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100% I Suddenly Wake Up in Phineas and Ferb / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Unexpected Transmigration

Kapitel 2: Chapter 2: The Unexpected Transmigration

Coltrane awoke to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through his bedroom window, casting a warm glow across the familiar surroundings. Blinking in confusion, he rubbed his eyes and stretched, the events of the previous days still fresh in his mind. The concert, the exhilarating performance, and the euphoric cheers of the crowd – it all seemed like a distant dream.

As he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and yawned, Coltrane couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He glanced around his room, taking in the unfamiliar posters of some unfamiliar bands, the clutter of music equipment in the corner, and the strings of fairy lights that adorned the walls. Everything was exactly as he remembered it.

"Man, that was one crazy night," Coltrane mumbled to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and bewilderment. He raked his fingers through his unruly hair, the strands feeling different somehow, as if he had been transported to an alternate reality.

But then, his movement stilled, and his heart seemed to skip a beat. His voice. It was his voice – strong and clear, lacking the raspy undertone that had become all too familiar during his battle with illness. His fingers shot up to his throat, his eyes widening in disbelief as the realization dawned upon him.

"No way…" Coltrane breathed, his voice a soft whisper, as if he feared that speaking any louder might shatter the surreal illusion around him.

With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, he stumbled out of bed, his feet hitting the ground with an unfamiliar energy. He practically sprinted towards the mirror, his heart racing in his chest as he stared at the reflection before him. The face that gazed back was his own, but it was transformed – no longer marred by the effects of chemotherapy, his hair was a riot of messy curls once more, and his eyes held a mischievous glint that had dimmed during his illness.

A sense of wonder washed over him as he traced the contours of his face, almost unable to believe what he was seeing. The vitality in his features was undeniable, a stark contrast to the frailty he had grown accustomed to. It was as if he had been granted a second chance, a chance to relive moments he had thought were lost forever.

Coltrane's mind raced, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. Could this be real? Was he truly back to a time before illness had taken its toll on his body? The questions were overwhelming, but one thing was certain – he was no longer the same person who had gone to bed the previous night.

With a mixture of excitement and apprehension, Coltrane stepped away from the mirror, his gaze drifting to the calendar hanging on his wall. The date stared back at him, and he couldn't help but fixate on the date – it was identical to the one he remembered from the night before.

His eyebrows furrowed as he muttered to himself, "Wait, that can't be right. Is this some kind of dream?"

"It can't be real, I am probably at the hospital right? at some dream induced coma kinda shit, and all of this is just a product of my imagination? right?"

Coltrane's voice wavered as he vocalized his thoughts, a desperate attempt to rationalize the surreal situation he found himself in. He paced back and forth in his rooms, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Yeah, that's it," he continued, his tone tinged with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Maybe I'm in some sort of dream induced coma at the hospital. This could all just be a fabrication of my imagination, a way for my brain to cope."

He clung to the notion, seeking solace in the idea that his reality had been temporarily distorted by medical circumstances. It seemed like a plausible explanation, a lifeline of logic in a sea of inexplicable occurrences.

"But… it feels so real," he mused aloud, his brow furrowing as he considered the tangible sensations, the vivid details that surrounded him. "If it's a dream, it's the most vivid dream I've ever had. I can even taste this soda."

Coltrane took another sip, the fizzy sweetness coating his tongue. It was a sensation he couldn't ignore, a tactile proof that defied the confines of a mere dream.

He pinched himself, wincing at the slight pain that confirmed his wakefulness.

"No way… this has to be some crazy dream," Coltrane continued to murmur, his voice tinged with a hint of disbelief.

"Where am I?"

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a familiar face – his father, Michael Culross.

"Hey there, early bird," Michael greeted, a warm smile on his face. "Ready for breakfast?"

Coltrane blinked, momentarily taken aback. His father looked exactly as he remembered him – kind and caring. His heart swelled with a mixture of relief and confusion.

"Hey, Dad," Coltrane replied, his voice a bit shaky. "Yeah, breakfast sounds great."

The exchange felt surreal, as if time itself had looped back to a moment in the past. Coltrane stepped inside, his eyes darting around the familiar surroundings of his childhood home. The living room, the family photos on the walls, the comforting scent of pancakes wafting from the kitchen – it was all so vivid and real.

In the kitchen, his mother, Emily, was at the stove, humming a tune to herself. She turned around as Coltrane entered, a surprised smile lighting up her face.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Emily greeted, her tone affectionate. "Up and about already?"

Coltrane managed a nod, his voice tinged with emotion. "Yeah, Mom. Just couldn't resist the smell of your pancakes."

Emily chuckled, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "Well, you know they're your favorite."

As Coltrane took a seat at the kitchen table, he couldn't help but steal glances at his parents. They were here, just as he remembered them. It was almost too good to be true.

"Everything okay, son?" Michael asked, a hint of concern in his eyes. "You seem a little... off."

Coltrane offered a reassuring smile, his heart swelling with gratitude. "Yeah, Dad, I'm just... had a bad dream,"

"Are you sure you're okay, sweetie?" Emily asked, her concern evident in her eyes

"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine," Coltrane replied, trying to sound casual."I just need your pancake to cheer me up! They always does!"

Emily placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. "That they do, well, eat up then. We've got a big day ahead."

Coltrane picked up his fork and took a bite, savoring the familiar taste. It was as if he had stepped back in time, reliving a moment that he had thought was lost forever.

As they chatted and laughed over breakfast, Coltrane felt a sense of peace wash over him. He was with his family, in a time and place that felt like a bittersweet dream. But even as he savored each moment, a nagging question lingered at the back of his mind – how had he ended up here? Was this some elaborate illusion, or had something truly extraordinary happened?

His parents' presence offered both comfort and confusion. He wanted to share his bewildering experiences with them, but he also didn't want to worry or burden them with the inexplicable. For now, he decided to focus on the present, on the precious moments he had been granted.


After breakfast, Coltrane retreated to his room once again, a mixture of curiosity and determination driving him forward. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this reality than met the eye, and he was determined to find answers. As he stepped into his room, he scanned the surroundings, his eyes lingering on the unfamiliar posters and decorations that adorned the walls.

With a sense of purpose, Coltrane began to search through his belongings, his hands sifting through stacks of CDs, concert tickets, and old mementos. He was looking for anything that might confirm his presence in this alternate world, something that would connect him to the Coltrane of this reality.

His fingers brushed against a stack of old concert flyers, and he pulled them out, his heart racing as he examined each one. They were for concerts he had never attended, featuring bands he had never heard of. It was as if his own musical journey had taken a completely different path in this world.

His gaze fell upon a familiar-looking guitar pick, tucked away in a corner of his desk. He picked it up, his fingers tracing the worn edges. It was his guitar pick, the one he had used during countless rehearsals and performances. But why did it look so out of place here?

As he continued his search, his eyes fell upon a journal – or rather, a diary, though he would never call it that– nestled among his belongings. The pages were filled with handwritten entries, detailing the events, thoughts, and emotions of the Coltrane in this reality. It was uncanny how similar the journaling habit was to his own in his original world.

Curiosity piqued, Coltrane began to read through the entries, his eyes scanning the words that painted a picture of this world's version of him. The diary chronicled the journey of a musician navigating the complexities of a band, grappling with the challenges of balancing creative aspirations with the demands of everyday life.

One entry caught his attention – a mention of a guitarist named Jeremy Johnson, who had been added to the band alongside Greg and Adrian. He had seen that name before, he had a connection to it that he couldn't quite grasp. Coltrane read with a mix of intrigue and familiarity, realizing that Jeremy was somehow a crucial part of the band from this reality, being the leader despite being absent a lot from their practices due to his demanding summer job. Coltrane couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the dynamic, sensing a touch of irony that mirrored his own feelings towards the situation.

And then, amidst the entries about band practices and performances, he stumbled upon a surprising revelation. Coltrane had also taken up a role as a camp instructor at "Summer Rocks!", a summer course camp for fourth to seventh graders. The familiarity of Jeremy and the camp tugged at his memory, as if he had encountered it before, but he couldn't quite place where or when.

Smacking his forehead lightly with his palm, Coltrane chided himself for not checking his phone and photos sooner. It seemed like such an obvious step, and he cursed his oversight. With a wry smile, he realized that sometimes even the most extraordinary situations could cause the simplest details to slip one's mind.

Coltrane reached for his phone, relieved to find that the password remained the same as he remembered it. As the screen lit up, he navigated to the photo gallery, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

As he scrolled through the images, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. The pictures captured moments that seemed both foreign and yet oddly recognizable. There were snapshots of him with his bandmates, Adrian and Gregg, the trio posed together with instruments in hand and grins on their faces. Coltrane's heart warmed at the sight, the bond between them radiating from the images.

But then he stumbled upon a photo that gave him pause – a picture of him with another young man, unmistakably Jeremy Johnson. The two of them were laughing, arms slung around each other's shoulders, a shared camaraderie evident in their expressions. Coltrane stared at the image, a jolt of recognition coursing through him.

As Coltrane continued to scroll through the images, a sudden realization struck him like a thunderbolt. The young man beside him in the photo, the one he had identified as Jeremy Johnson, was unmistakably the same Jeremy Johnson from the "Phineas and Ferb" show – Candace Flynn's boyfriend and love interest. It was a baffling revelation that sent shockwaves through his mind.

Coltrane's heart raced as he processed the implications of this discovery. He had not only transmigrated into an alternate reality but had also taken on the identity of a side character in the "Phineas and Ferb" universe. The lines between his own world and this fantastical realm had blurred, and he found himself entangled in a web of inexplicable connections.

He stared at the photo, his mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts. Could it be possible that his presence here was more than just a random twist of fate? Was there a purpose to his transmigration, a role he was meant to fulfill in this quirky and surreal world?

As he pondered these questions, a sense of determination welled up within him. Whether by chance or by design, Coltrane knew that he had a unique opportunity to make a difference, to leave his mark on both his original reality and this new world. He was determined to embrace this second chance, to use his musical talents and unwavering spirit to bridge the gap between two worlds and create a symphony of unforgettable experiences.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Coltrane closed his phone and took a deep breath. The journey ahead was uncertain, but he was ready to face it head-on. As he stepped out of his room and into the bustling household, a mixture of excitement and anticipation filled his heart. The adventures of a lifetime awaited, and Coltrane was ready to embrace every moment, no matter how surreal or extraordinary.


After composing himself, Coltrane decided to delve deeper into this new reality by conducting a thorough search on the internet. With a sense of curiosity, he opened his laptop and typed in a few keywords on the search engine. As the results populated the screen, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

It didn't take long for him to notice a recurring pattern. Some of the bands and musicians he recognized from his original world were present in this universe as well. Taylor Swift, Jack Black, Slash – their names and contributions remained unchanged. It was as if certain aspects of the cultural landscape transcended the boundaries of different realities.

As he delved deeper into the search results, Coltrane also discovered that the actors and celebrities he was familiar with from his own world also existed in this universe. Their careers, achievements, and even their personal lives appeared to mirror those of his original reality.

He started to notice more discrepancies that added layers of complexity to this strange new reality. While some familiar bands and musicians were indeed present, there were notable absences. Certain artists he remembered from his original world were nowhere to be found in this universe. This revelation brought a mix of confusion and intrigue.

Coltrane discovered that the timeline of music releases in this reality seemed to diverge from what he knew. Songs and albums that he remembered releasing after 2009 simply didn't exist here, creating a void in the musical landscape. It was as if this reality had taken a different creative path, leading to distinct outcomes for various artists.

As he closed his laptop, his mind raced with a mixture of emotions. He felt like an outsider in this reality, a visitor navigating a landscape that was both familiar and foreign. The discrepancies in music history and the absence of certain artists added a layer of complexity to his journey, forcing him to reevaluate his understanding of fame, creativity, and the interconnectedness of the worlds he now straddled.

With a determined sigh, Coltrane knew that his mission was clear – he needed to forge his own path in this reality, using his musical talents and the connections he formed with those who existed here to make a lasting impact. The journey ahead might be uncertain, but his spirit remained unwavering. He was determined to navigate this surreal landscape, armed with his music and his resilience, and leave his mark on history once again.

Vha_Ann Vha_Ann

Also, the songs in this fanfic are probably gonna be mixed with my little originals song's lyrics, Originaly I wanted to do original song's lyrics but I was too lazy to expand my songs libraries and actually making them, So I just pick songs whatever indie band that I like right now or throw some mainstream one aswell.

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