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26.78% Dragon in Marvel / Chapter 14: Gaea, Death and Blessing(s)?, Part 2.

Kapitel 14: Gaea, Death and Blessing(s)?, Part 2.

As we chattered in the living room an unsaid agreement was reached, we decided to withhold the news about the decennary baby, only Noona, Gaea, Me, Ororo and Spark are privy to the information. I trust my girls and their mental defenses but gods and above have ways to ignore those and freewill. So we explained that Gaea needed to stay on Halo for at least 10 years because of the blessing. Spark and Emma were eager to have Gaea on... 'their' kingdom because her presence equals blessed nature and life. Like more birth, fertile lands, stronger dinosaurs...

As we chatted the time for Noona to go back rapidly approached, Noona said that we should go and be done with the blessing business while she talked with the girls about a few private topics. Bucky took this opportunity to show Logan around and probably his file. Technically if we follow the aristocratic way of living she is in charge of the maids in the household, as the legal wife... but I'm getting a bad feeling from the smiles on the girls. There's nothing I can do now so I better go and get my blessing so that I can finally snatch a few magical beast from Avalon. Emma, Spark, Gaea and I went to her designated territory; Ororo accompanied us too but I think is mostly because she is afraid of Noona; I would like to say that Gaea's place will be north of our house... but where's north on the Halo? Should we follow the direction of the spin?... She's close enough to our house because she is basically family now.

Spark and Emma gave her a bay that has a concentric island in the middle, about the size of a football field, she decided for the little island to be the place for her home. She raised her right hand and all the vegetation and terrain followed her command and a luxurious house made of rock and wood was made... I honestly expected her to live in a giant mushroom or treehouse. Now I feel both stupid and disappointed. Once her house was 'built' she raised both hands in the air and clapped once, a pulse of green 'wind' followed her action and this wind covered the Halo for about 10 seconds.

With normal senses you can't appreciate the blessing but under my eyes I could see how her divine power, starting from above at the atmosphere, sank and melted in the ground, it then continued until it phased and mixed with the structural frame base of Halo. That was fine... but...

"Hey Gaea, if you mix your divinity of life and nature with the mechanical parts of Halo won't you create new mechanical life?"- As far as I knew, nature is not normally mixed liked this with technology.

"... I thought that this was a ring shaped rock that you sculped from a moon. Your barriers didn't let me perceive this place from Earth, or how it was made from the inside..."- She tilted her head showing confusion. 

"I see... What do you think will happen?"- Will the Halo gain life? I don't think that it will like that Spark is in charge of it.

"I think that we will have some organic machines... like maybe a technology based tree, or mechanical animals... Normally is not possible but since I was going to live here from now on I overloaded the blessing a little."- Like the ones from Horizon Zero Dawn or Cybertronians, maybe Evangelions. 

"Like these?"- I asked while I raised a hand and formed a barrier shaped like the bio-mechanicals that I knew of, I colored the barriers by bending the light on it.

"Where did you see those?"- Gaea was puzzled about the bio-mechanicals that I showed her, so was Emma.- Of course my Queen with a ruling fetish would be interested in powerful bio-mechanicals. 

"Information from different realities..."- Not really a lie, since apparently out there in The Void, you can find some kids piloting 'mechas' while fighting some genocidal angels. 

"Not as advanced as that, the nature part still needs to follow it's 'natural' development. Given that I pushed it forward with my divinity a bit much... probably we will find some bio-mechanical plants. Like maybe a tree with metal parts..."- She was slightly ashamed of what she perceived to be an error on her part.

"Don't worry about too much about it... Honestly I considered it a plus. I can already imagine my first 'bio-magichanical beast' running around in a few thousand years."- Best of three worlds, tech, organics and magic, I can only wait for the first Organoid to be born.

"Well if you say so."- She smiled at that in relief.

"Gaea you can come and go as you please from my house, I just gave you this place for you to call your own but you are always welcome. You can coordinate with Spark and Emma to have some of the maids attending you. Whatever you need just let us know."- I don't think that she'll need much attending but having help available is better. 

We all went back home and later I gave Ororo a P-Link so that she can come and visit Gaea. Sadly it looks like my maids found one of my weaknesses. The traitorous bunch told Noona about my ROB prank and now I have to fulfil one of their wishes.

"Erhmm Noona is not that I don't want to... But did you know that at least a quarter of them wanted to be empress of their own galactic empire?... One of them wanted to me to be their pet."- What am I to do about those?- At least Irina had the decency of blushing.- Ororo was looking at me with mirth, Damn it woman! It was an accident and now you are as vindictive as my maids. 

"Well you can make a deal about those wishes with them. But grant them a wish for each of them my idiot dragon."- Shit! That's basically telling me to become their slave.- You won this round girls but next time I will isekai you and send you demon king hunting. *Humph* I will wipe those smiles but I guess that I will be a slave for a while... Wait! Maybe I can do some subtle manipulation and have them request a wish without knowing that they did... Yeah I can play that angle, technically I would be granting them a wish. 

"Ok Noona..."- I said while I lower my head to her level and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a deep hug.- I love her scent.- Noona opened a portal to her realm and departed. I should make a present for Noona, but What to gift to someone nigh-omnipotent?

"Alright girls Who whishes to go magic beast hunting with me?"- I need to reenact Noah's ark.

"DON'T ANSWER! He is trying to get you to spend your free wish!"- Jesus the FUCK! Fucking psychic link.

"Hehehe! Little Padawan your training will be VERY thorough."- I said while looking at my little padawan with a visage full of sadism.- Once I get the seal of approval from Senior Sister I will make her eternally flat.

"... I want to go to Avalon to pick the future animals of my kingdom, but I don't want to spend my wish..."-Emma. 

"Emma, didn't you 'wish' for the supervisor of the ROB? Technically Noona is my supervisor and I was your ROB. Your wish has been fulfilled."- What is this Queen wannabe saying? She wants me to find a random ROB ask for its supervisor and pick a fight?

"I, of course, will get a different wish!"- She said with so much assurance in her voice that I chose to ignore her.- Emma has always been the most reserved of the girls, she'll probably ask for more power or a planet for 'her' future kingdom. 

"Fine. You can come. We will get most of them from Avalon but we can steal a few more from Otherworld in general."- I don't think that the rulers will mind... possibly. 

"Any one else?"- Most hands were raised after my question.- Shit! Had it not be for the padawan I would have 'fulfill' a bunch of wishes.


After confirming the participants of the operation FM-03 (Forceful Migration-03) I had them equip their weapons and powered armors, most of them based their armors on the spartan armors but you could also see some nanotech armor similar to the Mark-85, there were also some original designs, the only thing in common was that all girls did go for the sleek armor designs, it's a miracle if you can find some cohesion in their group. They look like a bunch of cosplayers in Comic-Con, everybody has their own individual style.

"Girls... You went for the sleek armor types but there's nothing sleek about the armories that you carry around, is there?"- It was like seeing a chimera of two concepts, sleek armor and big ass chunky weapons, I could probably say that a few of those were based on the BFG from Doom.- The maids looked at their armors and then their guns and blushed a little.

"We are really not going for a war of extermination. Just pick one long range weapon with both deadly and incapacitating modes and one for close range, you could just use your lightsabers but if you have weapons of your own design that's okay as well. Just to be clear we are acquiring specimens, living and breathing specimens meant for populating. If they can't reproduce they are not useful so tone it down with the city busters."- I could taste the disappointment in the air. My warmonger maids went back to their rooms exuding discontent to my empathic powers.- Most will use their lightsabers for CQC, I think the only one that designed a cold weapon for herself was Kitty, but that's because Kitty is a sword freak now, one of these days she will come at me wielding the Dao of the Sword, capable of ignoring any and all existing rules and 'cut' whatever you throw at her, like most wuxia main characters. I fear for my undoing.

Moving on... In the worse case scenario Jean and I will be protecting my maids but it's best to be careful. Once my maids came back 'de-weaponized' enough to not be mistaken for an invasion squad, I opened a portal to Otherworld after getting the location from our resident goddess. I, along my dangerously eager girls and butler, stepped through and found ourselves in a world befitting the typical description of a fantasy isekai. Floating islands, lush forests, unending plains and sky-reaching mountain ranges, all very conveniently located close to each other to give us the perfect taste of this place.- It's a good thing that the location Gaea gave us is far enough from the city, I don't want deal with whoever is in charge around here, so better hurry up. 

"Alright girls! Go around and portal a few samples of the local fauna back to Halo. If you find locals do not antagonize them, but if they want a fight... just kill them. Jean will keep you in range of her telepathy while I go searching around the sea, she will let me know in case any of you encounters trouble but still don't be conceited. We have about one hour before the leaders around here take action so let's leave before that."- After all I don't know who the current leader of Avalon is, I rather not deal with a sect master type so soon in the game, the Omniversal Majestrix already knows about us, I can feel her gaze, but I doubt that she will cry war against us, we carry the 'scent' of Gaea after all, perks of the blessing. She is kind of important so I don't want to snuff her out of existence. 

One after the other my maids warped out with overeager expressions... *SIGH* I get the feeling that their mood spiked when I gave them permission to kill enemies. And Emma... why the heck is she so excited about this? Is it only about the new fauna for the Halo? Sometimes I understand the peeking conduct of Xavier, like now, I'm feeling some very conspiratorial vibes from her, I could take a peek to uncover whatever she is plotting but... Nah! She is a grown ass 'Queen' whatever she is plotting is for the benefit of her kingdom, if she messes up she and Spark will deal with it.

I warped to the ocean where I could feel the presence of my new pokémon in conflict, a battle of epic proportions was taking place. Kraken versus Sea Serpent, apex predators contending for hunting grounds, or maybe breeding territory. The bald old man kraken wrapped it's hentai limbs around the young and innocent serpent, the serpent in response, opened it's maw and blasted a sound wave. 

*Yamete kudasaiiiii!*- Well not exactly, but the empathic feed gave me this meaning.- The frequency of that cry was powerful enough to blast off most of the tentacles, the serpent took some distance from the stunned pervert, and prepared a breath of water, magically conjured water, the kraken recognized the danger in a hurry and prepared some force barrier, looks like both use their internal energy exactly as expected from magical creatures. 

*WOOISH*- The serpent shot it's barely audible breath, but I could feel the water displacement even from my location.- That breath carries enough pressure to pierce and slice a Yamato class in half!

*BOOM*- The breath made contact with the barrier.- The barrier held off the breath but soon enough...

*CRACK!*- The first layer was broken.- The stand off continued for 15 seconds until the last barrier broke at the same time as the breath ran out.- But enough about wasting time! I moved to their location before they could restart the duel. I sent my offer for new territories for each of them, along some well placed pressure, normally animals are not smart enough to understand anything other than the basic concepts but these are magical beast so I got my confirmation soon enough. I warped each of them to one of the seas in Halo. With that taken care of I went 'fishing' around for any type of fish, or marine life, I could find. I got at least a couple of everything I could find, and I was starting to respect Noah; this became a task sooner than expected. I can, with full certainty, say that if Noah had no divine help then the whole ark schtick was false, or the animals in my home universe were way different than their ancestors after generations of mutations due to incestual conception. 

After about 30 minutes of my endeavor I found something interesting, locals!- Mermaids! I'm not talking about Atlanteans, I'm talking about Ariels! I used my telepathy to scan the sea for any settlements but all I could find were some nomadic communities.- I think Emma and Spark will be happy with these guys! Based on what I've seen the merpeople are of magical origin, meaning that they use magic, but also these guys use telepathy and soundwave manipulation biologically, like mutants.- It's decided! I will go and 'entice' them into moving to Halo. 

With one big move, I warped all the merpeople that I could sense with my telepathy to Halo, maybe not the most diplomatic way of doing things but I can confidently say that they will prefer their new place. I picked one of the large individual seas for them. Most of the seas in halo are connected making up one big ocean, but there are a few 'small' salt water lakes, that's where I sent the merpeople. Meaning, no predators and all resources are theirs, as an additional benefit since Halo is now fully blessed this place is the oceanic equivalent of an oasis for them. I will leave the diplomacy to Emma, that's her fetish after all, reigning over people. 

The remaining 30 minutes of the FM-03 operation were spent harvesting the providers of the ocean to have a fully functional ecosystem, both flora and fauna. Finally just for safety I stole some of the ocean water full with the microorganisms responsible for life, I'm sure this is not needed with Gaea over there but better safe than sorry. Once I was done I reunited with Jean and oversaw how the maids went back to Halo. I will probably have to check on Emma later since she went back home before us.

"Jean I will follow you in a while. I have some final business to deal with."- I told Jean after only she was left with me.

"Okay I will go first. Should I tell Emma about the mermaids that you kidnapped?"- What an awful way of putting it, I 'enticed' them to move... by force. 

"Yes please! Spark has the details of their new accommodations. Do you know if the girls warped any insects and small critters?"- I really don't think is needed but if they didn't I can transport some myself, a healthy environment is one with a high biodiversity.

"Spark reminded them to take some with them, I took care of some of the plants but Irina and Yelena got the brunt of the work from Spark. Bye Aragorn, let me know how your "business" goes!"- I'm proud of my padawan! Even with the current disparity on power between them she was able to sense her.

"Hello Ms. Saturnyne, Do you have any business with me?"- I was already watching the blonde wearing a white outfit that cried regality out loud, but she dispersed the illusion field that was 'hiding' her and 'showed' herself.- Well I was already maintaining eye contact so this is awkward.

"Who are you? What are you doing in Otherworld? Why do you have an elder goddess magic on you?"- She sounds arrogant, but that's weird. She is supposed to have access to means to discern my level of strength. 

"That's a strange way of asking questions Ms. Saturnyne. Isn't this an interception of realities, shouldn't you have enough technology or skills to discern what I am?"- I know magic get's funky because my energy tends to nullify, like when you cast a divination spell on me, but she should have tech like the one Xandar has. 

"Please! There's no way you can be a cosmic existence."- She said mockingly.

"How come? Aren't you on the divine level even though you are of human origin? Why can't I be a cosmic entity?"- Should I tell her about the greatness of Mt. Tai? Maybe I should help her recognize it.

"Ha! Please stop Joking! The readings can be fabricated when you are dealing with tech. I've had Kangs do so before. You and I are different! What I'm intrigued about is why I can't find you in any other realities and why I can't see your time. I could recognized the women you brought but not you. So my question remains unanswered, Who are you?"- She said sharply.- By time she must mean my future, present or past, but I exist only in the present and she can divine me with magic; lastly I don't exist anywhere else in this multiverse, is not possible to find any other version of me, maybe someone physically similar or with the same name but never a different version of my soul.

"Indeed! You and I are different Ms. Saturnyne! You can't find versions of me because I'm the only me that exists in the multiverse, you can't see my time because I exist only in the present and you can't divine me because you are to weak for that."- I suppose if you could use enough magic you should be able to use divination magic on me... like dimensional lords level of magic.- This doesn't change the fact that this lady is behaving like a young master. 

"That's not possible! If you won't tell me I will force it out of you!"- She lifted her hand and 14 of her Avant Guard surrounded us. Wearing a 1950's white collar cosplay and carrying umbrellas that are actually weaponry capable of energy blasts, dimensional travel and devolving rays. - They were previously 'hidden' so of course this is a sudden surprise to me, you can tell from the expressionless reaction on my face.- Seriously what's her problem? 

"That's hard to answer, Opal. My name is Aragorn, but What does that mean to you? Since you can't find versions of me it isn't of much help to you. What am I supposed to tell you? That I'm your father? That I like piña coladas and gettin' caught in the rain? I don't think that the problem is with the question, I think that the problem is with a little girl who is trying to assert her dominance while asking for a nonsensical question. Should I tell you about the meaning of life as well? What about Why are we here and how should we live? Tell me please o great and magnificent Omniversal Majestrix how am I supposed to tell you Who am I?!"- The shitty blonde lost her shit and ordered her underlings to attack me. 

"Capture him! If he resist shot him!"- The 1950's white collars raised their advanced weaponry disguised as umbrellas and tried to shot me... Tried, but couldn't move. I held them still with my TK and encased the barbie bitch in a barrier. I removed the clothes of the Avant Guard and left them buck naked before sending them to the new Earth-Z. I pulverized their clothes and umbrella because I don't want to give bugged tech to Spark. 

"Now what to do with you Barbie?"- I removed my barrier and immediately after she tried use her reality bending on me... useless endeavor, unless you are Wanda your reality warping would always be severely lacking, at least Wanda has a chance if I let her warp my body.

*Snap!*- Barbie stopped time... Surprisingly I was not affected, I know what a shocker! 

"What else do you have Opal? Maybe some telekinesis? An uru weapon? Maybe some Adamantium Alloy Blade? Future tech? Dimensional Magic?"- She finally stopped and looked at my still shiny self, unaffected by her attacks. 

"If you don't tell me who you are I will have no other choice than to mark your reality as a risk!"- She is a stupid one isn't she?

"Barbie, I'm Aragorn The Shine Dragon... How does that help you?"- *SIGH* Patience! She is an useful existence! She helps with my Noona's work indirectly, don't kill the dumb blonde. She only said that she would mark it, she can't destroy my reality just like that. She need's the celestial nullifier.

"You will leave me no other choice!"-... 

*THRR-BOOOM*- I released my presence barely under the level that kills a god.- I guess she isn't needed anymore.

"WH-WHAT A-A-ARE YOU?!"- Shouted Opal while trembling and trying to get away from me, a useless endeavor since I held her in a TK bubble.- Oh wow she can, after all, ask something not stupid! Amazing! Congrats Barbie!

"Barbie we are past that, we are at the point where I figure out a way to kill you that doesn't allow for resurrection."- I guess I could destroy her soul, but souls are Noona's property so I best ask her for permission.

"P-p-please d-on't!"- She begged for mercy, But Barbie there's no mercy for those that put my future baby at risk or my traitorous maids.- I opened a portal to Noona's palace and dragged the soon to be destroy soul with me.- I reeled back my presence since that would be rudeness in my sweet Noona's palace. 

"W-Why are we in the Ebon World?!"- Clearly Barbie stopped shaking by the end.

"I need permission to shatter your soul."- This did put the fear of Noona in her. She shut her mouth, finally, and tried to use some of the tech she was wearing. I don't know if it's for escaping or requesting help, not that it matters. We arrived at the throne room where I located Noona.

"~Hey Aragorn did you miss me already? It hasn't even been a day."- Asked my sweet Noona and all my anger flew away. 

"Hehehe Of course I missed you Noona!"*Bang*- I dropped Barbie from the TK bubble containing her and floated to Noona's.

"I love you a lot Noona."- I whispered on her ear as I lowered myself to bring her into a hug.

"I know Aragorn! I love you to the end my dragon!"- Whispered my Noona before giving me a peck. 

"But tell me my idiot dragon. What's that girl doing in my palace?"- Said Noona before pointing to the trembling blonde. 

"She is too stupid to be left alive so I wanted to shatter her soul."- I sent a telepathic file about my encounter with her to Noona. 

"I can see that... But if you kill her it's going to give both you and I more work. I would have to wait at least an extra week before seeing you again... that can't be."- I see the reason in that... Indeed that can't be. 

"I see your point Noona, but then what am I supposed to do with Barbie?"- If I let her go she could try to destroy my home.- I contemplated while I petted Noona softly.

"Excuse me!"- Shouted with desperation Barbie.

""WHAT?!""- We shouted back.- Stupid Barbie! Can't you see that you are get in the way of our cuddling time?

"I didn't know who he was, my job is to make sure of the multiverse continual existence. I thought he was a danger to it since even abstracts such as yourself, Mistress Death, have versions."- That's both wrong and right. All of Noona's versions are Noona and Noona is all of her versions. She is a singular existence that exists across all the multiverse.

"You are to stupid for that job Barbie. To arrogant. You could have ask your boss, Merlin, for help."- I said.

"That's... I just didn't want to give him more power over my life."- He is your boss! Of course in this type of job your superiors are stronger than you.

"~Darling I have the perfect punishment! I will give her hunting targets across the multiverse that have been evading me. She shall work on this personally for a year!"- Exclaimed Noona with glee.

"Isn't that too lenient Noona?"- I understand that killing her is more of a demerit to us than her but she should suffer a little more for her transgression, maybe I should cripple her cultivation and kill her ancestor. 

"No, her targets will be stronger than her and she has only one year to kill all of them. If she doesn't succeed you shatter her soul, if she does she will emerge stronger from this, facilitating our job, which will serve as motivation for her."- As expected from Noona, with this she will be punished, and if she succeeds then she will have more power which will make her a more efficient worker, which will bring stability to the multiverse, hence less work for us, ergo more time with Noona. 

"You heard Noona, Barbie. From now on you work for Noona for a year, your life is on the balance. I will send you back to Otherworld, get your shit together and then report to Noona for your work."- I warped her back before I did something else to the stupid Barbie.- I should have cripple her cultivation to assert my status as a young master. 

After spending a few more minutes cuddling with Noona I had to go back since we were settling the new pets. I had a dramatic and painful goodbye with Noona and warped back home. But I didn't expect to find more sapients than before.

"Hey Emma!... Why do we have elves and faeries here? Didn't they have their own kingdoms back in Avalon?"- At least the mermaids had no ruling party. But here we have at least 500 hundred elves and about 300 faeries. How did she migrate them in less than an hour?

"... These were part of the small tribes. For various reasons they had little opportunity for growth so I offered them a place in my territory in exchange for loyalty."- My queen said with a beaming smile.- Not really my problem if this goes against their rulers... and having some elf maids sounds good. 

"Well that's okay you do you... Do you need help with the housing?"- We can control the weather here so they won't freeze to death but I don't think it will leave a good impression on her new subjects to sleep outside. 

"Yes please! Jean already agreed to help, and the maids, but you and Spark are faster at building."- Spark and I sometimes joke about opening a construction company on-world but we would collapse the market in less than a week, that's how fast we are.

With everyone's help we got to work on their future homes. For the elves of course I suggested a city built in a forest and for the faeries a city built in giant mushrooms, sadly my suggestions were voted against... I will continue to feel both ashamed and downhearted about my impractical suggestions. After some more practical suggestions were taken in consideration both cities were built in locations with easy access to the coast, we had help from our Xandarian residents, who whole heartedly sold us some designs of their arcologies, Spark and I mixed those with some of our personal ideas and we ended with two cities that mixed perfectly with nature. 

By the end of the day Emma had already got a hold of the mermaids, she explained about their new location to them and painted me as the evil overlord that likes to kidnap... Moving on, Spark and I offered some designs of underwater cities but the mermaids said that they prefer something more hybrid... Apparently they can shapeshift their fish part and under normal circumstances they carry a hybrid life, both under water and above. They said that they lost their in-land territory a few centuries ago so they had to move to a nomadic under water lifestyle. 

At Emma's request, the mermaid city was built in the face of a cliff meeting their sea, this was the most challenging design out of the three new cities. The construction started from the button of the cliff (under water) and escalated to the top of it. We had to design stairs and passages that allowed the mermaids to walk from one level to the other. The city also has potential for more expansion if they grow on the areas above and at the button of the cliff, on the under water fields. If they want to expand on the face of the cliff then they will have to ask my Queen about it... I think she did it that way in order to create a sense of dependency on her... sometimes fetishes can make the world move. 

Talking about fetishes... I made a personal deal with the representatives of the three races, once I have my Beast-girls creation procedure ready, possibly next month, they will send some girls for Maid training. I promised, for the said girls, the same physical enhancement that I had planned for my maids.

The enhancement will basically make them eternal, in the sense that they wont age but can still be killed, Spark also designed a magic core for the maids to become pseudo-magic beings, this will help them handle my energy better once the magic contract is made; and on my end I worked on the biological part where, aside from the animal DNA, I'm mapping the X-Gene and creating my version of the super soldier serum that they used on the red room. My SSS will be in charge of their physical aspect while the X-Gene modification will be in charge of their meta enhancement, like regeneration, adaptability, telepathy and telekinesis.

Initially I was not going to give them the psychic abilities, given that you can replicate them with magic, but Yao said that with the contract that we are designing there's a high possibility of the girls not only inheriting my void energy but also my psionic energy, if they don't have a body capable of handling the psionic energy then they would die, so I had no other choice. The regeneration is of course for life preservation purposes and the adaptability is for gluing all of the changes together.

At the end Spark, Yao and I selected this template for the girls: Beast features along with their corresponding enhancements (Enhanced senses, animal instinct, ears, tails...), SSS for a middle level superhuman physique (About spiderman level), X-Gene modification and activation, courtesy of my bio-kinesis, for meta enhancement and magic core paired with the contract.

There were several twists and turns before getting to this point but we all agreed that this is the most well rounded template, with this template and some work in about a millennia or two I will have deity level maids. One thing that I did not expect was that Yao wanted to participate in the procedure as well, but it made sense after she said that her soul was almost ready for divinity but that she was lacking a body capable of accepting the higher level energy. I can already tell that in about 100 years there will be a new goddess of magic. 


It's been over a month since the operation FM-03, and I can say that at this point not even Essex is close to me based on X-Gene mapping and manipulation, I still loose to Symbiotes but those guys are the peak of gene splicing. I spent the first week after FM-03 borrowing some blood samples from everywhere around the world, I think that were it not for the fact that I cloaked myself with invisibility a new rumor would have globally spread about a 'blur' after that I would be coined the superhero name 'The Flash'. Kitty also managed to convinced the X-Men of donating their blood for our cause, I could have stolen their samples but Noona said that that was no way of treating the friends of my friends so I relented, in exchange the X-Men requested to be present during the transformation. I didn't want Scott or Xavier on my place but Kitty convinced me after she promised to let me pet her future ears.

I thought that I was ready for the procedure after I mapped the X-Gene but the girls wanted more options to choose from, so I had to go around the world getting more pets to study their biology, for example Emma wanted a nine tail fox as her base, same as Yao, luckily Yao knew of a place that had some so she brought those samples on her own, after that the girls wanted the magical versions for their base as well... Needless to say that now I have magical cats, wolves, rabbits, hares, birds, dogs... even fish, no one wanted a fish base but I got it just in case. Spark's work with the magic core design was simply flawless, even Yao praised it, the core works as a dual battery for both psionic and void energy while also acts as the nexus for the contract and the soul, even a regular sorcerer with this core could, in theory, house and grow their own personal energy. The fabrication requires a drop of my blood per girl, so we were all glad that no crazy sorcerer could replicate the design in the future.

The magic contract was the most challenging part of the process, and at the end, it required the processing power of both Spark and my own under the experience of Yao, we had to form a temporary psychic link in the learning room to allow the three of us to work as one. The first sorcerers that designed the first dimensional contracts were monsters or high enough in some cosmic variant of weed. Otherwise I don't think that a normal human could create something so complex on its own.

And the last part of the puzzle was the SSS, the easiest part. I can understand why humans have had so many failed attempts at replicating the original work, but with the help of the tech available in the Halo and the knowledge in my mind I had it done and perfected in three days. The perfected part was of utmost importance, I don't want to enhance the traitorous and cunning aspects of my maids.

Once everything was ready I had all the girls and James in a room while I conducted the final studies on their personal biology; I finally found out how Emma kept her young looks after so much time, her cells tend to enter an organic diamond form for most of their active time before dying. Basically if an average human cell lives for 7 to 10 years, hers lives for about 20 to 30 years, endowing her with an extended life span.

After running the last confirmations for the base animal of each of their templates, Spark, Gaea and I got ready for the start of the procedure, while the X-Men where in the gallery like hawks watching my every move.- What's their problem?!- Carol was present as well, I also offered her the opportunity for the 'power up', not because I wanted a shiny cat girl, but at the end she said:

"I have more than enough with the attention you give me already because of my powers and now you want me to change into your idealized version of a girl? I know that Lady Death is not the jealous type, since she lets you cohabitate with all these girls, but I don't want to find where her limit is at."- Though I can see how she came to that conclusion I can say with 100% certainty that I just like observing her, like how you appreciate a very trippy and color full work of art. No sexual attraction there, but Carol is already eternal and powerful enough so I don't have to worry about her dying on me like with my maids.

Over the past month Gaea has grown on all of us, she is like a big sister or mother for most of the girls, so I asked her to be part of it in order to reassure the girls. With Gaea with us even if we somehow messed things up she can save the girls. Noona also wanted to be part of it but apparently Barbie was ready for her first job so Noona had to pick her up and give her the first objective.- Stupid Barbie!

There were some interesting choices for their base animal, for example:

-Bucky chose a black wolf with grey eyes that normally hunts alone with shadow magic, this doesn't mean that he will get the wolf's ability to wield shadow magic but it means that he will get it's affinity for it so once he starts practicing that branch of the mystical arts he will excel at it.

-Emma chose a silver white nine tailed fox with affinity for light magic and illusions, I would like to think that her choice was driven by her desire for variety in power and not her vanity... I mean she can already use telepathy for illusions.

-Yao chose the same base as Emma, but her choice makes sense. Yao uses white magic which she intends to link to light affinity.

-Natalia wanted a red haired cat for her base, to combine with her hair, but at the end she settled for the clearly more powerful black cat that uses sound magic. That's one of the most versatile forms of magic.

-Irina went for a dark blue rabbit that wields fire magic like breathing, that fucker is terrifying with the amount of wildfires that we have had to snuff out ever since his species moved here. 

-Jean is the most unexpected one. Initially Jean was not going to be part of the procedure but a few days ago Senior Sister appeared in my dreams in all of her shiny majesty and told me that Jean was to join as well. After a very shiny and bright conversation with Senior Sister I woke up to find a vial with the blood of some super ancient and now extinct phoenixes, according to Senior Sister these were the absolute perfect hosts for her, except that they lacked sapience... We don't know how they looked like but based on our calculations Jean should gain a fire form, like Johnny Storm, and some fire affinity and related skills.

-Kitty chose a dark purple feline that uses all elemental magic, how typical isekaier of her, these cats were physically weak but that won't be a problem for her after the SSS. 

-Yelena picked a white nine tail fox that excels at ice magic. I was glad that my personal maids were going to compensate for each other... like the purple potato said, 'Perfectly balanced, as all things should be'. 

-The last interesting choice were the baby maids, the eight of them chose a species of wolves that are mage killers, they don't have a special affinity for magic but have an absurd resistance to it and use their magic for body strengthening.

When the final details where ironed out we started the phase 1. Phase 1 is me going one by one activating and modifying their X-Gen without triggering full cellular transformation. Regeneration, Adaptability, Telepathy and lastly Telekinesis. For Emma, Jean and Kitty just the modification without loosing their original powers. Then came Phase 2, mixing their new DNA with their chosen base's DNA. Wolves, Foxes, Rabbits, Cats, Magical and/or Psionic beasts... At this point all of my friends were still conscious but soon it will come the last Phase. Phase 3 is when the magical core along with the contract are done, for better results after the core is merged with their bodies they will be injected with their personalized SSS and bathed in Vita-Rays, the pods were created by Spark; all done in one step, because of the shock given by the core merging they will pass out. Only Yao won't since she has a better handle of her mystical energy, but she will be put to sleep because I don't want a suffering sorcerer casting magic in here, due to her pain. 

Spark got ready for my signal and once I felt the new connection with my girls and James, one after the other they fell asleep, were injected with their own customized SSS and their beds changed into pods, after their pods were sealed they were bombarded with Vita-Rays.

*BBBrrrmmm*- A low frequency vibration was felt on the med bay.

Gaea, Spark and I monitored them with great care, although there were basically no chances of complications we wanted to go the extra mile in security. 

"Mmhm... Spark note down that the elves, sirens, faeries and Yao are absorbing more of my energy. Possibly because of their previous interaction with magic."- I could feel a greater pull from them compare to the other girls.

"Noted Master Chief... Vita-Ray infusion completed, vital signals stabilizing."- After Spark's announcement the low vibration ceased across the room. 

*Psshh* *Psshh* *Psshh* *Psshh* *Psshh*- The pods opened and Gaea and I moved to confirm their safety and successful transformation. After a few seconds of Gaea using her divine observation on the girls she said:

"HAHAHAH! You know Aragorn, you basically evolve them into a new species!"- Laughed Gaea while pleasantly surprised.

"What do you mean?"- I thought that they would be mutate mutants, still human but mutated.

"Their Adaptability glued their changes better than we expected, they have a lower fertility rate like all powerful species but their 'quirks' have been engraved in their life code and now those are hereditary. Their progeny will have a magic core that comes with your contract built in, a superhuman physique that originates from the SSS, the X-Gene mutations that you selected are now the basics for them and their physical appearance and magical affinity will be hereditary, meaning that they are a new species. All of this is regardless of their partner for the women and subject to changes based on their partner for James."- This is good-NO! This is awesome!

"SPARK! YAO! This means that now we are Progenitors! We are Ancestors! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"- I no longer 'only' hold the Young master attribute!

"You are correct we are now Progenitors, Master Chief!"- I think this is the first time that I can feel happiness from Spark's voice and not only his soul.- I can also see a bright smile in the silent Yao.

"Is that really what's important now?"- Asked an skeptical Carol from the Gallery through the intercom. 

"I agree with Carol, Aragorn. This is bigger than you two are giving it credit."- Said Ororo. 

"I don't think anyone has created a new species like that before."- Said Xavier. 

"Not really, guys. Don't get me wrong this is great! But it's not as rare as you think. For example the Kree created the Inhumans a few millennia ago, and our lovely goddess over here created most life on Earth. There's also the Celestials, so if you take in consideration my status, Spark's knowledge well, Yao's magical experience and Gaea's blessing there was something bound to happen."- I'm glad that this was the outcome and not something like the ultimate life form, I can only imagine the future plotting if any of my maids evolves to that.

After a while the X-Men came down from the gallery to check on the overloaded with happiness Kitty and Jean. Jean at the end had no apparent physical changes but she raised her hand and It changed into cosmic fire... I think Senior Sister possibly did this to help Jean burn my ass. Natalia came to my side sneakily and shot me with a void blast on the face... She knew I wouldn't be hurt by my own energy but... really?... At least we discovered that now their magic circles are glassy with a hue colored by their own personal attributes. For example: Irina's magic attribute was based on a rabbit that wields blue fire so her magic circles are glassy with a blue hue, Natalia's are colorless, Yelena's are milky, Yao's shine like LEDs, my personal favorite, Kitty's change depending on the magic she casts.

Last aspect that we discovered, or noted, was that the number of tails reflects the overall strength, Yao has 6 tails, Gaea said that once she reaches her level she should have 9 tails but with 7 she should be a lower entry goddess. Emma had 5, which I guess is the level for a 'normal' omega mutant, still a whole category away from a sorcerer supreme, if Jean had a tail she would probably have 6 and by the end of the training 9, but Jean was already a different life form from the beginning (She was previously changed by Senior sister and me) so she doesn't count towards the members of the new species; Kitty has 3 but she said that she could already feel a small nub for her next tail, Bucky, Yelena and Irina had 2 and the rest of the girls 1. It sort of makes sense, but Bucky with a lightsaber can solo Kitty, technology has always helped reach new heights... Hehehe! I want to defrost the capsicle sooner to see his reaction to the new Bucky.

"Excuse me Mr. Abner, How did you mixed their DNA and triggered their X-Gene?"- Asked Hank after checking the wellbeing of their girls.

"Bio-Kinesis, is one of my powers. I studied their DNA, the X-Gene and the DNA of the base animal of their preference."- Sounds fancy but it was just me petting some fluffs and holding some hands.

"Amazing! You have enough control over it to affect the genetics on a body."- Exclaimed Hank who understood how difficult that was.

"Yes, initially my level of control was only over the bodily functions. But with enough samples of different biologicals I was able to reach said level."- Sadly I'm not exactly biological so I can't just grant me an infinite number of powers, but with my current repertoire I can do whatever any mutant can do, under certain conditions of course, and life creation is still elusive to me.

"That's a great ability Mr. Abner! You can potentially awaken new mutants, control the physical expressions of some powers, alter appearances, fix congenital defects, heal most diseases..."- Yes It's the only aspect of Life that I have power over, so I made sure to study it in case that I need to heal one of my family members. I could control some aspects of Nature with energy manipulation and TK but I won't have power over it, like Gaea or Ororo.

"You could also remove the gifts belonging to our kind."- Solemnly said Xavier, who nobody called to our nice and amiable conversation.- This bitch! He has been trying to make me look like the bad guy for a while now. Maybe he should consider marrying Scott and calm down his conspiring bald head.

"Don't be such a drama queen Xavier! Jean, Gaea, Yao, Spark from this room and several other beings present on Earth can do the same... And that's just covering Earth."- That reminds me of the other lost duckling that I need to make a contract with. *Sigh* I'll do it after we have a celebratory banquet, I should invite Uatu, he can peek at Halo but not what's going on inside Halo, so he must watch the girls at least once, the birth of a new race is his responsibility to watch and record.- Xavier remained frozen upon the realization of my statement. 

"Beautiful maids of mine, check with Spark, Yao and Gaea for potential problems with your new bodies, get used to your new center of mass, we will hold a vote for the name of your race later and get ready to have a celebration banquet. I will go to extend an invitation to Uatu I bet that he must want to record your existence. You X-Men are invited as well."- Though I don't want Scott and Xavier present I promised Kitty to play nice. 


Blue Area (Moon)

I pop up in front of Uatu's place and walk to his station.

"Hey Uatu! How are you doing?"- I waved at my neighbor. 

"Hello Dragon, well met."- He said with his never changing older than time vibe.

"I came to invite you to a celebration banquet that we are having today. I did promise to invite you to the Halo before and this is as good of an opportunity as any."- It will probably take a few years for the Inhumans to become part of our neighborhood inner circle, so my house-warming party might not happen.

"Pray tell Dragon, What are you celebrating?"- Hehehe! Senior Voyeur you can't spy on my girls. 

"Hehehe! We have successfully created a new humanoid sentient race!"- His eyes opened further in surprise and he said:

"The last stable new species on Earth were the Inhomo supremis, about 50,000 years ago, that's indeed something to celebrate about."- That's what I thought, I bet that there were some new created species out there but not stable for reproduction like my maids. 

"Yes! They are stable and capable of propagation, my girls are too young but in a few decades they should be able to find adequate partners and their race's numbers will grow."- This is of course after a thorough screening from me and Spark. 

"Very well Dragon, let's go to your abode, I have been curious about it for some time now."

Needless to say that the X-Men were very surprised about Uatu, this was their first alien contact, though I am an Alien, to them since I look somewhat similar to them there was no shock. 


Hello Readers!

With this we close the first volume. Not much is going to happen so don't panic, I'll just take a few days to fix some grammatical errors from the previous chapters and a small plot hole that apparently no one spotted! Lucky me!

Next volume will start with a bunch of POVs to give some flavor to the previous chapters, I also decided to do future time-skips through POVs, like I did before, instead of writing interludes, but you can expect Wanda, Krakoa, Captain America and the establishment of Aragorn's fake life on Earth after that. I still need to plan out the next volume but it will probably end with the establishment of the mutant nation.

-> To address some of your questions, and maybe some that I had at the beginning as well:

->(+) Some of you might wonder why would a seemingly OP being need a secret identity among mortals, but you can consider his identity like Bruce Wayne's, the real persona is Batman and the Playboy persona is just a means for the Batman. Remember that the long forgotten goal of Aragorn is to have enough influence in society to steer it to a direction that benefits existence, he is not trying to rule or control all of earth, just making sure that there's an Earth/Universe for him (And his family) to inhabit. Sure you could become the overlord of Earth to enforce this, but I don't think that Aragorn's personality is like that, I also don't think that TOAA would appreciate it either (Considering his character in both this Fanfic and Comics). If I were Aragorn I would probably leave all ruling responsibilities to the girls, maybe Emma would enjoy that, but I think that she has enough for now with both Halo and the planet that Jean and Aragorn Co-own.

->(+) Talking about that planet... I don't have a name for it, you guys can suggest a name below and I'll pick one based on my preference, this should go until the first chapter of the next volume.

[Planet's Name]

->(+) Also about the name of the new species, I was thinking about a name related to 'Homo' (Homo Sapiens), magic and a third name for the beast of the individual like this:

(Homo) (Something related to magic) (Something about the beast you resemble)

You can leave suggestions below for the first two parts of the name ('Homo' is not set in stone) but the last part will be something like 'Felidae' for cats, tigers, lions, etc; 'Canidae' for wolves, foxes and dogs; 'Leporids' for rabbits; 'Fae' for elves and faeries; 'Piscinade' for mermaids, no sense in fixing something that works. Don't sweat it too much! if it gets too complicated, I will probably not use it in the future so it's not like you will have to memorize it, but it's for world building and possible easter eggs. You can vote below:

[(First Name) (xxxxxxxxxxxxx)]

[(xxxxxxxxxx) (Second Name)]

->(+)This story is not a power trip were the MC has to rush after power to make sure that the upper beings don't kill him, meaning that Aragorn won't go powering up like crazy, what I'm trying to point at is that his security is partially guaranteed, enough to have some security but not enough to stagnate, in Marvel there are plenty of beings that can and will give him problems in the future, but this is comedy not drama where the author gets your favorite FM killed and you are left with psychological repercussions even after the bastard author provides with a new FM. After a few volumes I will probably have him start mastering his TK and soul perks, but if you are looking for a power trip this is not your fanfic, not that it won't happen is just that you won't get any of that for a long while.

->(+) I know that some of us didn't read all the comics, so if there's something that you don't recognize just let me know and I will either find the links with some info or I will fix the 'Plot hole', the movies are great but if you want to build a fanfic with a decent 'size' world you'll need some elements from the comics or original content. Not that I'm picking a fight with other authors, just a personal feeling, I read a lot of web novels and fanfics and there are some out there with decent worlds based solely on movies. 

->(+) Lastly, so far the only original characters are Aragorn and Irina, you could say that we also have the other maids but there's too many to build characters for them... maybe along the story but not on the first volume. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of new characters when there's too many on the story, so unless I decide to take some chapters so that the readers get familiarized with original characters, I will keep those to a minimum. 

Did you guys get that the 'Blessing(s)' on the title referred to Gaea's 'Blessing', The Baby's 'Blessing' and the Maid's 'Blessing'?

I hope that you have been enjoying my story so far, like always I'm open to feedback so just let me know! See you in a few days! (Again... No Hiatus, just maybe a day or two extra in the regular release rate) 


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