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1.78% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 2: Chp. 2 To the past?

Kapitel 2: Chp. 2 To the past?

Paul Egon Esteban is a regular guy you could find anywhere, normal upbringing, normal family, normal career and nothing outstanding. Raised in a Asian-American home he was raised strict and filled with the hope of the parents since his name was a play made using the words 'polygon' hoping their child will grow good at math.


Well he did learn a lot about polygons but not the way his parents wanted, he became a simple draftsman who works for Architects and Engineers. He could draw really well though and his parents just tell other people he is sort of an 'Engineer' himself during family reunions.


Everything went well until he started showing symptoms of a very rare terminal disease and when he learnt of it from his doctors he was devastated. Having fallen to the deepest of life he was desperate so when a pharmaceutical company wanted to try trial testing a drug they developed for curing said disease, so he clung to it for dear life.


Unbeknownst to him that said Pharmaceutical company wanted to test another thing entirely on him as there was a sudden appearance of a pathogen that attacked the human nerves turning them into cannibalistic feral creatures of madness and blood thirst.

Something that they found on the Rural areas of the country, so the matter did not catch the attention of the media as the company had the assistance of the government on this one. Thus when he was asleep in the cryogenic chamber he was subjected to a series of test since who would miss terminally dying patients anyways.


But like every story there will always be bad guys, so a personnel that was a spy of another company of a rival nation sabotaged one of the experiments causing a total panic within the walls of the company. But what they did not expect is that for this matter to blow out into massive proportions causing worldwide panic as an outbreak of this new virus ravaged the whole world.


It was then a voice was heard all over the world saying they are being judge for their sins and action in letting their world die through pollution and wars.

But they will be given a second chance as people all over the world awakened powers like no other giving them strength to battle the feral ones all over the world.

And that only the last man left would be able to make a wish on an all-powerful Wishing Well if they ever wanted to restore their world to its former state.


Thus sparked decades of conflict as many wanted to reach this last man standing first either to selflessness or just pure greed. Paul was left alone in an underground research facility for the whole time slowly aging and dying at the same time.

Thus when the battle of the said Demon Lord and the last survivors of Humanity happened, it was just so coincidentally right above the research facility Paul was in.


After weeks of tireless battles all that was left were four beings, the 'Hero', the 'Mage', the 'Warrior' and last but not the least the so called 'Demon Lord' which was just the strongest Feral one in the whole world. They all stood disheveled and worn out as all around them was a sign of destruction and despair.

And like every other story they used the forbidden 'talk-no-jutsu' and 'power of friendship' but all was for naught as the Demon lord dragged them all and made a last ditch attempt by exploding his very essence like a 10,000 ton atomic bomb.


This show had entertained those that watched by and gloat at the frailness of human life but this just so happens to awaken Paul in his own Cryogenic Chamber thus led to the events that transpired of him making a wish.



{By your wish of wanting to live with no fear of death and the end you will be given {Zombieman's body} an un-aging body as well as bodily restorative properties that will make you recover to you initial state no matter what, this also includes immunity in powers that take away your life force.

As well as insuring that your soul is indestructible even by Anti-matter and oblivion rendering no possible means of damaging or destroying your soul, if ever you pass/die by being destroyed down to the last atom your soul will still be able to retain memories even if you get reincarnated and still have all the abilities you gain from hereinafter.

As side effect of the strengthened soul you shall show a various degrees of psionic powers related to mental strength like telepathy, telekinesis, Mind-control and you would be immune to all powers related to the mind reading and mind control.}


{By you wish to travel around where you want you have been granted (Omniversal Walker)- which will make you go to any reality you want as well as be able to make portals in places you have been at command.

In most cases you would just travel instantaneously as long as the desired destination has been within your knowledge or has been present to said destination in the past. Another advanced version of this power is that you could also travel to another world or reality at will but this needs some form of concentration and visualization onto where you desire to travel.}


{Lastly as you wished to be a (Might Guy)- you shall be given all the knowledge and experience of the said person even if he is not of this Universe's habitant. Since this wish is so simple, a bonus of being able to learn things easily for you and be able to adapt in extreme circumstances is given as well as have a large amount of said 'chakra' within you body.}


{And since your wishes barely used the full extent of the power of the Well of Wishes then you shall be given an extra gift for your tenacity of surviving the trials of this world. You will be given a 'cloak' to hide you from prying eyes so the Cosmic Energies would have time to meld to your being. And a 'shield' so no one could replicate your skills or powers even with copying skills or experiments}


{As this world is on its brink of destruction, the small remaining cosmic power will be used to propel you to another world of your choosing.}


"H-huh?" Paul was stunned as he watched the desolation of the land around him. He was still dizzy from his sudden awakened state but his body was slowly getting better as his gait looked imposing and strong standing there all alone within the empty land.


"He-hehe-hehehe…" Paul chuckled as he felt sadness wash all over him as he realized he was all alone in the world not even paying attention to the voice that was in his head. Looking at the vast expanse that was his home he smiled in forlorn sadness thinking himself to be a coward and a really useless being.


"*Sigh*How marvelous, I am all alone…." Paul smiled depreciatingly as he felt tired and drowsy all of a sudden. But before he could he heard that voice he was hallucinating earlier say.


{You have chosen the world of Marvel, sending you in 3..2..1.}



"WHO MADE THE WISH!?" a deafening voice was heard all over the world but sadly no one would be able to answer as the last living human being in the world vanished without a trace.



[New York]


In a secluded alley, a rift in space appeared and threw a man in hospital gown to a trash can sending garbage all over the place. A homeless man was stunned at the sudden appearance of a man in the alley making him look like a deer in headlights as the rift closed in front of him.


"It's the end of the World!! Armageddon is here!! They are coming thought our walls and they will take all of us as slaves!! AGH!!!!" The Homeless old man suddenly went to run and rant about the end of the world like he was given a epiphany by the rift he just saw.


"*groan* Wh-what the hell was that?" Paul felt like his whole body ached from the sudden change of environment as he was dizzy from the warp that brought him here. Standing up wobbly he felt his senses going back but he noticed a difference, he could feel his line of sight slightly changed and his body felt more 'powerful' in his senses.


He could perceive things around him differently from what he could have before he was sick and dying but now he felt warmth and energized like he could run for dozens of miles and not sweat a drop. Walking forward he could see, feel, hear and smell the city all around him and even if seemed too detailed he did not feel overwhelmed but rather alert.


"This….this is trippy…" Paul said as he looked around the street after he went out of the alley and he could still hear the homeless man from earlier running about and screaming End of Days stuff. Looking closely he could recognize the buildings from afar and came up with an answer but he still could not understand why he was here.


"New York." Paul was certain that the hustling and busting atmosphere around him was Manhattan Island itself as the people around him seemed to not care of his appearance at all being dressed like a patient. He stood there feeling all sorts of sensation that was so foreign to him yet also understood that whatever brought him here changed him somehow.


Looking around he could see the top of the Empire State Building with his eyes but somehow he felt that this was not the world that he knew of. Even when he was sick and weak he still had access to the internet and the world he had was more advanced and developed compared to this place.


It was such a weird feeling for him but he just walked around looking skeptical as he took in whatever he could from his new enhanced sense. From the whispers that were audible to him even hundreds of meters apart and the argument that was inside the apartments within the building he was near.


"It's 2007? Did I travel back in time? But things are different here, George Bush is still President while in my time John Kerry won. I think this might be another reality altogether…." Paul was skeptical as he gathered more what he could while being unsure himself as he knew this was not how he usually is.

Right now he felt like he was some sort of veteran in Battles gathering info anywhere he goes, it was then he could feel that this came from the experience he gained from the persons called Might Guy and muscle memory from Zombieman.


Not sure how he knew but he just does and he has their years of fighting and techniques instilled into him. There was also a subconscious feeling that he could travel anywhere he wants if he willed it.

And as he was walking he was able to pickpocket small amounts of money from richly dressed people walking the street then made way to a small shop and was able to buy some clothes.


As soon as he was dressed he walked in a manner that looked normal but his senses made him aware of the various cameras around and his path as well as changed his angle of walking in times needed to hide his face. Paul was still listening around him and felt everything was really novel and new to him as he walked on the bustling city of New York.


He was sure that he had really changed drastically because he knew that he was neither secret agent as he somehow is able to do these actions of his in a calm collected manner nor was he a master thief that he now has hundreds of dollars in his new wallet.

But he could not ask as to how he is now like this because somehow he already knew the answer that the light that engulfed him changed him in many ways he could think of and now he is sure he is a super powered person.

"Well Shit, what now?" Paul was lost as he was never an ambitious person to begin with and having these powers in him made him feel that he was just a purposeless nuclear warhead standing in the sidewalk like an idiot.


"Maybe I should find a place to crash first." Paul was feeling hungry as he decided to have a roof over his head first. Right now he has an idea who were Zombieman and Might Guy are cause if the skills he knew in his mind were to be taken note of then these two were anime characters and somehow he now has their every skill and experience as well as powers.


"*Chuckle* So I am now undying huh?" Paul smiled as he walked to a KFC restaurant and ordered three buckets of chicken and started gorging on his own. His actions made many look at him in different ways but some were more impressed at his appetite as one bucket was emptied in a matter of minutes.


"Daym, this n*gga be hungrier than them homeless mof*ckers out there!" Paul Heard a voice of an African American guy while his friends also looked at Paul in amazement and they too felt this was a challenge to them.


"N*gga we can't let some Asian looking Cracker beat us in eating chicken, eyy! Call Biggie John here! We got competition!!" Another guy hollered at some people outside and not the restaurant got crowded in a few minutes making many people feel the need to snoop around on what's happening.

Soon a large tall Black man about 250 pounds of pure muscle sat in front of Paul with four buckets then started eating.


"I'm gonna show you how to delete these fried chickens boy!" said the big guy.


"Aight, bet." said Paul as he was interested in this then remained silent as he had not talked to another person for such a long time.

Even if he was in Cryogenic State before he still has some sort of conscious mind taking in the details of the outside. Even if the cold would make him asleep for most of the time he still got about a few weeks of time semi-conscious state.


He did not mind their rude actions a bit as he could tell that they were just teenagers being excited and energetic about many things.

As they started eating the other friends of the black guy widened their eyes when Paul ordered two more Buckets and sat back to the table and resumed eating while smiling.


"Oooh… this cracker accepting the challenge!" The other guys got excited as they never got some action for some time and things like this made them excited. The bug guy also ordered another bucket making them have five buckets each.


[30 minutes later]








The restaurant became lively as the people around became more curious and saw a table where two person kept eating chicken and there were ten empty buckets besides them. The first Big Guy already tapped out on his sixth bucket but Paul Kept eating and bought more buckets smiling smugly to the other men in the room making another large fried of the first one take his place.


"Okay okay break it up what is the matter here?! I got a report of a disturbance in this restaurant?!" A black policeman and his partner went in seeing the crowd forming inside.


"But look here man! This guys just downed Biggie John and now another brotha took his place to beat this guy!" A teenager said as he pointed at the table where a lot of people gathered.


"Beat him in what?" asked the partner of the policeman.


"Eating chicken!" Answered the teenager excitedly.


"Huh?" The policeman looked at his partner skeptically and they walked in more to see what was happening. And after seeing the buckets and the plate of chicken bones they went wide eyed when they saw the man they were competing was a white guy with Asian features.

But the thing that made them look at each other weirdly is that the guy still looked relaxed as he downed another chicken while the other guy on the table looked like he was starting to sweat.


"*Radio chatter* Uhmm, I think we need an Ambulance here along with a few EMTs in 1922 3rd Avenue immediately." Said the policeman to his radio as he looked at the large muscle groaning on the side.


"*Radio Chatter* Is someone injured? Do you also need back-up officer?" the radio responded.


""Uhmm, negative. Just the Ambulance and make sure they bring something for indigestion." Said the policeman and looked at his partner. "Go to the one who reported this, it seems that the Manager of the restaurant doesn't mnid."


"How would you know?" Asked the partner.


"See that guy there cheering, that's the manager. Look around, the staff is also here while the only ones busy are the ones cooking the chicken in the kitchen and the counter." The policeman could tell that this was just some childish actions made by these local thugs but not much could be done if there were no crime to be done. He could see his partner talking to a white woman with a child acting scared at the group of black men on the corner making noise.


"HOLY SHIT HE'S STILL GOING!! WHERE DOES HE PUT THESE CHICKEN?!" The group got rowdy again as the white guy was on his eleventh bucket.


"God damn." The policeman was looking at the guy still eating comfortably as he also became one of the spectators standing beside the manager and soon his partner joined him.


[30 minutes later]


"B*tch no way! This is just impossible!! This guy can't be human? The human body could hold only a few pounds of food but form the buckets he already ate about over 30 pounds!" The EMTs looked like they discovered a dinosaur as they saw Paul relaxing on the seat while four guys already were sent to emergency rooms after being filled with too much fried chicken.


Outside the restaurant a crowd also formed watching from the windows as they too joined in the show happening inside.


"Damn, is this guy going for the world record or something? This guy is relentless!" said the policeman as he sipped on a diet coke while watching. But everything went to stop as Paul stood up making the black guys look at him in awe but also curious what will he do next.


"OK guys, this has been fun but I think I'll have to finish Lunch for now. If you guys wanna do this again then I'll be up for the challenge next weekend here same time my treat." Paul smiled as he pulled out a few hundreds to pay for all the chicken that was eaten.


"Man you are a beast man!! A beast!!" the guys around him jumped around hyping up the atmosphere.


"Man, I'll be back to get you dude, we ain't letting no white ass Asian looking boy beat us in eating chicken!! Peace out bro!" Another guy said but in a more friendly challenging way towards Paul.


"Yeah, next week we be pulling them big guns on you so better be prepared cause we bringing them hungry n*ggas here!! Till later beast!!" one guys said while giving Paul a fist bump.


"Aight, see you later." Paul smiled but he turned towards the Manager and said. "Sorry for the trouble I did back there, it was just fun eating and enjoying it at the same time."


"Hahaha, no problem, I'll even reserve a large corner for you guys if you want!!" The Manager was happy cause this was good publicity for his business as he shook Paul's hands.


"Hold on for a minute there, you better make sure no one causes trouble here or I'll be onto your guys asses if any problems rise up here." The policeman said as he walked towards Paul looking at him like some sort of magical creature as he saw no indication that Paul seemed full.


"No problems officer, you know those guys won't cause trouble to the ones cooking their favorite chicken in the neighborhood." The Manager said smiling as the black guys earlier were his best customers but now it was Paul.


After leaving the fast food restaurant, Paul was feeling energetic even after eating a lot of food. But as he was about to walk further he was something that made him pause, it was not something drastic or anything but just a simple poster and all it said was something he was processing for the moment.


[STARK industries now announces in their press conference for their new product, the Jericho Missile]

(A/N: Chapter has been editted, some typos and wrong names I wrote.)

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