Suzanne's Message profile picture was chosen by her little niece. Whether it was "Peppa Pig" or some princess, her niece loved her cartoons. Somehow, while playing with Suzanne's phone, she changed her profile picture to one of a princess in a frilly pink dress.
Suzanne saw it afterward but was too lazy to change it, so she just left it as is.
Louis King had just added Suzanne on Message and saw that her display name was only a single word, "Suzanne," with no fancy symbols or emojis. It looked simple, but her profile picture was all colorful – a princess in a fluffy dress, with big, cute Japanese-style eyes.
"You looked so cool when you left the car behind, I thought you were a cool girl. Your personality is quite split, huh?" Louis laughed and sent her a voice message.
Suzanne had already set down her phone and went to film her scene. By the time she heard the voice message, three hours had passed.