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42.37% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 25: Heating Up

Kapitel 25: Heating Up

 For the first time in a few weeks, Tigra woke up slowly and didn't want to move. Or, more accurately, she couldn't.

 As she slowly gained consciousness, she felt a weight on her arm and across her chest.

 Good thing for her, she was still waking up when she took this information so she simply groaned lightly and buried herself into whatever was on her.

 It took her 3 seconds to realize that she usually sleeps alone now since she has been going out on missions for longer periods of time and more often recently.

 She slowly opened her eyes as consciousness nearly slammed into her.

 She saw Catra.

 Her closed eyes had her brown hair falling in front of them as Catra took her mask off before falling into the bed. 

 Tigra watched as Catra's chest rose up and down slowly all the while she seemed peaceful, despite all the work she must be under as the S.I.C.

 Tigra couldn't stop herself from smiling at this moment.

 Unfortunately, she had work to do.

 She reached to the other side of her and barely managed to pull her tablet into her hand and bring it to her, resolute to do her work in bed, even if the price would be a heavily numb arm when she can actually get up.

 Before she could start, she couldn't get her talk with Hordak out of her head first.


 "I have received quite a few reports. Would you like me to read them to you? Or would you rather tell me anything interesting that will inevitably be in your report later?" 

 Tigra stayed crouched before weighing both options presented to her. 

 Lie now and leave it out of her report about running off suddenly and leaving the three squads that were ultimately under her control without a clear leader. 

 Or admit what she did to the pragmatic leader of the Horde, who is not known for his forgiveness easily. 

 'I…I abandoned Tyde after taking down Princess Mermista of Salineas and her Ex-Royal Captain Morgan in combat. Alongside several other soldiers that knew magic. I left because…because my Chosen was in danger and almost captured.' 

 "Chosen?" He leaned forward slightly. "I was not informed that you had Chosen someone yet. Were you hiding it or is this recent?" 

 'Very recent. We simply haven't been able to explain it to you yet.' 

 After a few seconds, he leaned back. 

 "Very well. Who have you Chosen?" 

 'My Chosen is Catra, the Second in Command.' 

 "Ah yes. I remember being informed that Princess Glimmer had teleported herself and my Second in Command away from Dryl. I can assume then that someone made you aware and, in your opinion, Tyde had practically been wrapped up?" 

 'Yes, Lord Hordak. With Tyde practically done and our S.I.C. in danger, I went to rescue her. From there, I encountered another person from Bolt's group. A person by the name of Gaea. He seemed to deal with Earth magic in the same way Bolt deals with Lightning and Morgan dealt with Water magic.' 

 "I'm familiar with them. From what we know, Bolt's Group - The Elementalists - deal with Non-Elemental magic and 1 element. There are 5 confirmed members and 2 suspected members. I'll have someone forward the group to you later." 

 'So, how much trouble am I in?' 

 Hordak was silent for a moment. 

 "Force Captains Lonnie and Serena will take the main credit for taking Tyde while you will be mentioned as their leader who responded to an emergency beacon. Other than that, you will not be documented in the Conquering of Tyde." 

 She would not gain any credit for the battle in the Codex and no one will know of her deeds during the battle except for those there and Generals and above. 

 "For 3 months, you will remain in the Fright Zone unless asked to go somewhere by a Force General, Second in Command, or me. In the meantime, you will be teaching the new cadets and next year's cadets." 

 No active missions unless as back up and doing the task most of the higher ups in the Horde don't want to do. 

 "Finally, your pay is cut down to 25%, excluding necessities, for the next 2 months. If your work becomes inadequate as a response to the cut, you may be reduced back to Force Captain or even Force Commander." 

 The money wouldn't be a problem as she has a good amount saved. 

 The demotions would be a problem though. 

 "Seeing as this is the first and only time this happens, I'll leave the punishment as that. However, you do not have enough standing with me to do something like this again. Dismissed." 


 'Relationship - Hordak.'

Hordak: 12 [Friend], 48 [Acquaintance]


 With coming out of her memory, she got back to reading the information sent to her about Bolt's group.

 'Bolt is Elementalist's Lightning user and their undeclared leader. Wherever he went, two or three people usually followed him. Due to Tigra's actions however, Bolt has become a non-factor due to losing his capability to use his fearsome speed. He is still noted to be able to use other lightning attacks however, as losing a leg wouldn't impact his other spells. He mostly attacked with hand-to-hand and lightning magic.

 Posei is Elementalist's Water user with a severe interest in Bolt. Whether it is through camaraderie or more, it is unknown. Due to the battle of Tyde, Posei was found to be a pseudonym as her name ended up being outed as Morgan Bluenight, the Ex-Captain of the Royal Guard. She focuses on lances, spears, and water attacks.

 Gaea is Elementalist's Earth user with an aloof attitude. From those that have fought him, they are given the reason of being simply soldiers as for why he doesn't eliminate most of his opponents. Gaea focuses on close combat while making armor of various types out of different strengths of earth.

 Glae is Elementalist's Ice user with a serious/sadistic attitude. While not completely sadistic, she prefers to leave lingering injuries that will cause pain for extended periods of time instead of simply lethal attacks. She wields a rapier and tries to trap her targets where she wants them.

 Aero(a) is Elementalist's Air user. From other reports, they are mentioned as male and other times as female. This happens enough for me to conclude that they may be a shapeshifter. They use their wind for speed, maneuverability, and control. Those apply to both them and their targets.'

 It took Tigra a few minutes to read all of that before flopping her arm against the bed with a sigh.

 'I also need to talk to Entrapta about acquiring 2 or 3 of her EKS robots. They make for good sparring partners and I could level up my tech abilities if I see how they work enough times.'

 She then thought back to one of her crutches during her fight in Tyde.

 'While Flame Spear and Flame Falchion deal a lot of damage, they do too little for the amount of MP they use, especially for how I use them. I've been using them like my daggers; throwing them and recreating them. In actuality, if I throw them, I need them to be able to come back without having to recreate them. I'll simply run into the problem I had with Fireball when I first got it.

 'But how to return it?' Her face scrunched up slightly. 'And, more importantly, should I switch to an actual falchion? If so, that only leaves the returning problem but that removes the EXP that would master a spell and allow me to get closer to getting that Mistress of Fire trait for mastering 15 fire spells. While I'm not certain of it, it must do something to my fire. Maybe damage or MP reduction?

 Regardless, returning it could be done with rope made of fire, chains of fire, or just a string of fire. If I went with a physical blade, then the handle would need to be able to handle some heat, depending on how hot I need them to be.'

 Tigra released a quiet sigh, already knowing that today was going to be full of tasks to do and wouldn't have much time to do something for herself or someone else until nightfall.

 She felt something prick her side and glanced over, seeing a golden eye looking at her.

 "How are you grumbling right after waking up?" Catra mumbled in a gravelly voice.

 "Did I wake you? I tried to be quiet in my misery."

 Catra rolled her eye as she slowly pushed herself up and off of her arm.

 Tigra could not stop the wince at feeling her arm no longer having pressure.

 "I know it sounds hypocritical, but how can you be dramatic this early?"

 "Wait, how long have you been awake?"

 "A few seconds before you slammed your arm onto the bed." Catra stretched hard enough to almost look like a C.

 Tigra blinked before returning to the world with a snapping of fingers from Catra, who wore a cheshire smile.

 "Now that you're back, what is on your mind?"

 "I need to speak to Entrapta about a few things, find an actual Falchion, find an expert in sword fighting to help teach me, figure out a schedule for training cadets, try to spare some time with you, training a few spells…"

 "And all of that needs to be done today?" Getting a nod, Catra hummed. "How long would each of those things take?"

 "Entrapta could take 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on if she wants me for something afterwards. The weapon and teacher could take 2 hours as well. The schedule will take 3 hours, training will take up to 3 hours. Then, the rest would be trying to find times where our own schedules would match up."

 "How about this? You tell me what you need Entrapta for and I'll deal with it. You spend that time looking for your non-magical sword and someone willing to teach you. Depending on how quick we get those done, I can help you with the scheduling and we can train together so that way, we are spending time together and you can knock out your own training?"

 Tigra stared at her before Catra squeaked as Tigra pulled her into a hug.

 "When did you get this lovey?" Catra complained lightly.

 "I don't know. I just…want to hug you right now."

 They stayed like that for a few moments before Tigra released her.

 "Alright, I'll see you shortly then." Tigra confirmed before getting out of the bed and doing her own stretch, reaching all the way to the ground like an n.

 As she returned to standing while stretching her arms still, she would swear that something smacked against the desk next to her bed but when she turned, she only saw Catra typing on her tablet.

 "Alright, get ready." Catra told. "I'm off to see Entrapta so what did you need from her?"

 "I needed 2 or 3 of her EKS bots for training, preferably able to regenerate as fast as she can make them." She informed, pulling on her vambraces.

 Catra nodded before heading to the door.

 "You find your blade and teacher. No idea what Entrapta will want, seeing as she called me down as well."

 Tigra followed soon after. With a plan settled, today didn't seem as bad as it sounded.


 It only took about 15 minutes for her to find a falchion itself to work as well as her Fire Falchion.

*Falchion will do (DEX*2.1+STR*2.4)*(Blade_Bonus) : 1418 *


 However, it took her about half an hour to find someone and for them to arrive in her requested training area.

 It was a middle-aged man with short black hair, a scar just under his left emerald green eye, dark red shirt, gray pants, and black boots.

 He held a hand on the handle of one of his dual blades.

 "Thank you for agreeing to this, General Han."

 He nodded. "I don't get asked for help with training from anyone too often anymore. Always nice to see someone trying to learn something new. However, I have heard that you have used weapons made of fire. May I inquire why you want to switch to pure metal?"

 Tigra unsheathed the falchion before holding it in front of her with both hands.

 "First lesson: You are in possession of a one-handed sword. You will have an easier time extending your reach with one hand than two. Your free hand should not remain idle either."

 He unsheathed one of his blades as well, revealing the blade to be a dark blue.

 "For now, we will be using swordsmanship only . No magic or special skills or what not. You asked for my help regarding swordsmanship so that's all I will teach you."

 Tigra nodded.


A New Teacher has been discovered!

 Han: 21 [Friendly], 37 [Acquaintance]


Teacher Bonus: Blades x3, Spear x2, Archery x2, Axe x2


While sparring with Han, you will gain 1/5th the EXP you would have gained if an attack is deflected or blocked but gain ½ the EXP from how much damage you block or parry from Han. You will do 1/4th the damage you would do normally but gain the normal amount of EXP.


[General Han LV 67]

[HP: 6,500]


*Warning: Unless Death would occur, MP will be locked and skills such as: Dash, YAS, Run, Phoenix, and Cheetah will be locked in the event of a spar/exchange/match*





 "Very well. Teach me enough to keep me alive." Tigra agreed.

 "That's all I can teach."

 Han beckoned her forward and Tigra obliged.

 She quickly closed the distance between them and swung.

 Han sidestepped to the side and parried the blow.

 She felt something hit her gut and pushed her back slightly.

500*0.29=145 damage taken!

 She glanced at him to find out what hit her, only to see him standing still with his free arm stretched outward.

 "I thought you were going to teach me swordsmanship. I know hand to hand."

 "The fact that you are even saying that shows me how many opportunities you left open in the past in a sword fight."

 "Well, my only real opponent I've fought in a sword to sword fight has been the Ex-Captain of the Salinean Royal Guard." Tigra shrugged.


 "And I was outmatched in sword combat." She admitted it easily. "There's a reason I'm trying to improve my swordsmanship now instead of focusing only on magic or improving my, already fast, speed."

 He pointed his blade at her.

 "Careful there. Overconfidence makes the most durable blade brittle."

 "I know, I know. Can you guess yourself on why I'm not just making myself faster and faster?"

 Han scoffed. "Any soldier worth their blade or rifle will know. An expert is only useful in one field. A novice in ten fields will be useful more times than any expert."

 He shook his head slightly.

 "But you asked about me. My answer would be that you either believe that the enemy will start to understand, while insanely fast, that would be all you are. They would come up with plans that would counteract your speed and leave you vulnerable as you became too reliant on that speed."


 "Or that the enemy has already started to do just that. You have been forced to look outside avenues of just being faster than those around you."

 "You got it. If there were more guards in the trap at Tyde, they could have genuinely captured me."

 Han nodded.

 "Alright, lesson two: striking with intent. You are to try and block my attacks to the best of your capabilities."

 Tigra nodded before Han began the assault.

 She blocked an attack from the left and was prepared for the punch at her face this time, moving her head out of the way.

 She brought a leg up to push him away, only for him to kick at her only foot, taking her off balance.

 As she fell, her arm shot to the ground below her before the sound of light crunching met their ears as Tigra suddenly moved backwards and landed onto her feet.

 Han looked at the ground to find five small holes in the ground.

 "Good. You know when to fall back."

 He pressed on and continued to attack.

 Block from the right, catch his fist.

 Block from above, deflect hand to the side.

 Twist and move to avoid a thrust.

 He moved to swing once more, yet Tigra noticed something odd.

 'The muscles he's been using are more relaxed this time.'

 He about made contact with her blade, before she saw something move just under his arm.

 His free hand made contact with the bottom of her pommel and boosted it upwards, drastically affecting her hold.

 The contact knocked her blade out of her hand and into the air.

 Which clattered to the ground a few feet away as he pointed his blade against her throat.

 "What have you learned from this lesson?"

 "You said intent. I already know that lesson due to hand to hand. Only use the amount of force necessary for what you plan to do after what you are currently doing. You kept using muscles to swing your sword, you slightly changed stances when you thrusted, and you relaxed your muscles a bit when you went with the feint that was intended to disarm me instead of actually attacking me." Tigra listed off.

 Han nodded before holding his blade with two hands.

 "Lesson three: Control. If you do plan on using a sword only, use two hands. Doing this will allow more control and allow more strength in your blows meant to do more damage. Keep a hand close to the guard and the other near the base of the handle." Han instructed.

 Tigra followed his instructions before holding the sword diagonally in front of her.

 "To go further into it, find the flow of the fight and try to get the opponent on the back foot. Keep them on the back foot as much as possible and the fight will be yours."

 He shifted one foot forward.

 "To help you understand this, I will fight you as best as I can first. Remember, no tricks besides swordsmanship."

 Han quickly closed the gap and struck.

 Tigra managed to move the blade into the path quicker than before and felt her grip stay firm under the power of the clash.

 She couldn't take a second to focus on it as she had to move the blade to block the next.

 Left. Right. Back step.

 Right. Sidestep. Advance-.

 Her instinct stopped her, just as a slash towards the ceiling missed her nose by an inch and put her on the backstep.

 She moved the falchion to the side to block the strike, only for the strike to be less impactful.


 She forced her body to relax, just as a foot landed against her chest.

 As they were close, Tigra tried to hit him with the pummel of her hilt to daze him.

 He tilted his head before shoulder checking her.

 She fell to the ground as her falchion clattered and a familiar point was at her neck.

 "Nice attempt to counter the feint, but you didn't try to follow it up with anything." He informed, the tip of his sword on the ground.

 "I didn't have time." Tigra complained, getting back up.

 "You're too busy thinking." He told, as if that would fix everything.

 "I was trying to keep up with you without relying solely on my speed."

 He hummed before sheathing his sword onto his hip.

 "Final lesson for today as a parting moment: Never handicap yourself more than you should."

 "You said-"

 "No magic or abilities to negate the difference in your ability to wield a blade." He finished. "That was my requirement."

 "You didn't-"

 "I had hoped that you would have picked it up. But I have good news and bad news for you."

 "Bad news first." Tigra sighed, sheathing her own blade.

 "Bad news is that you won't be beating Posei anytime soon in pure swordsmanship. She had about 11 years of experience as Captain before her retirement. If I had to fight her, I'd likely lose 7 times out of 8. So if you fight her again, remember lesson #4."

 "Don't handicap yourself more than you need." She repeated. "I still don't-"

 "Because I didn't-"


 Han stopped a slash from Tigra as her falchion clashed against his blade.

 "I'd appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me every time I speak. It gets old, really quick."

 "I've had this talk dozens of times, General." He reminded. "I know half of the responses you will likely ask or say."

 His blade slid back into the sheath and hers did the same.

 "However, I will remember that for next time. But I will still answer your unfinished question. I never stopped you from using your speed, just your magic and unnatural boosts. Unless, that is your speed without unnatural boosts?"

 Tigra simply kept her annoyance on her face.

 "Is it?"

 "No. Without magic and 'unnatural boosts,'" - YAS, Cheetah, Phoenix - "I can still move roughly 200 MPH in quick bursts or half that at a steady run."

 'Man, I need to work on run.'

 He hummed once more.

 "The good news is that I see how to make you improve. You improve through experience very quickly. While not much, you likely made more progress in the skirmish just now than you would have if I just had you practice alone."

 "Want to do a round with me using my speed?"

 Han smirked.

 "I'd rather leave you with some pride." He turned before she could comment. "I'll be available from Sunday to Tuesday and Friday from 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. every week. If you wish to continue this, I'll see you Sunday."

 Han walked away with that.


Blade gained 6750*3= 19,250 EXP!

Blade leveled up! LV 31→37

For reaching LV 35, DEX increases by 1.


Physical Resistance gained 1500 EXP!


Reputation with Han improved!

[21→38] [Friendly], [27 → 36] [Acquaintance]


 'He also knows Archery and Axe skills, two I don't have.' She thought back to the earlier message. 'Perhaps I should add those to my training while under him.'

 Glancing at her tablet, she noticed that she had another hour until she and Catra were supposed to meet up again to discuss her schedule and more.

 "Eh, Ice Armor is already nearing mastery and, with the bonus of Recovery, my MP regeneration will be increased by 50% while I'm still within Horde territory."

 She became encased in ice-like armor.

 "Which means I can master this quickly and I can finally shift through those Spy memories."

 She meant to look at them before the conflict began but her attention had been drawn away to finding her own squadron and making sure everything went smoothly.

 She sat on the ground before closing her eyes as memories flooded through her.


Several guards surrounded a few trees.

Basic infrastructure of the town.

A figure in a blue cloak talking with the Princess.


 The first one simply showed her a few positions of guards who's outfits didn't match those around them.

 After combat, she can easily recognize that the 18 - she must have missed a few - differently dressed guards must have been the Royal Guards.

 That memory stopped not long after as she had accidentally canceled it as they arrived.

 The second memory is nothing special but shows proof of concept. That she could use them to get a good look of how an area looks before arriving. This would be good knowledge to know if a sniper and/or magic user could hide somewhere but still pick off soldiers from a far enough distance.

 The third memory…that was an important one.


 "How much can we trust this…Moonshifter?" Mermista asked. "Could this have been false information? We've been here for two hours and they haven't arrived yet." 

 "Moonshifter is one of Brightmoon's main spies. As of right now, they're stationed somewhere that the Force General interacts with them enough to know where they may be going. With that information, we can get ahead of them and capture her. It is helpful to know they won't be involved in the conflict though. There have been times where we've had to put down our own spies because they were being investigated and couldn't escape." Morgan told. 

 "Yeah but, aren't they only two years older than Glimmer? How long could they have been doing this?" 

 "Brightmoon obviously won't share that with non-Brightmoonians. It would jeopardize their cover if found out." 


 "...But they've likely been doing this for over a decade now. Something about an unnecessary attack on them by a fellow soldier in training. Enough that they said one thing and suddenly they were injured." 

 "Who would have thought that those in the Horde would be prone to violence?" 

 Morgan looked around before spotting something in the distance. 

 "Head up, we got a garrison incoming and we can get the drop on them." 

 The memory finished. 


New Quest Created!

Find the Rat

While known to have spies in any place when it reaches a known size, you got a lead on a specific rat known as Moonshifter.

Objective: Figure out who Moonshifter is

Reward: 4500 EXP, Spy identified

Failure: Spy remains undetected for an undisclosed amount of time


Details: 18, decade of experience, injured during the Academy, have interacted with them before, not on front lines


 'Well, guess I'm catching a rat.' She thought as her timer went off, telling her she had a few minutes left before she was supposed to meet back up with Catra.

 She let Ice Armor fall before using Heat to get rid of the cold aura surrounding herself.

Ice Armor gained 139,520 EXP!

Ice Armor leveled up! LV 56 → 67


Ice Resistance gained 344,800 EXP!

Ice Resistance leveled up! LV 74 → 95


 "Well, I guess that my resistance will be maxed out when Ice Armor maxes out." She thought aloud, already leaving the training area and walking away.

 As she walked, she felt a sudden loss of MP usage.

Shadow Spy - Four has reached the time limit and has thus, dismissed.

Shadow spy gained 10 [EXP per minute] * 60 [Hour] *48 [Total hours] * 2 [Spell book] * 2 [Genius Milestone]

= 115,200 EXP!

Shadow Spy leveled up! LV 7 → 31!

48 hours worth going through will take…15.5 minutes to go through.


 "Have to see if there's some way to automate that." She muttered. "Actually, may as well see what's available."

 'Shop - Trait Upgrades.'


Shop - Upgrade Traits opened!

Upgradable normal traits (3 points available):


YAS II - You will be able to multiply your DEX by 3 for 6 minutes, improving it from 3 minutes


Unburnable - You can't be affected negatively by fire. Period. 


Fire Absorbent - You can absorb fire to refill your MP based on the amount of fire and amount of MP used for spells


Insulated - You can not be affected negatively by electricity. Period.


Electrical Absorbent - You can absorb electricity to refill your MP based on the amount of electricity and the amount of MP used for spells


You are the Weapon II - increases the multiplier from 2x to 4x


Night and Thermal Vision - Allows you to see with night vision and thermal vision should you choose to use thermal


Evolved Instincts - You will know when someone has ill intent towards you, as well as the direction of said threat


Recovery - Your regenerations are increased by 50%, regardless of where you are


Omni Regeneration II - Multiplies all regens by 3x instead of 2x


7th Sense [Catra] - Allows you to communicate mentally with your Chosen(s) within 500 miles


Real Phoenix Fire - Allows your Fire to also heal



Recover [Horde] has been upgraded to Recovery!


Omni Regeneration has been upgraded to Omni Regeneration II.


 'I don't need anything else upgraded at the moment and I could gain a trait in the future. Besides, Recovery and Omni Regen II have boosted my regens incredibly.' She thought as she looked at her sheet.


[Tigra Age: 18

Level 57 (6655/14250)


HP: 4360 HPR: 1962

MP: 2200 MPR: 1863

SP: 2180 SPR: 981


Attribute Points: 0

Skill Points: 8

Trait Points: 1

Trait Upgrade Points: 1


 'Man, outside of combat, I can refill my entire MP in roughly 71 seconds. That will do wonders for MP extensive spells. Now, all I've got to figure out is how to improve the battle regeneration.'

 She felt her tablet vibrate before taking it out to see who messaged her, only to see it was a message from Catra.


 "Meet me in Entrapta's room. She says that she'll have your EKS bots ready in 4 days but she'll only be able to either make 1 bot with incredible fast regeneration abilities, or three of the normal EKS bots. Also, you're going to need to put your schedule on hold. 

 Entrapta found something interesting. 

 Something called the Spirit Ember."



Age: 18

Level 57 (6655/14250)

HP: 4360 HPR: 1962

MP: 2200 MPR: 1863

SP: 2180 SPR: 981

STR: 100 DEX: 403

CON: 218 INT: 220

WIS: 207 CHA: 108

Skill Points: 8

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 1

Speed: 56 MPH

Magical Control: 95%


[H2H LV (1)89], [Run LV 68], [Dash LV (2)44], [Blades LV 37], [Spear LV 5]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 71], [Sneak LV 48]

[Phys. Res LV 61], [Ice Res. LV 95], [Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 18], [Magic Res LV 23], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Fire Step, Flame Armor, Flame Charge, Flame Fists, Fireball LV 23, Fire Dagger LV 31, Fire Arrow LV 71,

Fire Falchion LV 31, Fire Spear LV 8

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws LV 11

Chill, Ice Armor LV 67

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 22

Haste, Heal


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Fireproof - You can't be hurt by fire through natural or unnatural means]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 8 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 5 seconds later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Iron Body - Decreases damage taken by 25% after resistances]

[Patient - MPR remains active at 5% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]

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Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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