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57.14% Dragon Ball Alternative / Chapter 63: Chapter 63– Last Minute Preparations

Kapitel 63: Chapter 63– Last Minute Preparations

~ A Day Later: Wasteland ~

Piccolo hovered in mid-air, his arms crossed and his expression stern as he surveyed the gaping hole in the ground not too far from the two apple trees that Nappa had brutally thrust into the earth.

In the heat of battle, it seemed that the Saibaman had slipped through the cracks of everyone's attention, and now, that little green menace was loose, running free somewhere on the planet.

However, given the absence of reports of strange attacks or unexplained decreases in signs of life across the globe, Piccolo can tentatively conclude that the Saibaman was, for now, behaving itself. If it continued to keep a low profile, then whatever it chose to do was of no concern to him. There was no point in wasting energy hunting it down.

Sensing someone approaching, Piccolo partially turned in the air to face the distant Ki signature, his cape billowing behind him.

It was Ajax.

Piccolo's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he watched the boy fly towards him, the young warrior's aura blazing like fire. Within moments, Ajax was hovering in front of him, face-to-face.

"What do you want?" Piccolo's voice was cold and direct. He had no interest in pointless apologies or groveling, but if Ajax wanted a fight, Piccolo would not show any mercy to him.

Ajax didn't flinch from the cold reception. His expression was serious, almost challenging. 

"I want you to train with me in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," he replied.

Piccolo raised an eyebrow, his mind racing to match the term with its definition. It wasn't something he had encountered personally in this life, but it had stirred a faint sense of familiarity within him, which meant it likely stemmed from his father's memories.

He took a moment to sift through these inherited memories before realizing what Ajax was referring to. So, a place where a year's worth of training could be accomplished in just a day. Ah, he remembered now. His father, Piccolo Daimao, had never managed to set foot on the Lookout to confirm its existence, leading Piccolo to dismiss it as a mere myth.

It turned out it really existed.

Piccolo regarded Ajax thoughtfully. It was surprising that the boy wanted anything to do with him after their "discussion." Though Piccolo had reluctantly admitted that Ajax wasn't an enemy, trusting him was an entirely different matter.

"Why?" Piccolo asked bluntly. There was no way in hell he would agree without first understanding Ajax's motives.

"Because we NEED to be stronger," Ajax replied matter-of-factly. "There will always be threats out there, and we can't afford to be weak. Take Vegeta as an example. He's not going to get any weaker, and you know Saiyan physiology as well as I do. After the beating he received from us, there's a Zenkai boost waiting for him, meaning he'll come back even stronger."

Piccolo stared at Ajax, trying to decipher any hidden meanings in his words. He didn't trust the boy, but there was something different about him today. Piccolo couldn't quite put his finger on what it was yet.

"Why me? Why not Goku, or those human friends of yours?"

Ajax crossed his arms, resisting the urge to give a cheeky, sarcastic remark about Goku's current condition. Instead, he replied seriously, "Didn't you dislike how I handled matters? Didn't you want to involve yourself more? Well, here's your chance."

For a long moment, there was only silence between the two of them.

"Fine then," Piccolo said at last. "But Kami won't agree to this."


~ A Few Hours Later: Lookout ~

"He is correct, I cannot agree to this." 

Kami's voice was firm, his expression stern. The ancient guardian of Earth stood tall, his staff by his side, radiating an air of authority as he scrutinized the two before him. 

In front of Kami stood Ajax, who had just finished explaining his request. Behind him was Piccolo, arms crossed and face inscrutable, watching the exchange intently.

"Shishō, we need to do this," Ajax insisted, repeating himself to his mentor. His voice carried just a hint of urgency. 

Kami's gaze shifted from Ajax to Piccolo. Despite Ajax's earnest plea, Kami's mind was already made up. This was a terrible idea. While he could admit that Piccolo had changed for the better, especially in comparison to his predecessor, the thought of him gaining even more power was unsettling. 

Since Piccolo Jr.'s debut up to now, a delicate balance has unknowingly been maintained. Never had Piccolo reigned unchallenged as the undisputed strongest–a counterbalance had always existed. At first, he was challenged and defeated by Goku, then by the Saiyans following that.

Though Piccolo fought to defend the Earth against the Saiyans, it had ultimately been an alliance made out of necessity. Now, with the Saiyan threat momentarily behind them, Kami, as Earth's Guardian, couldn't simply just disregard the possibility of Piccolo going rogue should his strength surpass everyone else's. 

"Ajax, I understand the ongoing danger posed by Vegeta, but you are overlooking the full implications of your request," Kami started, pausing as his gaze shifted briefly to Piccolo, the younger Namekian, "And Piccolo, your power is already respectable. Growing too strong too fast will tip the delicate equilibrium maintained on Earth thus far. As Guardian of Earth, I cannot allow this to occur."

Piccolo's eyes narrowed at the implied criticism of his character, but knowing it was a valid concern given his past actions, he remained silent, allowing Ajax to make their case.

Ajax stepped forward; his fists clenched at his sides. 

"I understand the risks, and that's precisely why I'm going in with him. We can keep each other in check, and I'll adapt to any injuries Piccolo inflicts on me during training." 

Kami sighed deeply, the age-old wisdom shining through his eyes reflecting his concern. "While I can grudgingly concede you are barely eligible to train within the Time Chamber as you are now, I fail to understand your urgency. You're injured. Why not wait until you, or Goku, have recovered?"

"Because we don't have the time!" Ajax's restraint strained, the frustration simmering beneath his composed exterior almost making him hiss his words. Despite meeting unexpected resistance from Kami, he swiftly regained his composure, his expression steadying. 

Gone are the days of passivity as Ajax had occasionally allowed in the past. To secure the good ending that he wanted without sacrifice, he must leverage and maximize every resource available to him to its fullest potential. And given the horrifying enemies looming on the horizon, he couldn't afford to compromise. He CANNOT back down on this. 

But Kami's skepticism was clear for all to see, and realizing that his mentor was unconvinced, Ajax understood that a more drastic measure was needed. As he had previously said, he cannot compromise on the Chamber, and sometimes, honor had to yield to necessity. 

So, Ajax decided to demonstrate the sincerity of his conviction in the most unequivocal manner possible. With almost no hesitation, he leaned forward, intending to drop to one knee—or he tried to, at least. 

Before Ajax could complete the motion, Kami had already tapped his staff onto the hard marble floor. In an instant, Ajax's movement was abruptly halted as he unexpectedly faceplanted into a barrier of hardened air, his facial features contorting in a comical manner as he slid down the invisible wall from his momentum. 

Momentarily stunned by the unexpected resistance, Ajax took a beat longer than normal to rise to his feet, his hand instinctively reaching to massage away the throbbing sensation blossoming across his face.

Meanwhile, Kami scrutinized Ajax intently, his gaze penetrating the surface in an attempt to decipher the reason behind his protégé's resolve. Kami believed he had some insight into Ajax's character, thanks to the countless hours spent together over the past year. 

While his protégé was not inherently prideful, Kami knew that kneeling wasn't a gesture Ajax would make lightly either. Thus, the decision to kneel had carried significant weight, and it had spoken volumes of the resolve behind this request.

After all, Ajax had not resorted to such actions when denied access to the Chamber before the Saiyan's invasion, despite the greater potential urgency then.

…which meant there must've been something about this request that he had overlooked.

Kami took a glance at Piccolo, trying to glean some information, some hint of Ajax's rationale. His evil half met his gaze briefly then shrugged nonchalantly, showing his disinterest in involving himself with the following sequence of events. 

So, Piccolo didn't know anything. Interesting. 

Turning his attention back to Ajax, Kami locked eyes with his protégé. No words were needed, no questions posed—just him and his wisdom. That should be sufficient.

Ajax involuntarily twitched as the extended duration of the eye contact made it increasingly awkward.

The corners of Kami's lips almost betrayed his amusement as he observed Ajax's reaction. With the typical youthful naivety of a young soul, Ajax had been oblivious to the fact that Kami had seen all manners of trickery before, countless times over the past centuries. It was his duty as the Guardian of Earth, after all, to keep watch over the people of Earth.

While Ajax displayed a maturity far beyond what his physical age might imply, Kami had not lived his centuries for naught either. His protégé was quite literally still a few hundred years too young to pull a fast one on him unnoticed.

Ajax's attempts at hiding things had resembled a novice's attempts at sleight of hand before a seasoned magician. Alternatively, perhaps it was more accurate to say that it was reminiscent of a child sneaking out of bed to play games past their bedtime, convinced that they were getting away with it when, in reality, their parents had been long aware of their actions. 

But Kami had always refrained from revealing his awareness outright. There was a certain satisfaction in allowing Ajax to believe he was being discreet, even though Kami could see through the machination with ease. He might have remained silent, but he was far from ignorant of Ajax's little games.

Kami thought it was quite endearing, actually.

A year ago, during their very first conversation, he had inadvertently been a tad too forthcoming with certain details regarding Goku's origin. Ajax, sharp as he had been, had pieced together the clues, leading his protégé to conclude that Kami had possessed knowledge of Goku's origins before Raditz's arrival.

That was just one conversation.

Kami had a whole year. 

Though he had not managed to unearth Ajax's elusive secret, he did have a few theories.

The subtle nuances in Ajax's choice of words, every transient flicker that betrayed deeper thoughts—Kami had cataloged them all, recognizing them as the pattern of someone guarding closely held knowledge.

It wasn't Ajax's fault though. Mr. Popo had exhibited the same behavior, and he had spent centuries observing his long-time companion. Ajax in comparison had been like a partially-opened book.

His theory was this: that Ajax wielded some minor level of clairvoyance or future sight. He suspected minor because, unlike truly powerful clairvoyants, Ajax does exhibit surprise–frequently at that. Such an explanation made the most sense to him, as it provided a plausible explanation for Ajax's extraordinary ability to form significant insights from seemingly random details.

As the young boy's mentor, his theory had stirred a sense of responsibility within him. Should Ajax be open to revealing his gift, Kami was confident he could procure qualified instructors for proper guidance. In his capacity as Earth's Guardian, Kami, under disguise, boasted extensive connections with Earth's mystical community, including a certain fortuneteller who owed him a favor or three. 

Of course, he could have uncovered the truth with a mere glance into Ajax's mind, but despite his curiosity, he remained steadfast in his resolve to respect his disciple's privacy. He had also commanded Mr. Popo to refrain from such intrusive measures because Kami was quite certain Mr. Popo had no reservations about crossing ethical boundaries.

He was not quite sure if Mr. Popo even truly understood what ethics was.

However, the Ajax before him today was different. He could tell with a glance that his protege had confronted and conquered some internal struggle that had greatly burdened him. He knows because the confidence that had defined Ajax over the past year had subtly shifted because of it. 

It was a subtle shift, imperceptible to most, but not to Kami. While Ajax was as confident as his normal self, beneath the surface of that confidence now laid a newfound undercurrent of unease, perhaps apprehension.

What could instill such unease in Ajax, who had confronted the overwhelming Saiyans unflinchingly? What kind of fearsome enemy had his protégé seen lurking in the future, capable of unsettling him so?"

Perhaps Ajax had glimpsed their hard-fought victory against the Saiyans despite being forbidden from the Chamber, but foresaw defeat against this adversary? Was Ajax… trying to rewrite the future?

Kami was, of course, completely incorrect. In truth, Ajax's apprehension stemmed not from any horrifying enemy lurking in the shadows but was instead an instinctive fear born of uncertainty, of the unknown path he found himself treading.

But such is the burden of those who walk the path of trailblaze.

Regaining his composure, Kami proceeded to speak of his decision. 

"Very well, I shall grant you access to the chamber. However–!" Kami cut himself off sharply to emphasize his next point. "My condition is that I shall accompany you initially to ensure your readiness to withstand the chamber. Only upon my satisfaction shall I permit Piccolo entry, and his presence must not exceed your own duration within. This is not negotiable."

Ajax mulled over the stipulations set forth by Kami. It was a reasonable set of conditions, but since the implications affected Piccolo as well, it was not a decision he could make alone. He glanced at Piccolo, searching for the Namekian's opinion, and was given a silent nod of agreement. 

Well, that was that, then.

"No problems here," Ajax affirmed. He decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and question why Kami had suddenly changed his mind.

"Then come," Kami beckoned them, leading the way into the depths of the Lookout. Ajax and Piccolo fell into step behind Kami, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors.

At last, they stood before an unassuming door, its dark wooden surface bearing a suspicious resemblance to a bar of chocolate.

Without looking back, Kami addressed his trusted attendant, "Mr. Popo, please aid me with the task of keeping a watchful eye on our guest Piccolo, would you, old friend?"

"Of course, Kami," Mr. Popo responded promptly, just inches behind Piccolo.

Startled, Piccolo instinctively recoiled, a low, hissed curse escaping his lips as he whirled around to face the unexpected presence behind him.

Having delegated Piccolo's supervision to Mr. Popo, Kami paid no heed to Piccolo's startled response, instead focusing on Ajax.

"You have only just begun scratching on the surface of external Ki Manipulation. As you are now, you have finally reached the threshold to explore its depths, of what it can really do."

The chocolatey doors of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber swung open, and without pausing for acknowledgment, Kami motioned for Ajax to follow. With no hesitation, Ajax followed, crossing the threshold into the depths of the chamber.

Behind them, the heavy doors swung shut with a resounding thud, sealing them off from the outside world.

~ Half a Day Later: Lookout ~

The doors of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber opened, and Ajax and Piccolo emerged, their attire in tatters from the marks of their training. Despite the ragged state of their clothing, there was an undeniable air of triumph about them as they crossed the threshold of the Chamber and returned to the outside world.

Having anticipated Ajax and Piccolo's return, Kami and Mr. Popo stood outside the chamber awaiting them. While Mr. Popo couldn't have cared less about their return, Kami scanned them up and down with a look of approval.

"Both of you have grown significantly stronger," Kami observed, filled with satisfaction at the strides they had taken within the confines of the chamber.

"We have," Ajax confirmed. 

Well, it hadn't been a vacation, that was for sure. 

He had spent almost three time-chamber weeks healing his chest injury, acclimating to the 10x gravity, and training his external Ki manipulation with Kami. Adapting to the oppressive gravity had actually been demanding, far surpassing his initial expectations.

To clarify, the physical demands of the tenfold gravity weren't of significant challenge for Ajax, given his copious prior efforts at developing his strength. Rather, the true test had been enduring prolonged periods within the heightened gravitational environment.

In real tenfold gravity, the strain extended beyond mere muscular endurance. Over time, gravity had put his cardiovascular system to the test, demanding his heart to sustain the necessary blood flow to his brain. Unfortunately, a human's heart was just not quite up to par. As a result, after extended exposure to high gravity, Ajax would occasionally lose consciousness with little to no warning. 

Of course, after his adaptation reared its head, the issue had not persisted, but if it had not been for Kami's vigilance before his heart did adapt, Ajax might've genuinely died the first time he overestimated his endurance. 

After taking his first breath of fresh air in half a year, Ajax couldn't resist casting a sideways glance at Piccolo, who was enveloped by the subtle luminescence of the "clothes beam" as the Namekian replaced his turban and cape with practiced ease. It was evident that Piccolo, too, had grown tremendously in the past months.

At the moment, Ajax estimated his maximum power level to be around 12,000 units when fully unleashed, perhaps approaching 13,000 if he were to overexert himself. Somewhat vexingly, Piccolo's power level hovered in the mid-13,000s, a slight edge over Ajax's own. 

It was a respectable figure, though it fell somewhat short of Ajax's aspirations. That being said, even if it wasn't as high as he'd hoped, his strength had surpassed his initial expectations. For now, it would suffice.

As one might've expected, Ajax's allocation of time spent training within the chamber had not been arbitrary. He had deliberately earmarked the remaining 1.5 years as a contingency for the Cell Saga. Considering the potential for everything to be FUBAR by then, he couldn't risk running out of time when it mattered most.

As Ajax ruminated on the fruits of his training and reorganized his upcoming strategies, he was abruptly drawn to the timbre of Kami's voice. 

"Young Bulma had expressed her desire to converse with both of you, but for the sake of convenience, I shall relay the message in her stead," Kami began, his gaze shifting attentively to the two before him. "She is making preparations for the expedition to Namek and presumes that the both of you will participate. Additionally, she has informed me that young Krillin and young Gohan will accompany you on this journey. Should you intend to join, gather the provisions you require, as departure is scheduled in nine days' time, at this designated location."

Without missing a beat, Kami smoothly transmitted the coordinates of the designated launch site directly into Piccolo and Ajax's minds, the information manifesting within their consciousness with crystal clarity, leaving no room for error or doubt.

Following this telepathic exchange, Mr. Popo, ever silent and efficient, stepped forth. With a single fluid motion, he tossed each of them a small box. Ajax caught his deftly, his curiosity instantly piqued as he swiftly pried it open. Within lay a neatly arranged set of capsules, each no larger than a thumb, bearing tiny labels indicating their respective contents or lack thereof.

Piccolo spared a glance at Ajax's box without bothering to open his own. His sharp eyes took in the sight, knowing with certainty that his box would have the same contents.

"This is a small set of capsules for the items you wish to accompany you on your journey. Should you require more, young Bulma has arranged additional supplies at Capsule Corporation," Kami relayed before concluding with a tap of his staff. "That will be all."

Acknowledging Kami's instructions with a nod, Ajax stowed the box away into his pocket intending to examine its contents and make necessary preparations at a later time.

Realizing that Kami had said his piece, Piccolo departed without another word, and Ajax watched his departure, knowing their paths would cross once more in the not-too-distant future. Following suit, Mr. Popo nodded to Kami before vanishing into the depths of the Lookout.

Left alone on the platform, Ajax and Kami shared a comfortable silence, bathed in the fading light of the sun.

"So, any progress on that new creative attack you thought up?" Kami inquired, directing a knowing, serene smile toward Ajax.

"…" Ajax sighed, shaking his head in response.

"Be a little more specific with me now, young Ajax. How much time did you dedicate towards developing it, against my advice, and how many successful attempts did you manage in the end?"

Ajax shifted uncomfortably under Kami's gaze, his cheeks coloring with embarrassment. Busted… he knew his mentor had seen through him at a glance, knowing that he hadn't completely adhered to instructions as given.

"All failures…" Ajax admitted, his voice trailing off as he made a face, feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment. Despite investing many hours into this technique, each attempt had ended in disappointment.

Kami chuckled softly at Ajax's crestfallen expression.

"Don't fret over this hypothetical technique too much," Kami reassured, regarding his student with patience and understanding. "As I've mentioned before, it's an impressive concept, but its execution is only theoretically possible. The Ki control demanded by an attack of that nature is astronomical."

"Yeah, but..." Ajax hesitated. He wanted to believe that he could overcome any obstacle through sheer determination and effort, but zero success over the course of six months in practice, in contrast with on paper, felt completely different. He must admit, his confidence had been severely eroded. 

Kami extended his hand, placing it reassuringly on Ajax's shoulder.

"Astronomical, young Ajax. I mean it. Even I hesitate to claim certainty on ever wielding such an attack successfully, and I have meticulously refined my Ki mastery for centuries. Rather than fixating on a technique that may forever remain beyond reach, it's wiser to focus on mastering the principles of external Ki manipulation."

Ajax remained silent, absorbing Kami's advice.

"And when your Ki mastery soars to new heights, you can tackle this again," Kami encouraged.

Ajax sighed, a tinge of resignation settling over him as he grudgingly acknowledged the wisdom in his mentor's counsel. After six months of continuous failures, he can begrudgingly admit that his aspirations had outpaced his actual abilities. It's just that…

"It's such a cool attack though…" 

Quick as the wind, Kami's enchanted staff lightly rapped itself against Ajax's head in playful admonishment at his words, eliciting a wry grin from the young warrior. Rubbing the spot where the staff had made contact, Ajax, seized by a moment of childishness, cheekily stuck out his tongue at his mentor.

Kami laughed this time, shaking his head in fondness.

"Sometimes, I forget that you're still just a child."

Returning the smile, Ajax adjusted the Capsule Corps box in his pocket and bid his farewell to Kami. As he turned on his heels to depart, his mentor's voice echoed telepathically in his mind.

'Remember my proposal.' 

Kami's words stopped Ajax in his tracks. For a moment, time stood still as Ajax turned back to look at his mentor, their gaze locking with a silent intensity.

In that fleeting instant, Ajax and Kami communicated in a way only possible for those who are extremely familiar with each other—a wordless exchange that transcended words. With a resigned sigh, Ajax shook his head and murmured a brief farewell before taking his leave.

Rising from the Lookout, Ajax ascended effortlessly into the sky, propelled by the power of his Ki.

Kami observed in silence as Ajax departed, his gaze tracking the young warrior's flight path as the fading light from the setting sun on the horizon reflected off his pupils. 

Then, a distance away from the Lookout, Ajax pierced through the sound barrier with a thunderous boom and vanished beyond the horizon.

Whatever the trials that lay ahead for everyone may be, Kami hoped that their preparations now would prove sufficient. With a heavy heart, Kami turned his eyes toward the horizon, watching the sun gradually sink below the edge of the world as night descended upon the Lookout once more.

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