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66.66% Emperor of Valyria / Chapter 6: The New Dragon Rider

Kapitel 6: The New Dragon Rider

272 AC

It's been a year since the hatching of Arrax, and much has changed since then. For example, after Jaquen swore the servitude of the faceless man, I've began establishing a spy network throughout the seven kingdoms, and even removing future obstacles.

There has been speculation that Joanna Lannister's death was caused by something other than Tyrion's birth, something that would weaken the Targaryen authority. While the Rebellion of Duskendale doesn't place until 276, those events render Aerys insane and paranoid. I'm not sure if I'll stop the rebellion since if I save him, I might get a prize, perhaps land, to increase my presence in the seven kingdoms.

Although the alliance I intend to form will cover Dorne, and my intentions to include Cersei will safeguard the Westerland's, the remainder of the five kingdoms remain untouched. But I intend to safeguard Rhaella, or else I'll simply take her away before the defiance. Thoughts for another day.

Anyway, it turns out that the outside source was our very own measter; my belief is that the citadel considers themselves to be schemers, and that if I hadn't been sent here, they could have gotten away with it. So I had him killed, along with a message for Tywin and a healing potion to aid Joanna's recovery. I've been learning old Valyrian magic and potions from the mound of books we discovered in the Vault; my Valyrian is still a little shaky, but Lybolt is fluent, so it works out.

Speaking of Lybolt, I had him appointed as my right hand to administer the kingdom when I finally headed out to find my betrotheds. And the amount of my coffers dwarfs that of the Lannisters. I could just make gold to fill them, but I felt it would be a nice method to increase my notoriety. I've started trading the usuals like gold, diamonds, wool, and hides from the animals here.

But the most popular items are the enchanted crops I've been able to create; I've long been cultivating grain, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables, but I also brought over rice, which is a major seller in the North not only because of the price, but also because of how long it keeps fresh. I dispatched servants to teach the northern lords how to and keep it for a longer period of time. I'm sure some enraged lords from the Reach and Riverland's have protested because they can't sell their overpriced shit to the North, but ehh fuckem.

In my past life, I drank a lot of Whiskey, which I'm not proud of, but it's come in handy now that I've established distilleries near the ports. It's a smash hit throughout the seven kingdoms and Essos. I still haven't figured out other alcohols than wine, but that will come later. However, the discovery that all of the commodities originated in Valyria has sent shockwaves throughout the regions, and merchant ships have been passing by to inspect the new and improved Valyria, no doubt reporting back to the free cities.

By now, word has spread to Kings Landing and the other kingdoms. I've been receiving raven's letters nonstop calling me to Kings landing; it's most likely an integration of how I was able to get rid of the active volcanoes around here, but I'll be seeing the seven kingdoms in my journey.

I'm standing in front of the main gate, watching Arrax consume sharks and whales as if it's never tasted food before. My assumptions concerning the Valyrian hatching mechanism were right because Arrax's growth rate has been incredibly fast and alarming at first, with her size approaching Vhagar's.

I have little doubt Arrax will outgrow Balerion in a year or two, but the prospect excites and scares me. My hypothesis is that the hatching device and being in Valyria, where magic has been blooming, has had an influence on her. I've been riding Arrax since she was able to be ridden. It took a while to get used to riding a dragon, but the connection we share, as well as her following commands simply through our thoughts, has made it incredibly easy. Despite my annoyance and insistence on telling her I'm her father, you have to take what you can get sometimes.

I let Arrax fly around freely and hunt on her own; I've never chained her up and have no plans to do so in the future because a tethered dragon can limit their growth and encourage unwelcome behavior, not that Arrax has any problems to begin with.

'Mother, let's go,' I hear in my head, shaking me out of my thoughts, and I sigh, 'Okay, my child, let's show the world our might.' When I respond, she lets out a rumbling followed by a ground-shaking roar. To keep Arrax safe in the event that someone was foolish enough to try to harm her, I placed Protection charms beside speed and endurance to enable her to soar and breathe fire for longer.

As I climb to the top, I can't help but admire her coloration, her crimson scales gleaming in the light with the white swirls that give her a majestic and menacing appearance, along with her long horns protruding from the top of her head and the spikes along her face. Her razor-sharp talons can cut through almost anything. "Take care of things while I'm gone, I'll be away for a bit," I say to Lybolt, who is admiring Arrax. "I will not fail you, I'll make sure things run smoothly father," he replies proudly.

I smile at him, he's grown physically and mentally. He's about eight feet tall, with black raven hair, a blue huge eye, and a monstrous muscular body wielding his Valyrian steel great hammer that I gave him. He lacks skill, but who needs technique when you have his strength and a hammer that makes Bobby B's hammer look like child shit?"I know you will, I'll see you later," I say, and he smiles brightly. "I'll await your return," he says as he bows. 'Sovetes,' I think, and with a powerful flap of Arrax's wings, we fly into the sky to Dorne.


As we fly through the air, I look down and see Volantis 'might stop there on my way back' I thought to myself, as we continue our journey to make alliances.

Sunspear 272

POV Elia Martell

The seven kingdoms have been in uproar in recent months about the trading vessels that have been trading throughout the seven kingdoms and the free cities, as well as the size of the commerce vessels, which resemble warships.

Also, because of the strange drinks that have been brought and the delicious foods that have been traded, that taste better than anything I have ever eaten, and has made the reach lords very unhappy about the accusations that their crops can't compete with food from Valyria of all places.

At first, it was merely rumor and speculation that a new and powerful kingdom had formed in Valyria, which had been tormented by beasts and volcanoes since the doom, but that notion was crushed when many merchant ships arrived and claimed the same thing.


"ELIA," Oberyn rushes into my chambers, and I shout out in surprise, "ahhh what?" He grins, "I heard a rumor from the docks that new trading ships have arrived from Valyria, apparently a new kingdom has been built there." "Oberyn, please Valyria has been plagued by unknown dangerous creatures and volcanoes," she finishes, his smirk still present, "but more and more merchants that had the balls to go near Valyria have claimed to see the biggest and most beautiful castle you have ever seen, that shines bright and with high red walls and the biggest port you can ever imagine," he practically yells out.

For a brief period, she considers, 'If numerous merchants have said the same thing, then these can't just be rumors; there must be some truth to them.' She considers. "Has there been word from kingslanding?" she inquires, Oberyn loses his smirk and turns serious "Yes apparently multiple letters have been sent inviting the people that have brought Valyria back from the doom but none of them have been replied to, my guess is the people that rule over there, don't want to communicate with them or at least not yet anyway no doubt King Aerys had raged and ranted, to his coun

'Yes, I have heard of his temper, but nothing serious has happened, and we have had calm under his leadership,' I frown. She thought to herself, "well only time will tell then brother of when they will make an appearance" that's what she said. Oberyn responds with his trademark smirk, "I suppose your right sister."

Flashback end


Pov Elia Martell

I'm taking a stroll through the markets with Oberyn when suddenly an ear piercing roar that puts everyone on alarm as I look up, I see something that makes my blood freeze, I see a giant red dragon with large horns, flying above but with a surprise yell from Oberyn " Someone is riding it" he yells out alerting every one of the new dragon rider, although I can't see clearly who's riding the giant dragon all I see is a man on top as he descends into sunspear courtyard, I feel a pull on my hand, I'm ripped out from my thoughts as Oberyn pull my hand towards home. "Come Elia let's see what is happening" he says as we run.


POV Nathan

As I fly into the courtyard, I thought to myself, 'Damn shit's hot out here, no surprise Dorne folk have short tempers, I'd be upset if I had to stand out here and  cook every day.' 'You did well my child, remember no fire or eating people unless my say so,' I say in my mind, as she lets out a growl. 'Understood mother,' she replies back.

As I climbed down, I made sure I was dressed to impress, wearing white pants with tiny dragons woven along the sides and a white silk shirt with a red jacket, both of which had my insignia on the left side. My shoulder-length crimson hair was loosened, as was my Valyrian steel sword with a red dragon pommel that I had made, which was hanging lazily on my hip.

"Ah, you didn't keep me waiting, I see," I exclaim as a swarm of guards wielding spears enters the courtyard. I observe two lads shorter than me with brown tanned skin and a boy on the left with a set sneer as four people I suppose are the Martell's.

'Oberyn, I guess,' and when I look at the other, I find a taller boy, looking at me with an anxious expression owing to Arrax and a calculating stare, no doubt studying, I thought to myself. 'I've read of her frail state, but she's still very beautiful and I can tell she has a gentle heart,' I think as a girl pops out from Oberyn. She's smaller than her brothers, she has dark brown hair that goes down to the middle of her back, and the blackest eyes.

I concluded my thoughts as an older woman, almost identical to Elia but with a broader frame,'must be the mother' startled from my thoughts by a voice "May I ask why you have come here dragon rider" she whispers cautiously.

"Ah You must be the ruler of Dorne, well no doubt your uneasy by my sudden appearance, well no doubt you have bought from me like many others have," I say, as confusion is written on her face, "I see now you have decided to make an appearance, ruler of Valyria, well no doubt you have gotten countless ravens from all over to meet you, even the king himself has sent many and yet you come here why?" She completes her sentence.

Silence fills the air as my golden yellow eyes pierce her black ones and she turns away uneasy for a second, I grin "Well yes, I had preparations to make and better things to do than visit that shit smelling city and be battered with questions all day long," I remark sarcastically. "Well, sunspear is glad to be the first to meet you, let us bring bread and salt and talk inside," she says, signaling the staff to bring out the bread and salt.

A servant approaches, and I reach out and take guest rights, the princess of Dorne smiles and leads me inside, 'Stay here Arrax, I will be back', she lets out a shriek 'Okay' scaring everyone, as I take a glance at Elia, she meets my eyes, and I give her a playful wink and a smile, her eyes widen in surprise and send me a small smile.

As we enter the Princess Solar, I take a seat in one of the chairs, as guards try to stay inside, the Princess waves her hand signaling them to wait outside, the guards eye me and send me a warning glare, but I just wink at them, and they reluctantly leave to guard the door.

"Well let's discuss things now shall we" I say, and the princess, with her hands folded, answers, "Yes, let's," with a searching stare. "Well as you are aware I have a dragon and yes I can control it and I'm it's rider obviously, and yes I built the rumored Beast of a castle and all the rest in Valyria" I said with a grin on my face.

'Should I show her my fuck it who cares who knows they can't do anything to me,' I reason, as I raise my hand up, they all look in caution and a light fills the room and when it disappears a six foot, Valyrian steel spear with the Martell sigil on the handle appears. I toss the spear to the wide-eyed Oberyn, who catches it, grips it tightly, and looks at it with childlike amazement.

The chamber is as silent as a cemetery, and Oberyn asks, surprised, "Could you make more?" With a big smile, he exclaims. I let out a tiny chuckle and add, "maybe later," and he frowns slightly before nodding. "You are endowed with magic," the princess declares.

"Yes, I possess magic and among other things but that's how I was able to make my kingdom and mine several other resources and among them is Valyrian steel or rather I can make it" I finish, she probably thinks for a minute about how she can form an alliance with me, but I cut her off and say. "I wish to make alliances with the seven kingdoms or rather make four alliances." She looks wide-eyed at the information and responds softly after I finish. "And you wish to make one of those alliances with house Martell," she goes on to say.

"Yes, I would like to form an alliance with House Martell, but also with another house in Dorne, let's stop dancing around the subject, I would like to make your daughter one of my wives," I finish and send Elia a bright smile, her cheeks becoming a shade of red. "Yes, so beautiful," I thought, as the princess's voice drew me out of my reverie. "One of your wives, you mean to take more than one wife, and why would I marry off my daughter to you and have you not keep to her bed," she adds calmly, but with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Oh, I assure you my bed is big enough to keep her and my future wives and you would get a trade agreement that would definitely benefit you but also my support should you have problems and if that's not enough your grandchildren would wield magic and be dragon riders" I finish with a playful smirk.

'I enjoy these negotiations...they're so much fun.' I think to myself, she ponders for a second and says "Elia has always been a bit frail you see and her health has always had complications-" before she can finish, I get up from my seat and walk towards Elia who's surprised and places my hand on her stomach and lets my magic spread 'I see it's her lungs and her hear is a bit weak' I finish my thoughts and let my magic do its thing.

I built new lungs for her and strengthened her heart, making sure it was painless because I didn't want to hurt her. When the lights go out, I watch her because her weak stature has vanished, replaced by a broader figure, and her face has more color to it, despite the fact that she is still small. I return my attention to the princess of Dorne, who is staring at me with wide eyes, as are Oberyn and Doran. Oberyn exclaims angrily, "What did you do to my sister?" he says. "Shut it, Oberyn," Doran speaks for the first time, and Oberyn steps down hesitantly. "I gave her new lungs and strengthened her heart, so she is in perfect health now." I'm done.

The Dorne princess "That's not natural," she says slowly, "nothing I do is natural." I turn back to Elia and look into her big, beautiful eyes and say "I wish to marry you, of course you are welcome to reject, and I won't take it as a slight and we'll go our separate ways, but if you accept you'll help me rule Valyria by my side as my queen" I finish as our faces are inches apart, she squirm and then she says "I would love to Lord..You never told me your name" she replies with a small smile.

'I haven't even told them my name!!' shit' with a cough "Sorry my lady, my name is Nathan Nightfyre" I yanked that home name out of my ass, oh well, can't go back now, I reasoned. 

"Well, it appears we come to an agreement, although I would like the wedding to take place three years from now if that is okay with you Lord Nightfyre" "Of course it's more than okay, and I'll be back to visit to get to know my new betrothed," I reply with a modest smile to Elia, who returns the gesture.

"Would you then join us for a feast to commemorate the new agreement?" the princess inquires. "I apologize but I won't be able to stay long" I say, she frowns slightly, I turn to Elia, "I'll leave you with this" and I grab her by the waist and bring her close and crash my lips onto her, she is taken aback at first but quickly melts into the kiss as I slip my tongue into her mouth and she lets out a small moan. But as I pull back, she's red and gasping for oxygen.

I slipped a ring on her finger charmed with protection charms and poison resistance. "Well, I'm glad we could come to an agreement, I shall return on my way back from my journey," I say, nodding my head, and they all have little smiles, including Doran, "we look forward to your return your grace," the princess says with a bow.

I give Elia a little smile, and she brightens as I turn to go towards Starfall.

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