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75% A New Max Thunderman / Chapter 9: Report Card

Kapitel 9: Report Card

In the room, like normal, he reads. He didn't have anything planned tonight (surprisingly) and Tara was currently three hours away, thanks to her parents deciding after the dinner a few weeks ago that maybe she should get away from Hiddenville a bit more.

He was calmly reading when Maxie spoke up, "'I can't read anything. And I *know* I can read.'"

"'Can you?'" Max replied, staring at the magical book in his hands with curiosity. He had been keeping the book away from Maxie's eyes in case he *could* read it but... he couldn't?

Damn, that long game of keep-away was played for absolutely no reason, then.

"'Yes! But when I look at this it's just a blur. I know there are words, I just can't seem to read them!'" Maxie states.

Max replies, "'Sounds like a you problem.'"

"'We are literally the same person.'"

"'No, we aren't. I just happen to be in your body, and your consciousness just happens to still be around.'"

"'Is there really a difference?'"

"'Yes. If you actually looked at things like a scientist instead of just claiming you are one, you would know they aren't the same.'"


"Max!" A person shouts, storming down his stairs, and he has to slam the book closed. He puts his forearms over the cover as he looks up at the stairs.

"Yes?" He answers.

Next thing he knows, Phoebe is bounding down the stairs. "I need your help."

"Let me think... no." He answers straight-faced. He does notice how she seems to already be either annoyed or flushed. He was getting better, but not where he was before.

"You haven't even heard what I need help with!" She shouts, frustration getting the better of her. He does wonder what would have her flushed though.

"And I don't care. I have my own things to do." He replies simply.

"Like a tea party with your rabbit?" Phoebe questions.

"'Colosso made those weird.'" Maxie says.

"'The fact that you had tea parties with your rabbit is weird enough to begin with.'" Max replies in his head.

Then Max replies to Phoebe out loud, "One, he's a bunny. Two, no, I have science to do."

She groans. "Look, I tried everything else I could because you are the last person I want to be talking to right now, but I really need help. I saw your last report card, and I know your grades are good. Please, just help me."

He thinks on it. Legitimately, he does. He tries weighing the pros and cons. The pros: it would build the relationship they have going at the moment, and she might trust him enough to leave him alone. It would also keep Phoebe in classes above his, so that they don't have to interact. The cons: it has the possibility of making her think they are close enough to be around each other all the time. It also could put a damper on his plans, she could get in the way. It could give people hints that he cares more than Maxie at this time actually would.

More cons than pros.

"No, Phoebe. That's my final answer."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, Max, fine. You can't be nice just this once and help your sister!"

For some reason, this sets him off. "I've been way nicer than I should have been since we moved here." He stands up. "I saved your friendship with Cherry! Plus, I've said no every single time she has ever tried to come onto me! You have seen that with your own eyes! I got you a present even after you did nothing but scream at me for two days! I did everything I could not to embarrass you in front of your crush! The dinner a few weeks ago, that was me! I specifically kept every single prank away from you! The tea? Burping pills. The soup? Hot sauce that got hotter when in contact with water. The scorpions? I released them before dinner even started! The only time anything happened to Cole was he got covered when the main course exploded! I could have let you lose your crush, but I didn't! My quota for niceness recently has already been met. Now, if you'll excuse me, you can turn around, walk up those stairs, and leave me alone!" He stops to take a deep breath, while she just looks shocked. "Get out." He says calmer, realizing that he lost his temper for no reason. "Now."

Phoebe just turns around and leaves, and Max sits back down, running his fingers through his hair.

What did he just do?


The next morning, he's sitting on the kitchen counter, eating some pancakes and eggs he scraped together (cereal was getting boring) and thinking. He was always thinking. Then his phone went off. He looked at it, seeing a text from Tara, asking if he could make it to hers today. He quickly typed back no, that he had things planned, before returning to his breakfast. Blowing breath out, he returned to his pancakes as his mother walked downstairs, Billy and Nora in tow.

"Morning, Max." Nora greeted, moving to get her breakfast, Billy close behind while Barb went to start coffee.

"Coffee's already started." Max said simply.

Barb paused. "Why is it already started?"

"I got up earlier than normal. Decided coffee was the best way to go." Max answered.

"You're fifteen."

"Wow, mom, totally didn't know that."

"You're too young to drink coffee."

"I've been drinking coffee for years."


"You didn't think the extra coffee being gone was weird?"

"I thought that was your father!"


"Yay, I got the prize!" Nora shouted, then Billy zipped over and grabbed it.

"You snooze, you lose." Billy told Nora. In response, Nora zaps him, getting an "ow!" in the process as he drops it.

She picked it up. "You take, you bake." She responds to which Barb walks over and takes the candy ring.

"Zap your brother, prize goes to mother!" She sang, then she looked at it, which didn't last long as Max used telekinesis to pull the ring to him.

"Box opener, prize winner." Max says without tone before putting it on his finger, then continuing to eat his breakfast.

Hank then walks in. "Unbelievable. This is the sixth day in a row my newspaper's missing. Some miscreant is stealing it."

Nora asks, "What's a miscreant?"

While Billy asks, "What's a newspaper?"

Max answers, "A miscreant is someone who breaks the law or behaves badly, also known as a criminal. A newspaper is a paper that is printed and distributed on a set schedule that contains news, ads, opinion, or features. Colosso has been taking those to read, then use the bathroom on. Go talk to him." Then he goes back to eating.

Hank looks at him skeptically. "How do you know that?"

Max pauses. "I know everything, remember? Plus, he lives in my bedroom. I'd be dumb not to notice." Hank just nods at his reasoning while he takes a bite of his scrambled eggs.

Then Phoebe walks in, giving Max a scowl as she sits at the bar. "Just toast for me, mom, please. I have to study for the Math Bowl." Max just hums. It's that time already? He thought he would have at least another week. Guess not. That's what she wanted help with.

"That's what you needed help with? Really?" He asks.

Phoebe just glares. "This will help me get into Hero University, and I need to be good at it."

Max just shrugs. "Okay." Then he goes back.

"That's all you got? Just 'okay'? No insult? No bad comeback?" She asks.

Max looks over at her as he swallows some pancakes, and he feels eyes on him. He doesn't like it.

"Phoebe, do you want a fight? Is that it? Because dad can easily set up the living room as a combat course and we can go right now, if you want." Max responds calmly.

"I just want a single response out of you that doesn't seem mean or bored!" She shouts.

"Sorry, Pheebs. Not going to happen." He responds, hopping off of the counter.

"And why not?"

"Because I *don't care*. I have my own things to do. My whole life isn't centered around you. If you want to get something off of your chest, or just slap me, go on ahead so you can get over it."

"'Get over it'? Are you kidding!?"

"No. Do something about it, or let it go."

"Ugh!" She shouted, then turned and walked out, slamming her door on the way.

"Max, was that really necessary?" Barb asked.

"Yeah. If she's angry, she either needs to do something to release it, or drop the anger entirely. Anger is pointless unless directed. She needs to learn that." He responds.

"And how would you know that?" Questioned Hank.

"I've been angry for a long time. I let it go. Now I'm better." He checks his watch. "Sorry, gotta go, Hank-O." Then he walks out, deciding to stroll.

He could easily make up any schoolwork he missed.


Stepping into school and moving to his locker, he immediately ran into a red Cherry. No, not the fruit. It was Cherry, his sister's best friend, and her face was red. Either she was angry, or she had spent the whole walk to school holding her breath.

"Max!" She shouted, and he quickly deduced that she was angry.

"What?" He inquired.

"Phoebe is beyond angry." She started.

"I'm fully aware." He stated.

"Then you know it's your fault." She continued.

"Of course."

"That means *you* need to fix it."

He huffs in amusement. "No, I don't. She can either get over it, or she can let it go."


"You heard me, Cherry. If she can't find anything to do with her anger, then she can let it go. I offered to let her hit me. She didn't take it. If she's not angry enough to fight, then she's not really angry." Then Max brushes past her, checking her shoulder on the way.

"'That's actually really good advice.'" Maxie notes.

"'It's the truth. She's feeling a different emotion that she's translating into anger or frustration because it's easier to deal with that way for her.'" Max replies.

"'How do you know that?'" Maxie asks.

"'I had a degree in psychology in my past life.'"

"'Of course, you did. What *can't* you do?'"

"'Not be a dick, apparently.'"


Stepping into the kitchen at five in the morning, he notices a lack of people outside trying to catch a thief. He told them the culprit; they'd probably confront him tomorrow. Today was report card day, his parents wanted him home to see them. Plus, he had nothing else to do. Immediately after school, she was heading off to the state next to this one for about four to five days.

Oh, had he mentioned that during the three weeks after the dinner they snuck off to bone thirteen times? They were never slow. Always quick and rushed.

Anyways, he stepped out of the house before anyone else got up this time. He wanted to be able to get a few small pranks in before class started.


Stepping through the door with Phoebe behind him, he held the door open as she passed, letting the door swing closed after she entered. She still seemed angry.

"Oh, kids..." Barb sang from the kitchen, stepping out while holding an envelope. A report card. Hank stepped out holding the same thing.

"Yay. Report cards." Max said dryly.

"Remember, before we open your report cards, we care just as much about the effort as we do about the grades." Barb says.

"No, we don't." Hank disagreed.

"Open them already." Max said, sounding bored.

Barb frowns but opens the first one. "Okay, Phoebe, you got five A's and one B." Phoebe rushes forward.

"A 'B'?" She questions, grabbing it. "Art class? You guys loved the horse I painted you!"

"Pheebs, your art skills are garbage." Max supplied.

"Shut up." She grit out.

"Okay, Max." Hank disrupts, opening the envelope. It takes a second. "Three A's, three B's."

""What!?"" Both Barb and Phoebe yell at the same time.

"Is there another Max Thunderman at your school?" Hank asked.

Max answered, "No. I just actually attended class."

"'I still don't know why you do that. School is dumb, and a waste of time.'" Maxie retorted.

Max simply answered, "'I do it because it keeps them off of my back, it will earn me more opportunities should I need them, and because I want to improve your former life by actually allowing you to graduate.'"


"And if it helps, I did it without studying." Max supplies simply.

Barb moves towards him and pulls him into a hug, saying, "I'm so proud of you, sweetie. I knew you could do it!" Max simply pats her lower back and pulls away.

"Wait. There's more." Hank says, and everyone looks. Max just raises an eyebrow. There's is no f**king way he got into honors math this time around. "It's a letter, saying Max is being transferred to honors math!" Son of a b***h. Maybe the universe senses the changes he's been making and tried to make it right by having him get into honors math? Had he already hit a quota for what he could change up to this point?

Questions, questions.

Barb squealed. "That's Phoebe's class! You two can be little study buddies!"

"Mom." Max said. "No."

"Why not?" She questioned.

"Because I'm transferring out as soon as I can." He answered.

Barb opened her mouth to retort but closed it before plastering a smile on her face. "Let's put this on the refrigerator." She said, picking Max's report card up and walking over to the fridge.

Hank then grabbed Phoebe's. "Oh, yours too, Phoebe." Then he walked into the kitchen after Barb.

"Did you change your grades?" Phoebe questioned with snark.

"Now, why, dear sister, would I do that only to give myself B's? No, I didn't change my grades. I just went to class and did all of the work given to me. It's really not that hard, Phoebe." Max answered calmly.

Phoebe only glared. "Mhm. Why transfer out? If it's really that easy, you should be able to cut it. Or would it be too hard for you?"

Max gives her a look. "If you're trying to get a rise out of me, it's not going to work."

Phoebe just grumbles before stomping upstairs and away from him. Max just looks at her as she leaves before moving to his own room, sliding down the slide and staring at the Dark Mayhem poster.

He had to get around to removing that.


Stepping into the classroom, he sits down in an empty seat right in the front, leaning back in said seat while he waits.

He was early, obviously. Then everyone starts filling in, and he notices Sarah, which has him groaning silently. Why? Because she noticed him, and instantly blushed. Guess he's dealing with the same Sarah problem that Maxie did.

He got a glare from Phoebe once she saw him too.

He drew in a notebook that he bought. He had two, one for his ideas for anti-hero life or things like that, and one that he just doodled in so if anyone looked, that's all they would see.

Then the teacher, Mr. Pines walked in. "Alright, class, alright." Everyone else sits down while Max glances up to look, before continuing. The paperwork to transfer would start tomorrow, which was what he was told. "Ah, very exciting news. I have finally chosen our two Math Bowl team captains. And the first team captain is... Phoebe Thunderman!" Students cheer and pat Phoebe on the back, which has him rolling his eyes. "And facing off against Phoebe is a new student who just transferred here, Max Thunderman!" Max looked up with a raised eyebrow.



Mr. Pines looked confused. "What do you mean 'no'?"

Max answered with, "I mean no, I don't want to be a captain."

"Why not?" Asked the teacher.

"I don't want to."

"It's part of your grade."

"I'm transferring out of this class."

"Not until after the Math Bowl. All honors paperwork is placed on hold until after the Math Bowl is complete."

"So, I don't have a choice?"




Sarah and Evan were coming over shortly to study. Phoebe was with Ashley and Tyler at the moment. Walking upstairs, he steps out and into the living room. "Studying?" He questions.

Phoebe gives him a glare. "Yes. What are you doing? Failing? Practicing losing the Math Bowl?"

"No." Max responds, the heads of Ashley and Tyler turning to look at him. Then the doorbell rings. Turning, he calmly walks over to the door, opening it to reveal Sarah and Evan. "Brainiacs." He greets.

What? If he was forced to do this, might as well do it with the best shot of winning.

Phoebe stood up and looked at Sarah. "Sarah? I thought you were sick?"

Sarah responded, "I'm love-sick. And the only cure is being on Max's team."

"Sarah. We talked about this." Max said simply.


"Max, what do you think you're doing?" Phoebe asked with snark.

"Making my chances of winning as high as possible. Even forced into it, I will attempt to win." He responded without tone, not looking at Phoebe, which bothered her.

"Oh, really? You think you're gonna win?" His twin questioned.

He shakes his head. "I said I would attempt to. Not that I would. I will try though." Phoebe just huffs.

"You're so annoying!"

"That's the cue to get out of your hair. Let's go." He said simply, moving to the slide and hitting the button, then quickly sliding down. This was going to be a long night.


He was right. Colosso didn't say a single word because he couldn't hear anything through the soundproofed blanket, he put over the cage before he even walked upstairs. It was a good thing too. Sarah at didn't shut up. He's serious. She was always talking. He had to use his ability. Oh, he forgot to mention, he now had two uses of that ability. He could use it twice a day.

Blowing a breath out as he closed the door behind them, he quickly used his telekinesis to lock it. Reaching over, he pushed the penguin butler down before stepping over to the stairs.

Or at least he was trying to, before a voice interrupted him. "Oh, done 'studying'?" He heard his sister ask.

"It's eleven, Phoebe. Go to bed."

"No. Why were you studying so late? Did you do other things with them?"

Max's face twisted up. "What are you on about? No, Sarah just wouldn't shut up, and Evan was too busy looking around my room at all of the tech to focus too much. By the time we hit the quota, it was already ten-thirty, and I just wanted them out."

Phoebe seemed to frown. "Mhm. Sure. I'm going to bed." Then she turned and walked off without letting him get a word in.

Sighing he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Pulling it out, he checked the notification. It was from Tara. "'*Come to my house. Right now. You won't regret it ;)*'" The text puts him on edge, at least a little bit.

But... who is he to deny his best friend?


Climbing up the side of the house (for f**ks sake why is their house three f**king stories tall? The body he was currently in hasn't had the same amount of training his old one had, so his arms and torso were on *fire*) he knocked on the window while keeping hold of the trellis on the side of the house.

The window swung open, and Tara stood there in a robe. "Well, f**k me, didn't expect you here this early. I gotta get dressed. You just chill on the bed for a few minutes." She said, explaining as he crawled in and removed his jacket. Nodding, he sat down on the bed. After a few seconds, he laid back, closing his eyes. Dealing with an increasingly irritated Phoebe over the past few weeks have been tiring, plus Cherry this morning, along with Evan and Sarah over the course of a few hours. He was drained.

So, to say that he went from dead tired to wide awake when he opened his eyes only to see Tara in some sexy red lingerie tells just how attractive she looked at the moment.

"What are you wearing?" He questioned, though he knew.

This must be one of her gifts for the dinner. And here he thought those were the thirteen quickies.

"Lingerie. I figured after the dinner, and how unbelievably hot you were the entire time, you deserved a reward. The second one is in the works, but this is the first. You're in control this time." She walked over and crawled onto the bed, more specifically, his lap, then settling. "Every aspect. Every single thing you want to do tonight, you can do."

Licking his lips, he grasped her face and pulled her down, starting a slow kiss. She gasped, seemingly not expecting it but reciprocated the kiss anyways. Her hands went around his neck as she let him do it. Then he pushed his tongue in, at the same time, lifting her up and reversing their positions. Now she was laying down while he was on top of her, savoring every single second.

She seemed to enjoy what was happening, as she pushed herself down onto the flat part of his bent knee, moaning into his mouth the second she did.

He let a hand slip down her stomach, running over her toned abs (guess she wasn't lying when she said she exercised at least once, and had been doing so religiously for years now) before slipping over the panties. His hand stayed on top, not moving, just sitting there before he finally moved up and slipped them in.

He heard her breath hitch, then he had to pull away to breathe, leaning his forehead onto hers. He slowly started rubbing, hearing her moan softly at his slow strokes. He targeted what he knew was a sensitive area and kept going. He didn't falter, he just kept going. Rubbing her center evenly, he leaned down to her neck and latched on, sucking softly, getting more pleasurable noises from Tara.

A hand moved to his hair and gently grabbed on as he continued, then once she hit the end of her rope, the grip became even tighter as she shuddered, then she released. "Damn..." She muttered, then he released his mouth from her neck.

The second he pulled away from her, he reached up and gripped his shirt before pulling it off with ease.

"'What is going on-'" Maxie gets cut off by instantly getting muted by Max. No. He wasn't ruining it. This was the first time he was able to use it twice in the same day.

"Bra off." He commanded, and she just gave him a grin before leaning up and removing it, revealing her chest to him. They looked great, like always, even though he rarely sees them. Quickies don't really allow for much clothe removal.

Example, this is the first time Tara has ever seen him shirtless.

He leaned down and took one in his mouth, giving a nipple a little bite before pulling away, hearing no sound of displeasure from her. He looked down to her panties and licked his lips again. He moved down the bed, making sure she was looking him in the eyes before he grasped onto the waistband of her underwear, then slowly pulling them down her legs.

He sees her bite her lip, likely enjoying the sight of him down there. He pulls them completely off of her then tosses them off of the bed, the complete opposite way from where she tossed her bra. They were not even bothering to hide what they were doing, and her parents could walk in at any time. It was about twelve-thirty, maybe one in the morning, so it was unlikely, but still a possibility.

It was a bit of a turn-on.

Tara bit her lip, and leaned up, reaching for the front of his pants. He reached down himself, undoing the belt with her help, then he grabbed it and quickly pulled it out before tossing it to the side. Then the redhead reached for the button, to which he gently pushes her hands away.

"I'm in control, remember?" Max reminds, flashing a grin as he quickly got his pants undone, then unzipped. He did have to push off of the bed to get everything off though.

It did get a tiny bit awkward when he had to take off his boots, then tuck his socks into them before he could get his pants (plus briefs) all the way off and climb into bed with her. Crawling over her, he places his mouth back onto hers, sliding his tongue in, which gets another moan from her.

Her legs wrap around his waist, and he grins into the kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue. He reaches down with a free hand, grabs himself, then slides right into her. Her breath hitches and he pulls away, going to the other side of her neck to begin replicating the mark from the other side onto this one.

She moans into his hair as he starts moving, going slow, letting them both feel it. This has already been one hell of a night, so if he were to blast early, he doesn't care. He has a feeling neither would she.

So, he keeps sucking, enjoying the sounds coming from the redhead underneath him as he keeps going. Her grip keeps getting tighter, and it comes to a crescendo when she orgasms again, and it hits a high gripping point before it lessens.

"F**k, Max... please. Give it to me..." She moans, and he bites her neck gently before pushing all the way in, stopping all restraint. It flows into her, and he hears her breath hitch a bit before it makes way to a low moan. Once he's done, he looks into her eyes.

"What next?" He questions.

"Stay." She answers, and he nods, rolling off of her and to the side, quickly reaching down to pull up her comforter and cover them both, before settling down in the covers. He instantly feels her head drop onto his chest, and her mouth attach to the front of his throat for a few seconds before releasing.

A mark right on the front of his throat? Bold. Territorial.

She was *claiming him* and he has never been more flattered.

The last thing he could remember was Tara muttering something he didn't quite catch before passing out.


Waking up, it took a moment to realize where he was, because he didn't quite recognize the ceiling. He was in Tara's room, and he didn't go back to the house last night. His parents were gonna be pissed. Good.

Looking down, he found himself captivated by how she appeared. Red hair splayed out across his chest, highlighting her face, especially with the light coming through the window.

Which is why he knows sneaking out of the bed is something he will regret. It felt great, and he wished he could stay, but he had cover to maintain, and a damn Math Bowl to get to.

He has never hated Phoebe/school more than this moment right here.

The second he got his pants on; he heard a groan from the bed. "What are you doing? Take those off." Tara remarked.

Max turned around. "Can't. I gotta get to school. I have a Math Bowl to get ready for. It's for a grade, and I can't get transferred out until it's over." He then grabbed his boots, sitting down on the bed to put them on.

"But I like you here. With me." Tara said.

"Don't get all sappy now, Campbell." He remarks, flashing a grin. He doesn't catch the hint of sadness that flashes across her face for a second.

"Max..." She trails off, right as he finishes lacing up his boots.

"Yeah?" He asks, turning around as he stands up.

"Good luck with the whole Math Bowl thing. And, um, we need to talk when you can." She says simply, and his eyebrows squeeze together. He does get his belt clipped back around his waist though.

He nods. "Alright. When I can, we'll talk."

She nods, then the grin returns. "Before you put the shirt on, M, could I get a picture? I need something to get off to when you're not available."

Max rolls his eyes before responding with his arms spread out, "Go on. Take it quick."

She grins before grabbing her phone off of the nightstand and gets to her camera, then aims it at him before taking a picture. "Yes! God, you're so hot it's unbelievable."

Max chuckles. "I disagree. I don't know why you're gushing." Max reaches down and grabs his shirt before sliding it on.

"Oh, you're hot. Believe it. Sooner or later all the girls will be after you." Tara retorted, and Max had a passing thought of Sarah before he dismissed it.

"I certainly hope not. I like my privacy." He slid the jacket on, along with his watch and pocketknife. "I really need to go, T. I'll call later."

She smiles. Actually smiles. Not her grin. A smile. "I know."

He doesn't know what possesses him to do it, but he walks to the bed and leans down to kiss Tara, which she reciprocates until he pulls away. "See you later." He gives a smile then moves to the window, climbing out then down.

Then he starts sprinting to his house, because he *does* have to get into new clothes.

Or at least grab his Trig Monkeys shirt.


Walking into the Math Bowl room, he blew a breath out. He was really going to do this. He got set up and looked at the podium in front of him. He must have zoned out, because when he looked up, everyone but the teacher was here. Phoebe was at her team's side, shooting glares his way when she could. What the hell was wrong with her? Why was she so irritated?

The teacher walked in as Max checked Sarah and Evan over, spying the shirts they printed. His necklace was underneath his, because obviously. He had taken it off before going to meet with Tara the night before. He grabbed it on the way out of the house this morning.

"Welcome to Hiddenville High's annual Math Bowl, Math Bowl, Math Bowl aka the only day I'm truly alive. Math, ahh! Ahh! Now let's meet our two teams." Mr. Pines says, then looks over at Max's team. "The Trig Monkeys!" Evan and Sarah cheer. Then he looks at Phoebe's group. "And the Algebrats!" Phoebe, Ashley, and Tyler cheer as the teacher uses a soundboard to give fake applause before flipping it off. "Now, let's get today's questions, courtesy of our good friend, Arithmo-Tick!" Then said person comes dancing into the room in costume.

"'What is that.'" Maxie speaks. Apparently, the timer only counts if he's awake.

"'Arithmo-Tick. A mascot. Ignore it.'"

"'With pleasure.'"

The teacher read the first question, "Name the theory that states, 'if A equals B, and B equals-"

"Theory of transitivity." Max answered, having hit the button.

"Correct! Score one for the Trig Monkeys!" Arithmo-Tick danced and gave him another card. "If X equals the square root of one thousand, three hundred, eighty n-"

"Thirty-seven." Max answers, having hit the button.

"Correct! Two for the Trig Monkeys!"


It's been a bit. He stopped answering around forty-five because he was answering too many. It seemed suspicious. Or at least he thought so. So, the Algebrats managed to catch up.

Which was how, like the episode, it ended in a damn tie. How did that happen!?

"Oh, yeah, a tie. Ah, love a tie. Now, who can tell me- what is the surface of a sphere, whose circumference is six centimeters?"

Tyler hits the button and ends up getting it right. The next question ended up going to Evan.

Max breathed out. "Mr. Pines, think we could have a five-minute break, then end this whole thing? Arithmo-Tick looks close to collapsing and I want to go home."

The teacher checks his watch and almost chokes. "Oh, uh, yes. Five minutes, then a tiebreaker round." Max nods and instantly leaves, hearing footsteps following behind.

Stopping a bit away from the room, he turned around only to see Phoebe. "What do you want?"

"Why are you doing this? In my math class, participating in *my* Math Bowl, humiliating me?" She questions harshly.

"I was transferred here. It's either participate or fail, then maybe *not* get transferred out. Not trying to do it on purpose, my bad." Max answers all three seamlessly.

"Why do you care about grades? Why can't you go back to not caring about grades, skipping school, breaking the rules?" Phoebe questions, seeming to be in more distress.

"I grew up, Phoebe. I can't play games forever. I have plans. Things to do. If I'm messing around, I can't accomplish any of that."

Phoebe's next words not only surprise him, but they come out hysterically. Like this had been bottled for awhile. "So, what is Tara? You seem to be messing around with her plenty enough."

Max's eyes squint to look at her, gaining a slight dangerous edge that Phoebe doesn't seem to pick up. "Excuse me?"

"I've seen you! Sneaking off! Talking to each other secretly! For gosh sake, Max, you have a hickey on your throat! No one else could possibly give it to you!" Phoebe says, sounding exasperated at the end.

She knows? When did she find out? And how does she know about them being together like that? He knows the mark is a dead giveaway, but he had hidden it pretty well.

Phoebe was looking.

She was *searching* for it.

That's been what has been driving her nuts. The fact that he was with someone.

She had been turning whatever emotion she was feeling into anger. All he had to do is figure out what.

"Is that why you've been so short tempered? The fact that I'm with someone? That I have a life?" He questions darkly.

"No! I'm mad because you spend so much time with her you forget you have a family!" She defends. They were far enough away that even while she was practically screaming, nobody came to investigate. It was just the people at the Math Bowl here at the school, and everyone else was in the classroom.

It clicks for him. Phoebe is *jealous*. His attention has been away from her for three weeks now, and it made her feel less than worthy.

The hallway kiss. When Tara didn't check properly. Phoebe saw them. Three weeks. Phoebe had been watching for *three weeks*.

"There's no need to be jealous, Pheebs. She's just a friend." Max said simply.

"I am not jealous! And clearly, she's not just a friend! You have done... intimate things together! I know you have!" Phoebe responded.

Max reaches down the inside of his shirt and shows her the necklace. "You're not being replaced, Phoebe. I have this all of the time. It's almost always with me. She's just a friend. If it seems like I've been neglecting you, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention. I've been busy, making plans for myself, making myself better. I'll... try to be more available. Sound good?" He offers.

Phoebe takes a deep breath, then seems to release every single emotion out into the air. "I guess, Max. But..."

"I've ruined this class. I know. I knew I would. It's why I'm transferring out. Because like my Lair is my safe space, this class, school in general, is yours." He finishes.

Phoebe turns flushed. "Oh... um..."

"Phoebe, you're still my twin. You're my sister. Sometimes, I know you better than you know yourself." Max supplies, then checks his watch. "Break's over. Let's get back." He says, and Phoebe nods.

She follows him back to the room, seeming lighter. Less weight on her shoulders.

Glad he could help.


A soundboard plays. "And that sound means it's time for the sudden death round." He and Phoebe both move to their podiums. "Now this question can only be answered by team captains. Now, you get it right, you win. Get it wrong, you die." Sarah gasps and goes to grasp onto his arm, but he turns to look at her in disinterest, which has her hand receding. "I'm just kidding. You just lose. That's all that happens. Now, Max and Phoebe, for all the marbles, who can tell me... How many Newtons of thrust does it take for a standard thirty-kilogram rocket to achieve escape velocity?"

Max hits the button instantly. "One thousand." Max answers, intentionally getting it wrong but not sounding like an idiot. At best, they would think it was a calculating error on his part.

"Incorrect, which means the Algebrats are the winners!" The second the music starts; Max grabs his backpack and leaves.

He never notices Phoebe looking at him instead of the trophy.


Sitting on the couch, he had his feet kicked up onto the coffee table, leather jacket splayed over the arm of the couch. He was currently sipping on some Big Red, watching a rerun of some show.

Then Phoebe walks in, giving him a smile for the first time in awhile. That was nice to see.

"Hey, Max." Phoebe greets.

"Phoebe." He greets back.

"I just wanna say that I know you got that last question wrong on purpose." Phoebe says, and Max nods.

"I did. You cared more about it than I did. Figured you would want the trophy more than me." Max answered, taking another sip.

She chuckles. "It was a really nice thing to do. I thought you had already hit your quota?"

Max huffs. "Who says a little extra is a bad thing?"

Phoebe laughs some more and sits down on the couch next to him. She leans her head onto his shoulder, and they sit there for awhile. Until Max has to get up to head down to the Lair.

He was glad this was all over.

{End Note: Well, doing better went out the drain quickly. Sorry.}

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