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31.25% Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles - English version / Chapter 5: Volume I - Chapter 5

Kapitel 5: Volume I - Chapter 5

The remainder of the day unfurled in a tiresomely monotonous manner. Doctors came and went from my room, assessing my physical state, eventually granting me discharge. Lisa, accompanied by a bishop, escorted me to the airport. The clergyman's presence among us erected an invisible barrier, thwarting any attempts at meaningful conversation during the journey. At the airport, I noticed that all legal formalities had been meticulously arranged to facilitate my "adoption" by the church - a bureaucratic subterfuge designed to ease my transition into whatever fate had in store for me.

With a resigned sigh, I boarded the designated flight, set to unfold over the next few hours. The bishop, with a weary and stern gaze, requested not to be disturbed during the flight before quickly succumbing to sleep. I seized the opportunity to delve deeper into the system, with which I was still familiarizing myself.

The store menu unfurled before my eyes, meticulously divided into three distinct sections. My eyes danced over the available options, each pulsating with promises of power and potential. As I navigated through the skills section, I was greeted by an impressive array of techniques and powers - some familiar, others utterly alien and enigmatic to me. However, one in particular caught my eye.

『Sun Breathing Technique - 1500 DG』

The sight of this particular technique sent a frisson of excitement coursing through me. It was a skill I knew and revered, extracted directly from one of my favorite anime - Demon Slayer. But, a quick glance at my current DG balance brought me back down to reality with a dull thud - I had a woefully insufficient balance of zero.

Intrigued, I decided to conduct a more detailed inquiry into the system.

"System, could you list all available Demon Slayer Breathing Techniques?"

The ensuing seconds were filled with expectant silence as I eagerly awaited the system's response.

Seconds dragged on slowly, almost as if the system were pondering my request. Then, a new information window smoothly slid into my field of vision, revealing a meticulously organized list of techniques, each with its respective cost in DG.



『Sun Breathing Technique』- 1500 DG

The progenitor technique, blazing and powerful, manifesting the splendor and warmth of the sun in each strike.

『Water Breathing Technique』- 1000 DG

Fluid movements and precise strikes are the essence of this technique, with the grace and strength of flowing water.

『Thunder Breathing Technique』- 1000 DG

An explosive style incorporating the fury and speed of lightning in its attacks.

『Flame Breathing Technique』- 1000 DG

Intense and burning flames guide each strike, scorching and consuming foes with their fury.

『Wind Breathing Technique』- 1000 DG

Quick and slicing attacks like the wind, invisible and inevitable, define this style.

『Rock Breathing Technique』- 1000 DG

The unshakeable strength and resilience of mountains infuse each strike, crushing foes with terrible power.

『Moon Breathing Technique』- 1500 DG

Elegant and lethal, this technique draws arcs of silver light in the air, slicing enemies with the beauty and cruelty of the moon.

『Flower Breathing Technique』- 700 DG (Requires Water Breathing)

A delicate and deadly style, with attacks that bloom and wither in an instant, leaving only destruction in their wake.

『Insect Breathing Technique』- 350 DG

(Requires Flower Breathing)

A unique style that combines precise attacks and lethal poisons, inspired by the flight and ferocity of insects.

『Love Breathing Technique』- 700 DG

(Requires Flame Breathing)

Channels the power of love and devotion, allowing for passionate and irresistible strikes that disarm and disorient enemies.

『Snake Breathing Technique』- 700 DG (Requires Water Breathing)

Treacherous and lethal strikes like a snake's bite characterize this venomous technique.

『Sound Breathing Technique』- 800 DG (Requires Thunder Breathing)

Strikes that resonate with the boom of a gong, disorienting and defeating foes with the sheer power of sound.

『Beast Breathing Technique』- 800 DG (Requires Wind Breathing)

Wild and instinctive attacks, guided by the fury and power of wild animals, define this brutal technique.

『Mist Breathing Technique』- 700 DG (Requires Wind Breathing)

An enigmatic style that confuses and disorients foes, striking from unexpected quarters with the stealth of mist.


Wow, amazing! It seems my first choice will be Water Breathing, however, I still don't have DGs. I need to take a look at the missions to see what I can do to improve myself.

"Description of the Water Breathing Technique."


『Water Breathing Technique』

The Water Breathing Technique is an elegant and fluid combat style, inspired by the mutable and adaptable nature of water. This technique allows the user to deliver precise and powerful strikes, with movements flowing smoothly from one to another, similar to running water.

Each form practiced within this technique emulates a different characteristic of water, from its softness and ability to take any shape to its devastating strength when unleashed. By mastering Water Breathing, the user can face enemies with grace and power, moving and attacking in a way that is almost dance-like and hypnotic, easily confusing and subduing opponents.

The skill not only enhances the user's physical performance in combat but also infuses their attacks with a mystical energy that can cut through demons and other supernatural creatures, making it a valuable tool for any warrior. This technique requires a high level of concentration and breath control and is most effective when the user maintains a state of calm and focus, allowing the water to flow through them unrestrained.


With my eyes scanning each word, I could feel a wave of anticipation growing within me. The Water Breathing Technique wasn't just powerful; it possessed intrinsic beauty and elegance that resonated with something deep within my soul. However, before I could obtain and master this magnificent technique, there was a mountain of obstacles and challenges to overcome, starting with acquiring enough DGs. Focus and determination would be my constant companions on this journey.

Driven by curiosity, I decided to delve deeper into other techniques that caught my eye, starting with the Sun Breathing. After all, considering I would have to invest a considerable amount of DGs, I wanted to make sure I made the right choice.

"Description of the Sun Breathing Technique."


『Sun Breathing Technique』

Sun Breathing is the progenitor technique of all other breathing techniques. Its origin is lost in ancient times, and its power is unparalleled. Incorporating the heat and radiant light of the sun, those who master this technique can radiate burning energy, capable of consuming and annihilating darkness.

Each movement performed with this technique is like a ray of sunlight cutting through the darkness, making it extremely effective against demons and other creatures of the shadows. It requires perfect synchrony between mind, body, and soul, and breath control is fundamental. By mastering Sun Breathing, the user is imbued with a golden aura, and each attack carries with it the heat and relentless force of the sun itself.


Intrigued and impressed by the power of Sun Breathing, I decided to check the description of Moon Breathing for a full comparison.

"Description of the Moon Breathing Technique."


『Moon Breathing Technique』

Moon Breathing is the antithesis of Sun Breathing, symbolizing the quiet but powerful nature of the moon. Users of this technique move with the grace and silence of moonlight, making quick and precise attacks that are almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

This technique focuses on agility, adaptability, and the ability to confuse the enemy, much like the moon changes its phases. Movements are fluid and unexpected, making it difficult for the opponent to anticipate the user's next step. When executed well, Moon Breathing can be as devastating as its solar counterpart, with the added advantage of being more stealthy and unpredictable.


Sitting in my seat, I pondered deeply. Both techniques were tempting and promising. Sun Breathing seemed like an overwhelming technique, while Moon Breathing promised efficiency and subtlety. Would the brute force of the former be more useful to me, or the agility and stealth of the latter?

I took a deep breath, acknowledging the decision would not be easy. Regardless of my choice, I would have to work hard to master either technique. For now, it was clear that the first step would be to accumulate enough DGs to acquire my chosen technique.

I scratched my head, pondering the system's dilemma.

"Man, the system doesn't give me details like the difficulty to master these techniques, right? In the anime, not everyone could handle Sun Breathing. Each user has a technique that suits them best. If I'm not careful, I might simply waste my DGs."

Thoughtful, I sighed. It would be a tough decision. Sun Breathing sounded very strong, while Moon Breathing had a more discreet and cunning vibe. Which one would be worth more? Brute strength or light and treacherous movements?

"Well, either way, I need to gather these DGs first," I muttered to myself, determined to explore the system further and understand how I could start accumulating the necessary virtual currency.

As I explored the store, I came across a surprising variety of abilities taken from various anime! From Dragon Ball to Naruto, including abilities I didn't even remember, everything was there.



- Description: Concentrate ki in your hands and fire a powerful energy beam. Requires advanced energy control.

- Price: 5000 DG

- Insufficient Requirements


- Description: A lightning-type chakra technique channeled into the user's hand, powerful enough to pierce through opponents.

- Price: 4500 DG

- Insufficient Requirements

『Gomu Gomu no Mi』

- Description: A fruit that grants the user the ability to stretch their body like rubber, with incredible resilience.

- Price: 8000 DG

- Insufficient Requirements

『Titan Shifting』

- Description: Allows the user to transform into a Titan, with a monumental increase in strength and size.

- Price: 15,000 DG

- Insufficient Requirements


And it wasn't just abilities the store offered; there were weapons that seemed incredibly overpowered!



- Description: A spiritual sword that can combat supernatural entities, capable of evolving alongside its owner.

- Price: 7000 DG

- Insufficient Requirements

『Death Note』

- Description: A deadly notebook. Write someone's name in it while visualizing their face, and they die!

- Price: 20,000 DG

- Insufficient Requirements

『Dual Blades - Elucidator & Dark Repulser』

- Description: Two mystical swords that amplify the user's attack and defense power.

- Price: 5500 DG

- Insufficient Requirements


And the consumables? Ah, those were very interesting!


『Senzu Bean』

- Description: A small bean that completely restores health and energy.

- Price: 2000 DG

『Philosopher's Stone』

- Description: A mystical stone that immensely amplifies alchemical abilities and can be used for advanced transmutations.

- Price: 10,000 DG

- Insufficient Requirements

『Potion of Healing』

- Description: A potion that heals wounds and restores the user's health.

- Price: 1000 DG


"Wow, Death Note?", I thought, laughing to myself, "That's so overpowered!". But the price... was quite steep. I would need to think seriously about a strategy to accumulate all these DGs. For now, better focus on understanding how this system really works.

I lingering thought about the insufficient requirements led him to a point of reflection. "Maybe I'm rushing by looking at all these advanced skills and weapons," he reflected. "I should focus on what's truly within my reach right now."

Giving a mental command to the system, he requested a list of skills, weapons, and consumables that were within his reach.



『Basic Jujutsu Spells』

Description: A set of basic techniques used to fight and exorcise curses.

Price: 500 DG

『Learning Enhancement』

Description: Increases efficiency in acquiring knowledge, improves understanding of books and things in general.

Price: 300 DG




『Nichirin Sword』

Description: A blade specialized in combating demons, forged from a special stone that absorbs sunlight.

Price: 2000 DG

『Cursed Artifact - Ryomen Sukuna's Finger』

Description: One of the twenty cursed fingers of the Special Grade Curse Ryomen Sukuna, offering great power but with serious risks.

Price: 1500 DG




『Mana Potion』

Description: Restores a small amount of mana when consumed.

Price: 100 DG

『Basic Antidote』

Description: Cures common poisons and minor toxic effects.

Price: 50 DG


"It's a start," Kuroto pondered, "The Nichirin sword would be a great addition. And the basic Jujutsu spells? They seem quite useful. I have to think carefully about this. The important thing is steady progress, no matter how small."

"Wait, Sukuna's Finger?!" The name alone sent a chill down my spine, and somehow, I could hear, distant and sinister, that unmistakable and disdainful laugh echoing with arrogance and power. A laugh that, I'm certain, belonged to one of the most frightening villains I've ever seen.

Images of Sukuna, with his wide smile and disdainful gaze, flashed through my mind. If I purchased that finger... Would we be dealing with a threat similar to him in our world? The mere thought was terrifying. Sukuna wasn't only powerful; he was unstoppable in every way, a force of nature personified with casual contempt for humanity.

A sense of responsibility suddenly weighed on my shoulders. Even if the finger could grant me unimaginable power, the risk of bringing something like Sukuna into this world was unthinkable. The guy was a walking disaster, a cataclysm in human form. To unleash such power... I couldn't begin to imagine the consequences.

"No, definitely not," I murmured to myself, promptly discarding the idea. "That's way too crazy even for me. I need power, yes, but not at such a high cost."

With those thoughts, I pushed away the tempting and dangerous idea of acquiring Sukuna's cursed finger, focusing on more viable and, above all, safe options. I needed to be strong, not a monster. And I certainly didn't want to be responsible for unleashing an apocalypse on my world.

Thus, with a clearer mind and firm goal, I continued my quest for power, but with caution and responsibility. Because, after all, what good is power if you lose yourself and endanger everything and everyone around you in the process?

I sat comfortably in the airplane seat, trying to distract my mind from the potentially catastrophic consequences of the purchases I made in the system. Honestly, some of those items are things no human should have access to. I was about to close the shopping menu when a peculiar title caught my attention. I clicked on it, curious.


『Essence of Unification』

Level 1 - Price: 100 DG

Description: The Essence of Unification is a mystical crafting skill that allows the user to attempt fusing two or more items or skills, transforming them into a single entity with combined characteristics. Through ancient alchemical rituals and esoteric practices, it's possible to merge essences, though with certain risks...


I blinked my eyes, reading and rereading the description. "This is... wow!" I murmured, mentally visualizing the possibilities. It could be incredibly useful, especially if I could merge skills or items in unique ways. But on the other hand, it was another potential trap.

This system is really dangerous... look at what it's offering me. With something like this, I could combine things in ways not even the original creators of the animes imagined. Either that, or I could destroy something valuable in the process. The cautionary note at the end of the description was a clear reminder of the risks.

I sighed, hand on my chin, pondering. Should I give this skill a chance? It seemed promising, but also... risky. Even so, I felt a spark of excitement thinking about the infinite possibilities this skill could offer.

"Can I favorite this?"

The question was promptly answered, with the system closing and reopening quickly, placing the skill at the top of the store list.

"Uh... Thanks? I guess." I murmured, casting a puzzled look around, even knowing that no one was there to notice. The system was somewhat bipolar; sometimes it understood and did what I asked, and sometimes it completely ignored me.

So, I sat there, entertaining myself by fiddling with the system and glancing at the landscape through the airplane window, having to stand due to my current height. Being short sucks, I hope I grow soon. I pulled at my necklace with the grimoire pendant; the picture of my mother now accompanied by one of Lisa and another of my mother with me as a newborn. I looked at the photos, not thinking about anything in particular, until deciding to close the system and take a nap.

When I woke up, I was no longer on the airplane. Instead, I was in a car, and by the ancient buildings I saw through the window, I realized we were approaching the Vatican. The bishop, sitting beside me, was smoking a cigarette while looking out the window.

Finally, we arrived at the main building, but, strangely, we didn't enter through the front door. Instead, we went through a side door that led to a very old building.

Manuel: You'll stay here until further notice. Do we understand each other? If you have questions, ask the responsible priest, - the bishop said, somewhat indifferent, before leaving the car.

~ Just wait until I get a bit stronger. I'll leave here and then come back just to show you where you can shove that cigarette, you fool, - I thought annoyed, while getting out of the car, sighing.

✦ • ✦

✦ • ✦ • ✦

『Two months later...』

✦ • ✦ • ✦

✦ • ✦

I was in a classroom, while some nuns talked about the Bible. I've never been religious, and I didn't think that would change in this life. While the other kids were paying attention, I was just drawing in my notebook.

Nun: Kuroto? - the teacher called me, pulling me out of my daydreams. - Do you know the name of the evil angel who tried to usurp God's throne and was banished to hell, becoming its emperor?

- Hmm? - I said, looking at her. The eyes of all the children were on me, which was very uncomfortable.

Nun: You must know the answer, right? - she insisted.

"I think she noticed... Damn it," - I thought, scratching my head.

Nun: If you don't know the answer, pay attention in class and stop being distracted, - she said, some children started laughing, but before she could turn to the board, I answered in Latin.

- Lucifer, the light-bringer. But most call him Satan or Devil, but saying he is evil is wrong. - I said, focusing on my drawing again.

There was silence in the room. The nun looked at me, surprised.

Nun: You're correct... - she admitted, while the other children, who had been laughing, fell silent. - But how can you say that Lucifer, who corrupts humans with his sins, isn't evil?

- Well, from your point of view, - I began, - what determines what is good or bad? Our perception or society's rules? For example, is a person who steals bad?

Nun: Of course, she's a sinner.

I smiled faintly, preparing to further challenge the nun's beliefs. This conversation was about to get interesting.

- So, I'll continue the context. A person steals food because they live on the streets and need to feed their sick little sister, who doesn't even have bread to eat because their family abandoned them. Is it correct to say they are sinners and worse?

Nun: T-that... Stealing is wrong, no matter the circumstance.

- So say that to the big governments, who steal from the population every day with absurd taxes, forcing the new generation to take on the conflicts of old men who hate each other. The problem, or the sin, was never Lucifer, but humanity itself, which corrupts itself.

Nun: Blasphemy, Kuroto! What do you think you're saying? We are the beings that were blessed by God!

- Blessed? Or cursed? Free will given by God is a double-edged sword. We can be both good and bad, and as everyone does, we look for something or someone to blame for things we don't want to accept as our choices, like, for example, the devil.

The children in the room were already lost, not understanding the context of the conversation, while I stood my ground. The nun looked annoyed, came to my desk and pulled me by the arm outside.

Nun: What do you think you're doing?

- Expressing my view.

Nun: This is not a philosophy class, and you should not influence the other children.

- Influence or make them think? – I said, raising my eyebrow slightly at her. – Will "God" be angry? – I made air quotes with my hands. – There's no point in trying to deceive me with beautiful words and blaming our actions on any divine figure.

Nun: I'll talk to the priest responsible for you. It seems like you haven't learned anything since your last reflection retreat. – she looked at me disdainfully.

-Retreat? Wouldn't it be better to say madhouse? – I looked at her seriously.

Manoel: I see that rebellion is embedded in your mind.

Nun: Bishop! – she made a slight reverence. – To what do we owe your visit?

Manoel: I came to see our little one who still hasn't adapted.

- Adapting is a strong word; you guys took me from home and expect me to be okay with it?

Manoel laughed and asked the nun to leave him alone with me. He grabbed my shoulder, and as soon as the nun was out of sight, punched me in the face, making me fall to the ground.

Manoel: I think you're resilient. If it were any other child, there would already be problems.

- You keep using me as a punching bag? Idiot. – I spat out some blood. – And still calls yourself a servant of God... Pathetic.

Manoel: You should shut your mouth to save time and get this over quickly. – he kicked me, throwing me about two meters away.

- That hurts. – I held my jaw, which was very sore, even with the pain suppression. – Getting better at kicking?

Manoel: I'm glad you noticed. – he approached and pulled my hair.

- Why don't you go ask them and stop bullying a kid? – I reacted quickly, kicking him in the groin.

Manoel instantly bent over, falling in pain to the ground.

Manoel: Y-you... damn!

- Looks like you won't need to have kids.

I ran, without looking back, while hearing Manoel screaming my name furiously. I hid in the library, a vast area with little foot traffic. I picked up some books about holy wars, curious for some reason, and went to a quiet section to read.

Intrigued, I decided to delve deeper into this ancient volume that stood out from the others on the shelf. The book, with its yellowed pages and edges worn by time, exuded an aura of mystery and antiquity. The leather of the cover was faded, but it was still possible to discern the elegant title, now faintly inked: "The First Great Celestial War."

Right at the beginning, the narrative plunged into immemorial times when Heaven was under tension, and an unprecedented rebellion unfolded in the unreachable heights. It was the story of an angel named Lucifer, the most beautiful and bright among all, who dared to challenge the supreme authority.

As I carefully turned the pages, the reading unfolded about Lucifer trying to take control of Heaven, dissatisfied with the established order and longing for power equal to the Creator's. This epic conflict originated a colossal war, with angels divided and taking sides.

The story continued, describing how some angels, dissatisfied with the divine government, chose to join Lucifer, sharing his ambitions and discontent. These rebels, known as the Fallen Angels, abandoned their divine nature and launched themselves into a crusade against Heaven itself.

It was a fascinating narrative, but something about that story sounded familiar and strangely comforting. It seemed more like a dark fairy tale, used as a tool to instill fear in the hearts of the faithful about Hell and its dangers. However, at the same time, this ancient narrative made me reflect on the nature of good and evil, of freedom and submission.

Engrossed by the epic tales, I couldn't help but identify with these celestial rebels, who, in a way, reflected my restless and questioning spirit. With each line read, my mind lost itself in thoughts, ponder

ing the essence of rebellion and the search for truth, about how humanity interpreted these ancient myths to find meaning in their tumultuous lives.

As I explored more of this ancient volume, time went unnoticed. The library, with its sepulchral silence and dusty shelves, became a refuge, a space where I could lose myself in the confines of imagination and reflection without being disturbed.

However, as engaging as the reading was, I knew I couldn't stay there forever. With a resigned sigh, I marked the page where I stopped and closed the book, carefully putting it back in its place on the shelf. I stood up, dusted off my clothes, and left the hiding place, ready to face and seriously hoping not to find Mr. scrambled eggs.

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