"What's your name?" Demon king asked, stroking her face but Li Jing batted his hand away.
"I am Li Jing from the Cultivation realm," Li Jing growled.
"Li Jing? Such an unusual name for a cultivator. Your power is stronger than your other junior cultivators, you should join my realm," Demon king sensed.
"My name means well-established and I don't intend on joining the ranks of your realm," Li Jing continued to yell.
"Is that so! What if you had no choice but to join me," Demon king bluffed.
"That will never happen because I am from the Cultivation realm, if I were to join another realm it would be the Heavenly realm, they have what I require,"
"Do they now! What is that then?" Demon king laughed.
"They have the power to lead, that is where I would like to be," Li Jing answered.
"Ah so you want the power to rule. And you think the Heavenly realm will give you that. The power source comes from the Demon realm. Here we are just as powerful as everyone else. Also we are not afraid to seek out more power. This is why the other realms fear us and yet in their time of need they seek us out to help them in battles," Demon king explained.
"I want you to show me this power source, assuming it's real," Li Jing demanded, curiosity getting the better of her again.
"For someone with so much beauty and elegance you're very demanding. I like that personality, you would fit in well here. Why do you want to see it, do you want to seek more power? You're already stronger than your sisters and some of your seniors and you've not even reached your full potential yet as you're still young," Demon king told her. Li Jing blushed slightly, but she hid it well.