capable of warding off all the shadows…

For some, Sayuri was the reason they never encountered a Monster Party, for others she was the reason they survived one. For that small collective that cycle out their chances at blessings for others, Sayuri was the reincarnation of a Benevolent Priestess…

For the majority who scrambled to receive her blessing, addicted to the warmth she gives them, Sayuri is akin to a god able to shield them from the cold truth of the world…

While there are those that simply believe that Sayuri is just a young girl, with a big heart simply trying to understand the world and herself… A Priestess of a God she did not know, a savior to those weak-hearted…

A child that lost so much, and seeks to hold on to the only thing she can…


Those who have watched Sayuri, actually spoken to her, and tried to get to know her know that above everything Sayuri simply wants to be free.

Sayuri's eyes found Ottar's lightly snoring form, before she closed her own a soft chant slipping from her lips, "Imbue—Warmth, Protection."

A soft tune surfaced from the depths of her mind, and subconsciously a gentle hum rose from her throat. A tune laden with pure ivory, not a tone of ebony…

A tune of a fallen, soaked in ashes, a flickering flame within… A mere shell of what should have been.

Sayuri didn't know why this tune arose in her mind, nor did she put much thought in to understanding why it had, she simply was absorbed by the tune. Allowing it to dance through her mind…


[2 Months & 27 Days Later | 2 Years 9 Months Before Canon]

Sayuri rose to her feet, as she forced a pair of jeans up to her waist, after tucking in her turtleneck she zipped up and buttoned them before inspecting herself in the mirror. She gave a few half turns, to make sure her tail was comfortable before adjusting the shirt to settle across her torso properly. Before quickly combing through her hair, letting it fall down her back and heading downstairs where an oversized hoodie waited for her. Quickly slipping into the hoodie, she slipped on her shoes before leaving the house, finding Ottar standing at the edge of her property.

Flashing the boaz a bright smile she turned to lock the door, before bouncing her way over to Ottar with her hands clasped behind her back, he looked down at her, "This is what you're wearing?"

Sayuri tilted her head, "We only agreed on the First Floor, and I have magic and you to protect me. Do I need armor? Should I have bought some…?" Slowly the Little Fox fell into a panic, but was swiftly calmed by Ottar as he passed her a short spear—

"No, I think you'll be fine, but you'll want to get some armor if you're serious about this. I'll recommend you my personal armor smith and let him know you'll be looking for him"

"Mhm," Sayuri hummed as she held the spear in her hands, she lightly tested its reach and gently flipped it in her hands a few times to get used to the weight, "Are you sure I can do this without any training…?"

Ottar nodded, "If you can't kill a Goblin, you couldn't kill a Level 3. Now, let's go, it won't take long for a crowd to fill the First Floor, if you want to get some experience in, you'll need to actually find Goblins, and it won't do for you to be seen. So, put up your hood, you're too recognizable to be sneaking around."

Sayuri pulled her hood over her ears, pressing them flat against her skull; a surprisingly comfortable affair, "I'll follow you…"

Her voice had grown soft, and Ottar shifted his gaze to her as they made their way down the street, "You'll be fine. I'll protect you if anything happens."


It hadn't taken long for them to approach the Tower of Babel, there was a sparse crowd on the ground floor talking with Guild Officials but the duo passed through unbothered.

With every step that descended into the Dungeon, Sayuri grew more and more nervous, she knew she would be safe, but there was still a biting feeling of insecurity that touched up the back of her mind. Her grip on the short spear she held behind her back tightened as she brought it to her face as a dim light showed a distance further down, Ottar's deep voice filled her ears, "Soon, we'll officially be on the First Floor. All we will find will be Goblins and Kobalds.

Goblins on the first floor are no stronger than a teen, but they are crafty and will gather when they hear a fight. I've seen a few lure Kobolds to unsuspecting Adventurers… They won't go for your head, neck, or torso… They'll attack your limbs, and rob you of your mobility. Then they'll torture you as long as you breath, they'll carve chunks of your flesh and eat them before your eyes.

Kobolds are much more straightforward, they'll pounce, lunge, and chase you down to wrap their jaws around your flesh. They're claws are like hooks, and they'll try to dig them into you so you can't run, and if you can't escape. They'll eat you alive until you die…

Be careful, keep moving, and pay attention to your surroundings."

Sayuri gave a tense nod as Ottar stepped back gesturing for Sayuri to walk ahead, "Don't worry, I'll be here."

With a shaky, fortifying breath a spark of excitement arose from the depths of her mind, it flourished into a calming wave that pushed all distractions from her mind as her grip faintly loosened on her short spear.

Her tail fell flat, and her ears pressed against the fabric of her hood as she took a step forward, then two, three, four…

Sayuri continued with slow, testing steps, her footfalls made no sound as they came into contact with the stone beneath her feet, while her breathing slowed to a crawl. Trusting in her senses, Sayuri continued until she heard a distant sound followed by a flurry of footfalls…

"One," Sayuri muttered, as she stepped backwards out of the intersection she had stepped into, splitting the focus of her senses between the front and behind as she readied her spear.

A child-sized putrid being off green tinted flesh charged out from the shallow darkness wielding a broken blade, Sayuri stepped back as two beady eyes locked onto her frame, a sensation grasped upon her mind and she ducked low under a pouncing Kobald—Who she hadn't heard— Sayuri panicked giving her spear a wild thrust, turning it into a dull gray blur for a single instant before—

The Kobald was turned to paste just as she attempted to step around it's downward swing, the goblin stuck on the end of her spear gnarled and spat, "Imbue—Death."

The Goblin fell limp as Sayuri let out a sigh, "I froze…"

"You did," Ottar appeared at her side like a silent sentry, "You did better than most, that broken sword is a testament to that. Goblins don't spawn with weapons, they kill for them. Now come here, I'll show you how to harvest a Magic Crystal. Normally you'd have to keep an eye on the as well as Goblin will use any moment of weakness to attack."

Sayuri nodded as she crouched next to Ottar, as he pulled a knife from his waist, "On humanoid monsters, the crystal will be right in the center of their chest. It is a good place to guarantee a kill, as the moment a Magic Crystal gets cracked the monster dies. Apart from a few rare occasions, so always be careful."

He placed the two crystals in a pouch as the monsters broke down into ash, "Only assume it's dead, when you see the ash. A number of monsters are notorious for faking their death and waiting until the Adventurers begin harvesting, so it's good practice to behead anything you kill."

The duo continued along, after every confrontation Ottar would spill a virtual sea of knowledge, such as the various weak points of Goblins and Kobolds whenever she got close to striking one, as well as various things to look out for while in the dungeon like stalactites, as they tend to suddenly fall when an Adventurer walks under them.

Eventually, Sayuri was brought before a room with a massive milk white pillar, "This is a Pantry… Never, enter one and never get close to one. Just being in the area can cause a monster party, the thin veins you see sprawling across the dungeon floor and walls lets you know one is close by… Some adventurers think it's a good way to gain falna, but it's idiotic… The more you kill in a pantry, the more monsters spawn. Until, it grows to a point that monsters from other levels are spawned, and the numbers grow greater and greater until the Adventurer either runs or dies… Then a section of the floor has to be locked down, and Veteran Adventurers need to be dispatched to deal with the monsters…

So, please. Stay away from them."

Sayuri gave a solemn nod, as Ottar led her away turning a Goblin into meat paste with a wave of his hand.

Soon, they returned to the surface. The goal of the delve hadn't been for Sayuri to kill monsters, but to learn about the dungeon and its dangers. To gain experience, and in Ottar's case sway her away from entering its depths.

He gave the most gruesome stories, but never exaggerated the dangers nor did he underplay them. He explained it all to her as straightforward as he possibly could, letting her learn the struggles of a Adventurer on her own, and only filling in information when she was approaching it herself.

If she truly wished to return to it's depths… Ottar had to make sure he didn't coddle her, or hold her hand through the process; she had to learn it on her own.

The walk back to Sayuri's home was a silent, solemn affair as Sayuri was processing everything she learned and experienced. As they approached her home, Sayuri stopped, causing Ottar to do the same a half step later. He turned to her as she looked up to him, "Thank you."

It was the deepest bow he'd ever seen her give, her upper body was parallel to the ground, before he could say anything she snapped up, and leapt forward embracing him in a hug that left him frozen as she whispered in his ear, "Truly, thank you… You don't know how much this means to me…"


[Tower Of Babel]

Freya gasped as the Little Fox wrapped her champion in a hug, a mutter slipped her lips as she set down her tray of snacks to lean forward resting her elbows in her knees as he brought her face closer to the orb, "You sly fox… You've done it! Finally! Haha, I thought I'd never see the day! Oh! Odr… Odr, Odr where are you?! I've learned so much!"

Freya's face began to heat up as she began to imagine a white haired figure with a soul so bright that it may blind her as she hugged her knees, "Oh, Odr… I can't wait to find you… I'll show you all my love! Oh, Odr…"

Freya clutched her knees again, her chest relishing in the slight pain it brought as her mind swam around the imaginary figure she had conjured in her mind. She'd soothe him, feed him, love him…

She'd lower herself for him…

Freya would do anything for her Odr…

Just as Sayuri would do anything for Freedom…



(A/N: ~9041 Words… Just short of 10k once again, but it felt like a good place to end the chapter. I don't have much for you here, but I do have a Info Dump.

Hope you've enjoyed, if not why are you still here other than the fact that you have nothing else to read?


World drops: Any item currently found in the item pool can drop from any monster (Unknown Rank)

Any Items/Materials can be foraged/harvested from the corpses of monsters BEFORE the magic crystal is harvested… Decreases the drop chance of harvested items gained from DUNGEON ASSIMILATION.

ALL dungeon drops are oversaturated with 'Mind'/Magic thus making them better in ALL aspects when used as materials for creating equipment/potions.

Rarity: Guaranteed (100/100) - Near Guaranteed (90/100) - Common (70/100) - Uncommon (45/100) - Rare (20/100) - Super Rare (10/100) - Extra Rare (1/100) - Unknown (.000000000000000000001/100)

All Floors:

•Dungeon Flies: A small completely harmless fly that emits a small amount of dim green light in some floors this may be the only lighting, Only known death was reported to have been due to choking on said Dungeon Flies.

First floor: Cave Scene

•Goblins: a relatively weak short statured humaniod creature with either a flat or long hooked nose, greenish brown tinted skin, and bat like ears they reek like piss and their beady eyes are filled with lust and greed {Goblin Tooth (Uncommon), Elunium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

•Kobalds: a humanoid creature hardly passing 3 feet in height, patches of fur that range from dark, rusty brown to a rusty black. They smell of damp dogs and stagnant water. Their eyes glow like a bright red spark and they are known for their disease ridden maws, and clawed paws{Drops: Kobald Claw (Uncommon), Kobald Fang (Rare), Elunium (Rare), Magic Crystal (Guaranteed)}

Did anyone notice the thing happening in the background of this chapter?

~9459 Words… Still not 10k)

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