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29.8% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 28: Chapter 26: Breaking Point 3

Kapitel 28: Chapter 26: Breaking Point 3

AN: First, I didn't upload the chapters earlier because it was my mother's birthday. La Patrona likes parties that last for days. 

Second, this chapter, along with the next two will not have Edgar. And this was already planned from the beginning because I needed to lay the groundwork for what's to come. 

It was actually going to be just two without Edgar but became three because of the large amount of information. The chapter 26 was so much information that I decided to split it in two. That's why 26 and 27 tell the past, and 28 tells the present.

On the 29 we already have Edgar, from then on it will be pure Edgar and his mini-training arc. That's right, it's time for him to know what Horseman of the Apocalypse is. 






Watchtower, May 15, 2015 (1 week after the fight)

A tense atmosphere could be felt in the boardroom of the Watchtower. Everyone had solemn faces as they held their first official meeting after the event of their humiliating defeat at the hands of that monster.

Some still had after-effects of the battle, as John Stewart, aka Green Lantern, no longer had his prized official attire. He was currently dressed as an ordinary civilian in a brown jacket and gray pants. His hand had a bandage covering the residual burn scar left from the fight.

Other heroes were no better, as Green Arrow had a blank stare, while also wearing a cast, which covered the large wound on his arm produced by that giant dog.

But the worst of all was Superman, who, although he had attended the meeting, was in a special wheelchair, because he had suffered such severe burns that even his legs had not been able to heal completely.

He was being treated by Zatara, but, even so, magic could only help so much. Fortunately, he had found the solution in the Fortress of Solitude. In that structure, there were plans for a solar conditioning chamber, which would help rejuvenate the dead cells and replace them quickly with new ones.

The Kryptonians had already studied in depth all the important components of their cells and how the different solar structures affect them. The solar radiation radiated from the yellow sun was the most ideal for a Kryptonian, and was the reason Superman had such power.

Unfortunately, the Fortress of Solitude, being a structure left a long time ago by Kryptonian researchers who came to study the primitive conditions of the planet, had many unfinished projects, or atrophied, due to the great amount of time that had passed.

But thanks to Cyborg and Batman, they were bringing this project to life, and were even modifying it to serve in normal human cells as an alternative treatment to magic, to remove residual scars from burns and other wounds. However, there was still a long way to go before the project could be completed.

It is no exaggeration to say that, at this point, the Justice League was a wounded animal licking its wounds.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of people around the world, who saw such a loss, they had a lot of bad opinions towards the League at this point. Their precious heroes, their precious saviors, had been so pitifully defeated. They all had the same question in their heads.

'If a worse threat happened, would they be able to save us all?'

That's how people were. One could easily forget all the good one had done because of a simple mistake. And the Justice League, in their eyes, had lost any goodwill they had earned.

"Well, let's get this meeting started, guys" Superman spoke, as he hobbled over to his official chair. The others, who were sitting around talking turned their attention to the hero, and unofficial leader of the group.

"Before we begin the official business, I want to start, by apologizing" Superman, although sore, managed to get up, and bowed, in full apology. Many heroes were surprised at this event.

"What are you apologizing for, I should be the first to apologize. I didn't arrive in time to help" Zatara exclaimed. He had been part of the group that arrived right at the end. He didn't know if his help would have been enough, but, even so, he would have given his all to help his companions.

However, Superman looked at them all solemnly and said.

"I relied too much on my power, and fought that monster-"

"Cough, cough, Ghost Rider"

"Excuse me?" Superman was interrupted by Shazam. Said hero was totally embarrassed, as he felt the gazes of everyone present on him. Some of indifference, some even of anger.

"Is that... well... in social networks there is already a very big movement for that thing, and they have nicknamed it the Ghost Rider"

At this, the main screen showed a series of interviews given on the street by a reporter. Some of the opinions were.

"He looked really cool in that outfit"

"You saw that bike, gee, I'd pay anything to customize mine like that"

"If he looked less skeletal he would totally be my type"

"Good thing he kicked the League's ass, they deserved it"

And more opinions were shown, to the seated members of the League. Superman, who had a slightly disbelieving look on his face because of this, snapped back to reality and continued.

"Cough, cough, Well, as I was saying, I got overconfident and fought Ghost Rider recklessly. I should have waited for you. The League was created to be able to fight together against beings of that power. I was reckless, and I'm sorry"

"We have to apologize too, for not showing up either" Hawkman spoke for his wife and himself, as he had a totally apologetic look on his face.

"I don't think it would have made a difference. The Motherbox listed it as a universal level threat. I feel like he even went easy on us and left us plenty of time to make attacks. It almost feels like it would have been a lesson to us in becoming stronger" commented Cyborg.

It was the truth. He had gone over the fight many times in his head, and always wondered why that thing let them attack. He still couldn't understand all the actions of this monster, but one thing was for sure, if he had wanted to, he would have torn the whole League apart in a few minutes, even killing everyone.

"Let's put sentimentality aside. There are quite important issues we need to address, and we've already wasted time in lamenting" interrupted Batman with his harsh tone, giving way to non-negotiation. Quickly, without waiting for the opinion of the others, he began to type and show a video. In said video, Edgar's farewell with Diana could be seen.

Everyone was surprised by the video. But the most surprised was Diana herself, who had a look of total disbelief on her face. Then that face changed to one of total anger.

"You put a camera in my suit?"

"Everyone has one in their suit" Batman dropped the bombshell that made everyone start arguing.

"How dare you!"

"That's a violation of our rights"

"You had no right, Batman"

Many rose up in protest. What Batman had done was a total violation of the League's privacy rights. It must be said that many wear their costumes in the privacy of their homes. To have someone spying on them all the time did not sit well with the League.

"Silence" Superman stopped the protests. Then with a totally serious look he turned to Batman. "Speak up and explain yourself, Batman, NOW"

Batman just looked at everyone, showing no change of emotion, and simply said.

"If you want me to apologize, I won't. This was necessary in order to justly find said evidence" he said as he pointed to the video. "Besides, the cameras are only activated on League missions. Your privacy has never been violated. Now, explain Wonder Woman, why you let such a threat go-"

However, Batman was unable to continue when Wonder Woman moved at incredible speed and with a powerful punch sent the Bat detective flying. Then she put her sword right into his neck, and said.

"I let him go because he's my friend. And I would still do it, even if I know what he is and what he did. Now, convince me not to gut you like the pig you are, Batman"

However, Batman didn't care about the situation and just continued with his words.

"You are compromised by your personal feelings"

"Wrong words" Diana raised her sword, aiming to strike, but Flash and Aquaman had arrived just in time to intervene.

"Wonder Woman, enough!"

"He dared to violate my privacy. Our privacy. In my village, such offenses deserve death"

"She is compromised. Her opinions are biased by her feelings" Batman argued

"ENOUGH!" Superman shouted for the first time. Although he hadn't moved, his eyes glowed intensely red.


Diana reluctantly stopped pointing at Batman's neck, and went to sit down. Everyone watched the situation with tension as Batman stood up and returned to his place as if the situation had never happened.

The atmosphere, which was no longer tense, had become tense again and worse.

Some were with Diana that Batman had violated her privacy, but others considered Batman's opinion that Diana was compromised by her feelings. Superman, wanting to avoid further tension, preferred to intervene.

"Batman, I want those spying devices of yours turned off by today at the latest. Wonder Woman, unfortunately in this situation I must consider that your feelings are being compromised, and, therefore, you must refrain from voting, just this once"


"I understand"

"Now, what do you know about Ghost Rider, Batman?"

"Edgar Joseph Bones, born in 1918 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, son of William Bones and Carolina Guzman. His parents died in a bizarre arson attack. Authorities at the time placed the 16-year-old son, who had gone missing, as the prime suspect. However, they left the investigation inconclusive, and left the son for dead after several years"

Then the picture changed, to various newspaper clippings of bizarre murders, where the victims had been left completely charred or with charred looks.

"Many news clippings from the period between 1920-1930, mainly from South American countries, have told of strange murders. These strange murders have left urban legends of old men telling children that if they don't behave, the grim reaper is going to take them away for their bad actions. But it's all based on the Ghost Rider. Throughout history, there have been tales, however, with the growth of technology, those tales have been diminishing. Clearly, Edgar Bones has been learning to hide. Also, it is very likely that he has learned his powers, as it is reported that he used to leave complete massacres to the towns he went to. Also, he was the cause of the death of Steppenwolf, five years ago"

"All the time before our eyes..."

"I can't believe it!"

"but what is he?" asked Captain Atom finally. Everyone had the same question. Edgar was powerful. But what was he. A demon? Or maybe something worse.

"Throughout history, there have been stories, mainly Hebraic and Biblical about beings that were destined to bring about the apocalypse before the coming of god. To someone, they may seem like simple legends or myths. But in this room, there are demigods, wizards, and even aliens. To categorize it as myth, I think, is limiting in our case"

Zatara continued Batman's explanation.

"Batman is right. What they consider myths are actually a bifurcation of true stories. Some stories are very accurate, but others are well versed in reality. Actually, the bible talks about 4 horsemen who will bring conquest, war, famine and death, but in reality, this was a totally revised version of the real story. The real story told us that there were not four. It was one. And it wouldn't bring any of that. It would bring only one thing. Punishment for the guilty and salvation for the innocent. However, that worries me"

"Why are you worried, Zatara?" Atom asked. Everyone was totally immersed in the story, and had the same question, which Ray asked.

"That Edgar Bones, if his record is true, is 98 years old. He practically lived in an era of a lot of actual conflict. World War II. Communist war. European Mafia. Latin American cartels. Asian Mafia. But, still, it's not old enough to bring those legends into the bible or ancient records. And as I said earlier. A legend has a root of truth. So that leaves me with only one conclusion... there were Ghost Riders before Edgar Bones or even, there may be more today"

This chilled the blood of many. If that thing did so much damage to the League, to think that there were more of those things, only brought despair to several heroes who vividly remembered such a fight.

Batman interrupted the thoughts when he said.

"I want to propose to make this information public and make Edgar Bones a worldwide threat. Countries must know what they are up against to avoid such situations in the future"

"You can't" Diana stood up and protested. But, unfortunately Superman shut down her protests.

"I'm sorry, Wonder Woman, but your sentiments compromise the vote. So your vote, will be nullified. However, one thing is certain. The research tells us one thing, but, Wonder Woman, you know the person best. If you can give your opinion, it might help us with the vote, what do you say, guys?"

Everyone nodded at this. The research said one thing, but the person was something else.

Wonder Woman, who was presented with this opportunity to reverse Edgar's poor opinion, looked solemnly at everyone, and said.

"Maybe there are feelings involved about my opinion, but I can assure you that Edgar is a good person. You may not know this and it was not previously commented on, but Batman omitted an essential part of Edgar's investigation"

"And what is that?"

"That he is the founder of the Revenger Group. A company that in over a decade has been a pioneer in drug research and development in the world. Not only that, but anyone knows that said group supports young people from all over the world with scholarships in research. In addition, many drugs are manufactured at a cost that is fully accessible to communities that cannot afford them. I don't know why such information was omitted by Batman, but I'm sure he already knew it"

"I didn't think it relevant to the research to comment on it" Batman accused.

"Perhaps, I'm not the only one with biased feelings. You just want to label him a threat because he killed that clown, who already deserved a proper punishment for his follies a long time ago. At least ask yourselves, why the government decided to leave him alive and not kill him, despite the crazy things he has committed. And why did the government take the opportunity to take away our complete jurisdiction over the case. I always wonder, don't you?"

At these words of Wonder Woman, everyone began to question such an event. She was right. This whole situation happened because of the government's transfer of the clown to a secret prison. Instead of catching him and locking him up, it's more like they wanted to hide him.

Captain Atom, who was the link to the government came to his rescue.

"Don't confuse the situation Wonder Woman. The government did it because there were no prisons capable of holding such a madman"

But despite these words, no one could believe them. Everyone was still pensive at Diana's words. Many never consider it, but Diana is a complete scholar even in the Amazons. She excelled not only in combat, but also in strategy and logical thinking. She was quite intelligent. It wasn't hard to be able to think that the whole situation had been weird from the beginning. And she was sure, Batman knew it. But she didn't know why he was still so insistent on antagonizing Edgar.

"Well. I just want to say, I let Edgar go, because he was right. If he had come before us, we wouldn't have let him talk. We would have branded him a murderer and locked him up. And if not, the government would have done it" at these words, Diana sat down. She could have said more. But they would take it as her feelings speaking, and it was better to follow the logical path. She only hoped it would be enough to change some people's minds about Edgar.

"Let's take a vote then. All in favor of cataloging Edgar and making his information public raise your hand. All those against leave it down"

At this, 9 hands were raised, and 9 stayed down, giving way to a tie.

(AN: Doctor Fate is not present, and Red Tornado is destroyed. With Diana gone, 18 members remain)

"Okay, it's a tie. We will postpone this situation to the next meeting. Now let's move on to the topic of government-"

"Superman, I want to address an urgent issue like this, first" Green Arrow interrupted Superman.

"Sure. Speak up, please, Green Arrow"

"I just want to ask, why is he here?" he said pointing to Shazam.

"I don't know if you knew this, but in addition to Ghost Rider, the second most criticized situation by everyone was that the League used children in dangerous situations. The Teen Titans don't count because that group is rigorously monitored. But the League has more difficult cases. A young man of his age should not be in the League. Besides, that he's kept his age hidden from us, worries me"

"I...well I didn't hide it, I just didn't comment on it. You hadn't asked" Shazam tried to excuse himself. But several of the League, had the same opinion as Green Arrow. The minimum age was 21. He should be with the Teen Titans.

"I knew that. But I still accepted it, because his power was indispensable in the group" Batman spoke up, defending said superhero. "And until we vote, he's still part of the group, so he has every right to be here"

"I'm not surprised Batman. You hide everything. I wouldn't even be surprised if you knew the one responsible for the destruction and death of the city's bombs"

"...And do you know who it was?" Cyborg interrupted the discussion of both superheroes. His eyes looked seriously at Batman and he continued. "Look me in the eyes, Batman. Do you know who was responsible for my father's death?"

Batman looked at him solemnly into those eyes that betrayed anger, rage and vengeance. And seriously he answered 

"No. I'm still investigating"

Cyborg looked at him briefly for a few seconds, but then sighed and turned his gaze.

"I believe you"

"Batman will surely tell us when he has that information. Relax Cyborg, we'll find the culprit. Now, at the end we will vote on whether Shazam will remain part of the League, for now, let's move on to the government and city damage reports. As well as the new structure we'll have on patrol..." Superman continued the long conversation. That night would be a long one, full of difficult and grueling, but important issues to be addressed.

However, that was the first meeting where the united group would begin to fracture. And the night where a robotic-bodied superhero would begin to hate Batman, and more because of what Motherbox said to him.


But Cyborg knew better. That small probability, was a 100 to Victor. He was sure. Batman knew who his father's killer was. 


Batcave, July 28, 2015 (2 month after the fight)

"At this rate, everyone will hate you"

In the Batcave, Batman and Green Arrow were talking. They have had several meetings and, in all of them, the two have been arguing as if they were the worst enemies. In everyone's eyes, they were. Yet, here they were in this place, talking like friends.

Batman removed his hood, revealing his handsome chiseled face. However, his eyes had dark circles under his eyes, due to the little sleep he's had, due to all the situations they've been going through.

"I don't mind. It's necessary" Bruce gave a bitter smile. However, he then changed to a serious look, and looked at Oliver.

"How are you doing with the resource mobilization?"

"We're doing well. My mother is helping me to raise less suspicion. I've already started building houses for everyone on the list you're planning. I just hope we can accomplish it all. Have you discovered the traitors yet?" the last was said with a lot of venom in his voice.

"I have two, but I want to rule them all out. My suspicions are on Jefferson, Dinah and Marie"

"Dinah is impossible" Oliver flatly denied. He really liked her. If they knew she was a spy, it would bring the emerald archer much sorrow.

"Relax. It's a possibility. And it's remote. Marie and Dinah are unlikely, because they have nothing to lose. They both don't have families anymore. Jefferson is the most likely"

"If someone is threatening his family we should help him, Bruce"

"I know. I just want to rule out if it's by threat or by will. We can't rule anything out"

"Right. But we have to make plans based on this. You must also help me with the medical cargo. Carrying a lot of medical technology, it will be suspicious, more so because our company doesn't specialize in that"

"I understand. How about..."

And the conversation went on and on late into the night. In the League, maybe they hated each other. But secretly, they were planning how they could defeat all those hiding in the shadows.


Diana's apartment, Paris, France, September 1, 2015 (almost 4 months after the fight)

Diana had arrived at her apartment. Today had been a day without patrol. These days, patrolling and even working had been a complete routine.

At work, and even at the League, Diana had already changed. Now, she always behaved seriously at all events and rarely smiled. Only with her friends in the League, and with some collaborators, she could smile a little, but otherwise, she looked like an empty shell.

The truth is that the only thing that gave her joy was arriving at her apartment. Especially for one big reason.

"I'm home" Diana shouted as she closed the door.

"Wof, wof, wof" (did you bring cookies, female boss?)

"Of course I brought them, they're your favorite!"

Duke quickly ran to intercept the package in Diana's hands. But Diana moved faster, and stopped Duke from taking them.

"Ah, ah, ah, but only one. In the night it hurts you"

"Wof" (the boss wasn't that bad)

"What did you say?"

"Wof" (that you're the best, female boss)

 "That's the way I like it. I'll take a bath. Then we'll watch that show you like"

"Wof, wof" (Yeah, the novel)

"Hahahahaha!" Diana smiled at Duke's behavior.

A month after the fight with Edgar. Duke materialized in his apartment. Apparently, when Edgar did not show up at the meeting point of the two. Duke followed his trail to the last person he was with, which was Diana.

Duke could smell his scent in her. But most of all, he felt a small connection with her as he did with Edgar.

Actually, when they had that kiss. They had made an indirect contract in their souls. This was a ritual that lovers used to do before to be together in eternity. Said ritual, was performed by the current couple Shayera and Carter (Hawkman and Hawkwoman) to always be together.

Of course, the ritual was elaborate and powerful. Diana and Edgar had not performed any of this, but indirectly their feelings were so strong, that, for a moment, their souls did a small indirect ritual of soul bonding. They would not reincarnate as Shayera and Carter, but, at least in this life, they would love each other forever.

This made Duke, who was in a family contract with Edgar, have an indirect contract with Diana. And that made Diana, too, feel the connection that Edgar had with Duke. The language was difficult, but she was quickly able to understand it as Edgar did.

(AN: Fun fact: Wonder Woman had the ability to talk to animals in the silver age of comics. The writers later left it)

Unfortunately, Diana had no way of tracking Edgar's whereabouts. He had already been voted a threat. Of course, Edgar's information was omitted. But Ghost Rider was a worldwide threat. Besides, Zatara had analyzed the location of the portal and said it was impossible to trace it, with what little residual magic was left.

In short, Edgar was missing. But Diana was sure he would return. He had promised. And she would wait for his return.

Diana emerged from the shower, fully dressed in silk pajamas. She was ready to turn on the novel and watch it with Duke, but her special senses warned her when she felt a strong magical fluctuation in the air. She quickly grabbed her weapons and prepared to attack. Duke had felt the same and changed his appearance to that of the giant dog.

A golden portal materialized. From there, a man dressed in a navy blue suit and golden helmet materialized. Diana recognized him as her fellow League member, Doctor Fate, but was pleasantly surprised, because said superhero had not been seen in quite some time already, due to a special leave he had requested.

"Wonder Woman, it's good to see you" a solemn voice came out from under the helmet.

"Fate, it's also good to see you. But to what do I owe your visit?"

"I came to give you a warning. Do not go to Themyscira"

"I don't understand, Fate. I am not going to Themyscira. It is not yet time for me to make my annual visit-"

However, Diana was unable to continue when a knock on the window interrupted her. There at the window was a peregrine falcon. This was the animal trained by the Amazons to carry letters. The technology did not work because of the magical barrier protecting the island. Diana had to use this method if she wanted to communicate with her mother.

There, Diana saw the note in her mother's handwriting. The letter was brief. It had no greeting or formality. Just a simple sentence that read.

'Come. We need you'

However, Diana turned to look at Fate who lay there floating, watching the events.

"You foresaw this?"

"Yes, I'm glad I wasn't too late"

"This is my mother's handwriting. Why shouldn't I follow the letter and go home?"

"Because it's a trap. Made especially to be able to capture you. As well as all the other Amazons"

However, Fate's words got to her.

"That is to say they are in danger" Diana didn't need any more. She quickly put on her costume and was ready to leave. But Fate stopped her.

"Yes, your sisters are in danger. But it needs to happen. They will not die. They will only be captured. But I can't let them capture you, Diana. You are quite important to future events, and I need you to disregard this trap and come with me"

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I know where Edgar is. Moreover. I was the one who caused him to not get to the place he was preventing"

Doctor Fate stopped floating, and, in an event that completely surprised Diana, took off his helmet. It must be said, Fate was the League's most secretive superhero. Some would even think he was a robot, because of his very own behavior. No one knew the secret identity behind his helmet. Diana was surprised when an older man, let himself be seen behind the helmet.

"I know I can't ask you to trust me, Diana. But believe me. All I want and seek is the best for everyone. The future ahead is utterly terrifying, to say the least. Believe me, if we want to survive that future, you need to listen to me and come with me. I will tell you everything in detail, I promise"

Diana debated what to do. But in the end, she nodded at Fate's words. She would at least listen to him. If there was something wrong, she would quickly drop everything and go to the rescue of her Amazon sisters.

"Fine, but let Duke go"

"Wof, wof" (don't even think about leaving me, old man)

Kent Nelson just smiled at this, and said.

"Don't worry. He was already contemplated as my guest"

At this, Kent materialized another golden portal.

"Let's go"

Duke and Diana crossed into the unknown....


United Nations, New York, United States, October 28, 2015 (5 months after the fight)

In the center of the United Nations, a private meeting was taking place between the different representatives of the countries united to this global organization.

"The League is no longer the group we had hoped for in the beginning. I think the best thing to do is to look for other alternatives" said the U.S. representative to the other members.

Some had thoughtful looks on their faces. Others were making quick calls informing the situation to the different governors, to see their decisions.

"And what other alternative do you have?" asked the representative of France. It was nice to say that, but she didn't say any solution.

"I believe I have the solution" a deep voice interrupted the conversation of the different representatives. The voice was spoken by a person who was entering with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry, sir, but this is a private meeting" the representative from England spoke, but the gentleman never stopped his pacing. He only stopped when he was on the main dais, right in front of everyone.

"I invited him" said the U.S. representative. "Allow me to introduce him. This is former Markovian general, and war hero, Vandal Savage."


"That's right. I left my post, so I could come here, with you. I come to propose a unique deal. A deal that will solve all your problems with the League"

"Speak then" said the Korean representative. Everyone had an expectant look on their face.

"The League, it is already an old glory, from what it was in the beginning. I propose to dissolve it, and create a new group. A better structured and better trained group. A group that does what is necessary, but also does not lose in the public opinion... I know you must be thinking, that maybe it is too much. But I bring you a gift, to show my sincerity"

At this, many armed soldiers dressed in black with a mask, who had on his arm an embroidery of a raised arm, entered, dragging, a man dressed in a guerrilla suit.

"Luis Guerrero, a guerrilla and dictator, who antagonized the current capitalist system. A thorn in the shoes of all of you. And today, I bring him to you for you to judge"

At this, looks of disbelief were on the faces of many officials. He was a major dictator, and a very slippery one. The authorities had long been looking to bring him before the bars, but had been unsuccessful.

"My group will be more efficient. More powerful. And, above all, it will be necessary. We can even recruit the League to join our crusade"

"And what do you ask for in return, money, power, recognition?" asked the Swiss representative.

"Nothing. Everything will be paid for by me. I only ask, permission to do things. I don't want any obstacles"

"That is unacceptable. We cannot accept that-" the French minister tried to say, but was unable to continue when the U.S. representative stood up.

"I accept the conditions"

"So do I"

"Me too"

Several members stood up quickly. China, Russia, Japan, India, Mexico, and many more countries stood up. Leaving only a few, totally incredulous at the situation. At this point, their votes were no longer needed. It was practically a unanimous decision.

Vandal smiled at this

"Okay, let's talk about the conditions..."


Watchtower, December 15, 2015 (7 months after the fight)

A meeting was taking place in the Watchtower. But the once 21 members were now down to 15 members.

Wonder Woman had gone on leave to Themyscira.

Aquaman had gone on leave to Atlantis.

Shazam had been relegated to Teen Titans after the vote.

Red Tornado was never put back together.

Doctor Fate never came back either.

And Batman had been discharged, for his behavior so reprehensible to the members of the League.

The group was already totally fractured. Every time someone made a mistake. He was totally accused by the other members. Moreover, it seemed that the friendship of many that existed, had been completely broken. Since they only saw each other on patrols, or at these official meetings every month.

"There is a new proposal. Captain Atom, please, speak"

Captain Atom stood up and looked at everyone.

"The UN is going to disband the League. A new group is to be formed, where an outside advisor, will support us. It has already been approved by Unity"

At this, Captain Atom handed out the different papers, which spoke of the group called the 'Liberation Front'.

"What the fuck is this shit, they're practically going to recruit villains for this group" Green Arrow was the first to spoke after reading the new agreement.

"Reformed villains. The best way to decrease the crime rate is for them to help society. If they do something wrong, they will be severely penalized. It will be pretty well controlled"

"And not only that, how come we have to reveal our identity if we accept this?"

"People are scared by the growth of metahumans. Let them know our identity, it's a sure way for them to get to know us and thus trust us more"

"And what about the people we love. Some of us wear masks to keep our relatives safe"

"The group will provide total security towards our relatives. And the best part, there is a payment included. This is already a job, guys," Captain Atom reasoned. In his eyes, these were better conditions than what the League had.

Many members were totally outraged at this. But what surprised them most was Superman's response.

"I think I'll accept the proposal"

"What the hell, Superman"

"Guys. The League was made to help. This group will continue to help. But now, we'll be better controlled. Clean slate. Besides, I can rest easy, if they protect my mother"

Black Lightning had a thoughtful look on his face and asked Captain Atom.

"How much is the pay?"

"Really?" Black Canary had a look of disbelief on her face. She couldn't believe her friend was seriously thinking about this proposal.

"Guys, of all of us, I think I'm the poorest. I have two daughters to support. And I can barely make ends meet with my bar. I'm sorry, but I am seriously considering it"

"The pay is generous, it's in section 6"

Jefferson read and finally said.

"I'm in, too. Excuse me guys, but my daughters first"

"Okay, Superman and Black Lightning, anyone else?"

"I'm out of here"

"I can't accept too"

"Neither can we"

Each League member slowly got up and headed for the exit.

"Hold on guys. Read the final paragraph. If you do not accept this proposal, you are no longer going to be able to be heroes. You will be branded as criminals, being illegal vigilantes, do you want that?"

Everyone stopped at Captain Atom's words, but, as if there was an unspoken agreement, none of them stopped. They all headed for the exit.

As of that day, The Justice League, had officially disbanded....

Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

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