Everyone had been knocked out by the strange gas, the only people who were still consious was Jake, Natalia, the five muscular men and me.
"Come to think of it why am I still consious" I thought.
Suddenly the screen appeared again
[Unknown gaseous substance detected]
[Resistance +1]
[Resistance +1]
[Resistance +1]
[ Host is now immune to the gas]
I didn't know if I was still consious because of the system, if it was the system that saved me, then I was really grateful.
[3rd person pov]
Jake stood up from the floor, wiping the blood off his lips, then Natalia followed.
"Stand down you're not the one we're looking for" the leader from the assassins said.
[Electric bolts]
Jake activated his skill, immediately, tiny electric bolts came out of the wolf's mouth rushing towards the leader threatening to end him.
The leader then summoned his divine pet which was a large ugly mud toad
[Muddy aegis]
A Large shield which seemed to be made of mud appeared before the man. When Jake's electric bolt had collided with the shield, it was absorbed leaving the shield still standing
[Ice Pikes]
Natalia screamed out, her peacock which had ice coatings on it's wings responded by firing three ice pikes at the assassins leader, and yet again it was absorbed.
Both the electric bolts and the ice pikes were sent back to Jake and Natalia.
"Arghhh" Jake screamed in pain as he was hit by his own electric bolts, while Natalia had managed to dodge her ice pikes by an inch. Jake was sent flying while Natalia stood her ground.
[Rain of ice]
Natalia divine pet shot a couple of ice Pikes into the air which came back down attacking the assassins from the air.
The fourth and fifth assassins summoned their divine pets. One had a large bee and the other had a raccoon which seemed to have it's hair made of fire.
The raccoon opened it's mouth breathing out fire like a dragon.
The flames from the raccoon collided with Natalia rain of ice melting it at the spot.
[Honey dew]
The man who had a bee for a divine pet said.
The bee threw out sticky honey towards Natalia, and Natalia being too slow to avoid it, was encased in it.
Natalia tried to shake it off but it was of no use.
[Numb gas]
The raccoons all released a foul smelling gas from their behind aiming for Natalia.
After Natalia had inhaled the gas, she couldn't move, she tried moving her legs and hands but couldn't, she fell to the floor.
She tried to scream but couldn't move her lips
[Sleeping gas]
The raccoons released another gas, making Natalia feel sleepy
[Natalia pov]
"Is this the end, I can't go out like this, I still have so much to do and achieve, if only I had another chance".
I was slowly loosing my consciousness when I saw a someone fighting the assassins, he had white and black hair, he was wearing a black hoodie, he had huge wings that seemed to be made out of steel sticking out of his back and he had bird like claws his eyes were completely black with only a little red dot in the middle "chase..." Somehow the man who I thought had no impressing personality was here standing his ground with five assassins "chase..." That was the last thing that came out of my mouth before I fell unconscious
[Chase pov]
While watching Natalia trying to fight the assassins alone, I knew she wouldn't last long "where the hell is the school management when you need them" I thought, if only there were a way I could get out of here without being noticed.
[Eagle's instinct activated]
[Eagle's instinct taking over body in 5]
What the hell is this, I can't be worrying about some eagle's instinct when my life is at stake
"What the fu..."
I felt immense pain before my eyes went blank. Not before seeing the huge wings on my back
[3rd person pov]
Chase flew straight towards the assassins, he tried to attacked the assassins leader head on.
[Honey dew]
The assassin with a bee screamed trying to protect his leader.
The bee shot out the sticky honey towards chase.
chase moved to the side avoiding the attack. He plunged forward grabbing his neck, he then proceeded to stab him in the neck with his long claws.
Chase released his grip, allowing the man's body fall to the floor. The three assassins with the skunks as their divine pet were alert after seeing how this unknown man had killed their partner.
[Detonating gas]
They all screamed out. Their skunks released another foul smelling gas, only this time chase had dived right into it unknowing of the danger he had walked into
The explosion had sent chase flying a few meters.
"We got him" one of the assassins said
With inhumane speed, chase flew towards the three assassins.
seeing the incoming threat, the three men commanded their pet skunks to attack chase.
[Shadow dagger has been equipped]
Drawing out a dagger from nowhere, the skunks were startled for a bit, they then proceeded to attack chase.
[Venom blood has been activated]
Chase cut his hands and poured the blood onto the dagger, both the assassins and the skunks were confused with what chase was doing.
Seeing the opening chase dashed straight towards one of the skunks slashing his dagger horizontally, he had managed to cut the skunks in the neck.
it fell to the floor dying in the spot.
The other skunks seeing this got aggressive and tried to bite chase.
Chase twirled in a very inhumanly way leaving a small cut on the skunks abdomen.
Instead of finishing it off, chase headed for the last skunk.
Seeing that chase didn't consider it as a threat, the skunk was aggravated, it tried to finish off chase from behind.
Suddenly it fell to the floor in great pains, it died as it couldn't endure the pains anymore.
The last skunk was both angry and scared at the same time, it saw it's comrades fall right before it's eyes, it wanted to tear chase open right that instant but it's instinct were telling it to run away from the monster.
The last skunk tried to run away but it was the biggest mistake it made facing it's back to it's enemy.
Chase slashed at it horizontally slicing it's head off in one swipe.
Chase still proceeded to attack the three assassins.
[Shadow dagger has been deactivated]
Chase withdrawed his dagger into his inventory.
The first assassin one brought out a staff and swing it towards chase chase dodged it while slashing at his neck, chase then dived in to the remaining two assassins, he pulled the second one by the head, flew to the air and threw him down towards the other one when both of the bodies collided, they were sent flying a couple of meters.
Not giving chase any time to fix his posture from landing, the assassin who controlled the raccoon threw three fire balls at chase, chase used his steel wings to protect himself for the attack, the assassin kept on throwing fireballs after fireballs towards him.
Chase was getting tired of being hit by fireballs, he flew to the air and dived down towards the assassin with great speed, the assassin didn't expect a counter attack from chase that he had no time to defend himself against the monster that was flying towards him, he was stabbed by Chase's claws killing him on the spot.
"You did well kid, but little strength like that isn't going to save you from me" the leader of the assassins said.
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