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97.32% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 109: 109 The Preparation and the Defiance

Kapitel 109: 109 The Preparation and the Defiance

"As much as I would like to finish them all Duncan, they still have their purpose. Though I think the leadership of the Blood Tiger would be put into question after many defeats but if he hurdles to the trials he is going to face then there is a high chance he would strike at us again. But as you could see, they are nothing more than whetstones to sharpen our soldiers so our home would have a sword so sharp no one would dare to even try testing our blade." Paul said as he looked at the rather stoic general of his.


"I see, it seems that I thought too much like I did before." Duncan nodded in understanding since he now remembered that even with the simplest of trainings and the controlled diet regiment ensured that the soldiers would live a lot longer than they should if they were able to live out the rest of their lives.


From the new Mages' estimate, Rheanys and Shaera, they concluded that the medicinal treatments the soldier tend to get every month would enable them to become the best soldiers there is physically.


This also enhanced their lifespan by several decades, that was why even the oldest soldiers that were recruited and trained before still looked like they were still in their early 20s.


While Duncan became busy in planning out the plans for the army for the next years, Paul was appraising the hand held nuke in his hands that cost him at least hundreds of thousands of soul energy gathered from the past few years in Old Valyria.


He had also come to find that he could also do the same near the Shadow lands of Asshai when he had sent some of the specialized puppets for gathering data all around the world.


But the soul energy in Asshai seemed to be harder to harvest so Paul gathered most of the energy near the ruins of Old Valyria.


He had also improved and upgraded the Soul Lamp he had made before, since he developed his own way of nurturing a natal treasure as those cultivators did and he chose this soul Lamp as a pseudo natal treasure that was being enriched in his energy filled body.


From the rather small and rather low quality kind of treasure, the Soul Lamp had become something of what the cultivators called an Earth Grade artifact, though that was from the rather rough knowledge Paul about them.


Though not that impressive for that world, the Soul Lamp was way ahead of what this current world should be able to handle.


Yet it exist anyway which made Paul arrive more into the conjecture that as long as he does not create or craft an item or treasure that would become instantly a cheat in his situation then the bracelet would not interfere.


But if the treasure or item mention was rather nurtured over the years then the bracelet would ignore it as well, because I would have been so unfair if the beings like the Fire Wyrm he had witnessed in the smoking volcanoes of Old Vaylria could exist as well as the legends of monstrous beast like the Krakens and Leviathans then the restriction would have been a big shackle on the mission given to Paul.


He knew that this alternate Universe is not like the one he had known in the TV show because here exist a whole slew of different things that was not mentioned nor shown that is present in this world.


He could feel the presence of something else watching over him and it feels angry as well as helpless, which Paul could tell might be the so called Lord of Light.


It might be a mighty being but it is also shackled by the local laws in this world even when it could interfere on the freedom of the people that they could somehow reach.


Paul thought about the need of teaching all of his students in Magic on how to protect their minds so he had been devising a way to have them build a defense from mental attacks as well as gain some minor abilities like telepathic communication.


Looking down he saw the devastation brought upon by the people he had raised and trained, Paul sighed as he realized maybe there is no reason on holding on to his past concept of normal when he alone could raise something as this deadly on a world that is still not ready for his style of war.


"Have Shiera report to me at Yeen, I still have to talk to her about what she did on Casterly Rock." Paul walked towards Shadow who seemed rather chipper since it was quite happy being able to let loose and fight other wyverns.


He left the camp to Duncan and the wyvern knights since from his estimate they are already enough to deal with any army without losing or getting caught with schemes and other forms of espionage the enemy would try to do.


[Yeen, Egon's Keep]


The largest ruin of a castle in the City has been repaired and thus named as Egon's Keep because calling it Paul's castle or Paul's Keep did not sound right nor does Esteban's Keep.


Egon's Keep was unanimously the name chosen by the representatives of the various tribes during a court meeting after the Castle was fully repaired.


As Paul arrived he went straight towards the Great Hall where he plans to ask Shiera the details of what happened during the birth of Tyrion Lannister.


It was a few hours later when Shiera Seastar finally arrived with her ship in Yeen as she took a carriage towards Egon's Keep.


Soon she walked the halls of the Keep as she arrived and stood in front of Paul as well as the Great Warriors available within the City.


"Don't waste time on formalities Shiera, tell me why did you have to falsify the death of Joanna Lannister? And even try to use the magic of preservation on her?" Paul said as he looked at the palanquin that was behind Shiera where a sleeping lady could be seen.


The Lady was Joanna Lannister, because of the interference of the Lord of light, Shiera was hindered in saving her life in time. But she was able to give Lady Joanna time to talk to her husband before she was placed into a spell to preserve her soul and body.



This was a spell Paul made in case he ever was far away and one of his subordinates face grave danger that even the mages he taught were not able to save.


A spell that was supposed to be only used within his forces and not to outside groups, but Shiera still explained that she made sure that no one else would have been able to see her take Lady Joanna away.


Paul listened as Shiera recounted how she cast an intricate Glamor spell that enabled her to switch the body of the unconscious Lady Joanna to a puppet who was the one buried in the crypts of the house of Lannister.


Due to her being able to at least spend at least about two days until her complications from her birth took its toll on her health. She was supposed to die a few minutes after naming Tyrion but Shiera did what she could to at least extend her time.


She did not tell Joanna about her plans of taking her away but since Paul gave her some importance to even send her to ensure the safety of her birth made her do this.


Paul massaged his temples as he realized his subordinates somehow had some misunderstanding on which people he really valued, he had just decided on a whim to at least save Lady Joanna of her fate because he felt that it might prevent the deterioration of values of the future Queen of Westeros.


Shiera placed Lady Joanna on the preservation Spell which made her sleep deeply not knowing that she was still alive when she had resigned on her fate that she could not live long due to her lengthy time of giving birth.


Though at least from what Shiera just said, Tywin seemed to have mellowed down and that Cersie did not blame the baby for her mother's death.


The last moments of Joanna was having a long talk with her children as well as her husband who showed a rare moment of weakness, Tywin's tears that was witnessed by the small puppet assigned on Casterly Rock.


"My Lord, I just didn't know what came over me when during her labor I forgot many things on what to do in case of emergencies. Like a portion of my mind was locked in and it was only when it was over I realized that it was too late for me to administer the proper treatment to ensure her health would be in the right condition." Shiera recounted her experience as she still seemed confused as to how things came to what it is in the present.


Paul listened as he looked to the floor dazed thinking of what to do now that his initial plans on making sure the future Queen would not grow up twisted has gone to ashes.


Paul sighed as he looked at the sleeping Lady Joanna and thought what he could do to benefit through this scenario. He waved his hands to dismiss his council as he was left in the Great Hall with Shiera, Kaash, Ogap and the sleeping Lady Joanna.


Paul stood up and walked towards the unconscious woman and scanned her to see what caused her deteriorating health.


"Now this is concerning…" Paul hovered his hand above Lady Joanna to cast a spell as he did a much thorough scan of her situation.


"Bring her to the Laboratory, use the rejuvenation cells and place them in maximum capacity. Her situation might take her a really long while, her soul is still healthy but oddly her body is already giving out…" Paul was genuinely confused as to why her cellular activity became almost nonexistent as she lay there breathing.


Now instead of being pissed off, curiosity took place in his mind as he let Shiera off since this case seemed quite a unique one even for him.


Even with all the knowledge taken and copied from the greatest minds of his world, this case seemed to be something no one has yet seen or observed.


Breathing a sigh of relief, the silver haired lady looked curiously towards Lady Joanna as well since she thought that with all the knowledge she has learned from Paul's tutelage that she could have solved an easy case of a simple birth of a child.


Shiera did as she was bid and Paul was left to ruminate on what to change in his plans for the next years.


He knew in seven years everything would go to shit when some brawn brained girl went on swooning over a prince that was already married and acts like a dandy all the time with his music as well as his flowing silver hair.


Soon a rather busy few years passed as chaos still ensued in Westeros because the King could not just hold his tongue in by bad mouthing that Lady Joanna died because the gods are punishing Tywin saying it was 'to teach him some humility at least'.


This made the old Lion lose all familiarity with the King and did his work in a monotone pace as the hand of the King.


His army on the other hand sharpened its blade on the rather warlike side of Green Hell, but this did not stop explorations from parties tasked by Paul to bring in more types of fauna and flora into Yeen.


He found some parts of the Green Hell in the south west were teeming with the so called Great Lizards which were nothing more than an assortment of dinosaur like creatures.


There they found a creature great for becoming a proper beast of burden as well as a great source of meat, it looked like a form of a parieasaur or cheek Lizards as Earth Scientist would call them.


It looked like some may call a Scutosaurus but this one has a pair of horns that curve outwards as a form of self-defense. It was larger than a cow and stood about 1.5-1.8 meters in height with really thick skin to defend from its predators.


It's back filled with stubby bumps that acts as an extra layer of armor and it weights at least one ton of pure muscle, the local beastman tribe that they found to have discovered these beast and hunted them said these beast grow fast.


From what they observe one could fully grow after a year and a half, and each mating season they hatch a lot of eggs.


Soon the variety of products traded and made within the new power called Titanus was getting more traction within the markets of the Free Cities.


Various quality armor ranging from the lightest to the heaviest wares were displayed upon the shops that bore the sigil of the infamous Blood Lord.


Tales of the ferocity of this so called merchant warlord who was elected as a magister in every free city but never attended any meetings bore him a mysterious air of an enigmatic man who was said to have been immortal.


Some jealous of his achievements tried to take what was his but were all met with an end no one could tell because these people would just vanish upon the face of the earth.


Many of his exploits became tales but some are rarely spoken like the one about a generous sponsor that gave support to the night's watch.


One who reminded the brothers of the wall what their initial duties were, which was in the form of an old book that a certain old maester was able to understand the general context of the tome.


Also books with records and statements from measters that Paul had copied from Oldtown how the Night's watch changed over the years and forgot their original duty.


Snippets on how the southern born night's watchmen look down upon the wildlings calling them savages and conjectures that the difference in culture led to misunderstandings as well as conflicts due to some tribes raiding the lands of the Gift.


Thus the original duty has gone down to fighting their fellow man which was not what the Wall was built for.


Some books also include how the dragon of Queen Alyssane refused to go beyond the wall as the mighty beast seemed to have been agitated and showed a trace of fear.


Some men of the night's watch listened to the wise old measter as they slowly understood something as they looked at the tall wall of ice where they reside.


It dawned to them that this was too much just to stop some wildlings and realized that whatever the wall was made for was far worse than some men and women wielding bone clubs as well as spears tipped with sharp stone.


But the process was still slow as some hard headed fools will never be absent in every human settlement. Those that thought the world is what they see it to be and would never accept any that subverts their own belief and understanding.


Yet it did not bother Paul much, just the thought of their real duty taking root in the minds of some is enough to change some things in the future.


Everything was going smoothly as nobody wanted to antagonize the one they now call the Immortal Blood Lord, for many years many have attested on how Paul did not age one bit as well as seeing how many magical things could be availed in the clinics handled by businesses in his name.


Some tried to create strife or copy his works but none succeeded as now a tale of shadows that watch over you would whisper your thoughts to the Immortal Blood Lord, you wish him ill then you will find your life forfeit the next day.


The enigma of the presence of the Blood Lord became a tale most mothers would tell their children to behave like he was a nightmare that would haunt their dreams should they continue to cause trouble.


This exasperated Paul a bit when he heard this from one of Rohanne's report, but what he is focusing on right now is the matter of Yeen becoming more and more prosperous that some adventurous souls wanted to explore the lands beyond the Green Hell that they know of.


Yet it was not something Paul could easily approve off, as most people from other places have no immunity to diseases that is present in Green Hell, it also applied to the natives of this continent as they too were not built to be immune to the diseases within the lands of Westeros and Essos.


His crew were an exception because they were vaccinated as well as treated properly so they would not spread diseases to other places and they would not pick up any on the way as well.


The Large City now housed at least 250,000 people of various shapes and sizes as many smaller tribes form the side of the Blood Tiger's territory had migrated in fear of being dragged by the crazed warlord in a futile war that was done due to his bruised ego.


Duncan still held the line along with the knights he had trained that the massive swarm of manic beastmen was not able to get past their blockade. Years went by and Paul's soldiers became more and more sharp as their experience increased in war.


This also caused some influx of soldiers in his ranks and to solve it, Paul had to pause his large Island Boat project to create a special place in a classified location to make a massive warehouse where he would place veteran soldiers into suspended animation so he could wake them up for future battles.


Thus gave way to new blood to train and experience the war on the borders creating more and more veterans. Though not all were placed into suspended animation as Paul still needed some to teach the new recruits while some made families of their own but these veterans would still be put into suspended animation once their children are able to live off for themselves.


Also this part was only known by the close retainers on Paul's side, the one monitoring their status was Shiera who was fascinated when she saw the way Paul preserved Lady Joanna to slowly reactivate her cells so she would no longer waste away in the future.


But her process was slow so being the one responsible for her, Paul gave her the additional responsibility of watching the sleeping soldiers.


Besides that Paul's bank had gained traction as his target customers were the middle class and below, most banks opted to entertain the rich and nobles alike but his bank brought a new norm as they approved loans and provided services to the commoners.


This made many banks feel that Paul's venture would most likely go to waste but oddly it prospered in which they did not understand.


Only those with a rather gifted mindset realized though commoners were poor and mostly could only have a few dozen silvers to live off per year, they were very numerous compared to nobles and rich merchants.


Thus the yearly income of gold brought upon by the bank to Titanus was in the millions, this caused many to be jealous and tried many this to sabotage this rate of development.


Some hired many commoners to get a lot of loans then run off with the money but the bank had ways to properly investigate the details of any person that dared to come and try a loan.


Some even thought they were smart by placing some lands on collateral but did not know that the bank would know if they own the property or not.


Many tried various tricks they know off to cheat the bank of Titanus but no one was successful at running away from the eyes of the bank.


Some thought that they should just rob the ones that took the loan but before they could even execute their plans they found themselves in chains and being sold in Slaver's Bay.


Paul did not open any bank in Westeros even when many nobles requested that he should open one on their lands, he only operated on the free cities where he had solidified his roots that not even the Iron Bank of Braavos could kick them out.


And a great shock to these rich money lenders was when the incident that just happened in Westeros, the King has been captured and held hostage.


The Defiance of Duskendale, which was an ever growing worry within the minds of Betha and Rohanne when they heard of information they had gathered on the wife of the Lord of Duskendale.


They too were surprised when the Lord Darklyn did this after his wife whispered sweet nothings in his ear that he should have received a better treatment as a great noble befitting his family's name and history.


A poisonous woman of Myrrish decent, her words are as scathing as the deadly daggers wielded by assassins, Lady Serala of Myr wanted more than what she had lived by far as the life of opulence has brought upon a seed of rebellion in the mind of Lord Darklyn.


Paul's orders not to interfere in this matter placed his retainers in a bit of a bind but they knew that whatever Paul has planned then it would include the fate of the world as they know it.


Yet their hesitance was but a mere formality as their past has a bit of an influence and bias within them but the longer they serve under Paul the vast their reverence in his ways that seems too esoteric.


They remembered his words as well as lessons about the vague origins of some tales when he was trying to enlighten them about the nature of most magic in the world.


He had briefly commented about the God of Light as well as the Others which made them shiver in fright learning there were these terrifying beings present in their world.


With the experience of Shiera Seastar being rendered helpless in her task proved to them that these gods they thought to have been their protectors were also carrying their own agendas.


With the defiance of Duskendale at its peak, many plans of Paul are slowly coming to fruition. Such as the gigantic island ship but Paul did not set sail with the behemoth of a vessel yet as he still had to finalize every detail within.


And as Paul remembered, the King was tortured by Lord Darklyn to win himself a charter for his lands still dreaming that his offence to the crown would be pardoned as he listed to the poisoned words his wife whispered into his ears.


Tywin did as any loyal hand would do, surround the City of Duskendale as he mustered the army of the crown as well as that of his bannermen to demand Lord Darklyn the release King Aerys.


Paul found it a pity, he had started to hope the King would have recovered enough from having gained Viserys which made his visits and treatment of his wife gentler.


Yet his puppet present in Duskendale now reports the deterioration of the King's psyche, Paul wanted to interfere really but his hands felt the increasing weight of the bracelet if any of his subordinates ever try to move behind his back.


So to distract himself as well as the subordinates of his from getting into the problem of Westeros, he had them sail with him North as he could feel the growing power of dark and cold beyond the lands far north of the Wall.


With the lessons as well as understanding of Magic of his people, they too slowly felt the chilling power as they arrived in the gift making them realize their attachment to the affairs of the crown made them forget the reason Paul even accepted them into his service.


All he did from the start was to prepare for the war that really matters, yet when they tried to plea for Paul to at least warn the Lords and Ladies of Westeros, he only said;


"We fight for the living, not for Westeros." Paul said as he found another hill which lies on a vein of power, he plans to make another copy of Standfast which would serve as his main Head Quarters here in the Gift.


It did not take more than a week for Paul to finish the small castle with his powers at help. With this small place he created another hub for his teleportation network as he stored more weapons of Dragon Glass in many places all around the Gift in secret.


He closed his eyes on many events on Westeros as he rather just wanted this time here to be over with, he had done so much more than needed anyways but when he thought he would have a quiet time a letter from the Hand arrived at his fingertips.


And after reading it he felt that a hot potato was passed unto him as Tywin requested that Paul to take his son as his ward since the Lion felt uncertain ever since the King had been rather antagonistic towards him for the past few months.


He had hoped to send Jaime towards Paul's hands to train him under his wing, yet Paul thought that this is not something he should have a handle in.


Thinking deeply he knew Jaime has a different Fate in waiting so he wrote another Letter stating that he is not going to be taking any wards or whatsoever, but he also stated that if the Hand so wanted, he can send the other son towards Paul to be taught whatever Tyrion could learn under his tutelage after he has his tenth name-day.


This was something Paul thought about carefully, Tyrion still got a bit of a cold shoulder from his father but not as bad as he thought it would have been.


Thinking about the teenage years of the dwarf, he might have a rather normal one if he is to spend a few years under the teachings of Paul's subordinates.


But that might be something that could be taken out of context if he does not specify where to send Tyrion, Paul does not need to be present always as he would send the young Lion in the Flask Basin where most slaves he gains every year would be trained there.


Whatever courses of lessons there should be adequate to make the young Lannister into something not too disappointing to his father.


Paul was tempted to have Jaime as his ward to at least ensure the boy does not gain puberty around his sister who would also grow her parts when he is present as well.


It seems Lady Joanna had not left without speaking to her husband about the rather curious activities of the twins before falling into coma.


Speaking of Lady Joanna, she was still in the care of Paul as he studied whatever affliction the mother of the future Queen had picked up to give her such a sudden death in her bodily functions.


To distract some of his subordinates, such as Betha, Shaera and Shiera, Paul went to have some distractions of his own with them as he had fun with the women as they were tortured by the endless stamina of their liege lord.


Betha had regained her youth from all the special diet and exercise made by Paul, she not looked slightly similar to Jennifer Love Hewitt when she had her hair down.


Shiera Seastar proved why she was coined as one of the most beautiful women in her time, maybe the reason the one called blood raven tried to extend his life by becoming an old peeping tom attached to a tree.


She looked like familiar to a famous blonde actress that was idolized by many of his uncle's generation. (A/N: Just imagine Elsa Jean, I can't say she is the prettiest there is to choose from but my balls picked her otherwise. I still think she's too pretty anyways as a professional adult 'actress' so I picked her, for Betha Blackwood I did not chose an AV actress since I kinda liked young Jennifer Love Hewitt. I felt she was the best one to portray Betha Blackwood.)


Paul droned out as he realized if he kept away the mission completion bar kept moving, especially when the characters the bracelet wanted to be born are appearing one by one.


And when he reached the 40% mark in the progression rate, he was finally able to unlock one of the Mini-Kaiju's within his hands as well as two elf lieutenants but he did not need them for now.


With everything already at place, only something the books and TV show did not mention would have a chance to possibly put a snag on his plans for the next few years.


And nothing much happened for the new few months other than the tension in Duskendale going to an all-time high as Lord Darklyn starkly refused to release the King, this event had made headlines in the gossip between nobles and commoners alike.


To many people, a King is something of a distant being that their hands cannot reach but the actions of the Darklyns had brought about misguided ambitions to many people.


Bandits as well as corrupt nobles were running rampant as they felt they could get away with anything when the King himself was imprisoned.


Yet not all were thrilled for such developments, some nobles of larger families felt unsafe and fearful of going out of their castles without their guards.


Thus the best soldiers and knights were now spending more and more time besides their Lord and ladies as their nights were not peaceful as they dread the day they too would be imprisoned and tortured like their own King.


The Crown was getting shaky, Tywin's actions also did not help as more and more people from low born to the noblest alike think the Hand to be the ruler in the dark compared to that of the King that does not listen to his advices.


It was no secret the King detests and loathed the Golden Lion as his shine was ever so present even in the Red Keep, a light that was not in focus to him. Jealous and bitter he had distanced from his former friend to listen to scheming incompetent nobles in his court.


It wasn't until the name of a famous Kingsguard rang again in the ears of the people, Barristan the Bold, who singlehandedly went on a solo mission infiltrating the seat of the Darklyn and saved the King all by himself after months of his capture.


Even Paul was impressed at how the man with such brightly colored armor could be successful in such acts of subterfuge, their armor literally makes them a moving target to many which made him question whether the guards at that time were slacking off or Barristan is just as talented as people make him sound like.

As far as Paul was concerned though, he sat back and watched the events unfold in front of his eyes as he went on his plans to prepare a stockpile of weapons within many strategic points in the Gift.


And just as he predicted, the King has changed very much in his time as prisoner and his thoughts became more erratic as his madness crept in ever so deep into his mind.


At least he does not treat the Queen as worse as Paul had heard from the books and the show, his advice had at least made the Queen live a better life than she would have but it was still not a great way of living.


Sure the King does not torture or torment the Queen as much but he still gives in to the urges as his streak of burning things had gone beyond what the people in his court could have expected.


It was not like they expected anything because all they do is throw lavish parties at the expense of the crown's money while singing high praise about their conceived competence when all was but empty promises and useless praise.


Tywin was disgruntled as he was being alienated in court as the King had thought that Hand had wanted him dead on Darklyn when he spent too long a time in rescuing him.


Not knowing it was Tywin who moved first at the news of his capture came to him at the earliest. Why was he to be blamed when the King did not even bring a contingent to guard him and only a lone King's guard that died for no reason at all due to his stubbornness to heed Tywin's advice about the dubious intentions of Lord Darklyn.


A thankless task, an ungrateful King and scheming nobles of court has ground the Hand's patience but if there was a silver lining to the Old Lion was that there was a chance for a son of his to learn under the tutelage of the infamous Blood Lord.


Even if it was the wrong son, he does not loathe Tyrion as much as he did in the show, since reading some books published by Paul. He learned that he too had a part in the deformity of his son, an unhealthy life in a hostile workplace might have brought upon the illness that also struck his wife.


At least he knew that giving birth to a dwarf was not a curse laid upon him by the gods, but a result of his negligence to the health of his family. Thus he kept an extra eye now on his children which made him aware of what his wife had told him the few moments before her 'passing'.


Thus the want to send Jaime away while also increasing the lessons in his daughter's schedule as he still hoped she would be a better bride to the prince which he still hopes to match-make.


She also did not experience that incident with Maggy the Frog as Paul rather refused a reading of ones Fate since it would tempt the metaphysical being to keep its word of letting whatever planned to some people come to fruition, prophecies are nothing more than a source of trouble.


Tywin had also gotten the visit of the Princess of Dorne a few weeks after his wife's death as she wanted to arrange a marriage between their families but Tywin tactfully declined, he did however suggest Tyrion yet the Princess took this as offence as she rather wanted the heir of Casterly Rock.


But the Old lion does not want anyone to just take hold of his family's future, so he sent his son as a squire to one of his loyal Bannermen, Lord Sumner Crakehall.


This time, Paul got to learn about the growing brotherhood near the Kingswood and sent some scouts to see if they are even worth recruiting.


Still only a few were worth a second look like Wenda the White Fawn who has a habitof branding her captives, The smiling knight but seems to have some serious personality issues, Fletcher Dick who was rumored to be a very great archer of not the best and Ulmer of the Kingswood the student of Fletcher Dick.


Yet they were not enough for Paul to take action personally, he kept watching at the sides as he went on his business without making too much waves in the affairs of the world.


Yet no one forgot about him, his absence yet also continued activities in the Free Cities made him more enigmatic to the eyes of many.


Queen Rhaella does send some letters from time to time to Paul as she somehow was brought in the fold by Shaera and even Aunt Rheanys.


Rheanys has turned 17 recently but due to the special diet and exercise, she has not aged much since she turned 12. Thus she still acts like an energetic teenager along with the teens of Yeen.


They were smarter and stronger than most already, now coupled with longer lives made many turn to worship Paul more intensely as they felt he was bestowing upon them the gift of a long healthy life seeing their children become gifted scions.


More and more joined the ancient city as even the tribes of brindled men came to as they realized there is a better life in his service making his population soar up to half a million.


This made Paul expand for a few towns in the nearby areas as the non-ending war with the Blood Tiger went on for more years.


More rebellions on his side were reported as many wanted out of his yoke of tyranny, but oddly he was quite resilient in surviving and more stubborn in fighting a war he could never win.


The warlord has gotten mad insane as he enslaved more tribes under him just to keep the war efforts not knowing if he would ever succeed.


Paul was a bit thankful for this whetstone that kept sending cannon fodder, but there were times even that a talented commander on the enemy's side would be born.


But was always met with an equally if not better commander on Paul's side, more and more are placed into deep sleep for the final war every year while the fleet of Paul grows ever so bigger as trade had brought more money than even the Iron Bank could handle.


Even the tragic events in Duskendale did not affect much of Paul's businesses unlike many nobles to had a vestige of interest in Westeros.


The death of House Darklyn including many of their banner men rung throughout the Kingdom as the seat of the ancient house was now given to House Rykker.


The event made the King fearful of leaving the Red Keep now and even punishes anyone that would bring anything sharp near his presence, except for the swords of his Kingsguard whom he kept near by his side all the time.


Also the King started to gain some interest within the matters related to wildfire. So besides him there would always be Pyromancers whispering about into his ears of their work that they take too much pride in.


The King also came to a conclusion that Tywin was aiming to kill him to control the throne so he never met his hand without any of his guards nearby.


Tywin did not mind as he even brought Cersei in the Red Keep along with her tutors to keep an eye on her. It seems the watchful eye of the Lion had brought the twins to heel in their shenanigans as Jaime was reported to be doing well in Lord Crakehall's care.


Paul also heard reports of the situation of many noble sons of strong families like that of Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon under the care of Jon Arryn, Lord of the Vale.


Paul does wander from time to time in many places and he got to meet some company he never thought he would have had the pleasure of being acquainted to.


During 278AC, while visiting Lannisport to count the gold he had mined as well as the various earnings in many businesses within the city. He had come to meet the Sister of the Hand of the King, a rather shapely woman named Gemma Lannister.


He only met her when some noble had hosted a secret gathering or meeting that Paul was oddly present, he was just bored as some would say as he took a few days away from his women since they were rather exhausted in trying to keep up to his growing libido.


Ever since he realized he becomes stronger or regains power by doing sin with them on the bed, he had rather been active in spending time with Betha, Sheara, Kaash and Shiera.


Yet sometimes he realizes that it was detrimental to keep doing the deed without rest since they cannot match the endless vigor Paul has.


So in boredom he tried to see what these gatherings the nobles were on about when they tried to have these as secretive as possible.


It turned out to be just a large orgy with some drugs involved, Paul was amazed how even in such a rather backward civilization, there would always be those curious enough to find the right plants to smoke.


There he also met Gemma who was as his reports had said, rather promiscuous but does not partake in the large orgy herself. Rather she was looking for a partner that could satisfy her since her husband Emmon Frey could not satiate the lioness.


Oddly she somehow chose Paul who stood in an inconspicuous corner of the gathering hall, Paul got curious as well so he indulged himself that night and gained himself a rather loyal long term booty call.


And man he was impressed, she was not as beautiful as some fair lady but she got curves in the right places. She would have grown much wider in the next years but now having Paul as a partner made her sweat like never before.


(A/N: Two things in my mind today, first would be something serious. Rest in Peace James Earl Jones, may the force be with you in a galaxy far far away. Rarely do I get such a deep feeling of Loss, knowing that we lost Mufasa for good and that Darth Vader would never be the same ever again.

Second would be slightly serious with a mix of my dumbness, I'm gonna mention it here now, not all partners would be brought back with Paul once he is done btw. Some are just flings and some characters would be left behind but not the ones I rather like keeping. Anywho Gemma Lannister would have the face and body proportions of young Penny Porsche.


Man I totally am in some deep Rut when I know even these names that seemed to be quite obscure to even the younger generations. I really need some help, but sometimes it is hard to change unless the world knocks some sense into my mind.)

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