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82.08% The Heretics (Gamer X DxD) / Chapter 192: Chapter 98: Issei Returns

Kapitel 192: Chapter 98: Issei Returns

"Hmm... how much for this one?"

Lucias asked while checking the accessories on the stall in front of him, ignoring the blushing woman that was running the stall, staring at his features with a longing expression on her face.

"Y-You can have it!"


Lucias muttered in bewilderment before looking at the blushing woman in front of him, looking at him like he was fresh meat.

"How can I do that? I'll pay so-"

"I insists!"

The woman shouted with a stubborn expression on her face, causing Lucias to sigh before taking out a bag of sacred gold coins from his inventory and giving it to the woman in front of him.

"I'll take everything, so keep the change"

He said before snapping his finger, causing all of the accessories within the stall to dissapear while woman opened the bag with a shocked expression on her face.

"M-Mister, I-I can't take this much"

She said in a slightly trembling tone while holding the large pile of gold coins in her hands, causing Lucias to look at her in confusion.

"Is it too little?"

"N-No, t-this is too much"

She retored as Lucias prepared to take out a bag of sacred gold coins from his inventory, causing him to stop his actions. Looking at the woman with a light smile on his face.

"I told you, keep the change. I don't lack money so you can have it"

He said causing the woman to look at him in awe before Lucias walked out away from the stall with a casual expression on his face.

"... I've been here for 3 days already, when are they planning to show up?"

He said as he walked around the busy streets without concealing his aura, to lure his targets towards himself.

"I'm getting bored... should I mess around-

He said as his surroundings suddenly changed into a grassland, filled with small hills with not a single infrastructure, animals, or plants in sight.

"-for the meantime"

"No need to be so impatient"

A soft and feminine voice said from behind him, causing Lucias to turn his head to look at the source of the voice.

There he saw a single table on top of a small hill with a large flurry umbrella placed on top of it. On one side of the sat a beautiful woman with pure white skin, that made her look extraordinary. Sitting in the chair in an elegant posture while pouring tea on to the tea cup placed in front of the empty chair opposite her.

"Care to have some tea with me?"

She asked as Lucias walk towards the empty chair without hesitation, taking her by suprise as it doesn't seem like he was affected in anyway by her appearance, causing her curiosity about the god in front of her to heighten even further.

"Have a seat"

She said causing Lucias to nod his head before sitting down on the empty seat without a change in his expression.

"I wonder why an esteemed figure like you is searching for someone like me"

She said as she took a small sip from the cup in her hands, while Lucias took a small sip of the tea in front of him.

"Hmm... How is it?"

"It's good"

He said causing the woman in front of him to brightly smile in response.

"I'm glad that you like my body fluids, dear guest"

She said causing Lucias to stop his actions before looking at her directly in the eyes to see if she was lying, and to his surprise, she seems like she was telling the truth.

"... I think I had enough tea. Thank you for your offer"

Lucias said as he took out a towel from his inventory and spit out the tea that he just drank.

"That's a shame then"

She said before placing the cup in her hand down on the table, looking at him with a beautiful smileon her face.

"Now then, let's immediately get straight to the point. Why were you searching for me for the past few days, dear guest? or should I call you, Lucias?"

She said as Lucias crossed his legs before looking at her with a serious expression on his face.

"Call me however you want, Echidna"

He said causing Echidna to smile in response.

"Then, let's get straight to the point... Do you want to make a contract with me?"

"A contract?"

Echidna asked causing Lucias to nod his head in response.

"I think you already know why I'm here, Echidna"

Lucias said causing Echidna to widely smile in response.

"But what you wish to obtain is part of my powers and existence... I wonder what are you willing to exchange for something as important as that?"

She asked with a soft smile on her face.

"What do you wish to have in exchange for the rune?"

Lucias asked causing Echidna to look at him in excitement.

"Take me with you, and bring me along to your world"

She said, causing Lucias to frown in response.

"A whole new world with a large collection of new and profound knowledge. I want to you to take me with you to your world. In exchange, I will give you the rune that you desire"

"... You're request is a bit difficult, Echidna"

Lucias said before taking out a contract dagger and stabbing it on the table in front of them.

"I can't take someone as dangerous as you back to my world... but if you're willing to perform a contract of loyalty with me, then I'm willing to consider your request"

He said causing Echidna to look at the dagger in front of her in interest before reaching out her hands to try and touch it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

A voice of a young woman said, causing both Lucias and Echidna to turn their heads to look at the source of the voice.

"I'm hurt that you didn't invite me to your tea party, Echidna"

A overwhelmingly stunning young woman with a delicate, petite body and long silky platinum hair said in a calm expression and tone before walking towards the spot between them.


Echidna said with a frown while looking at the little girl who suddenly appeared inside her realm.

"I've been wanting to meet you, Lucias"

She said as a chair suddenly appeared out of nowhere appeared beneath her, before she sat down and looked at Lucias with an unreadable calm expression on her face.

"It's a bit rude to come here uninvited, witch of vainglory"

Echidna said as she watched the little girl grab the dagger that was on the table.

"Quite a dangerous weapon you have, Lucias"

She said with a calm smile on her face before placing the dagger back at the table.

"Pandora, what business do you have for interrupting our conversation"

Lucias said as he felt the space around him distort, causing him to retaliate as he spread his mana around the space to stop her from taking control of the space around them.

"It's not nice to suddenly do this in someone else's home"

Lucias said before smiling at Echidna who glared at Pandora's direction.

"As expected from a true god... it seems like forceful methods won't work on someone like you"

She said without a change in his expression before her head suddenly turned in a very unnatural way.

"That was very rude of you, Lucias"

She said as he felt the space around them to distort, while Pandora looked at him with a light smile on her face without any traces of Lucias breaking her neck a while ago.

"Quite an annoying ability you have, Pandora"

Lucias said with a smile as Pandora's limbs twisted in a painful way, but just like before, after he blinked his eyes, everything was back to normal like nothing ever happened.

"Why won't we speak in another location, Lucias"

She said as the surroundings suddenly transformed into a frozen forest, causing Lucias to smile in response.

"I kind of like the scenery that we had before"

He said as they suddenly returned back to Echidna's realm.

"What are you two doing..."

Echidna said as she watched them manipulate reality around them at will while the space around them started to distort with extreme intensity.

"Stop blocking my ability, Lucias"

"Right back at you, Pandora"

Lucias and Pandora said as they both smiled at each other while the space around them to slowly break due to the constant clash of their [Reality Manipulation] ability.

"If this continue, all 3 of us will die once reality breaks from what you two are doing"

Echidna said as she watched them try to compete with their skills in terms of controlling reality.

"I guess you're right. Pandora, let's take this battle at another day. I still have something to discuss with Echidna here"

Lucias said as both him and Pandora deactivated both of their abilities.

"Then, I'll stay here until you finish, Lucias. I too have something to discuss with you"

She said causing Lucias to smile in response before looking at Echidna.

"Where were we? Oh yes, are you willing to take on my offer, Echidna?"

He said as he leaned closer on the table.

"I don't wish to become a slave, Lucias. I wouldn't go that far for my pursuit for knowledge"

She said causing Lucias to sigh in dissapointment before looking at both of them with a light smile on his face.

"That's a shame then... but whether or not you agree... depends on me"

He said as both of them suddenly felt something stab them at their back, before chains stretched out from the blade at their back. Wrapping around their necks as complicated runes started appearing at the blade of the daggers.

"[Domain Activation: Creation]"

He casted, causing a large magic circle to appeare beneath their foot, illuminating their entire area as all magic under creation magic was forcefully taken under Lucias' control.

"What's this?"

Pandora asked as she tried to reverse the phenomena, but to her surprise, her ability didn't listen to her while chains slowly engulfed their entire body.

"I wasn't particularly proposing a fair trade with you, Echidna"

Lucias said as the dagger turned into particles of mana before entering their body, activating the curse and effect of the contract dagger.

"Even if you retaliate, reject, or even agree to my proposal, it will all end in only one way..."

He said before showing a large smile on his face, while Echidna glared at his direction.

"... I will still get what I want, you should've agreed with my proposal while I was still being nice. Anyway... Welcome to the faction, don't worry... I'm not the type to mistreat my subordinates"

[Echidna has joined the faction]

[Pandora has joined the faction]

[Rune of Greed has been obtained]

[Congratulations to the player for gather all of the runes of sin]

[All domains of sin has been condensed]

[The player has been given the authority to rule the Domain of Sin]

[Title: Embodiment of Sin has been obtained]

[All skills under the 7 sins has been condensed]

[Skill: Sinful Vow (True) has been obtained]

[Quest Complete]


"Hmm? So you're Asia, it's nice to meet you"

Mavis greeted as both she and Asia sat down at the training field close to the ruby palace where both Rimuru and Lucias we're currently testing their strength.

"You must be Mavis, I'm sorry for not greeting you all yesterday. I was a bit busy in registering the new members of the faction"

She said in a guilty tone, causing Mavis to smile before showing her a look of gratitude.

"It's alright. I would like to thank you as well for letting my precious guild members meet their foster parents. I never seen them so happy before"

She said, remembering the image of the young girl with dark blue hair cry tears of joy while hugging one of the dragons that Asia recruited to their faction, the Sky Dragon, Grandeeney.

"Don't mention it. I didn't expect for Lucias to recruit their foster children either"

Asia said as a powerful force suddenly echoed throughout the entire training grounds before a massive earthquake shook the entire floor, causing both Mavis and Asia to look towards Lucias and Rimuru who clashed their fist in the middle of the training ground.

"You've grown stronger, Rimuru"

"Right back at you"

Rimuru said with a large grin on his face before pushing Lucias' fist down and using it as a support to spin his body around in the air, striking a powerful kick at his face as the ground below them shattered to pieces due to the extreme power of their exchange.

"That hurt"

Lucias said with a large smile before grabbing Rimuru's arm and pulling him towards his body. Delivering a knee to his stomach before performing a drop kick on his head, causing Rimuru to crash on the ground below them.

"What the fuck is that disgusting defense"

Lucias said as he felt like he just kicked a wall of mithril, causing all of the force that he placed in his attack to transfer on the ground below them.

"A feature of my new race"

Rimuru said as he kicked Lucias' legs, causing him to lose balance before he delivered a powerful hook towards his chest, causing Lucias to immediately place his hand on the ground, twisting the position of his body before delivering a powerful kick towards Rimuru's chin.

Rimuru, who recieved his attack, lost his balance as spun his body around to build up force before kicking Rimuru at his chest, causing him to crash against the wall at the training ground.

"Rimuru, what's your new race again?"

Lucias asked as he stood up from the ground before casually dodging a ball of black flames that was aimed at his direction.

"Celestial Slime"

Rimuru answered before quickly appearing in front of Lucias at incredible speed with his fist covered with jet black flames, causing Lucias to cover his own hands with frostfire. Redirecting the trajectory of his fist with the back of his hand before delivering an uppercut towards his chin.

Rimuru's body then slightly propelled into the air as Lucias delivered a powerful hook towards his face, pushing his head to the ground at full force while his flames prevented Rimuru from tranforming a part of his body back to being a slime.

Rimuru's head then crashed against the ground at full force, forming a large crater below them with his head at the center. Destroying the entire training ground in the process.

"You still need time to get used to your new body"

Lucias said as both him and Rimuru was pulled out of the training ground, causing it to revert back to its peak condition as both of them appeared inside the large teleporter at the side of the training ground.

"Why are you always aiming at my face?"

Rimuru asked as he reverted back to his slime form, revealing an ethereal looking slime with a translucent body, decorated by the color of a cosmic cloud while several bright dots appeared all over his body. Signifying the stars of the galaxy.

"I wanted to try if its possible for us to experience getting a concussion, but it looks like it doesn't matter how hard we are hit on the head. It doesn't really affect us anymore"

He explained as Rimuru climbed on top of his head, while the two girls suddenly arrived at their location.

"Hmm? Why are you both here?"

Lucias asked towards the two girls who walked towards their direction, causing Rimuru to look at them and back at Lucias before nodding his head in understanding.

"Hoh? I'll take my leave first, so go ahead and enjoy yourself, Lucias"

Rimuru said in a teasing tone before his body turned into particles of mana, teleporting him back at the ruby palace.


Mavis said as she spread out her arms to Lucias, causing Lucias to lean down to match her height.


Mavis said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, causing Lucias to smile before giving her a soft kiss on her lips.

"Me too"

Asia, who was watching by the side, said in a spoiled tone, causing Lucias to grab her by her waist, sealing her soft lips with his while Mavis watched them with a soft smile on her face.

"Is everything alright in the faction?"

Lucias asked, causing Asia to nod her head before tightly wrapping her arms around his body.

"So, care to tell me why the two of you are here?"

Lucias asked, causing both Mavis and Asia to look at each other in the eye.

"I just wanted to see you, Lucias"

Mavis truthfully answered while Asia looked at him with a serious expression on her face.

"We have guest... she said she wanted to ask you something, that's why I let her wait at the ruby palace to come and get you"

She said causing Lucias to look at him with a curious expression on his face.

"A guest?"

"Yes... Venelana Gremory has come to see you"




Lucias remained silent while staring at the brown haired woman quitely sitting at the opposite coach, clenching her fist above her skirt while scratches, bruises, and cuts littered her smooth, porcelain skin.

Venelana also didn't say anything and just continued to stare dazedly at the ground, causing Lucias to frown while Raynare placed a few snacks and two cups of tea on the table.

"What happened?"

Lucias said, breaking the awkward atmosphere that was spreading inside the room, causing Venelana to look up at Lucias who looked at her with a serious expression.

"... Can I stay here for a few days?"

She asked with a slight hesitation hidden within her voice.

"You can... but why so suddenly?"

Lucias asked causing Venelana to bite her lips as confusion, grief, and sadness appeared deep within her eyes.

"Zeoticus has been acting weird lately... He's become aggressive ever since the day where I joined you in the tomb... He was not like this before, I don't know what happened to him"

She said as tears suddenly formed at the corner of her eyes, causing Lucias to frown before signalling for Raynare to leave them alone.

"Tell me what happened. I might be able to help you if its within my power"

He said causing hesitation to flash within Venelana's expression before honestly telling everything that happened in the past few days to Lucias.

"After I got back... he was always staring outside the window... like he was missing someone... he dissapeared for a few days, but when he came back. He then tried to force himself on me... like an animal in heat. He was not like that before, and we've together for centuries, but... it feels like I don't know him anymore"

She said, choking on her tears while Lucias silently listened to her story without making any noise.

"He's aggressiveness only worsened everyday. He's actions worsened to the point that he started hurting me while we were... doing it... He even tried to rape me in my slee-"

"Why didn't you force him to behave?"

Lucias said with a serious expression on his face, since he knew that Venelana was much stronger than Zeoticus, causing Venelana to show a guilty expression on her face.

"I tried but... he became stronger than me in the past few days... Even Rias and Sirzechs left the house to avoid him for the time being until he calms down"

She said causing Lucias to narrow his eyebrows, before snapping his fingers, causing a young man covered in a black outfit appear behind him.

"Go and investigate Zeoticus for me. Make sure to gather as much information about him"


The young man said in a respectful tone before diving into his shadows, leaving both of them alone inside the room before using [God's Eyes] towards Venelana to read her memories.

"What are you...."

Venelana muttered as she felt uncomfortable under his gaze, like he was reading the entirety of her existence.


Lucias remained silent as the memories of Venelana from the past few days appeared infront of his eyes, causing him to unconsciously frown from seeing his naked body in the process, before his eyes suddenly stopped on top of Zeoticus' neck.

"... That fucking idiot"

Lucias cursed with a large frown on his face before deactivating his skill, while Venelana looked at him in confusion.

"I understand the situation. You and Rias can stay in the ruby palace for the meantime. You can ask Raynare to guide you to an empty roo-"

"You know something right?"

Venelana asked with a serious expression on her face, causing Lucias to sigh in response.

"It's better if you didn't know about it. I'll explain what happened to Zeoticus once your in a better condition"

He said before standing up from the couch, and walking towards the large wooden door behind him.

"This situation is far too much for you to handle... I'll deal with this myself... but I can't guarantee the safety of your husband"

He said as he left the room, closing the door behind him before seeing Modeus who was intensely leaning against the wall.

"Did something happened to her husband?"

Modeus asked as she followed Lucias with hurried steps, leaving Venelana alone inside the room.

"Yep, that idiot has a [Slave] mark on his neck... From the design of the mark, I can tell that it was done using Seduction magic"

"Seduction Magic? The only spell I know that could do that is..."

"[Captivate]... A seduction spell that turns a person from the opposite sex as nothing more than a puppet driven by lust"

He muttered causing Modeus to look at him in understanding as she could now piece everything together.

"So he never loved his own wife?"

"It's more like, he lost interest to his wife. I can tell that he loved her, but... lost it after being married for centuries to her"

Lucias answered as both of them continued to walk aimlessly at the long hallway of the palace.

There are two conditions that must be met for the spell to activate. One is that the other party must have sex with him/her, and the other party must not be infatuated or involve with any other being from the opposite or same sex. 

The first condition was easy to complete since there was a lot of spells and items that could induce the lust of a person. Since Lucias experienced those kind of spells and items firsthand, he knew how effective those things are. 

The second condition are the hardest to fulfill since it will take a lot of time for feelings to completely dissapear.

"Are planning on hiding this from her?"

"No, I will tell her the truth... but not right now. She was just almost raped by his own husband. I don't want to add more salt into her wounds... If I want to free him from the spell, then I have to kill its caster... The biggest suspect that I have is Xaosis since she has complete control to all of the spells under the domain of lust... but we have no evidence of him coming in contact with her"

He said as he paused his steps, before looking at Modeus with a serious expression on his face.

"Just let her rest, and prevent her from coming in contact with Zeoticus in the meantime. Blacklist that piece of shit, and throw him out if ever he steps into out territory"

Lucias said causing Modeus to nod her head in response as Lucias suddenly opened a portal in front of him.

"Where are you going?"

"To check on what how those humans are doing in the dungeon"

He said before stepping inside the portal without hesitation, causing Modeus to sigh before looking back at the room where Venelana was at.

"... Should I consider Iris suggestion?"

-with ???-

"... I'm out?"

A man with spiky brown hair and sharp brow eyes muttered while carrying an large sniper on his back, while his left arm was completely covered by crimson gauntlet with a single green gem at the back of his hand.

"I'm out!!!"

He shouted in excitement before throwing the tattered and blood soaked cloak that was hiding his body, revealing his mascular figure riddled with several scars while his eyes contained a dangerous and sharp glint that could bring a normal person down to his knees, due to the extreme intimidation and danger visible in his eyes.

[It's been a long time since we last saw the sun, Partner]

His gauntlet shone as the man slowly walked towards the large castle that he hasn't seen for the last 5,000 years while he was still trapped inside the dungeon.

"I'm finally back, Sandra"

MissRias MissRias

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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