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52% Leo A Journey Through Worlds / Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Adventure, Strengh and Chaos

Kapitel 13: Chapter 13 Adventure, Strengh and Chaos

Chapter 13

I decided that I was going to another world, but I was frozen in indecision on where to go next, and then I just shrugged my shoulders and opened a rift while keeping my mind blank and letting fate decide where I would go. The rift opened, and I jumped through, clutching Fluffy close to me.

As I was traveling through the rift, I liked to watch all the pretty colors until I got flung out of it and landed on something soft. I looked around and saw I was in a luxury house with a big open floor plan, expensive furniture, and behind me a big window overlooking the sea and a really soft sofa I had just landed on. Thankfully, no one was around to see me crash-land in their home.

"Hello?" I asked into the empty house.

"No one seems to be here," Fluffy said as he was smelling the air to see if he could find anyone.

"Ya, I figured from all the lights being off," I said snarkily to Fluffy.

Just as I got down from the sofa, the lights in the room turned on, and I heard a voice coming out from some hidden speaker around the room.

"Intruder Detected, Informing Mr. Stark" The voice said

"No, please don't." I pleaded with the mechanical voice.

"I'm sorry, but my programming demands I contact Mr. Stark if anything happens while Mr. Stark is gone."

Oh no, I recognize the voice, and there is only one person I can think of who has an A.I. and is called Mr. Stark. This must be the universe of Marvel, and I am inside the house of Tony Stark. What's with my luck of being flung into the homes of very rich people? I thought to myself as I was panicking in indecision.

[Location: Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan]

[Time: 16:00 or 4 p.m.]


[Third-person POV]

Tony Stark had just landed in Afghanistan and was sitting in one of the military vehicles that was going to take him to the test site in just a few minutes where he could show off his new Jericho missiles to the military when he got a ping on his phone. He fished out the phone; it was a message from J.A.R.V.I.S. With an intruder alert, he quickly pulled up a camera feed from his mansion and saw a young boy with snow white hair and green eyes holding what looked like an arctic fox, or was that a dog? He could not see very well with his small phone screen, but making the camera zoom in helped him see more details. Note to self: buy a better phone with a bigger screen. The audio from his cameras came through loud and clear, at least.

"How did you enter the house?" Tony could hear Jarvis ask the kid.

"Ehh, I... I should leave," the boy said as he looked around. Tony thought he looked too young, and then the kid did something he had deemed impossible. He opened a rift.

"Ehh, bye-bye, Mr. Talking House, sir." The child said, and the fox in his hand waved also.

"Bye bye," the fox said, and Tony was in shock. Is this some sort of prank? The boy jumped through the rift, and it closed behind him, and the kid was gone. Tony went back through the recorded footage to see what had happened before he got the notification. He saw a rift open up and a kid crash into his couch. The kid had called out, and then the fox in his hands had spoken. That's when he heard Jarvis talking to the child; this is where he got the message. He had almost cancelled the missile test then and there to go home and investigate, but restrained himself by going over the camera footage several times all the way to the test site. He sent a message to Jarvis to do a background check and see if he could find out who the kid was. He would get to the bottom of this and figure out who this mysterious boy was when he got home.

[First-person POV]

I had panicked and left the world. I did not want to potentially screw up and stop Tony Stark from becoming Iron Man if I came there too early in the timeline. As I was in the rift, I had bookmarked the world so I could come back later and make sure I had not screwed up the timeline, because if I had, I would feel really bad. I was not a bad person, and without Iron Man, potentially billions of people could die if the Chitauri came and actually won; they would kill half of everyone in the world.

This time, I actually opened a rift with a destination in mind. I wanted to go to a Minecraft world to play with my powers. It should be a relatively safe world as long as I stay indoors at night. And I really wanted to try mining blocks and build a house. It could become my secret base away from home.

The rift soon opened up, and I flew out of the portal yet again and tumbled head over heels a few times before coming to a stop against a tree… a very square tree. This was a Minecraft world. I explored the forest I appeared in and walked towards an open area I could see further up ahead, and as we walked, Fluffy was looking all over, having the time of his life.

"Are you excited?" I asked fluffy.

"Yes! I want to hunt!" fluffy said as his tail waggled faster.

"What are you, some battle junkie?

"Hmm… no… I don't think so?" Fluffy said, tilting his head to the side. I could feel the confusion from him. I don't think he even knows the answer himself.

"Well, if you don't know, we can find out together, bestest friend Fluffy," I said, giving him a loving squeeze.

"No! That's not my name!" Fluffy said with mock anger. I could feel he did not care, but I think he complains just because he can.

We came out of the woods to a big open plain with a stream of water on the right and mountains far away to the left. It looked really homely; even if the world were made out of blocks without the computer limitations you can see, really far I looked around and saw the sun was almost at the top of the sky, so I had about half a day left to build me a basic house.

"Ok, Fluffy, let's build a house here." I said to Fluffy, putting him down on the ground.

"So do you even know of Minecraft and how the world should work in theory, at least?" I asked Fluffy, eyeing the trees, and wondered if I should really punch them.

"Yes, I might be made from the shop, but I'm a part of you and know what you knew when you made me."

"So you don't know anything new I will learn after you were made?"

"Yupp so we can learn together, and when I say we, I mean you." Fluffy said it with a foxy smile.

"Oh no!!! If I am going to suffer, you are going to suffer with me."I said fluffy with an evil smile.

"Nope, you can't make me; I am twice as strong as you." Fluffy said smugly

"Ohh… Well, look at that. Is that a shop window, I see, and oh, is that a skill to make you lose all your powers or make you weaker than me, I see?" I said, giving fluffy a wide smile, Test me; I will drag you down with me. Fluffy knows I would do it if he pushed too far and backed down.

"Erm… well… Oh, look at that animal to hunt," Fluffy said before turning tail and running to find something to hunt.

I could feel Fluffy going further and further away, and it made me feel like a part of me was missing, but I needed to learn how to deal with this feeling in the future, so I gritted my teeth and walked over to the tree line to see if I could really punch a tree like in the game. I picked the closest oak tree and gave it a light hit, and I saw cracks like in the game appear. I continued to hit it until the block broke and fell to the ground as a small, fist-sized log. I picked it up and examined it. It was bizarre to see a tiny wooden log in my hand, but I shrugged my shoulders. This world seems to work like in the game, I guess, so I can't complain. The rest of the logs did indeed float in the air, so I put away the log I got into my inventory and proceeded to hit the next block up and break it, then the block at ground level, but now the rest of the tree was too high up and I was too short. I sighed to myself and thought to myself, I will deal with this later, and I walked over to another oak tree.

This time, instead of hitting the tree lightly, I decided to hit the tree with all my might, and the results were not what I expected. The entire tree broke into blocks, like if I had used one of those mods that broke the entire tree. I looked at all of the blocks and sighed. I needed a vacuum power to pick up all these items from the ground and put them in my inventory. After picking up all the blocks, I proceeded to break a ton more trees. Yes, I am a hoarder, and my motto is that you can never have enough; why settle for anything less? My inner goblin hoarder is cackling in glee as he is fed more and more logs.

"Leo I can hear your thoughts all the way over here, so please stop cackling like a lunatic."Fluffy said over the mental link:

"I can't even pretend to be an evil horder in my own head any more. What has my life become?" I sent back to fluffy with a crying face emoticon.

"Now get back to work, my minion." Fluffy sent back and cut the connection.

I love Fluffy, but he is a handful at times and nothing like me. I am a perfect angel… Ok, I can't even say that with a straight face, I am going to be Mr. Aizawa's number one problem child, I bet when I go to U.A to get my hero license.

I walked over to a spot a bit away from the forest that was flat that I could use as a foundation for my home in the future. I then took out a log and thought of how I was supposed to make this log into wood planks. I did not have a crafting menu, and the world seemed to work on some sort of game logic, so there must be a way in this world to do this. I tried hitting the log in my hand to see if that's how you were supposed to do it, and it worked. The log broke into four planks, and I put the logs in the same shape as you would do a crafting table, and the blocks flew together to create the crafting table. I proceeded to make more oak wood into planks before looking towards the sky and seeing that the sun was still high up. I guess the time works the same as in real life here, so I don't have to rush. 

I proceeded to make a pickaxe and made a small tunnel staircase downwards to collect some cobblestone. I learned that if I used my full strength, I could break a lot of blocks and my pickaxe at the same time, but it was a very fast way to get a lot of cobblestone. The Minecraft world was very cool, but something that was getting on my nerves was the block sizes. When you play the game, you never notice how big the blocks are, but they are all one meter tall, and guess what? I'm slightly taller than one meter. I can easily live in a two-block high house and have room to spare when I normally have my houses four blocks high to make them not feel claustrophobic in the game. If I did not have super strength, I would not be able to jump up all of these blocks.

I started to build my first basic house by throwing a block down on the ground. They would grow and align themselves with a grid I could not see. I built a house that was 10x10x5 and placed a crafting table in a corner, placed a door, and called it done. For now, I put down some torches and looked over the room. I used a wooden floor and ceiling and made the walls out of cobblestone to make sure I was as safe as I could from the creatures of the night. As I was doing all of this, I saw wood, meat, grass, dirt, and other material appear in my inventory from Fluffy's hunting. So I made a double bed in the corner of the room. I need to get some sort of portable electricity here some time in the future.

After getting a house setup, I made my way over to Fluffy and saw him in his big form, rushing after helpless animals.

"Are you having fun, Fluffy?" I sent over mentally. Fluffy turned to me and waved.

"Yes, this is so much fun. I can't wait to do this to villains." It made me shiver. He looks terrifying in his big form, but it also makes me feel safe knowing that the big fluffy fox is on my side.

"Are you having any problems controlling your strength?" I asked Fluffy, as I have no real reference material on how much strength I have.

"No problems," Fluffy said. I guess, being created by my powers, he might have inherent control over his strength. Hmm, oh, wait, I can ask dad. He is friends with Superman and should have machines for them to use to test superhumans.

"Fluffy!!! Let's go. I want to go and see dad and see if he can measure my strength."

"Huh? Oh… That sounds fun!" Fluffy said and bounded over in his big form, and it made my heart skip a beat. He jumped towards me and shrank in mid-air as he landed in my arms.

"Fluffy! Don't scare me like that." I said, giving him a welcome back hug.

"What? Why? How did I scare you?"

"Your big form is scary, remember?"

"Oh… I forgot… Tee Hee…" fluffy said, giving me a dizzy pose like some sort of anime girl.

I bookmarked the world before I opened a rift to dad's place. I would come back to the Minecraft world later. I wanted to mine iron, gold, and diamonds and melt the gold into gold coins. My dream of swimming in coins will become a reality someday.

I appeared in the lobby, and I checked my bookmarks to make sure I was in the right world… yupp I'm home. I went to look for Alfred or Dad, whoever I found first. But I had barely taken my first few steps before the door to my dad's office opened, and dad looked out of the room. I ran up and jumped up and gave him a hug, crushing fluffy in between us.

"Ugh, why do you do this?" Fluffy said annoyed.

"Because I wanted a fluffy sandwich," I said with a big grin.

"So what brings you here, Leo?" Dad said this while holding me on his hip.


"Yes, I know," dad said, looking a bit deadpan.

"NO! Not like that, I got like super strength and stuff," I said in my best whiny voice. Dad narrowed his eyes.

"Did you tell your parents about this?" Dad is too preceptive, but this time I DID actually show them my power sa haha.

"Yupp," I said, popping the P.

"But there are laws against using our powers in my world," I said, pouting.

"So I went to another world and punched some trees and the ground for a bit before I thought of coming here and getting my powers tested." I said with a smile. Dad gave me a smile before he looked at the clock and thought about it for a while.

"Hmm, I don't have the equipment here, so we have to go to the watchtower." Dad said

Dad took us down to the batcave and suited up before he gave me a facemask to hide my face.

"Why do I need to hide my face?" I asked Dad.

"Not everyone in the Justice League knows my secret identity, and I like to keep it so."

"Oh, that's so cool. Do I get a superhero name too?"

"Sure, what superhero name do you want?" Dad asked me as he activated his communicator.

"Ehh, you can call us Team Fluffy," I said, giving a big smile.

"I am not some type of mascot," Fluffy said indignantly.

"Fluffy the Fluffy Mascot," I said teasingly.

That's when I suddenly got teleported, and we appeared in the watchtower that orbits Earth. I had completely zoned out what Dad had been doing while talking with Fluffy and had been taken by surprise when we got teleported. I would have fallen if not for my new agility power, saving my delicate butt from meeting the ground. I looked around in wonder. It's one thing to see high-tech space technology in movies and TV, but it's so much more impactful to actually see it in real life.

We seem to have appeared in the lobby? Control room? I don't actually know where we are, but it's overlooking Earth, and I could see a green alien overlooking a bunch of controls. Is that the Martian Manhunter? I thought to myself while looking at the rest of the room. He phased through the chair and floated over to us while greeting Batman when he noticed me and Fluffy.

"Greetings, my name is the Martian Manhunter, and who might you be?" He asked politely.

"Erm, hi, I said, giving him a wave. We are team Fluffy," I said while showing him Fluffy.

"That's a stupid name," Fluffy said.

"Kids, stop fighting," Batman said with his gruffer Batman voice.

"Sorry," we both said. I don't like his gruff voice. He sounds so much warmer when we are at home.

Batman Explained that we are here to test out my powers, and the Martian Manhunter wished us all good luck before leaving to go back to the console. Batman led the way through the massive watchtower while me and fluffy watched everything as we walked and talked. Batman told us a bit of small trivia or funny things that made me and Fluffy giggle like little kids.

We soon got to the training room, and it was full of the normal training equipment but supersized and had weights in the tons. What absurd heavy metals did they find to make these weights? But in the center of the room, there was a big machine that looked like an upside-down cone that ended in what looked like a compressor. Batman leads the way towards this machine.

"This is a machine that we use to help test Superman's strength. You will stand under the machine and need to hold up the machine as it presses down."

"Wow, that looks so cool," I said while thinking, have I not seen a machine like this before? While tilting my head, hmm… oh wait, I think I saw a machine like this in the All Star Superman movie… So is this an earlier version of that one because that one could put forces like planets or something?

"Put down Fluffy and stand under the machine," Batman said while I put down Fluffy, and he trotted after Batman.

"Now stand under the machine like this," Batman said while showing me the correct way to hold up the machine.

"I will activate the machine now. Are you ready?" He asked me

"Ya!" I said excitedly. I really wanted to know how strong I had become.

After Batman activated the machine, it started to lower slowly until I could hold up the machine like Batman showed me. At first, it was really easy. I don't think Batman has put any weight on it yet.

"We will start slow and build up," Batman said while starting to tell me the weights. He started at 10 kg and slowly increased it. 100 kg, 500 kg, 1 ton, 5 tons I started to really feel the strain at 5 tons, but as it increased, I could not hold it any more and jumped away from the machine.

"Well done, Leo. Your maximum weight is 10 tons; you have become really strong." Batman said that while doing something on the console, he was standing by.

"Huff, huff, really," I said, lying down on the floor, catching my breath. Fluffy bounded over to me and jumped on my chest and curled up, and I gave him a hug.

"What are you doing, Fluffy?"

"Sleeping on my favorite pillow," Fluffy said in a cheeky tone.

"Wow, you both look cozy together," I heard a new voice say. I turned my head to see who was talking, and in the doorway, I saw Flash standing there, leaning against the wall, eating something.

"Hi," I said, giving him a jaunty wave. Fluffy only looked up for a bit before going back to lying on my stomach.

"What are you doing here, Flash?" Asked Batman in his gruff voice.

"Heard from the Martian Manhunter that you brought a child here. I thought I would come here and say hi."

"You have seen him; now leave."

"Aww, come on, Batman, just a quick hello… please." I saw Batman look over at me, and I gave him a thumbs up. I thought this was going to be a lot of fun.


"YES," Flash said, and well… he appeared before me in a flash.

"Hello, little guy, are you ok?" Flash said it very energetically.

"Yupp, just being the world's best pillow for Fluffy," I said, pointing at Fluffy on my stomach.

"Wow, he is so cute. Can I pet him?"

"Can he pet you?" I asked Fluffy mentally.

"Ugh, fine," Fluffy said mentally, but I saw his tail wagging a bit faster.

"Ya, he likes being scratched over here," I said, pointing at Fluffy's favorite spots to be petted. Fluffy seriously loves being pampered like a spoiled princess.

We talked for a bit before Flash said he had to go back to monitor duty with the Martian Manhunter and ran away. That's when I picked up Fluffy and made my way over to Batman. ugh It's getting really annoying not accidentally calling him dad instead of Batman, even in my own head. I really hate having a secret identity. It's exhausting to keep the names correct.

"What are you doing?" I asked Batman as I walked up beside him.

"Checking over the readings," you really became strong since we last met.

"Yupp, I can totally kick villain butts now." I said, giving Batman a big smile.

"You are not ready," Batman said. I just pouted at that.

"Yes, I could," I said, because I wanted to be a cheeky kid because I could.

"You're acting like a little kid," Fluffy said mentally.

"Ya, I know he is right. I got no combat experience, but that doesn't mean I want to make it easy for him," I said back to fluffy mentally.

Batman sighed and got down on a knee to get to my eye level and said that I was too young and, without any combat experience, yada, yada, yada, I already knew this. But he really shows he cares for me, even though I am mentally older. It still makes the child side of me very happy, so I can't really complain.

We made our way back home, where I said goodbye to Batma… Dad, before leaving for home, I wanted to get home and take a nap. I was getting tired. I have been awake for a long time, so I opened the rift and jumped through. While traveling through the rift, I was thinking about fighting criminals and that I really wanted to experience it, but maybe I really should wait and get some training and some more powers. I soon got thrown out of the rift.

I landed in a heap on the stairs… Wait, stairs. I rolled over and looked around… This… This can't be real… What I saw was the USJ, or the unforeseen simulation joint. It's here where the LOV, or the League of Villains, appears for the first time… Is this some cosmic karma or fate? When I looked behind me up the stairs, I saw the entire class of 1-A, my future classmates, looking at me in disbelief…

"Ohh, ehh, hello there," I said, rubbing the back of my head. Panicking on the inside, I was literally not prepared for this. I thought I would have time to collect more powers before I got to this point… I checked my bookmarks and… yupp, not my world... Did my thoughts on fighting villains pull me here at this time? Or was this some sort of cosmic coincidence?

"HEY! KID! Are you all right?" Oh, dang, I had zoned out.

"Ohh, ehh, ya, I guess..."

"Real smooth there," Fluffy said mentally.

"Shut up." I said to Fluffy while looking around, I could sense the weight of the class looking at me, waiting for my answers.

"Erm, my name is Leo. I… ehh… I'm…not supposed to appear here," I finally answered while shuffling my feet. I did not like to be put on the spot like this…

"Explain yourself" Said Aizawa, the homeroom teacher of 1-A

"I… was going home, and sometimes I accidentally appear, not where I am trying to go," I said, looking towards Fluffy for safety.

"Why are you becoming such an introvert when under pressure?" Fluffy said, looking up at me.


"Come over here, kid," Aizawa said, giving me a sigh and rubbing his temple. I walked up the rest of the stairs and stood in front of Aizawa. He looked me over before seeming to be satisfied.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was on my way home through my rift, but it some time misfire and I appeared here instead."

"Does this happen often?"

"Erm, maybe one out of ten times, maybe?" I was not really sure.

"Will it be safe for you to go back home by yourself? Do I need to call your parents?"


"Izawa! Something is happening over there," someone in the class shouted over to him. We both looked over the USJ and saw a big, black, misty portal appear in the middle of the building by the plaza. This was the league of villains attacking the 1-A class, hoping to kill All Might, the number one hero in Japan. Seeing this on a screen is one thing, but seeing it in real life, I think my stand on fighting criminals is to maybe start small and work my way up. Thank you very much.

"Get behind me, kids," Aizawa said, putting on his goggles and stepping forward to protect his class.

"Oh, oh, let me fight them, PLEASE!!!" I heard Fluffy say Wagging his tail super energetically.

"YOU CAN TALK!!!" I heard the entire class shout out from behind me.

"No, kid, you are not allowed to fight." Said Aizawa

"Erm, it was not me; it was Fluffy. I said holding him out to show Izawa

"Can you fight?" Aizawa asked Fluffy.

"I killed some sheep and cows. Does that count?"


"Good for you... I DON'T CARE" Fluffy said, wiggling out of my grip and grew to his medium size.

"WOW!" The entire class reacted again… Are they going to do that every time?

"Izawa, you can't fight all of them by yourself." I heard Izuku say

"Pro heroes can't be a one-trick pony," he said before he jumped down all the stairs all the way to the bottom, and not even a second after he jumped, Fluffy jumped after him, growing to his big size. The entire class reacted again by their jaws hitting the ground.

"Fluffy is really cool," I said, looking at the class and giving them a peace sign.

Izuku stepped forward and asked me if I could really teleport with that rift I appeared out of, and I nodded my head. He then asked if I could go to U.A and alert the staff that something was happening here. I really did not want to leave Fluffy here, but I could sense from my mental link that he was having the time of his life down there fighting villains, so I nodded my head and opened a rift, trying to find U.A as I had never seen the building.

I really hope I will find the building in time, because I don't want to be the reason one of them dies. As I jumped through the rift and appeared at the front gates of U.A I really hoped their security was not as good as I had heard. I jumped over the gate easily and started to run towards the school when the alarms started to ring, but I did not have time to stop. I needed to find a teacher. Any teacher would do…

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