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62.39% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 212: 212 Harry Potter: Problems with Hermione Granger and Daphne Greengrass

Kapitel 212: 212 Harry Potter: Problems with Hermione Granger and Daphne Greengrass

Classes continued, and this time it was Filius Flitwick's turn to teach the Charms class.

He was short, as expected for a half-goblin, with a white beard and wrinkles, showing the signs of time. He always maintained an elegant demeanor befitting a Hogwarts professor.

"Hello, students! I'm Professor Flitwick, and I'll be teaching the Charms class. Today, we'll learn a basic spell for levitating objects. Make sure to pronounce each syllable correctly!"

It was evident from the outset that Flitwick was passionate about teaching and loved magic.

He was a teacher with seniority at Hogwarts, even in 1971, he taught Charms to Lily Evans, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Severus Snape.

Allen didn't plan to attend this class, but since it was the first day, he decided to be present.

Flitwick stood on a stack of books. "Wingardium Leviosa is a spell that allows us to levitate objects, something very basic but incredibly useful for a wizard or witch!" he said with a smile.

The expressions of amazement on the faces of the new students always filled him with satisfaction.

All the students took out their quills to levitate them.

Using incognito mode, Allen addressed the Chat.

"Personally, I don't think the weight of the object influences the magic, unlike the volume," Allen said, looking at the quill in his hand while leaning on the table. "Using a quill is more for psychological effect, you know, to make students believe that since it's a lightweight object, it should be easier to levitate, right?"

Felicia – I have no idea... just do it~

Nikky – That professor is practically a fantasy cliché :3

Rogue – Are you saying that because he's half-goblin, or because he seems to be seven thousand years old?

Ruby – That doesn't matter; he seems like a good person, and that's what counts.

Gwen – Well, he's on the side of the Order of the Phoenix.

Allen waited for everyone to finish because he didn't want to stand out too much this time.

Susan seemed focused; before attempting it, she managed to move the quill. Daphne did it on her first try, although it didn't last long. It's a significant advantage to come from a magical family because they've known about magic since they can remember.

Harry managed to move his quill a little. Ron began to repeat and became desperate, even starting to mispronounce the spell.

Hermione, who had sat beside him, corrected him. She didn't have any ill intentions, but her current attitude made her seem condescending when talking about something she knew.

Allen knew how this was going to end. Hermione levitated the quill very high and even impressed Professor Flitwick.

Allen heard an explosion, and Seamus blew up his quill.


Everyone in the chat had the same question: Why do all of Seamus' spells explode?

Allen had an amused look watching Seamus with his charred face; even Harry beside him paid the price. Then he noticed Flitwick's gaze was on him.

'Shit, taking so long makes me look suspicious.'

Allen sighed and took out his wand; this wand wasn't made of the World Tree but of a blue phoenix feather.

As he became younger, Allen noticed that his abilities diminished, which made sense because it was a change in actual age. Thanks to that, it was possible to use another wand without breaking it.

Allen wasn't going to use the World Tree wand, it was simply too well-known, and people would realize it immediately.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Allen.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

The quill levitated for a moment before he slowly lowered it. There wasn't a great surprise as everyone expected that to happen.

Flitwick nodded approvingly.

Allen knew it was his fault, but the feeling that everyone expected him to do everything perfectly was very unpleasant. However, it was natural, and he knew why.


The class ended, and everyone headed to the broomstick flying class.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron suddenly began to mock Hermione out of nowhere. "No wonder she doesn't have any friends. Ouch!"

Allen immediately gave him a knock on the head. Ron looked at him with a complaint.

"I'm her friend, do you have a problem with that?"

Ron hadn't seen the angry look on Allen's face and got scared, then apologized.

Allen, for his part, walked ahead of the guys who were disapprovingly looking at Weasley.

After turning a corner, Allen stopped.

"If you're going to keep following me, you might as well walk beside me."

Hermione emerged from the corner holding a book, feeling embarrassed because she didn't know how to address him.

Allen sighed, knowing how clumsy boys and girls can be at this age.


"Thank you," after a while, she thanked Allen for defending her.

"Why? I just spoke the truth."

Hermione looked at him as if he were a strange bug, she wasn't stupid and she knew Hermione Granger wasn't a very nice person, but Allen didn't let that bother him.

"I prefer to judge someone's actions rather than their personality."

Hermione opened her eyes at Allen's words, then looked at him in silence for a while as if trying to see through his soul.

Allen smiled in response. "If you stare at me any longer, I might have to charge you, haha."

Of course, Allen was only joking, but Hermione blushed. Immediately, Allen's face turned pale as the Chat began trolling him.

Gwen – Yeah, hello, police... *Gwen has her phone in her hand with an empty look*

Natasha – Allen, one thing is milfs, but this... is wrong. *Natasha pretends to wipe a fake tear with a handkerchief*

Diana – I didn't know you had those tastes... *Diana pretends to be disappointed*

Ivy – I think I should prepare a cell for you. *Ivy speaks seriously, but it's clear it's out of jealousy*

"Hey! Wait, it's not my fault; I wasn't even trying, just being friendly!"

Gilgamesh – Fool, for you, being nice is the same as seducing, for everyone else. *Gil is irritated for some reason*

Allen felt like his reputation was plummeting, but fortunately, he had already arrived outside the Hogwarts castle.

A vast green expanse stretched out before Allen, and in the distance, he could see the Quidditch stadium. There were also several students from various grades engaging in activities, but it didn't matter.

A woman stood in front of the students.

Rolanda Hooch was a distinguished-looking witch; she had short, blond hair. Her features were strong and marked, with a firm jaw and penetrating amber eyes. She wore a long dark robe that gave her an authoritative and austere appearance. Her posture was upright and confident, reflecting her self-assurance and experience as the Flying instructor at Hogwarts. Overall, Rolanda Hooch exuded an impression of seriousness and authority, making her a respected and feared figure among the school's students.

It was no surprise that Rolanda had a more attractive appearance than she should, but unlike Minerva, she didn't seem like a beautiful milf but rather a younger version of herself.

"Welcome to the Flying class! I am Professor Hooch. Today, we will learn the basics of flying on brooms."

At this point, there were no surprises about Rolanda's appearance, but everyone in the Chat focused on Allen's actions. How long will it take Allen to attack her?

Allen, for his part, was uncomfortable being seen as some kind of womanizer who would f*ck a dragon if she were wearing a dress.

'I'm not going to do anything!' Allen complained about the Chat's gaze.


Everyone stood next to their respective brooms.

"First, you will learn to call your broom. It's not complicated, just say 'Up,' and if you're lucky, you'll achieve it in no time."

Everyone had aspects where they excelled more than others; this time, it was Harry's turn. He managed it on the first try, surpassing everyone else, but Allen waited again before participating in this.

After everyone called their brooms, Professor Hooch had them mount to maintain balance, making it clear that nothing else should be attempted.

Allen approached Harry in the sky, who was amazed at being able to float.

"I see you're enjoying yourself," Allen laughed.

"I'm constantly amazed by everything in this place, but being able to fly from afar is my favorite part of today!"

Harry looked very cheerful about this.

[Host, there's a 300% increase in fragment production... at this rate, I could generate five fragments in a day.]

Allen opened his eyes; in this world, the system could barely generate one fragment every three days. At the beginning of Hogwarts, she was able to increase that capacity to one fragment per day, but with the events involving Harry, this increased intermittently.

Emma – Well, practically, Quidditch was part of Harry Potter from start to finish.

Allen understood that and had no intention of interfering with that destiny.

"Once again, making a fool of myself..." Daphne Greengrass approached Allen from behind, skillfully riding her broom.

Gwen – I recall Daphne Greengrass joining the Slytherin Quidditch team in the future, so she's talented in flying brooms.

"What do you need, Miss Greengrass?"

Despite Daphne's hostility, he didn't show any displeasure. She frowned at Allen not paying attention to her.

"Don't you have any shame?!" Daphne exploded out of nowhere.

This confused Allen, he didn't understand this girl.

"You're Lord Walker's son; you're the son of that person. How can you allow others to surpass you? It's been several classes now where you haven't stood out."

The frustration in the blonde girl's gaze was evident; her face was red with anger, and there were small tears in her eyes.

Athena – I see... she's a fan of Allen...

Emma Frost– It's not surprising, considering how popular he is...

Rick – However, it's irrational for her to blame the son for not living up to the father... although they're the same person *Burp*

Harley – That b*tch is crazy.

Jackblack – Hahaha, it seems Allen has an excited fan on his hands.

Daphne Greengrass was just a reflection of many students who secretly admired Allen; however, due to the reputation of the Walkers, they didn't dare to express it openly.

When Daphne found out that her hero would be at Hogwarts, she began to make an effort to learn even more magic. She didn't want to disappoint him when she met him; she even wished to be praised by Allen.

She suffered many sleepless nights, tiredness, stress, and migraines, but gradually, her skills improved.

She felt proud; however, upon meeting Allen W. Walker, she felt frustrated. She understood that as his son, he didn't have to strive to receive his love and care, but it was unpleasant to see the kind of carefree person Allen Jr. was.

She observed his reactions all the time, and he didn't seem very enthusiastic about the classes. This made her grind her teeth; however, her opinion of him improved in the Potions class, where he demonstrated knowledge worthy of his name.

However, this ended in the following classes, where Allen not only didn't stand out but also completed tasks much later than others.

Rogue – She's jealous wtf

Felicia – It can't be that she's blaming you for not being a monster like your "father."

Harleen – I understand she's immature, but how irrational can someone be to get angry because they consider you unworthy of being Allen Walker's son?

MJ – Our kids definitely won't suffer from being compared to their father...

Emma Watson – that's worrying.

Gwen – That's right; we need to plan something against this situation.

Diana – Training can help. I think all of our children will have great potential... whether for good or for bad...

Felicia – However, I doubt that our children will approach the power of their father, he is too much of a cheat...

Natasha – We could eliminate the b*tches who bother them.


Allen made a monumental effort not to pay attention to the Chat's comments.

As for the furious Daphne, Allen didn't bother; he found the whole situation amusing to begin with. It's not like he was an absolute genius because he received a lot of help, including from J.K. Rowling herself. It would be foolish not to graduate with top honors.

Allen doesn't usually lie, but he can also adapt to the needs of the moment, like being a villain.

Allen entered the mode of being the son of an unparalleled father with confidence issues from always being compared to him.

Allen's gaze dimmed without erasing his smile. "You're right. Every day of my life, I'm reminded that I'll never be my father..."


Allen sighed, looking towards Hogwarts; somewhere there was Artoria. "It's even ironic that I inherited the name without being able to bear it proudly. In the end, I'm not suitable to be his son."

Daphne remained silent; she expected Allen to get angry or confront her, but far from that, he agreed with her. However, this didn't make her happy or allow her to vent her frustration.

What should she respond to? Allen accepted all her words, but seeing his fake smile, Daphne felt a wave of regret and an urge to protect him.

"I think I said too much..." Daphne retreated on her broom; she wasn't used to feeling remorse for her words.

"You're not wrong," Allen continued, lowering his gaze while smiling.

Daphne felt her heart squeeze, and she had an impulse to jump on Allen and hug him to tell him that everything was okay.

His gaze reflected a weak and broken heart, a fragile figure in loneliness.

Daphne imagined Allen growing up surrounded by people who demanded him to be like his father and people who simply saw him as Allen Walker's son, not having a name of his own, not even having an identity.

Daphne's heart broke and she stretched out her hands, she no longer wanted to disown him but to protect him.

"Don't worry, your sister will protect you!❤️" said Daphne as she hugged Allen protectively.

[Host, if you were truly evil, you could conquer the world in a week...]

Rick – This is disgusting...

Gilgamesh – The level of manipulation is simply ridiculous. Half-blood, you're despicable. *Gil is enduring strange impulses in his chest.*

Atena – What a terrifying power; it's a blessing that Allen isn't a real villain. I can't imagine how a woman can escape from that level of brainwashing. *Atena blushes as her maternal instincts awaken because of you.*


After seeing the result of his little performance, Allen thought that perhaps he had gone a bit too far and coughed, eliminating all traces of feigned melancholy.

This snapped Daphne out of her enchantment, and she immediately fled with a flushed face.

Allen doesn't think he's brainwashed Daphne, she'll definitely realize it was all just an act and come back angrier.

Allen looked down where Draco was picking on someone.


Allen sighed in relief that things were moving along as usual, Neville fell off his broom, and Professor Hooch took him to the infirmary. As a result, Draco acts like an idiot and tries to humiliate Neville by holding his remembrall.

The remembrall was a clear glass sphere that turns red when the owner has forgotten something. Neville received the remembrall as a gift from his grandmother, who's worried about his forgetful nature.

"Give it back Draco!"

Harry intervened to retrieve it, but being Draco, he threw it, and Harry flew on his broom after the Remembrall.


Everyone watched as Harry flew with great skill to catch the Remembrall before it broke this was seen by everyone, including Minerva.

All of this happened as it should, and Allen didn't intervene; he did not need to divert Harry from his passion for Quidditch.


A/N Allen is walking on thin ice at the moment, on the one hand the increasing pressure from the waifus on the other hand the situation where it is illegal to even breathe. hahaha

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