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92.3% A New Max Thunderman / Chapter 12: Weekend Guest

Kapitel 12: Weekend Guest

Friday afternoon. That was what day it was, and after noting both Billy and Nora in the kitchen with him while he was texting with Tara, he knew immediately another episode was taking place.

And considering the job happened last week, this could only be one thing happening on a Friday afternoon.

F**king Trevor. The plant indirectly led to so much distrust between siblings. Or, in the real world, it would have. And since this world seems to operate on mostly real world concepts, it would sow a lot of distrust.

Phoebe walked in the room with her hands behind her back. "Who wants to see something awesome?" She asked with a grin.

"I love awesome things!" Billy shouted.

"I love them more!" Nora added.

"Phoebe has no idea what awesome means. Don't buy into it." Max states.

"'I would have said the same thing.'" Maxie replies.

"'I am aware.'" Max replies.

Phoebe pulls her arms out from behind her, showing off the plant she had behind her back, and he recognizes it. He glares at the plant, then goes back to his phone, sending a quick but dirty response before putting his phone away in his pocket.

"What is that?" Billy asks immediately.

"Limpopo Flytrap. Exotic plant. It eats flies." Max then uses his telekinesis to grab the fly and pull it to the plant, then they all watch as the plant eats said fly.

""Cool!"" Billy and Nora say simultaneously. 

"But why do you have it?" Nora questions.

Phoebe sets the plant on the table, then explains, "My science teacher chose me to take care of it for the weekend. It's a huge honor."

Max gives her a look. "Wong's." He states, reminding her of her job.

Her eyes widen, and he realizes that she didn't think about that. He feels his phone buzz in his pocket, but doesn't otherwise pay it any mind.

"Um..." She stutters.

Nora just gives her a look. "You didn't think about that, did you?" The youngest sibling (so far) questioned.

"I did, just, uh..." His twin stammers, and he raises his eyebrows.

Max decides to answer for her. "Mom and dad won't be here, and even if they were, dad would forget and mom has enough difficulty balancing everything already. Billy has no idea what to do, Nora doesn't care about taking care of anything that isn't a bow, and I am beyond busy. You're going to have to take it to work."

She stammers a little bit. "How'd you know-"

"That you were going to ask us to do it? We're twins. It's simple math. Kind of like two plus two equals four and two times two gets the same number." He says, then brings his feet off of the table. "Plus, Phoebe, the swap is tomorrow. We will both be busy. Unless you're going to feed him before you go to work, then rush home on lunch to feed him then rush back to work, you can't do it. Plus, like I said, we are both spending the afternoon with each other's best friends after you get off of work."

Phoebe questions, "How do you know that's what I was thinking?"

He gives her a blank look. "Twins. Plus, I know your schedule. It's what I would do. I know you only work from eight to noon Saturday, but we are spending the entire afternoon with each others best friends. Which will take place from one to seven or eight. Then you work eight hours. Eight to noon, an hour for lunch, then one to five. There is no practically no time to feed the plant. I can cover for Saturday, but I'll be busy in my Lair for Sunday."

His third safe would be arriving Sunday, and he needed to finish the hole in his floor. It still wasn't big enough for the size of the safe he bought. It was a massive safe, as was the one in his wall. Both were of vital importance, though the in the wall next to his bed (the one his parents knew about) was small and useless. At most, he would put his 'Max' journal in there along with the dynamite.

Her face splits into a grin. "I forgot about the swap, but thank you! I knew I could count on you."

He rolls his eyes, then stood up. "Don't thank me. Just don't kill the plant." He stated.

Then he walked past her, vaguely hearing Phoebe say something to Nora about, "No, you cannot feed Trevor pudding, Nora!"

Checking his phone, he opened the image sent to him.

Revealed breasts in the mirror. He figured that would happen.


A few hours later, he was laying back on the couch, tossing a ball into the air then catching it. Occasionally he used his telekinesis to make it go higher, but not by much. And occasionally he ricocheted it off of more surfaces, then caught it.

Basically, he was bored out of his mind because he's had too much physical labor the past week so he wanted to give his body a break, and he didn't want to read out of that cosmic book anymore. He had gotten up to three hours of silence and three uses, plus the ability to cancel uses if he chose to.

To add on, Sarah had sent two more revealing pictures. One of her area below the waist and one with her shirt off, licking a melting popsicle. And yes, it a tad bit creepy. But, hey, he had a backup source of relief if Tara was ever out of town.

Which reminded him that she was moving out soon. Only a few more episodes. The comet was the last episode to feature Cole Campbell. He always assumed their vacation turned into a permanent stay. Bound to find out now.

Billy and Nora stepped in, and he gave the apple in Billys hand a look. Though, he didn't otherwise say anything about it. Just went back to tossing the ball.

Billy sets it on his head, then asks his sister, "You've lasered an apple off of someone's head before, right?"

"Nope." Nora denies.

Barb steps out and grabs the apple, not breaking stride as she says, "Nora, don't laser your brother."

"But he likes it, right, Billy?" Nora asked him.

Billy honestly replied with, "I kinda do."

Barb just sighs and lets her head tilt back, trying to keep her cool. "I feel the same way." Max throws out, and she nods. Then lets her head drop as Phoebe comes bounding down the stairs.

Hank stepped out, smoothing his death jacket out. He only wore it when someone died, so the family had coined it the death jacket. "Where are you going?" Barb asked Phoebe.

"I was going to hang out with Cherry. It's one of my days off, wanted to spend it with her and confirm plans me, Max, Tara, and Cherry had tomorrow." Phoebe states. "Wheeeere are you going?" Phoebe asked slowly.

"Mom's Uncle Wilfred died. They have to go to his will reading." Max stated, then tossed the ball in the air, using his powers to boost it then let it drop back down. He caught it, then shifted upright on the couch. "Me and Phoebe have had this planned for a week. I have the Thundermonitor hooked to my phone, along with the cameras you think are so hidden in our house. I'll know everything that's happening."

Barb stammered before nodding. "That... sounds... nice. So, you know you're babysitting then?"

Phoebe went to complain, but Max used his telekinesis to keep her from talking. "Yeah. We do. But Saturday afternoon will be spent out with the Thundermonitor letting me know of anything they do that's concerning. Deal?"

"Deal." Barb agrees.

Meanwhile, Hank questions, "We have cameras in here?"

Barb just sighed. "We'll be checking in on you. We'll only be gone one night, so there will be no need for you to miss us too much."

"If I have to fly back here because you're fighting, I'll have to drop the thunder on you." Hank warns.

Max rolls his eyes discretely. No, he wouldn't. "Okay. See ya, later." The doorbell rings and Max moves over to it. When he opens it, Sarah is standing there.

"Hi, Max-"

Max just swings the door back closed before walking downstairs.

The rest of his family resist a laugh.


Max was sitting on the couch, watching tv and texting as Nora and Billy walked in and nodded to each other.

Billy grabbed a phone and hid behind a couch, while Nora called it. Once it went through, Nora made sure it went through then called up to Phoebe, "Phoebe! Cole Campbell's on the phone!"

Nora handed the phone off to Phoebe after she bounded down the stairs, then Nora went upstairs. Phoebe spoke, "Hi, Cole~"

Then her face dropped and she sighed before walking into the living room. He pointed to his right, behind the couch where Billy would be. Phoebe used her telekinesis to move the couch, and Billy spoke into the phone in a deep voice, "Uh, I'll call you back."

"What are you up to?" Phoebe questioned, then realized it. "Nora!" She turned and ran up the stairs, intending on chasing her down to give the plant back or catch her before she fed it something other than water and flies.


Max was still on the couch when the parental transmission came in. He answered it, then sat back down. "Hi!" Barb cheered, then her face fell. "Where is everyone else?"

Max lists, "Phoebe is listening to music and doing homework, probably. Billy and Nora are probably trying to sneak into her room to feed the plant weird stuff. I'm watching a movie."

"Oh, we were just calling to check in. I'm glad everyone is fine." Barb says.

Max just shrugs. "For the most part. Gotta go. I'm liking the movie."

"Okay. I love you, Maxie!" She says, then he hangs up.


Max was still on the couch, watching another movie. He was doing pushups while paying half attention to it. This one wasn't really a good one. This movie was the equivalent to his worlds 'Friday the 13th: Part Five', so he wasn't really that interested.

As he's pushing himself up, the count now at forty-eight, Phoebe starts bounding down the stairs, chanting, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no-"

He does another, forty-nine. He glances at Phoebe as she stops. "Max, I accidentally spilled water on Trevor and I think he's dead."

Max hums. "Guess we should have two will readings then. One for Wilfred, one for Trevor." He sasses, then does another. An even fifty. He pushes himself onto his feet, then levels a look at his older sister. "What do you want *me* to do about it?"

She takes a minute to look at him softly. "Bring him back to life...?"

"...follow me downstairs."


He gets the table ready, hooked to chains. He instructs Phoebe to step over all of the power equipment in the floor, then set the plant on the table.

"Why is your room such a mess?" Phoebe questioned.

"Why did you send me that picture?" He brings up, and she bites her lip.

"You don't want to talk about it. Noted."

"Good." He gets it ready, then hands Phoebe a pair of goggles. He makes sure the electrical device in his ceiling (specifically made to power things from above) and hooks it up to a switch. The switch was universal, but the wire connector on bottom allowed plenty to be plugged in.

The younger twin then gets the ingredients he needs ready. Then, he grabs the Essence of Moonray, pouring the correct amount onto the plant. He sets it back down, then grabs the Growth Hormone.

Max then pours only the necessary amount on the plant. He didn't want to deal with a super plant, okay? He saw how it worked for Batman in plenty of media. Plus, he saw how it went in this very show. No thank you.

Max then grabbed the Eye of Newt, and tossed it on the plant. He stepped back, and motioned to her goggles. She put them on as Max grabbed the chains and pulled them, the table being elevated up to under the electrical output device.

Max grabbed his pair and put it up to his eyes, then grabbed the switch before flipping it. Electricity flowed through the plant, and when Max deemed it enough, he flipped it down. Then he grabbed the chain and lowered it, looking at it.

Phoebe went to say something, but he held a finger up while leaning over. Eventually, a new stem started growing, and it was alive again. "You owe me." Max stated, and Phoebe nodded, bending over beside him to look at the same angle.

"Yeah. I owe you one." Phoebe agreed.

"I got next!" Colosso shouted, and they both looked back to him. Colosso was next to a stuffed bunny. "Breathe some life into my friend here."

Phoebe just looked at Max, and Max responded, "Maybe. No guarantees."

"Good enough for me!"


It was Saturday morning. Max was texting back and forth with Tara, occasionally responding to Sarah when he felt like it. She sent a picture with something... to size... in between her chest mounds. And it really took him this long to realize she was oh, so, horny.

He would have to deal with that eventually.

But for now, he was watching a tv show similar to the Daredevil tv show in his world. It was only the second episode, but it was pretty guard. He's learning that this world as equivalent versions of the same media in this universe.

Thing is, all of the superhero shows either star a superhero or are based on an actual superhero here. There's even a spoof about this tv show in this universe! It was some Inception type s**t.

While watching, Phoebe bounded downstairs with a smile. "Already feed the plant?" Max questions.

"Yup. Have mom and dad called yet?" Phoebe asked.

Max shakes his head, hitting pause. "No. But they should soon. Billy and Nora?"

"Still sleeping." She says, and he hums. Guess the previous version where she yelled his name woke them up early.

"Then get off to work." Max states.

She nods, and grabs an apple. "Later, Max."


Then the parental transmission alert came in. And he sighed.


He feeds the plant upstairs, then steps downstairs in time to see Phoebe walk in the door and her hit the penguin. "Cherry is going to be over here shortly." She says, and he nods. Using his slide to get downstairs to change.

Tara was on her way.

He got changed into his going out attire, and walked back upstairs in time to see Cherry talking to Phoebe on the couch. He moved to Cherry and looked at her. "Do you have anything you want to do?" He questions, and she blushes.

Oh, god.

"Um, maybe just walk around?" She suggests.

"Works for me." He shrugs, then the doorbell rings. He turns around and moves to it, then opens the door, revealing Tara in all her drop-dead gorgeous appearance. "T." He greets.

"M." She greets, and they hug before releasing. "So, Phoebe, you and me?" She questions.

"Um... y-yeah. You and me." She stutters.

"Arcade?" Tara questions.

Phoebe just shrugs. "Y-Yeah. Sure." She gets up and walks out with Tara, the redhead turning back and flashing a smirk before closing the door.

"I love the arcade." Cherry said. Max just looked down at her.

"You like videogames?" Max questions.

She nods. "Yeah. I grew up with five brothers, it was either play videogames or I would have nothing to do." The blonde shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow. "Wanna play games then?" Max suggested.

She just grinned. "I have the perfect one for us."


It's been hours. And they were playing this universes equivalent to Mortal Kombat. And she was *good*. Very good, and they were actually having pleasant conversations. They just kept going and going, match after match, the winners flipping every match. Finishers being performed back and forth.

And he was actually smiling. Not a big one, but a slight one. Because nobody could ever match him. Tara has gotten close, but nobody has ever won.

The match ended, and they both laughed. Well, she laughed. He chuckled. They looked at each other, and when Cherry saw his face, her face just dropped. They stared, and his face turned into one of confusion.

Then she surged forward and planted her lips on his, and the shock that spread through his system was insane. She pulled back and bit her lip, looking up at him.

"Was... was that... okay...?" The blonde questions hesitantly.

"You're a surprisingly good kisser." He notes, answering her question.

"Not..." She trails off, and he realizes it. Not what she meant.

"I'm not the one that pulled away." He answers the unasked question.

She just grins and pushes forward, kissing him again. He sets his controller on the coffee table, leaning into her mouth, and she sets hers down, letting herself fall back to the couch.

She pokes his lip with her tongue, and he flips the script by reversing and pushing his in her mouth. She releases a moan and moves a hand to tangle in his hair, which reminds him, he has to cut it.

"'What are y-'" Maxie starts, but then Max mutes him. Because this was way too good.

Cherry was a remarkably good kisser, and it seems like she's had a crush for awhile. Since they first met, and he could tell. The enthusiasm was only brought on by someone who was hiding certain feelings.

Cherry breathes out through her nose, her other hand grabbing onto his arm as they kissed. She was pushing up into his mouth, letting his tongue force hers down inside of her mouth. She felt need swell up below, and gripped his arm, his hair, just a little bit tighter.

He seemed to sense these cues, because he brought a knee up to her center and gently pressed, pulling a low whine from the blonde. She gripped his arm even tighter, breaking away to breathe. She pushed her forehead against his, and he pressed back to make things more comfortable. "This is..." The blonde mutters

"Intense?" Max suggests, looking at her from below where they were pressed to each other.

"Yeah." She agreed, then grinned. "I like it."

"Good." He presses their lips together again, and he goes back right to where they started. He moves a hand down, letting it rest against the front of her shorts. He doesn't move for the button, still exploring the inside of her mouth while she lays there, and leaves if she wants it up to her.

The hand in his hair moves down, shifting to her shorts before undoing the button. She pushes the zipper down, then grabs his wrist, guiding it up then settling it on her stomach. He slips his fingers inside the shorts, dipping underneath her panties as well.

She moaned into his mouth as the pads of his fingers touched her most sensitive part, nails digging into his bare arms hard enough for a red liquid to come out.

His middle finger started circling her clit, pulling a hitched breath out of her which he caught in his mouth. Her tongue decided to finally battle against his, her free hand moving back to his hair and gripping onto it.

He sped his finger up, and due to the increased speed she had to pull her mouth from his and lean her face into his neck. He kept going, changing the motion from circling to up and down. Moving past it and letting it puff up, then going back over it, then dropping off to let it swell up again, repeat.

It seemed to have its intended effects, her teeth clamping down on his shoulder to prevent sound from escaping. His siblings were still upstairs, and the slightest sound would bring them down.

He added his index finger to help, increasing the intensity of the rubbing, ends of his fingers drifting over her most sensitive body part. But, she seemed to be enjoying it. Immensely.

Based on the amount of red running down his arm from where she was gripping him. Plus, he could feel her teeth dig into his shoulder from where she was biting, and he could already tell it would probably leave a scar.

Why is it that this is his second life, but in both he's had bite scars on his shoulder?

His shoulder wasn't bleeding, but nothing had to bleed to scar.

He slipped his hand down to her cavern and slipped his middle finger in, all three physical attachments increased in intensity. He started pulling his finger out and pushing it in, the girl finally releasing her teeth from his arm to breathe lustfully in his ear.

He increases the speed of his finger, hearing the girl moan lowly in his ear. It spurred him on, encouraging him to add even more effort, which in this case, was a second finger.

She moaned intently, pushing down into his fingers as he thrusts his fingers in and out of her. His free hand moved into her hair and gripped it before lightly tugging it back. The goal was to have her look him in the eyes, and it worked. When she looked up at him, her eyes were pleading.

"You there?" Max whispers, looking down at her as he keeps pushing his fingers in and out with great speed.

Cherry bit her lip and nodded, looking up at him with the most pleading look. It spurred him on below, but right now he wasn't focused on him. He was focused on the blonde under him.

He added his thumb to her clit and pressed down, and she bit her lip before releasing herself. He feels some liquid spill over on his hand, and he breathes lowly. He leans down and gives her a slow kiss, which she returns. After awhile, he pulls back then removes his hand, using his tongue to lick the juices off of them.

She shivers, and he gives a light smirk before he pushes himself up.

"I'd say the goal was achieved. Wouldn't you?" Max questions.

Cherry lets go of his hair and his arm, then nods. "Um... yeah. I would- I would say so." Cherry agrees.

He gives her a small smile before he motions to her shorts. "You want to button those or do you want me to?"

Cherry blushes and moves her hands to her shorts and buttons them back up, hands occasionally fumbling it. She finally gets it done, then looks at him with a red face. "Could we maybe-"

"Not tell Phoebe about this? Of course. Do you maybe want to do this again?" He asks, and she nods.

She thinks. Then answers, "Yeah. Could I get your number?"

"Of course."


She was saved in his phone as 'Cherry Bomb' and they had been having a lot of fun. They went back to playing games, and it kept going back at forth. Cherry still blushed when she looked at him, but he didn't really pay that much attention to it other than noting it down.

Then Phoebe walked through the door, laughing with Tara. "The way he looked at you-"

"I told you, Phoebe, I have *skills*." She grins, then looks at Max and Cherry on the couch. "DId you two leave the house?"

Max shakes his head. "No. We played a very violent videogame the whole time. She's good." Max says.

Phoebe steps forward, concerned. "Max, is that... blood? Are you bleeding?" His twin asked, concerned.

He checked his left arm, and right there, he saw that he had been bleeding. He never cleaned it, so it had ran down his arm and dried. He got distracted, it's only been half an hour since they got done.

"I think she was talking about your shoulder." Tara smirked, and he looked. The bite did bleed, and there was tear in his sleeveless shirt. Half of the bite was on skin, and half was on shirt.

"We left the house to get some air and I got attacked by a tree I wasn't expecting." He lies.

Phoebe seems to accept it, but Tara doesn't seem to be believing it, based on the look he was getting. Nora and Billy came downstairs, and said, "Mom and dad are home- why is Max sitting with Cherry and why is Tara standing with Phoebe?" Nora questioned.

""Best friend swap."" All four of them said, then the door opened. Hank walked in with jellies, and Barb followed before closing the door.

"Did you get anything? Are we rich?" Billy asked.

"We're rich in family. You see, life's an adventure, and your mother will tell you all about it." Hank said, then took the jellies to the kitchen.

"So, what did my little treasures do while we were gone? Everything go as planned?" Barb asked.

"Not exactly but it was nice. I think all four of us understand each other a little better." Max stated.

"Oh, well, how does a nice dinner for everyone, Tara and Cherry included, sound?" Barb asked, and everyone nodded.

Max just walked off to his bedroom to clean himself up and switch shirts.


In the middle of the night, he pushes himself up harshly, taking a breath. He felt off. Like something was watching him. He blinked, and in front of him was the same ethereal woman that put him here.

"Holy hell, what are you doing here? I assume Colosso can't see or hear you?" He asks.

The woman smiles softly and nods. "He is on pause, yes. How has this life been faring you?" She questioned.

He breathes out. "Well, it's been going great. I know what I'm doing, I'm adjusted, and I have a plan to every situation that could possibly come up. And, since I assume you've been watching, I'm getting... lucky."

She chuckled. "That I have. One day, you may even have me." She winked. "I have only a little time. I do hope your life is enjoyable from this point forward. I look forward to watching it."

He laughs, then remembers. "Wait, I have a name for you." He reminds.

She raises an eyebrow. "Oh? What's my name, then?"

He takes a deep breath. "Ash."

Ash smiles. "Ash. I like it. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Don't let me keep you."

"You could never." She remarks, then leans in and presses her lips to his. He closes his eyes, then the lips pull away. When he opens them, she is gone.

He huffs in amusement. "Figures."

{End Note: I heard that someone's birthday was soon and me updating was going to be their birthday present. So, if you made it here, happy birthday! I hope this chapter was good enough.)


Book Reading (Get rid of Maxie)

Practice with Powers

Slacking Off


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