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67.85% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 76: Chp. 76 More addition to his collections...

Kapitel 76: Chp. 76 More addition to his collections...


"Simple, we'll have to feed them the antidote." Kate Caldwell said as she arrived in the room. "The pathogen is currently making them adapt to the series of pressure and events that are happening so as you can see they have adapted the pliability of the skin of a normal mammal but with the toughness of a crocodile leather combined with the rigidity of scales from various armored fishes."


Kate then showed the research papers she wrote that were recovered and explained. "But their growth will lessen to a degree by now unless they get more things to eat but they had been on a constant run since the sound was heard that they did not have food for a while. And since there are no other things that could force them to adapt to in the present, but we'll have to find a tranq gun sharp and strong enough to pierce their hides and that leaves us to feeding them."


"We have some Pork legs at the fridge." Caine said as he walked towards the kitchen part to get the pork legs.


"Uhmm, yeah that'll work. But who'll be brave enough to get close to the beasts? It'll take ten minutes for the antidote to work and even then if their aggressiveness lessens then you'll have to deal with a gigantic animal with its instincts intact." Kate said as she looked at the people present.


"I can have George help me restrain the wolf but for the croc, that is too big for the moment." Davis said as he looked at the image of Lizzie swimming in the Ocean eating a whole Great White.


"Damn, that mother*cker swallowed that thing whole." Russell said as he looked at the screen.


"Well Sharks are quite delicious though, especially if you make Sake with its Fin." Koji said as he looked at the screen as well.


"I'm feeling hungry, there's snacks in the kitchen right? We're still a bit far in the planned extraction point though." Perkins said as she stood up going to the kitchen while Ares smiled and pulled out a detonator.


"Is it ready?" John asked as one screen changed to the rooftop part of the Energyne company. Ares nodded making John give her the signal, then she pressed the button looking at the screen where the antennas blew apart while Claire and Brett Wyden were getting on a chopper.


They were crushed by the large debris of the explosion and the signal stopped making George and Ralph pause in their tracks.


"You said you'd shoot the antennas down." Davis looked at Marcus who shrugged.


"Too bland, leaving with a bang seems just right." Ares said as she smiled seeing her work in the screen.


"Playing new sound track in full volume." Sofia said as she made the shuttle emit the sound again making the three beasts who was just getting their minds cleared got angry again at the sound making them charge to the new source.


Paul saw all this as he sat in the Spaceship watching the performance of the group. Though this did confuse the army but they were glad that the three are now going far from Chicago city into the Shuttle.


He watched as they landed in South Fox Island in Lake Michigan, there were less people there and the Military cannot drop a MOAB as well since there are civilians that cannot be evacuated in time.


George and Ralph were running on the shore of Illinois as they ran towards the source of the signal. Many were shocked at the gigantic creatures and it became trending in social media just in time for Paul to release videos and recordings that totally incriminate the Wyden siblings even if they are now dead.


He also released who the shareholders were and how they were related to project rampage as well as many of their dirty deeds trending after the news of the mutated beasts.


Lizzie still bit away from their position while Ralph and George will be there in an Hour, seeing the Gorilla's reaching about 40 feet/12 meters minimum while his Kongs were already at 20 minimum and 25 maximum meters tall making Paul think a bit.


So he focused a bit of his teleportation powers and sent lots of meat and food into the gorillas stomach, there he saw how fast its metabolism is digesting the food and he can be seen to be growing in size at the minute.


He also gave Ralph some to make the skinny dog a bit bigger but not as much as George, by the time they are about ten kilometers away from South Fox Island they are at least twice larger than before.


George is at least 22 meters at the moment making him gigantic but since he hunched as he walked he appears to be only 15 meters tall hand to shoulder.


Meanwhile Ralph is 15 meters tall and forty meters long, Lizzie was also bigger since she kind off killed a whale on the way.


She is twelve meters tall and about seventy meters long making her the largest yet a bit short than the others. The military was able to pinpoint where they are converging and even discovered Lizzie as well.


But their initial preparations in Chicago made things hard so they had to quickly send more people to block the roads and try to evacuate the small Island as one Senator who was unlucky to have bought a lake house in there is currently present.


And he was with a few billionaire friends and acquaintances, talk about wrong place and wrong time. So a MOAB is totally negative for the moment.


Paul made sure to even make the boats and Yachts malfunction so the people cannot leave and are in fear.


Paul went to the bridge of the Spaceship and sat on the captain's seat while robots are acting as crew members.


"Send two large shuttles to prepare and extract targets, also prepare the Non-radioactive Carbonadium chains and cages." Paul said as he smiled feeling fulfilled like he was really a Spaceship captain.


The robots did as he asked and he then sent a large canister of Neurotoxins to John's shuttle. He even sent a message to use this to incapacitate the creatures while feeding them.


There Paul made things hard for the military to arrive on time as the giant monsters are now on the Island.


{We're feeding the two the package.} John said as he and Marcus ran ahead carrying a large sack filled with meat recently butchered. There are two vials of antidote as well as a liter of Neurotoxin for Ralph.


{Well dadgum, they run like the wind don't they?} Russell said as he was in a tree ready to shoot Ralph in the eyes.


{Perks of being with the Boss, You'll get yours too after this.}Perkins said as she was positioned in the shore with Ares to prepare feed Lizzie the two sacks with a larger dose of neurotoxin to slow down the croc.


{Is the sound necessary?} Davis said as he looked at the maddened George.


{For now yes, we'll take it off once the croc is on the Island.} Akira said as she was with Kate in the computer watching the vitals of the three beasts as well as the team.


*ROAR!* George roared as soon as he arrived on shore wet from the long swim and was greeted with John Wick throwing a bag with antidotes to its mouth.


*GRRR!* *Bark!* Ralph was also alert as he faced Marcus but it did not delay as it charged to bite the assassin.


{Shit!} Marcus threw the bag in the air while he leaned back dodging the bite of the 40 ton wolf by a hairsbreadth.


{Marcus get out of there quickly!} John said as he weaved left and right dodging George's fist raining down on him.


*Boom!* an explosion blew in George's face as Caine shot a grenade launcher to it to make it back up.


{Don't hurt him!} Davis shouted to the coms as he saw this.


{Your friend is tank proof, what do you fear of a little grenade. It's just to push it back away from John.} Caine said as he now got the attention of George.


{Guys, big croc on the way!} Perkins said as she and Ares shot explosive rounds to the croc to making it angered.




Just as soon as it opened its mouth the two threw their package towards Lizzie making it chew a bit while they ran far away but the croc has locked on to them while going to the source of the sound.


{Little help here!} Marcus said as he dodged a paw of the wolf and gave it a roundhouse kick making the wolf lose balance. But he was grazed by a bite sending Marcus back, good thing they are now super soldiers making them able to react to the speed of the mutated beasts.


{On it partner.} Russell said as he shot at Ralph's eyes after he was surprised at the strength of Marcus kicking the leg of the 20 meter tall wolf.


{Gotta say, I'm getting hella curious to what the boss gave you to be this strong. Now I want some already…} Russell saw that Ralph locked on to him but before it could charge he was met with dozens of grenades shot at him by Koji and Davis.


[Crocs not stopping guys!} Ares said as she and Perkins retreated back but this time Sofia appeared and threw a bag filled with C4 on the gills of Lizzie.




The Croc was stunned as his gills bled from the explosion, yet is seemed to be still alive. So the three women rained more explosives making the ones on the island hear it even the ones from afar.


They were thinking that the army is stalling the monsters but even the army and the government is confused at the moment as they watch some live satellite feed on the Pentagon.


{Okay it seems George is getting his shit together, so turn off the sound.} John said as he saw the giant ape seemed to be confused and scratched its ears.


There the wolf also calmed down as the sound ended and the pathogen in their bodies purged. Lizzie was slowing down as well as they felt a bit dazed looking around.


"George! It's me! Calm down buddy it's me!" Davis ran towards George and the ape seemed to have calmed down a bit and smiled showing hand signs to Davis.


{Davis, small.} George said as he looked at Davis.


{Yes, yes I am small George. But we are in big trouble right now. See those guys? We need to take them down since they are bad animals, you with me George?} Davis talked as he also signed language George.


"Grrr!!" Ralph growled in a defensive manner as it glared at George and Lizzie who it deemed as threats, it was at this time the canisters of Neurotoxins opened in their stomachs administering lots of the poison into their system.


"ROAR!!" Lizzie felt it so it roared in anger and went to charge towards Perkins and Ares feeling its body slow down a bit.


{It's working, Davis have George beat this things up.} Kate said as she saw the glazed eyes of Ralph and Lizzie. George nodded to Davis as they charged while the others were on the side distracting the two.


It was then the two shuttles Paul sent arrived and dropped large chains on the ground. John and Marcus went to the cages to prepare it as Caine went to get the attention of Ralph who also showed his quills in attacking.


Koji defended him using his Katana to deflect the Quills and Caine kept shooting 50 caliber guns to the wolf.


{Guys, Lots of people are on their way. Closest is 30 minutes out so clean this up as soon as you can!} Akira said as she saw government choppers and even some boats heading to this Island.


"George! Take the chains and tie them up!" Davis said as he fired and RPG to the croc making it change targets again.


"Huhuu!" George looked around and found the Chains, he swiped his right arm hitting Ralph making the wolf bounce back but it opened its legs and flew like a squirrel.


But as Ralph flew, he was shot by Marcus making a hole in its gliding skin making it drop on the ground hard.


"GRR!!" the Wolf recovered and locked unto Marcus.


{That's right you mutt, come to pappy!} Marcus smiled as he stood inside the large cage, normally Ralph would have noticed this but its vision was getting blurry from the Neurotoxin.


It's body can process it but it gives them the feeling of being inebriated so it charged wobbly towards Marcus who retreated back to the edge of the cage therefore trapping the wolf.


{Now John!} Marcus said as John pressed a button closing the opened side of the cage. Davis on the other hand helped George in beating up Lizzie while Koji, Caine, Sofia, Ares and Perkins made the croc confused on who to attack as they were fast moving on the area.


{Warp it around George and get on him!} Davis shouted to the gorilla who understood and made another loop of the chains on Lizzie. Then he tightened his pull wrapping the croc up at the head and George stood on its back to make it hard for it to move as it got dizzy by the second.


{Caine, Koji now!} Sofia shouted as the two brought large metal clamps to put of Lizzie's snout that is currently being held down by George.




They were successful in locking in and went to get connect the clamp to the chains. But it was then its clubbed tail swung sending George flying a few dozen meters away making the ground rumble.


Lizzie tried to get up but its body was not listening to it properly, there Perkins and Ares found a chance to put two clamps on its hind legs making it had for the croc to move.


George recovered fast and wrestled with the croc again making it unable to move. Good thing its snout is tied up so George put the croc on a head lock.


{Great! Now put the rest!} Koji shouted as they placed in more clamps and chains on the weakening croc.


{The wolf is drunk unconscious people.} Russell reported as he shot large tranq darts on Ralph since he has the weakest skin but was hard to hit because it was fast, but now it was in a sturdy cage then it was easy target for Russell.


{We have ten minutes to load them back to the shuttle guys, Marcus, Caine and Ares do not forget the other equipment scattered around. Retrieve them all, boss' orders.} Akira said as she read the message from Paul.


"George, let us get in the ship. Bad guys are coming, we need to go." Davis made George look into the horizon seeing the helicopters afar, it wanted to fight back but Davis was able to convince the ape to help Lizzie up the shuttles as well as Ralph and boarded the shuttle others were on.


There they quickly took off as the baffled eyes of the US as well as the world, that the three dangerous monsters were spirited away by a mysterious organization on invisible ships that are large enough to carry the things away.


Paul smiled on the bridge of the ship as he found the performance of the group to be satisfactory, they might be even able to capture Hulk if they prepare enough.


But he must do what he promised, he made the scientists forget how they made the pathogen. The ones Energyne hired as well as the research papers of Kate Caldwell disappearing all around including the hidden copies.


Then he released some post about how Area 51 is going to hide these experiments and that the US is planning to make more of these. There was another post as well that it was aliens that took the mutated animals away.


Also the world forgot about the people that had agreed to follow him, except for the ones presumed dead or hiding. Harvey Russell is no longer a special agent but Paul has a job ready for him in the Marvel World.


Davis who is currently talking to George will be placed to handle the various beasts he has but first would be the Kongs.


Kate Caldwell is a hidden gem that is a great researcher in Genetics, she was able to make this pathogen from the small details on the text found on the amphora jars.


How much would she have developed if she was given enough resources, maybe she can indeed make a cure for cancer that can be mass produced. Ones Paul has are a bit expensive to make and could only heal about ten thousand for the moment.


But what about the others, so he wanted a talented scientist who would be competent enough to rework the ones he made into something easier to create.


Then Paul was able to place Lizzie and Ralph in suspended cryostasis as the shuttles arrive safely in the Dreadnought Cruiser.


George was given a large space in the cargo hold where Davis is currently there with Kate Caldwell talking. It seems George became smarter and can make more expressive way of showing ASL.


Ares was there as well conversing the Ape who was a bit fond of the former silent girl. Kate Caldwell was rather occupied as she was reviewing the result of the scans of the three animals and some books that Paul gave her to read.


She even forgot that she is in a large spaceship as she was engrossed in research. Though she was a bit surprised when George made the fingering motion to Davis asking if she and him were doing the dirty.


The rest were surprised though when Paul appeared and George calmed down and seemed submissive as it felt the danger of Paul and how it cannot seem to fight back.

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