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60.27% Evil Degenerate Reborn In Vikings / Chapter 43: Ch 43 Bread And Circuses

Kapitel 43: Ch 43 Bread And Circuses

Soon the double doors opened and Earl Bjarni and Six of his personal guards walked in.....

The Fat Man had a long white beard and bald head, I could instantly see the anger in his face as he walked in.

"WHERE IS HARALDSON!!! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!" He roared out angrily but I didn't flinch.

"I will excuse your rudeness this once." I spoke coldly and he felt a chill run down his spine.

He froze and took a good look at me after his anger at being made to wait for so long passed.

Earl Bjarni saw that I was twice the size of a normal man and dressed from head to toe in some of the best armor he had ever seen....the huge bear cloak with it's mighty skull also unnerved him greatly.

The old man took a deep breath and spoke after gathering himself, he also noticed the two dozen heavily armed and armored men that lined the walls.....they were far better equipped than his own Men, he wondered at the price of each set of Armor.

"I am Bjarni Herjolfsson, Earl over part of Svealand, High Lord of Östhammar and Cousin to King Horik Of Denmark!!!....I come to pick up my Bride from Earl Haraldson but I see he isn't here....." Earl Bjarni spoke and I stared at him through my engraved veiled helmet as he felt a coldness on his back.

"I am Thenn Odinson, New Earl of Kattegat and it's surrounding regions....Tell me Earl Bjarni, Which bride have you come to claim?" I asked coldly.

"Thyri Haraldsdottir, Earl Haraldson promised her to me not two weeks ago." Earl Bjarni spoke with a smile but I didn't find anything amusing.

"Thyri is no longer available for Marriage, please return home Earl Bjarni." I spoke coldly and motioned toward the door.

He snarled and shouted as he took out a sheepskin parchment and motioned to it. 

"IVE COME ALL THIS WAY!!! THYRI IS MINE!!! I'VE PAID HER BRIDE PRICE AND SHALL NOT LEAVE WITHOUT HER!!!" He roared out in anger and motioned for one of my slaves to pass me the paperwork.

I made a slight motion with my hand then one of my new slaves scurried off and took the parchment from the Fat Earl and brought it to me.

I unfolded the sheet and looked it over for a few moments.

[Twenty Pounds Silver] Was all Thyri was worth to Earl Haraldson.....I was glad I made him suffer before i had him fed to the hogs....

Then Bjarni spoke.

"There is the proof, now get me the Girl." He spoke smugly with a slight grin on his ugly face.

I moved my hand over to the nearby brazier and dropped the parchment into the flames and Bjarni stared at the burning scroll in disbelief.

"Any deals made with Earl Haraldson are null and void now that he is dead....Leave now Earl Bjarni, I wouldn't want us to have any issues over this matter." I spoke and his face turned red in anger.

"I DEMAND YOU GIVE ME THE DAMN GIRL NOW!!! IF YOU DONT I'LL BRING MY THOUSAND MEN HERE AND SACK THIS SHIT HEAP YOU CALL A TOWN!!!" He roared in anger and immediately all my men who lined the walls drew their weapons and raised their shields before locking into a shield wall and marching forward.

"HOLD." I spoke and immediately they all stopped as Bjarni's six men looked on in shock at their situation.

I stood from my high chair and began walking forward slowly toward the Fat Earl.

As I walked closer and closer he realized just how massive I really was....his hands trembled but he maintained a straight face as he stared me down.

When I was only a few feet away I punched the Fat Bastard and he immediately dropped to the ground.

His men couldn't even move forward to defend him as four times their number were frothing at the mouth to cut them apart....and each my men had better Armor and Weapons.

I approached the collapsed Earl and knelt on his back as my heavy weight pressed down on him.

As he screamed my hand moved into his mouth and I began to pull hard as his haunting screams were heard throughout the Hall as his men looked on in horror.


He screeched out for a moment before his face cracked apart and the top of of his head was torn off while leaving only his tongue and lower jaw dangling as blood spurted out.

I stood with his cranium and turned to a slave who had scurried to the corner of the room.

""Take this to Perun, tell him I want a silver goblet made." I spoke and the slave ran forward and wrapped the dripping head in a cloth before running out of the Hall.

I turned toward his men and spoke. "Does this Fat lump have heirs?" I asked while wiping my hands clean on his clothes.

"H..He...He Has A Son..." One guard spoke while clutching his sword tightly, not that it would help.

"Good....Good....How old is this Son?" I asked.

"F...F...Fourteen Summers...My Lord..." The man spoke again.

"Well, you may take his body back, along with a letter from me....Someone bring me my writing box." I spoke aloud and one of the nearby slaves ran off and returned with a large flat box.

I walked back to my high chair and another Slave pushed up a small table for me to write on.

I prepared everything and the ink began to flow as I wrote.

[Your Disgusting Father Earl Bjarni threatened war If I did not offer up my new bride, as your father's son you must take up his debt to me.... His debt to me is only half paid now that his skull will form my new drinking cup.....Deliver Three hundred pounds of Gold and Eight Hundred pounds of Silver by the moons turn or you shall pay the price as well.

- Earl Thenn Odinson The One Eyed."] I wrote on the paper.

Bjarni's Territory in Svealand was larger and stronger than Kattegat and my surrounding land, I knew his young son would never accept but I needed to build a reputation before people thought of forcing their hand on me due to their believed strength.

After I was done I handed his guard the Sealed scroll inside a wooden container and he was escorted back to their lone ship where the rest of their men waited.

They all looked in shock to the mostly headless Fat Earl's corpse as they tossed it aboard.

Some slaves quickly scurried in with sawdust and dumped it on the ground to soak up the blood so they could clean the floors.

After that I sat back in my High chair and spoke.

"I will hold Petitions until it is time for midday meal, blast the horn." I spoke and Balgrud walked out of the hall and four blasts of the assembly horn were heard.

All the blasts meant something different but four of them meant I'd be holding court.

Before long about two hundred people walked in and filled the seats laid out for them, most were just here for entertainment but some came with serious matters.

All were quiet and respectful but they each walked close and spoke their blessings for my wedding in the afternoon.

After the spectators were seated and the line of petitioners were lined up Tostig spoke out.

"Earl Thenn will now hear petitions until midday, if your petition is not heard you will wait until the next time." Tostig spoke and motioned for the first ones to come forward.

It was a fisherman and his wife, she held a young baby in her arms.

"My Lord I am Andar Yorsonn, I suspect our baby is not mine and wish for a divorce." The man spoke and I nodded.

"Is the paternity of the child your only complaint with your Wife?" I asked.

"Yes my Lord it is." He spoke.

I turned to the woman and asked. "Tell me honestly, Is the Babe his?" 

Her eyes widened and she trembled a bit before speaking. 

"No My Lord....But it was not because I don't love my husband or because I wanted to sleep with another man....My husband and I tried for a child for years to no effect...I wished to give him a Son which he always wanted so I did what I needed to do." She spoke and kissed the child on the head as it babbled cutely.

I turned to the man and spoke. "Is what she speaks of true? Have you tried for a child for years?" I asked.

"Y...Yes my Lord it is true....but she was unfaithful, I don't know if I can live with her after that knowledge." He responded with hurt in his voice.

"Your Wife gave you a Son to raise as your own when you could not produce one yourself, In my eyes she acted in your favor....Come to me in one month and if you still wish for a divorce I shall grant it."

I spoke and he nodded and walked out alongside his wife and the cute baby while grumbling.

"Next Petitioner." Tostig spoke aloud.

One man walked up with his daughter and another walked beside him.

"My Lord I come because I wish for Justice....for my daughter Kyra....This Man Güld raped her yesterday and I want justice." He spoke and pointed to a man beside him.

"My Lord I did not rape her, I paid her for it." Gulf spoke aloud.

I turned to the girl. "Is this true Kyra, Did he pay you?" I asked and she nodded and wiped some tears from her face.

"H...He paid me.....But before it happened I asked him to stop....I...I told him I'd return the Silver....But he forced himself on me anyways....I swear on Freyja I do not lie." She spoke and stared directly in my eyes.

I looked over at the accused and he spoke without fear. "I had already paid, she whored herself for her first time and I took what I paid for." He spoke loudly and sneered at the Girl.

"Girl, did you cry for help and report the rape immediately?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes my Lord I did, I ran and told the first people I saw." She spoke bravely and a few people in the crowd shouted their names to show they were the ones she spoke to.

"Very well, the proper procedures were followed therefore the Victim is protected under our Laws....since Kyra is freeborn and was pure before her rape Güld will be castrated and his property will be given to Kyra as per ancient law when a virgin is dishonored." I spoke and immediately Güld shouted. 

"I demand a battle trial to defend my innocence." Güld spoke aloud and I nodded.

"You have that right, Will you represent yourself or will you name a champion?" I asked.

"I shall fight myself, I know the Gods will see justice done and see my name cleared." Güld spoke and I turned to Kyra.

"Will you fight yourself or will you name a champion?" I asked the Girl.

Before she could respond a booming voice was heard.

"I'LL BE YOUR CHAMPION GIRL!!!" Balgrud bellowed out and walked forward from his place as his heavy bootsteps Resounded and his huge belly swayed from side to side beneath his heavy chainmail armor.

Balgrud was a few inches shorter than me but twice as heavy....I almost felt bad for Güld.

"Do you accept him as your champion Kyra?" I asked.

"I....I...I do..." She spoke meekly while looking at the Gigantic Berserker with a little smile.

"Very well, the trial will be held after petitions are heard ...I don't mind taking lunch a few minutes late." I spoke and saw Güld tremble in fear upon looking at Balgrud, he was the most deadly warrior in Kattegat apart from me and everyone knew what would happen during the battle.

After three hours I called an end to Petitions and we all moved outside, there were other cases but they were mostly solved with fines or whippings, One Thief stole a few goats so he'd be beheaded as well.....If it's a small amount of food like an apple then a few lashes is fine but livestock is something different entirely.

We moved to the arena and Güld stood at the center with a sword and shield, no armor was customary for battletrial so he only wore a linen shirt and pants.

Balgrud emerged from the other side only wearing pants, he was shirtless and his dozens of large tattoos could be seen.

Everyone looked on in awe at the giant Berserker, many still remembered the times when he was younger and lost himself in blood rages often and tore through enemies with the strength and speed of a bear.

He smiled and grabbed a sword and shield then stood opposite Güld as he looked down at the Man....Güld wasn't skilled or brave enough for my crew so everyone knew he stood no chance.

"We stand here today as we witness this trial by battle which shall decide the guilty of innocence of Güld Estrifsson, The Accuser Kyra Olfsdottir has Balgrud the Berzerker standing as her champion.....Güld, as accused you may decide on the weapons for this trial." Tostig spoke aloud while I sat on a high platform and watched on.

Before long the trial began and Balgrud walked forward and immediately smacked Güld's entire body with his shield which sent him tumbling into the mud below.

He walked to the Güld who tried to get up but couldn't before Balgrud kicked away his sword and put a foot on his chest. 

Immediately the groan from Güld was heard as the four hundred and sixty sixty pound half naked Berzerker leaned his weight down on him.

Balgrud stuck a hand out and grabbed onto Both of Gülds wrists. 

"SORRY ABOUT THAT, LET ME HELP YOU UP." Balgrud spoke and began pulling on both of Gülds arms as his terrible screams were heard by all as his shoulders popped out of their sockets.




Güld acreed out and Balgrud only smiled and gave one hard tug and soon both arms were torn off as blood sprayed out everywhere while people looked at the sight enthralled by the brutality of the Berzerker.

"TOO LOUD!!! SHUT UP!!!!" Balgrud bellowed out and stomped down hard on Güld's skull and it burst open and spattered brain matter for a few feet around.

He then tossed the arms onto the mud and rubbed his huge belly as if thinking of getting something to eat.

I saw all of this and spoke out. "Güld shall be returned to his closest kin, just because he broke our Laws dosent mean the Gods have forsaken him as well." I spoke out and got an outcry of approval from my people due to my 'mercy' and 'godliness'....sheep are always tricked by a few meaningless words.

"As per our Laws Kyra now owns all of Gülds possessions as recompense for being defiled, if there is any man or woman here who would speak a case against it let it be known now." I spoke aloud but no one said a word.

"Very well....pring forth the next prisoner." I ordered and sat back in my seat.

I noticed Kyra walk up Shyly to Balgrud while twiddling her thumbs.

"E...Excuse me Balgrud....I heard are unmarried....If... If it pleases you I would offer myself to you...." She spoke meekly and Balgrud looked at her for a few moments while furrowing his brows as if confused by the situation.

Then he surprisingly took her small hand into his and spoke. "IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU KYRA, I'VE NEVER LOVED A WOMAN BUT I WILL NOT BE AGAINST TRYING WITH YOU." Balgrud spoke and Kyra nodded cutely and they walked off hand in hand. 

I stared in disbelief and so did everyone else in the crowds... everyone knew of Balgruds preferences for years so him accepting was shocking to say the least.

After that I oversaw the last of the punishments and then dismissed the crowd before returning home for my Mid-day meal.

I wished all my women and children were here but they would spend the day at the sacred Grove with Thyri preparing her to become mine this afternoon....I couldn't wait until I could gobble her up and put my baby in her belly.

I entered my large dining Hall and saw spot on the table was piled high with garlic and honey encrusted lamb which was dusted with expensive spicy dried peppers which I found in Earl Haraldson's Larders.

Just beside it was fresh baked bread which I would use to mop up the gravy.

Two pitchers filled to the brim with Cow Milk sat atop the table, my servants already knew I enjoyed mead during feasts but for regular meals only milk would please me.

I sat down and saw several slave women and guards around the room including Jarra.

"All the men out." I spoke and my warriors nodded and left the dining hall quickly.

"Get under the table Jarra." I ordered and she walked up and set her weapons and helmet down and crawled under the table with a cold face.

She got between my legs and waited for her orders. "Suck it, but go slow I don't want to cum until I finish eating." I spoke.

"Yes Master As You Order." She spoke almost robotically and pulled down my trousers.

She grabbed my throbbing cock and slurped the bubble of precum from the tip before guiding it into her mouth.


Jarra began slowly licking and flicking my cock slowly and occasionally taking it deep into her throat as I relaxed in my chair and ate....Gods it's good to be King.

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