"I suggest you put a dividing wall here, turning this one, huge room into two separate ones. In this way, you could have both a semblance of a living room and also a slightly greater privacy in the other part that you could turn into a bedroom."
Kash didn't waste any time when explaining her ideas for how to best use the space we had available. And while at it, she proved that she could both design the entirety of the building, but also make the best possible use of its insides.
"Wouldn't that make the bedroom too small?" Fay protested, squinting her eyes as she tried to layer her imagination of how the place would look like in the future over the layer of what she could actually see.
"I mean…" Kash hesitated for a second before turning to the side to give first Fay and then me a peculiar look. "If you need a bedroom mostly to sleep in it, it should be more than within comfortable bounds. But if you want to turn your bedroom into a kinkcave…"
First of the missing 2nd chapters
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