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25% ECHOES OF TRANSMIGRATION / Chapter 4: Chapter Three:

Kapitel 4: Chapter Three:

Main Character Pov~

I really couldn't believe what I was seeing.

So many improvements in a day? This wasn't just awesome, it was great!

But what shocks me the most is the fact that all my affinities apparently received an upgrade.

I was ridiculously lucky today; I didn't think my affinities will increase anytime soon. I still have no idea what just happened, all I did was work on my Aura Sense, Aura Control and Aura Manifestation using the Egg's help. How the hell did my affinities increase?

This doesn't make sense, just thinking about it is giving a massive headache, I couldn't find any particular reason why my affinities would increase....

Wait..... That's it! Pokemon have a natural inborne connection with Aura, which makes them to use other Types of Moves. Like how Pikachu can use Iron Tail without it being a Steel Type. By experiencing how to use Aura from a Pokémon's type of view my body naturally developed a higher inborne affinity with the elements! That feels like a plausible theory, but it doesn't feel like it's the whole story, maybe it's because my connection with my Pokemon deepened through my Aura practice?

Seems like Aura has a lot to do with Pokemon Affinities, the better you are at using Aura, the higher your affinity rank for each typing becomes.

I can't wait to check them out one by one. Let's see my affinities first and then we will see my skills.

Pokémon Affinities:

You have the following Affinities:

Normal: E [ Very Common]

Fire: SS [ Heroic]

Water: E [ Very Common]

Electric: E [ Very Common]

Grass: E [ Very Common]

Ice: E [ Very Common]

Fighting: E [ Very Common]

Poison: AAA [ Epic]

Ground: EX [ Legendary]

Flying: E [ Very Common]

Psychic: E [ Very Common]

Bug: E [ Very Common]

Rock: AA [ Super Rare]

Ghost: E [ Very Common]

Dragon: E [ Very Common]

Dark: E [ Very Common]

Steel: AA [ Super Rare]

Fairy: E [ Very Common]


Wow, everything seems to have been upgraded by an entire rank! This is a major upgrade, especially for my higher rank affinities.

My Ground Type Affinity is entering Broken Levels of Territory, it has entered the EX-rank. Only time will tell what this means.

As I was about to check my skills. A new screen popped up in front of me.

Your Random Ground Type Egg item rarity rank has increased!


Hold on, wait what? No way.... 

I went towards my egg and used my Observe skill on the Egg.


Random Ground Type Pokemon Egg

[ Item Rarity: EX Legendary +]

Hatching: 50% [ PREMIUM INCUBATOR BOOST! 3 weeks left for hatching!]

Description: A Random Ground Type Pokemon Egg, its currently in the imprinting phrase, its already in the process of being connected to you via both your Auras. This Pokemon is very excited to meet you! As the egg matures its appearance will shift and change as it leans closer and closer to hatching out of its egg! Its appearance will eventually become similar to that of the Pokemon inside of it.

- This Pokémon is Guaranteed to have a favourable impression with you, as you are imprinting yourself on it during its egg form, making it accustomed to your presence.

- 50 % Chance Dual Type Pokémon, 25 % Chance Above Average Size, 12.5% Chance Super-Sized, 6.25% Chance Ancient Gene, 3.125% Chance Gigantic Size, 1.56% Chance Shiny, 0.78% Chance for ... Read More

- You won't know if it's gotten any of the traits mentioned above until Egg is hatched.



What the implications of this basically means is that the Pokémon inside the egg will have around EX Legendary Potential atleast right? Did this happen because my Fire Type Affinity and Ground Type Affinity ranked up?

Whatever the reason its sure is a welcome one, I guess this means I have one more thing to be happy about. My Pokemon is guaranteed to become Powerful, thanks to having EX Legendary Rank Potential.

More Potential means the faster it grows and the higher the EXP it gains for it to level up. Which is very good. I am very excited for this egg to hatch and see what kind of Pokemon I get.

I want to see my skills now; I feel like I am going to be surprised.

You have 8 skills:

Observe [ Lv. 19/100]


Cooking [ Lv. 45/100]


Exercising [ Lv. 44/100] 


Language Translation [ Lv. 25/100]


Meditation [ Lv. 41/100]


Aura Sense [ Lv. 18/100]


Aura Manifestation [ Lv. 7/100]


Aura Control [ Lv. 5/100]


Slow yet steady, just the way I like it. It's very rare to experience times such as this, where you level up more than once at a time.

I closed my eyes and tried to control and manifest my aura the same way I did during my practice, the improvement could be felt. It's much better than before, but it's still unrefined and a lot of excess energy is being wasted. I am far from perfect; my aura manifestation is still slow and sloppy but it's also extremely better than before. 

Not too shabby if I say so myself, the improvement is definitely there. I just need to keep practising and improving, and I will eventually get better at it.

For now, though, I deserve a long rest. I basically powered through the night yesterday and kept practicing without any break. I feel exhausted both mentally and physically.

I went to my tent and slept in my sleeping bag for the day.

~ 2 Weeks Later

" That's enough practicing for today." I said as I was freezing, I had gone to higher regions of the mountains and tried to practice my aura there, I was experimenting with a few things. My skills had taken another leap as I spent a lot of my time here, I even gained some Cold resistance!

Now I am glad it's finally over.... I spent three whole days up here; reaching here took atleast one whole day of nonstop hiking. I hadn't gone too far up, just high enough for me to feel the cold of the frozen snowy top of the mountain.

The results of my training up here are acceptable, but I was hoping than spending time in Ice will help me improve my Ice Type Affinity by making my body adapt to the cold and making my Aura Ice Control better and trying to control Ice and Manifest it better, turns out it this method isn't as effective as I hoped it would be.

" It's time to go back." I said as I packed up all my stuff, preparing to leave this frozen hellhole.


Your affinity to Ice Type Pokemon has increased.


What the fuck? You're deciding to increase now? What about all the time I spent here? Three whole days of practicing my Aura and Meditating in the cold.....

Let's see how much my Ice affinity increased.

Pokémon Affinities:

You have the following Affinities:

Normal: E [ Very Common]

Fire: SS [ Heroic]

Water: E [ Very Common]

Electric: E [ Very Common]

Grass: E [ Very Common]

Ice: D [ Common]

Fighting: E [ Very Common]

Poison: AAA [ Epic]

Ground: EX [ Legendary]

Flying: E [ Very Common]

Psychic: E [ Very Common]

Bug: E [ Very Common]

Rock: AA [ Super Rare]

Ghost: E [ Very Common]

Dragon: E [ Very Common]

Dark: E [ Very Common]

Steel: AA [ Super Rare]

Fairy: E [ Very Common]


Just a single rank, not unexpected but rather expected. Now my Ice - Type Affinity is at D - Rank, Common.

Anyways, looks like you can spend time in certain habitats where certain Aura - Types are abundant in number to improve your affinities with them.

Seems like my experiment yielded some results, after all.

My connection to Ice - Type Affinity had finally improved to the point where Ice - Type Aura isn't rejecting me outright.

But it's still extremely bad, it's like it has random mood swings. Unlike my Higher ranked affinities who are a lot more reasonable and tamer.

Either way I am satisfied with all the results especially with the results of this training trip up the mountains, during my way here, I thankfully hadn't encountered any Pokemon except for some small Ice Type Pokemon who were low level, I didn't come across any Onix or Steelix here. Which makes sense. They mostly spend their time underground and inside large cave system tunnels. 

So, it's rare to come across one out, even though this is their territory.

As I began my journey back to the cave, I was observing my skills and changes.

You have 11 skills:

Observe [ Lv. 23/100]


Cooking [ Lv. 47/100]


Exercising [ Lv. 49/100] 


Language Translation [ Lv. 25/100]


Meditation [ Lv. 49/100]


Aura Sense [ Lv. 21/100]


Aura Manifestation [ Lv. 12/100]


Aura Control [ Lv. 10/100]


Hiking [ Lv. 8/100]


Cold Resistance [ Lv. 15/100]


Aura Manipulation [ Lv. 1/100]


I gained a few new skills, through Aura Manipulation I learned how to actively manipulate Raw Aura without the influence of any of the Affinity Pokemon Energy Types, Raw Aura is actually the most common type of Aura and the most difficult to control. Because Raw Aura is usually like a blank slate. It doesn't care about whether or not you have an affinity with any Energy Type. if you don't have a powerful will, it will simply ignore you and do as it please.

After drawing and manipulating Raw Aura Energy from the Atmosphere, only then can you freely shape it into the type of Affinity you want. Pokemon however can do this with no effort and easily shape it onto the energy they wish to wield, which explains how they seemingly have an endless reservoir of energy, I had achieved a breakthrough about Aura when I had reached level 20 in Aura sense.

Aura exists within everything, without Aura this world won't function, I learned that the balance of the planet itself is kept by an invisible Aura Network of Energy that is spread across the Universe, Pokémon's themselves are not organic creatures.

They are Aura Creatures formed from Aura, which is latent energy of the Universe, the ones who created such beings are undoubtedly both Mew and Arceus. Legendary Pokemon are basically Aura Personifications, they each represent a concept, similar to Gods and Domains from my previous world. Each Legendary Pokemon has its own Domain of Power in which it can breathlessly manipulate effortlessly. 

Dialga is technically the Personification of Time, Palkia is the Personification of Space, Giratina is the Personification of Anti- Matter and Arceus is the Personification of Divinity, the accurate name for Arceus would be 'God of Gods'.

Each Legendary Pokemon represents an aspect or concept that personifies their existence. More example such as, Solgaleo which is the Personification of the Sun and Lunala which is the Personification of the Moon. and so on.

I wouldn't be shocked if Legendary Pokemon wielded power to easily destroy the world like its nothing, it's like living in a world of Gods and Mythology, only this time they live alongside humans and mortals.

Pokémon's in general are freaks of nature, they could cause earthquakes, destroy mountains and evaporate lakes like its nothing. The fact that this planet is roughly 2,600 times larger than earth makes it even more frightening to comprehend such ridiculous levels of power.

With that in mind, it can be concluded that this version of this world is far dangerous than the Games and Anime, I am afraid. I had seen two Pokemon clans destroy a mountain way larger than mount Everest overnight as collateral damage, and an Onix that can cause an entire mountain to shake with its roar alone.

I still remember its frightening presence and the absurd amount of Aura I had felt from that Pokemon, the best way to describe it is an ant standing in front a gargantuan calamitous storm capable of causing endless doom. I doubt I had even scratched the surface of what these Pokemon can truly do should they decide to wreak havoc upon the world.

Thankfully we have countless Legendary Pokemon around to prevent such things, Zygarde the Personification and Pokemon God of Order and the Justice Trio Legendries, I don't know what the Justice Trio Legendries represent except for Cobalion, I remember that he was the Iron Will Pokemon, so he is probably the Personification and Pokemon God of Will.

Legendary Pokemon exist for the sake of keeping the world at bay, humanity really should be thankful of their existence. 

All these observations are made using my Aura Sense which helped increase my Thought Process, my senses, my intelligence and perception of the world itself had all received a boon the moment I hit Level 20 in Aura sense, I wonder how good I will become if I hit level 50 or even a hundred? Although I am far from reaching such a level.

My training in Aura sense is diminishing slowly, I feel like each time I level up it becomes slower and slower. I noted as I hiked down the mountain towards the cave as I was deep in my thoughts.

According to the God that brought me here, people are legally allowed to become trainers at the age of 13, but ten years old if they have some of strong background. The Pokemon world is weird, ten years of age is too young, even 13 years old is questionably young.

But then again, this world has a different perception of age, people mature much faster here and have a much longer lifespan.

But even that pales in comparison to the lifespan of Pokemon, according to the Pokedex Pokemon can live tens of times to hundreds of times longer than us humans, with Legendary Pokemon being literally immortal as they cannot die of old age. Though I don't know about the lifespan of Aura Guardians.

" It's getting late.... I should probably camp here and by tomorrow noon I should arrive there." I concluded as I saw that it was becoming a bit dark, I was halfway there as I had been hiking down the mountain for several hours now.

 I brought out my spare tent that I had saved for this trip and laid my sleeping bag and went to sleep.

~ One whole day later ~

I was trekking through the forest as I was minutes away from my cave, I was admiring the beauty of the terrain and sky. The wild Pokemon around this part of the mountain had already gotten used to seeing me at this point and would usually ignore me most of the time.

This Mountain was owned by the Onix and Steelix Clan, so other than them, no other Pokemon above level 75 would be seen except Onix and Steelix, which makes sense as to why no Pokemon above level 75 outside of the clan would come here, this mountain was already taken.

The Onix and Steelix don't seem to mind the low level Pokemon, but around a week ago a level 77 Ursaring had walked into this territory by accident and was immediately chased away by a few levels 80 + Onix's as he ran away with his tail between his legs. So that immediately gave me the conclusion that they didn't like when higher levelled Pokemon walk unannounced into their territory.

It was also the first time I had seen that many Onix at once, they usually hide underground, beneath the mountain.

Strangely enough, I haven't seen a Steelix yet. But I feel like they are the true fighting force of this territory. It's no secret that Steelix is way better than an Onix, atleast in my Opinion anyways.

The boss of this territory is probably the scariest of them all, I can imagine a massive angry Steelix looking down on me for doing whatever I want in its territory.

' What a terrifying thought.' I gulped at the thought as I was suddenly snapped out of my stupor as I noticed the Aura, I had been neglecting this whole time, it's coming from the cave.... It's actually spreading!!! 

" There is a powerful energy pulse erupting from the cave! it can be felt across the whole mountain!" I said confused, but my eyes suddenly widened in realization! The egg! The egg is in there! 

What the hell is happening? What is with all this absurd Aura I am feeling? It's almost as absurd as that level 112 Onix I met a few weeks ago.

Without delaying any further I rushed towards the cave and entered deep inside as I went towards the egg.

It was practically glowing! The previous crimson colour had transformed! It's become golden with black lines embedded into Egg's robust armoury texture..... the spikes had also become pure white as they shone in the darkness of the cave, now that I was close, I was shaken as I felt the immense energy coming from the egg. Just what the fuck is inside that egg?

I shook my head and walked cautiously towards the Premium incubator where the Egg was and looked at the egg and admired its beautiful pattern and texture, The powerful aura from the egg enveloped my body as it calmed down as it noticed it's my presence. Our connection was extremely deep and strong, I can hear the Egg saying, 'Where were you? I thought something bad happened to you!'.

I froze as my eyes widened, hold on.... The Pokemon inside the egg was worried about me? was all that energy outburst because of the Egg? It could be felt all across the mountain... It seems I underestimated the intelligence of the Pokemon inside the egg.

" Don't worry buddy, I was going on a training trip! I am sorry I had to leave you for a while there, but don't worry once you hatch out of that egg, we will be able to go on many adventures together." I said as I fist bumped the egg, the egg shook as it said, ' I can't wait either'.

It seems to have calmed down as I felt our connection deepen and strengthen as I sat next to the incubator. The glow of the egg went back to normal, its golden colour remained however despite its glow receding. I can sense that the Pokemon inside the Egg went back to sleep as its aura became dormant once more.

I sighed as I decided to use my Observe on the Egg, After Levelling my Observe to twenty, I could see a Pokémon's Gender, Age and ability without relying on the Pokedex. I wasn't able to see their Potential yet, but I feel like I am close to being able to see it through.

Let's use Observe on the egg and see how the hatching process is going.


Random Ground Type Pokemon Egg

[ Item Rarity: EX Legendary +]

Age: N/A

Gender: Unknown

Ability: Unknown

Hatching: 50% ----> 85.71% [ PREMIUM INCUBATOR BOOST! 6 days left for hatching!]

Description: A Random Ground Type Pokemon Egg, its currently in the imprinting phrase, its already in the process of being connected to you via both your Auras. This Pokemon is very excited to meet you! As the egg matures its appearance will shift and change as it leans closer and closer to hatching out of its egg! Its appearance will eventually become similar to that of the Pokemon inside of it.

- This Pokémon is Guaranteed to have a favourable impression with you, as you are imprinting yourself on it during its egg form, making it accustomed to your presence.

- 50 % Chance Dual Type Pokémon, 25 % Chance Above Average Size, 12.5% Chance Super-Sized, 6.25% Chance Ancient Gene, 3.125% Chance Gigantic Size, 1.56% Chance Shiny, 0.78% Chance for ... Read More

- You won't know if it's gotten any of the traits mentioned above until Egg is hatched.


I raised one eye as I saw new information appear on the egg, but it didn't help much considering how it gave no information whatsoever. Then why bother adding these bits of information at all?

I rolled my eyes as I sighed.

Six days left huh? Hard to believe I have been here for One month and 1 week already. Now my egg is close to hatching, six days shouldn't take that long.

I could barely hold my curiosity at this point, to emit such a powerful aura as a mere Egg, already speaks volumes of this things potential, which is EX - Ranked. When I first got into this world, I was scared.

Scared of the possibility of dying without amounting to anything, I thought I was going to get a weak Pokemon and become another tragic story. But it seems like fate has other plans. I am already extremely tired of being stuck in the wilderness where death is not an uncertainty.

I really wish I could somehow fly or teleport back to civilization, I remember a few Ground types that can fly, like Gligar, the pre-evolved form of Gliscor but I doubt they can carry me all way back to civilization, especially as a baby. Besides, it's not like I will get a Gligar or anything like that.

I chuckled as I took one last look at the egg and went to sleep inside my sleeping bag in the tent.


Chapter Three - Ends

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