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48.48% I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover / Chapter 16: Chapter 14-New Kingdom(I need to correct)

Kapitel 16: Chapter 14-New Kingdom(I need to correct)

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.





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Jejeje sorry for not uploading chapter


*Previos chapter*

Satoru: "Hehehe this will be great" he says while he takes off his dark girdles, to open his eyes and be seeing the ocean, then he begins to gather his neutral energy or as mana zero, that's how he named his power, and begins to circulate throughout his body, then with the six eyes begins to look around, lots of information came to his brain causing him a little pain, but thanks to the reverse technique he removed the pain, so was for a few seconds and then smiled and teleported


Moment later Satoru appears in the sky and begins to fall, Satoru realizes that he did not calculate the distance well, so he begins to channel his power, to avoid hitting the ground, gradually his speed slowed down and landed on the ground in style, Satoru was not sure if he achieved his goal, so he put on his dark glasses again while he saw the beach where he was and then he heard a rumble behind him, so he turns around and sees a girl with black samurai armor pointing a katana towards him.


???:"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here" she says with a threatening and annoying tone, to which Satoru simply smiles.



Satoru: "And that's my story of how I got here" he says while he was kneeling and had a black chain around his body, while he was in a Japanese themed room, while behind him are 4 people and in front of him is a Shoji door but behind that door is the leader of this nation.

So you're saying that you were practicing your magic power and it got out of control, causing you to teleport a little further and you ended up here, isn't that right?

Satoru: "Absolutely" he says with a smile on his face, the room was silent for a moment, the people behind Satoru were serious, while the person behind the door just stared at Satoru.

????: "Well, let's say I believe you, all the people here please come out and leave this kid, also take off his chains".

????: "But Ryuya-sama, he is an outsider and what if he has bad intentions before you".

Ryuya: "Calm down Ichika, nothing will happen, besides remember my power and that I am the Shogun of the nation" he says in a calm tone, when he said those words the tension that was in the room was gone, and all the people left, Ichika turned to see Satoru and released him, then she turned to Ryuya and bowed with respect and then left the room.

Ryuya: "Haha I've already told him not to do that but no matter how much I tell him he always does it" he says as he takes a cup of tea and starts to drink it-"So tell me Satoru why did you come here".

Satoru: "Well I think you know, don't you, since you have the Tengentsu".

Ryuya: "That's true but it only lets me see a little bit and everything else gets blurry, it's like there's another force similar to mine" he says as he gets up and opens the door.

Satoru: "Yes, I know why that happens, it's because of the six eyes I have, it's something similar to yours but it's much superior" he says while showing a smile of tranquility but with some pride.

Ryuya: "Hahaha yeah I already realized that" he says while walking towards Satoru to extend his hand towards him-"Well welcome to the land of the sun".

Satoru: "Haha, thank you very much for the warm welcome" he says as he extends his hand and accepts Ryuya's greeting.

Ryuya: "And how long are you going to be here?

Satoru: "I'm not sure, maybe a few months or a year, whatever God wants, I want to do some sightseeing and see if you could show me heavenly severance, although I'm not sure how it will be with me but I want to try" he says with a smile.

Ryuya: "I'm not sure but you should ask Ichika".

Satoru: "Eh, but why is she mad at me just by being here".

Ryuya: "Haha I know, she's almost always angry, but she's the one who could because I can't since I don't have magic power as you call it".

Satoru: "Well I'll have to convince her, yeiii" he says with little enthusiasm.

Ryuya: "Well cheer up, you have time, besides you can go sightseeing, but try not to cause trouble" he says while slapping Satoru's sword and starts to leave the room.

Satoru: "Buuu, okay, first sightseeing and see what they sell candy" he says with a lot of excitement for the last thing so he teleports and appears in an alley and starts walking through the streets for sightseeing, Satoru could admire quite new things if he compares it with the kingdom of the clover.

Satoru: "Wow, everything here has similarities to Japanese or Korean culture, I'm not sure or Chinese culture, I should have studied a little better the history of the countries" he says while walking on the street and observing several stalls, but what he did not realize was that several people were staring at him because of the clothes he was wearing, besides his white hair and a book he has on his left side.

Satoru: "Mmmhh sir, why is everyone staring at me?" he asks a man selling books.

Sir: "Can't you see, his clothes are a little strange, no one has ever seen those clothes before, besides why he has a book on his waist" he says while pointing to Satoru's grimoire.

Satoru: "Aaah it's just for that, nah and me worrying haha, well thanks bye" he says and then disappears from the place and appears in a house, and begins to walk and then arrives at a door and opens it with a bang.

Satoru: "Hey, Ryuya why didn't you tell me that I look strange" he says while looking at Ryuya who was sitting drinking a cup of tea, next to another person who was in front of him.

Ryuya: "I thought you already noticed, besides, why don't you knock before you come in".

Satoru: "Nah, it's much easier that way, well, who is he" he says while pointing to the person in front of Satoru.

Ryuya: "Well this is Mikuriya Humito our local genius of recovery Yojutsu".

Humito: "Nice to meet you Satoru Gojo" he says as he stands up and extends his hand in greeting.

Satoru: "And how do you know my name?" as he extends his hand and accepts the greeting.

Humito: "Ryuya told me".

Satoru: "A well that explains a lot of things" he says as he sits down and was about to speak but then his stomach rumbles-"Hehehehe sorry about that, I'm kind of hungry hehe" he says as he scratches his head in embarrassment.

Ryuya: "Hahaha what if you stay for lunch".

Satoru: "Ugh that would be great and what are we going to eat" he says while sitting near a table.

Ryuya: "Hahaha, they are bringing the food right now" he says and then he starts walking towards the table where Satoru is, then Humito walks towards the table and they wait for the food.

It didn't take long to wait for the food, Ryuya and Humito, were eating calmly but Satoru was eating while tears came out of his eyes, for the delight of the food, Satoru enjoyed the food, they were talking for a while about things of the kingdom, how is the kingdom of Satoru and things like that, after finishing they raised everything and Ryuya and Satoru said goodbye and started to walk, and they were talking for a while and then arrived to the streets of the city and continue talking.

Satoru: "You know your town is quite beautiful, quiet and friendly, well if we take away that they keep looking at me weird" he says while he has his hands behind his head and walks looking at the stalls and the people.

Ryuya: "Haha, but you know it's because of your clothes, it's something you don't see everyday here".

Satoru: "Yes, yes, I know that".

Ryuya: "By the way Satoru, you know what my right eye is and how it works, don't you".

Satoru: "Yes, it's something similar to mine, but mine are much better, much cooler and more powerful" he says with a wide smile.

Ryuya: "I know, but there is something that many don't know and it allows me to see moments of the future, well more like visions" he says as he turns to look at Satoru.

Satoru: "Mmmhh ya, that allows you how to act in the future no".

Ryuya: "Yes that's true, but it doesn't let me anymore, before I could see parts of the future and prevent certain things, but a few years ago that changed, the parts of the future that I saw now don't exist anymore and now there are new parts of the future" he says with a serious face while looking at Satoru.

Satoru: "So something changed, didn't it" he says and then he turns his face and sees Ryuya's serious face.

Ryuya: "That's true, some things became good, some things became quite good but some things became very bad, but among all of them there's you Satoru" he says while pointing at him.

Ryuya: "The future I knew started to disappear, some parts remained the same while others changed, although I'm not sure why they keep changing, but in a few years something very bad is going to happen and I think you already know what it is no".


Ryuya: "Well what I mean is to be careful, you may be strong but you better be safe" he says while looking at Satoru, and then he starts walking towards his house.

Satoru: "Hey Ryuya, by any chance did you see a small box in those visions of yours?" he says to make Ryuya stop and turn to look at Satoru.

Ryuya: "Mmmhh you mean a small red box and then it turns gray".

Satoru: "Yes, that box".

Ryuya: "Mmmhh I think I saw it, but the image was blurry as if they didn't want me to see it".

Satoru: "I see, arrggh, apparently there's going to be trouble, but what the heck" he says in an annoyed tone and starts walking next to Ryuya-"You know I'll worry about that later, I'd better live for the present".

Ryuya: "Haha, by the way what are you going to do now".

Satoru: "Actually I have no idea, maybe I'm going to go sightseeing or be an asshole all day".


After Satoru arrived to the land of the sun, he started to see every corner of the nation, he started to investigate all the things that were there, besides tasting the food, which caused Satoru to be so excited by how delicious it was, time passed and Satoru started to become familiar with the culture of the kingdom, besides he started to make several friends, but not only that he was also bothering Ichika to teach him heavenly severance, at the beginning he just looked at him ugly and ignored him, but after several attempts he started to get annoyed and launched several attacks towards him, although all the attacks were stopped in front of him, he did not stop insisting, after several months insisting Ichika gave up and told him that he would teach him but only once, so they went to a courtyard and Ichika showed him how to do it, Satoru had taken off his dark glasses to see how he did it and he was surprised of how the energy flowed, so he tried it and achieved it at the first time.

Time passed and Satoru stayed in the land of the sun, he trained, walked, ate, rested, played pranks, little by little, the people began to accept Satoru since they always saw him, besides he was friendly to talk to, Satoru had so much fun in this time that he lost track of time and 1 and 3 months had passed, Satoru was already 18 years old, and he did not expect the time to pass quickly, he had good times in the kingdom but it was time for him to return, because it was a few years before the original plot of Black Clover began, although he thought it would be good to change certain things, although he is not sure of which ones, but he already had an idea of which events to change.


*Ryuya's house

Satoru: "Well my dear Shogun, it's time to say goodbye, it was a good time to be here, and I'm thankful that you taught me that technique hahaha" he says while showing a big smile on his face-"Also thanks for this white bandage, it's very comfortable, besides it's very soft hahaha".

Ryuya: "It's ok, you can come whenever you want and by the way let us know when you arrive".

Satoru: "You're already asking too much, but I'll see what I can do".


Satoru: "You're still mad at me, aren't you".


Satoru: "Come on, it wasn't my fault, it was Yosuga's fault".

Yosuga: "Liar, it wasn't me".

Satoru: "So yes, because of you I got drunk and I couldn't teleport well and I almost ended up dead because of Ichika".

Yosuga: "And why did you teleport to the bathroom?

Satoru: "Why are you giving me a drink with too much alcohol?


Satoru: "Well, you're still mad".


Satoru: "What a genius you look like Yami" he says while sighing for the last thing, but when he said Yami's name, Ichika's eyes opened wide as she looks at Satoru and then looks at him angrily.

Ichika: "How do you know him?"

Satoru: "Who knows, you want to know how I met him don't you".

Ichika: "Yes"

Satoru: "That's simple, I met him when ...." he didn't finish the sentence because he put his hands together and disappeared from the place.

Ichika: "Where did that idiot go" she says it with anger.

Ryuya: "He already left, and when I say he left, I mean he already went back to his kingdom and he's not here right now".


*Tree Kingdom*

Satoru: "Wuuaaaaaaa, home sweet home at last, mmmmhh now I can see my family" he says as he starts stretching his body-"Well now the million dollar question, where the hell am I" he says as he lifts his head to look at the trees around him.

Satoru: "Damn, I thought I teleported well, but it seems I didn't, arrgghh I'll have to practice this a little more, I don't want to end up falling from the sky like the other time".


<Hello, I hope you like the chapter, and continue to support the story, later I plan to do another story but I'm not sure what to do, but for the moment I continue with this story hehehe>






<Jejeje, sorry for not uploading chapter, hehe I forgot to upload it, plus I was lazy but he, here is the chapter, I hope you enjoy it>.

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