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60.71% Dragon Ball Alternative / Chapter 67: Chapter 67 – I Come in Peace! I Think?

Kapitel 67: Chapter 67 – I Come in Peace! I Think?

~ Some Time Later: Namek ~

With a soft hum, the platform of the Namekian ship descended, touching down onto the pale blue grass with a gentle thud.

Stepping out from beneath their vessel, Ajax's boots sank ever so slightly into the azure blades of grass—a sensation oddly comforting after spending an entire month couped on the ship. He paused for a moment, taking in the extraordinary sights that greeted him.

Before him, the expanse of blue grass stretched outward like a vast, undulating sea, while nearby waters shimmered a pale green hue reminiscent of moss, mirroring the sky above. It was an otherworldly landscape, but at the same time so, so familiar.

Ajax inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the unique scent of Namekian air. It smelled like sweet, sweet oxygen.

As Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma explored their surroundings with wide-eyed wonder behind him, Ajax shifted his attention inward. Unlike the others, he had a different priority.

In the original timeline, two goons had managed to damage their ship shortly after landing. Well, not under his watch. Ajax was determined to prevent history from repeating itself.

Closing his eyes, Ajax tapped into his Ki sense, stretching it to its utmost limits. Thanks to his increased power level and refined Ki control, his detection range had expanded significantly, allowing him to sweep a much larger area for immediate threats.

As his Ki sense extended outward, a vast mental map began to form within Ajax's mind, populated by the faint flickers of energy signatures from the local wildlife and the more luminous signatures of his friends. He continued to push further, his awareness spreading across the undulating plains and over distant hills.

Suddenly, Ajax flinched. In the far distance, an absolutely titanic energy signature blazed, projecting itself almost proudly across the landscape. Its sheer magnitude was staggering like a small sun peeking over the horizon mid-sunrise.

Ajax's eyes snapped open, his expression darkening. So, that was Frieza.

While he had long been aware of Frieza's power, witnessing it firsthand was an entirely distinct experience altogether. Though it might sound cliché, it was simply the truth.

Contrary to popular belief, Ki sensing wasn't solely about detecting the quantity and location of Ki. In reality, that was only part of the skill. A skilled Ki sensor could also detect the… flavor of the Ki, for lack of a better term.

Vegeta's Ki had been cold and unyielding, like the edge of sharpened steel. Goku's Ki, in contrast, radiated warmth and tranquility but blazed with scorching intensity when enraged or focused. Frieza's energy, however, spewed pure malevolence, like toxic black sludge that would taint anyone who had so much dared to even glance at it.

It was disgusting, in a way that Ajax had never experienced before.

Ajax turned his head, managing to catch Piccolo's eyes. The Namekian's expression was as grim as his own as they exchanged dark looks, knowing full well that as they were now, they had no chance of survival against someone of Frieza's caliber.

However, since Frieza wasn't moving directly toward them, the tyrant was not the most immediate threat.

Ajax continued to extend his Ki sense, probing the surrounding area. As he had anticipated, they had landed in a different area than the Z Fighters did in the canon. It made sense, given the slight variations in their departure, flight trajectory, and descent angle. It would have taken a small miracle to land in the exact same spot.

This deviation from the expected landing site brought both advantages and challenges. The downside was that the variation required Ajax to re-evaluate a few things, as he could no longer depend on a similar sequence of events. However, he had largely also anticipated this outcome.

On the bright side, there were no immediate threats, no goons approaching to destroy the ship as had happened before. Despite this, Ajax wasn't about to take any chances.

"Bulma, capsulize the ship. We can't risk anything happening to it."

Bulma's head snapped up at Ajax's remark, a look of realization dawning on her face followed quickly by embarrassment.

"Huh? Oh! Right!" she exclaimed, swiftly pulling out a green capsule, its distinctive color setting it apart from the others she carried.

Ajax still found it hard to believe that Bulma hadn't thought of this in the original timeline. This time around, however, they had prepared more meticulously. Ajax had helpfully prompted Bulma, leading to the creation of a specific capsule for the ship.

With a poof, the ship vanished into a puff of smoke, condensing into a tiny capsule on the ground. As Bulma leaned down to pick it up, Ajax decided to send her a telepathic message, offering to keep it safe.

Bulma blinked a few times at the unexpected communication, then shrugged and walked over to hand the capsule to him.

"Just make sure it doesn't get lost," she said, half-joking, half-serious.

Ajax rolled his eyes as he tucked the capsule into a secure pouch within his Gi. "That's way too much responsibility for me, Bulma. The best I can do is try not to sit on it."

Bulma huffed at the joke and lightly cuffed the back of his head, fully aware that Ajax wasn't serious.

Despite being occupied by his conversation with Bulma, Ajax didn't overlook the flash of suspicion in Piccolo's eyes. He had hoped that spending half a year training with the stoic Namekian would have earned him a little more trust, but whatever, he was over it. He didn't need Piccolo's approval and didn't care for it either. It wasn't like he was doing everything solely for his own benefit. As long as he could wake up each morning and look at his reflection in the mirror without feeling guilt or regret, then he was just peachy.

He hadn't spent the past half-year in the chamber just training.

With the ship safely capsulized and tucked away, the group huddled together. Almost in unison, all eyes turned to Ajax. Even Bulma, initially puzzled by the collective movement, followed suit.

Ajax blinked, momentarily taken aback. Once again, it seemed like he was the designated planner. Well, nice. One less thing for him to worry about.

"Alright, here's the plan. First things first, there's a gigantic, malevolent energy signature in the distance that utterly dwarfs Vegeta's. It's ten to twenty times greater than anything we've encountered before, and is very likely the Frieza that Raditz and Vegeta had namedropped before."

Gohan winced, his face growing slightly paler as he swallowed hard. Beside him, Krillin's mouth dropped open, and he released a high-pitched squeak of fear or shock—either was equally likely.

Bulma, less familiar with the nuances of Ki but understanding the implication, appeared visibly shaken as well.

"Wait, wasn't Vegeta also far stronger than all of you, but you guys managed to defeat him in the end? And haven't you and Piccolo got really strong recently? Maybe you can…" She trailed off, punctuating her words with small air-punches, a flimsy glimmer of optimism flickering in her eyes.

Ajax and Piccolo exchanged a glance, then simultaneously turned back to Bulma and shook their heads.

"Oh nooo, we're so fucked…" Krillin wheezed breathily to nothing in particular.

Ajax nodded at Krillin, slightly amused. Krillin's response confirmed something for Ajax: that Frieza was too distant for Krillin and Gohan to detect with their current ki levels. It wasn't surprising. Even for Ajax, with his higher power level, Frieza was near the edge of his perception.

"Appropriate reaction, Krillin. We're steering clear of that guy at all costs," Ajax affirmed. He gestured to everyone in a sweeping motion. "Even with a miracle, none of us stand a chance that guy, but there isn't a lot to worry about for now. If Vegeta was any indication, Frieza and his lackeys aren't particularly good at energy detection and rely heavily on those scouters. So long as we keep our ki levels sufficiently low, we'll literally fly under their radar while they remain glaringly obvious on ours."

A visible wave of relief washed over the group. Gohan's tense shoulders relaxed, and Krillin let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

Though Piccolo found Ajax's reasoning obvious, he still nodded in agreement for appearance's sake, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Keeping our ki low, huh? I can do that," Krillin muttered, more to himself than to anyone else, as if reassuring himself of his capability.

"Are you sure that's enough?" Bulma looked nervous, frowning with worry. "What if they get too close? What if they have other means of detecting us?"

Ajax turned to her, his expression softening. "Unfortunately, that's a risk we can't completely eliminate. But whether they can detect us or not, our best bet is to remain hidden, move quickly, and collect the Dragon Balls as soon as possible. All of this ends once we do."

Ajax alone understood that the true end would come with Frieza's defeat, but he couldn't exactly reveal that at the moment.

Bulma sighed, nodding reluctantly. "Alright, Ajax. Just... be careful, all of you."

"Will do," Ajax said, offering her a reassuring smile. Then, he turned serious as he delved back into the plan. "To sum it up, aside from avoiding any direct encounters with Frieza, our primary goal is to find the Dragon Balls before he does. But before we proceed, we need to find a safe place for Bulma to stay. Perhaps a cave, or something simi–"

Before Ajax could complete his sentence, Piccolo raised a hand and released a weak ki blast at a nearby cliff. The explosion reverberated through the air, causing everyone to instinctively shield their faces as dust and debris swallowed them. As the dust began to settle, they could see Piccolo concentrating, his eyes aglow with a faint light.

Using his telekinesis, Piccolo manipulated the rubble, roughly dragging out the debris. Pebbles and boulders alike hovered momentarily in mid-air before crashing into the water as Piccolo hurled them aside.

And just like that, a brand-new cave spawned into existence.




"…Okay," Ajax broke the awkward silence. "Cave secured. This will be our home base. Bulma, if you would, set up whatever you need. Your primary job is to monitor the screens and stay safe."

Bulma responded with a thumbs-up before making her way toward the cave. She began to inspect its interior, scrutinizing the ceiling and walls for any signs of instability or potential hazards. After a thorough examination, she nodded to herself, satisfied with the structural integrity of the cavity.

With Bulma now occupied, the group's focus returned to Ajax. Ajax drew in a deep breath, collecting his thoughts before addressing them once more.

"As for us, if the Dragon Balls function similarly as they do on Earth, then all seven, or however many there are here, must be gathered to grant a wish. This means if we can secure just one and safeguard it, their plan is foiled. And unlike us, they don't have Dragon Radars!"

"Wait, guys!" Bulma shouted as she dashed back out from the cave, waving the Dragon Radar in her hand. "Three of the Dragon Balls are on the move!"

The team quickly gathered around Bulma, crowding in to examine the radar's display. True to her words, three Dragon Balls were shown steadily shifting positions on the screen.

Ajax squinted at the radar, focusing intently on its readings. The Dragon Balls didn't appear to be moving particularly fast, suggesting that Frieza's group likely consisted of slower members, probably Frieza Force grunts. However, that detail was of secondary concern.

What mattered most was that while Frieza was indeed advancing in their general direction, the tyrant wasn't on a direct collision course with their current position. Their location just happened to lie somewhat tangentially to Frieza's intended destination, which Ajax presumed was another village. For the Z Fighters, this meant their arrival had gone undetected—a stroke of luck that Ajax was extremely grateful for.

However, the other blessing hidden in this seemingly straightforward reading was the fact that only three Dragon Balls were on the move instead of four. In canon, Frieza had already acquired four Dragon Balls, followed by obtaining the fifth one from Dende's village. Vegeta had stolen the sixth, and the seventh had been safeguarded by Guru.

This time around, leveraging his future knowledge, Ajax successfully convinced the group to bypass the fake Namek—primarily because of his reluctance to deal with bullshit filler content. He was not going to risk the entirety of the Namek campaign just for some unimportant side quest. Fuck that noise.

His choice ultimately paid dividends, as their early arrival provided them with precious time to prepare. Now, they had a window of opportunity to warn the remaining villages and Guru of the impending threat. Better yet, Ajax could now retrieve Dende without even encountering Frieza. It was a small victory, but one that Ajax knew they couldn't afford to squander.

Adapting swiftly, Ajax adjusted his plan on the fly to accommodate the new information.

As Frieza's signature drew nearer, the overwhelming power pressing down upon the group prompted everyone to retreat slightly deeper into the cave. It was a rather useless gesture, as they were not close enough to witness them flying past even if they had chosen to remain outside. As Frieza's approach reached its tangential point, the team fell into a dead silence, each member except Bulma instinctively dialing down their power levels to near zero.

Gohan's face twisted with fear in response to the sheer malevolence exuded by Frieza's energy, his expression suggesting that the young Saiyan might be on the verge of throwing up. Observing Gohan's distress, Piccolo placed a comforting hand on the young boy's shoulder.

While Krillin could withstand the sensation of malevolence due to his previous encounters with King Piccolo and the Demon Clan, he still found himself unable to completely suppress the trembling in his limbs. By his sides, his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles whitened.

Despite his familiarity with Frieza, Ajax's expression still soured. He knew Frieza's battle power was 500,000, but experiencing it up close, rather than at a distance, was still absurd to his Ki sense. And to think, this was just Frieza's first form. The tyrant's final form had a staggering power level of around 120 million—a mind-boggling 240 times greater than his current state. Just fucking ridiculous.

However, such thoughts only plagued Ajax momentarily.

Knowing Frieza wasn't about to suddenly come knocking at their door, he swiftly began reorganizing his next moves. The early stages of the Namek arc were of immense significance, essentially serving as the make-or-break point for the entire saga. Countless "absolute" conditions needed to be met, all of which could lead to a game over if any one of them was left unsatisfied.

Take, for instance, Dende. The young Namekian will play an absolutely crucial role as a healer, and serve as the key for summoning Porunga, not to mention his future role as Earth's Kami. As a result, Ajax simply couldn't afford to allow Dende to die or fall into the clutches of their enemies. Without Dende, their efforts might be doomed from the start.

In fact, the plan for his main objective on Namek might fall apart.

And so, ensuring Dende's survival became one of Ajax's foremost priorities throughout the initial stages of the Namek arc—more vital, perhaps, than even acquiring the Dragon Balls themselves.

Unfortunately, Dende was only one of the many critical junctures in the Namekian saga. The Dragon Balls had to be stolen from Frieza. Vegeta could not be allowed to receive his wish. Guru's death needed to be strategically timed. Piccolo cannot die.

Someone needed to become a Super Saiyan to defeat Frieza.

These are the absolute minimum prerequisites to ensure that Namek was not where his story ends.

And so, ironically, Ajax found that there were limits to the changes he could make, especially at the very initial stages, where his hands are tied–no, more like shackled by the overwhelming might of his enemies. Sure, he wasn't powerless, but he was overshadowed by every significant player on the board, even by someone like Dodoria, for god's sake!

However, after meeting up with Guru, everything would change.

Therefore, Ajax's priorities became clear. His top priority was to secure Dende with minimal risk. Following that, he had to promptly meet with Guru and ensure his own survival until then. Only then would he have the freedom to spread his wings and make his move!

Ajax's contemplations ended as a subtle shift indicated that the fearsome tyrant had passed by them, the relative distance between them growing. With each passing moment, the oppressive force pressing down upon them eased, and a collective sigh of relief escaped from the group.

Taking a moment to regain his composure, Ajax returned to his usual calm. Despite the additional time they had gained, he knew they couldn't afford to squander it. The race for the Dragon Balls had already begun, and every second counted.

With a single clap to draw everyone's attention, Ajax immediately began speaking, pointing towards the Dragon Radar in Bulma's hands.

"The Dragon Radar reveals the locations of the last three Dragon Balls that Frieza hadn't yet discovered. They're likely in the remaining villages. We need to hit these locations before Frieza does and to achieve that in the least amount of time, we need to split up for maximum coverage. Krillin, Gohan, and I will form one group. Piccolo, you're the other gro–"

But before Ajax could finish his sentence, Piccolo interjected with a disapproving frown.

"No. I'll be with Gohan, and you take Krillin."

Ajax folded his arms across his chest as he mulled over Piccolo's proposal. He understood Piccolo's protective stance towards Gohan, but he had already considered this possibility and concluded it just wasn't the most efficient allocation of their resources.

"That's not the most logical choice. In combat, Gohan may slow you down, but his abilities are invaluable to me. Keep in mind, my specialty is assuming the vanguard position, absorbing attacks while the team unleashes their firepower," Ajax explained, his hand extending in a natural gesture. "Additionally, you'll fare better on your own. Being a Namekian, you naturally blend in among the other native Namekians. If you were accompanied by Gohan, it would only arouse suspicions."

Piccolo narrowed his eyes in suspicion but refrained from voicing further objections. Ajax's answer had been flawless, as always, but Piccolo couldn't tell if there were any hidden motives.

"Couldn't Krillin and I go off alone?" Gohan asked. "That way, we can hit all three villages at the same time."

Ajax considered Gohan's suggestion momentarily before replying.

"In theory, you could. However, your Ki detection range isn't as large as Piccolo's or mine. There's also a potential threat from the Namekians themselves if they doubt our intentions, so that's an unnecessary risk to you. We can still outpace Frieza and reach the third village if we start with the village closest to his current target."

A swift scan of the cave confirmed that most of the group had agreed with his reasoning. Ajax knew his plan wasn't groundbreaking, but it was sound and it maximized their efficiency while minimizing risks.

"Remember, stealth is our greatest ally. Stay alert, don't let your guard down, and most importantly, no heroics, capiche?"

Everyone nodded at Ajax's reminder.

"Alright, let's divide and conquer before that overpowered monster is done with whatever he's up to."

On Ajax's words, four swift blurs silently darted out of the cave.

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