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Monster Rex

"That's, definitely a Gajau! Holy shit… does that mean…" Alex just gulped down, playing Monster Hunter is one thing, but it's another to live in said world.

Or at least live partially in it.

'So, if Gajau is here does that mean some of the big guys are around?' Alex gulped down realising that even the beginning monsters can make easy work from him…

A few moments later he finally calmed down and realised that it doesn't matter in the end, he will need to hunt them down one way or another.

"Let's start with you guys…" Alex slighly chuckled, as electricity danced between his fingers.

He doesn't need a lightning-based weapon here, after all, he can generate electricity as it is!

Alex just put his hand into the water and started generating electricity at maximum power.

Sending a powerful current of electricity at the oversized piranhas frying them in just a few seconds.

The next moment he called forth his phone and checked inventory.

A grimace appeared on his face when he realised that he was right!

There were two new items in the inventory all of them were classified as common rank.

[Gajau Skin] x5

[Crafting Item]

[Common Rank]

The other one looked like a whisker, and his guess was right…

[Gajau Whisker]

[Crafting Item]

[Common Rank]

And there were another 6 tickets added to the Common ticket stack…

A sigh escaped from his mouth, he then decided to check out Gajau Skin…

Few quickly pressed on his phone and a moment later he was holding a half-human-sized skin from a fish.

Alex slightly marvels at just how sharp it was…

He remembers that in the game this fish would accelerate at the player then it would jump out from the water trying to bite the player.

It's one thing in the game and a completely different thing in real life.

This... thing, could shred human skin as it's sharp like a razor, plus the teeth it has can easily bite a human in half.

The only thing that saved him from the fate of dying is that he has electricity as power.

It makes short work out of these predators.

"Right, for now, this river is out of the question until I am more powerful," Alex said while starting to dress up.

Swimming and getting clean is fine and all, but it's not worth it if he is to lose a limb…

A Gajau is enough as it is, then what about deeper sections of this massive river?

Since it's something similar to the Ice Age theme, then a massive snake or a crocodile?

Alex slightly shivered at that though.

'Hell no! Nope! I am going back to my buddies in the forest!' He turned around and started running at the tree trunk back into the top level and then started travelling west this time.

He will be back when he is more powerful!


Around another month later, In the distance, Alex saw massive mountains stretching through the whole horizon like a massive wall.

Weirdly as it is, some clouds are blocking the caps of these mountains.

It's weird as Alex has not seen clouds in this place, to begin with!

The worst part was that pine trees here are not as dense, which means he either has to travel on foot or… try his luck by jumping larger distances than ever before.

'Well, let's try then…'

Alex accelerated and used Electrical Empowerment at max, he easily jumped around 10 10-metre distance, much more than ever before...

But, it was not enough…

So, he started freefalling around 50 or so metres down…

Instead of panicking like before, he shot an electrical current at a tree trunk and pulled himself in, like it was some sort of rope.

Moments later…


Escaped from his lips as he was leaning into tree bark.

"Damn… I think I strained my arm…" Alex checked out his hand it was shaky, and he could feel pain coursing through it.

He waited for a bit and popped a painkiller pill.

And just leaned on tree bark several meters above the ground.

Alex could keep that much longer than before, it didn't bother him at all, constantly channelling electricity had become second nature to him by now.

After resting for a bit he descended on the ground and started walking towards the mountains.

Apart from wolves, he has not encountered anything, that leads him to believe that the forest is their domain, the River as far as he knows is infested by Gajaus…

So, what about the mountains in the west?

As he walked the trees became more and more scarce and it was replaced by towering mountains in the distance.




'Is the ground shaking… an earthquake?' Alex stopped walking as he felt earth-shaking then stopped…

As if someone or something walking…

The teenager then quickly looked around and paled when he saw something coming out from the forest as well…

It was massive…

Truck-size boar creature…

Alex looked above the thing and saw its name…

[Calydonian Boar Lv2 Monster Rex]

"You got to be kidding me…"

'A monster from Greek Legends! You got to be nuts!' Alex took a step back from sheer shock.

But, the creature as if knowing looked at him, the teen's eyes widened when he saw the massive tusks of the creature.

They were engraved with some Greek words or letters, he has no interest in reading those at the moment!

Alex was about to run for his dear life when the beast roared.

The roar was so powerful that Alex's world turned silent at that moment!

He touched his ears and felt them wet, he then looked at his fingers and saw blood…

'This boar roar was powerful enough to erupt my eardrums!'

The next moment the boar slightly lowered its head and started charging at Alex like a mad bull!

"Damn!!!" Alex quickly activated his empowerment and tried to dodge, but the thing was so fast that those wolves in the forest looked like snails in front of this thing!

'How in the world it runs so fast!'

Before he realised the boar slapped Alex aside!

He was able to dodge direct contact with the tusks sharp part but the massive boar just slapped him away!

Alex flew multiple tens of metres away...

His eyes widened to a massive degree as he felt pain wash his whole body!

The teenager quickly closed his eyes and activated his Power of Falna, it was time to upgrade his stats!

He never tried this before but he knows the basics! It was Alex's power so, it will do as he asks!

The next moment in the darkness he saw his parameters going up!

[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: H 103 ---->F 317]

[VIT: H 153 ----> E 401]

[END: H 129 ---->F 367]

[AGI: I 76 ----> E 429]

[MAG: H 147 ----> F 320]







MARKSMAN: I ----> H]

Alex had no chance to celebrate such an upgrade as the next moment half of his body collided with a Pine tree absorbing some of the force before he collapsed on the ground…

*Painful Hiss*

'Can't feel my legs… and it seems my left hand is out too…'

If not for the upgrade he would be either dead or meat paste on the tree…

Basically, dead…


Alex could guess the boar roared as the earth shook, and then he used the last remaining working hand to push himself up.

"HEY! CAN'T HEAR YOU! SPEAK LOUDER!" Alex shouted from the top of his lungs.

It seems the boar realised that the mosquito was still alive so it decided to charge at him again… to make sure it was squashed...

"Fuck...this one is going to hurt…" he said that even knowing that he can't hear himself anyway...

Alex just closed his eyes and waited, not long after a lot of pain followed and then it was darkness…



"Damn... it's good to have my hearing back…" Alex mumbled to himself as he inspected his ears.

He then realised that his arm and lower part of his body responded to him.

He sighed with relief and then just laid down in his bed for a few moments, before deciding to get up.

This time he was not away for a year. But, in just a few months, yet in that time he got much more powerful than before.

That proves that fighting and exploring in general is much more productive than just training in a single place.

Plus he killed nearly half a hundred wolves in that period of two months.

Alex walked to the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror.

His eyes turned wide like saucer plates when he saw the massive scar on his stomach and chest area.

He got skewered by a boar tusk!

'Holy molly…' The teen was quite in shock at what he saw.


"Alex! What in the world happened over there!" Julis rushed in and inspected him, Alex internally grimaced, he forgot to close the door.

"Got skewered by Calydonian Boar…" He simply explained to her.

"...Calydonian Boar!? Are you serious!? Does this mean Greek Gods know about you?" She asked with a serious voice yet there was panic in her eyes.

"Don't think they can bypass Dungeon created by a multiversal being, more like the creator decided just to rip the boar from history and place it there," Alex said thinking about the situation he was in.

Julis just sighed hearing that, it's better if the Greek Gods don't know of them before they are powerful enough to meet them.

"Instead of thinking about me, Julis, you look tired." Alex lifted his hand and gently touched her cheek.

The girl's eyes widened for a second, is Alex getting bolder with her? She can feel the bond just grew stronger and she can feel concern coming from him!

"I-I am okay… just can't properly sleep the whole night…I am sure it will get better in future." She partially explained to him, not wanting to lie or dodge the problem too much anymore, not after seeing Alex's scars!

Her boyfriend faced a goddam Boar from Greek Legends!

"If you say so, Julis." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

This made her eyes bulge out, the moment he moved his head back she took a step back several times before turning around.

"I-I am going to prepare breakfast now! Take your time with the shower!" She quickly left the bathroom while closing the door behind her.

Alex just chuckled she didn't expect that! Not Alex did that either! He just wanted to show that he very much cared about her!


Once the shower was over Alex strolled through his house, he realised one thing.

After travelling through treetops like a monkey, now walking through the house regularly feels weird and too easy…

"Alex, when did you arrive here?" Julis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just now…"

"...I couldn't hear you walk at all!" She said with small awe.

"Hmm, I see, I kind of spend the past two months on treetops…" He thoughtfully explained to her.

"So, you have been practising stalking or something similar?" She asked curiously.

"In a way, I practised my balance and took my steps with less touching the surface as possible."

"To the point that I can travel through trees faster than going through the land." He explained that to her as he took a piece of paper prepared beforehand and activated his falna.

Moments later he shook his head seeing that he did improve actually from that small one-sided exchange with the boar!

[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: F 317]

[VIT: E 401----> E 403]

[END: F 367 ----> F 372]

[AGI: E 429]

[MAG: F 320]








Before Julis can ask Alex just handed over the paper to her.

Once again her eyes widened seeing the results of his training.

"How…" The only word left her mouth as she looked at the paper.

"Hunting… mostly." Alex flipped over and landed elegantly on the couch.

"I spend most of my time travelling and found Amazon-sized rivers and massive mountains probably as big as Everest." He said that while turning on the TV.

Once again a groan escaped his lips when he saw what was on TV…


For advanced chapters (+38 chapters) my pat : pat




P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.


[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: F 317]

[VIT: E 403]

[END: F 372]

[AGI: E 429]

[MAG: F 320]









[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield]

[Lv 1]

[STR: I 1]

[VIT: I 2]

[END: I 2]

[AGI: I 1]

[MAG: I 4]




[EMPHATIC LINK: Alexios Komnenos]



Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x48

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x48

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x6

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x6

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

Multiple encyclopedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x10

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x10

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x8

Spare Clothes (Outside Item) x7

Duct tape x5

Sharpening Tool Kit x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x51

Uncommon Lottery Wheel ticket x5

Gajau Skin x5

Gajau Whisker

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Stone -- Power- Stein

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