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73.21% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 82: Chp. 82 Dental Insurance

Kapitel 82: Chp. 82 Dental Insurance

In the crater Loki walked towards the hammer and felt curious so he reached out and tried to pull back only to be met with great opposition that felt like a whole continent's weight.


Loki grunted a bit as he tried both hands and still was not able to lift the hammer making him sigh in regret and looked up the sky trying to figure out Odin's plans.


"Sir, he's got a visitor." Meanwhile in the holding area of Thor Agent Sitwell said this as Dr. Selvig had just arrived.


Paul let Coulson take Selvig away as he also assigned a loyal agent to SHIELD to watch over the depowered prince.


There he also saw how Loki returned to the space crack that he used to get to Earth and back to Asgard. Paul was behind him as that time as he watched the Asgardian Prince wait for a few moments and pass through the passage not knowing that a man was following behind.


It was then that Paul was able to arrive near a covered corner where lush vegetation covered the space crack from the eyes of the ones that are near it.


There was also a magic spell made by Loki to hide these passages for his uses and while he is walking calmly back into the Palace, Paul had slowly copied his memories of the passages.


Though he did not tamper on anything as he only peeked on few memories since this asgardian prince has measures that could detect a much more extensive mind reading if he ever digs deeper into his memories.


Right now Paul is using his real body in following the young prince while he is memorizing the whole place so he can teleport here anytime he wants in the future.


And when he went into the Palace he was almost discovered by one person, the Queen herself who felt something was not right around Loki but thankfully Paul is using some spells he learned from Umar that was enough to evade the eyes of the Goddess.


Though there is one sight that has seen him and that guy is currently asleep. Loki went ahead to go into Jotunheim as he wanted to strike a deal with Laufey.


Paul stayed behind in Asgard as he also brought with him his Lion Clone who is now in the Library reading various books and research that he can get his hands on.


But it seems Asgard has very powerful wards that if he pushes too much then the whole Kingdom will be alerted. So he only went for the High School equivalent Books which was available to the general public but it was enough to best most of the research within Earth's intellectual community.


Paul was totally having a field day as he had his clone learn a lot of stuff, he also tried to get more from intellectual Asgardians which was a bit hard and needed delicate handling so he won't be detected.


Frigga on the other hand had felt something has been weird within the halls of Asgard as she somehow was drawn in places she never thought of visiting.


This was a bit of a problem for Paul as he constantly changed the locations of his clone but it gave him some alone time with the Allfather.


"Allfather… I know you have sent Thor into a test so he will learn his errors. But as great as it will be there are still things of which you are needed." Paul knew Odin can hear him and see him as he placed his hand on the Old Asgardian's body and scanned him of the things that Ail him other than old age.


He found that the seal he has placed upon Hela is rather weakening and this caused him to go into Odinsleep from time to time to recharge his Odinforce that is keeping his daughter at bay.


This meant that the Odinforce that the Allfather could use is now very limited as half was given to Hela and the other half is with him while most of it is used to prevent Hela from ever accessing the Odinforce to recharge her powers in Hel.


"I'll reinforce the Seal, power it with my own energies to make you able to access more of the Odinforce. Thor will become worthy your Majesty but I still think it is not yet time for him to be King. But do not wake up yet as it will prevent any of the fated events to happen." Paul looked into where Loki landed and saw him arrive in Jotunheim.


But he was able to cast a spell to obscure his figure, if not for the marker he placed on the prince then he might have lost sight of him just like Heimdall who is currently confused.


"I have seen a future, a possible one where these two brothers will face lots of challenges. They will lose loved ones, their home as well and even the chance to save them will be taken away. But since I am here that will not happen, this is what I will prevent so please do not resist as I'll let you see what they will face…" Paul's eyes glowed as he manipulated the cells of the Allfather down to the microscopic level.


He slowly healed him to his prime while also showing him a vision which he made using the movies he had watched.


He showed how Loki will fall into the abyss and become a pawn to the Mad Titan while they mourned of his death.


The events that will happen in New York, how Loki invaded using the Chitauri and his eventual arrest.


How the Dark Elves still live and the Aether found its way into Jane Foster.


The death of Frigga which made a tear appear on the sleeping King's eyes.


Him trying his best to stop any more deaths from happening but Thor still going to get revenge with the help of Loki.


Thor eventually killing Malekith and saving the Realm but he was still usurped by Loki who had faked his death.


Him living his life as a retired old man in an elderly care taking facility but eventually able to undo Loki's spells.


Living in a quiet life in Norway holding his eldest daughter back, until Thor found him with Loki to his eventual passing.


But that did not end, he saw how Thor and Loki was almost killed by Hela who also massacred a lot of Asgardians as she arrived and revived her dead army using the eternal flames.


Thor fighting in an arena in Saakar, while trying to build a team to return to Asgard but in the end letting Surtur destroy it in the end.


Odin was watching this with Paul's help but he did leave out details like faces of people Odin has not yet met as well as exact events as he just gave glimpses which mostly consisted Thor slowly losing his cheerful smile the more he lost.


Paul also showed how Heimdall died under the hands of Thanos who was wearing the Infinity gauntlet that was designed by Eitri.


Loki's real death which also made Odin anguish again as he was asleep and Thor having to fight all alone with no family besides him.


He then showed how Thor became fat and until before the time of Endgame. But there was another part that Paul added where Thor fought alone again against a gigantic Serpent that reminded Odin of a person he did not want to remember.


Paul only showed the faces of few people that will be part of Thor's life and did not go much from there but he can see that the rather passive Odin is now regaining his past courage.


"Thor will face a lot if this goes on, I am here to change things from what they are going to be into something no one has ever seen. But right now let me help, I too want the peace of my home and you are one of the people that keep it peaceful." Paul said as he slowly healed and reinforce the seal on Odin.


"Well there are also others things you might need to fix, I still know things that might really interest you and your wife so please stay healthy." Paul slowly took his hands away and looked at the brown hair on the Allfather as his powers were now much more formidable.


"Your son will make a play of him saving you later but please let it be. This will give birth to the worthy King of Asgard, you only need to wake up in the right time." Paul then vanished from the chambers of Odin who was now smirking a bit with a relieved expression.


Other than that he went on a tour on the beautiful lands of Asgard while also checking out where some space cracks go since he has now found Asgard.


He had one Wolf Clone go around and make a list of where they arrived and left markers there. He also put on that list if the place in habitable or not for humans as well as started to make a star map for his spaceship's navigational systems.


Paul felt the things are getting a bit interesting and he can't wait to finally have a space battle but there is a time for such things.


So other than some side quests being done for relieving his boredom, his real body teleported back into the RV to continue on his tinkering while watching over his lovely woman Shanna who was again going tarzan mode in swinging around the trees in the reserve.


She was really a free soul, now with her strong body that got enhance due to his daily watering of her flower with creamy extracts that made her bones tougher and muscles much denser.


She can now be considered almost like a Super Soldier in strength, if there is a comparison then he is more like the Bucky Barnes kind of Super Soldier.


Strong and fast but not as developed as Captain Steve Rogers, since other than physical enhancements, the captain has gotten an eidetic memory that enabled him to master multiple forms of combat.


Though not as great as Taskmaster who is Paul currently searching for since that guy's skills were much more.


A person who only remembers a person based on how they fight and can chose to forget anything he wanted to give space for more data in storing more copied martial skills.


Captain America's mind was almost like that but not with the complete copy so he had made his own style of fighting that is based on his Shield being his main weapon.




Shanna only has the physical enhancements but that is enough since she has great skills in Gymnastics and was an Olympic level athlete so her skills are top notch.


Ina and Biri grew large, 50% much larger than most leopards and even a bit more intelligent since Paul had been giving them some fruits from the cultivation world that enhances normal animals.


Though they will not be as strong as those demonic beasts, they will still be strong and fast enough to avoid bullets.


It did proved a problem to hide them but Paul was there to ensure they stay hidden, he also fed them from time to time with highly nutritious meals so they won't go hungry fast.


At least they will not die instantly even if they were hit by an RPG in point blank, a large wound but they will survive enough to be operated and saved if things ever get problematic.


Also Paul also took into account the threat that is highly probable Shanna might face in the near future.


The world is changing with Stark at the lead but it was not too much of a danger currently to Shanna.


Even the X-men will have a hard time if they try to make trouble with her since Paul also placed lots of measures to ensure her safety.


He did not know why but he just valued Shanna differently, Paul was perplexed himself but he felt that it might have been the fact that she was the first to show kindness to him ever since his arrival.


He had never read her mind, never affected her mentally, though he only hears some surface thoughts since his powers were very strong that little things get picked up from time to time.


Even then he cares for her, his mind had advanced very far but even then he is left wondering at the complexity of this attraction he has with her.


Maybe it has to do with the facts that even with great powers that protects him from breaking down, he is in a world he used to know as fiction.


Paul wondered about that intensively but ever since he started to understand the laws of time did he get some sense of clarity.


Infinite Universes, infinite possibilities, high probability of a reality existing that even his mind cannot comprehend and even a fictional world formerly for him is a reality in another part of the Omniverse.


"Though there are still lots of questions I want answers for, what use is there to worry too much about this?" Paul smiled as he felt that in time he will get to understand more, though he does not search for it actively.


A thing he understood is that knowing too much can be hard on one's mind, not much of a loss for him since his mind is reinforced in ways he still cannot understand.


Paul felt that things are too fast or too slow sometimes but even then he can adapt in a blink.


"I wonder if I should place my hands on plots not yet active?" Paul looked at the screen seeing if the parameters he placed on the device he just made is correct and double checked it.


"Though it wouldn't hurt to prepare…" Paul wondered but his was brought out of his thoughts as he felt events happening one after another.


Banner is in Culver University and is being hunted by Ross with Captain Blonsky already enhanced.


Warriors three and Lady Sif arriving in the small town in New Mexico going to meet Thor.


Tony Stark and Rhodey finally facing the AIM drones where Paul is silently helping in the back ground the civilians to get away.


He too did not want too much death when Natasha is currently helping in hacking into Rhodey's suit stop him from attacking Iron Man.


Paul's plans in the Shadows went into action as the public were kept safe in the distance.


The fastest development was in Culver University since it is happening during the morning and Hulk was now able to bring Betty away.


In the afternoon was the face off of Thor with the Destroyer which was much more detailed and action packed compared to the movies.


And at the night was when the Stark Expo was happening with AIM presenting their Drones that was hacked in by Whiplash.


Then it surprised him another event was happening, it seems HYDRA was a bit pissed off by Ophelia's actions that they pulled out some big guns.


Paul had not been paying full attention to the whole world and only to those that interested him that he did not see this development going to this direction.


HYDRA has someone of theirs inside Roxxon Oil fund a secret experiment that they used to make their own Metahumans since Ophelia's corner of HYDRA is using a few powered individuals.


Other than that they also pulled out their connections to Cybertek and made some advancements on Project Deathlok.


Necessity is really the mother of all innovation and HYDRA totally innovated as they somehow were able to gain connection to a source of a weaker version of the SSS.


This also gave birth to an early version of the Centipede Program where they went around asking for volunteers to be brainwashed and used by HYDRA.


Paul frowned a bit but he saw that most of who HYDRA sought out were desperate and not so savory kind of individuals who were ambitious and easy to manipulate.


Those that they did try to force which were good and just had a hard time in life were helped by Paul in the shadows as few tips from here and there got some Law enforcement to get to those people in time.


And recently no one tried making trouble since Paul had somewhat scared corrupt police all over the world when he dropped hard evidence of corrupt activities to law abiding people.


It was because of this that crime rate has lessened considerably around the world. A lot of bad guys went to lay low even when Paul can find them if he wants to, this also affected the hiring of HYDRA and only those fooled by great Dental Insurance would get dragged into the hiring sprees of the HYDRA recruiters.


"Quite weird that there are almost no recruits from the british when they need Dental care the most…" Paul murmured as he was handling the actions of many of his clones while saving the civilians from being casualties.


"Weirdly it's the Canadians that were hired by these shady people in suits, thought they were the kind type of people…" Paul mused as he looked at the list of recently hired men of HYDRA.


"Come to think of it, Victor, Logan and Wade are Canadian. And they are currently acting as HYDRA agents, is the world trying to tell me something?" Paul looked to the screen and saw he results of the scans on the thing he is working on.


"But do those three even need Dental? Their teeth are quite fine and the gruffy two have fangs and all." Paul then looked to them using his clone trying to see how they were doing.


"Damn, poor guys got massacred by these three…" Paul was impressed as he saw the three undying guys rampage in a HYDRA facility in Siberia.


Then oddly he saw Deadpool dragging corpses and wrote a 'Hi' using their bodies making him raise his brow a bit while Logan and Victor looked at Wade weirdly.


"Well Hi! Hello there, is this a good time for me to have some screen time?" Wade said towards thin air.


"What is this nut doing again?" Victor seemed a bit tired at the antics of their fellow mutant.


"The hell should I know? He was like this even before he turned into a nutsack so why should he try to understand how his mind works?" Logan flicked his wrist sending blood on his claws out.


"Really Hughie? I am emotionally hurt by your comment, but I'll forgive you if you give me a lock of your hair as a lucky charm to make me feel safe. Also not just any kind of hair, can I have some of your chest hair?" Deadpool looked at Logan pleadingly as he asked him of this.


"Urghh…" Ophelia groaned as she arrived on time to hear that.


"Don't 'urgh' to me sister, go ask our peeping tom here that everybody wants hair from Hugh Jackman himself. We all know you want it as well chica, you even got married to him one time in comics…" Wade was about to start another round of blabbering until alarms went off the whole facility.


"Let's go people! This place is rigged to blow!" a black blur arrived as Black Racer went to warn every one of the eventual destruction of the base.


"Seems we need to hurry Jimmy." Victor said to Logan.


"The names Logan bub, I ain't no jimmy." Wolvering growled as he looked at the supposed brother of his.


"Really? A facility with bombs everywhere? That is so cliché! And besides that was a poor way to cut off my dialogue, but anyways about that lock of hair…" Wade looked at Logan who glared at him like he wanted to kill the blabbermouth.


"Sheesh, I just like talking no need to call me a Blabbermouth…" Wade looked to the side and said this.


"Don't bother and let's just leave." Ophelia said as she looked at the dozens of her men trying to get their target in this facility out in time.


Paul watched this with interest especially the famous 4th wall breaking ability of Wade that seemed to even able to hear some things no one should notice.


"Quite a long day it is…" Paul said as he found that Banner is now on his way to Sterns.


"Now let us see the Abomination…"

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