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73% Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn / Chapter 73: 73 - Ending rules

Kapitel 73: 73 - Ending rules

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

( 1 Corinthians 13 : 12 )


The enraged Olympians summoned their weapons, ready to smite the transgressor. They would not take such disrespect, especially to their faces. Well, not all of them showed fury towards Worst, just the idiots.

Hermes, Hephaestus and Dionysus were only responding due Zeus' anger and Hera was angry at Zeus. But due to her fear of Zeus and Vows, she could not go against him.

"Wait," Worst shouted, "Let me get up first."

Worst's words cut through the tension as he used the spear to get up. His bloby body jiggled as he struggled to get back on his feet. After a painfully long moment, he finally stood still and faced forward.

"Okay, Go!"

The Olympians, who had enough of his antics threw their attack at him. The others couldn't even react as the attacks reached Worst in an instant. Zeus' thunder, Apollo's arrow, Ares' spear, etc, all converged into a reality destroying attack.


Kara, Barda and Diana were thrown of their feet due to the shock wave, however, they were unharmed. They felt their ears ring while their skin felt burned. Barda quickly recovered from the shock as she summoned her mace, Diana was the second to and Kara got to her knees as she looked to where Worst was.

Worst was standing tall unharmed by the attacks, not even the floor was cracked nor charred. They then moved their eyes to Olympians. Their eyes widen like the rest of the Olympians. Zeus, the king of Olympus was dying, impaled by the spear to his throne.

They saw as the mighty titan struggled to pull the spear form his chest as it drained him of his divinity. Tendrils, sharp like the void and bright like the light, dug into his skin and the ground. Zeus was helpless as he used the remaining lightning to fight, but to no avail.

At the end he turned into a husk, drained of power and life.

Worst willed the spear back, The spear ripped off Zeus' corps, scattering the body to dust.

And Zion wished he could do just that and be done with, He turned his eyes to the so called gods. His contempt was visible at his gaze. The twelve of them sat as if they were mighty, arrogance had blinding their eyes.

"Nion, hand over the spear of destiny. Such power should not be wielded by a mortal," Hermes spoke, his tone implied that he was helping him.

"So, you called him for the spear?" Kara asked. "Why?"

Hermes who was asking Worst turned to Kara.

"That spear is a powerful weapon born of blood, it corrupts those who wields it." Hermes elaborated. "Now that it has resurfaced, we have taken the duty to seal it away."

Kara tilted her head, "Then why didn't you help when Darkseid invaded? Isn't he like you?"

Hermes sighed, a very saddened sigh. "We couldn't, we have taken oaths to not involve ourselves with Mortals anymore. Moreover, those who you call Heroes would have stopped him anyway."

"Hmm," Kara wasn't buying that bull.

Barda didn't even speak, she looked to her employer who was sleeping on the ground. Since he was not responding, she stayed silent but ready. She knew how things like this went. It would end with one sides death.

At the same time, she understood why they wanted the spear. A spear so powerful that it gave a mortal strength to fight Darkseid, it was not be a simple artifact.

"So, Nion, will you hand over the Spear peacefully?" Hermes asked, revealing his intentions since non of them seem to believe him.

"Nah, but you can have this," Worst voiced, confusing the Olympians.

And before they could react, including but not limited to Zeus, multiple spears impaled them all. The spears were a replica of the Spear of destiny made with black light of death. From the spear, tendrils of void dug into the Olympians, draining of their life.

Within moment, the struggling gods turned silent. Dead.

Yet, Zion could only wish that he could do that too. He couldn't kill all of them, he needed Hephaestus alive so he could make weapons for him. Of course, he could do it himself, he could probably do it better than Hephaestus.

He just didn't want the chore.

"People cut to the chase, I would like to return to my sweet sleep. I am getting annoyed.

Why do you need my spear. Buzzhead," Zion asked with no hint of respect.

"Show respect before the you gods, boy," Hera released her divine presence.

"I only got one God and he sure aren't like you,

And chill out, don't take your marital anger on me, Hera. Am I to blame if your husband is a cheating whore and you have bound yourself to him due to selfishness." Zion said it. "I am not going to give you the weapon with enough power to end the universe and then some. I am strong enough to end you all and existence. Life and death, so show some respect."

"Fool," Ares shouted.

Zion didn't moved and a black spear impaled his body like a stake and drained him of life and divinity. "Yeah."

"So, how we doing this?" Zion asked as the gods rose in fury. "-Fight it is."

Zion flicked, impaling them all with a massive spear turning them to kabaab. But he couldn't do that too.

"Darn, its like all my thoughts are fighting for my last brain cell, its very chaotic," Worst rubbed his head throbbing with headache.

He could dispels the headache with the Spears, you know with all reality warping power. But it would be demeaning and he like that he didn't need to control the rage. The unbridled fury, unchained by sleeplessness combined with infinite annoyance at the Olympians.

"Okay, why my spear? To gain back the power or you fear death," Zion cut to the chase. "I know that I can take out the whole of olympus with nothing but a thought. I could literally wipe you all with a thought. I could even rewrite your history, change all form of life. I am basically above you. So shut your tarp. you work for me now."

"Yes ledge," The olympians knel-tal, are your listening?"

A voice boomed Zion out of his daze. Zion looked around. The twelve still looked arrogant. God help me deal with these idiots. My brain is toast and I am really not in the mood of dealing with these idiots.

Zion took a deep breath. He need to ground himself in reality for now.

"Okay," Worst rolled to the side before he stood up. It took him a painful moment to stand up. "This is what you want, right?" He asked as he summoned the Spear.

The eyes of the Olympians focused, a surprised shock visible in them. The Spear of Destiny they were expecting now had another cosmic force embedded in it. They were getting excited about having such weapon, each of them thinking about how they could rule with such weapon.

Worst lifted the spear above his head, and spoke the words.

"With this treasure, I summon..."

The Olympians were confounded, yet Zeus roared. "STOP HIM!"

The others didn't know what was happening, but they followed. They raised their weapons to strike Worst down. Barda summoned her mace, Kara braced.

Worst slammed the spear on the Mount, shaking the whole of Olympus. A shock wave pushing back the Olympians and dispelling their attacks.

"Graveyard of Gods."

Black void spread like tidal wave, veins weaving into a massive door with no decor. Death was its presence. Death of Immortals and god, ones forgotten and slayed. This was their graveyard. The doors creaked open with an eerie creak.


A wind filled with death blew from the other side. The void wind of non-existence blew into the mount created with divinity, the home of Olympians. The wind killed all that it touched, drained the place of life.

The Olympians saw their death in the door, its void tendrils reaching them. Some panicked and ran, whole some tried to strike it down. Zeus was in the later category, rising his hand as lightning gathered, this was divine lightning, not energized electron conduction but more reality warping. The lightning embodied with destruction as it hurled towards Worst.

Worst didn't moved, he willed. Chains of black rose from the ground, smashing away the attacked and reached to bind the escaping gods. The wind brushed their face, draining life away with a simple breeze.

"YOU DARE!" Zeus bellowed, his voice like thunder.

His form expanded, his size grew and he shed his human facade. A titan, made of lightning, blinding to the eyes. A massive fist was thrown, full of power.

Worst couldn't move, the fist filled the whole sky in lightning. Zeus was trying to end it all with a single punch. But Zion had other plans. The power of the spear was reaching the very core of Olympus. He was here for something else, something that gave these idiots power.

He used the full force of the Spear of Destiny, breaking the barriers of reality. Death reaching every god in the pantheon. He couldn't risk one of them escaping. He saw one, Thanatos, god of death. fighting his death, fighting true death.

The Mount Olympus was crumbling, Gaia was awakening.

The Olympians attack, all forces converged into a powerful explosion. Worst could care less. He twisted the spear, finishing his work. A rumbled, a force unknown, shook the whole mount as the Gates of death closed. Worst pulled the spear form the ground. He encased himself and others in a bubbled of cosmic force, stronger than the one before, warping into a different plane as he sealed the whole of Olympus to keep the olympians from escaping.


An explosion so strong that it dwarfed the thousand suns going supernova. The first shockwave itself turned the mount to dust. The second, ripped the bodies of the olympians to shreds. The thirds erased their divinity and form.

Leaving everything white.

The spear of gods, the mount of Olympus and Olympians were no more.

What was left was a white space, but it was not done yet.


The explosion shrunk back, drowning the whole place in silence, creating a singular orb of energy. The orb floated in the middle of the white void.

Worst floated towards it.

"What have you done?" Diana asked in pure terror.

The home of her gods gone. She had not expected it. She could never expect it. They had all gone in an instant and she could do nothing.

"Your gods are dead," Worst muttered as he reached for the ball of energy.

This ball of energy was the representation of the Greek pantheon. The faith of believers and Divinity from the Source. He had erased them all from reality, leaving them as their conceptual ideas. In short, he had returned them to how they were before birth, nothing but cluster of ideas.

"But how? They are immortals," Barda questioned, she wanted to know how to slay a god.

Worst showed the ball of energy, "Return them to their original form, the first thought, an idea. Of course, they are still alive. Given enough time, they will be born again.


Worst transformed. His body grew tall, about 8 feet. His skin turned bronze contrasting against the golden runes covering his skin. His eyes deep black as was his hair. His face looked other worldly, his jaws sharp, his muscles looked like they were sculpted by the best sculptor.

In other words, he looked perfect.

"To kill an idea is to change it, to create anew," He continued, his voice holding authority, "The idea that gave birth to them, the thought that gave them life. Its easy to change it."

He moved the spear, however, instead of black, the spear glowed white. The force that connected all sentience. A force unequaled. He reached the minds of all living, searching for the ideas of Olympus and its gods. He reach the depth of consciousness, the collective sea of mind.

He found the deep rooted ideas of Olympians. Even if they had lost followers in the modern times, The thought of their idea was still spread. Their mythos, even though hated, still known by others. This simple knowledge was the foundation.

He change the foundation, he rewrote history, knowledge and ideas. He recreated the entire mythos of Olympians. He left the parts he like and changed that he didn't. He was now creating a universe level version of fan-fic of olympians, one that's true.

He turned Zeus into a loving husband and Hera in a graceful mother, they were not married. He also added them some extra memories. Poseidon became the protector of all life on sea and looked after Atlantians. Hephaestus was loved by Hera and married his good wife. Aphrodite became a child, a love too pure. Ares was still angry, but a good big brother. Athena was a teacher, more gods and much more.

Titans were still in hell, as all stories need villains and such. But they were going through their redemption arc. He didn't change much of Hades, let the guy chill at underworld with his wife who would never cheat on him.

Basically, he rewrote their existence, and of course this would lead to some problems. Such as the retaliations of the other pantheons in the fear of their death. But they can try. He ended one, one or two more was not a problem, but annoyance.

After confirming that the story was firm and the ideas lack no plot hole. He released the ball of divinity. The energy would give birth to a new Olympus in due time. It might take a few centuries or so, but they will be back. As a better version.

"Okay, work done," Zion stated as moved them back to Thymescira.

Diana looked to be in daze as she turned to Zion, "Thank you for helping with the corruption. If you had not found, the god might have gone frenzy."

"No need, I will be taking my leave then," Zion stated.

"May the gods be with you," Diana spoke.

"Neat," Zion took Barda and Kara with him.

They arrived back at the colosseum, standing amidst the red sand. Zion began to walk forward in a hurry, he need to catch the rest of his sleep.

"Later then," Zion waved at them.

Kara who was silent since, spoke. "What did you do?"

"What?" Zion asked back without stopping.

"You didn't heal any corruption," Kara stated, causing Zion to stop. "You killed their gods," Her eyes pierced him.

"What do you mean, Kara? Did we not go help the Olympians deal with the corruption of their divinity. After finding about the source, they all died to be reborn, back to their true self." Barda spoke what she remembered.

Zion stared at Kara intently before a look of realization flashed flashed across his face. Kara's memories were not altered. She was not of this universe, he was only rewriting those of this universe. She had escaped the alteration.

"I will explain later," He glitched away from the responsibility.


So for those who didn't understand, those who understood leave a comment since I would just confuse you more.

Sorry about the later upload.

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