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95.65% Your love , your curse and my soul ( BL ) / Chapter 44: My love and your soul ( 1 )

Kapitel 44: My love and your soul ( 1 )

Author's note ; This chapter is dedicated entirely to the MC and ML . From morning till night and it might be long a chapter , maybe even two segments if I feel like it.


Carey sat on the roof of the orphanage , right above Henric's room . His eyes stared at the distant horizon with longing and sad contentment .

The sky above him was a lukewarm blue with a shade of purple on the edges , near the horizon . He stood up and looked on as the golden sun rose from the edge of the world . It's rays hit the roof slowly , and when they touched him , he closed his eyes and let the light fill him .

" It's ... almost like home . " He said softly .

[ Weak . ]

Carey sighed , he should have known that's the response he'd get . He reached into himself and felt the chains on his soul tighten , and he opened his eyes . He looked at the illuminated world and gave one sad smile before vanishing inside .

" Wake up , Henric . " Carey said as he appeared , " Oh , you're already awake . "

Henric smiled softly at the brown skinned man , he was on his bed , putting on his shirt . He'd already woken up before day break and when he did , he found Carey was gone . He'd assumed he'd gone somewhere to do something , whatever it is that souls did . Just so long as it didn't hurt anyone .

" Yes . " Henric said getting up , " I wake up before day break . The sisters expect nothing less . "

" I would prefer you rested more . " Carey said .

" I am not one to fall into the sin of sloth . " Henric said as clipped his sleeves , " Sister Cali also raised me to be punctual and proper . I could certainly ... not ... let her ... down . "

Henric finished his sentence weakly as Carey came and stroked his chest . It didn't fully register on his senses , it was like being caressed by a feather but instead of being ticklish , it had a more intense reaction .

" She may have raised you but I'm here now , not her . " Carey said as he looked into the brown of Henric's eyes , " I want you to rest , I don't want you to be exhausted anymore . You fall asleep to soon and sleep for too short of a time . Your body will one day break . "

" This is ... the way ... we are raised . " Henric said breathlessly as Carey kept caressing him , muddling his mind .

" I can raise you better than them . Let me take care of you ... I'll do a good job. " Carey said and Henric closed his eyes to center himself and Carey narrowed his eyes .

He looked at the pink buds on the chest of the boy infront of him . Should he ? He wondered , it would take some more energy but it would get his message across , he was sure . He leaned forward , still caressing Henric's chest and just as he reached the left bud , a knock resounded on the door .

" Young Henric , you must come out . Breakfast is ready . " A sister said from the outside and both men turned to the door .

Carey glared at the nun behind the door but Henric gave a sigh of relief . He quickly stepped back , finished putting his buttons on and opened the door .

" Good morning sister , I am sorry for the delay ... my shirt was having trouble . " He said with his most dazzling smile .

The sister looked at him with a frown and with distaste . " A prideful smile is the downfall of many . " She said to him and Carey scoffed , his eyes turning blue for a moment .

" A ridiculous proverb if ever one existed . " Carey said and his eyes turned to his golden color . He shook his head and looked at his hands and then touched his mouth .

" My apologies Sister . " Henric said dropping his smile and looking meek , " I will put my shoes on and be with you . Please be patient . "

" A minute . One minute . " She said and Henric nodded his head before rushing in to put on his shoes .

" I hate how fast you run to obey them . "' Carey said but Henric ignored him and quickly got up from his bed , after putting his shoes on .

" I have something I want to discuss with you . " Carey remembered just as the sister shut the door .

" Today will be harsh . " Carey said as he looked outside of the window . He had heard a storm was coming ... the earth had told ' him' and ' he ' had told Carey .

But could he get Henric's attention before then ?


" Now , to continue ..." Sister Terry said as she turned to the board in her class .

Henric sat with the other boys in his French class , his stomach content with the

warm soup of lard he had eaten . He listened intently as Sister Terry taught them ... but , every once in a while , his eyes would be compelled to look up , where a golden eyed soul floated in the air above Sister Terry's head like a fish in water .

It was hard not to look up , Henric thought as he glanced up and as he did , Carey paused and gave him a smile for the twelfth time . Henric looked down for the twelfth time and his cheeks blushed for the twelfth time .

Just focus on the lesson , he told himself and put on a concentrated face . Carey who had paused to read Henric's thoughts smiled knowingly . He lowered himself to the ground and then he walked to the board where Sister Terry was teaching .

Henric looked at him , his eyes questioning and Carey raised a finger . A rumbling sound started to fill the room and everyone stopped what they were doing . Sister Terry frowned and looked around her , where was that sound coming from ?

She looked left and then she looked right , then she looked up at the roof . The roof was shaking and quaking like tin cans being bashed together .

... Tin cans ? , Sister Terry thought and then her eyes grew wide ; The pipes !

Pearl orphanage had indoor plumbing , a luxury , with most of it's pipes circulating the whole building , except for the kitchen and the Reverend father's room . But the classes had pipes that ran along the walls and more in the roof .

So it was with horror that Sister Terry and the children were drenched as the pipes burst forth from the walls . Sister Terry received a hard splash on her face that felt like a slap by an elephant's behind , she buckled and ended up on her knees .

The children screamed as the pipes soaked them all to the bone in water . The only person who was not screaming was Henric , who was looking at Carey as he sat on the Sister's desk , moving his hand through the water .

He sat with a disinterested and far away look , as if the screams and cries were happening in a place far from him . He had his legs folded and his neck exposed as he looked up at the roof , where more water was falling .

Henric groaned and felt like pulling his hair out but decided against it . On one hand it would not lead to anything good amongst the others and he thought Carey was just being spiteful .

But truly Carey was just bored and restless . As well as other things .


" I can't believe you did that ! " Henric whispered intensely and Carey sighed looking down .

Henric glared at him , feeling little remorse for his tone before he got back to stirring the pot of carrot soup and cabbage . They were in the kitchen , Henric stirring the pot alone whilst other boys carried what needed carrying and chopped what needed chopping .

The air was rife with cabbage , alot of those had been chopped up and Henric felt the heat of the flames causing him to perspire . Today Sister Amerilia was in charge of the kitchen , since Serena had been sick for a few days . The Sister was then helping the boys chop the cabbages and that left Henric alone ( with Carey ) stirring cabbage and carrot soup .

" I'm sorry . I didn't mean to , I just ... nevermind . " Carey said and he moved next to Henric , close enough that Henric could have felt him if he had been human still .

" Let me stir for you . " Carey offered and Henric gave him a dubious look which Carey returned , " I can touch the ladel , I'm strong enough for that today . "

" I don't wish for people to start screaming when they see the pot stirring itself . " Henric explained , " Anymore haunting and they'll call an exorcist from the head church . Then what would we do ? "

" You care about me still . Are no longer angry ? " Carey said and Henric realised his slip and he shook his head .

" I just don't want to see you hurt . " Henric said , " I can't care much for someone who drenches me in sewage . "

" It was not sewge . I told you this hundreds of times . I chose the pipes without sewage , you're not dirty and never were . " Carey said and Henric gave a huff as an answer .

" Please , if you're mad at me , allow me to redeem myself. I don't want you to hate me . " Carey said and his words hit Henric's heart strings .

" Well ... I ... think you can help . But I'm helping too , I was serious about what I said - "

" What did you say ? " A boy with red hair asked Henric as he heard him speak .

" Oh nothing , I was merely ... praying. " Henric said stunning himself . He had lied so easily , so quickly and believably . Even with Serena , he had not lied so convincingly .

" Oh , alright . Hope the soups done soon , we want to put the sliced tomatoes into the flames . " The red-haired boy said and he carried on his way .

" You were saying ? " Carey asked with distaste as if Henric had just swatted a fly .

" I said , that we should do it together . " Henric said Carey smiled , he reached up and cupped Henric's cheek making the other boys cheek turn red .

" What are you doing ? " Henric whispered softly .

" So precious , it almost hurts . " Carey said and then he moved next to the pot , he grabbed the ladel and began to stir it .

Henric just touched the ladel , his arms doing nothing but swaying in a circle . He breathed out in relief and looked at Carey ... only to find himself being stared at .

" Stop looking at me like this . It unnerves me greatly . " Henric said out loud and then glanced around to see if anyone heard but most the other boys were busy with their own .

" What ? " Henric asked Carey .

" I said ... you're precious and I like looking at you . Can I ? " He asked as he paused his stirring .

" Can you what ? " Henric asked looking into his golden eyes .

Carey moved his hands lower and placed them around Henric's hands on the ladel . He looked at Henric with an uncertain gaze , as if unbelieving that he was real , that anything was real .

How long had he been in that mirror ?

" Can I look at you ? Just for a bit more ? " He asked and caressed Henric's hand with his thumb , sending an electric jolt through Henric's system .

Henric breathed out deeply as if his breath was seeking escape from his hot body that was getting warmer just from Carey's touch alone . Lord above , he thought , what is this ? He swallowed and looked to the side but still nodded his head .

Carey smiled and carried on stirring , but he didn't move his hands from Henric's the whole time . It was the most joy Henric had stirring carrot and cabbage soup ever .


" Duck ! " A ginger haired boy yelled as the rooster jumped at his friend , a black haired boy with scared eyes who looked sixteen years old .

The bird landed on the ground with a squawk , it's eyes bulging and it's teeth bared . Henric watched with a patient face whilst Carey looked at them with amusement . He felt like the bird was the superior one in this fight .

" Justin , just try to lead it to the fence , I'll distract it and you'll jump on it. " The ginger haired boy suggested and Justin , the black haired boy nodded his head .

He moved towards the rooster which eyed him with rage and contempt but it moved back at each step he took until it was next to the fence . The ginger haired boy moved towards it and it turned to him, just as Justin jumped up with his arms out .

The rooster jumped at him and clawed his face , drawing a shout of pain and crimson blood . It landed next to him as he moaned in anguish .

" Justin are you okay ? " Henric asked the boy who moaned in reply .

" Please Senior brother , help us . " The ginger haired boy said to him .

Henric stood to the side , where he had been with Carey for the last ten minutes , waiting for the two boys to catch the rooster and get eggs . Each plan the two young ones had thought of landed in disaster and to Henric , as well as Carey , the two were not made for fetching eggs from the coop .

Justin was to afraid of the rooster to reach out and take it and the ginger haired boy , Friar , was too nervous himself . He only came up with ideas that made Justin do most of the work himself and he didn't have to get near the rooster . They were both cowards , Carey thought his eyes a bit of blue in gold .

" I can not , you both know this . " Henric said , " I was afraid of getting the rooster before but all it took was time . I believe you can . "

" I can't ! " Justin said getting up , his face had a cut on his right cheek , red and dripping a drop of blood .

" Please , can you let us leave ? We'll gladly take a punishment for refusal . " Friar said to him but Henric just shook his head and Carey raised a brow .

" You are not going to help them ? " He asked but Henric didn't answer and Carey sighed . " We can talk through your mind , you don't have to speak . "

Henric blinked as he remembered that , how could he forget ? He opened his thoughts to Carey and felt a link form .

" So , you won't help them " Carey asked again as he looked at the two boys struggle to get the rooster .

" It's not that I don't want to help them , it's that I can't . The rule is that each child must do their part . If they cannot work , they must leave . It is the rule . " Henric answered in his mind .

" This place is cruel ... children raised as servants . " Carey said tilting his head , " It's ... too familiar . "

" Familiar ? How ? Were you an orphan too ? " Henric asked and Carey shrugged .

" I outlived all my family members . Mother , father , my brothers and sister all died before me . I suppose I was an orphan . " Carey said looking around them but Henric was looking straight at him now .

It occurred then to the brown haired boy that he hardly knew that much about Carey . The spirit never said anything about his past and Henric , now to his shame , didn't ask . He bit the inside of his cheek and looked back at the boys struggling with the rooster .

" Are you going to still do nothing ? " Carey asked him .

" I said I can't do anything . " Henric said but then he added , " But , you can . "

" What ? " Carey turned to him .

" If you ... could use ... your powers to ... stop the rooster- or even slow it down . I think it would help alot . " Henric said out loud.

" Why should I help them ? " Carey asked with a frown , " They mean less than nothing to me . "

Henric winced at Carey's blunt crudeness . This was something he could hardly get used to . Carey cared nothing about anyone else in the orphanage except for -

" Do it for me . " Henric asked , " Please ? "

Carey looked at the boys with the rooster and then at Carey . He groaned and tisked his tongue . Raising his left hand , he curled his fingers into a fist as his eyes turned slightly blue for an instant .

Henric didn't notice this as he looked at the rooster as it ran but just as it looked like it was going to jump , it stopped . The bird bent it's legs but the ground wouldn't let it move . As it flapped it's wings , Justin came up and grabbed it , just as Carey loosened his hand .

" You caught ! You caught it ! " Friar jumped up and down with joy .

" Yes , I caught the damn thing now feed the hens and get the eggs ! " Justin said as he held the rooster in a precarious way . The bird squawked and flapped it's wings in rage but Justin didn't let go .

Friar laughed as he entered the fence , took out the chicken feed and spread it on the ground . The hens quickly flew out of the coop and ran to eat , Friar heading to the coop after them .

" Thank you , you are so kind . " Henric said with a sweet smile . Carey was about to protest that he wasn't even close to being kind , especially to anyone who wasn't Henric but when he saw the warmth in Henric's eyes , he just smiled and nodded his head .

" Senior brother ? " Justin drew Henric's attention , " What are you looking at ? "

" I'm looking at nature ... creation is divine and should be appreciated . " Henric lied again and Justin nodded his head .

" You must grow tired of this . " Carey said and Henric nodded his head but he wasn't sure if Carey was talking about the work or the lying .


" This is the dullest and most annoying part of your day . " Carey said as the Reverend father preached to the children .

Henric glanced at him but didn't say a word . Truth be told , Henric was confused . Carey had been with him since morning , never leaving his side even for a moment . Last time he had been like this was when he had been in Henric's mind urging him to free him . But one thing was different ; Carey was staying tangible .

Usually Carey would appear to Henric , fade away but stay with him like a presence in the air . Henric didn't see him but he knew he was there . Today however , the soul stayed visible , not fading away but staying visible to Henric's eyes . Why is he doing this ? Henric wondered as the Reverend father finished his sermon .

" Now , Sister Becca will sing for us a hym . " The Reverend father said and Carey , who had been floating in the air like a piece of paper froze with a shine in his eyes .

He looked at Henric with a thoughtful gaze before he disappeared for a moment . Henric looked around the room but didn't see him anywhere . Why is he disappearing now ? Henric thought , did he read my mind ? Does he think I wanted him to go ? Will he stay in the mirror again ? Will he ignore me again ? Is he gone for eter-

" Hello . " Henric started as someone greeted him .

It was a black haired boy with dark long lashes and an amused smile . Henric frowned when his memory caught up with him , that voice ...

" You're that phantom again ? " he whispered and River grinned widely before disappearing .

Henric turned his head around , feeling confused as if he was being dragged along a funny joke but didn't know the punchline or plot . Carey still had not returned and it was with a concerned face that Henric looked up as Sister Becca stood on infront of the congregation ready to sing .

" May I please have your attention ? " The Reverend father said and all eyes turned to him .

What is that ? Henric narrowed his eyes as he looked at the Reverend father . A black misty outline seemed to encircle the man and Henric felt , no , he knew that something was wrong with the Reverend father . How do I know this? He wondered slightly .

" I believe today the children deserve a treat . Today , Sister Becca will not be singing a hym but a story . Is that not delightful ? " The Reverend father asked with the widest grin anyone had ever seen him wear .

The sisters looked at each other confused as did the children in the pews. Henric looked around wondering if Carey had something to do with this . But he could not find the spirit anywhere amongst the people .

" I agree Reverend father . "

Henric froze as he heard that voice .

No , no , it could not be , he would not , Henric thought as his eyes turned to Sister Becca . When he saw a golden mist outline around her , he knew then what happened .

Possession , he realised , the two spirits took control of Reverend father and Sister Becca . Henric clenched his hand into a fist and gritted his teeth .

" I will be singing the story of - " Sister Becca was cut off when Henric jumped up from the pew and rushed past the Sister in the right side .

Henric stood infront of Sister Becca , looking into her eyes and seeing Carey's golden ireses . Carey looked down at him and River tilted his head whilst watching them .

" Get out of them . Both of you . " Henric said quietly but intensely , his eyes were burning bronze .

" But we are - " River started but Carey raised a finger to tell him be quiet . The ghost mopped and pouted but kept his mouth shut .

" Why ? I am merely entertaining myself . My singing holds more worth than this faith and religious nonsense they speak up here . " Carey said to Henric and the boy grew even more angry .

" To you it may be nonsense but to us , to me , it is a message worth hearing for the salvation of my soul . I will not hear anymore harsh and pagan insults against it . " Henric said to Carey and the spirit narrowed his eyes .

" I am merely saying the truth . This message you believe in is utter nonsense . I have met many religious zealots , all have said the same thing . Not one of them - "

" Where and when did you meet them ?! You are nothing but a reflection in a mirror ! " Henric yelled , " You virtually do not exist ! "

Carey looked at Henric with wide eyes , eyes that turned from gold to a shade of greenish yellow . He flicked his wrist and the ground underneath shook violently sending Henric backwards and onto his bum . Shouts and cries sounded behind him as the people in the pews were thrown around , shaking, onto the ground .

" Earthquake ! " Sister Becca screeched and Henric turned to look at her as he was shaken around . The golden outline was gone and he knew Carey had left aswell .

" Children do not panic ! " The Reverend father yelled on the floor and Henric saw that ghost had also left his body .

" Henric ! "

Henric turned around and saw Stuart moving toward him on shaky knees and it was not long that he was tossed to the ground .

" Stuart be bloody careful ! " Link shouted as he moved next to him .

They both turned to Henric who was looking around himself at the children and sisters .

He turned his around and saw something horrific .

" The candles ! The curtain ! " A sister screamed and everyone turned to see what she was yelling about.

One of the alter candles had fallen over and touched a curtain with its flame . Now the thing was on fire , right next to a group of children who couldn't get up because the ground was too shaky.

" They're going to be roasted alive ! " Stuart shouted in horror as the railing holding the curtain started burning . It would be less than a moment before the curtain fell , flames and all on the children .

" Carey please stop this ! " Henric shouted , " I am sorry . Please do not kill the innocent ! "

The ground shook once and then stopped . For a moment everyone was to shaken to realise it . But as soon as Henric did , he got up and raced towards the blazing curtain .

" Get up , flee ! " He yelled at the children on the ground and they immediately obeyed him . They scrambled onto their feet and ran away . The curtain fell after them , Henric moved out of its way and when it touched the ground he looked to the side and saw that the holy bowl still had some water . He grabbed it and poured it on the fire , quickly stomping on it afterwards .

When the flames were gone and the curtain was nothing but a black and cream mess , he looked around himself . The other children were being attended by the sisters and the Reverend father was praying on the pulpit with his head down .

" Henric , are you alright ? " Stuart said as he rushed over to him , he embraced him in a brief hug .

" I am fine . What of the others ? " He asked them .

" No one is hurt but the younger ones were afraid . It was awfully frightening . " Stuart said hugging himself , " I thought we would be shaken till our heads burst . "

Henric breathed a deep sigh of relief when he heard that none were hurt . But then he frowned and looked around the room , finally he spotted Carey at the back of the chapel. He was looking at him with an emotionless expression and when Henric took a step towards him , Carey narrowed his eyes and vanished .

" Henric , are you sure you are alright ? " Stuart asked him again, " You look pale . Do you need to sit down ? "

" It's because of me . " Henric said and the other two boys looked at each other before looking at him .

" What is because of you ? " Link asked him .

" The fire , the quake ... are because of me . " Henric said softly ," I shouldn't have yelled at him , I should not have insulted him. Why did I do that ! He will hate me now ... what have I done ? He'll leave , go inside the mirror and never come to me again . "

" Do you mean Carey ? " Stuart asked , " Is he the one who did all this ? "

" Of course he is . " Link said with an ' I knew it ' face ," I knew he'd be dangerous . Look what he's done . "

" He did that because of what I said to him . I called him a nonexistent thing . Why ? " Henric held his head in his hands and felt like something was tipping in his mind .

No , he thought , he can't lose Carey. He can't lose someone who cared about him . Not again. No , no , no , no , not again. Lord no , not again. He'll be good , he will fix it. He had to fix it . Henric got up ready to search for Carey and tell him he was sorry and not to go .

He didn't want to be abandoned . He couldn't be ALONE !

" Where are you going ? " Stuart asked him .

" To find him , to apologize and make it fine. " Henric answered quickly and he would have ran from there if Link didn't grab him . He pulled the boy and made him sit on a pew .

" You ain't going nowhere . " Link said sternly . " We have something to say to you . "

" Tell me what ? I have to go . He could be gone . " Henric told them but Stuart placed a hand on his shoulder .

" Henric , I know you don't want to hear this but ... let him go . " He said and Henric looked at Stuart like he said fly through the window .

" Let him go ? What are you saying to me ? " Henric asked him and Stuart hated the look of confused desperation on his face .

" What we're saying makes sense . Look around you , he could have killed us . " Link put in with a hard look in his eyes , " That thing is dangerous. A danger to the orphanage , the other brothers and especially you . "

" Carey would never hurt me . You don't understand . This was a mistake . It was my fault entirely. " Henric told them but Stuart and Link's faces said they didn't believe it wasn't Carey's fault .

" How long have you two been planning to say this ? " Henric asked them , " I thought we already had an understanding before. What changed your minds ? Why is my love now under questioning ? "

" Because it's abnormal . " Stuart said and Henric couldn't believe he said that .

" I'm sorry Henric but it's true . Something is wrong with your love . When I saw you that night , you looked so strange. It made me worry that you don't really love him at all . "

" You're wrong ! " Henric yelled and some people turned to them .

" Hey , keep your voice do- "

" You are wrong . You don't understand how I love him . And I do . I love him . I love him , I know do ! " Henric shouted again before he got up ran past them .

" Henric ! " Stuart called out to him but the brown haired boy was already out the doors .

They're wrong , they're wrong , Henric thought as he ran through the corridors , he's the only one ... he's the only one who won't leave me ... who stays with me .

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Well , after all that , who doesn't want to read part two ?

I think I'm going into the swing of things . Anyway , to my lovely readers , please check my Instagram and YouTube channel for info on present books and upcoming novels .

You can find me on @nikielwvater on Instagram and YouTube .

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