Opening my eyes instantly sent a surge of nearly unbearable pain to my brain.
But once I opened them, I could not close them back to cut the influx of the torture. Not when Fay's teary face was merely a few inches away from my pained eyes.
"Y-you are shining…" I whispered while my pained eyes played strange tricks on me, allowing me to see sparks of static electricity frolicking from one strand of Fay's hair to the other.
And as if it wasn't enough, I could clearly see the sharp tips of her fox-like ears peeking through the storm of her white hair!
"P-peter…" Fay whispered back, the tears that welled up in her eyes before now deciding it was the right time to start their journey down her slightly blushed cheeks.
"Don't cry," I whispered a small request, ignoring the pain and raising my hand up to wipe the tears off Fay's cheeks before they could fall down. Only when doing so I realized that Fay's face… was in the wrong orientation.
Okay, after the 4 chaps yesterday, let's do the tally again:
Dailies: 1/2 Bonuses: PS:1/1 Reviews:1/2 WPC toprank: 0/1 1k colls:0/2
Or, in other words:
2 daily and 4 bonus left (tbd within a week but I will try to cover them asap)