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33.33% American Fox / Chapter 12: 12

Kapitel 12: 12


Yujiro Hanma is a very cruel and arrogant man. He shows no mercy towards  anybody, as he views mercy as a 'weak' trait.  He loves to fight and cause destruction to anything and everything he can. His whole life and mindset is dedicated to nothing but fighting and growing stronger with each person he defeats, sometimes killing them. He tends to kill people if pushed or enraged enough, and does not show care or remorse when doing so. He will also kill for pleasure or satisfaction when he feels like it. He has a deep resentment for those who are weak, and does not even think it's worth killing them. He desires for his son Baki to become strong like him, so he can enjoy a challenging fight with him, as if Baki is a toy to him.


Yujiro is also very brutal, as shown when he ripped Ryu Kaioh's face off, and then slammed his skinless face onto the stone floor. Another example would be when he killed his own wife, Emi Akezawa, by rupturing her eardrums, and then breaking her spine. He is a very arrogant man, believing, (and knowing as well) that he is the strongest living creature on Earth, and he feels inclined to do whatever he wants, with no one being able to stop him. He views everyone else as being insects compared to him, and seeing them as "the weak". He has a mental framework that thinks that everything should be obtained with pure strength alone. He does not believe in using weapons, as his body is the ultimate weapon which proves to be more effective and deadly than any kind of other weapon or technology. Since his fight with Baki went viral, Yujiro is annoyed to find that he has gained unwanted fans, and has referenced several young children asking for his autograph since the fight. 


Then while he was walking into the White House to enjoy the service there, he suddenly was blinded by a flash of light. When he regained his sight he found himself still in front of the White House but it looked different, he looked around to see that his surroundings look to be something out of those films that take place in the past. He quickly found himself surrounded by Secret Service agents, he was about to fight when a man who looks like Teddy Roosevelt poke his head out of the window asking what's going on down there. One of the agents said that an event had happen and an out worlder appeared. T.R. told them to bring him in and explain things to him.


Once inside and in the dining room one of the agents explained to Yujiro what happen to him and the world he's in now. Which Yujiro after learning what he needed to know just shrug his shoulders of being trap in another world. He's still the strongest there is and he sees that in this world with other beings from other worlds appearing would give him fights that he's been looking for. But first he had to talk with T.R. and explained somethings to him and how it worked in his world. And to show him that he's dealing with the strongest creature on this world.


That was the plan, anyways.


The front doors of the White House open by some secret service agents as Yujiro was thrown out of the building by Teddy. After Yujiro explain things to Teddy he asked him if he even tested out if his powers even still worked like they did in his world. Which Yujiro responded by doing an ax kick on Teddy's desk breaking it in two, but doing so broke Yujiro's leg. Seeing his desk broken Teddy rush Yujiro and began beating him with his fist, saying that as a guest he has worn out his welcome. (1)


"I'm stronger then this," Yujiro said as he struggled to get up. The beating that Teddy gave him shock him as he never felt pain like this before. 


"Didn't you even hear the fact that things like magic and spirit power and stuff like that doesn't work in this world. Even those who still have their powers quickly find out that things don't just work out for them like back in their world. Like the last person who tried what you did Bomb Queen," Teddy said. 


"Bomb Queen?" Yujiro asked. 


"Bomb Queen was a supervillainess who in her own words said to have eliminated and banned all superheroes from New Port City, which she rules as a hedonistic and 'benevolent' dictator, keeping her subjects happy with "bread and circuses" in the form of zones where people can do whatever they want, provided they can survive there. The rest of the United States of her world had initially tolerated Bomb Queen because New Port City's reputation drew all manner of unsavory types out of the rest of the country, and to it. When she found herself in this world, she came to my office and explained things to me and how things are going to work under her. She thought that I would just back down and do what she wanted like how she was use to in her world. She started throwing energy bombs as she called them around till, I shot her in her throat which she acted like it never would had worked, she didn't even tried to dodge. She wore next to nothing leaving her entire body exposed and thought that I would just miss or take my time allowing her to hit me first. She died choking on her own blood," Teddy explained to him. (2)


"You took me by surprise but...," Yujiro didn't get to finish as he was tasered by one of the secret service agents knocking him out. 


"Take him away and charge him with assault. Some years in jail and seeing where he stands in this world should knock him down a peg or two," Teddy said to the agents who cuffed Yujiro and dragged him away to wait for a paddy wagon to haul him to jail. 




Austria-Hungary empire - 


In Wallachia in 1455, a young woman named Lisa who wishes to be a doctor seeks out Vlad Dracula Tepes, a vampire with advanced scientific knowledge. Intrigued by her courage and ambition, Dracula agrees to teach her, while she in turn offers to help him reconnect with humanity. The two eventually fall in love and marry. Twenty years later (1475) in the town of Târgoviște, Lisa is burned at the stake after a Bishop discovers scientific equipment in her home and accuses her of witchcraft. 


That what would had happen if it wasn't for an event that took the surrounding area around Targoviste to another world. Where it appeared near a Austria-Hungary army base. Sighting the middle-age looking town suddenly appearing the base sent in soldiers to investigate and found the local Bishop ordering the burning of a woman saying that she's a witch. The captain in charge of the group of Austrian soldiers shot the Bishop dead when he tried to light the fire. Seeing the death of the Bishop took the fight out of the rest of the church soldiers.


Then Vlad Dracula Ţepeş came having suddenly found most of his powers gone, he could still transform into a manbat like creature and flew to the town. Where he saw the Austrian soldiers freeing his wife Lisa from the stake. The Austrian captain shouted for his men to stand down after Lisa told him that the manbat creature is her husband. 


After talking things out Dracula and Lisa were taken back to the army base where everything is explained. How they ended up in another world where many beings like Dracula suddenly found all or most of their powers gone. And he's not the first vampire or even the first Dracula that had appeared in this world either. The vampires came from different worlds and all came in different types. Some vampires have a moral code and are aware of all the suffering their bloodlust can cause, so they go out of their way to not kill humans. They find other sources of blood such as animals (often cattle) or blood banks, or restrict their sources to serial killers and other unsavory types, or draining the victim to an extent that  they're not at risk of dying. This often has drawbacks: The blood either might not be fresh or tastes unpalatable compared to (innocent) human blood. Even today the different groups that deal with beings from different worlds automatically kill the vampires who only feed off of humans just because they like the taste. 


"I heard of such things happening but this is the first time it has ever happen to me," Dracula said to the commander of the army base, Major Yore.


"Well you can think of this as a new leash on life for you and your wife," Major Yore said. "Any children?"


"Yes but it looks like our son didn't make the trip with us," Dracula said knowing how this will effect Lisa. "How is my wife?"


"She's still in the medical ward being treated," Major Yore said. 


"Tell me what do you want from me? Magic is no longer something that I can do anymore. I heard of worlds like this one where no matter who or what you, you become either mortal with no powers or in my case losing most of my powers," Dracula said. 


"Knowledge for one seeing how you know of worlds like this one. We're still not sure why portals are opening to other worlds or why most beings lose their powers. It does seem that magic doesn't work in this world as well as other powers that are like magic. With only those two magic space wizards in the Americans having their powers. As well as the American royal family having the current empress Barbie Norton having the power to summon doubles of her from different worlds out of her mind, and her daughter Sunset who has the power of telekinesis the strongest that I have ever seen," Major Yore said. 


"Now that's something that, I haven't seen in my long centuries of life," Dracula said. 


"Well get use to it while you're here," a man said entering the room dress as a general. 


"You're ancient... older then anyone, I have ever met before," Dracula said sensing something from the man. And what he got was the feel of being in the presents of an ancient being.


"I should, seeing how in my world. I was born long before the first vampire even showed up. At least in my world that is," the man said walking to the now empty chair that Major Yore was sitting on till he got up and left the room. "The name is Vandal Savage. I was born in my world about 110,000 years ago give or take, I stop counting. From a tribe of neanderthal men a cousin of you modern humans when there were still other branches of the human family tree around. Like how donkeys and horses are from the same family tree. One night I bore witness to a meteor shower passing through the Earth's atmosphere. One of the celestial stones fell into the valley where my tribe made its home. While the rest of the tribe shirked back in terror from the glowing stone, I stepped forward. The night was very cold, and the stone was warm. I slept next to the stone all night, only to wake up to discover myself changed both physically and mentally, evolved beyond my fellows. It was not until decades later that I realized the other part of the transformation. I had become immortal, prefect immoratally where nothing can kill me and nothing can ever effect me for long. My world is full of super science, magic, alien technology, even gods and demons. All of them tried and nothing could kill me or changed me. Now in this world I'm working Austria-Hungary empire."


"I'm surprise someone like you are serving under someone else," Dracula said.


"I'm no longer the man I was once in my world. Conquest and ruling no long something that I'm interested in. In this world I'm helping the human race to expand and be better then the ones in my world. I know so much and picked up so many things that I'm now running a school to past down my knowledge instead of just hoarding it all to myself. I spoke to your wife and learned how you had masted electric lights and other sciences. That you just hordes to yourself till she convinced you to share it with her. I understand that your world is in what we called the dark ages. In today's world you won't be called a witch for studying science," Vandal said.


"I already know you been sent here to deal with me if it comes to it," Dracula said.


"Of course after all I have killed many different counterparts of you in the past. Wouldn't do for a plague of vampires going around and setting all what I help built be destroyed. Luckily it seems that unlike in many worlds vampires can rarely turn people of this world into vampires. And the ones who can turn end up with mostly mindless monsters who need to feed daily or starved to death. Blood is mostly water after all so a turned vampire needs to drink a human dry just to get the nutrient they need as many times being turned caused the body to change. Needlessly to say most vampires who end up in this world suddenly find themselves starving to death. Well the ones who only feed on humans anyways. The ones I know have switched to animal blood like cows seeing how much more blood they get and less likely to have a hunter after them," Vandal said. (3)


"Hunters here?" Dracula asked.


"You're lucky that you came when you did. A few years ago hunters would have been doing their best to kill you. Many hunters had a kill on sight mindset in dealing with beings from other worlds. I did what I can but I can only be in so many places, saved those who I could. And they have kept records in how they dealt with beings from other worlds. And as I said you're not the first Dracula that has come to this world. Even those who still had most of their powers, the hunters have dealt and have ways in handling them. They have been doing it long before I came like you to this world about a hundred years ago. They mostly just aim at the head seeing how it works in this world unlike in many others," Vandal explains.


"If the other vampires are like me. Losing our heads isn't that much of a problem," Dracula said.


"You should know that regrowing heads doesn't work or as it would like in other worlds. It works for me but I'm a special case. For most they just end up dead or completely mindless," Vandal said.


"Mindless?" Dracula asked.


"Memories, everything that made you who you are sitting right in front of me, is all stored in your brain. In this world there is no spirit realm, ghost realm or anything like that. This world doesn't support souls and they can't exist in this world. Which means when the brain is destroyed even if the being can regenerate their heads, it doesn't matter. As regeneration doesn't restore memories, for the new brain is just that a new brain. Like replacing a book you have been writing in with a new blank one. All the old memories and experiences that the old brain held are all simply gone, and nothing can bring it back as there is nothing in the new brain that's from the old one. I personally seen beings like you reduced to a mindless beast not knowing nothing but pure instinct of a wild beast. As you can imagine many beings who can regrow their heads from nothing don't ever want to learn the hard way if they would keep their memories if their heads are destroyed. I learned that the hard way and luckily still have my memories. And so far no one else has been lucky," Vandal said. He could see that Dracula is using a good poker face but he's been alive long enough to see someone sweating.


"I see," Dracula said worried now. He's been hit in the head before and his head healed back regrowing lost pieces. But if what Vandal is saying is true, one hit in the head that destroys it... he'll lose everything that made him, him. (4)


"This is a world where you and your wife can start anew. As for now there isn't a way to open portals to other worlds. Many have tried but those with devices that can open portals in their worlds, either don't work or something else keeps portals from forming in this world. So we're all struck here till the world becomes advance enough for someone to build a machine to do so. Which thanks to the Americans who instead of hunting down, killing or destroying beings and objects from other worlds. Have instead embraced beings from other worlds who have knowledge and skills that advanced them and studying the objects to learn from them. Something that I have been pressing for a very long time with the empire I'm working for to do. Which is why many countries are doing what they can to get outworlders as they call us to work for them, going so far as disbanding old die hard hunter groups or outright killing them," Vandal said.


"Are you just waiting for the humans to open a portal to your world?" Dracula ask.


"There's that but I am hoping to stay around an watch the humans of this world advance and travel to the stars. As I said I'm through in conquest as that matters little in the end. You see in my world, I created a gravity altering device, killed the members of the Justice League a group of heroes. But the device destroyed the delicate gravity balance that keeps all the planets in the solar system in balance, turning the sun red and destroying the Earth, leaving me the only man alive. I saw all the other immortals dying or taking their own lives, ghosts and such fading away, gods and demons also fading as there weren't anymore mortals to keep them around. I spent the millennium's that followed growing insane from the solitude. During this time, I started to rethink my plans for world domination, and started rebuilding the Earth. Among my project was a spaceship to visit other worlds. However I abandoned this plan, feeling it should be my punishment. Being alone with nothing but yourself and what creatures survived, left me with enough time to rethink of my past actions and reflect on my past sins. Which is why in this world, I will do what I have to, so that life be preserved. The beings with kill everything and life is worthless mindset, can only think of that way because they don't have to life to see what happens afterwards or live in the world they created like I did for 30,000 years till a portal open and took me here," Vandal explains to a stun Dracula.


"You destroyed your world?" Dracula asked after he took much time in gathering his thoughts.


"Yes in my goal to take it over. You being immortal if you were to do something like, I did would have to live in an empty world. But unlike me you can just kill yourself to end it," Vandal said. 


"What now?" Dracula ask.


"We wait till the doctors say it's ok for your wife to travel and then we head for Lonely Mountain," Vandal said.


"I just realized something. How did you get here so fast?" Dracula said as he and his wife have only been in the army base for about an hour before Vandal showed up.


"I used a flying machine called an air ship to get here, that flies by a jet engine. It's something that Lonely Mountain makes," Vandal said. 


"A flying machine?" Dracula ask.


"The ones who made it are dwarves who are known for their craftsmanship," Vandal explains.




Elsewhere -


Much has changed for the dwarves of Erebor built underneath Lonely Mountain, ever since coming to this world. The dwarves of Lonely Mountain are ruled by king Thror of the Durin's folk, whose line of the throne is secured by his son Thrain II and his grandson Thorin II. They became indebted to the Austria-Hungary empire after their army aided them in killing the great dragon who attacked their mountain home. 


Vandal Savage learning of a mountain suddenly appearing quickly got his soldiers to the mountain city before any of the other hunters could get there. They lured the dragon into the great hall where cannons and gatling guns were setup along with what energy weapons Vandal could secured and brought to the mountain city. Vandal spoke to the dragon whose name is Smaug and leaped into his mouth setting off the grenades he had on him. It wasn't enough to kill the dragon but left him stun and weaken from the blast. He was finished off by the cannon fire and energy weapons. Now his skull is now on display in the hall where he died, mounted above the golden statue. 


The dwarves learned how their home was transported to another world where magic can't exist. King Thror met with the ruler of the Austria-Hungary empire Franz Joseph I and stamped out a deal for Lonely Mountain to become a vassal kingdom of the Austria-Hungary empire who will remain independent, with their own laws and arm forces but will follow the laws of the empire. There was a lot of meetings before the final draft was made for a treaty to be signed that both sides could agree to. 


Now the dwarves are still getting use to their new world but have taken to working in a factory like a fish to water. They eagerly learned the workings of the new machines and other technologies related to construction and metal works. The dwarves are hired out to work around the empire as stonemasons, construction workers, and factory workers. Others are hired as jewelers, and fine craftsmanship workers, some dwarves took to banking and other money making business thanks to the influence of dwarves who came to live at Lonely Mountain who all came from different worlds. The Lonely Mountain Bank backed by the throne of the mountain it's based in, quickly became a financial powerhouse, where many across Europe did their business at, with some countries getting loans from them.


Thanks to the vast amount of gold, silver, copper, gems and other metals found under Lonely Mountain. Along with the work skills of the dwarves made Lonely Mountain the richest city in the world. And secured as the dwarves using the new weapons of the world they found themselves in have built gun and cannon turrets all over their mountain home. Every single way of attacking their mountain was taken into account and defenses were built to counter. With such defenses many people had valuable items ship and kept in the vaults of the mountain. And to buy the machines and other technology wonders coming out of the factories.


While the Untied States were still in the lead in advancements in technology thanks to so many outworlders coming to live there. Austria-Hungary empire was in second place thanks to the mind of Agatha Clay who is a tall long haired buxom woman who in her world is a spark. A spark is someone who gets ideas and can learn faster then normal people. She's just as beautiful as she is brilliant, being able to grasp and figure out technologies from different worlds and how to make them. She helped in making the factories that dotted around the mountain with some help from people who came from a future world of the world she's living in who had worked in factories before ending up in this world like her. And is the wife of Thorin II and is expecting the new heir of the throne in a couple of months. She's the one who upgraded the defenses and created an army of Clanks, robot soldiers to help in defense of the mountain. 


Now that she's with child her husband Thorin and her father in law and grandfather have been pressing her to take it easy. So she took advantage of her current state and is studying the the Arkenstone the crown jewel of the mountain. It's a gem that shone of its own inner light, and appeared a little globe of pallid light in darkness, and yet, cut and fashioned by the Dwarves, it took all light that fell upon it and changed it into ten thousand sparks of white radiance, shot with glints of the rainbow. 


"I finally get to study this gem and it's just a glowing gem," Agatha said to herself as she looks at the gem on a table of her lab and workshop. 


"What did you really expect? It might had magical powers while in the other world but here it's just a glowing gemstone," Holo said. She is a wolf spirit who hides in wheat. After watching over a town for several  hundred years she leaves after they develop new agricultural methods  and convert to a new religion, considering herself no longer needed. Then she and a traveling merchant she was traveling with Kraft Lawrence found themselves in this world. Kraft is now working with the other dwarf merchants while Holo helps out with identifying beings from other worlds as she still has some of her wolf senses. 


"Better just put it back on the throne before grandfather storms in here," Agatha said. 


"You're just lucky that you're carrying his great grandchild," Holo said. 


"Did you come for something?" Agatha asked.


"We got another Dracula," Holo said.


"Not another one. What is he like this time?" Agatha asked. 


"Vandal went to see him and his wife," Holo said. 


"Wife?" Agatha asked.


"Yes and a human one," Holo said. 


"Well that's different," Agatha said. 


"We do see different kinds of vampires. Remember the vampire fly and her maggots?" Holo said. 


"Don't remind me. She was gross, but it does make more sense for a insect being a vampire that feeds on blood then a bat," Agatha said. (5)


"Hopefully he will be different from all the other Draculas we have met," Holo said. 


"And that Alucard be able to control himself. The last fight he had with a Dracula nearly killed him. He still forgets that in this world his regeneration needs energy to work and he needs to feed alot for that," Agatha said. 


"He is careful in keeping his head intact. He doesn't want to test if he keeps all of his memories if he has to reform his head," Holo said. 


"Speaking of beings from other worlds. How are the were-cats doing?" Agatha asked. The were-cats made up of many different species of cats were found inside of a castle owned by a mage named Iceron. The were-cats are a slave race for their creator, who made all the were-cats highly attractive, with males being muscular and females busty.  (6)


"They're doing fine and learning the ropes around here. There are some people asking if they get bitten would they become werecats," Holo said.


"I already checked that and the transformation being magical in nature. Seems that only way to be a werecat is being born as one. Or till I come across a machine that would allow me to make someone into a werecat," Agatha said. 


"At least they control themselves unlike many other werecreatures we have seen. Not to mention that most werewolves we have seen wereforms are just big wolves with no control of themselves," Holo said. 


"Aren't you one yourself?" Agatha ask pointing to Holo's wolf ears and tail.


"I was never human to begin with. All the werecats were human slaves," Holo said. 


"How are the werewolves doing?" Agatha asked.


"Most of them are jealous of them being able to control themselves instead of us having to lock them up, when they're in their mindless beast form. Not to mention the ones who still retain their own minds, though with predatory instincts," Holo said. 


"Well there is William Corvinus's pack who can transform at will, the older ones at least," Agatha said.


"And that the first transformation has them going into a berserk. I am interested in their form of werewolf, they're very long lived thanks to their regeneration powers. To bad that they have to eat so much just to keep healthy and that the virus is fatal to the humans here. It's good that they're the ones that can only feed on people and are happy to eat cows and pigs. The last ones were a pain to kill," Holo said. 


"As long as they can keep control of themselves. Erebor is a city of many races, the only one of its kind in all of Europe and the only other example besides the United States. We can't have people around who go in a blood lust craze," Agatha said. After Lonely Mountain appeared in this world many dwarves who came alone once they heard about a dwarf city headed for the city. There are many dwarves who came from other worlds who are now living in the mountain. Like Twaikin who was living in a place called Toran till he found himself here. Zunda a female dwarf who digs air holes to improve the ventilation of the city like she did in her world.


"Speaking of which how is the list you're making going?" Holo asked. 


Agatha just pointed to a nearby desk where Holo found a a book with hand written pages of the different races that live in Erebor. The ones listed are the ones with the large enough numbers to have a population that their race would continue in this world. Others didn't have the numbers or just one or two who couldn't interbreed with humans.


The Svirfneblins are a tribe of deep gnomes that were discovered living in an old mine. Now they're living at the bottom levels of the city as they're use to living deep underground someplace called Underdark. They're also not use to bright lights so when they're on the upper levels or in the rare cases outside they wear sunglasses. They work along side the dwarves in mining, being use to digging deep underground. There are also the humanoid mole people who lived along side with the smaller anthropomorphic mole race called the Dirt Clan. All three races made themselves at home in Erebor having lived underground in their world. 


Then there are the other races who live around the mountain as they didn't like living underground but do come in every now and then. 


The Creeping clan a race of anthropomorphic frogs who live in elegant, European-style luxury. They speak in faux-French accents and are uniformly laid-back and narcissistic. Members of this clan range from cooks and bards to professional fishermen. With the help of the dwarves they made their home near a river building a town, that runs near the mountain and is a trading hub. They also supply the mountain with fresh food from the trade ships, as the river connects to other rivers all the way to the sea. The river is also where the hydro plant is built where most of the electric power is created. 


Which is how the Manillo began appearing living in the town the Creeping clan lived in. The Manillo are a race of bipedal fish who are able to breathe while on land. A clan of traders, they boast that they will one day control the world's commerce. Their trade territory is any place that touches the sea and rivers that connects to the sea. The Manillo are notorious for their greed. And came from the same world as the Dirt and Creeping clan as well as another clan.


The Shell Clan are a race of large bipedal pangolins. They have the feet and ears of a rhino, along with some facial structure. They differ from each other slightly in size and color but always generally have the same features and characteristics: notably large size and the distinctive overlapping scales found on all pangolins. They also can roll into a ball similar to wild pangolins. They're mostly farmers who lived around the mountain and deliver fresh food to the mountain in exchange for tools. (7)


The Winged Horde, or Wingers, are beings that closely resemble humans, but instead have batlike wings and clawed feet. Despite the close resemblance, their relations with humans in their old world was tenuous at best. The Winged Horde has suffered many times at the hands of humans due to their expansionist policies. They have taken in living in the forest near the mountain or living in the mountain where they make good use of them being able to fly. They're used as a delivery service as the many walkways are hard to get where you want to go in a timely manner. 


Then there are the Minotaurus who are large and powerful, who are skilled in metal works like dwarves. Male Minotaurus look like traditional Minotaurs, complete with large size, muscled bodies, and a bovine head. Female Minotaurus, on the other hand, have female human heads and are much more slender. But they are still very large, have hoofed feet, horns and a tail, and very, very strong. They live in a village that houses factories where more specialized products are created with the newer machines that the humans have created, which create electronics. There is also the wind farms that also helps to create power for the factories. It's also where the train yard is that connects to the railroads that connect to the other countries. 


"I wish we get some aliens instead of just fantasy and magical out worlders around here. The Americans are getting all the good stuff," Agatha said.


"What do you mean by that?" Holo asked.


"Most of the people showing up here are from a fantasy and magic world setting like you. Where technology is rare or unheard of, with some exceptions like my husband's people. Who are advance but only slightly more then others with them not knowing what a steam engine is. And then there are the items which are mostly magical with some very rare exceptions here and there showing up. While the Americans have a entire crew of aliens with advance technology which they had for thousands of years and have refined in that time, with a working spaceship. While I have just some computers and the odd gizmo that I have already reverse engineered or have no idea how it even works. Then there's that astromech that came with the aliens. I would love to research and find out how it works," Agatha said. 


"What about the clanks you been making?" Holo asked.


"Sure they work but they're nothing compared to that robot. The ones that show up here are either in other country's hands or are like the clanks. And the ones that I have seen that are advance have rusted or damaged thanks to how old they are," Agatha said. 


"But you did learn how to build some of those machines from the future," Holo said. 


"Yeah but most of those are from about 50 to 100 years in the future," Agatha said as she walks over to a table with a VCR player on it. "The date this was made is in 1988. Which isn't as good as one of those DVDs or Bluerays." 


"Well you can always order one of those Protectron robots that Mr. House said that his company will be making," Holo said having heard about it on the radio during the news programs. It's only been a few months since he appeared and already making waves. 


"I already ordered one and now have to wait and see what I can do in the meantime," Agatha said. 


"Well you can always worry about being a mother instead," Holo said.


"I'm already doing that. All this stuff that I'm doing in working myself over on advance technology that seem to only appear in large numbers is in America is just to keep myself from thinking of what my life will be like when I'm a mother," Agatha said becoming overly emotional, again.


"Oh boy," Holo said not liking where this is going. 




Russia - 


In the Northeastern part of Siberia, a dropship came flying across the land scrap taking just an under a hour to travel from Groznyj Grad to the isolated valley. Talzin had talked with the emperor Nicholas II and had reached a agreement with him, in taking care of the creatures that came with the underground city of Polis which lies underneath Moscow. But for that she's going to need the services of the goblins, who are use to fighting underground. 


The valley she's traveling to is home to the Remnant, a group of natives who protected the Divine Source. Talzin had sense a large tear in the area of the valley, which is how she found the valley. The valley had been there for a very long time, with remains of a Soviet Installation as well as a Research Base that was built to mine the mountain for uranium. And underneath the ice sheet of the glacier is the lost city of Kitezh which was guarded by the Deathless Ones who once in this world were reduced to a pile of bones. The city was buried under the ice when the defenders of Kitezh turned their siege weapons on the mountains to bury the Mongol invaders. 


When Talzin got there with a group of her followers, they found the valley's natives fighting off the Trinity army that was sent to recover or destroy the Divine Source which in this world no longer had its power. After the leadership of the Trinity group was killed off the others surrendered as most were only in for the money which in this world no longer had value. She also found a young woman Lara Croft who was captured by Trinity when Talzin's group attacked. Who knew of her as in her world she's fiction in a series called Star Wars, which is nothing new to Talzin who became aware of some outworlders being nothing but fiction in some other worlds long ago. 


Underneath the ice her group discovered the still mostly intact city of Kitezh which had been taken over by the goblins of Misty Mountains who suddenly found themselves in caves that linked to the city. The goblins have created a network of branching caves and tunnels which stretches out from the mountain range. Most of the tunnels were carved by the Goblins, though they also incorporated per-existing caverns and passages. 


After displaying her power, in lifting the mass of ice that made the dome of the city is under, the Great Goblin and his horde fell into line. Their minds were easy to bend to her will and their skills in tunneling made them great miners. Which she had them dig the city free from the ice, giving the Remnant back their ancient home. 


The valley is now linked to Groznyj Grad by railroad and is an industrial center where resources are made. The goblins already clever in machines, create many resources from weapons to tools after the factories were made. Which in turn are sold to supply the goblins with the goods they need as well as the humans that live there with them. The city of Kitezh was rebuilt and serves as the major settlement where outworlders go and lived when they have no skills or abilities that would be useful at Groznyj Grad. There they either work at the farms, factories or other services to keep the city running. There are also green houses to supply the city with food during the winters. And power plants that uses the hot springs that litter the valley to produce power. In the 10 years since the valley appeared, it has grown into a city filled with beings from other worlds and humans of this world. 


Once the dropship reached the rebuilt Soviet Installation, Talzin was greeted by her two students Lara Croft and Nadia. They're not alone as Sofia the current leader of the Remnant is there with them. Lara had the force inside of her which allowed her to sense things that others couldn't and to see objects she wanted to see glow bright while the rest of the world turned grey in color. Which Talzin taught her to expand upon, allowing her to see things which only advanced force users could see with much training to do so, while she's naturally gifted. 


As for Nadia her force abilities tied closely to mind tricks and cloud people's minds. Something that she gotten from her grandmother Serafima who was a scientist who used the Baba Yaga legend to fight the Russian military long ago. She created hallucinogens from the pollen of a white flower, and had been refining the pollen of the flower for years. Nadia now wears the old costume that her grandmother had worn and use the refine pollen to strengthen her own force powers on others. 


Both she and Lara help train young students in learning to use their force powers. Talzin had search far and wide for those who have the talent and has trained many in the years since she had come to their world. The force was so raw in this world and different from the one she knew back in her galaxy. It had expanded her youth and lifespan greatly but she knows that either by violence or time will bring death to her, which is why she's been teaching whoever she could find who could use the force. She even taught males which her order didn't do but to make them into weapons. 


"Mother it's nice to see you again," her two students said. 


"As it is with you two. How are the students doing?" Talzin asked. 


"They're learning well mother," Lara said. 


"Many are ready to put their training to use," Nadia said. 


"Where is Rasputin?" Talzin asked expecting him to be here as well. Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin she had read about in the history books in Groznyj Grad, who had the power to bend people's will with his voice. The one she met was powerful in the force which his strength was in bending minds of others. The Mad Monk as some call him is one of her best students. 


"He's off dealing with an issue between the giants and the trolls. What mission is in store this time?" Sofia asked.


"The emperor has requested help in dealing with a infestation in Moscow. An underground city had appeared underneath the city. The city is Polis which is built using old metro tunnels," Talzin said.


"Wait metro tunnels... I remember it from a book series I read," Lara said.


"Then you are aware of the underground creatures that also live in the tunnels," Talzin asked. 


"Creatures that were transformed into mutant monsters that feed on the humans that live in the tunnels that are straight out of a nightmare. Yes, I am," Lara said.


"The Russian soldiers are doing their best to contain the creatures who are spreading through Moscow. Which is why the goblins are going to be leading the charge in killing off the creatures. The pest control over such a wide area will take sometime to complete. So I'll be going with you all to Mascow, with our strongest hand to show everyone our power," Talzin said. 


"Does that mean, Ratbag and Ranger group are coming too?" Nadia asked.


"The orcs?" Sofia asked.


"Now, now, they're not orcs they're uruks a different breed of orcs. They aren't the typical highly aggressive, unintelligent creatures that they are often portrayed as, but instead are portrayed as exactly what human beings can become when they are driven by fear, domination, and power. The Uruks were pushed to the extreme in their world, to the point where their society is ruled by power and in-fighting, a society where every Uruk wants to prove their dominance, where the strong can survive only by crushing the weak. It took me much time and effort to shape them into something more then what they were. Them and the Olog-Hais, weren't easy to handle. At least till, I got the women on my side showing them a better way of life and the men soon followed," Talzin said. 


"They do handle themselves well with the last bandit group," Lara said. 


"Are you going to be taking the graugs?" Sofia asked. The graugs are gigantic creatures who possess troll-like characteristics, namely massive claws and teeth to maul and devour their prey. Despite their supposed lack of intelligence, they are very difficult to bring down without any support, due to their gargantuan size and naturally armor-plated scales. 


"Of course not. Even with my own mount, having them around in a crowded city is just asking for trouble," Talzin said before turning to Sofia. "Also have a Mobile Construction vehicle be ready to leave with us." (8)


"What?" Sofia asked.


"It's a gift for the royal family to help bring Russia out of the stagnation it's in. All the other countries are embracing what the Americans showed can be done. But the church still has a tight hold on the country and things are slow to change for this country. So we're going to show the people of Russia what can be done thanks to what outworlders like us can do," Talzin explained. 




Japan -


The Dark Hand Research HQ is the greatest source of outworlder knowledge and items found in Japan. It's where all the items that weren't destroyed or hidden away has been kept throughout the centuries. Chiyo once she rose to a high enough rank in the Dark Hand began to gather all the high level technology found all into one place where they could be studied. She did what's she could in keeping the machines and people who knew who they worked and better yet the ones who actually knew how to make, repair said machines. 


Chiyo had to deal with many out worlders from worlds that seem to be build around letting some people there to get away with anything. Mostly high school girls who got away in blackmailing, destroying objects or buildings, beating and rapes thanks to one thing or another. Most of them were caught completely surprised that they actually got into trouble after they punched or hit with a heavy object a guy and calling them a pervert. Some cases the man was being a pervert but others weren't and others was the girl just over reacting from being stared at, as often times they wore revealing or next to nothing clothes. And they seem to not be able to understand that by dressing like that would just invite trouble and if they covered themselves more they wouldn't send the wrong kinds of messages. Often they look at her like she's the crazy one.


Chiyo saved those who she could, while others refused to changed till reality of their new world was slammed into their faces. Which was often the man they called pervert called the police on them, and in some cases the cops were called in after said man died from being hit with a heavy object. Not to mention those who came from rich families in their worlds and can't stand the idea that in this world that didn't matter and that they're poor in this world. With all what they had in their world and their social ranking meant nothing, causing many of them to snap. And that wasn't dealing with those idiots who thought that their fighting styles would allow them to get away with anything. Those types never survived long as they either get mobbed or shot. (9)


"Hi granny," Ranma Saotome greeted her as she walks into the lab. He is one of those rare martial artist who actually got the idea across his head that in this world the fighting styles he learned doesn't work as they did in this world. He liked being in this world as he had a magical curse that turn him into a girl with cold water, now he works as a agent for the research center. He heard about Naruto and wants to be like him, using modern weapons to track down and recover people and objects from other worlds. 


"Ranma how are things going?" Chiyo asked. 


"The egg heads are setting things up in repairing Motoko. They're pulling out just about everything from the vault just to do it. Just who is she anyways?" Ranma asked.


"Didn't you even listen to anything?" Abelia said appearing behind Chiyo.


"Well... I," Ranma said nervous around Abelia. 


"If it was up to me, I would use a whip on you till you're bleeding and half dead. Maybe then you would listen to what is said to you," Abelia said. 


"Now, now Abelia you know that kind of punishment is only when the one who didn't listen caused something really bad or a death," Chiyo said. 


"Really?" Ranma asked as he's only been here in this world for about a year now.


"Time to time we get someone who for one reason or another gets people killed or destroy something important," Abelia said.


"I had a man name Urahara be whipped to death because he kept things hidden till the very last moment instead of explaining things which would had saved the lives of many," Chiyo said.


"I can't stand people who don't listen to others like those girls that came with you, especially Akane," Abelia said.


"Well they have calmed down since they been in this world," Ranma said. 


"That's because of what I did to them to drive it into their heads that they can't act like did in their world," Abelia said. 


"What?" Ranma asked.


"After seeing Akane almost killing you with that hammer she had which put you into a coma for 6 months. I had Abelia whip Akane in front of the other girls as an example. Which is why they acted so different when you finally woken up," Chiyo explained.


"You did what?" Ranma asked shock in what the granny did to Akane.


"Don't give me that look. You're a harem guy with 4 girls who are in love with you and all four are more then willing to hit you with something that in this world can kill you. I seen plenty of men like you who have more then one girl after them ending up in this world and getting killed by one of their girlfriends. So I nip it right at the bud to show the four girls that came with you what will happen to them if they continue as they did. And them having to take care of Akane as she healed as well as taking care of you got that message across. Cruel and harsh yes but I seen too many such girls go and get themselves killed or worse because they think what they got away with back in their world still applies in this world," Chiyo explained before she walks off to the lab with Abelia, leaving Ranma deep in thought.


"You knew that his girls never told him that," a tall blonde woman said appearing next to Chiyo as she walked. She is Evangeline Athanasia Katherine Mc Dowell a vampire. Who in her world was stuck in the body of a 10 year old but in this world she transformed into a full grown adult. She came with her entire class and 10 year old teacher Negima at the time. That was about 8 years since they all came to this world.


"He would had learned it sooner or later. And I have grown to despise women like Akane, blaming others and never accepting that they're at fault. Especially when they think it's perfectly fine for them to hit others for even something that cause them to be embarrassed and get away with it," Chiyo said. 


"There are also men you know," Evangeline said. 


"Yes but it seems that most of the out worlders we get are often tsunderes with short fuses who think violence is the answer for everything," Chiyo said. (10)


"Yeah that's true," Evangeline said. 


"At least with you and your classmates never had to be discipline," Abelia said.


"Well it's more due to them being in shock and knowing that they likely never return to their homes," Evangeline said. 


"But unlike others they all been able to find a life for themselves here," Chiyo said as they entered the lab.


Inside are all the people from other worlds who are skilled in robotics. They had indeed brought out just about everything they had found over the years that are still in good condition and still works. All to rebuild Motoko to full power or at least as good as they could make her with what they have at hand.


There are 3 of Evangeline's old classmates inside the lab working on Motoko's body. There's Chachamaru Karakuri a robot who ran on magic power source fueled but was now running on a electrical battery. Thanks to Hakase Saotomi and Chao Lingshen both of whom worked together to get Chachamaru up and running once her magic powered battery no longer worked.


Then there is, Ikuyo Suzuki who was the head maid of the technology department of the Hanaukyo estate which is a very rich family in that world. Makimura Shiori who also worked as a maid who is also good in technology having built a robot nanny. Constanze Braunschbank Albrechtsburger from a magical world who went to a magic school for witches, who used technology with her magic to create complex gadgets and machinery. A highschool girl name Chie who has skills and knowledge in the field of robotics. Chiyo still doesn't get how people like them who are able to built robots didn't do more in their world if they could do that much at their ages. She is deeply against the idea to just horde all the knowledge away just so a small group can use it and once all those members of said group died off that's it and the knowledge has to be rediscovered.


Chiyo then spotted Yusei Fudo who in his world that is centered around a card game, coming in wheeling a cart with some more machine parts. He grew up in the slums of Satellite, but that didn't stop him from teaching himself mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to the point where he could build his own D-Wheel from the scrap and spare parts tossed away by the people of New Domino. Chiyo still can't wrap her head around the idea that a game is so big that everything in that world revolves around it. There are many out worlders like Yusei who found themselves here in this world's Japan and found that their game based world rules didn't work in this world. Which many ended up struggling to survive as many times many of them had no real skills beyond their game skills, which in this world has no real use. (11)


Entering the room behind Yusei is Fran Madaraki who is a Frankenstein type monster girl who is also a surgeon. She has six arms which helps in her line of work. She could do just about anything and in her words in her world is able to raise the dead. But here in this world that doesn't happen no matter what she tries, to her shame. What she use to be able to do in her world no longer worked. Fran is here to help attach Motoko's cyberbrain into her new body.


Fran came to the world with her sisters, Veronica who use to be able to pull weapons out of her body but no longer is able to in this world. And Gavrill who is a psychotic who's more then happy to eat humans, who can transform herself into a monster werewolf. But like her other sisters she could only transform herself so much before her body starts to strain and is in danger of breaking apart.


The 3 sisters are wild cards in the Dark Hand, thanks to how different they view the world. But with what they use to be able to do in their world now set to a low power setting, they're learning. As Chiyo made it clear to Fran that there is such a thing as worse then death. And how she use to act in her world won't be overlooked like harvesting organs from live people. If she does then she and her sisters would either be cut loose and they have to fend for themselves or be put to death depending on what they did. And seeing how they couldn't just be putted back together like they could in their world, death isn't cheap for them anymore. With Chiyo adding that their remains would be dump into an activate volcano where there's no chance of them returning alive. As it worked for a strange girl name Tomie who appeared suddenly who had a strange effect on men and women. Who could regenerate to the point where chopping her into pieces would result in a new Tomie from each, if they're place in water or are big enough for a mouth to form which allows the body part to feed. Till all of them were rounded up and thrown into a vat of molten metal and said vat dump into a lava pit. (12)


At the computer with the blueprints of the new body is Kazuya Saotome, a man in his late 20s who found himself with his apartment block in this world. He works in computers and robots for the Dark Hand. He came with his wife Kasumi who found herself with him alongside with the four cyberdolls or realistic robot women. May a robot maid, Rena a young cyberdoll with the body of a young girl, Kei who is said to have an IQ of 50,000 in human terms, and Mami who is a domestic genius and appears to be the oldest. All four of the cyberdolls are helping in what they can here and there.


The one leading the team is Juzo Kabuto who is a cyborg scientist who takes the appearance of an old man. He is working on the main body of Motoko, her other body parts are at the only work tables and once finish they would all be put together. Then the rubber skin will be placed on top of the metal frame, they still don't have the technology to make cyborg skin like what Motoko's world has. Motoko herself is in her wheelchair looking over the design of her new body.


"How long will it take?" Chiyo ask. 


"It be about a month or so before Motoko is up and walking again. They need to test out everything before they can put Motoko's brain into her new body," Evangeline said. 


"As long as it's done," Chiyo said. Wanting to repay the woman who saved her when she was all alone.




United States -


Adrian Veidt known in his world as the smartest man is meeting with Mr. House in his casino the Lucky 38. After finding himself in this world which he's still unsure of if it was due to a portal opening at random or it was Manhattan. Never less seeing that he's in a new world with nothing but the clothes on his back, he still had his mind. And that all the produces that his company Veidt Enterprises made, is all kept in his mind. Thank to him developing a photographic memory. With Spokehouse opening it's doors the same year he appeared he was able to make the right connections and has restarted his company. 


That's how he met with his three employees who work as aids for him. All three from a far future world of Earth that was like his world but different in some key places. First is Geeker who was intended to be the prefect lifeform. Doesn't quite take, thanks to his programing not being completed. He's effectively invulnerable, doesn't even need to breathe, can manipulate all matter, can intuitively understand technology, and is effectively immune to all disease, even bio-engineered ones. Lady MacBeth a short tempered cyborg with a bionic arm replacing her left arm. And her partner in crime Noah, a green baseball cap wearing intelligent tyrannosaurus rex. Both of them were just trying to steal some equipments but instead got Geeker. 


Geeker reminded Adrian of Manhattan if he was most like a cartoon. So much power which would allow him to do just about anything he wanted. But he has no clue in how to use his powers and does things at random. Adrian thinks that Geeker would be the only one right now who be able to open portals to other worlds, but only if he could use his powers right. The last time Geeker tried, he ended up turning himself into a... no it's best not to think about it.


As the four walked towards the main elevator one of the many robots that ran the casino rolled up to them. Adrian had studied the robots that Mr. House has as well as those robots that came onboard the Constitution, who came from the same world as Mr. House but in the far future. Something that Mr. House was very interested in and asked the robots if there was any information about him. Ironside and the rest of the robot crew had no information about him, to his disappointment. Adrian made note of that as he had seen blueprints from the robot station that showed a Robobrain, a robot that used a human brain as its CPU. It be one way that Mr. House could still be around in that future Ironside came from.


The casino is busy as being the only casino in Las Vegas right now. With Bolder Dam being built there are a steady stream of people coming and going from Las Vegas. Bringing new business and people into Las Vegas which Mr. House is spear heading with the new RobCo Industries HQ he had built along with a factory to build the machines and tools needed so he'll be able to build his robots. There's already per-orders with down payments for robots.


The robots of Mr. House sparked an interest in him, making him study everything he could get a hold of as well as looking over the robots around him like the one in front of him right now. The PDQ-88b securitron is a large, mono-wheel robot with a titanium alloy housing, resistant to shrapnel and small arms fire. The PDQ-88b securitron is heavily-armed: its left arm contains a Glastinghouse X-25 Gatling laser for medium range engagements, while its right arm contains a 9mm machine gun for close-range suppression and crowd control. However, these are only secondary weapons; concealed compartments in its shoulders contain M-235 missile launchers for long range and surface-to-air engagements and a rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system for close range engagements. The robots also have onboard auto-repair systems to repair any damage sustained from combat. Thus armed, a securitron can handle nearly any combat situation. The tv screen that serves as it's face showed the black & white picture of a cop's face. 


"Mr. Veidt, Mr. House is busy right now with an urgent matter and needs you to wait a few minutes before he can talk with you," the securitron said.


"At least we can enjoy ourselves with the casino," Lady MacBeth said walking over to the bar where a Mr. Handy is serving as the bartender.


"Well it's not like I would fit in the elevator anyways," Noah said joining Lady MacBeth at the bar. 


"Got any chocolate monkeys?" Greeker shouted at as he runs over to the robot bartender.


"Hi there," a female voice called out.


Turning to where the voice came from, Adrian saw a robobrain coming to him. Adrian looks over the new robot getting every detail. A robobrain moves on a tracked chassis (using dual 40 hydro-processor motors), either on a fixed or flexible mount. This is attached to a  sizable cylindrical torso with a reinforced glass dome on top, housing the central processing unit with the organic brain suspended inside. In addition, to use consoles, operate levers, or engage targets with weapons, they have two flexible manipulators, ending in four point claws, on the sides of their torsos. But this robobrain is different as instead of an organic brain in the glass dome, there's a small mouse controlling the robot from a control console. 


She has a pink nose and light blue eyes, with sandy blonde hair. She's wearing a pair of lavender mechanic coveralls, a purple belt, and a pair of dark purple goggles which she keeps on her forehead.


"Hi, I'm Gadget Hackwrench," the small female mouse greeted them, her voice coming from a speaker that translated her mouse voice to let humans understand her.


"A talking mouse. Well that's hardly the strangest thing I have seen," Adrian said. 


"Yeah this world is strange. None of the animals are able to talk like me," Gadget said. 


"You work here?" Adrian ask.


"Yeah, Mr. House hired me to help in designing new robots and that I'm able to get into small and hard to reach places helps alot," Gadget said. "I got the job after I redesign this robobrain to be a mecha for me."


"Do you know what is Mr. House is doing upstairs?" Adrian ask.


"Something about an event or something," Gadget said.


"I'll see," Adrian said wondering what's happening.




Elsewhere in United States -


Hope County in the state of Montana, appeared in this world a few days ago. It's a county with it's own war against a doomsday cult called Project at Eden's Gate. Which had been slowly taken over the county over the years, by buying most of the farmlands, the local radio station, and by paying off most of the staff of the local Sheriff force. It was when two US Marshals, a sheriff and his two deputies came to arrest Joseph Seed the leader of the cult. Though Joseph appears to go willingly when they make the arrest, the situation quickly escalates when the cult responds to the arrest with violence, and crashes the group's helicopter.


In the ensuing chaos, Deputy Hudson is captured, Deputy Pratt and Sheriff Whitehorse disappears, but Marshal Burke and the Deputy manage to escape the standoff, with Joseph calling for a manhunt to locate them. Following a botched escape attempt to leave the county on road, Marshal Burke is also captured by the cult, while the Deputy with the help of a local escape. Joining the Resistance in fighting the cult.


Then an event happen with the entire county appearing in the same place where it was in the other world. There some ranchers discovered county when mountains suddenly appeared where there was nothing before. The valley is no longer inside a valley as the western mountains are gone leaving a wide open grass plain in its wake. Where the ranchers rode in and left after talking with some fleeing locals who were no longer trap. They headed to the nearest town and called in help from the train station telegraph wires. 


Hearing this Spookhouse sent out air transports carrying Naruto and several other agents with several soldiers and would be joined by soldiers from the closest army base near Hope County. Mr. House hearing the news talked Roosevelt into him sending a squad of 50 of his securitrons to show how effected they are in combat. And using Eyebots who served as scouts and as cameras allowed both House and Roosevelt to watch the operation unfold in real time. Also allowing Roosevelt to bark orders to the robots improving their effectiveness. 


"Well Roosevelt I think this proves how effected an army of robots are in battle," House said through the screen that connected him to Roosevelt in Washington. 


"Yes good in breaking through and allowing the flesh and blood soldiers to out flank the enemy," Roosevelt said. Having used the securitrons to draw all the firepower on them while the human soldiers could take out the enemy soldiers. If you could call those cult members soldiers, as most of them didn't had any training with only a few here and there.


"I had the Eyebots mapped out Hope County and with the information gathered from the locals found some interesting information. While it's a rural county there are several locations that are valuable once the clean up is over," House said. 


"Well what are they?" Roosevelt asked. 


"Hope County is divided into five distinct sections, Dutch's island, which only valuable locations are the Central Radio Tower, and a doomsday bunker. Well there is the Ranger Station but it's not that important. Then there's Holland Valley which is the farming region of Hope County. It is mostly a flatland area, consisting of farms and arable land. Besides the farms it has some locations of value, Rye & Sons Aviation, the power station, and the most important is an old missile silo used as a base by the cult," House said. 


"Missile as in those nuke ones?" Roosevelt asked.


"Yes but it was closed and the missiles were taken out being it went up for sale. But it still can be useful," House said.


"True, continue," Roosevelt said. 


"Henbane River that is the main recreational region of Hope County, its area dominated by  the eponymous river. Its landscape mostly consists of bungalows and hot springs. It has Drubman Marina, Hope County Jail, Deep North Water Treatment Plant, and a military base built into a mountain that was used by the cult. It's also where most of the flowers used to make Bliss are grown. Then there's Whitetail Mountains which is the mountainous region of the county, full of wildlife. Which has value locations of the old PIN-KO Radar Station, Landsdowne Airstrip, Baron Lumber Mill and the cult's armory from an other army silo. There is also a dam that supplies they county's power.  And finally there's the island north of Dutch island which has the cult's Compound," House said. 


"Just tear it all down. The last thing we need is a reminder of this cult. And speaking of which what's their history?" Roosevelt ask.


"They are highly militaristic with a large arsenal of weaponry to oppress non-believers. However they are not as well-armed or well-trained in formal military training as a traditional paramilitary groups. As the result, most of the cult members are shown to be extremely amateur in fighting since some of them are shown to melee attack the Resistance member or members of Spookhouse as opposed to shooting at them. Despite their lack of military-grade weapons, they do own attack aircraft. However, their aircraft are either modified WWII-era fighters or agricultural planes outfitted with machine guns. They are also known to utilize scorched-earth tactics as well as terror/demoralization strategies, destroying farms and other potential supplies of the Resistance, holding hostages, as well as desecrating the cemeteries and graves belonging to the community," House said reading the report.


"And the leaders?" Roosevelt ask.


"Joseph Seed, or "The Father", is the head of the cult of Eden's Gate. He is a ruthless megalomaniac who is the founder and the leader of the Hope County-based religious cult organization "Project at Eden's Gate" alongside his siblings who he dubs "The Heralds"; Jacob, John, and Faith Seed. Eden's Gate has used both coercion and violence to bring the existing residents of Hope County into its cult, as ordered by Seed. Seed truly believes that he was chosen by God, and that he was told of the coming end of the world. His goal is to protect his followers, or "children" from the coming end and lead them to "Eden's gate." From what Judge Anderson pulled from his mind with her psychic abilities along with the other leaders have pieced his and their history. He had a wife and a daughter, both of which were involved in some type of car accident while traveling to see a friend. During the accident his wife was killed, leaving him with only his infant daughter. When he was in the hospital he says they handed him a pink bundle filled with tubes (his daughter). While in a room alone with his daughter Joseph believes that that's when God told him about the end of the world and to start Eden's Gate. Believing that his daughter would hinder his plans, he proceeded to kill her by pinching the plastic tube attached to her face shut," House said. 


"Hearing voices and think it's god. He is crazy," Roosevelt said. 


"As for the others, Jacob Seed is a 46 year old veteran of the U.S. Army, in which he served as a marksman. He is responsible for maintaining the security of his family and the cult. When he was younger, he often fought with his parents and stood up for his siblings, whom looked up to him as a protector. He frequently fought with Joseph, and blames himself deep down for how corrupt things have become despite his ability to prevent it. While he was deployed, he and his best friend Miller were shot down and forced to walk miles to the nearest base. They were never going to make it in time with the rations they had, so Jacob killed Miller and cannibalized him so that he would had enough supplies to make it to safety. He typically forces locals to join Eden's Gate, torturing anyone who resists. He also trains wolves with a combination of music and the drug Bliss," House said. 


"A coward," Roosevelt said. 


"John Seed is a cult lawyer prepared to defend his family through the legal system. Probably, if not the most sadistic out of the 4 family members John Seed is not a force to be reckoned with by most. He is known as "The Baptist" and wants you to see your sins and what you have done, literally. He is known to engrave your "sins" into your skin. When John was younger, he was taken into the kitchen by his parents and beaten senseless until all he could say was "Yes" which is his motto throughout most of his life," House said. 


"A snake," Roosevelt said. 


"The last, Faith Seed is not this woman's real name, as Joseph mentions she was "not the first" to carry it. Her real name being Rachel. According to Faith herself, she was ostracized by her community and treated rather poorly by her parents; with further references to abuse and rape. Lonely and depressed, she turned to drug use for comfort. It changed when she met Joseph. According to her, Joseph brought her to the  Project at Eden's Gate, where they welcomed her. Faith is known to be a master manipulator and not averse to lying. She uses the drug Bliss to brainwash cult members, which is why we took so long in bringing the cult down as we had to find the ones who were only brainwashed by drugs and not true believers. The autodocs, I sent have washed the drugs out of their systems and should recover in time," House said. 


"What is happening to the leaders now?" Roosevelt ask.


"Judge Dredd is teaching them a lesson. Tell me where did you find these judges?" House ask.


"They're from a bleak future after a nuclear war like what your world would had been like. Dredd and his squad of judges were the judge and jury who dealt out instant justice. The Justice Department in their world is the government with authoritarian, brutal, and ruthless methods of law enforcement. It has to be as Mega-City One where they came from has at least 800 million people living in it with around 26 serious crimes happening every minute. Now that they're in this world, I gave them the choice of either trying to make a life for themselves here or stay in Spookhouse with them no longer the law but have to follow the laws here in this world. And to help to make a future that isn't like theirs. All of them stayed and became one of the best units to handle problems like Eden's Gate," Roosevelt said. 


"I understand a unit to send in to crack down hard when they're needed," House said. 


"They do other work for Spookhouse and thanks to how they were trained they always follow the rules and orders given to them. The main problem is that many of their laws they followed in their world is perfectly legal. Dredd the leader keeps them on a tight leash while they're on duty. But once they're off duty and no longer on the clock, many of them have gone wild. Dredd wants to put down hard on stuff like that but I told him that as long as they don't break any laws or cause property damage or hurt others, there's nothing he can do about it. We're keeping an eye on Dredd as someone whose so uptight like him is likely to snap. With him being no longer the law and people do have rights unlike back in his world," Roosevelt said. 


"But it looks like he's holding up," House said.


The screen switches to Joseph Seed being beaten by Judge Dredd in front of his followers and his family. Joseph seeing his followers either freed of the brainwashing or in cuffs, or dead. The robots that the government agents brought with them took care of all the Bliss based weapons that would had sent the human agents on a drug trip. The other 3 members of the Seed family on their knees having been shackled together to watch as their brother falls. Joseph wanted to go out with all of his remaining loyal followers watching, it would give him and his cause martyrdom. But the leader of the government agents the young blonde haired man Naruto didn't give it to him. Instead he had a man who always wore a helmet to beat him. 


Judge Dredd got to work on Joseph Seed, like he never gone at a man like this before. He wasn't trying to kill or knock out. He went for pain. He concentrate on the nerve centers. His aim is to break the man. Just the way his cult broke so many others. 


"Please... no more... can't... take no more...," Joseph said as he lay on the ground bleeding. 


Around the pair are the remaining followers of Eden's Gate, watching as their savoir was reduced to begging for the beating to stop. The mask is stripped away. The Father lies revealed in all his human weakness, begging for mercy he denied so many. Naruto and Dredd knew they couldn't allow him his glorious death. Something for his followers to rally behind or his family to use.


"How many times have you and your family heard that and continue?" Dredd asked as he picks up Joseph and throws him into his brothers and sister who are shackled together nearby. 


"Seed you and your family are nothing but power mad crazy people who used others to make yourselves into gods to them. You are just like so many other cults we have dealt with in the past," Naruto said. 


"You and your family are headed to a prison where you all be cut off and forgotten," Roosevelt said from a securitron that has his face on it.


"NO! MY CHILDREN RAISE UP AND KILL THEM PROTECT US!" Joseph shouted as he's still tangled in the metal shackles that bond his family together. 


The followers who are still freed who stood by with their cult leader numbering around 30 or so, grabbed what they could to use as a weapon. Naruto toss Dredd a gun as he and the others took aim at the mob. But they weren't the targets of the mobs rage. They had their sights on the pitiful form of Joseph and his family. That's the problem with creating monsters. Control is so hard to maintain. The important thing is to never let them sense fear or weakness in you. That's a fatal mistake. That's when they turn on you. Monsters demand that their messiahs be strong and noble. Monsters hate to be duped.


They rush at the helpless forms of the Seed family and engulfed them into their mass. The Seed family screamed and pleaded with their followers to stop, but their cries fell on deaf ears. Naruto was about to open fire when Dredd raised his arm to signal him to hold his fire.


"It's too late," Dredd said as the mob tore the Seed family to pieces. 


"Yeah you're right," Naruto said watching as an arm was held up over the mob that belonged to one of the Seed family. "We still haven't sorted that lot of who's a believer and who's on drugs and brainwashed."


"Then it's over then," Roosevelt said watching as the mob tore at the bodies. "Better let them wear themselves out before you sort them."


"It's not over till all the flower fields are destroyed and drugs are destroyed as well," Dredd said. 


"Then I'll leave the clean up to your team Dredd. And I'll handle sorting and settling the people of Hope County in their new world," Naruto said. 


"Giving me the easy job?" Dredd asked.


"You're not much of a people person Dredd," Naruto said. 


"True," Dredd said. 


"Naruto call me when you have things settle down and I'll talk to people and explain things," Roosevelt said. 


"Right T.R.," Naruto said.


The securitron screen switched off and the mob began pulling themselves away from the pieces of the Seed family, with soldiers and agents cuffing them. Things settled down as they began to sort things out and began burning the catches of Bliss drugs. With a small sample of flowers and drugs to be ship back at Spookhouse to be tested. That's when one of the securitron's screens switched back to Roosevelt face. 


"Naruto once you have things settled down, I need you to head to Oregon. A railroad work group has been contacted by a group of people claiming to be from a town called Gravity Falls. They're from another world and been living here for years cut off till they came across the railroad group," Roosevelt said. 


"Why me?" Naruto asked. 


"They read a newspaper from the railroad workers and one of the Gravity Falls group read a story about you and says that they know you from a comic in their world," Roosevelt said. 


"What?" Naruto asked shocked. 



Author's Notes -

1 - The rule of cool that Baki The Grappler runs on doesn't work in American Fox. Where someone who just trained to be a fighter can't be undefeatable and no weapon can effect them. Not to mention that even in that world the fighters still need to breath air to live and no one in that world had ever taught of using gas on the fighters. Even if they can survive the poison they can't survive without air. 


Also Teddy is a real life badass who's life reads like an adventure book. And Yujiro feats are all made up in a fictional world. So anyone in this fic who is a real life badass is automatically better then anyone in fiction. Seeing how ones real and the other is all made up. And that most of them will be brought down to normal and all the plot armor they enjoyed is now gone. 


2 - The only reason why Bomb Queen gets away with what she does is that it's her comic. Outside of it she can be beaten and has in crossovers with her comic. 


And no matter how badass someone is in fiction against someone who is in real life a badass. The real life badass is better, simply because they did it in real life while in fiction it's all fake.


3 - Unlike in other fictions being turned into a vampire isn't a flawless transformation where you only need to be bitten to transform. Those who are turned in American Fox are not undead but living beings who need to feed or they starved to death. And the reason why vampires drain people of blood is because they need to as blood is mostly water. So they need to drink alot just to survive, and human blood for most of them isn't the only thing that they can feed upon. Animal blood works just fine as many just like the taste. 


4 - I never understood how if someone loses their head and it grows back how they can retain their personal memories. Those without a brain as we know it like an alien or a monster can be explained away but for others who are more human based. And not counting psychic, soul, magic or other things allowing them to keep their memories or in Rick and Morty's case them keeping a recording of their memories in case of a memory wipe. They should lose memories due to losing pieces or all of their brains. With only someone like Deadpool who breaks the 4th wall and knows that he's in a comic and made up being an exception to the rule.


5 - The vampire fly from Mighty Max.


6 - Gold Digger Comic.


7 - From Breath of Fire games.


8 - Red Alert 3


9 - No matter what kind of fighting style someone uses, doesn't matter when they're mobbed and the setting is a real life with real life rules working against them.


10 - Just about every manga and anime has at least one girl who is violence in one way or another with the men or man of the series.


11- People from game based worlds would have a very had time to survive in an early 1900's world setting. As most of the time the games they played hasn't been invented, the rules are different and that games aren't that impotent. And most of the time it seems that the main cast of those game worlds are young and have no real skills besides the game related skills or high tech equipment skills for those games. And in a world setting where people aren't all into one game where the entire world is setup to center around said game. Those gamers can't make a living on their game skills, like the anime where everyone is into battle tops. Anyone has an idea how someone from that kind of world who only has skills related to battle tops can make a living?


12 - Even if Gavrill is able to regenerate her body even in being hit by a low yield nuke in the mangas. In my fic to regenerate one needs a reason to be able to do so, like vampires who in the fic need to feed just to be able to regrow lost body parts. They can't just do so again and again just for the shake of plot, like one cell without any kind of fuel to allow said cell to grow. Which explains why in games like Resident Evil the monsters who can regenerate their bodies are so blood hungry, they need to feed to refuel by eating you the player. Like the homunculi's with their philosopher stones which can be drain of energy till they can't regenerate anymore. 


For Tomie, unlike in the manga she needs food to regrow. Being in water would allow her body parts to feed on the lifeforms in the water to regrow. But other then that unless the body part grows a mouth to feed, said body part can't grow a full grown human body. As it doesn't make sense how something like a pinky finger if left alone is able to grow into a full grown body without something to feed upon. Which in the mangas has a growing Tomie feeding on someone to speed up her growth.


First appearances of fictions in this chapter -


Baki The Grappler


Bomb Queen




Lord of the Rings


Girl Genius 


Spice and Wolf




Gold Diggers




Breath of Fire 




Daily Life with a Monster Girl


Tomb Raider


Ranma 1/2






Hanaukyou Maid-tai


Little Witch Academia




Furanken Furan




Hand Maid May




Project Geeker


Rescue Rangers


Judge Dread


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