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84.21% Saiyan in Warhammer / Chapter 62: The Princess of No-Land.

Kapitel 62: The Princess of No-Land.

As my eyes fixated on the starry void, once adorned by the radiant blue gem, a wave of nostalgia enveloped me, pulling me back to the memories of my homeplanet.

Lowering my gaze, I pondered silently, 'Would the strength and wisdom of my fellow beings have proven more effective than mine? Could they have forged a better outcome?' Though I harbored little concern for the humans beneath, my heart ached for my companions.

Their struggles etched in the lines of their faces, the pain and desperation resonated within their eyes as they witnessed the unforgiving devastation.

We, a breed of saiyans set apart from the ordinary, were privy to Rucule's evening tales. He painted vivid pictures of Planet Vegeta - its people, their traditions, and the distinct way they navigated life. The echoes of those stories lingered like ghostly whispers in our troubled existence.

Diverging from Bann's and Rucule's methods, Saiyan training lacked the solace of headpats or the affirmation of backpats for commendable deeds. Absent were Bann's talks, painting a canvas of life beyond the relentless clashes, a realm where dreaming and hoping transcended the duties imposed by our fathers and our race.

In that fleeting moment, I clung to the belief that whispered promises of more. A conviction born when my hands first touched the pod computer, unveiling the stark truth – I was distinct from my companions. This understanding, gleaned from the echoes of biology lessons, permeated my existence like a haunting refrain, casting a melancholic hue over our desolate journey.

In the intricate tapestry of my identity, the status of being a hybrid unfolded as a profound reflection of my lineage. It wasn't just a matter of having more 'pure' Saiyan blood than my mother; it was a nuanced existence, a delicate dance between two worlds. The subtle lavender strands of my hair stood as more than a visual marker; they embodied the delicate balance and the inherent duality that shaped my perspective on life.

Within a society propelled by the relentless pursuit of combat, I found myself in a unique position. My impulses weren't entwined with violence, and the prospect of seeking battles didn't fuel my aspirations. Yet, paradoxically, a deep-seated yearning resided within me—an innate desire to assimilate, to seamlessly become a part of the vibrant tapestry that defined the Saiyan whole.

In the symphony of my journey, Bann emerged as a guiding force. A low-class Saiyan with pure blood, he defied the stereotypes that often clung to our kin. His intelligence and understanding transcended the norms, creating a space where I could find solace and acceptance. His consistent words of praise, delicately paired with the tender caresses of my distinct lavender hair, metamorphosed what was once a source of shame into my most treasured asset.

These affirmations, intricately woven into the fabric of my existence, became as precious as the video recordings my mother had left behind.

Bann's words, infused with care and patience, became the catalyst for my acceptance of the person I was. His wisdom served as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards understanding within our group, fostering an environment where everyone embraced my unique nature.

Under his benevolent influence, our group evolved into more than mere instruments of combat; we transcended the boundaries of duty, forging connections that ran deeper than the tasks assigned to us. No longer just warriors, we became individuals who cared about one another, seeing beyond the labels of weapons and task completers.

In that transformation, we ceased to be mere offspring of Saiyans; we became an 'us' – a collective entity bound not just by blood but by shared experiences and a sense of camaraderie. And within this newfound unity, I, Seleri, emerged as a poignant reflection of my hybrid lineage, standing as the most powerful Saiyan in our group, a testament to the acceptance and understanding nurtured by Bann's guidance.

I was not merely a daughter of Naat and Grinjar; I was Seleri, a Saiyan that was also thrown into the lot of life and chaos we came to get in. More than a formidable warrior, I became a friend and companion to my fellow Saiyans. And, harboring a silent hope, I aspired to be more – to evolve into the love that might blossom within the bonds we shared.

Gazing upon the planet, a repository of cherished memories and beloved locales, I was seized by an unexpected wave of sorrow. This celestial body, so grievously afflicted, held a poignant significance – it was my home, the very crucible that shaped my upbringing and witnessed the genesis of my friends' legacies.

And now, as the echoes of that relentless battle lingered, I, too, felt compelled to etch my destiny into the soil that cradled my past.

Retreating from the expansive crystal window, my steps reverberated with a metallic clang, resonating through the dimly lit corridors of the space station. A desolate silence enveloped the dormant figures, all succumbing to the exhaustion wrought by the relentless conflict.

In the hushed solitude, I lost track of time as I traversed the somber passageways, my journey culminating at the entrance to the pressurized chamber leading to the outer realms of space. As the metallic door loomed before me, I succumbed to instinct, stepping inside and allowing the chamber to embrace me.

In the ensuing moments, propelled by an indomitable force, I soared out of the station, hurtling towards the planet that cradled the remnants of my home.

As my body traversed the entrance, the desolate wasteland stretched before me, once a thriving city now reduced to haunting ruins, devoid of any semblance of life.

This very city, a proud metropolis that Bann had entrusted to my protection and absorption under our rule, lay in shambles. My gaze wandered aimlessly across the scarred landscape, my eyes seeking nothing specific, yet I lingered, suspended in the air, as time flowed relentlessly. The mantle of leadership, a responsibility bestowed upon me, was something I never desired. The idea of reigning over others held no joy for me.

A silent realization echoed in my thoughts, 'But I guess it's not about what I enjoy but what I'm supposed to do.' The sense of duty and responsibility, principles Bann ardently tried to instill in us, echoed in my mind. Though his efforts were commendable, I, as a child during those times, failed to comprehend the gravity of his teachings.

Floating amidst the remnants of a city that once teemed with millions, where dreams had flourished and vanished, the magnitude of Bann's lessons dawned on me. It wasn't just about personal enjoyment; it was about shouldering the weight of a collective destiny. The ruins around me whispered tales of aspirations shattered, and I understood, perhaps belatedly, the depth and necessity of the teachings I had once dismissed.

'What is this feeling?' I pondered silently, a bitter sensation rising in my nose, causing my eyes to well up. Shaking my head in an attempt to dispel the emotions, I soared away from the desolate wasteland, bound for the city under Bann's rule – Redentia.

Approaching the city, the once pristine white walls, now tinged with a somber grey, stretched sixty meters into the air. The towers, once symbols of grandeur, lay shattered, their elongated forms bearing the scars of fierce battles. Yet, amidst the wreckage, my gaze was drawn to a poignant tableau that held me frozen in place.

Before me unfolded a scene of heart-wrenching sorrow. Fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers gathered, their tear-streaked faces reflecting the anguish that gripped their hearts. Under the towering walls of Redentia, they paid their respects to various tombs, saying their final goodbyes to those they had loved. The air resonated with grief as they parted ways with cherished ones, leaving an indelible mark of loss on the once-majestic city.

In the somber aftermath, akin to my love for companions, their fortunes hadn't mirrored mine. A harrowing scene unfolded before me—a little girl, no older than four, laboriously moved the earth with her tiny hands, burying a body shrouded in a white mantle. Her eyes, like an unyielding stream, betrayed the heaviness of sorrow as she dutifully played her part, assisting those around her in the grim task.

Beside her, a child of the same tender age wiped away tears, standing tall and resolute. Below him, two figures draped in white received a solemn farewell, while a little baby nestled on his back. Amidst the despair that had befallen his life, a weighty responsibility now rested upon his small shoulders.

Witnessing these young souls navigate through the gravity of loss and duty, I couldn't help but feel the weight of their burdens. In their innocence, they should have been spared such somber responsibilities, yet destiny had thrust upon them a reality far beyond their tender years.

Not far from the young ones, a mother's anguished wails cut through the air, mourning the loss of her entire family. Her cries were a heart-wrenching symphony as she clung to the earth beneath her, unwilling to part with those she had loved, forever entwined in the soil. Her screams carried a pain that resonated in the depths of my being, a haunting melody of grief that I wished never to comprehend.

Unbeknownst to me, warmth trickled down my cheeks—a silent tribute from my own tears, unbidden and unapologetic. I made no attempt to wipe them away; these tears were my offering, a form of respect for the profound sorrow that enveloped the humans below.

The pain of thousands of souls echoed within me as I lingered there, suspended in the air, a silent witness to this tragic chapter in the lives of many. How many memories and emotions lay buried beneath the earth? The weight of that question reverberated through my mind, a somber reminder of the profound depth of loss etched into the landscape below.

Gliding through the gates of the city and descending into the desolation of Redentia's streets, I confronted the palpable face of sorrow. Families and individuals, now displaced and broken, littered the once-vibrant streets. Some wept openly, others sought solace within the shelter of their own arms. Amidst this sea of despair, kindred souls reached out, offering comfort to those lost in the depths of their grief, even as they teetered on the edge of breaking down themselves.

Yet, amidst the heartache, there were those who stood resolute—bastions of strength in the midst of the city's desolation. Their stern faces clung to a semblance of normalcy, a reminder of the life that Redentia had once known.

Among the grieving, there were also those who assumed the role of builders, determined to reconstruct the city from its ruins. Their faces, devoid of sadness, immersed themselves in the laborious task of rebuilding. Muscles strained, their efforts were a testament to resilience as they sought to forge a haven for the souls left bereft of the means to rebuild on their own. In their determined actions, a glimmer of hope began to stir within the heart of Redentia, a promise that from the ashes of despair, a new foundation would rise.

In observing these resilient individuals, I found myself marvelling at the simplicity of humanity, captivated by their strength amidst the fragility of their bodies and lives. Their capabilities, often overlooked, revealed a depth of endurance and determination that surpassed the physical confines of their forms.

As I contemplated this, I came to appreciate that even those I could easily encircle with my fingers possessed a toughness and strength that surpassed my own. Their resilience, evident in their efforts to rebuild amidst the ashes of a shattered city, showcased a tenacity I could only admire, if not aspire to.

The nakedness of life's fragility unfolded before me, laid bare in the midst of the daunting task of transforming the remnants of a city into something greater and better. Even with hearts heavy with grief and minds teetering on the brink of breakdown, they pressed on, molding a new existence from the ashes of tragedy. Their determination stood as a testament to the indomitable spirit that resided within the seemingly delicate vessels of humanity.

I behold the resilience that humanity always showcased, and the reason why they could survive in a galaxy so dangerous as this one proved to be. Armed with nothing but their wits and minds, different from us, the saiyans they were builders of civilizations that we often so proudly conquer.

On this day, I witnessed the other side of the coin that Bann had consistently tried to impart to us. The simplicity he found solace in became apparent as I reflected on those moments following him, seeking to unravel the enigma that defined his character.

As night descended, I observed those stripped of material belongings, left only with the company of their own souls. Yet, amidst the loss, they shared what little they had. Mantles were exchanged for warmth, and dreams became a shared refuge. Food and drinks were passed around, accompanied by the soothing cadence of chatter – a collective attempt to momentarily forget the losses endured throughout the day.

In these shared moments, I glimpsed the essence of humanity. The simplicity and strength that emerged from unity, offering solace in the face of adversity. It was a lesson Bann had subtly woven into his teachings, and tonight, amidst the resilient souls of Redentia, I grasped the profundity of his wisdom.

Unbeknownst to me, I found myself enveloped in the warmth of his arms, a comforting embrace that spoke of solace and understanding. His deep voice, a vessel of warmth that stirred something within me, gently broke the silence, "Hey, how long have you been here? Are you hungry?"

His arms cradled my entire being, rendering me akin to a child within his protective embrace. Without a word, I allowed myself to turn towards him, resting my head against the reassuring warmth that radiated from him. In the quietude of the moment, my emotions ebbed and flowed, surrendered to the comforting presence he offered.

As our embrace deepened, time seemed to stretch, and in the quiet cocoon of his arms, I came to a profound realization about the course my life had taken and the profound appreciation I held for individuals like Bann. Between arms that could shatter mountains and continents, the gentle care of his hands worked like a balm, soothing the worries and concerns that had gathered throughout the day. In that moment, as he carried me through the sky, I felt the strength seeping back into me, a testament to the healing power of his comforting presence.

Gently, my tail coiled around him, a shy gesture as I closed my eyes, acknowledging that he was the person I had trusted most since childhood. In the safety of his embrace, a profound realization dawned upon me – I had finally comprehended his teachings and the duty bestowed upon me.

In a hushed whisper, I murmured, "I promise you, next time I'll do enough to protect everything." His response, a gentle and soft "Humm? What are you talking about? You have done more than enough. Rest easy now," cast a tranquil spell over my mind, obliging me to follow his command without resistance.

As I succumbed to sleep, another realization fluttered through my consciousness – this was the day I matured. In the cocoon of his presence, I found not just solace but an understanding of my purpose, a promise to protect, and a profound acknowledgment of the responsibility that now rested upon my shoulders.


15 chapters in advance in my patreon.


SrDevoxero SrDevoxero

A chapter more focused on the POV of the cast rather than Bann. Did you like it?

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