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100% Naruto: Shinobi SI / Chapter 24: Chapter 24 : Author's doubt And Anbu

Kapitel 24: Chapter 24 : Author's doubt And Anbu

Is my grammar that bad? According to some feedback, it is very difficult to read and breaks the flow of story.

Note: I tired to correct the grammar mistakes in previous chapters.

-----Suna war front, Sand base 23 #------

-------Toxic biome, in between desert and forest-----

----------Kyudo's pov-----

This sand base collects the poison reagents in the biome that infest the poisonous swamp/Forest.

Attacking this place with normal Shinobi corps is asking for causalities, especially when you have the perfectly trained Anbu who are equipped to handle the dangerous terrain and are damn good combatants.

Inside the base where I have been living for a month, I did my best to collect as much information as possible. Currently, it has 192 shinobi stationed. I have made a fucking profile on all of them. 

It is times like this I wish I was back in Konoha—the amount of progress I could have made with the new Training Regime.

I can see myself becoming a Jonin easily. As for lost life span because of the side effects, there are many methods to restore them and how to find them in the canon. This is the advantage of info. With the knowledge of those methods, I can go ahead with risky methods with peace of mind.

Yara Nikui. That is the name of the guy I have been impersonating. It took the help of 5 Yamanaka to extract 3284 pages of info on this guy in the brief gap of 5 hours. With that, it is easy for me to infiltrate the base.

Why him?

Well, he is the son of the commander of this base.

 After they extracted the info, the original Yara was left as a thumb-sucking baby who has seizures on seeing the colour yellow. They even dare to shrug when asked about his state, saying they have no clue.

Yamanaka has some scary Jutsus and they are scary. Especially when you have a brain full of secrets and the most paranoid boss in existence.

"Hey Yara. Your dad is calling you."

Listening to the voice of my laid-back sensei, I sighed. Time to get to my duty. I walked to the head office among the warm greetings of the other shinobi.

"Hey look there, it is Yara-kun. Good morning."

"Good morning Yara-san."

"Good morning Niki-sama. You did a good job of killing the Leaf Jonin."

That was a root task given by Danzo. The Leaf Jonin was an idiot who tried to involve himself in the fire's land's political conflict. It was not something to care about until he hurt Konoha's interests for his gain. The result, Danzo knew about him and he was dead.

Overall, I have been using this Anbu mission identity to fulfil the root tasks on a typical Tuesday. But, damn, Tsunade had put the roles of Anbu and Root into context so clearly that it amazes me.

However, it feels weird to put the dirt of root on Anbu.



"Come in."

I entered the room to see the shape of the Suna commander, who dispersed the people he was talking to when he saw me.


I nod back to the retreating shinobi's greetings and bows.

I turned my focus to the commander. And sat down on the sofa, not caring about him. I released the transformation, feeling too uncomfortable.




With a sigh of exasperation, Shinnosuke Sarutobi removed his disguise transformation and scolded me, "You are going against protocols."

I, being myself as an Anbu/ROOT, replied, "Why worry? I am sure your wife must have already taken over the guard's roles by now. So, no harm done and nobody will come inside without your permission."

"It doesn't change the fact you are breaking the rules."

While I know he didn't mean it, my mind instantly went to the fact he was the one who broke the rules of shinobi while escorting the client [my parents].

 I can understand his logic, but the fact remains that I lost my parents. Sure, they are not the same people who raise me in my previous life. But, the appearance, names and even the dates of birth of this life's parents is the same as my previous life.

Even the root training can't seem to stop my anger that rises at this second.

Perhaps looking at my angry and serious look, he understood his own misstep and said, "I am sorry."

I just nodded and kept silent. Waiting for the so called important mission that had Danzo pull up everything.

As far as I know, in this base over 20% of sand shinobi were sand shinobi. Anbu, root, Jonin squads…. Every shinobi who are capable of disguise and had minimum combat capability were mobilized for this mission.

Over 100 elites. Disguised and entering the base and it had been an entire week since this started.

Frankly speaking, it scares the shit out of me. Such a large scale mobilization means something big is going down. Shinnosuke's guilt or not, He will not reveal the details to me.


I calmly took out the water bottle and sent my chakra into it, with a control that filled me with pride in the last 2 years. I have the water enter the scratches that I had gotten in the spars and felt the tissue damage; the poison left behind in them by Senbon and the spreading toxins.

One advantage of this disguise is the chance to have sparring with the sand shinobi and learn their combat methods, though it is quite temporary considering such large infiltration won't be hidden for long and the time for the mission is starting.

So, instead of waiting for the antidote to work, I used the water to extract the toxins slowly and bring myself into the most optimal state.

[ Chakra : 38000 units [ Chunin]

Chakra control : S-rank

Water nature training : 500/1000 [B-rank]

Wind nature training : 400/1000 [C-rank]

Genjutsu : Tree binding [C], Burning hell [B-rank]

Tracking : A

Senju Tsunade's Chakra Enhancement: 12/1000 [S-rank]

 I have to thank Dan-san, under his repeated introductions, and me being prepared to lose a few days of my lifespan to Tsunade's punches.

My chakra and the various skills rose like a dick on steroids.

She even generously gave her superhuman strength technique to me when I got S-rank chakra control using the Water osmosis.

Mama Tsunade is rich and incredible. I can easily see her throw away S-rank Jutsus as a compensation when she becomes the Hokage.

Fucking hell, I am supporting her as a hokage. No way, it is not even a competition anymore.


I saw the door opened to reveal Shinnosuke's wife disguised as a sand shinobi body flickering into the room.

The few moments I see her every time make me both happy and angry. Angry because she was the reason I was an orphan in this life. If I am projecting the loss of my previous life on her, then I can only say that I am a normal human.

After all, she willingly sent a message to Shinnosuke and convinced him to abandon the few civilians to save her.

Unfortunately for her, those civilians are my parents, who, for some twisted and horrific reason, are the same in both my lives.

Shinnosuke is a good shinobi and a good man. I can see that from the many sorry and the fact that he kept Orochimaru away from me.

But, this woman, Sekai Saionji, is selfish beyond core and also the love of Shinnosuke's life for reasons beyond me.

Perhaps I was being stupid to search for reasons for love. It doesn't matter; I hate her.

Unfortunately, this constant feeling of uncontrolled anger reminds me I am still capable of independent thought, and I am not Danzo's weapon.

Sekai gave me a brief smile of greeting and said to Shinnosuke, "Dear, the mission target is approaching the base."

There was not even a hint of guilt or worry from her. She knows I can't do anything to her. Perhaps, it is because of that my obsession with her is uncontrolled.

The scariest thing is that I can control myself, especially my anger, well now. Compared to the first time, I met her where I tried to kill her because of her provocations.

---------Time-Space Ninjutsu: Flashback-----------

It has been a day since I have been recruited into by Danzo himself. Not even an intro or anything of a similar kind was given before they threw me into this canyon.


Looking at the cute puppy which resembles the poodle from my previous life, I could feel that this world is far too twisted.

The puppy was happily licking the hand of another root trainee, as the trainee kept playing with it.

With a sigh, I kicked the puppy with all my strength, sending it flying.



Feeling the rain of blood and flesh which used to be the puppy, I am certain that Danzo is the most twisted of them all in this twisted world.

"Don't love things, Don't connect with things, Don't even pretend that you are anything another than a weapon."

The voice broke through the haze of horror that covered the trainees assembled here. I turned to see a root agent with the typical blank mask with black hair and up to her shoulders sitting on a rocky outgrowing.

"You are all said to possess shinobi talent. But it also means that you are idiots who can't use that potential."

She threw a kunai at one trainee who deflected it, but her voice hit him harder. "You are a good example of it. I heard you love to tend to animals to the point of even becoming a veterinarian. Then, I am sorry to inform you that your father was eaten alive by the same animals which you love. I wonder if it felt good to tend to them when they ate him alive."

Then she got to destroy everyone one by one by exploring their mental scars. I didn't understand their feelings until she got to me. "Ah! The wonder kid. Born to weak and unless merchants who can't pit a fight against a civilian. You are the one that needs the most work. Considering you lack of heritage, it might be tough for you to even reach jonin by 30, so you better put enough effort."

The moment her voice ended, my kunai was trying its best to poke a hole into her right eye. But, the key word was try.

Even as I was went flying, I heard her saying, "They were a batch of failed merchants that wasn't even useful for Konoha. So, it was no wonder that I instructed Shinnosuke to leave them and protect the squad of returning jonin."

My brain screeched to a halt as I grit my teeth. "What the fuck are you saying?"

"Kid, are you dumb? I am the reason your parents are dead. So, stopping using Sarutobi Shinnosuke to profit out of your parents' death. Sure, it might be fun and easy to–"

I didn't even let her words end as flickered to her, "Die. "

"Gehée! So, weak."




Just as I was about to lose consciousness, she patted my cheeks and said, "Though I must say that your mother cooked some good food. But she was useless beyond a kitchen. You can say she is a common housewife."


I felt her kunai tearing through me as the few tatters of clothes hanging on me fell, leaving me naked and the ideal dummy to train the root trainees' tolerance.

"Shut up, kid. I wanted to inform you that your parents are useless to konoha. Their life and death didn't even matter when looked through the larger view of things. However, because of you, the stupid matter keeps getting dug up and keeps forcing me to face punishment or cold shoulder from my boyfriend."

With that, she punched me and said out loud to everyone present, "So, kids. Here is the example of being rational. By cutting the cost of a few civilians, a squad of Anbu shinobi came back safely. In exchange, the dead civilian's kids are given a chance to become a shinobi."

She stuffed my mouth with a cloth and started going on and on about the differences between the impact made from the death of a no name civilian and a jonin in cold and systematic logic. 

With complete proof of documents and case studies from fucking Nara, she explained that the only loss to Konoha because of the failed mission was a few hundred thousand ryo monetary compensation and a slight hit in reputation among civilians.

Even the damage to Konoha's image was acceptable as the manner in which Konoha shinobi look out for one another lifted the morale of the shinobi forces in the village.

 "So, let's spend the next few months fruitfully."


3 Months.

She tormented me for 3 fucking months, needling me and hanging me up for reasons that became clear to me now.

She has one role in root. To attract any kind of hatred or loathing that its members have towards Konoha or Danzo towards herself.

What? Does the slaughter of a village filled with innocents seem cruel?

The bitch Sekai comes forward and goes on a tirade of logic which helped Konoha by giving it time to realize- that the fucking 3rd ninja war has started.

Is killing of a shinobi slightly bending the rules a problem?

Sekai drags the rookies to show the same shinobi, to have abused his power and raping his teammate.

On and on it went. In my service of root, I noticed that every time she appears; she acts a raging bitch, diverting the Root's anger towards herself. In simple words, the shinobi in root spend most of their emotions on hating her.

The next step is the one where I am currently present.

Despite the anger I feel towards her, I controlled myself knowing the logic behind her actions. In fact, I even doubt myself sometimes if I am sane. Because the bitch is even now mouthing out curses regarding my parents in front of me.

Despite knowing the logic and reasons behind her actions, I hate her. Even the fact that she may be ordered can't stop me from hating her. But, I am growing numb towards the anger I feel towards her, growing numb at the loathing I feel at myself for thinking of forgiving her,...

I saw the result of her constant treatment in Root. Soon, the full-fledged root will grow completely numb to the emotions they feel.

Until they no longer feel it.

I remind myself again that while my anger towards might or might not be because of Danzo's sick game. But my loathing towards her skill at destroying the emotions of shinobi is true.

I forced myself to look away from smirking towards and concentrate on her husband, Shinnosuke. It seems he has cross-referenced all the scenarios for the ambush. After all, despite being a bitch, Sekai is an excellent tracker. If she says the target will be here in a short time. Then they will be here.

One might not be stable after being Danzo's prized student, but they are definitely competent.

"...…Torune, Signal for the commencement of ambush."

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and numbed myself as per the training of Root. The same training she gave, and I didn't realize until it was almost completed.



I followed the guidance of Torune's bugs and got myself into position.




I felt the familiar chakra landing beside me on the walls of the base. Unbelievable to think, I will meet my classmates here.

I waved to them and gave a greeting, "Hey Yugao, nice to meet you here."

To my surprise, I saw Yugao was surprised by the lack of intent to hide my voice.

Meanwhile, I gave her a once over from top to bottom. Even in the class, she and I had a relationship of passing greetings and that's all. But, I must say that she changed a lot.

I am not talking about her growing her purple hair and her growing body into a beauty. No, it was her almost soulless eyes that I stare in the mirror every day.

"It is nice to meet you too, Kyudo-kun."


She is almost broken in. It has been months since I have been posted on the battlefield. It was no surprise that Sekai broke another batch of trainees.

However, to think that she brought them to this mission.

I started weaving as many signs as I can, knowing that every effort and time is important for the next task.

As a good senpai, I said to her, "You better be prepared."

She didn't even react as she also started weaving signs with all of her chakra behind it. Unlike me, she leaked some chakra which could have been sensed.

But the opening gates and the signal from Torune's bugs which commanded us to go all out made me go crazy.

 I gathered as much chakra as I can to let it rip.


My armour made sizzling sounds from the sheer amount of fire chakra as I pumping from it and into myself.

Looking at my target, a battalion of shinobi escorting the single shinobi in the middle.

I yelled out my jutsu's name, using the slightest aid to concentration it gave, "Fire style : Phoenix fireball jutsu [A]"

I watched as dozens of fireballs I fired join the fire dragons, flame waves, oil waves and even the variety of wind and lightning jutsu towards the ambush target.

My senses grew haywire as the massive army scale jutsu touched and exploded in the chaos of chakra, making me wonder if this is how a tail beast bomb feels like.


Like the chaotic firestorms seen in volcanic eruptions, each explosion gave rise to newer explosions.

I felt the chakras of our target disappearing rapidly like lamps facing a windstorm.

I heard Yugao, the rookie, muttering in wonder, "So Strong!"

So, without hesitation, I kicked her out of the base and jumped after her.


Not even bothering explaining to her, I caught the hair she grew out and dragged her with me as I ran.

"Idiot! What are you doing? Our job is done. Now, we need to run and hopefully, we stay alive."


I felt Yugao's body hit a few trees because of my rough handling, but I couldn't care because of the sheer amount of chakra that is building up in the centre of the chaotic explosions.

I could only say that I might as well be a firefly looking at the sun.

I realized my naivety to comparing the dozens of jutsu from Anbu with a tailed beast bomb.

Especially when it fucking exploded in the base we have been inside till now.












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