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97.43% Soul Evolution System: Reborn / Chapter 38: Spell Scrolls

Kapitel 38: Spell Scrolls

On the edge of the fence a multitude of zombies could be observed, they stretched their arms trying to reach me, but all their attempts were useless. I direct my vision to the fence and the hinges would soon come off the wall where they were bolted.

Not wanting to waste more time I take the "Wall of Flames" scroll from the inventory, at the moment when I feel it between my fingers I use evaluation on it.

[Magic Scroll: Wall of Flames - F]

[Description: Scroll with the magic "Wall of Flames", it is necessary for the user to administer 1,000 to 5,000 crystals in the center of the parchment according to the intensity of the spell you need.]

Hell, it already cost me a fortune and is still demanding more crystals... I hope it is worth what I invested in it. I take out a crystal with the value of 2,500 and as the evaluation indicates I put it in the center of the scroll with a magic circle on it you might see in an anime. As it was the first time I used a spell scroll, I decided to go with a safe amount, since I didn't want it to be too strong and burn me along with the zombies, nor weak enough for it to go out in seconds.

At that moment a light emerges from the printed pattern, the intensity increases and the image of the scroll manifests itself as a kind of hologram. Then as if it formed a connection with my mind the procedures that I must perform appear in my head.

I just have to determine the place and the area where the magic will be implemented, when I think about this while seeing the multitude of zombies in front of me, the hologram shines and forms a sphere of fire that is projected just below the wall, then both the scroll and the crystal become dust and in the next second the flames draw a perimeter following the line of the walls.

The accumulated bodies of zombies on the fence begin to burn, due to the intensity of the flames I and Soichiro who observed with our mouths wide open, have to step back ... I could finally see a reaction from him, now I can be sure that he is not a robot.

The counter for zombies kill is constantly increasing, when the number reaches 1735, Soichiro, recovering from the shock, asks me.

"What did you do?"

"A great magic trick ... don't you think so?"


With Soichiro's silence I ask Aurora how long the spell will remain active, her answer is that with the amount of crystals I used, the effect will last about 3 minutes, but with all the bodies on fire, the fire will continue until it has no fuel left to continue.

Seeing the amount of stacked bodies I can deduce that the fire will continue for a while, I then turn and walk to where the vehicles are. There is no need to watch the fire, besides the smell of burning bodies was very unpleasant.

When Soichiro sees me leaving, he also does the same, we don't walk far when a line of vehicles forming a caravan approaches, and ahead of them is the 8-wheeler. When it arrives at our side, it stops, up top the bodyguard of the Takagi family takes a submachine gun while he looks around, Yuriko-san was driving and when I saw her, I could realize a fatal weakness of this car.

The LAV-25 had the driver's part open, so the driver would be unprotected, the advantage was that its shape like the hull of a ship would send the zombies towards the wheels when it passes over them, but it is still a risk if they manage to get to the driver.

Soichiro puts his eyes on each of the vehicles and afterwards looks at the flames that surrounded the wall of the house and finally on me. I just ignore it because I didn't want to answer any questions, so I dedicated myself to watching the vehicles. When I thought about modifying the formation Yuriko-san speaks.

"Soichiro, Alexander-kun please get in" -Yuriko

"Wait Yuriko-san, Hirano, bring your car to the front!!" -Alex

At the end of the line I can see Hirano pulling the gatling type gun out of the hatch of the vehicle, I whistle and shout to call his attention, seconds later the TR-12 advances leaving the formation, when it is next to me I can see Shisuka driving, She really is a versatile girl.

Those who were in the other vehicles watched and mutter some things, drawing their own conclusions from the new events. Without paying attention I turn to Yuriko-san who also looks at me with doubts.

"Yuriko-san, let Yoshioka drive, Hirano, take the machine gun of the LAV"

It is not that I value Yuriko-san more than Yoshioka ... I am simply giving him the opportunity to fulfill his work that he previously did. Yes, that was his job as a bodyguard. So he should happily agree to die for Yuriko-san, he is certainly a great man.

After processing my words even with confused faces due to my motives, everyone moves, Yuriko-san gets out of the driver's seat and then Yoshioka takes the wheel while Hirano maneuvers the gatling gun.

"Well, the LAV will cover the rearguard and the TR-12 will open the way, Soichiro and Yuriko-san, get in"

Well, although Yoshioka is a meat shield ... I mean, a bodyguard, I will not send him to a foolish death, it is better for the TR-12 to be in front of the caravan. After making the changes the door of the TR-12 opens, I see Kurisu inside being responsible for it, I proceed to tell the Takagi couple to get on board and I get in as well.

Inside I see that everyone here is part of my group, only Misuzu, Niki, Alice, her father and the dog are missing, asking about them they tell me that they are in the LAV.

"Alex-kun… do you want me to pass through the wall of flaming zombies?" -Shisuka

While checking the members inside, Shisuka's voice sounds behind me, I turn my vision to follow where her finger was pointing and there the flames burned with great intensity, I certainly don't think that it's a good idea.

Maybe the car can withstand the fire, but the tires are something else. Plus theres no guarantee we can push through a mountain of zombies. It would be stupid to ruin the cars minutes after getting them, and they are not cheap. Do we have to wait until the flames fade away?

[Why don't you use your other scroll Alexander?]

Other scroll? Now that Aurora mentions it, I think I've got one previously in a system reward chest. Speaking of them, do they appear in other worlds?

[They do, but with the amount of enemies, the number of zombies you will have to kill for them to appear are larger. You can probably find some outside of the wall among the flames, do you want to look for them]

Haa… Don't joke Aurora, I will have to pass from checking that.


"Hmn? Oh, no Shisuka, don't do that. I'll do something to create a path."

I answer Shisuka and indicate a path to the perimeter of the mansion that was not affected by the flames, all cars move along a line in that direction, when we are about 5m away I ask her to stop.

I go out through the hatch that Hirano was previously using and take the "Fireball" scroll, just as with the previous one I evaluated it to make sure if it was used in the same way.

[Magic Scroll: Fireball - G]

[Description: Scroll with the magic "Fireball", it is necessary for the user to administer 100 to 1,000 crystals in the center of the scroll, depending on the intensity that you want the spell to show. The form of use will be provided to the user automatically when it is activated.]

As I thought it has the same instructions, I take out 1,000 crystals, this time I want it to have a great effect, besides, being a smaller range I should use it to the maximum of its power.

I repeat the scene made with the previous scroll, but when the hologram becomes a fireball the final result is an explosion instead of a wall of flame. Upon impact, debris flies everywhere, so I take cover behind the hatch.

When I poke my head out I find a big hole in the wall where 2 cars can easily pass at the same time. With my goal accomplished, I go back inside and tell Shisuka to move forward.

Then the whole caravan moves and reaches the streets in seconds, Shisuka only drives away from the place aimlessly for the moment.

"Alexander-kun, what was that just now?"

Yuriko-san asks me and everyone else directs their eyes on me, Kurisu and Saeko may have an idea of what I did, but for others it must have been something unexpected.

"That was Magic Yuriko-san" -Alex

"Magic?… So then how did you do that trick?" -Yuriko

"If I tell you, it would stop being interesting, you should know that a magician never reveals his secrets" -Alex

"... Alexander-kun you are so bad" -Yuriko

Yuriko-san answers me sullenly since she didn't receive the answer she expected, I just smiled at her so as not to continue with that conversation, there will be a time to explain this to them, but for now it is difficult for them to believe me and it's possible I can lose their trust. Soichiro when seeing that my answer was the same one that I gave him decides to change the subject, returning to our previous talk.

"So now can you tell me where all these vehicles came from?"

"Soichiro ... Who are we? What are we doing here in this world? Where do we go when we die? Why were there several military vehicles at your house? These are questions a man might wonder about ... do not expect a 12 year old child to answer them"


Silence fills the car, Kurisu grabs the side of my clothes when she sees Soichiro squeezing his sword, seeing his reaction Saeko also does the same. When the environment became a little tense, the only one who seems not to notice or is immune to this speaks.

"Alex-kun, where are we going?" -Shisuka

"See, Shisuka is a smart girl who asks productive questions"

Although she should have asked when we left the house ... not when she has been driving on the streets for some time. With her intervention things relax a little and then Komuro speaks.

"Should we go to the amusement park that we will take as a base?"

"How many provisions did they manage to load in the cars?" -Alex

"We did it in a hurry, so there's not much ..." -Yuriko

To my question Yuriko-san who was in charge of organizing the transfer while we defended answers. As I feared, now our resources are limited, we have to take care of that first.

"I think we have to replenish our supplies first ... does anyone have an idea of a suitable place?"

Everyone thinks for a few seconds, but not having an idea, they turn their gaze to the Takagi couple, being the ones who live in the area they are the ones who should know the surroundings best, without disappointing the others Yuriko-san tells us.

"There is a mall near here, we can find everything we are looking for in there"

"Sounds good, please give directions to Shisuka to go there"

With a determined destination everyone relaxes in their seats, the convoy advances in the streets making its way over everything without stopping. The zombies that are on the road are crushed by several pairs of wheels, and the objects that block the passage are pushed to the side.


[Alexander level up 20]

[Kurisu level up 13]

[Saeko level up 19]

It seems I jumped a few levels from the zombies I killed back there. Suddenly I feel the energy concentrate in my body and it gives me a feeling that my body is full of strength. It seems that I broke another limit reaching level 20, in addition Kurisu and Saeko similarly leveled, with the latter also approaching the break through of her next limit.

"Haaa ..."

"What happen?"

"Nothing, I'm just a little tired"

Due to the feeling of reaching level 20, I cannot prevent a sigh from escaping my mouth attracting everyone's attention. The most perceptive seem to notice a slight change, but they remain silent knowing that they would not get much information out of me.

Without more to do, I return to my routine of wasting time stroking Scythe's pigtails, as a result she begins to growl comfortably. For a while the cars move on the streets devoid of living humans, you can only see corpses walking and when hearing the cars they turn in our direction. Unfortunately for them their speed cannot be compared with us, so we leave them behind in a few minutes.

"Help!! Please someone help me!!"

[Bang] [Bang]

On our way to the mall, not too far from it, a woman's voice and shots echo around the area. Looking for the source of the sound we see a policewoman who ran desperately trying to get away from the zombies, but unfortunately the loud sound of her screaming and shooting attracted more of them.

"Shisuka drive to where she is, Kurisu climb into the hatch and cover her"

The two follow my instructions, with the latter taking her M-14 rifle, she opens fire accompanied by a whistling sound due to the silencer and the closest zombies to the policewoman falls. Upon noticing the caravan she ran towards us.

With the help of Kurisu and the zombies that blocked the road getting hit by the TR-12, the pressure on the woman lowered to a great extent helping her manage to get to where we were safely.

Komuro opens the car door and the woman enters, she collapses in a free seat while breathing heavily. After catching her breath, she raises her head and looks at everyone inside and speaks accordingly.

"Ha ... Ha ... I thought you all were military..."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but we are only civilians with good cars"

"No, it doesn't matter, thanks for saving me. I really thought I'd die."

While talking with her I check her status with my evaluation, in the system, the text box [Self Defense Level 8] appears, I can discard that she is infected and therefore there is no risk in that regard.

"You're a police officer right? Do you have any idea where my parents are?!"

"You are?"

"Rei Miyamoto"

"So you're the captain's daughter, I'm sorry I was assigned in another area and we lost contact with the central police station ..."

"…I see"

Unable to resist, Rei intervenes, but this lady also doesn't seem to know anything about her parents' situation, which causes her to lose heart and collapse in her seat. Watching her like this, Komuro tries to comfort her, the two seem to have become closer without me noticing, since I do not see her dislike when he touches her, it may also be that she is no longer so altered as at the beginning.

"Then you are?" -Yuriko

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Lieutenant Matsushima. Me and my partner were protecting some survivors who took refuge in the mall near here. But after spending hours without regaining communication with the central of police, I decided to go out to look for help…

The rest is as you have seen ... it was not a very good decision on my part. At first I was able to move without the zombies noticing me, but once they did, I was eventually surrounded and was unable to get away."

When I was watching the interaction of the young high school couple, I remembered that in the original story Matsushima was the friend of another police woman... it seems she was lucky and we arrived before she became a zombie.

"You're in luck, we are going to the mall. If those who are there don't mind joining us, we can take them to another place." -Alex

"Really?!" -Matsushima

"Yes, our goal is to take all the provisions we can get there and then go to a safer place." -Yuriko

The Takagi couple nod to my words and Yuriko-san replies, with things clarified the vehicles resume on our course to the mall, since we were near, it is not long before the construction is in sight. It seems that the survivors built a barricade with the things they found trying to block the zombies way in.

They still have light, most likely through generators. The vehicles enter the parking lot moving some objects and then stop near the main gate of the mall.


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