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34.02% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 113: Sexy Zatanna tries to play a prank on Allen... it backfires.

Kapitel 113: Sexy Zatanna tries to play a prank on Allen... it backfires.

Shadowcrest is the incredible castle of Zatanna Zatara in the DC Universe. This residence is located in a pocket dimension on the outskirts of Gotham City. This place harbors some of the most amazing mysteries and objects in the DC world.

Allen smiled at Zatanna's suspicious look as he admired her castle, although due to the contract, Allen cannot harm her directly or indirectly, and vice versa; she cannot trust him.

Zatanna still had her wand in her hand as she looked at Allen suspiciously. "Are you planning to steal, use, or search for something here?"

Another obligation of the contract between them is that Allen cannot lie to Zatanna, but he can choose not to answer her questions.

"No, although I am curious about some things and would like to visit the place called... The Relic Room."

Zatanna was surprised that Allen knew about that place; however, through her magic and the contract, she confirmed that there were no lies. Allen simply has a curiosity about that place, which is a space dedicated to housing magical artifacts and relics of great power within Shadowcrest.

"No, the contract makes us temporary allies, but I won't trust you," Zatanna expressed with a calm look.

"Understandable," Allen replied, simply shrugging. There might be a great treasure in this place, but Allen has a thousand chests, his system's shop, and the ability to create incredible objects with fragments. So, his interest in the Relic Room is superficial.

"..." Zatanna was unable to discern what kind of person Allen Walker was.

The contract they made was simple, and although she agreed under threat, Allen was very fair.

Zatanna gets his help; she will be able to summon him if she needs him at any time, although the help Allen provides depends on the payment Zatanna is willing to make.

She, on her part, would shelter Allen and help him cover his essential needs, but limiting it to what she considers acceptable. So, in principle, Allen couldn't trick her into giving him a massage in the bath. However, there is a trap made by Allen's perverted heart, and that is if Zatanna considers bathing with Allen acceptable in her mind and heart, she will have to do it.


Cautiously, Zatanna led Allen through the dark and mysterious corridors of the mansion, showing him each of the special places she guarded so carefully. However, when they reached the Hidden Library, Zatanna stopped Allen in his tracks.

"I can't let you in here," she said firmly, her penetrating gaze searching for any hint of malice in Allen's eyes. "This knowledge is dangerous, and not everyone is prepared to face it."

"What kind of sightseeing tour is this?! I demand a refund, sister!" Allen said with dissatisfaction. However, that didn't last long because a mischievous smile appeared on Allen's face. "I'll accept a shoulder massage in exchange..."


Zatanna was about to refuse, but due to the contract, she couldn't lie. Inside, she considered a shoulder massage an acceptable request. Zatanna looked at Allen with annoyance as she realized his trick.

"You're a cunning bastard, but it takes two to play this game..." Zatanna smiled with amusement and snapped her fingers, and out of nowhere, a chair appeared in the hallway.

Allen sat down without hesitation, and Zatanna stood behind him, gently massaging Allen's shoulders, but he could barely feel it.

Zatanna pulled Allen's head back so he could see her; this was a suggestive position, but far from finding a beauty about to kiss him, Allen saw the mockery of a cunning woman.

"What's wrong, disappointed?~," said the beautiful woman, as a mischievous smile appeared on her face, she is Zatanna Zatara, accustomed and trained to face liars, cheaters, and demon scammers. She could see that Allen's trick is very ambiguous and can be taken advantage of by both sides.

Allen asked her for a massage, and she didn't consider it excessive, so she was forced to do it. BUT!, since Allen couldn't specify anything, she could give him the bare minimum, for example, a massage so weak that it barely counted as one.

"As I expected, you're very astute..." Allen smiled like a con artist. "However, I need you to look me in the eyes in this position, of course, only while the massage lasts..."

"...!" Zatanna didn't understand the strange request, but since it wasn't out of the ordinary, she did it.

She thought he would do something or come up with some trick, but that wasn't the case; Allen remained silent, looking upwards, and Zatanna's blue eyes showed a sign of confusion.

She continued with her massage, staring at Allen, but suddenly Zatanna was confused to see that Allen was closing his eyes without saying anything.

"You aré good... haa" Allen let out a stress-laden breath, and a smile spread across his face as he relaxed slightly.

"Being me is stressful, you know. I get involved in so many absurd things haha..." said Allen as if he were complaining about his life, but they were wrong; all his problems are stressful, but this life was something Allen enjoyed doing.

"What do you mean?" Zatanna asked, increasing the strength of her message, not out of enjoyment but to get more information from Allen. She was very curious to see Allen smiling.

Allen sighed a little louder as he felt Zatanna's delicate fingers running over his shoulders.


Zatanna was paralyzed for a moment, due to her caution towards him, she hadn't paid enough attention to Allen's appearance. He was a very handsome man, almost unrealistically so. Zatanna believes that if God had created man with his hands, he taken a year to make Allen.


Aphrodite – Ahh~ Who do I have to kill to take her place?! 🖤

Hestia – ...

Athena – He's a very pleasant man to look at, indeed.

Artemis – huh? Athena?


"..." She touched Allen's cheek unconsciously. She was not a woman who valued a person's physical appearance to measure their worth, but she admits that Allen is very unfair.

Allen opened his eyes a little, looking at Zatanna. "It's nothing; I'm just talking to myself."

Zatanna realized her actions and wanted to withdraw, but her hand was grabbed by Allen. "Miss, I'll take my payment..."

When Allen makes a request, Zatanna holds the power; she decides how and when to fulfill it and to what extent.

However, when Zatanna gets something from Allen without negotiating payment, whether she summons him in a life-or-death situation and Allen has to fight unexpectedly, Allen has the right to demand something in return of equal value, without her being able to refuse.

This might seem dangerous to others, but for Zatanna, it wasn't a problem because she is intelligent and cunning, or that's why she accepted.

"You touched my cheek without permission... that allows me to touch you without permission," Allen's smile was that of a child who got his way.

Zatanna felt chills, embarrassment, and annoyance at hearing that he would touch her. She might think he's handsome, but that doesn't mean she'll feel comfortable being taken advantage of by him.

Zatanna gritted her teeth, but she couldn't refuse, she had acted of her own free will without asking permission. It might not seem like a big deal, but let's reverse it and have Allen touch Zatanna without permission, at the very least, he'd be a bastard.

Zatanna took a deep breath as her face turned pale; she mentally prepared herself. Zatanna expected Allen to touch her breasts or something, but it was nothing of the sort.


Zatanna looked incredulously as Allen lightly bit her finger while looking at her mockingly.


MJ HC - That's silly... he asked if I'll do the same if he asks...

Gwen HC - Well, this time it was Zatanna's fault, she got too comfortable with that womanizer.

Natasha HC - What happened to my adorable Allen? He used to be so cute and shy, and now he seems like a seductive monster... not that I mind; I like both Allens.

Rogue - I had already thought about it, but what kind of relationship do you guys have with Allen? You seem unnaturally close.

Gwen HC – ...

MJ HC – ...

Natasha HC – ...


"Are you disappointed?" Allen said, laughing with a smirk.

Zatanna felt ashamed of being humiliated by her own words; she looked at her neckline and clothes, wondering why Allen hadn't taken advantage of the situation. No matter, perhaps she doesn't like this, but she keeps her promises.

"Why haven't you done anything to me?" Zatanna asked, with a slight blush, touching Allen's tongue.

He laughed and let go of Zatanna's hand. "I have my principles; if you haven't done anything to me, there's no need for me to punish you in that way... unless you ask me to, hehe."

"Shut up!" Zatanna stepped back as she breathed harder than usual. 'What a dangerous man... in more ways than one...'

She wiped her hand on her clothes, at the same time taking deep breaths to calm her heart, which was beating slightly faster.

"Let's go," said Zatanna without looking at Allen as she walked to another location.

"What are you doing? I told you not to enter the library..." Zatanna called Allen from a distance.

Allen glanced for a moment at the entrance of the mysterious place that hides the secrets of the DC magical world; however, it was not gentlemanly to enter where permission was not given. Allen thought that despite being a shameless jerk.


Zatanna could feel that he yearned to explore beyond those closed doors, but he didn't; she thought that at least Allen would respect her within the rules.

They continued their tour, and when they arrived at the Enchanted Garden.

"This is the Enchanted Garden," said Zatanna

It's a lush garden surrounded by magic that contains mystical plants and magical creatures.

"Oh, can I enter here?" Allen asked with a half smile.

Zatanna adjusted her top hat and smiled mischievously. "At your own risk, my dear..." she said as she walked

Allen appreciated the view of her ample bosom and her beautiful legs adorned with black fishnet stockings.

Zatanna paused for a moment and looked back with a flirtatious smile, "What's the matter, are you afraid?~"

But this was a trap because she simply wanted to trick Allen into following her to a place where dangerous creatures are, and she would take advantage of them to play a prank on Allen.

"You have a beautiful bakery, miss," Allen replied to the fake flirtation with force.

Zatanna almost stumbled at the shameless compliment. 'This bastard...' she bit her lip in frustration but didn't argue; instead, she advanced into the garden.


As Zatanna and Allen explored the Enchanted Garden, they found themselves surrounded by lush vegetation and mystical creatures of all shapes and sizes. Among the twisted trees and bright flowers, beings of yore glided and fluttered gracefully, emitting flashes of magic with every movement.

In a secluded corner of the garden, Zatanna pointed to a majestic winged creature known as a Hippogriff, whose sharp claws and strong beak were used to instill fear in the hearts of intruders. However, when Allen approached with curiosity, the Hippogriff extended its neck gently, allowing Allen to stroke its feathers delicately.


Gwen HC - You're supposed to bow to show respect, aren't you?! What the hell, Allen, let me go with you right now!

One of the things that most affected Allen's existence was the change in the people around him. It had already been mentioned that Gwen acquired a fondness for dodging Harry Potter thanks to Allen, so when she saw a Hippogriff, she went crazy.

Allen smiled ironically; this Hippogriff wasn't from the world of Harry Potter, and perhaps it doesn't work the same way. 'Don't worry, Gwen; I'll bring you to ride it later.' Allen sent a private message to Gwen.

While the onlookers were captivated by such a noble and beautiful creature, Zatanna had her mouth slightly open with astonishment at the Hippogriff's peaceful reaction.


She expected the Hippogriff to attack Allen upon sensing his demonic or evil power; instead, it acted as docile and sociable as a pet. She herself struggled to get this proud animal to let her stroke it.


Zatanna led Allen to the Moon Dragons, whose scales gleamed with the silver light of the night. These dragons, like all dragons, were proud, aggressive, and very dangerous.

"What the hell!" Zatanna and the onlookers saw the fearsome dragon lying down for Allen to mount it; this astonished Allen himself because he didn't understand why; however, he would not refuse to ride a dragon, it was a unique experience.


Nikky - Noo! Captain, I want to do it!!

Nikky was a young woman who always dreamed of seeing magical creatures, for her, this was a thousand times more amazing than a superhero.

Ruby - Tsk, what's so good about dragons, phoenixes are better... dragons are just giant lizards, and a phoenix is majestic...

Ruby seemed extremely jealous at seeing Allen near dragons.

As Allen interacted with each of these creatures, Zatanna watched in amazement, and disbelief at how they responded confidently and calmly to his presence. Even the fiercest and most fearsome beasts seemed to transform into docile and curious beings at his touch.



Zatanna clearly remembered seeing Allen use that vicious and evil power, but now there was no trace of it.

"I don't want to interrupt your introspection, but can you help me?" Allen said, somewhat disheartened.

Zatanna turned only to see Allen being carried by fairies an army of small fairies was kidnapping Allen, lifting him in the air while holding onto his clothes.

"Who are you?"

"A supervillain!" Allen replied confidently and with a serious look, however, he was still being kidnapped by fairies, so he had the threat level of a cat at the moment.


After freeing Allen from the fairies, Zatanna frowned and continued to guide Allen through the garden, encountering other legendary creatures such as Unicorns, whose gleaming horns used to be symbols of purity and power.

Zatanna smiled maliciously, even though Allen could handle everything else, unicorns only accepted virgin maidens; otherwise, they would attack or flee.

Zatanna called the unicorn, which approached her. Zatanna looked at Allen with a slight smile. She would take out her frustration using this unicorn; the unicorn sensed Zatanna's bad intentions and neighed.

Zatanna immediately put on a look of apology. "I'm sorry, don't worry..."

"It's very pretty," Allen said as he stroked the unicorn's head next to Zatanna.


Jack - Crap!

Hestia - That's impossible!

Gwen - You've got to be kidding me!

No one, not even Allen's girlfriends, could accept this; it was simply absurd that Allen could touch a unicorn.


Zatanna didn't even realize what had happened and continued to pet the unicorn with Allen.

"It's sad, but she might be the last of her kind, I've done everything in my power to take care of her, but I feel sad to see her so alone..."

Allen felt sorry to hear that; it's a reality that times change, and the era where these beautiful invaluable creatures could roam freely had ended.

"I'm sorry, little girl..." Allen said as the female unicorn cut off his head.

Zatanna laughed at this. "She's three hundred years old, she's not a little girl... huh?!"

"Oh? So you're a lady... my apologies, my lady," Allen smiled mischievously and earned a lick on the cheek. "Hey, calm down, I'm married.... well, not really, but I could be."

"..." Zatanna's mind short-circuited.

The minds of all the spectators were short-circuited.

Sexy Zatanna tries to play a prank on Allen... it backfires.


A/N: ;3

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